If the nails on the hands turn yellow. Causes of yellow nails. Whitening nails at home, recipes

The cause of yellowness can be a stressful situation, especially when it happens often. Also junk food contributes to yellowing. This has a bad effect on general well-being, hair, skin.

The main reason is the lack of calcium and some other useful substances in the body. Rebalancing can help:

  • canned fish such as mackerel, sardines and salmon;

  • dairy products (hard and processed cheese, yogurt, milk), and the less fat they have, the better;

  • cereals - among them, corn and wheat flour from whole grains hold the first place;

  • American (Brazilian) walnut and almond;

  • soy products (tofu, milk, yogurt).

It is not recommended to drink strong tea, coffee often. From vegetables, it is better to use kale, spinach, Roman lettuce, pumpkin, parsley. From fruits, apples, bananas, grapefruits, tangerines will be useful. It is recommended to use calcium in any form. It is also found in spices such as basil, dill, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, cloves. You can just ask the pharmacy for a special vitamin complex.

Fingernails turn yellow and thicken due to smoking

Nicotine tends to accumulate in the body, and nails are the first to suffer. The fact is that a network of capillaries that deliver oxygenated blood to the nail bed is responsible for their protection. Nicotine, on the other hand, narrows these capillaries and prevents the normal supply of oxygen to the nail plate, which is why they turn yellow. The only way out is to stop smoking.

The next reason is the use of low quality nail polishes. The habit of buying cosmetics from more reputable and well-known manufacturers, and less getting carried away with dark varnishes with a high content of pigments, will help to solve the problem from this side. To prevent yellowness of the nails, before manicure, it is advisable to apply a protective base on them or sometimes give the nails a rest and not paint them at all.

Nails on the hands exfoliate and turn yellow due to various diseases

Among other factors explaining the yellowness of the nail plate, there are diseases of the internal organs. The cause of an unattractive color can be fungal infections, lung disease, hepatitis A (Botkin, jaundice), diabetes, gastritis and other diseases. You should undergo an examination and consult a doctor to rule out or confirm these causes.

Why do the tips of the nails turn yellow

Also, do not get carried away with washing dishes and cleaning without gloves, so that your hands often do not interact with the chemicals contained in detergents.

Any representative of the fair sex dreams of attractive nails. Their health and beauty is affected by the state of the whole organism and regular hand care. In the normal state, the nail bed has a uniform pink color without grooves and spots of a dark or light shade. The free edge is painted white, which brightens towards the end.

Unfortunately, not every woman can boast of such an impeccable condition of the plates. Sometimes the nails turn yellow, losing their attractiveness. It is important to understand in a timely manner why this cosmetic defect occurs.

Causes of yellowness on the nails

So, why did your fingernails turn yellow? There are several sources that provoke the development of such consequences. Among them, external factors can be distinguished, as well as cosmetic diseases and ailments associated with the functioning of internal organs.

Impact of external factors

These include the following.

  • Diet. This reason can be attributed to the most simple and easily eliminated. It occurs in connection with the staining of the nail plates with pigments that are part of plant products. For example, when eating a large amount of carrots, the nails acquire a yellow-orange tint, which will disappear on its own over time.
  • Means of household chemicals. The components that make up the cleaning products are able to penetrate deep into the nail plate, changing its color. To prevent this exposure, it is enough to use gloves when washing dishes, windows, and washing clothes. Before cleaning, it is worth applying a cream to your hands, which will protect your nails, although not very reliable.
  • Smoking. The porous structure of the nail plates easily passes nicotine resins, which change its color. This habit harms the whole body, not just the hands, so the only useful way out of the situation is to give up tobacco.
  • Decorative varnish. The fair sex, who noticed yellowness on the nails, should pay attention to their varnish. Perhaps the tool is of poor quality, and it should be changed. Before applying the coloring composition, you should use the base base. It not only provides a smooth finish that lasts longer, but also protects nails from the negative effects of pigments. Experts recommend using nail polish removers without acetone. This substance can harm both nails and the whole body.
  • Medications. Yellowness sometimes manifests itself in connection with long-term use of antibiotics related to the tetracycline series. This drug accumulates in the teeth and nails, turning them yellow.
  • UV rays. In some cases, negative effects occur due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Exactly the same symptoms appear with excessive consumption of tea or coffee. Drinks contain a small amount of coloring components.
  • Unhealthy food. An unbalanced diet leads to a deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals, which adversely affects the body and nails. A particularly important element is calcium, which is a building element, without which the nail plates become brittle and thin.

