Children are taken to a foster family. Special children especially need a family. A new family - to a new home

Having decided to arrange custody of the child, you should prepare in advance for this process so that it does not drag on for a long time. Where do you need to apply, what documents to submit, and which government agencies will help you in the process of adapting your adopted child to the family?

If you have made the final decision that you are ready to take the child into a foster family and become good parents for him, then you should familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this process. Registration of guardianship or guardianship is a time-consuming procedure that can take months, although compared to adoption, it seems much easier, because it does not require a court decision.

First, let's figure out how a foster family differs from other forms of guardianship. The concept of a foster family differs from the usual one in that foster parents have special contractual relations with the guardianship authorities and are provided with payment for the performance of their duties. Guardianship and guardianship is possible over minor citizens. Foster families for the elderly are also being actively created as an alternative to nursing homes.

What are the differences between guardianship and guardianship? Guardianship is the term for taking care of children under 14 years old, custody - for children aged 14-18. The payment to the family is made once after the transfer of the child to the foster family has taken place. Also, every month parents receive payments for their custody of the child, which should be enough for his maintenance, including the purchase of clothing, household and office supplies. In addition, at the legislative level, the foster family is provided with benefits, free sanatorium treatment for children, and recreation in children's camps.

What documents do you need to collect?

On June 17, 1996, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a regulation on a foster family. It is not necessary to read the entire Family Code of the Russian Federation, but before starting the guardianship process, you should familiarize yourself with the content of the regulations on the foster family. There you will find many answers to questions that will arise in the future or have arisen now. The document has a small volume, so it won't take much time to get acquainted with it, while making you legally more savvy.

If you want to start registering guardianship or trusteeship, you should contact the Education Department of the administration of your district, namely, the child protection sector. There a foster family agreement will be drawn up with you. This agreement is not considered as a kind of ordinary civil law transaction, therefore, it has a number of peculiarities.

The agreement on the transfer of the child to the foster family provides for the period for which he will live with the guardians, the conditions for his maintenance, education and upbringing, as well as the rights and obligations of the adoptive parents and the grounds for terminating this agreement. Also, the foster family agreement contains data about the child who is betrayed to the foster parents: name, age, information about the state of health, physical and mental development. Indicated in the document and the amount of payments provided to adoptive parents for the maintenance of the child.

In order to obtain guardianship, you have to collect the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • autobiography;
  • photo 30 * 40;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • medical certificate of the condition of all family members where the child will live;
  • written consent of the parent (if they are alive and there is no court decision on their incapacity) that they agree in the appointment of you as a guardian;
  • written consent of all adult family members that the ward will live with them;
  • a certificate from the place of robots about the position held, as well as about the amount of your income;
  • copy of the income tax return;
  • characteristics of the housing condition of your living space and a certificate of the composition of the family;
  • technical passport of the dwelling where the foster family will live.

Be careful in the design of certificates and in their validity period, because some may be valid only for a certain period of time.

Who can't be a foster parent?

Also, you should familiarize yourself with the list of those who will be denied guardianship. The regulation on the foster family states that foster parents cannot be:

  • persons who have been declared legally incompetent by the court;
  • persons who have been deprived of parental rights by a court;
  • persons suspended by the court from fulfilling the duties of guardians in connection with their unfair fulfillment;
  • persons with diseases in which it is impossible to fulfill the duties of a guardian in a foster family.

In any case, a court decision confirming that you are capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of foster parents will give you access to the custody you desire.

The final stage of registration of guardianship

Within 20 days after submitting the application and all the necessary documents, the guardianship authority undertakes to notify you of its decision regarding your case.

After you have collected all the above documents, and the transfer of the child to the foster family has taken place, the second difficult stage of the process awaits you. Adaptation in a foster family is a difficult period for both the child and the parents.

A child who was brought up in the harsh conditions of an orphanage or orphanage will get used to his new status and will need your support, wisdom and love. Be armed with information and seek the help of a psychologist if you need it. The transfer of a child to a foster family is always accompanied by stress for all participants in this process. But soon the foster family for the child will become the place in which he will feel safe.

