Early retirement pension for civil servants. Pension provision for civil servants

The pension provision for civil servants consists of the payment of the seniority pension, as well as the additional payment of a part of the insurance pension or the pension related to disability, if its payment is established. The length of service pension is determined in accordance with the average monthly salary at the time of dismissal.

How is the pension provision for civil servants carried out?

The legal basis for the payment of seniority pensions is the achievement of retirement age by citizens, the presence of a certain length of service in state (municipal) positions. The seniority pension is awarded to federal civil servants, to whom municipal employees are also equated. The rights of civil servants of the subjects of the federation to receive pensions are established by regional laws on state. service. The payment of pensions in this category is made from the budget of Russia, region or municipality.

Since January 2015, civil servants from the Pension Fund of Russia have received the right to receive an insurance pension, if during the period of their labor activity they worked and made insurance pension contributions. General rules of labor law establish the right to only one type of pension provision for civil servants:

  • insurance type of pension;
  • seniority pensions.

If a civil servant chooses a seniority pension, then he does not lose the right to receive part of the insurance pension. The possibility of paying a share of the insurance pension to civil servants is provided for by some constituent entities of the federation, as well as municipalities, if this category of citizens has issued an insurance pension with the Pension Fund of Russia.

One example of such a legal possibility is the Law of Moscow dated January 26, 2005 No. 3, which defines such an opportunity for citizens with a length of service of 12.5 and 10 years (men and women, respectively), this type of additional payment constitutes additional guarantees for civil servants.

What categories of persons are entitled to receive a seniority pension?

This legal opportunity for citizens is determined by the combination of several circumstances:

  • when persons reach 55 and 60 years of age (women and men, respectively);
  • the presence of at least 15 years of work experience for the state. service;
  • labor activity in the civil service for at least 12 months without interruption until the moment of dismissal;
  • dismissal of citizens for:
    1. By agreement of the parties
    2. To your own will
    3. To circumstances beyond the control of the parties
    4. Changes to the terms of the current contract
    5. Reaching the maximum possible age for the state service
    6. The reason for the reduction or elimination of state. organ

There is the possibility of receiving a seniority pension if the seniority of the state. service is less than 15 years. In such circumstances, persons who resigned from their position in a managerial position due to the end of a 12-month contract and continuous work in a public position for 1 month before dismissal.

There are also circumstances that make it possible to receive a seniority pension with a relatively small seniority of the state. service. This legal possibility is established by Art. 7 of the Law "On State Pension Provision".

The basis for retirement of civil servants are the requirements established by the general rules that relate to reaching the retirement age of citizens to receive an insurance old-age pension. If the work experience for the state. service is 25 or more years, and the last 7 years, a citizen worked continuously until the moment of dismissal, then quit the state. service is possible in this case, of your own free will. Under these circumstances, the age of retirement does not matter.

Another general condition for the opportunity to receive a term of service pension is the inadmissibility of receiving an insurance pension by citizens when working for the state. service.

The procedure for determining the amount of seniority pension

When carrying out labor activities in the state. positions for 15 years, the size of the pension is set based on 45% of the salary. In this case, the established 45% of the pension also includes the share of the required insurance pension. Payments of insurance pensions earned by citizens after the end of the state are not subject to accounting. services, as well as preferential payments that make up a fixed part of the insurance pension (due upon reaching the age of 80 or for disabled family members). The amount of the term of service pension is increased by 3% annually. However, the aggregate amount of pension due to a citizen for old age, for disability or for length of service cannot be more than 75% of his salary.

Calculation of seniority pension for civil servants

When determining the size of the term of service pension, the basis is taken from the income of the last 12 months of citizens until the moment of their dismissal, or before the onset of retirement age, within 2.8 of the salary of the corresponding position, or if we are talking about monetary remuneration, then within 0, 8 of this size. At the same time, periods of unpaid leave, including maternity leave, periods of illness, etc. are not taken into account. 12. In the event that such periods are present, the amount of annual income, minus the indicated periods, must be divided by the number of working days and multiplied by 12.

For residents of the Far North and preferential regions of the country, the pension is increased using the necessary coefficients for a given region of Russia.

How is the share of insurance pension calculated?

The share of the insurance pension is considered the part of it that can be received by a pensioner, when registering a seniority pension. In January 2015, the legislation underwent some changes in the procedure for calculating pensions. This legal position is defined in Art. 17.1 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions", and in Art. 19 Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions".

