Babies begin to crawl in months. Memo for a caring mother: when the baby starts to crawl. How to help a baby

Each new skill of the baby plays a big role in his future adult life. One of the most important moments is the period when the child begins to crawl. It is this action that prepares him for upright posture. There are certain stages, the timely overcoming of which is necessary for the correct development of the musculoskeletal system and the human brain.

When a child sees interesting objects around him, he tries to reach them, thereby strengthening the necessary muscles

Parents sometimes rush their children and are very happy if the child turned over early, sat down, crawled, walked. This is not always correct. Nature has calculated everything, and sometimes it is worth trusting her in the development of a fragile organism. If the baby began to walk early and practically did not crawl, this threatens with very unpleasant consequences:

  • A quick transition to upright posture affects the spine. When the baby begins to crawl, the back muscles are strengthened, which in the future will take on the difficult function of supporting the spinal column. If this period is skipped, the load may be too strong, which can lead to the development of a number of pathologies;
  • Crawling involves a complex brain function. control over the alternation of arms and legs is needed. If the baby does not have the opportunity to learn this, problems with coordination and thinking are guaranteed in the future.

It is difficult to name the exact age when the toddler should crawl. It all depends on how he handled the mandatory exercise program before. When a child sees interesting objects around him, he tries to reach them, thereby strengthening the necessary muscles. If the baby turns over early and is active and curious, he can crawl at 5-6 months. Chubby and lazy toddlers who do not need to try to get something can wait up to 8 months. True, at this time, pediatricians are already allowed to help the baby and recommend massage to strengthen the muscles or special exercises.

Crawling on the stomach is one of the stages of the baby's physical development, which prepares him for more active movement.

There are three main stages that a child goes through before it can be said that he has learned to crawl:

  1. Crawl on belly... The easiest type of movement that requires minimal effort and energy. It does not matter in which direction the baby begins to crawl: backward, sideways or forward. The main thing is that he already feels comfortable being on his stomach and is ready for new achievements;
  2. The second stage can be represented by several options.... The child puts his arms forward, and pulls his legs up to them, it can even be like a jump. Or the baby gets on all fours, throws his arms forward, and pulls his legs one by one. These are already bold attempts, but not yet a full-fledged crawl;
  3. Final stage - cross crawling... Arms and legs alternate in a clear order, the baby tries to crawl all the time, because he understands that this is the fastest and most convenient way to get what he wants, the muscles are quickly strengthened, and the speed of movement increases.

A light massage with mom's hands can work wonders - you will be surprised how the muscles of your little one will get stronger after that.

Even if your baby's development is going according to plan, muscle strengthening exercises never hurt. When the coups are completed, the rise on the forearms is mastered, you can start gymnastics designed to help the baby begin to crawl.

  • Fitball exercises... The baby is placed with his stomach on the ball, with his head away from the supporter, and is fixed in the armpit area. The ball must be gently rocked back and forth, which will force the baby's back to bend in the right places, thereby strengthening the muscles.
  • Gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the arms... The child lies on his back and wraps his hands around his mother's thumbs. Mom begins to raise and lower the baby's arms, spread them apart. You can even lift the little one by the hands until an acute angle forms between the surface and the back.
  • "Frog" . If the child begins to lie quietly on his stomach and hold on to his hands, you can take him by the legs and gently bend him into the "frog" position, smoothly returning to his original state. If the baby is not naughty, this is a sure sign that he is almost ready to crawl.

In addition to exercise, you can do a firming massage. Only a medical professional can carry out a special wellness or treatment program. But everyone can learn the general strengthening technique. Before carrying out manipulations, you must consult a doctor. And if there are no contraindications, then every day you can make light strokes and pats of the back and limbs for 5-10 minutes.

It is important to remember that if the baby is active, but has not learned to crawl at 7-8 months, this is not a pathology - there is no need to panic. Perhaps he just does not want to crawl somewhere yet or is not confident in his abilities. Before taking any steps, you need to express your concerns to an experienced specialist and follow strictly his instructions.