"Cosmetic" diseases

Fungal diseases should be attributed to this category. Without proper treatment, bacteria multiply rapidly, destroying the structure of the nail and changing its color. In addition, the disease leads to uneven color, change in shape, thickness, delamination of the plates.

The fungus is not a serious disease. Carrying out therapy in the early stages of the development of the disease will help restore the original condition and color of the nails.

Diseases of the internal organs

Yellow fingernails can be a signal of the development of serious pathologies of the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and others. Only a qualified doctor can accurately identify the causes of this symptom. If yellowness is detected, it is worth contacting a medical institution for an examination.

The nail can change its color and thickness in the presence of diabetes.

Methods for determining the cause of yellowing nails

To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination, which consists of the following items:

  • examination by a dermatologist with the study of the features of the nails under a microscope; this helps to identify the spread of the fungus and its variety, as well as to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to drugs;
  • a blood test to determine the amount of glucose content;
  • the study of blood taken from a vein for liver tests;
  • if pulmonary diseases are suspected, x-rays are performed;
  • finding out the amount of hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland, if there is a possibility of problems in the work of this organ;
  • MRI of the brain - a study is carried out to determine the signs of multiple sclerosis or to clarify the causes of the development of acromegaly.

Methods for whitening nail plates

After finding out why the fingernails turn yellow, and eliminating the causes of this phenomenon, it is worth using additional procedures that will help eliminate the aesthetic flaw. There are many ways to use at home. Apply folk recipes is infrequent: once a week or a month.

The number of procedures will depend on how much the yellowed nail has changed its color. Regular use of recipes will help restore the healthy color and appearance of the plates. Consider the most effective methods.

  • Baths with lemon juice

Lemon has high whitening properties, which is the reason for its wide distribution in the field of cosmetology. To prepare a bath, you need to take a small convenient container and squeeze the juice from one fruit. Here you should also pour a glass of pre-boiled and cooled water. Fingertips are lowered into the resulting composition for 15 minutes.

You can speed up the desired result by rubbing your hands with lemon slices and zest. After the procedure is completed, wash them with warm water.

  • Pasta with soda

Ordinary baking soda, which is always found in the house, just like lemon juice, is characterized by whitening properties. In addition, the product is absolutely safe for the human body. In a bowl made of glass, it is worth mixing soda with water at a ratio of 1: 1. The result is a thick paste that should be applied to the nails for half an hour. After that, the agent is washed off.

  • A mixture of baking powder and citric acid

In a small container, you need to mix both of these components. Powder will need 1 tbsp. l., citric acid - ¼ spoon, after which a couple of tablespoons of pure water are added to the mixture. The composition is again gently mixed, and then spread over the nails with a paper towel. Try not to let the product come into contact with the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your hands.

  • Strawberry puree

This summer berry is very healthy and tasty. Often it is used in various cosmetic procedures, including for nails. To do this, wash fresh strawberries, rub them through a sieve and apply the resulting puree on the nail plates and on the skin of the hands. After 15 minutes, the composition is washed off. One of the advantages of this method is the possibility of its frequent use. During the ripening period of berries, nails can be treated every day.

  • Mask with oils

Rub a mixture of honey, olive oil and grape seed oil into the nail plates. Hold the composition for 20 minutes and rinse. Such a tool will not only make the color of the nails even and beautiful, but also strengthen them, prevent the problem of delamination.

Initially, it is worthwhile to clearly determine whether there really is a problem of yellow nails on the hands and the causes of this phenomenon, and only then choose the right treatment. To avoid such troubles, it is worth abandoning habits that are harmful to human health, regularly eat wholesome food, and observe hygiene standards. Enrich your diet with cereals, vegetables, fruits and other foods that are rich in healthy vitamins. This will allow you to have not only beautiful nails, but also thick strong hair, clear skin.

Beautiful well-groomed hands are the hallmark of any woman. Among the mandatory procedures, along with all kinds of masks and makeup, is a manicure. Women decorate their hands with nail polish. However, very often after removing the coating, a change in the color of the nail plate is observed. Let's try to figure out why this happens and how to remove yellowness from nails after varnish.

What is gel polish

More recently, ordinary varnish has been used for nail design both at home and in the salon. Today in the arsenal of women there are more persistent means for a beautiful manicure. It's shellac and gel polish. If the first procedure is quite complicated and is possible only in the cabin, then.

According to the method of application, it is almost identical to conventional decorative cosmetics for nails. The only exception is the use of a special drying lamp. But the result of applying gel polish will be a persistent manicure for 2-3 weeks. Often it is removed due to the fact that the nail plate grows back. The coating itself does not change its properties.