The insurance share is determined, according to the law "On labor pensions", as the ratio of the amount of pension capital (in the period from the beginning of the appointment of the term of service pension to the actual retirement) to the period of the expected payment in months. From this moment, the calculation of the pension is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the new pension legislation, and using several coefficients and calculating the share of the insurance part of the pension. In cases where a citizen does not stop working, his calculated capital becomes larger and, accordingly, the share of the insurance pension is recalculated with an increase in its size.

Another plus of the pension reform was the inclusion of parental leave up to 1.5 years (no more than 4.5 years) in the insurance period.

Practical application of calculating seniority pensions

Despite all the positive aspects of the new system of pension payments, its effectiveness is not always at the proper level. For a fairly long period of time, the level of seniority pensions for civil servants remained less than the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension that was paid to citizens. This reason served as the basis for the fact that civil servants did not draw up the term of service pensions.

The system for calculating seniority pensions turned out to be complicated, so much so that it gave rise to a huge number of controversial issues that had to be resolved in the course of judicial proceedings in cases of this category. State authorities and pensioners did not find common legal grounds and their correct application for calculating pensions without disputes.

Judicial practice also began to appear, due to frequent changes in municipal regulations that govern this area of ​​legal relations. These changes became the basis in law enforcement practice to reduce the already accrued lifetime pension. Often the courts, in such cases, take the legal position of the municipal authorities as the basis for their decisions. At the same time, the retroactive effect of the law is actually legalized, which worsens the legal status of citizens. The courts proceed from the fact that a pension in accordance with local regulations is just an additional guarantee of providing citizens.

Based on the legal basis and the practical application of legal acts, civil servants have the right to receive a seniority pension in cases where they have the necessary length of service in a position when they reach the retirement age, however, this is possible if the civil servant quit his job. service.

When making calculations for the term of service pension, the insurance pension received by citizens should also be taken into account. Given the existence of a complex legal mechanism, which is the basis for calculating this category of pensions, there are often legal disputes arising between pensioners - former civil servants and government agencies that calculate pensions. And most often problems arise when determining the size of pensions, which are additional guarantees that are provided for by the laws of local regional levels.

Employees of state institutions, upon reaching the required pension standard or many years of service, have the right to receive certain remunerations from the state. The pension of civil servants is formed from a number of criteria and is paid from the funds of the respective budgets.

A municipal employee is an employee who is obliged to monitor compliance with the law within the same region. Federal civil servants include officials whose powers are extended throughout the country. The full list of positions is given in Presidential Decree No. 1574 (dated 31.12.2005).

For state and municipal employees, the state has given the opportunity to combine the receipt of benefits paid for seniority, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166, with a share of the all-Russian civil pension, which is approved in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 400.

Requirements for citizens applying for a retirement benefit for the first time

The conditions for assigning pensions to federal state civil servants are established on the basis of regulatory documents developed by the authorities. According to their provisions, receiving a pension is justified if the conditions are met:

  • Passed: according to the latest draft law, the retirement age of civil servants in Russia has been increased by 6 months. Women are allowed to retire at 55.5 years old, men only after they turn 60.5 years old.
  • Only after working off the period of service fixed in the regulations (today the norm is 15, 5 years), a seniority pension is issued to civil servants.
  • Federal government employees are required to work continuously for a period of 12 months prior to retirement.
  • The grounds for the dismissal of a citizen were such circumstances as the maximum age, layoffs, liquidation of a government agency, an agreement between the parties, a change in the employee's health or working conditions.

Pension benefits are provided for civil servants only if all these requirements are met, with the exception of certain situations.

The payment is set upon the closure of an office or the reduction in the number of federal government civil servants, regardless of the fulfillment of the continuity condition (see clause 3).

If an official has 25 years of government work experience, and 7 of them were held in the same institution, then he can count on receiving benefits ahead of schedule.

Forms of material subsidies for persons in the civil service and the basis for their indexation

Encouraging long-term work

Civil servants who have fulfilled the standard prescribed by the state are entitled to receive additional material incentives for this reason. In other words, these employees are entitled to a seniority pension.

Federal government civil servants in order to qualify for the seniority retirement benefit must be employed in government positions until the minimum seniority limit established by law is reached.

The experience gained in the civil service confirms the employee's pension right and is used to calculate the amount of future payments.

Since 2017, Russian bills have introduced a phased increase in the standard of years worked. Every year he is prescribed to increase by 6 months.