The achievements of a growing baby are always a joy for parents. Its development in the period up to a year is fast. It seemed that until recently the crumb could only move the arms and legs, reach for the rattles. Now he turns over with might and main, tries to sit down and get on all fours. Soon he will learn to crawl and begin to actively explore the available living space. At the same time, adults are often worried about the question: do all children crawl before taking the first step, and is it necessary to stimulate babies to develop this skill?

Every mom looks forward to her baby crawling.

The role of crawling in baby development

The child makes the first attempts to reach the desired goal at six months. Trying to reach the rattle or the ball with his hand, he gets on all fours and slowly learns to move on his knees to the goal.

By the age of 9 months, movement on all fours becomes conscious and coordinated. The stage when the child begins to crawl on all fours indicates that his bones and muscles are ready for new physical exertion. Such training has a positive effect on the development of the baby:

  • the process involves muscles that will soon participate in walking;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back contributes to the development of correct posture;
  • synchronization of the work of different parts of the baby's body;
  • the inclusion of both hemispheres of the brain;
  • mastering the skill of balance;
  • orientation in space.

Earlier cognition of the crawling skill speaks of the positive activity of the baby and good heredity. Perhaps one of the parents began to crawl too early. If the child does not strive for physical activity at the age of nine months, it makes sense to consult a neurologist. The reason for the delay is hereditary factors or health problems.

The child begins to make active attempts to crawl by 6-7 months, however, all babies are individual, and the period may vary

Children's pediatrician Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich focuses on the importance of crawling in infancy. It stimulates walking much more effectively than walkers and jumpers (we recommend reading :). However, the doctor emphasizes that it is impossible to name a specific period from when the child will crawl. He can do it if he is fully prepared.

Use skill: how does it arise and what does it depend on?

From how many months does the baby begin to crawl? This indicator is influenced by the following factors:

  1. The gender of the child. Often, girls are ahead of boys in development, and crawling is no exception.
  2. Baby weight. Overweight babies (regardless of gender) master crawling a little later than their peers.
  3. Time of birth. Babies born prematurely or weakened as a result of an illness begin to crawl later than their peers.

The period when the child begins to crawl depends little on the ratio of the indicators of his height and weight. If they are ahead of the norm (the baby looks larger and older than his peers) and the child develops normally, he has no reason for a delay in mastering the crawling skill.

How does a baby learn to crawl?

It is important to understand that the child learns the skill of crawling gradually. In this case, the development of motor functions takes place in stages:

  • 3 months - the child confidently holds the head, in the prone position, turns it in different directions, raises the body, leaning on his hands;
  • 4 months - the baby can be raised on his hands from a prone position, turns over from his back on his tummy, rests on his feet if he is held vertically;
  • 5 months - the baby tries to sit, crawl on his bellies;
  • 6-7 months - the child turns well from his back onto his tummy and gets on all fours, actively masters the crawling skill, so parents should carefully monitor his safety (for more details, see the article :).

The main skills that the baby masters in the first year of life are presented in the table:

Baby age (months)Skills
1 The newborn reacts to loud sounds, follows the movement of adults with his eyes, and a rattle.
2 The "grasping reflex" develops, the baby follows the objects moving vertically, moves the arms and legs, trying to synchronize their actions.
3 The child gurgles, examines her face with her hands, recognizes her parents.
4 In the position on the tummy, the child holds his head well, stretches out on the arms, and can sway.
5 The appearance of the first teeth is possible. The kid "plays" with the bottle, pays attention to his favorite toys for a long time.
6 Knows his name, tries to sit down, repeats sounds after adults.
7 The little one knows close people, blows up to get up, sits confidently, pronounces simple words.
8 He eats food, holding a piece in his fist, shifts the rattle from hand to hand.
9 Sits confidently, crawls to objects of interest.
10 Interested in small subjects.
11 Imitates the intonation of the parents, sits down on his own.
12 Crawls well, walks with support or alone.