Department of Family and Youth Policy

To help foster families during the adaptation period, a number of organizations have been created, one of which is the Department of Family and Youth Policy. The activities of the department include coordination in the field of family policy, making proposals for improving the legal framework on guardianship and guardianship, conducting a variety of programs aimed at strengthening families, including foster families.

The Department of Family and Youth Policy helps to place orphans in foster families, coordinates and methodologically provides local government bodies in relation to wards, protects the rights of wards in families. If the adopted child in the family is experiencing any difficulties, then the department will always find where to direct the energy of the developing child. And believe me, the energy will be directed in the right direction.

The Department of Family and Youth Policy involves young people in social policy and informs about potential development opportunities. By keeping in touch with this body, you will always find activities for your child, whether he is passionate about theater, sports or the English language. The department employs hundreds of specialists. Do not forget that the 2012 foster family is not an island in the ocean, it is a part of the mainland that is interconnected with a whole network of other families. You are not separate from society. Be aware that you can always ask the Family and Youth Policy Department for help. Your child's socialization can go much faster with the help of specialists.

Have you decided to take a child into your family? How to proceed?

1) First, you need to contact a specialist in guardianship and trusteeship, which is located in the administration or department of education, or in the department of guardianship and guardianship of the administration of the district, city or region in the territory of which you are registered at the place of residence. You must have a passport with you.


the adoption was canceled by the court due to their fault; those who are incapable for health reasons to fulfill the duties of raising a child; patients with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction; under the age of majority. who have or have had a criminal record, are subject to or have been subjected to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on rehabilitating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, libel and insults ), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against the family and minors. Those who have not undergone training in the manner prescribed by paragraph 4 of Article 127 of the IC RF Members of an alliance concluded between persons of the same sex Persons of both sexes who do not belong to any of the above categories have the right to apply for the placement of a child (children) in their family. "width =" 604 "height =" 512 "/>

2) You should tell the care professional in detail and frankly about your desires and motives that influenced your decision to adopt a child.


3) After talking with a specialist, you must choose one of the forms of accepting the child into the family. The main forms are:

Adoption(adoption) adoption of a child into the family on the basis of blood rights, without additional material support from the state. This form of the placement of children is a priority.

Guardianship or guardianship- adoption of a child into a family as a foster child. The guardian fulfills the responsibilities for the maintenance, upbringing, education, as well as for the protection of the rights and interests of the child. For the maintenance of the child, the guardian (curator) is paid monthly monetary funds (except for cases stipulated by law).

Foster family (Guardianship (guardianship) on a reimbursable basis)- adoption of a child into a family as a foster child. Foster parents in relation to the adopted child have the rights and duties of a guardian (custodian). For the maintenance of each foster child, foster parents are paid monthly monetary funds. The foster parents are paid monthly.

4) Depending on the chosen form of accepting the child into the family, the specialist in custody and guardianship will give you a list of documents.

5) After receiving the list, you must, no later than within 30 days:

a) prepare all the documents indicated in the list (mainly, these are documents from the place of residence and work, documents on housing and income).

b) undergo a medical commission at a polyclinic at the place of residence in the prescribed form (issued to you by a specialist).


6) When all the documents are ready, you submit an application to the guardianship and trusteeship specialist at your place of residence with a request to give an opinion on the possibility of transferring the child to foster care in your family.

7) Within 7 days from the date of submission of documents, the guardianship and trusteeship body examines the living conditions of a citizen who has expressed a desire to become a guardian, trustee, foster parent. When examining the living conditions of a citizen, the guardianship and trusteeship body assesses the living conditions, personal qualities and motives of the applicant, his ability to raise a child, the relationship between the family members of the applicant.

The results of the survey and the conclusion based on them about the possibility of a citizen to be a guardian is indicated in the act of examining the living conditions of a citizen. The survey report is drawn up within 3 days from the date of the survey.