Pensions for the seniority of civil servants are accrued following the procedure and conditions prescribed in the following legislative acts: Government Decree No. 570 (dated September 15, 2003), Order No. 1648 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development and Presidential Decree No. 1141 (dated September 20, 2010).

The right to social benefits

Retirement benefits for civil servants include receiving social benefits.

In a situation where a civil servant is forced to support the next of kin of the deceased spouse at his own expense, due to their minority or legally recognized incapacity, additional financial support measures can be calculated for him.

Provided that this person is the only relative capable of providing custody of them, the state grants officials the right to receive financial assistance due to the loss of a breadwinner.

In practice, this permission is rarely used. Since it cannot be combined with the receipt of the payment provided for the experience gained.

Disability-related benefits for medical reasons are awarded to all citizens in need, regardless of place of employment. If the state of health allows the municipal employee to fully fulfill his duties and does not limit his work activities, then he is not obliged to leave his post. In this case, a monetary allowance is charged for a civil servant who has received a disability.

Accruals upon reaching old age

The changes caused by the improved legislation of the country have led to an increase in the age limit set for receiving insurance benefits. In 2017, the retirement age for older workers is 60.5 for men, and 55 and 6 months for women.

Officials who have served the required length of service for the appointment of a seniority pension and meet the age minimum are entitled to claim a monthly part of the old-age financial support. The accrual of old-age pensions is regulated in accordance with the all-Russian law “On insurance pensions”.

The procedure for assigning retirement benefits to persons who are about to retire is calculated based on the coefficients of seniority payments made in the previous 12 months.

All types of assigned pensions for officials are subject to indexation. This process is influenced by changes in the official salary or the total amount of payments.

Indexation of pensions is carried out in the event that there was an increase in salary or the indicator of length of service changed. In such circumstances, the employee has the right to apply for the recalculation of the amount deducted to him.

Social benefits received for old age are indexed annually by the amount of last year's inflation. Last time, the general civil pension was indexed with a lower coefficient, as a result of which additional monetary compensation was paid to Russian pensioners.

Calculation of the pension of civil servants for the length of service

The minimum term of service for civil servants in 2017 is 15.5 years. In the case of the appointment of a seniority pension, municipal employees do not take into account the absence of an employee due to maternity leave or on vacation provided at their own expense.

The amount of the payment amounts to 45% of the average employee's earnings and does not include additional funds (civil pension, bonuses, etc.). With the length of service more than the minimum, for each year of work, another 3% of the average monthly salary is added to the coefficient. In general, the pension provision of civil servants does not go beyond 45% to 75% of the amount of earnings.

Formula and calculation example

You can find out what kind of pension awaits you when you leave the service using a simple formula:

(45% * Avg.z - V.) + 3% * Avg.z * Number of years

Wed.z - average monthly salary; B - insurance and other payments; Number of years - years of work in excess of the minimum length of service.

To get the average monthly earnings, you must add up the annual payments: salaries, bonuses and all types of allowances. The amount received is divided by 12 months. The calculated figure cannot be higher than the salary received multiplied by a factor of 2.8.

Consider how to calculate a pension using the example of an ordinary employee. The employee of the regional administration Sterkova I.P. retirement is expected this year. He worked in a government position for exactly 24 years, and at the moment the calculator has calculated his earnings as 13,500 rubles. In addition, he is paid an insurance share in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

The total length of service pension received by this federal civil servant will be:

(45% * 13,500 - 4,000) + 3% * 13,500 * (24-15.5) = 2,075 + 3,442.50 = 5,517.50 rubles.

In the given example, the cash benefit ratio is close to the maximum and, taking into account the funds for the old-age pension, is 70.5% (45% + 3% * 8.5).

If an employee left work before the minimum length of service was worked out, then the amount of the pension payment intended for him is formed on the basis of the funds earned in the year preceding his leaving.

The accrual of a pension provided by a federal government employee may be suspended if the citizen has been assigned a pension supplement or material support.

The payment of the insurance part does not stop even if the employee returns to his previous or another place of work.

The specifics of registration: registration, a list of documents, periods of accrual and methods of receiving benefits

Pension provision for federal civil servants is guaranteed to them on the territory of all subjects.

To start processing the payment, a civil servant must submit an application to the branch of the Russian Pension Fund, in which he is registered. This can be done through personal presence, with the help of a trusted representative, or by registered mail.