Many are interested in the question of whether gel polish can turn yellow nails. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Like any decorative cosmetics, gel polish can cause

Causes of discoloration of nails after gel polish

Why does the nail turn yellow after gel polish? There may be several reasons for this:

  • The use of low-quality decorative cosmetics. Often even in salons they use cheap varnishes. It is even more difficult to buy a good gel polish in a regular store for home use.
  • Improper coating. Many people forget about such a stage of manicure as applying a base layer, and then they wonder why the nail turns yellow after gel polish. The fact is that without a base coat, coloring pigments penetrate into the deep layers of the nail plate and change its color.
  • Excessive use of nail polish. The decorative coating layer does not allow moisture and oxygen to pass through in the right amount, which leads to the loss of the protective functions of the nail. Hands need to be given time to rest from decorative cosmetics. Indeed, even in the most expensive varnishes, substances harmful to the body are present, albeit in small quantities.
  • Low level of immunity. In some cases, the nails turn yellow due to violations of the protective functions of the body or due to the use of antibiotics. Faced with such a problem, one should pay attention to the state of health and drink on drink.

How to get rid of yellow nails at home

What to do if the nails turn yellow from varnish? Do not rush to go to the salon for help. quite possibly at home on your own.

Experts recommend varnishes for yellow nails to solve this problem. They can be purchased at a pharmacy. Such products do not just mask ugly spots. They contain oils, vitamins and mineral complexes useful for the nail plate. One application of a remedy is not enough. To achieve the effect, a course of application is required. Along with bleaching varnishes, healing pencils and serums have proven themselves well.

Yellow nails can be whitened with home remedies. To do this, you do not need to carry out expensive procedures in the salon, it is enough to devote time to home care. Try the proposed whitening methods, and the result will pleasantly surprise you:

Salt. Salt bath will help to remove the yellowness of nails at home. A glass of warm water is poured into a bowl and 1 tablespoon of salt is diluted in it, preferably sea salt. Contrary to some recommendations, iodine cannot be added to it. This may worsen the situation. It is better to dilute the juice of half a lemon or 1 tbsp in a saline solution. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to pamper your hands with such a bath for at least 25 minutes a day.

Lemon. Squeeze the juice from a lemon into a plastic container and dip a cotton ball into it. Soak the cotton wool in the juice for a few seconds. Wipe your nails from the base to the tip with a soaked cotton pad. Add olive oil to strengthen the plates. Lemon procedures can be carried out every day until the result is obtained.

Baths with herbs. Make a solution of chamomile: boil two teaspoons of the herb in boiling water and let it stand for forty minutes. For effective whitening, take baths for a month at least three times a week. The procedure time is fifteen minutes.

Oil. Castor oil is great for yellowing nails. To be effective, use it every day. Jojoba and ylang ylang in tandem with lemon juice will whiten nails in a matter of days. Rub it into the nail plate twice a day and you will see the result very quickly.

Peroxide. Mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with two teaspoons of baking soda. Apply the gruel on the nail plates for three minutes, then rinse. When washing off, press on the nail plates so that the gruel is absorbed.

Glycerol. Prepare a mixture of glycerin and hydrogen peroxide. For 1 milligram of glycerin, use 5 milligrams of peroxide. Spread the mixture on the nail plates and hold for three minutes and wash your hands.

If after a bright manicure your fingernails turn yellow, you can try to whiten them with toothpaste. The paste is applied to the nail plate in a thin layer and washed with a toothbrush. The composition is kept on the nails for 5 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Instead of toothpaste, you can use baking soda with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide.

This method is classified as radical and is not advised to be used too often so that the nails do not become brittle.

Applications from berries are useful for nails. Cranberries, red and black currants contain pectin, a chemical that has bleaching properties. The berries are kneaded and applied for a few minutes on the fingertips. This procedure is absolutely safe. In addition to pectin, vitamins, which are rich in berries, have a positive effect.

Very often, a change in the color of the nail plate is a sign of a malfunction in the body. All manipulations only mask the problem, but are not a panacea. To avoid yellowing of nails, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes, lead a healthy lifestyle, give up low-quality cosmetics and properly care for your hands. These simple rules will help your fingers always look perfect.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands of a woman are her visiting card. No wonder they say that they give out age. A neat manicure is an integral part of such care. Smooth, shiny, pleasant to the touch, nails should please their mistress. But it happens that they begin to turn yellow, acquiring an unaesthetic appearance. The reason for this can be many factors, about them, and how to get rid of such a problem, we will tell you.

What does healthy mean?

Despite the fact that over time the nails have lost their original protective function, they still signal the presence of problems in the body. To understand if you have any, take a look at your nails. Two simple external factors will tell about their absolute health:

  1. Uniform pink color. There should be only two white zones - a hole at the base and an overgrown edge. Any dots, spots and inclusions indicate the presence of problems with the internal organs.
  2. The nail plate should be only slightly convex, if it acquires a pronounced roundness, this indicates an insufficient supply of oxygen to the nails.

Why is there a problem?

Yellow nails are a significant cosmetic problem. Let's see what it can be called:

  • Bad habits. First of all, smoking. Tar and nicotine can stain the nail plate and even the phalanges of the fingers. These carcinogenic substances in parallel cause irreparable harm to the lungs, so the yellow color of the nails is a signal for help.

This also includes the abuse of strong tea. Such a seemingly harmless drink contains a large amount of pigment, which, accumulating in the body, provokes plaque on the teeth and nails.

  • Cosmetic procedures. Going for a manicure, or doing it yourself, few girls think about the right technology. Before applying varnish, it is imperative to use a base coat that will protect the nail plate from substances that penetrate through the pores and eat into the nail. Indeed, in the future, this can cause the appearance of yellowness.

The same fate can await those who build up nails.

  1. Solarium. Exceeding the time of visiting the solarium is fraught with various unpleasant and often dangerous consequences, one of which is yellowing of the nails. This means that the exposure to ultraviolet was too intense. It is possible to solve the problem. With proper care in the winter, nails can return to a healthy color.
  2. Exposure to household chemicals. If you do not use gloves when doing laundry and cleaning, it is possible that your fingernails have become brittle and yellow precisely because of exposure to household chemicals. Useful substances are washed out during prolonged contact with water and powders, while harmful chemical compounds, on the contrary, are absorbed.
  3. Vitamin deficiency. The modern rhythm of life, malnutrition, physical inactivity lead to the fact that the body does not receive useful substances. Lack of potassium, magnesium, vitamins A and E can cause this unpleasant cosmetic problem.
  4. Diseases. Often the cause of yellowing can be health problems:
  • Mycosis. As a result of the reproduction of the fungus, the nail thickens significantly, its structure changes, and the spores of the fungus produce pigment, which contributes to the color change.
  • Viral hepatitis. The level of bilirubin in the blood rises, and the mucous membranes, skin and even nails become unattractive.
  • Diseases of the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

Also, the appearance of spots may appear due to the use of drugs containing tetracycline.


What to do if the nails began to turn yellow? First of all, it is worth finding out the reason. If the symptoms indicate a disease, then it is necessary to make a diagnosis and undergo treatment.

But if the problem is cosmetic, then you can use folk remedies:


There are several effective options:

  • With lemon. Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into a small container and dilute 1 tbsp. water. Lower your fingers and hold for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wipe the nail plate with lemon peel.
  • With chamomile. 2-3 tbsp dry grass pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, let it brew and strain. Dip your fingers for 15 minutes, then rub in the lemon juice.
  • With sea salt. 2-3 tsp sea ​​salt diluted in 1 tbsp. warm water, add a few drops of essential oil (lemon, grapefruit) and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Immerse your fingers for 15 minutes.


They have excellent whitening properties and do not require special costs:

  • With soda. Soda not only effectively fights yellowness, but is also an absolutely safe remedy. All you need is to mix baking soda with water in equal proportions, and apply the resulting slurry on your nails. Wait half an hour and wash off.
  • With oils. They will help whiten the nail plate and saturate it with useful substances. After just a few sessions, you will notice significant improvements. Prepare a mixture of ½ lemon juice, 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 1 tsp. jojoba oils. The resulting mask is applied at night using cotton pads and foil, and in the morning the residue is removed with water.
  • Toothpaste. This simple tool helps to clean the teeth of plaque, and therefore will help to whiten the nails. To do this, apply a small amount of paste on the nail plate, avoiding the cuticle, hold for 7-10 minutes and rinse.
  • With strawberry. Despite its color, this berry can also help eliminate the annoying yellow problem. The berries are pureed and applied to the nails as a mask for 15 minutes. This method is also suitable if the problem arose not only on the hands, but also on the legs.

professional tools

Many brands suggest trying whitening sticks or tablets. They contain therapeutic components that help get rid of the aesthetic problem and at the same time have a therapeutic antiseptic and antifungal effect.

If you notice that your nails began to turn yellow for no apparent reason, then you should think about the fact that wrong processes are taking place in your body. If before or often used acetone and low-quality varnishes, then you don’t need to worry too much. Because then the problem is more cosmetic than a health problem. But, if such situations did not arise, then we can talk about a violation of the thyroid gland, kidneys or liver. Because they are a reflection of the state of the body and the processes that occur in it.

Why do nails turn yellow if there are no infections?

The most common problems in this case are poor-quality varnishes, acetone, ultraviolet rays on the beach or tanning beds, the harmful effects of home chemicals, constant dishwashing without gloves, and smoking. As for smoking, it is necessary to understand that even after giving up this habit, it will be almost impossible to get rid of yellow nails. Therefore, you need to immediately consider whether it is worth it.

As for ultraviolet rays, this happens in the summer. Therefore, it is necessary to use protective medical coatings that can be applied on top of varnishes or as a base under them. But their quality must be high. Because over time, they will begin to give the surface of the nail a yellow tint. And since the nail and its structure are tripled in such a way that they absorb everything, it will be enough to paint your nails with such a substance several times so that you then try to get rid of an unpleasant shade for six months.

Acetone, on the other hand, not only dries out the nail, but also makes it brittle and gives it a yellow tint. Therefore, replace it with another remover.

Causes of yellowness due to diseases and infections

There are a number of causes and diseases that cause yellowing of the nail plate and these include:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics, in which the main active ingredient is tetracycline;
  • The development of diseases such as disorder of the thyroid gland, lymphatic system, immune system of the body;
  • Jaundice also causes yellowing of the nails;
  • Fungal infections cause not only thickening, but also a yellow tint;
  • Deformation of the nail and its transformation into a claw, which is accompanied by yellowness and thickening;
  • Nail dystrophy, hypervitaminosis, intoxication can also lead to yellow nails;

How to solve a problem?

The first thing you need to do is to see a specialist who will establish the root cause and prescribe treatment. And only then you can go to a beauty salon to give your nails a more pleasant aesthetic appearance. Otherwise, there will be no sense in your actions and the situation will only worsen. If it has been established that you do not suffer from any diseases and infections, then it is worth taking a whole range of measures, which will include manicure, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and observing the rules of personal hygiene.

Very often, to eliminate the cause of yellowness, it is enough just to abandon low-quality varnishes or replace them with more expensive ones. Because the difference between a good varnish and a bad one is that its shade does not change from exposure to the sun, which means that no harmful components are released. But, in any case, it is better to always use a base coat that takes care of the structure of the nail.

The wearing of varnish and other coatings should be limited to a period of five days, and take a break on the weekend and remove the varnish from the nails with the help of specialized products, but not acetone.

Whitening Home Recipes

There are many ways to remove the yellowness of nails at home without resorting to expensive salon procedures. For example, bath of sea salt and essential oil will be a great way to get rid of yellowness. Just 15 minutes a day for a month will solve the problem.

Baths with lemon juice or the usual rubbing of lemon juice into the nail plate are also good at this task. Because everyone knows about the wonderful bleaching abilities of lemon. But, after such procedures, it is worth smearing your hands with a moisturizer so as not to dry out the cuticles and the skin around the fingers.

Chamomile tincture can help you too. Boil the composition and let it brew and leave for half an hour. Then lower your fingers there for half an hour. After that, rinse them under warm water. You can prepare this remedy with a margin for a week and store it in the refrigerator.

Tea tree and apple bite whiten yellowed nails well. To do this, take baths with them at least a couple of times a week until the problem is finally resolved. More risky ways can be considered a mask of and peroxide. After mixing them in equal amounts, you can apply the mixture on your nails and leave it there for 15 minutes. But too often repeat the procedure is not worth it.

Also pay attention to baking soda, which is added to warm water and a bath is made for nails that suffer from yellowness. You can also use the old and trusted way to clean yellow plaque with toothpaste. To do this, apply it on the nail plate, rub it in for five minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

All these tools can be combined with polishing the nail and sawing out the yellowness, but this should be done very carefully. Because there is a risk of sawing off too much of the surface and completely disrupting the structure of the matrix. It's best to do it gradually. Colorless healing varnishes will also help well, which will nourish the nail with vitamins, heal it from the inside and gradually relieve you of yellowness. But all these funds will work only with proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of vitamins inside, smoking cessation and proper manicure. In addition, it will take time for the nail to grow back and completely renew itself, often it takes a little more than three months. Therefore, it will have to be constantly cut and filed. Don't forget about cuticle care, so that everything happens much faster.

If all these remedies do not help, then you need to consult a doctor, because the problem is not related to cosmetology. Namely, your health. And you need to urgently establish the cause and begin treatment. Because banal inattention can take you a few months from a healthy life, and the disease will have time to worsen.


Are you really satisfied with life with such a disease? With its side effects? Are you ready to endure the itch, hide your legs from others, suffer from pain, lose your nails?