The main stages of mastering a skill

The development of the crawl skill occurs gradually, the first attempts are more like rocking on all fours

Toddlers learn the skill of crawling gradually. At the age of three months, they try to crawl forward on their stomachs. The direction of movement is forward, sideways, backward, so it is not always possible to understand that the child is trying to crawl. Performing such exercises, the baby moves like a small caterpillar, which requires a minimum of energy. Gymnastics teaches you to control your hands - pushing off with your elbows, the child automatically crawls back. Realizing how this is happening, he repeats the movements again.

Having learned to control his hands, the child tries to get on all fours, leaning first on his elbows, and then on his palms. Many parents notice how babies sway on all fours. Long workouts improve the coordination of the baby's movements, and he begins to cross crawl, alternating the movements of his arms and legs. The right hand and left leg move synchronously, and vice versa, gradually the rhythm becomes clear, and the crawling speed increases.

Many parents are interested in: what happens first - the child learns to crawl or sit? Experts believe that first the baby must learn to crawl on its bellies, and then learn to sit. It is forbidden to sit the baby forcibly. The baby must get stronger and sit on its own, since the seat creates a vertical load on the spine.

It is important for parents to concentrate on developing crawling skills. It will strengthen the muscles and help the baby sit up. It happens that babies do not crawl on their tummy at all, and immediately get on all fours, which is also a variant of the norm.

The baby does not crawl - is it worth sounding the alarm?

To prepare the child for crawling and strengthen his muscles, it is recommended to massage the baby.

During walks, mothers often share with each other the achievements of their babies. Having learned that many children are already crawling, and it is time for the baby to master this skill, mothers begin to actively stimulate him to crawl. Good results are obtained by professional children's massage and exercise therapy - the muscles are strengthened, and the baby begins to actively move. However, it happens that none of the possible measures gives a result.

There are several reasons why the baby does not crawl:

  • poor muscle development;
  • birth trauma of a newborn;
  • prolonged stay in a cast, stirrups;
  • excess weight;
  • features of temperament.

If the baby is already 9 months old, but he is poorly physically active, you should tell the pediatrician about this at a scheduled appointment. The doctor will recommend methods of correction - massage, diet, exercise therapy, if necessary, he will refer you for consultation to specialized specialists (orthopedist, neurologist, cardiologist and others).

What should be on the alert for parents?

Only a specialist is able to figure out why the baby does not crawl. Mom should be alerted if he tries to make characteristic movements, dragging a handle or leg behind him. Also, do not lose sight of the situation in which a baby older than 9 months crawls only on his bellies, without trying to get on all fours. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the literature, which will tell you how long and how to stimulate the crawling skill.

In some cases, if the child has a prolonged lack of interest in crawling, it is necessary to consult a doctor

What time do premature babies start crawling?

The development of premature babies depends on the time of birth. Babies of 1 degree of prematurity begin to gurgle at 2-3 months, babies with 3 and 4 degrees - a few weeks later. As a rule, three-month-old babies confidently hold their heads, in six months they turn from tummy to back and back. Such children sit on their own at 8-12 months, get up - at a year old.

Since the first physical activity that prepares for crawling is manifested in premature babies at 6-9 months, they begin to crawl later than their peers. Usually babies born prematurely learn this skill at ten months of age.

How to stimulate active crawling?

Pediatricians do not recommend helping your child to crawl and get on all fours. The crumb will achieve everything on his own after his muscles get stronger and are ready for the load. However, parents may not always be passive observers. You can help in the following way:

  • lay the baby on his tummy on a rug or bed so that he has a lot of room for vision and movement;
  • lay out bright balls or attractive toys within sight;
  • seeing the object of his interest, the baby will begin to reach out with handles;
  • noticing this moment, it is important for parents to create supports for his legs with their hands - he will push off and begin to crawl on his tummy;
  • soon the baby will understand that he can control the body himself, and he needs to be shown an example of movement on all fours;
  • over time, the baby will notice that he can also, and regular exercise and massage will help strengthen his muscles;
  • do not ignore the advice of a neurologist and pediatrician about massage - there are situations when completely passive babies after a course of massage were active and learned to crawl in a few weeks (more in the article :).