Pensions for civil servants who have left their posts since 2017 are charged after documentary confirmation of their right to a retirement benefit. To go to the required rest, it is necessary to present: a civil Russian passport, an order of dismissal, statements of income and years of work, records of a work book about positions. If a citizen additionally receives other cash benefits, then he is obliged to provide an extract of their amounts.

Consideration of the application and the compliance of the package of documents with all requirements is carried out by the employees of the fund within 10 days from the date of submission. The pension for civil servants is calculated from the month in which the application was submitted.

Most often, the appointment of a pension occurs in the first days. Each recipient has the right to choose the method of delivery of these funds and the organization that will be responsible for it. When issuing a certified power of attorney, the person indicated in it can receive a pension for a civil servant.

Government civil servants are provided with several methods for delivering pensions.

Receiving at home. The Pension Fund officially cooperates with a number of organizations that provide such services. You can get the necessary information about these companies and their working conditions on the website or directly at the institution itself.

Crediting funds to the current account using a savings book or bank card. Accordingly, you can receive the accrued funds either at the cash desk or through an ATM.

Registration at the post office. You can conclude a contract for the transfer of your benefits to the post office of your place of residence or the delivery of your pension by the postman.

To approve any of the above methods, a pensioner must personally apply with a written application to the local PF branch.


Before retiring, you need to make sure that your future is financially secure. In this article, you can find the necessary information on the design, the procedure for accrual, as well as the methods and types of material support for civil servants. The text contains all the requirements of federal laws, a description of cash benefits, examples of calculating the amount of earned pension and a list of required documents.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, certain categories of citizens, in view of the implementation of especially important state functions, are entitled to receive financial support immediately upon retirement in accordance with special grounds. How are pensions calculated by the federal? Are they indexed? How? These and other, no less important for society, issues are discussed in the materials of this article.

Who is considered a federal civil servant?

Before considering the various aspects of the pension issue, it will be advisable to define the studied category. So, pensions for federal civil servants are nothing more than payments that are sent to members of society as a result of their long-term labor activity exclusively in positions associated with the state federal service. It is important to add that the amount of this kind of pension provision depends on the duration of the corresponding work in the civil service. In another way, this category is called experience.

Federal civil servant occurs when all the circumstances can be correlated with three pieces of legislation. Among them are the following laws:

  • Federal Law "Concerning the Civil Service".
  • Federal Law “Concerning Insurance Pensions”.
  • Federal Law "On State Pension Provision".

Who, then, should be classified as federal government employees? So, under the federal civil servant it is necessary to consider a citizen who carries out activities of a professional orientation at the post of the federal civil service and receives a monetary remuneration for this from the money of the federal budget.

What are the conditions for granting a pension to federal civil servants? You need to know that not every public sector employee is considered a civil servant. These are those who perform managerial and power-administrative functions. In addition, federal state pensions are also assigned to employees of the executive authorities of the state.

Conditions of pension payments

To begin with, it should be noted that absolutely all the features and characteristics of the federal service are determined by means of the main legislative acts. As noted, we are talking about the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision” and the Federal Law “Concerning the Civil Service of the Russian Federation.” What are the specific factors for the appointment of this pension category?

To begin with, it should be noted that the opportunity to ensure the retirement nature of citizens appears only under certain circumstances, including the onset of old age, disability or death. As you can see, these conditions do not depend in any way on the will of the citizen. Seniority pensions for federal civil servants are established if the following factors are present simultaneously:

  • The length of service of the federal state service, one way or another, must equal or exceed fifteen years.
  • The dismissal of a civil servant must occur on certain grounds.

Why can a civil servant be fired? Post-dismissal pensions for federal civil servants are awarded when the above circumstances are associated with one of the following reasons:

  • Downsizing or liquidation of state federal authorities.
  • Dismissal from public office due to the termination of the person's own powers.
  • Civil servants reach the maximum possible age for professional activity (it is important to remind that the length of service for a federal civil servant is twelve years).
  • Dismissal of a public employee due to poor health, which, one way or another, is an obstacle to continuing his service in public office.
  • The dismissal of a government employee of his own free will, which is usually caused by retirement.

It is important to note that pensions for federal civil servants are assigned only if the following condition is met: a person must, before retirement, have worked in a particular position related to the federal public service for at least twelve months. By the way, the above rule does not apply to those dismissed due to the liquidation of a government body or staff reduction.