8) The guardianship and trusteeship body, within 15 days from the date of submission of documents and on the basis of the examination report, makes a decision on the appointment of a guardian (about the possibility of a citizen to be a guardian) or a decision to refuse to appoint a guardian (on the impossibility of a citizen to be a guardian), indicating the reasons for the refusal.

9) If you received positive opinion (valid for 2 years) You have the right to receive a referral for the selection of a child in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, who are:

1. on the territory of your area.

2. on the territory of the region.

3. on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the latter case, you need to contact the regional operator of the databank of orphans and children left without parental care, which is located in the education department of the Novgorod region, to search for a candidate.

If you received negative opinion, You have the right to appeal it in court.

10) After the selection of the child, familiarize yourself in detail with his documents, including medical documents.

11) After familiarization with the documents - submit an application for the transfer of the child to foster care in your family.

12) A citizen who has expressed a desire to become a guardian is removed from the register:

- at his request;

- upon receipt by the guardianship and trusteeship body of information about the circumstances that prevent, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the appointment of a citizen as a guardian;

- upon the expiration of a 2-year period from the date of the citizen's registration as a citizen who has expressed a desire to become a guardian.

When choosing the shape and selection of a child, you need to take into account that

Adoption (adoption) is allowed in relation to children whose only parent or both parents:

· Died;

· Unknown, declared missing by the court or declared dead;

· Recognized by the court as legally incompetent;

· Have been deprived of parental rights by the court;

· Gave their consent to adoption in accordance with the established procedure;

· For reasons recognized by the court as disrespectful, do not live for more than six months with the child and evade his upbringing and maintenance.

Orphans and children whose parents:

· Unknown;

· Are wanted;

· Are deprived or limited in parental rights;

· Declared legally incompetent, missing;

· Convicted and are in places of imprisonment;

· For health reasons, they cannot personally carry out the upbringing and maintenance of children.

Children who are related to each other, as a rule, are transferred into the same family, unless, for medical reasons or other reasons, they cannot be brought up together.

The transfer of a child to a family is carried out taking into account the opinion and with the consent of the administration of the institution in which the child is.

After the child reaches the age of 10, he can be transferred to the family only with his consent.

In the process of meeting a child, you have the right to receive complete information about him.

The administration of the institution where the child is staying is obliged to acquaint you with the child's personal file and the medical report on the state of his health. In this case, departmental affiliation and organizational and legal form of the institution do not matter. These can be educational, treatment and prophylactic institutions, institutions of social protection of the population or other similar institutions. The administration of the institution is responsible in the manner prescribed by law for the accuracy of the information provided about the child.

For each child placed in a foster family or under guardianship (guardianship), the guardianship specialist or the administration of the institution must provide you with the following documents:

· birth certificate;

· Documents confirming the right to a pension;

· Documents confirming the existence of an account opened in the name of the child in a banking institution.

In the case of adoption, you are not given documents relating to property and living quarters, since from the moment of adoption, the child terminates all property relations with blood parents.

A child transferred to a foster family, under guardianship (guardianship), retains the right to alimony owed to him, a pension (in case of loss of a breadwinner, disability) and other social benefits and compensation, which are transferred to accounts opened in the name of the child in a banking institution. A child who is brought up in a foster family or under guardianship (guardianship) also retains the right of ownership of the dwelling or the right to use the dwelling. In the absence of housing, the child has the right to be provided with housing in accordance with housing legislation. Living quarters are provided to a child out of turn once at the place of his last residence (study) or at the place of his initial identification and arrangement under a special lease agreement.

A child placed in a foster family or under guardianship (guardianship) has the right to maintain personal contact with blood parents, relatives, if this does not contradict the interests of the child, his normal development, upbringing. Parent-child contacts are allowed with the consent of the adoptive parents or guardian (trustee). In disputable cases, the order of communication between the child, his parents, relatives and foster parents, guardians (trustees) is determined by the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

In the case of adoption, the child's contacts with blood relatives can only be with the consent of the adoptive parents, since the secret of the child's adoption is protected by law.