Bright toys that are not easy to reach are capable of helping the baby to crawl

Safety regulations

The assessment of the situation through the eyes of a young researcher will help determine the safety of an apartment for a toddler who has learned to crawl. To travel around the apartment was informative, you should exclude the meeting with dangerous objects and provide the following conditions:

  • comfortable temperature - drafts should not walk on the floor, clothes for crawling must be comfortable and sufficiently insulated when the apartment is cool;
  • sharp corners, wires, potentially dangerous objects - contact with them should be excluded by installing protective locks, plugs, hiding or hiding everything that the baby can pull and taste;
  • household chemicals and hazardous liquids - all clothing care products, medicines, cat food, paints and other potentially hazardous liquids should be hidden in cabinets with special restraints;
  • cleanliness - you should not strive for absolute sterility of the floor, since the baby needs to get used to the "domestic" microbes, but there should be no debris and animal hair.

In each room, you can organize a safe corner with your favorite toys and interesting gizmos. Then the crumbs will have a goal to move around the apartment and mom can rest, detachedly watching his games. There is a lot of interesting things ahead, because when the baby learns to walk, worries and concerns about safety will increase.

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Baby crawling is an important stage in his development, which affects not only the physical health of the baby, but also affects his psychological state. When a child begins to crawl, his parents breathe out with relief, because the ability to move independently is evidence of the correct development of arms, legs and back.

When crawling, the muscles develop and strengthen, as if preparing the back for the subsequent upright posture. However, there are babies who do not crawl, but immediately begin to walk. Whether this is considered the norm and how many months the crawling should begin, we will consider in this article.

At what age should a child normally begin to crawl?

From how many months do babies begin to crawl? Dr. Komarovsky and other experts argue that the beginning of any stage of development is individual for each child. The kid will crawl when he is ready for this psychologically and physically.

Up to three months, the child lies on his back most of the time and does not notice many things around. A three-month-old baby already knows how to hold and turn his head, as well as roll over on his tummy, opening a wider outlook for himself and starting to be interested in everything around.

By the age of five months, the baby no longer just looks at toys and other things attractive to him, but tries to crawl up to them on his stomach. Next comes the stage of crawling on all fours. It can also occur at the age of five months, but more often children begin to crawl after six months. At about the same time, they begin to sit.

For large children, getting around can be difficult. For this reason, they begin to crawl at 8-9 months. If this does not happen at 9 months, the pediatrician may prescribe special procedures (massage) that will contribute to the development of the skill. Crawling on all fours should precede upright walking, since it is this that forms the walking skills. At the same time, the muscles and spine are strengthened, coordination of movements develops, the child learns to control his body, think independently and make decisions.

Lack of interest in nine-month-old children to move independently is often due to insufficient development of muscles, skeletal system and joints. A kid who is constantly in a confined space simply does not know how interesting the world around him is, and does not seek to learn it. For this reason, it is important that the child does not spend too much time in the arena and crib. Interest in moving in space can also be suppressed by parents, who immediately give the child what interests him, in which case the need for crawling simply disappears.

Later, premature babies begin to crawl, as well as those with a calm temperament, who prefer to observe rather than check by touch. In addition, the age at which crawling begins also depends on the gender of the child: girls are believed to develop faster and master the skill earlier than boys. In this regard, for one child, the norm for starting use will be 5 months, and for another - 9.