Pension Regulations 2017

How is a federal civil servant's pension calculated in 2017? It is important to note that on May 11, 2016, the State Duma of Russia adopted the law during the third reading. In accordance with the new legislative act, the retirement age of civil servants has increased to 63 years for women and 65 years for men.

Interestingly, the government is gradually increasing the retirement age. Thus, starting from 2017, it has been increasing by six months annually. This will continue until the final result is achieved. It is assumed that the maximum rates will occur in 2026 for men, and for women only in 2032. In addition, the receipt of a pension for federal civil servants for seniority is possible only after working off a term of twenty years (previously, a fifteen-year bar was set). What advantages does the Russian government see in raising the pension age? Among them are the following items:

  • Retaining qualified personnel. The fact is that today it is extremely difficult to find such people due to the annual decrease in the number of able-bodied people.
  • Substantial savings in terms of money.

The ex-Minister of Finance of Russia has stated more than once that this innovation will necessarily be followed by an increase in the age for retirement insurance for ordinary people (at the moment it is 55 and 60 years old). However, to date it is not known about the specific level of the increase and the issue of equalizing the retirement age between women and men.

These issues have been discussed in the Government for a long time. So, the adoption of the above measures is expected from 2019, that is, after the presidential elections scheduled for March 2018.

Amount in terms of retirement benefits

The size of pensions for federal civil servants today is established by means of article fourteen of the Federal legislative act "Concerning state provision of pensions in Russia" of December 15, 2001. So, for the categories of citizens considered in the article, a state benefit is established for the development of years, taking into account the length of service of 15 years, which was relevant in 2016. As it turned out, this bar has increased to 20 years from 2017.

It should be noted that retirement benefits depend on what were the salaries of federal civil servants. Thus, pensions are accrued in the amount of 45 percent of the average monthly salary of a federal employee. Naturally, there are deductions of insurance coverage in connection with old age or disability, basic (fixed) payments to an insurance (labor) pension, as well as certain increases, which are established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions". It is important to note that an increase in the pension of federal civil servants is carried out for each subsequent year of service in relation to service in a public office over fifteen years by three percent.

How is seniority calculated?

The Federal Law "On Pensions of Civil Servants" states that the length of service in a public office is nothing more than the total duration of the stages of implementation of labor activity. By the way, this also includes other types of activities, which, in one way or another, are taken into account when determining the possibility of providing pensions to civil servants, as well as when calculating the amount of pension payments.

So, in the case of awarding pension payments for the number of years of service, it is necessary to include stages of work in civil service positions and other positions determined by the President of Russia in the length of service in a public position. For example, the class rank of a federal government civil servant.

If, when determining the pension payment, which is provided for by the Federal Legislative Act "On State Provision of Citizens with Pensions", a work experience of a specific duration is required, it, one way or another, includes stages of work, as well as other activities useful for certain social categories and society as a whole, which are included in the length of service of an insurance nature. The latter is necessary for the appointment of a pension, which is provided for by the Federal legislative act "Concerning insurance pensions".

Calculation of the amount of pension provision

All types of pensions are endowed with the appropriate procedure for calculating the amount for federal civil servants for seniority. This procedure is established by means of the Federal legislative act "On State Pension Provision in Russia". So, the formula corresponding to the above law is determined in the following form: P = (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × Art. It contains the following indicators:

  • P - the specific amount of pension payments for the development of the number of years.
  • СЗ - average wages.
  • SP - a specific amount of insurance coverage in connection with old age (disability), as well as a fixed pension payment.
  • St - work experience exceeding fifteen years.

It is important to note that the total amount of pension provision and insurance pension in connection with old age (disability), a fixed payment to the pension and its increases cannot exceed 75 percent of the monthly salary on the average for a civil servant. This provision is determined by article twenty-one of the Federal legislative act under number 166. It is necessary to add: when the years of work are enough to assign a state pension benefit, then it is calculated on the basis of the average salary for the last twelve months of service.

Calculation example

For example, a certain citizen carries out labor activities as a federal employee. So, in April 2015, he was assigned an insurance (labor) pension payment in connection with the onset of old age. Its size is 7,197 rubles. The length of service in this case is equal to twenty-six years. The average monthly salary of a citizen is 16,706 rubles. It is necessary to determine the amount of state pension payments for the development of years that are due to an employee.