If you decide to become a guardian or foster parent

If you decide to become a guardian or foster parent, you will be faced with a lot of questions that you need to think about. A "new" child, even his own, brings a lot of changes to the family, joyful and not so much. The adopted child almost certainly managed to face difficulties early in life. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prepare for some of the problems that are likely to arise during the habituation period. We hope that the information in this booklet has been helpful in preparing you for foster care. This booklet provides information on some of the typical difficulties a child may have experienced early in life, the long-term consequences of such difficulties, and provides tips to help your child adapt to your family.

What information do you need?

If you are still at the stage of choosing a particular child, then you need to learn as much as possible about the child and his past in order to understand what you have to deal with. The more information you can collect, the more chances you will have of starting a new family life with positive communication, and the more confident you will feel in the role of parents. Of course, it is impossible to find out everything about a child's life, but if you use the available information, it will help to predict possible problems and prepare for their solution.


Be sure to talk to the child's teacher and social educator, as well as the director of the shelter (orphanage), who will be happy to help you. You need to ask:

§ about the child's family of origin;

§ about close people (brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, other relatives, etc.);

§ whether the child communicates with any of the relatives;

Where the child lived in the past and who took care of him;

§ about medical factors - allergies, vaccinations, dental indications, hospital stays, etc .;

§ whether the child has specific needs, concerns, difficulties;

§ how a child behaves in an orphanage or shelter;

§ does the child have favorite games, books, toys, other addictions;

§ does the child have special abilities, skills, talents, interests, hobbies;

§ what are the child's achievements in the present;

§ what is the child's favorite (unloved) food;

§ whether the child has problems sleeping, having to go to bed or getting up;

§ how the child likes to be comforted;

§ what the child does if he is upset, angry or afraid;

§ what self-care skills the child possesses (washing, dressing, etc.);

§ Is there any written feedback from a kindergarten, school, or psychologist that you could get to know.

Child story

Children in orphanages and orphanages are very likely to experience difficulties in their families of origin and not receive the necessary care. Many children have experienced violence from the adults who should have been caring for them. Violence can mean physical harm, neglect of a child's basic needs, failure to protect them from danger, emotional abuse or rejection. It can also have a sexual connotation, that is, the child was forced to have sexual intercourse with adults against his will. Abused children often have emotional problems. Low self-esteem and self-doubt are common consequences of any type of violence. A child may feel useless and unnecessary, and this, in turn, will cause difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, isolation, inability to make friends, depression and inability to express their own feelings or understand the feelings of others. Abused children often lack self-care skills and appear younger than their current age due to their inability to behave and express their feelings. If a child has not developed a warm relationship with either parent, or has been abused (not properly cared for), he may have difficulty trusting adults. Sometimes children react to what has happened to them by behaving in an unacceptable way. In such a situation, it is important that the adoptive parent (guardian) understands that the child is not doing this out of harm and that behavior is an expression of strong negative feelings (anger, loneliness, sadness), the reasons for which are hidden in the past.

What can you do to help

The most important thing is to acknowledge that the child lived before meeting you. Children living with their parents have the opportunity to learn about their past from them; children who are separated from their families may not have this opportunity. Without sufficient information about themselves, children can experience difficulties in emotional and social development. If adults do not want or cannot discuss the past with the child, then the child is justifiably believed that the past was bad. Children often blame themselves for what happened to them. They blame themselves for the actions of adults who subjected them to violence, not receiving care, they think that they themselves brought it on themselves.

Therefore, it is better not to express critical judgments about the child's family of origin. Children who blame themselves may believe you and decide that if their parents were "bad," then they themselves inherited that "bad." Such children need to know the objective reason for their separation from their family and understand that they are not to blame for anything.

Your child may want to talk to you about their past, both good and bad. By talking, the child begins to understand what happened, comes to terms with his past and gets the opportunity to enjoy his new life. Being able to talk and be listened to will increase the child's self-esteem. Although guardians (adoptive parents) often feel uncomfortable (upset) when children talk about their past, or even intimidated by the child's feelings for his family, the process of communication about this topic helps to strengthen the relationship between the child and the foster parents (guardians).

It is possible that over time, as your relationship becomes close enough, your child will tell you about the abuse they have experienced. Your reaction to what is said will either support the child or force him to withdraw into himself.


Some orphanages and orphanages are helping children prepare a Life Story Book. This book may include information about the family of origin, photographs, copies of important documents (birth certificates, baptismal certificates), drawings made by the child during therapy sessions. It belongs to the child, it is his "account" of the past, and it is very important to keep it intact. Adopters and guardians often understand the importance of the book by completing it with the child to enable them to include information about the new family.

How to help your child join your family

Acquaintance. Most likely, you will meet your child for the first time at an orphanage or orphanage. Without a doubt, at this moment you will experience various feelings - joy, anxiety and, possibly, the desire to make the child a part of your family as soon as possible. However, it must be remembered that the child experiences the same conflicting feelings that you do, including embarrassment and fear of strangers. The first meetings are very important for building trusting relationships. The child may feel more at ease if you show him pictures of your home, relatives, pets, etc. This will make the upcoming move less intimidating and more real for the child. During this period, the child should get to know everyone who lives in your home. If you want to bring gifts with you, it is better if they are candy or something that can be easily shared among all the children in the group.

Moving. Children living in orphanages and orphanages get used to the tough daily routine: getting up, eating schedules, etc. When a child enters a family, it takes a while to get used to living with several people. He may not have had a family experience, or he may be associated with not only positive but negative memories as well. At this stage, it is important that the child receives maximum confirmation of the correctness of his actions. Get ready to explain to your child the rules and family life in your home, and explain to your child what you expect from him. At first, the child may like the general attention, but it can also be a challenge for the child who is used to "hiding" in the group.

Building good relationships... Any relationship takes time to build, so you may not be able to bond with your child right away. This is completely normal. After the first weeks ("honeymoon"), when everyone wants to please each other, you will plunge into everyday life. Do not expect your child to immediately call you "mom" and "dad", but discuss with him a way of address that is convenient for both you and him. The child will consciously or unconsciously experience your feelings, and his behavior may begin to deteriorate. It is important to make it clear to your child that you will not abandon him because of his behavior, but nevertheless insist on adhering to the established rules. Joint activities, games, conversations, giving the child the opportunity to listen to him, understand his problems, imbued with his interests, support when he is upset, take care if he is sick - all these are good relationships that will certainly create emotional closeness between you and your adopted child over time. ...

We hope that this information will help you take the first step towards CHILDREN ...

The kid does not sleep in the crib
He cries, waits for mom
Until I understand

That mom won't come.
His eyes are sparkling
And he cries harder
And the nanny knows for sure
That mom is gone now.

They found him at the door
And they took to their house,
Dressed and warmed
And warm milk
They gave him drink
And they thought what to do
They have four of their own,
And you can't feed them!
And yet they decided
Send him to an orphanage,
They didn't know at all
How do children live there.
Gathering with the will of the spirit,
They gave the baby
Let's go home quietly
Quietly, unhurriedly.
Coming home, they were silent
And they thought about him.
How was he received there?
And does he sleep soundly?
What is the name given?
Do the nannies sit with him?
And suddenly they said to themselves:
"We'll come back for him!"
Let them have little money
But love, warmth
They will give to children
Everything will be fine!

The most beautiful orphanage or boarding school cannot replace the care of parents, the warmth and comfort of the family hearth. It is in the family that children acquire the most important social skills and personality traits.

Realizing this, the state in recent years has been actively implementing a policy aimed at re-creating the family structure in the life of orphans and children left without parental care.

There are several options for such placement of minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation. One of them is (patronage).

The legal concept of a foster family

The foster family institution should not be confused with the adoption of orphans. In the latter case, the child becomes a full member of the family, in fact, his own son or daughter. We often have to deal with a situation when newly-made parents keep the secret of adoption with all their might, and the baby is sure that this is his biological mother and father.

This is not the case with a foster family. Its legal functioning is being built on a contractual basis between the cell of society and the guardianship authorities (Article 152 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). At the legislative level, a foster family is custody and guardianship of an orphan under an agreement on a foster family.

Signs foster family:

For their services, the family receives material rewards from the state and cash payments.

It is important to know that with regard to the adopted child there are no inheritance rights and maintenance obligations... All activities of the foster family are regulated by Chapter 21 of the RF IC.

Legislative regulation

The appointment of social benefits and material support for foster parents and children taken into custody is regulated by the code legislation:

  1. "Family Code of the Russian Federation" No. 223-fz dated December 29, 1995;
  2. "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children" No. 81-fz dated 05.19.1995;
  3. Local laws and regulations.

Payments or allowances due to the foster family can be one-time, monthly, federal level, or paid from the local budget.

Distinctive features from guardianship and adoption

Despite the fact that all three forms of solving the problem of orphanhood have good goals, they differ significantly in legal terms and the algorithm of registration. The entitlements and benefits also vary.

Foster family and guardianship

When forming a foster family, the requirements for parents are simplified, but the procedure for preparing documents is more complicated. The reason is the need to conclude an agreement with trusteeship.

The foster family undergoes psychological and pedagogical training in the guardianship authorities.

Foster parents, unlike guardians, are entitled to state allowance for every child.

If the guardianship authorities conclude that the foster family is being created for enrichment, a refusal to register is possible.

Comparison with the adoption of orphans

Adoption procedure much more difficult registration of family guardianship.

Adoption does not confer any social or material benefits beyond the established ones. Adoptive parents, unlike foster parents, are not entitled to "salary" either.

The legal status of the child also differs. Upon adoption, a full-fledged family is formed with a full range of rights and obligations of children and parents in relation to each other. A foster family is created to assist in the upbringing and maintenance of an orphan with full or partial preservation of ties with the biological family.

Upon the expiration of the term of the guardianship agreement, the legal relationship between the ward and the foster parents is completely terminated without any obligations in the future.

List of payments and benefits

In 2019, adoptive parents will receive the following types of material benefits, preferential offers and preferences:

  • payments equivalent to three minimum wages for each adopted child;
  • the right to receive a housing object as the personal property of the parents;
  • accrual of total work experience for family members engaged in guardianship for all years of caring for a child;
  • buying groceries in special discount stores.

In addition, parents can apply for a lump sum payment from the regional budget, the amount is set individually for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The one-time allowance for the transfer of a child to a family in 2019 is 17,479.73 rubles.

After the adopted child finishes school, the family will be paid 79,500 rubles in monetary compensation. If at the same time he studied at a specialized center - in addition - another 20,600 rubles.

Federal one-time payment for a patronized orphan

This type of benefits involves the following payments:

  • At the federal level, the foster family in 2019 relies on lump sum in the amount of 17,479.73 rubles, taking into account the indexation of social benefits.
  • If a family decides to patronize several kids, a benefit will be awarded for each of them. You should be aware that, according to the law, more than 8 adopted children cannot be raised in a family.
  • If the family lives in a region with special climatic conditions, where a district multiplying coefficient is provided, it is applied to this payment as well.
  • The allowance is due to one of the parents.

Regional support

At the regional level, foster families relies on monthly support:

  • monetary remuneration for the provision of services for the upbringing of an orphan;
  • monthly funds for the maintenance of foster children.

The size such payments depend on the subject of the Russian Federation, the number of minors in patronage, the term of the contract. With regard to payment for upbringing services, the remuneration is about 40% of the average earnings for the last year of the parent's work and cannot be less than 3, established in the region of residence of the family.

State aid in Moscow

The amount of material support is determined by the Moscow Government Decree No. 376-PP of 2005.