Stages of crawling in children

The crawling style of each baby may be different. However, there are several major stages of crawling. In the table below, we will step by step consider the mastery of movement skills in newborns:

Crawling styleAt what ageCharacteristic
On the belly5-7 monthsThe child moves forward using the muscles in the arms. In this case, the elbows and shoulders are significantly loaded. The movement resembles the crawling of a caterpillar. Forward movements are difficult, it is better to crawl to the side and back.
On bellies6-8 monthsAttempts to alternate leg pulling. The main support is the palms. At first, the child crawls back in this way, which is quite normal. After this stage, the baby is already ready to get down on all fours.
On knees7-9 monthsFirst, the baby learns to stand in this position, keeping his weight, then he rearranges his arms and legs. The initial movements are awkward and awkward, and as the muscles gradually strengthen, the baby gets better. At first, the child first moves one hand, then the other, forward, and simply pulls the legs up behind him. Further, the movement becomes cross - when moving the right hand forward, the left leg rushes after it, and behind the left hand - the right leg.

Certain crawling steps may be absent in some children. Someone immediately begins to crawl on all fours, and someone up to 9 months old moves on their bellies, and after that goes on to walking.

The importance of crawling for baby development

Doctors believe that the crawling period has a much more important effect on the development of the baby's NS than walking. It is at this stage that motor skills develop, the rudiments of speech development are laid.

Factors that make crawling important:

  • mastering everything that is located in the field of view;
  • development of correct coordination of the trunk (its lower and upper parts);
  • development of the cerebral hemispheres and their alternate inclusion;
  • improving perception with the eyes;
  • improving tactile sensitivity;
  • getting a child of spatial ideas about his body;
  • perception of the relationship between your body and what surrounds it;
  • orientation in space;
  • laying the foundation for the development of speech, writing and reading.

A baby who has missed the crawl stage (especially if he was born prematurely) is deprived of an important stage in the development of the brain. He does not master spatial connections and general perception of space in a timely manner. A quick transition to walking provokes a strong load on the spine. The muscles of the back are not sufficiently strengthened, therefore, when starting to walk, some pathologies may develop.

Moving on all fours, the child carries out brain activity, alternating the movement of arms and legs. In the absence of an opportunity to learn this, later, violations of thinking and coordination are possible.

When the child begins to crawl, this is a real leap forward, albeit on all fours. Yesterday the baby could only roll over in bed, but today the whole world is available to him! At what age do parents have the right to expect a motor feat from a baby? And how can you help the little one so that his start is easy?

What time does the baby begin to crawl: stages of skill development

The limits that neurologists consider acceptable are from 5 to 9 months, ideally 7. However, some quick-witted babies immediately start walking and skip the crawling stage. Do not worry - this is a variant of the norm.

At how many months does the child begin to crawl on their bellies? - According to the latest research - at 8 months. The main load falls on the hands. The kid focuses on the forearms and raises the torso. Looking forward, he is able to make several “leaps” with his arms and pull his legs.

If an interesting toy or curious object is waiting for the crumb ahead, he will try to get it. By rearranging the hands and constantly trying the distance to the object with the hand, the toddler pulls up the body and moves. Legs are not used yet. This is the very moment when the baby begins to crawl, and his own curiosity and purposefulness serves as an incentive for him!

9 month - standing on all fours, the child sways back and forth. This is the final preparation for crawling on all fours.

And, finally, aerobatics - moving on all fours with crossed movements of arms and legs, age - 11 months.

When a child starts to crawl on all fours, his speed increases. He does not just calmly "walk", but manages to play catch-up, running away from his parents and squealing with pleasure.

As you can see, not everything is so simple in the science of crawling. It is interesting that all stages of the development of the baby run in parallel: for example, eight months is the age when the baby begins to crawl and sit, as well as lie down and get up on his own.

When girls start to crawl: does the gender of the child play a role?

Sexual superiority does not play a big role. Much more important is the genetic program of a person's development, his health, the influence of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as gymnastics and massage.

What time do children start crawling based on gender? If we talk about equal living conditions for a child, girls are most often ahead of boys by an average of 2.5-4 weeks. But the little ones start walking 2 or even 3 months earlier, but the boys' coordination is initially better. Little daughters delight their parents with the first word 4 or 6 months earlier than their little sons. Girls' speech is richer and more emotional.

Children under one year old differ in their growth rate (boys are larger) and development rates (girls learn various skills first).