So, the size of the state subsidy for a state federal employee is equal to 45 percent of the average monthly earnings in the case of at least fifteen years of service. In addition, it increases by three percent with each year of employment, which exceeds the necessary, but not more than 75 percent. So:

  • The number of full years of employment is above the norm: St = 26-15 = 11.
  • Average salary: SZ = 16 706.
  • The amount of insurance (labor) pension payments: SP = 7,197.

It is necessary to calculate the amount of pension provision from the state for the development of years of a certain citizen according to the formula given in the previous chapters: P = (0.45 × 16706 - 7197) + 0.03 × 16706 × 11 = 5833.68. Thus, such a civil servant has been assigned monthly pension payments from the federal state budget in the amount of 5,833.68 rubles.

The question of the pension increase

It is important to note that some categories of citizens are given the opportunity by the state to award an insurance pension in connection with the onset of old age ahead of schedule. These include people living in the regions of the Far North and in the territory equated to the North, as well as citizens who previously carried out labor activities in the regions presented. It should be added that in relation to these persons, an increase in the fixed pension payment is made, which serves as a supplement to the insurance pension in accordance with the regional coefficient established by the Government of Russia, depending on the area of ​​residence (for absolutely the entire period of stay in this territory).

In the event that a citizen leaves the given areas for another place of residence, the amount of state pension provision is calculated without taking into account the coefficient.

Indexation of pension payments

Federal government employees' pensions are indexed on special occasions. Thus, the awarding of pensions by the state for seniority, the recalculation of its value and the transition from one type of pension to another are made in accordance with the citizen's application. These operations are carried out regardless of the time period after the appearance of the opportunity for the procedure. The only exception in this case is made up of pension social payments from the state for disability. So, the recalculation of the amount of state subsidies in connection with the length of service is carried out in the following cases:

  • Change in the amount of labor (insurance) payments for old age (disability).
  • Increasing the duration of the civil service.
  • Centralized increase in remuneration of civil servants in monetary terms.

In other cases, the product of the transition from one type of subsidy to another takes place in accordance with the state pension provision. In addition, state pension payments for seniority are indexed according to a centralized increase in the maintenance of federal civil servants in monetary terms in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Types of pensions and the right to receive them

As it turned out, the following types are distinguished today:

  • For the length of service.
  • Disability.
  • Old age.
  • Social pension provision.

Who is vested with the right to receive the pension category considered in the article? Civil servants with 15.5 years of work experience (2017 innovation), who have been established by the state pension payments for length of service, upon their own application and upon reaching a specific age, have the right to receive part of the insurance (labor) old-age pension, established by pension payments for production, based on the aggregate system of individual coefficients of a pension nature, not less than 12 months of labor activity after the determination of the subsidy in connection with the development of years.

Earlier it was mentioned that after the establishment of a new legislative act already from 2017, to receive pension payments for men, the age category should be 60.5 years, and for women - 55.5 years. The insurance (labor) experience includes the following items:

  • Temporary periods of labor activity, which are provided for by article eleven of the legislative act "On insurance pensions".
  • This also includes labor activity, taken into account in the process of calculating the length of service in the civil service for the award of one or another subsidy for the development of years under article nineteenth of the Federal legislative act of 12/15/2001 "On state pension provision in the Russian Federation."
  • Stages of labor activity, taken into account for the appointment of insurance (labor) retirement benefits by age, to which the payment for length of service is established.

Pension registration issue

It is important to note that a citizen of the Russian Federation without a time frame has the right to apply for the appointment (award) of pension payments immediately after the right to them arises. An application for the award of a pension must be submitted to the Multifunctional Center or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. It must be added that the document can be submitted independently, as well as by mail or through a legal representative. By the way, if the application is sent by mail, the date on the postage stamp directly from the place of departure is considered the day of applying for pension payments. An application for a pension, one way or another, is transferred to the personnel department at the citizen's place of work. In addition, the Chairman of the Board of the Fund in this case appears as the name of the recipient.

It should be noted that the period for consideration of an application for the provision of pension payments should not exceed ten days from the date of submission of the application or the missing documentation provided to the above state bodies after submission.

It is important to know that the payment in accordance with the state pension provision is established from the 1st day of the month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than from the day when the right to receive it appears. To establish a retirement benefit for working years, it is necessary to collect the following documentation:

  • Passport (original and copy).
  • Certificate on the value of the average income of a civil servant for the month.
  • Certificate about a specific position of a citizen in a public office.
  • Certificate of the assigned retirement pension for old age (disability), which indicates a specific amount.
  • A copy of the work book of a civil servant.
  • A copy of the order on the dismissal of a federal government employee.
  • A copy of the military ID.