Regional support is a significant contribution to the income of a foster family if it lives in a large regional center of Russia, for example, in its capital.

Adopted Muscovites have eligibility:

In addition, they retained all types of aid distributed at the federal level.

Samara Region

The Samara region at the local level has determined the amount of benefits for this category of citizens:

Also, such families can take advantage of the benefits:

  • to carry out repair work in order to improve living conditions;
  • purchases of school clothes and stationery in the amount of 1950 rubles for each adopted child;
  • provision of housing on the basis of social employment on an extraordinary basis.

List of benefits

Social benefits are expressed in the so-called “in-kind” support for a foster family. The assistance is aimed at reducing the material burden.

Standard social package represented by such measures:

Most of the benefits are provided by municipalities and local entities. Regions, depending on their capabilities, are free to establish additional measures to help foster families.

Registration procedure

To receive the entire list of benefits, payments and social benefits, the addressee must contact to the local department of social protection of the population with documents:

All payments are transferred to the recipient's bank account. Therefore, you will need to indicate the details of the credit institution.

Expected changes

Significant changes to significantly increase payments and benefits to families with adopted children, not planned in 2018-2019... Their value will change by an average of 4% due to planned indexations, the first of which will take place in April of the current period.

The Government assigns an important role in the patronage of such citizens regions, obliging them to provide all kinds of assistance on the ground, while preserving all federal types of payments and social preferential preferences for foster families.

The amount of payments for foster families is described in the following video:

Today, orphanages are not uncommon. It will probably be superfluous to talk about how many orphans are in such institutions. Even the best and most caring employees of orphanages cannot replace their real parents. People who decide to take a baby from an orphanage face many problems. And these problems are associated not only with a huge list of necessary documents that give this right, but, unfortunately, sometimes even with condemnation from others.

If you have decided to take a child from an orphanage, first you need to contact the guardianship and guardianship authorities. The inspector will tell you what documents you need to collect and in what time frame you need to do it.

Who can be an adoptive parent

The age difference between the unmarried adoptive parent and the child being adopted must be at least 16 years old. According to article 127 of the Family Code, adoptive parents can be adults of any sex, except for persons:

  • recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated;
  • spouses, one of whom is recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated (if both spouses are adopting);
  • persons deprived of parental rights by the court or limited by the court in parental rights;
  • persons removed from the duties of a guardian (curator) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law;
  • former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled by the court due to their fault;
  • persons who, for health reasons, cannot exercise parental rights;
  • persons who, at the time of establishment, do not have income that provides the adopted child with a living wage established in the subject of the Russian Federation, in whose territory the adoptive parents (adoptive parent) live;
  • persons who do not have a permanent place of residence;
  • persons who, at the time of establishment of adoption, have a conviction for an intentional crime against the life or health of citizens;
  • persons living in residential premises that do not meet sanitary and technical rules and regulations.

What do we have to do

Adoption documents must be collected in two copies at once (for the PLO and the court). When contacting the guardianship authorities, you must have the following papers with you:

  • Application asking for an opinion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent (either by hand or in printed text).
  • A short autobiography that is written in free form (either by hand or in print). It must indicate: last name, first name, patronymic, nationality, date and place of birth, place of residence, education, place of work, marital status. The date is indicated at the end and the signature is put.
  • Certificate from the place of work (on the company's letterhead), which must indicate the position and the amount of salary (a copy of the income declaration is possible).
  • A copy of the financial personal account.
  • Extract from the house (apartment) book or certificate of ownership.
  • Help from the internal affairs bodies about the absence of a criminal record. This document is issued upon request.
  • Medical conclusion of a state or municipal medical and preventive institution on the state of health of the candidate.
  • If the candidate is married, a copy of the marriage certificate must be provided.
  • When a child is adopted by one of the spouses, a statement is required with the consent of the other spouse to the adoption.