When the boys begin to crawl, their games appear more active. You can feel the difference in thinking and future preferences of babies. Sons love technical toys - clockwork cars, mechanical animals, tools, and daughters love soft, affectionate bears and kittens.

When girls begin to crawl, they are calmer, it is easier to captivate them with a calm game, to leave them alone. If I may say so, boys are more impulsive and babies are more melancholic.

When do children start to crawl and how do they move?

It's amazing how rich the imagination of babies is! Ask an adult: how can you crawl? And he will imagine movement on his stomach (on bellies), or on all fours.

Every family has a legend about when a baby starts to crawl and how he does it. Of course, using the example of your own child. Here is one of the heroes of the relay crawling sideways, the other - booty forward. Both are happy and satisfied! And here is the toddler, free running on straightened legs and arms. Someone pulls the knee under him, and straightens the other leg.

Should a mom be worried if her baby is not moving the way it should? - No and no. Doctors are tired of repeating that from how many months the child begins to crawl, the way of movement, speed, time and other "quality attributes" are purely individual. If your baby is healthy, cheerful, curious - this is a normal baby with its own growth program.

How to bring that cherished age closer when the baby begins to crawl?

Classics of pediatrics, neurology, surgery - massage. The powerful effect on human muscles makes this procedure the most effective and popular. The services of a good children's massage therapist are not cheap. If your baby is healthy and he was not prescribed a special therapeutic massage, then you can learn how to massage yourself.

Remember, boys and girls have different sensitivities. For babies, a more gentle effect on the skin is more appropriate. They respond better to voice and affection. A calm song, a rhyme can calm down a daughter, and a son can be a fun interesting game combined with a procedure.

When a baby starts to crawl: will gymnastics help?

Gymnastics stands in the same place as massage. It is very popular and effective and is available to parents as well. To get started, try these tricks:

  • The independent play of the baby (meaning that the baby should think that he is left alone - and you discreetly observe) can influence when the baby should start crawling. The crumb has no one to turn to for help, and he himself will try to get the cherished toy.
  • The child lies on the floor, on his stomach. You are kneeling behind. Ahead, the baby is greeted by a toy. We squeeze one leg of the baby, bending it at the knee, rest it on our leg. We are waiting for the child to push off with a bent leg and make a forward movement. We also repeat with the second leg.
  • If in exercise 2 the toddler did not want to push off, we rest both his legs on our knees. Try not to help your toddler move their arms. Difficulties will help him become more independent and skillful.

To examine your baby, look for a competent, proactive neurologist and pediatrician with good work experience. Only a doctor can dispel parents' doubts about the age at which the child begins to crawl and whether their baby meets the standards.

Remember that your family needs a healthy and calm mother, do not worry in vain. Do not think at what age children begin to crawl, but just enjoy every moment of happy motherhood!

Features of the development of a child from birth to one year.

The life of a child up to one year of age is the most active period when he develops rapidly: he learns to hold his head and turn over, walk, sit, crawl, walk, say some words ... further adaptation to the conditions of the modern world will depend.

Based on the fact that each baby develops according to an individual plan (ahead of development or lagging behind it), a young mother must know the approximate age when new skills should be manifested so as not to miss the appearance of possible deviations in the development of the baby.

Baby development at 1 month

This is the most difficult time for a young mother, as she needs to get used to a new life, in which there is a little man that requires care and attention. During this period, the baby almost constantly sleeps, thus he adapts to new living conditions, actively grows and gains weight.

Breastfeeding the first month

Breast milk is the best food for a baby. With it, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that are needed for full development. For the first month, the baby is gaining an average of 600-700 g.

IMPORTANT: If the mother cannot feed the baby with breast milk, it must be replaced with a special adapted formula!

When does the child begin to hold his head, to recognize the voice of his mother?

If during the first weeks of life, during active wakefulness, he can randomly swing his arms with clenched fists, and also press his legs to the tummy, then at the age of one month, the child begins to develop new skills.