The lower house of the Russian parliament adopted in the third reading a bill on raising the retirement age for "civil servants, municipal employees, as well as persons who hold government positions in the Russian Federation, government positions in the regions and municipal offices" to 65 years for men and to 63 years for women (now 60 and 55 years old, respectively).

The increase will not be instantaneous - it is envisaged that from next year the retirement age for them will increase by six months a year, that is, the maximum values ​​will be reached in 2032.

According to the law, civil servants will be able to start receiving the insurance part of their pension only upon reaching the official retirement age, that is, later than most other citizens of the Russian Federation. However, they have a choice - they can resign from the civil service and apply for a pension, as they say, on a general basis.

However, it is much more profitable for officials to continue working than to go on "well-deserved rest."

In 2015, the average assigned pension for federal civil servants in the country as a whole was RUB 15.6 thousand. (hereinafter - Rosstat data), and the average monthly salary is 33.5 thousand rubles. This is a good ratio, it is even slightly higher than in the country as a whole, where the average old-age pension last year was 11.6 thousand rubles, and the average salary was 33.9 thousand rubles.

But for those who work in the state bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation (there were 207 thousand of them last year against 505 thousand "federals"), the pension is already a much less attractive alternative, because they received 52.3 thousand rubles each. per month. And for employees of the central apparatus of ministries and departments, and there are almost 40 thousand of them, retirement (with dismissal) means a catastrophic loss of income. Their average salary in 2015 was 111.3 thousand rubles. per month, that is, almost ten times higher than the average pension of federal civil servants. Most of all were received by employees of the government apparatus (231.8 thousand rubles), the presidential administration (217.179 thousand rubles), the Accounts Chamber (187.6 thousand rubles), the Federation Council (173.9 thousand rubles), The Federal Treasury (165.8 thousand rubles), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (148.2 thousand rubles), the State Duma (137 thousand rubles) and the Ministry of Finance (130.9 thousand rubles).

In connection with the increase in the retirement age, the age limit for civil service is increasing from 60 to 65 years. For those holding positions in the "managers" category, the term of the civil service can be extended up to 70 years. However, the option to extend the term of the civil service was also in the current Federal Law - after all possible extensions, by agreement of the parties, an employee could remain in a government agency "on the terms of a fixed-term employment contract for a position that is not a civil service position."

To qualify for a seniority pension (a monthly supplement to the pension), officials will have to work not 15 years, as now, but 20, but they will also be able to receive it only upon reaching retirement age.

The state is interested in raising the retirement age for officials. First, it saves money on the payment of pensions to civil servants. Secondly, it is possible to retain qualified personnel, who will enter the labor market less and less every year due to a decrease in the working-age population by about 1 million annually.

It should be noted that pension innovations for civil servants are a test balloon for a new pension reform, which is being prepared by the government and the Central Bank. One of the key elements of the transformation, obviously, will be an increase in the retirement age, but for all citizens of Russia. By and large, today the discussion is around the date of the start of the increase, its rate and the final level.

Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, who recently headed the Center for Strategic Research and became deputy head of the Economic Council under the President of Russia, is an ardent supporter of raising the retirement age.

“We need to announce the need to raise the retirement age. You can start, for example, from 2019, but right now we need to announce such a scenario, since a lot of preparatory work will have to be done. We need to remove this issue from the discussion, ”says Alexei Kudrin.

The retirement age, in his opinion, could be 63 years for men and women (now 60 and 55 years). The question is the rate of increase: six months every year, one year or faster.

“Before the elections, we still need to discuss this issue, determine the parameters, make a decision and announce it after the elections,” the ex-Minister of Finance noted.

Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukaev said that raising the retirement age is "an inevitable matter, but it will definitely be accepted." “I think it would be wise to announce this during an electorally calm period, for example, at the end of 2016. And the calculations must be completed now, ”the minister said.

He also named the age of 63 for both men and women as the most likely benchmark. Another option is to leave the gap of five years and raise it to the level of 60 and 65, respectively. But Alexey Ulyukaev believes that this is "less rational."

The Ministry of Finance proposes a more radical step - to raise the retirement age for men and women to 65 years. This is consonant with the reform of civil servants' pension provision.