A complete list of documents must be checked with a specific guardianship authority. The documents that you are required to provide, as well as the rights and obligations of the adoptive parent, are specified in the Government Decree of March 29, 2000. RF №275 "On the approval of the rules for the transfer of children for adoption (adoption) ...".

After approval for adoption

When all the necessary documents have been collected, the guardianship authority is obliged to examine the living conditions of the candidate within 7 working days. After that, the candidate is given a written opinion, which can be applied to the guardianship and guardianship authority at the location of the child care institution (if you want to take the child from a specific orphanage) or to the regional databank of children deprived of parental care. The candidate is given the necessary information about the children who can be adopted. The choice of a child is given for 3 months. When a child (or several children) is selected, permission is issued to visit him.

What is guardianship

A kind of alternative to adoption is guardianship, which gives the new parents all the necessary rights. Guardians bear the same responsibility for the child as ordinary parents do when adopting, but there are important differences:

  • if the child has biological parents, then they have the right to visit him;
  • the child will not bear the last name of the guardian and all data of the birth certificate will remain unchanged.
  • guardianship can be established over children under 14 years old, and guardianship over children from 14 to 18 years old.

To apply for guardianship or guardianship, you must contact the guardianship authority and receive a list of documents. Despite the fact that custody is easier to arrange than adoption, the list of documents is quite large and registration can take about 3 months on average. Standard package: your application for guardianship, consent of the other spouse (if married), health certificate, certificate of employment (including position and salary), certificate of housing availability (extract from the house book), characteristics (can be obtained at the place of work or residence) + autobiography, a certificate from the police department, a copy of the passport. An important point: when registering guardianship, funds are paid monthly for the maintenance of each ward child.

Child's choice

It is sometimes difficult for all future potential parents to choose their own child. Many people mistakenly think that in an orphanage they will be able to see and communicate with different children at once. This is not true. You will select the child in advance with the operator of the state bank, which contains information about orphans. Perhaps you will see the baby on the websites of orphanages, in special TV shows and newspapers. In this case, you need to find out if there are plans to adopt this child by others. If you have decided on the choice of the baby, you will be given permission to visit him.

It's important to know:

  • the exact amount of the allowance that is legally paid to guardians and determined by the regional authorities (where the family lives);
  • if you want to adopt a child, but live in a rented apartment, then a rental agreement is required;
  • adoption of a child by an unmarried woman is possible, in this case all other basic necessary factors (income, housing conditions, etc.) are taken into account;
  • when a child is adopted by spouses with different citizenship, the requirements provided for by the legislation of both the state of which the husband is a citizen and the state of which the wife is a citizen must be observed;
  • the disability of one of the spouses is not a strict obstacle in the adoption of a child, but must be taken into account;
  • an unmarried man can adopt a child, but this issue is decided by a commission when considering all the factors in favor of the possibility of adoption;
  • Adoption takes time and requires patience, and you cannot expect a quick result right away.

Everyone has the right to happiness! If the biological parents were unable to give the child a real family, then you can do it. Many families who decide to take this important step are faced with various problems, including psychological ones. You must understand that many people face similar difficulties, and these problems are surmountable. In exchange for some difficulties, you will receive real happiness - the happiness of being parents!

Rumyantseva Nina, date of publication: 09/12/2010
Daria Pestova, update date: 03/10/2018
Reprinting without an active link is prohibited!

Natalia 16.02.2018 16:11
I want to take a girl from one to six years old. Stavropol region

25.10.2017 17:17
When I grow up, I want to give shelter to a black boy, 8-12 years old. I do not want to have my own children. I don't want to get married, but just graduate from college, find a job, take a negroid boy from an orphanage. I want to become a good and kind mother for this child .... But this is my dream ... And I want to fulfill it in the future.

Gregory 05.07.2017 00:02
I would like to know if it is possible to adopt a 16 year old teenager?

Yuliya 04.07.2017 11:55
Hello! I really want to adopt a child, because I can't give birth myself. But I have a disability - 3 group - deafness. I work with a good income and my own apartment. Are there any opportunities?