At the age of one month, the baby is capable of:

  • hold the head for a few seconds;
  • focus on parents' faces or bright objects;
  • make some sounds;
  • listen to different sounds and voices of people;
  • recognize mom's voice and her smell;
  • crying to indicate discomfort (colic, hunger).

Video: What can a baby at 1 month old do? Baby development

Baby development at 2 months

This is an active period in the development of the child, his height increases by 2-3 cm, and his weight - by 700-800 g. He begins to sleep a little less, to eat more, to look at the surrounding objects.

Young parents often ask the question - when will the child start to hold his head and walk ?! So, a two-month-old baby is already able to raise and hold his head for a short time due to the strengthened neck muscles, as well as to emit whining sounds.

When does a child start to walk, smile, pull handles, distinguish colors?

Features of the development of a child at 2 months of age:

  • starts to walk;
  • raises his head, holds it for several seconds;
  • can smile;
  • reacts to grimaces of parents;
  • tries to pull the pens towards the object of interest;
  • calms down while sucking on the breast;
  • begins to distinguish colors that did not exist for him before.

Baby development at 3 months

The third month is characterized by the development of new skills that were not there before. The kid is more interested in surrounding things and objects, sleeps less in the daytime. Able to hold his head, lying on his tummy, he rises on his forearms, gurgles and babbles.

When the baby is holding the rattle, taking the pacifier out of his mouth, reaching for the toys?

Skills of a child at 3 months:

  • holds the head;
  • makes various sounds, reacts to mother's words, hums;
  • can rest on the forearms;
  • takes the nipple out of the mouth, inserts it back;
  • turns the head;
  • smiles;
  • handles reach for objects;
  • reacts to sounds and extraneous noises;
  • can hold a rattle.

Video: Baby development at 3 months

Baby development at 4 months

At the end of this period, the child becomes heavier by another 700-800 g, and his height increases by 2-3 cm.

When a child rises on the arms, picks up toys, recognizes his mother, reacts to his name?

When a child turns four months old, he is already able to:

  • hold the head on your own;
  • climb the handles;
  • react to sounds, turn your head, look for the source of the sound;
  • take toys in handles, examine them, pull them into your mouth;
  • recognize mom;
  • hold the breast with handles while feeding;
  • rise to sit;
  • respond to your name;
  • laugh, pronounce syllables.

With each subsequent month, weight gain will decrease as the child begins to lead a more active lifestyle.

Baby development at 5 months

This period becomes the beginning of a new stage in the development of the child. He is already actively rolling over from his tummy to his back, and vice versa, quickly learns the world around him.

When does a child begin to roll over on his own, sit with a support, pronounce syllables, laugh?

At this age, the baby also knows how to:

  • sit with support;
  • confidently pronounce sounds and syllables;
  • laugh;
  • to distinguish relatives from strangers;
  • cry when he lacks attention;
  • suck fingers and toes.

Every day the child becomes more interesting and more mature, the mother needs to pay as much attention to the baby as possible so as not to miss important moments of its development.

Baby development at 6 months

At the age of six months, the baby's movements become even more confident. He begins to show his character more actively and persistently.

When does a child start to sit, get on all fours, distinguish names, pronounce syllables?

He can:

  • sit down without help;
  • sit with support;
  • transfer objects from one hand to another;
  • get on all fours when lying on your tummy;
  • pronounce the syllables "ma", "pa", "ba";
  • reach out with your hands to parents and things of interest;
  • distinguishes names, turns the head when you say his name.

Video: What can a baby at 6 months do? Baby development calendar

Baby development at 7 months

During this period, the baby begins to show its activity and interest in the world around it even more. Every day he has some new skills. The little fidget can no longer lie in one place, he quickly turns from back to tummy, and back.

At this age, new products appear in the diet of the crumbs - cottage cheese and meat, which are so important for the development of the whole body and the formation of teeth.

When does a child start to sit, stand up, look at books?

At 7 months, the child is already leading an active lifestyle. He moves more, tries to learn something new and interesting.

At this age, the baby can:

  • independently sit on the ass, sit without support;
  • stand on legs (holding on to the support);
  • walk with mom's support;
  • crawl, most often in the opposite direction;
  • actively play games for the development of hand motor skills (eg "Magpie");
  • pronounce different sounds;
  • memorize parts of his body, shows where his nose, mouth, eyes, etc.;
  • hold a mug while drinking;
  • take a long time to look at bright pictures, illustrations.

Baby development at 8 months

From this time on, the child should not be left unattended in order to prevent possible injury due to his active movements.

When does the child begin to speak the first words, try to eat on his own, walk on the crib, dance to the music?

The eighth month differs from all the previous ones in that the baby can speak the first words - "mom", "dad", "baba", "give". In addition to this, the baby also knows how to:

  • move around the crib, along walls and pieces of furniture, holding onto them;
  • sit on their own, stand on their legs, stand for a long time;
  • crawl quickly;
  • take food in handles, put it in your mouth;
  • squat or dance to the music.

Baby development at 9 months

Very soon, the child will already take his first steps, as he is more and more confident on his legs and walks with support. Persistence begins to appear in his actions: falling, after an unsuccessful attempt to take a small step, he rises again to repeat it.

When does a child begin to manipulate adults, understand simple words, repeat the movements of adults?

At 9 months of age, new ones are added to the general store of knowledge and skills of the baby. The crumb can:

  • manipulate adults by crying;
  • show your negative attitude towards bathing, cleaning your ears, cutting your nails;
  • repeat the movements of adults;
  • say some words, the meaning of which is understandable only to relatives and friends;
  • drink from a cup or glass;
  • change the direction of movement while crawling around the room.

Video: Baby development at 9 months. How to teach a child to speak?

Baby development at 10 months

This age is characterized by the beginning of "communication" with children. For the child, their toys, strollers or things become interesting. He closely examines them - to get acquainted. With the help of my mother, he can already be played.

When a child begins to walk, play with toys on his own, cannot understand the word, call toy animals?

The first steps of your child can be seen as early as 10 months of age. First, he will break away from the support, take a few steps and fall on the bottom, then rise again, fall again ...

After several unsuccessful attempts to take a step, confident steps will begin to appear, after which the crumb will not fall on the ass.

  • At 10 months old, a baby can:
  • take the first steps and walk;
  • quickly crawl, squat, dance;
  • play with toys: throw a ball, roll cars, pick up dolls in his hands, etc.;
  • remember the name of the animals, tries to repeat them;
  • understands the meaning of the word "no";
  • shows body parts, name them.

Baby development at 11 months

Very little is left until the first birthday. The kid grows up every day, shows his character, tries to do something on his own (repeat the movements after his mother).

When does a child start pointing, waving a pen?

At 11 months of age, a child can already:

  • sit, crawl, walk, bounce, squat;
  • wear socks, a hat;
  • show emotions at the sight of familiar people, favorite toys;
  • enjoy new toys;
  • eat and drink on your own;
  • waving his head - "yes" and "no";
  • played with small objects (picks cereals, peas, beans).

Child development at 1 year

At this age, almost all children already walk confidently without support or support. They become adults, trying to learn about the world on their own.

When does a child begin to chew, drink from a mug, eat with a spoon, take care of toys, disassemble and assemble them?

At the age of one, the child already:

  • walks, jumps, runs, crouches;
  • helps to dress, comb, brush teeth, wash;
  • tries to chew solid food on his own, bakes with a spoon;
  • shows his concern for dolls;
  • played by the designer: assembles parts, disassembles them;
  • speaks light words;
  • remembers the position of objects and things;
  • eats only the food that he likes.

The first year in the life of a child was marked by the emergence of new skills, skills and knowledge. During this time, the baby has become much more independent, more mature and more confident in its actions. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead, the main thing is not to miss all this due to constant employment and various problems !!! Pay more attention to your children, it is very important for them !!!

Video: Child development at 1 year Family from A to Z