At the same time, working pensioners are supposed not to pay a fixed part of their pension. It should be reminded that from this year to those pensioners who continue to work, the indexation of pension payments is not carried out. The Ministry of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets are still opposed to raising the retirement age.

While all ideas are under discussion, no decisions have been made on any item. Most likely, the pension reform will begin, as Alexei Kudrin expected, only after the 2018 presidential elections.

Civil servants are entitled to a seniority pension. The conditions and rules for the appointment, calculation and payment of seniority pensions to civil servants are established by Federal Law N 166-FZ "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Law 166-FZ).

When civil servants are entitled to a seniority pension

We draw your attention to an important circumstance. The specified law 166-FZ applies only to federal government civil servants, i.e. for persons who for a certain time, while in the civil service, worked in positions federal state bodies or persons holding government positions in the Russian Federation. Thus, pensions for federal civil servants are assigned in accordance with Law 166-FZ.

Civil servants who were in the civil service in regional or municipal authorities and did not work in federal authorities are not subject to Law 166-FZ. The seniority pension for these civil servants is assigned and paid in accordance with regional legislative acts.

It is important to keep in mind the following circumstance. The seniority pension is awarded in addition to the old-age insurance pension if the necessary conditions are met, which we will discuss below.

A civil servant's seniority pension is awarded if they have the necessary length of service in the relevant service. So, for federal state civil servants, this experience in 2019 is 16.5 years, with a subsequent annual increase by 6 months until reaching 20 years of experience in 2026.

Thus, in order to obtain a seniority pension for a civil servant in 2019, the following conditions must be met:

  • the existence of grounds for the appointment of an insurance old-age (disability) pension to a civil servant, since the seniority pension is established in addition to the specified pension. Such reasons are the presence of an insurance experience of at least ten years and the value of the individual pension coefficient not lower than 16.2;
  • civil servants reach the age of 56.5 years (women) and 61.5 years (men);
  • civil service experience of at least 16.5 years;
  • being in the civil service for at least 12 consecutive months by dismissal;
  • dismissal through no fault of the civil servant himself.

At the same time, federal civil servants with at least 25 years of public civil service experience and dismissal from service in connection with termination of the service contract on their own initiative are entitled to a seniority pension before the appointment of an old age (disability) insurance pension, if immediately before dismissal they held positions of the federal state civil service for at least 7 years.

There is one more condition that appears after the appointment of a seniority pension: a citizen cannot work in a public office after he has been assigned such a pension.

More detailed information on the conditions for assigning a seniority pension and on the length of service in public service can be found in our articles:

You can read about the conditions for granting a seniority pension, about retirement experience, about the size of a seniority pension, about the procedure for registering a seniority pension for federal civil servants in the articles, active links to which are given below.

The size of the seniority pension

If a citizen, when applying for a term of service pension, has a minimum length of service of 16.5 years, then the amount of his pension is determined as 45 percent of the average monthly earnings for the last 12 months of work minus the old-age insurance pension, a fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension, established in accordance with the law "On insurance pensions".

For each full year of civil service experience in excess of 16.5 years, the seniority pension to a civil servant is increased by 3 percent of the average monthly earnings. At the same time, the total amount of the term of service and insurance old-age pension and a fixed payment to the insurance pension cannot exceed 75 percent of the average monthly salary of a federal civil servant.

You can find out more about calculating the seniority pension from our article

The procedure for calculating the seniority pension for civil servants

To calculate the size of the pension, the main point is to determine the average monthly salary of a civil servant. To do this, the average monthly income for the year is determined, but not more than 2.8 of the monthly salary of a civil servant.

At the same time, when determining the average monthly income, periods of illness, vacation at own expense and maternity leave are not taken into account. If there are such periods, then the income for the year minus sick and maternity payments is divided by the number of working days and multiplied by 21.

For residents of some regions of Russia, the length of service pension may be higher due to regional coefficients.

Government civil servants are entitled to an old-age insurance pension. To receive an old-age insurance pension, a civil servant must reach the retirement age, which in 2019 is 61.5 years (men) and 56.5 years (women).

However, as a general rule, a citizen can choose only one of the pensions - either for seniority, or insurance for old age. Although there are exceptions that allow partial receipt of a share of another pension in addition to the main one.

It should be noted that the very system of rules for the payment of seniority pensions is rather complicated. This circumstance often becomes the cause of disputes and litigation.

You can learn more about seniority pensions in our articles: