Stages of individual escort of a child to a dhow. Psychological support of children in preschool educational institutions. The main activities of the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution Psychological pedagogical support of the child in kindergarten

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Psychological and pedagogical support should be understood as the interaction of a child and an adult in practical activities aimed at development.

Accompanying a child in the process of preschool education involves the implementation of the following principles:

  1. Following the natural development of the child at this age stage of his life path.
  2. Accompanying is based on those mental personal achievements that the child actually has and make up the unique baggage of his personality. The psychological environment does not carry influence and pressure. The position of a psychologist allows the child to realistically assess the situation and his own situation in kindergarten.
  3. Priority of goals, values, needs for the development of the inner world of the child himself.
  4. Orientation of activity towards creating conditions that allow the child to independently build a system of relations with the world, people around him and himself, to make personally significant positive life choices.

The position of a psychologist, teachers, in accordance with these principles, allows you to be close to the child in difficult, critical periods, to react sensitively to problems, taking into account the changes.

This method requires us not to influence the child, but to interact with him, faith in internal strengths and capabilities. The main priorities today are the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with the child, the acceptance and support of his individuality, interests, needs, and concern for his emotional well-being.

The question arises of how to organize your activities so as not to harm the child, but psychologically help him, while maintaining the usual circle of communication with the close adults around him, enter the world of broader and more complex social relations, find himself in this world?

How to prevent possible disorders in the mental and personal development of a child and organize a developing environment?

Working in this institution for a long time, I drew attention to the fact that the following problems stand out significantly:

  • discontinuity in requirements;
  • solving the teacher's own problems at the expense of the children's team;
  • inability of children to deeply understand, feel, experience.

To start solving these problems, I studied the literature: N.V. Pilipko “Invitation to the world of communication”, “Development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers”, K. Fopel “How to teach children to cooperate”, VV Vetrova “Psychological health lessons”, V. Alyamovskaya “Nursery is serious ”. Having studied and analyzed the literature, I came to the conclusion, revise and change the content of my work. She created a creative group, which included active teachers. We have been successfully working in this direction for four years. I cannot but rejoice at the fact that other employees of the kindergarten are also being rebuilt. From my own work experience, I understood that one should not be involved in accompanying children and be isolated from the families of foster children. So I thought about how I can involve my parents? Simple campaigning and “convening” will not help. And then I decided to expand my field of activity.

Has clearly defined the goal and objectives.

Purpose: To contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for interaction between a child and an adult.

  • develop in children the ability to feel and understand other people: peers and adults.
  • To deepen the content of the work on self-disclosure and self-realization of teachers.
  • Establish equal, partnership relations with the families of pupils.

Identified the main subjects of psychological impact:

  • children;
  • teachers;
  • parents;

When planning practical correctional and developmental classes with children, I rely on the experience of children, take into account their capabilities, interests, needs; health status. In order for the children to be cozy and comfortable, I developed my own structure for conducting classes, selected and systematized a series of games and exercises. In games, children comprehend social relations, play out incomprehensible and problematic situations, express their own reactions to everything that especially affected the child, struck him, made him think.

They have a beneficial effect on low-contact, aggressive, timid, shy children.

So, for example, Masha S. Experienced difficulties in communication, was withdrawn, timid, insecure, could not turn to her peers, did not know how to maintain a conversation. In the process of organized interaction with her peers, Masha's interactions with a small group of children normalized, and stable friendships appeared. The girl began to show herself more actively. She developed an interest not only in herself, but also in those around her. Constant involvement in theatrical games helped. Masha is to realize herself, to reveal herself. A year later, she played leading roles in performances.

Pasha L. - aggressive, did not control his actions, emotions. Losing the created situations, Pasha learned to make decisions himself. He was more likely to show positive reactions to an invitation from an adult. At the next stage of the boy's interaction with peers, friendliness was more widely manifested, since in games he had to do good deeds.

Dima N. - intellectual development is above the norm. The problems were in the peculiarities of the child's behavior. He never laughed out loud, he only played where there were no other people. After a long time of training in the boy's condition, she noted a positive trend: Dima developed an interest in playing together, the ability to work together, the interaction “child - adult” improved, speech and auditory attention improved. He developed an emotional tone. He laughed out loud for the first time during the game.

I consider “Communication Minutes” to be a particularly effective form of class, where these games and exercises are used. Here, children put into practice the accumulated experience of interacting with peers and adults.

From my observations, I noticed that children are more successful in “teaching each other” than listening to an adult's explanation. That is why it is so important that the Accompanying Adult is able to “on an equal footing” enter the activities of the children. Only then can we, adults, try to direct this activity (as if from within) to the tasks that we face.

In my training sessions, parents, educators, and the administration are active participants. They are given the opportunity to put themselves in the child's shoes and analyze their own reactions - feelings, thoughts, possible behavior. Adults become closer to children, understand them better, and live with them.

Systematic meetings of children with adults accompanying its development allow preschoolers to speak openly, speak out, express emotions, share thoughts, impressions, feelings. At the same time, the fear of being misunderstood by adults disappears, and a very important sense of trust appears. Children freely ask questions, discuss information and question it, draw their own conclusions, imagine, think, conduct a dialogue. I want to say with confidence that I create the maximum conditions for self-realization, self-disclosure, not only personal, but intellectual, creative capabilities of children.

The child must learn certain skills. But to feel, empathize, communicate and love - this is more difficult to learn; when such skills are formed, in educational activity the child also becomes more successful, cognitive mental processes develop more actively, and the result is brighter.

In contributing to the creation of the most favorable conditions for the developmental environment, I pay special attention to close cooperation with teachers.

With an active group of colleagues, I held a number of theoretical seminars where questions on this issue were discussed. As a result of the discussion, we came to a common opinion: it is very important to provide both objective and subjective prerequisites for creating emotional well-being and comfort.

In order to create objective prerequisites, it is necessary:

  • place all practical material in places accessible to children, stimulating their free activity;
  • use development centers flexibly, so that children can independently change, structure in accordance with their own needs.

The growth of professional skills of all subjects influencing the development of a preschooler is also extremely important. In particular, the teacher needs to:

  • be able to highlight the personal qualities of the child and, focusing on them, accompany the educational process;
  • be able to collaborate with other team members

Analyzing the work of theoretical seminars, I developed a scheme for the interaction of all kindergarten teachers.

The result of the activity of the active group is the creation of a model of psychological and pedagogical support and the development of a scheme of personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children.

Processing, discussion of maps of the individual development of the child, which we use at the psychological, medical and pedagogical council. It takes place twice a year. The main task of the council is to outline the route of the individual development of children, and help to pass it.

In addition to this work, I systematically conduct training sessions, individual consultations, interviews, questionnaires, joint practical exercises with the entire teaching staff.

Classes in the form of psychological training made it possible to develop empathy among teachers, i.e. the ability to understand the state of another person, mentally put oneself in his place and actually act, self-actualize, self-reveal. Training "Know thyself" /. In one of the exercises “What I am,” the participants talked about each other's personality traits. One teacher heard some direct statements about him. She accepted them without undue offense, but after that the teacher underwent some changes, not only in relations with teachers, but also in relations with the children's collective.

A teacher with a high intellectual level, with a broad outlook, introducing innovative technologies, experienced difficulties in training games. In several sessions I invited her to be an observer and then she became a participant. Her problem was her inability to establish contact with other people. After a while, the teacher expressed her opinion: “I would never have believed that training could bring me closer together”.

Thus, all the work contributed to the creation of a professional community of teachers, focused on the further development of social partnership, cooperation, and close interaction of teachers with each other, for example, in the practice of a theater studio.

I gave recommendations for an individual approach to each child participating in the performance, based on the study of personality traits. The head of the theatrical studio sensitively and attentively listened to my advice when assigning roles and working out their content. The caregiver in this group provided emotional support. The actors felt the general welcoming atmosphere.

Organized and systematic work with teachers made it possible to better understand the inner world of the child and his problems

From conversations with parents, questioning and observation, I found out that every parent wants his child to be surrounded by an atmosphere of love and understanding, and the staff were competent and friendly in communicating with children and adults. It is important for parents that the teacher can tell in detail and with interest about the child, highlight his characteristics, achievements, and the best qualities. I understood that my work can be truly effective only if my parents are his active helpers and like-minded people.

New forms of work with parents: seminars, trainings, individual consultations, joint practical exercises, conferences, the “Young Family” club, the “Mother and Child” adaptation group, etc.

The most productive in this captivity are practical exercises together with parents. The “Young Family” family club, where I am the leader, has proven itself well. It has been fruitfully working for five years now. These are not just lectures for parents interested in raising their children, but also an interested dialogue between the two parties.

The need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge is great, be it young parents who brought their first child to us, or experienced parents awaiting the birth of their second. Discussions of the topic “We are expecting a child”, “A child is growing in the family”, “How to prepare a child for kindergarten,” etc., we solve those problems and find answers to those questions that are currently topical and significant for parents. The parents' interest in the fate of the child and the kindergarten allowed us to discuss joint activities, make adjustments, and evaluate the effectiveness of interaction.

At the parent conferences, the experience of family education is used. This work is covered annually in the local newspaper.

It is gratifying to say that in recent years the level of pedagogical consciousness of parents has significantly increased, who are interested not only in age characteristics, but also in the problems of child development.

It is important that parents, receiving advice and assistance from specialists, also communicate with each other.

I, as a psychologist, consider it a very important moment for a child to enter new social conditions, i.e. adaptation to kindergarten conditions. This was the main idea in the organization of the group. short-term stay. This group has been functioning in our kindergarten for five years. Parents with children attend preschool 3 times a week. The work uses the developed scheme "Adaptation to the conditions of a kindergarten."

The continuation of this idea was the opening this year of the adaptation group of toddlers "Mother and Child". This group, created for three months (April, May, June), is unusual in that the child comes with his mother, and all the activities that we hold for the baby are in the presence of the parents. They get to know the teaching staff, see what conditions have been created in our kindergarten, what attitude towards children is here, improve their psychological and pedagogical culture, and discuss issues related to the individual development of the child.

The system of work on psychological and pedagogical support made it possible to ensure the successful solution of the assigned tasks. The head of the kindergarten, all teachers actively supported and developed ideas of cooperation in their activities. At pedagogical meetings, seminars, psychological, medical and pedagogical councils, emerging problems were vividly discussed and constructive solutions were developed collectively.

At parent-teacher meetings, conferences, family clubs, the problems of harmonious interaction with children were considered.

Analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that such methods and techniques of work have positively changed:

  • the level of personal, intellectual development of children attending kindergarten;
  • the number of parents interested in being active partners in the implementation of the tasks of the preschool educational institution;
  • the professional level of the teaching staff;
  • the very approach to the child not as an object of influence, but as a subject of interaction.

Methodological generalizations of personal experience prove the beneficial effect on the child and adults of the developed activities presented in this work.

I believe that the materials presented are quite relevant and can be used in standard, special children's institutions for psychological and pedagogical support.

(Slide 1)


The soul is what people write poetry and how they understand it.

/ Marina Tsvetaeva /

At present, federal state requirements have been determined, according to which psychological and pedagogical support of all participants in the educational process becomes the most in demand in the preschool education system. Therefore, taking care of the child's right to full and free development is today an integral goal of the activities of any kindergarten.

(Slide 2) Accompanying is a system of professional activity aimed at creating social and psychological conditions for the successful upbringing, training and development of a child at every age stage.

In recent years, there has been a tendency: according to the statistical data of doctors, the number of children with various birth injuries is increasing, which, in turn, leave an imprint on the general development of the child. Children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), neuroses and neurosis-like conditions are increasingly common in kindergartens.

It is the psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers at the MDOU that will provide a solution to these problems. In this case, the child must act as the subject of his own activity, and his activity and freedom must meet and interact with the subjectivity and activity of adults.

(Slide 3) Based on this, the main goal psychological service of preschool educational institution, is to ensure the psychological health of children, which is based on the full mental development of the child at all stages of childhood.

These goals are realized in the process of various types of activity: play, communication, cognitive research, productive.

(Slide 4) In accordance with this goal, the following tasks can be distinguished, solved by the psychological service:

1. To realize in work with children the development opportunities of every age and every child;

2. Develop the individual characteristics of the child, i.e. the attention of a specialist should be attracted by the interests, abilities, inclinations, feelings, hobbies, attitudes of the child, etc.;

3. To create a climate favorable for the development of the child in the kindergarten;

4. Provide timely psychological assistance to both children and their parents and educators.

(Slide 5) Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process covers work with children, parents and teachers.

(Slide 6) The system of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool educational institution can be represented as a mountain, at the base of which is such a direction of work as psychodiagnostic support. On the basis of it, correctional, developmental, consulting and psychoprophylactic support is built, which is necessary in order to reach the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is psychological education, which is aimed at shaping the psychological health of all participants in the educational process: children, parents and teachers.

(Slide 7) The main areas of work on psychological and pedagogical support of the educational and educational process in preschool educational institutions are:

Psychodiagnostic support of the upbringing and educational process: studying the process of adaptation of children upon admission to a preschool educational institution, diagnosing the inclinations and abilities of children in order to identify talented children, diagnostics of psychological health of preschoolers, diagnostics of readiness for school;

Correctional and developmental support of the educational process: the development of school-significant functions, cognitive processes,decrease in the index of anxiety, aggressiveness, impulsivity;

Psychoprophylactic and health-preserving support of the educational process:prevention of behavioral disorders, communication sphere,the formation of life skills;

Psychological education and counseling: the formation of the psychological culture of children, parents and teachers.

The work organized in this way allows to ensure the optimal physical, somatic, psychological health of the child.

(Slide 8) Psychological diagnosticscarried out in the form of routine diagnostics or diagnostics at the request of the administration, teachers, parents. During the adaptation period, the behavior of children in younger groups is monitored, which shows how the children become accustomed to new conditions, the development of a new space. A survey of parents is being conducted to identify discrepancies in the child's behavioral manifestations in the family and kindergarten. To identify the dynamics of the level of adaptation of children to kindergarten, a comparative analysis of diagnosis is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the adaptation period.

Diagnostics of school readiness takes place in 2 stages: at the beginning of the school year (October) and at the end (April).

(Slide 9) The following techniques are used for the survey:

  • Orientation test for determining the school maturity of Kern-Jerasek;
  • Verbal part (J. Ierasek) (end of the year);
  • Psychosocial maturity (S.A. Bankov) (beginning of the year);
  • "Graphic dictation" (D.B. Elkonin);
  • Motivational readiness (L.A. Venger) (end of the year).

In-depth diagnostics of children who have shown a low level of readiness for school, as well as children who have difficulties in mastering the educational program of preschool educational institutions, is carried out based on materials for the psychological and pedagogical study of children in preschool institutions by the author Zabramnaya S.D.

Psychodiagnostics of the emotional and personal sphere of teachers is carried out at their personal request individually. The teachers of the second junior groups and the first junior groups fill in the "Observation cards" at the beginning and end of adaptation, in the middle, senior and preparatory groups, educators fill in the "Cards for assessing the emotional state of the child in the group."

Parents fill out questionnaires on the subject of the child's adaptation to preschool educational institutions, readiness for school, questionnaires to assess the neuropsychic state of the child. Based on the filling in of these questionnaires, consultations are prepared in information folders in each group.

(Slide 10) Psychological supportaimed at preserving, strengthening and developing the psychological health of children at all stages of preschool childhood. Psychological support involves the timely identification of such characteristics of a child that can lead to certain difficulties, deviations in intellectual and emotional development, in his behavior and relationships. In our preschool institution, to solve this problem with children, once a week, group lessons are held on the development of the emotional world using the program of V.M. Minaeva "Development of the emotions of preschoolers" taking into account the characteristics of each age stage.(Slide 11) To prevent maladjustment, psychological support of the child is carried out in a preschool institution: group and individual games and classes with children in order to relieve emotional and muscle tension, overcome stress in children, activate speech processes, develop communication skills, interact with adults and peers, and form identity with the team. Individual work is carried out to prevent maladjustment, in which games with water and sand are used in order to establish contact with the child. Such psychological characteristics of a child are identified, which can further determine the emergence of certain difficulties or deviations in his intellectual and personal development.

(Slide 12) Individual correctional and developmental workconducted in the following areas:(Slide 13) work with aggressive children (fairy tale therapy), with children with hyperactivity (program Sirotyuk A.L., program Artsishevskaya I.L.), anxious, shy children (G.B. Monina, E.K. Lyutova), work on the development of school -significant functions ("Steps to school" Bezrukikh MM).

(Slide14) Psychological educationis aimed at the formation of the psychological culture of all participants in the educational process: children, parents and teachers, which consists in the formation of life skills, the prevention of disharmonious development.

(Slide 15) Advisory workwith educators of younger groups is carried out on the course of adaptation of children, developmental peculiarities, the course of the crisis of 3 years, where they receive recommendations on the formation of the child's play culture and relieve emotional stress. Parents in these groups are given recommendations to mitigate the adaptation period. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, consultations are held for teachers and parents at the beginning and end of the school year based on the results of diagnostics of the psychological health of children. Also, in preparatory groups, parents and educators receive the necessary recommendations for the development of school-significant functions during consultations based on the results of diagnostics of readiness for school at the beginning and end of the school year.

Psychological education, i.e. familiarizing adults (educators, parents) and children with psychological knowledge. The main meaning of psychological education is to acquaint educators, parents with the basic laws and conditions for the favorable mental development of a child, to popularize and explain the results of psychological research, to form the need for psychological knowledge and the desire to use it in working with a child or in the interests of developing one's own personality.(Slide 16) Psychological education takes place in our preschool institution in the form of speeches at teachers' councils, parent meetings, conversations, seminars, as well as information folders for parents “Psychologist's Page”, information stand “Psychologist's Corner” and a block of information on the kindergarten website.

(Slide 17) Thanks to the comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support of the upbringing and educational process and individual psychological support of children, it can be noted:

  • The set goals and objectives are being implemented
  • Diagnostics of the early development of children takes place in order to prevent possible problems
  • Problem solving occurs through the smooth interaction of adults
  • There is an increase in the professional level of teachers through interactive forms of work
  • Close interaction with family through cooperation.

(Slide 18) Thus, psychological and pedagogical support today is not just a sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as an integrated technology, a special culture of support and assistance to a child in solving problems of development, learning, and socialization.

(Slide 19) And V.A. was right. Sukhomlinsky, when he said: "From how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand in childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today's baby will become."

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1 Psychological support of children in preschool educational institutions The purpose of psychological support of preschool educational institutions is: - creation of conditions for the full mental and personal development of children, - preservation and strengthening of psychophysical health and - emotional well-being of all participants in the educational process. The main tasks of psychological support in a preschool educational institution are: 1. Psychological support of the educational process of a preschool educational institution. 2. Carrying out group and individual work with children, taking into account their individual psychological characteristics. 3. Participation in the creation of optimal conditions for the development and life of children at the time of innovative changes in the work of preschool educational institutions. 4. Assistance in the formation of psychological competence of preschool educational institutions and parents in the laws of child development, in matters of education and upbringing. The main activities of the educational psychologist of the preschool educational institution. 1. Psychodiagnostics. Purpose: obtaining information about the level of mental development of children, identifying individual and personal characteristics. This direction includes different types and methods of psychodiagnostics in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children: - Diagnostics of the level of adaptation to the conditions of preschool educational institutions of young children is carried out in September, December and May. This survey is carried out by observing children in regime moments and different types of activities. Based on the results of diagnostics, observation protocols are filled out for each child. - Psychodiagnostic examination of the mental and emotional-volitional development of children of younger and older preschool age is carried out in September, December and May. Diagnostics is carried out by the author's methods of S.D. Zabramnaya and the system of methods "Express Diagnostics" by N.N. Pavlov, L.G. Rudenko.

2 This psychodiagnostics allows you to determine the level of development of mental functions, emotional-volitional and personal development in children of younger and older preschool age. According to the results of the examination, a protocol is filled out for each child, the general results of each group are recorded in a summary table. - Diagnostics of the psychological readiness of children to study at school is carried out in September, December, May in order to determine the level of readiness for mastering the school curriculum of children of the preparatory group. The survey is carried out by the complex methodology of L.Ya. Yasyukova "Ready for School". Diagnostic results are recorded in protocols and a summary table. - In-depth diagnostics of the development of a child, children's, pedagogical, parenting teams is carried out in order to identify and concretize the problems of participants in the educational process. This survey is carried out at the request of parents, educators, the administration of the preschool educational institution and personal observations. Diagnostic methods are projective techniques, conversation, interview, observation, parental survey, questioning. 2. Developing and psychocorrectional work. Purpose: creation of conditions for the disclosure of the potential of the child, correctional work of the mental, emotional-volitional and personal development of children. Correctional and developmental work is built on the basis of individual and group interaction. I. Individual work is presented in the form of individual lessons with a child, conversations and consultations with parents. In developing and corrective work with children, the teacher-psychologist uses the following methods and techniques: conversation as a means of researching actual emotions and feelings; drawing techniques by A. Wenger, observation; active listening; body contact; relaxation exercises; The principles used in working with children and their parents: consistency;

3 clarity; availability; professional competence; respect for the client; observance of professional confidentiality. II. Group work with children is built in the form of developmental activities. The chosen form of work gives positive results. Thanks to group interaction, children become more kind, open and responsive, the percentage of children with fears and anxiety states is significantly reduced, and the relationship between children and their parents improves. In such classes there is: -Development of the emotional sphere. Introducing a child into the world of human emotions. -Development of communication skills necessary for the successful development of the communication process. -Development of the volitional sphere of arbitrariness and mental processes, self-regulation, necessary for successful schooling. -Development of the personal sphere, the formation of adequate self-esteem, increasing self-confidence. - Development of the intellectual sphere, the development of thinking skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking. -Formation of positive motivation for learning. -Development of cognitive and mental processes of perception, memory, attention, imagination. With children attending early age groups, classes are conducted aimed at reducing anxiety and stress. And also during the adaptation period, we observe the children, talk with the parents, and together with the educators, we fill in the adaptation sheets. 3. Counseling. Purpose: to optimize the interaction of participants in the upbringing and educational process and provide them with psychological assistance in building and implementing an individual approach in the upbringing and development of children.

4 Psychological counseling is aimed at providing psychological assistance in solving problems faced by parents, educators and the administration of the preschool educational institution. Consulting assumes an active position of the consultant, joint study of existing difficulties and the search for optimal solutions. The topic of the consultations does not go beyond the professional competence of the preschool educational psychologist: -consultation on issues related to the optimization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions and the family in the interests of the child; - group and individual consultations of teachers and parents; - group forms of work with the staff of the institution for the purpose of personal and professional growth; - systematized psychological education of parents in the form of parent meetings, round tables with the obligatory consideration of the topic of the age of children and the relevance of the topics under consideration for parents; -creation of information corners of a teacher-psychologist. An important component is increasing the psychological competence of teachers, the administration of the preschool educational institution and parents. Counseling is built on the basis of the results of studying the specific features of our preschool educational institution, taking into account the traditions and local conditions, qualifications and characteristics of the teaching staff, the originality of children and parents. 4. Psychoprophylaxis. Purpose: prevention of possible problems in the development and interaction of participants in the educational process. The work of an educational psychologist in the framework of psychoprophylaxis includes many areas. 1). Work on adapting the subjects of the educational process (children, teachers, parents) to the conditions of the new social environment: - analysis of medical records (card "History of child development") of newly arriving children to obtain information about the development and health of the child, identifying children at risk requiring increased attention of a psychologist;

5 - group and individual consultations for parents of new children; - informing teachers about the identified characteristics of the child and family, in order to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational process. 2). Tracking the dynamics of social and emotional development of preschool children. 3). Identification of cases of psychological distress of teachers and development, together with the administration, of ways to eliminate the causes of this condition in a working situation. 4). Prevention of professional burnout in the teaching staff and promotion of a favorable socio-psychological climate in preschool educational institutions. With the introduction of innovations in a preschool educational institution, a teacher-psychologist can act as an assistant to the administration in planning, organizing and overcoming psychological resistance to innovation. 5. Organizational and methodological work. - Participation in pedagogical and methodological councils, planned and operational meetings, parent meetings; - preparation and execution of annual and calendar-thematic planning, cyclogram and work schedule of a teacher-psychologist; - registration of journals of advisory, psychoprophylactic and correctional and developmental work; - development and execution of monitoring of the development of preschool children; - analysis and processing of diagnostic data; - development and design of an individual route for the development of a child; The combination of all areas of work of a teacher-psychologist allows you to identify and develop the individual capabilities and abilities of a child, taking into account his psychophysiological characteristics. Psychologically competent support of natural development ensures the maximum realization of all available

6 he has opportunities and allows him to avoid many difficulties and deviations in the course of his mental and personal development. Psychological and pedagogical support Along with the formation of the humanistic orientation of education, the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children began to develop. It arose within the framework of the problem of providing effective qualified psychological assistance. The escort paradigm has gained particular popularity among models of psychological service in education. The short period of existence in the education system of this model of the psychologist's activity (since 1994) and its widespread use in various educational institutions show the intensity of the study of the specifics of the problem. However, despite a fairly large number of publications on the problem of psychological support, the specifics of the accompanying work in relation to various categories of people accompanied in different types of educational institutions has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the problem of psychological support for the development of a preschooler, we refer to the category of poorly studied. Recent studies on this topic allow us to conclude about the relevance of support for the development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions (hereinafter - preschool educational institutions). Preschool age has a special value for the subsequent development of a person (L.I.Bozhovich, V.V.Davydov, B.C. Mukhina, D.B. Elkonin, etc.). Therefore, the problem of psychological support for preschoolers is relevant and significant. Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the conditions of an educational institution (preschool educational institution, school) is a fairly young direction in education. The first book to help the teacher psychologist was published in 1991: "The workbook of the school psychologist", ed. A.I. Dubrovina. In the works of Bityanova M.R., Ovcharova R.V., Fridman L.M. -

7 PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE LIGHT OF FEDERAL STATE REQUIREMENTS The purpose of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation -Availability of high-quality basic general education -The continuity of education levels -Spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children and the preservation of the situation of development of their health -Creation ?? Psychological and pedagogical support is a holistic, systemically organized activity, in the process of which socio-psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for the successful learning and development of each child in the educational environment. The development of the child's personality, his abilities, interests is a continuous process. In order to predict, guide, lead a child to success, you need to know and understand. Cognition of each preschooler, his personality, needs, creative potential is the main direction of the work of a preschool teacher-psychologist. In accordance with the FGT, psychological and pedagogical support should be carried out by preschool psychologists in cooperation with teachers. The content of psychological and pedagogical support includes: Three promising areas in the functionality of a teacher-psychologist: -Consulting educators on improving the educational process. This is primarily due to the need to provide individual educational routes for children. In particular, the teacher-psychologist, together with the educator, should create conditions for the psychologically comfortable existence of children in various educational areas, determine psychologically grounded "corridors" for the transition of pupils from one educational environment to another, and ensure the necessary level of competence of pupils within the framework of a specific preschool educational system. Taken together, this constitutes the psychological accompaniment of an individual educational route.

8 -Diagnostics of the state of the educational process in kindergarten. The task is to assess the current state of the educational process. - Professional communication. Or psychological education. The need to introduce a new term is associated with the task of overcoming the recently widespread false and far-fetched psychological knowledge. That is, the task is to overcome superficial psychological enlightenment, the consequences of the dissemination of information that has not been confirmed by science. The practice of developing education shows that a long and painstaking work of a teacher-psychologist with a teacher is necessary to analyze the conditions and results of a pupil's development in a real upbringing and educational process. Obviously, it is necessary to raise the psychological training of educators to a higher level. This means that the interaction of the teacher-psychologist with the teacher in organizing the educational process should also rise to a qualitatively higher level. Hence it follows that the ENLIGHTENING one becomes the priority direction of the activity of the pedagogical psychologist. An algorithm for psychological and pedagogical support has been developed based on the analysis of actual requests. It is subdivided into external and internal resources of the direction of modernization of the educational process Internal resource of the preschool educational institution - Organization of individually oriented educational work in groups - Setting educational tasks based on the characteristics of the contingent by types of readiness for school - Target pedagogical work to create a children's collective - Socialization program - Planned and targeted organization of walks - Taking into account the complex thematic principle - Planned work to accompany children in independent and play activities in the afternoon - Play as a means of correcting personal development and communication

9 Attraction of external resources -Inclusion of the family in the educational upbringing pedagogical process -Prevention and education -Development of professional dialogue -Methodical and professional support for preschool educational institutions -Provision of the correction process for pupils with special needs in development, behavior and socialization -System of monitoring studies -Federal state requirements: directions modernization of the educational process, the internal resource of the preschool educational institution - Attraction of external resources - Individual and group developmental work - Diagnostics

The main directions of the activity of the preschool educational institution psychologist The proposed content of the activity of the preschool educational psychologist is concretized in two planes of obligatory activities and additional ones. This distinction

Psychological support of the educational process in MBDOU DSOV 108 "Working with children individual work with children in the process of their adaptation to a preschool educational institution identifying individual

REGULATIONS ON PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICE of the State budgetary preschool educational institution of kindergarten 24 combined type Primorsky district of St. Petersburg 1. General provisions 1.1.

The psychological service of a preschool educational institution is one of the links of a unified system of psychological service in the formation of a system of social assistance to families and children. It is designed to provide timely, qualified

Psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities.

"Approved" Head of "Toguchinsky kindergarten 2" IA Shipovalova From 2016 Prospective-calendar work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year of the Educator-psychologist Zhukova I.V. Purpose: Creation of conditions aimed

Purpose: accompanying the process of psychological development of children by creating certain conditions in the educational sphere of preschool educational institutions. Tasks: 1. To promote the personal and intellectual development of pupils

Activities of a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution Head of the GMO of educational psychologists: Kiryanova E.N. Lines of activity 1. Psychological support of the process of adaptation to the conditions of the kindergarten. 2. Development

Analytical report of the teacher-psychologist of MBDOU kindergarten "Berezka" Sorokina E.I. for 2014 15 academic year The purpose of the work of a teacher-psychologist: creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of psychological health

Long-term work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017 2018 academic year Purpose: to create favorable socio-psychological conditions for the successful upbringing and psychological development of a child, taking

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type 5" of Leninogorsk, municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan Appendix

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 301 Krasnoarmeyskiy district of Volgograd" The work plan of the teacher-psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year APPROVED Head of the kindergarten MOU 301

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Kindergarten 1 "Smile" town Smirnykh Approved by: Head of MBDOU L. D. Lukyanova 2015. WORK PLAN for the 2015-2016 academic year of a teacher-psychologist


Adopted at the meeting of the pedagogical council of the MAOU "Secondary School 30" Minutes 11 of "31" August 2015. I approve. Director of the MAOU "SOSH 30" Yu.M. Shlyakhov "02" September 2015 Correctional work program (adaptation model

MADOU CRR Y tbi to the annual work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year "122 of 15.08.2017. Plan of psychological and pedagogical support of participants in the educational process MADOU CRR d / s -" Fairy Tale "for 2017-2018

Municipal budgetary institution "Ust-Yanskoe District Education Department" Municipal State Educational Institution "Uyandinskaya Basic General Education School" "Approved" Director Kolesova

Approved Head of kindergarten MDOU 44 Dulkova N.N. 06g. The work plan for the 06-07 academic year of the teacher-psychologist of the Municipal preschool educational institution of the kindergarten 44 general development

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center, kindergarten 122" Report on the work of the psychological service MBDOU "CRR - kindergarten 122" for the 2014-2015 academic year Prepared

APPROVED: Head of Kindergarten 246 of JSC "Russian Railways" N.G. Enbaeva 2015 The work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year p / p 2. Objectives To study the adaptation period of children of younger groups and newcomers

"APPROVED": Director of the secondary school 644 Petukhova T.V. Year 20 WORK PLAN for a teacher-psychologist for the 2018-2019 academic year

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Trickle "s. Rytkuchi "Approved at the meeting APPROVED by: Z. V. Mandzhieva, Head of the MDOU DS" Rucheek ", Rytkuchi village

EXPLANATORY NOTE Psychological pedagogical support within the framework of education modernization is designed to optimize the ratio of development strategies, formation and correction in teaching and upbringing

PROSPECTIVE PLAN of the work of the teacher psychologist MBDOU 40 kindergarten "Golden Key" for the 2016 2017 academic year The main goal of the work: Creating conditions conducive to the protection of physical and mental health

"APPROVED": Director of the secondary school 644 Petukhova T.V. Year 20 WORK PLAN for a teacher-psychologist for the 2019-2020 academic year

EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of psychological pedagogical support of a child in the educational process is to ensure his normal development (in accordance with the norm of

Introduction: Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution kindergarten "Zvezdochka" p. Kalinka of the Khabarovsk Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory conducts its educational activities

The work program of the teacher-psychologist at MADOU "Kindergarten 34" was developed in accordance with the regulations governing educational activities in the Russian Federation. Legal support of activities

AGREED APPROVED Head of MBDOU 310 2016 Work plan of the educational psychologist MBDOU 310 for 2016-2017. Tasks of the teacher-psychologist: 1. Preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children; 2. Creation

ANNUAL OBJECTIVES OF THE PRESENTER 1. Improvement of work on teaching preschoolers the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, taking into account the effective use of regional teaching materials, innovative methods and programs. 2. Implementation in

APPROVED Director of School 7 A.V. Kobets May 27, 2017 The work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year of the teacher - Olga Vladimirovna Ponomareva The introduction of the FSES of primary general education makes new demands

The work plan of the teacher - psychologist MBOU in Irkutsk, secondary school 50 Khadaeva N.М. for the 2014-2015 academic year 2014/2015 academic year Purpose: Psychological and pedagogical support of students in the learning process: creating

Areas of work Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely all-round development of each child; Creation in groups of an atmosphere of humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils,

GBOU SOSH 256 of the Admiralteisky District, St. Petersburg APPROVED by the order of the director of GBOU SOSH 256, St. Petersburg dated 08/31/2016 Work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year Developer

The main goal of the work: Creation of conditions conducive to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, the free and effective development of the abilities of everyone

Agreed with MBOU Center PMSS Approved by: Head of the MADOU d \ garden of the combined type 26 "Rechenka" L.A. Volkova ANNUAL WORK PLAN OF THE PEDAGOGUE_PSYCHOLOGIST FOR THE 2018-2019 ACADEMIC YEAR Purpose of the institution: Life protection

Analysis of the activities of the teacher-psychologist N.O. Politova for 2013 2014 The work of a teacher-psychologist is carried out within the framework of a social psychological service. According to the service plan, the purpose of the school psychologist's work

GBOU SOSH 256 of the Admiralteisky District, St. Petersburg Approved by the Director of the school Adopted by the pedagogical council Pr. 1 of 08/30/2018 Work plan of the teacher-psychologist for the 2018-2019 academic year Program developer: Borovskikh

STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 6 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg ANALYTICAL REPORT on the work of a teacher-psychologist A. Kostina for 2017-2018

WORK PLAN of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017/2018 academic year Compiled by: Demina O.E. teacher-psychologist MBDOU d / s 210, Nizhny Novgorod ANNUAL WORK PLAN OF THE TEACHER-PSYCHOLOGIST Purpose of the teacher-psychologist: -

Model of psychological and pedagogical support of participants in the educational process of the MAOU "Secondary School 36" in Vladimir 1. General provisions 1.1. The priority area of ​​the federal educational standard of the second

A model of psychological and pedagogical support in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education An important place in the educational process is occupied by the mental health of pupils, the individualization of educational routes,

The annual work plan for the 2018-2019 academic year of the pedagogical psychologist of MBDOU "Kindergarten 33". Klyueva Olga Sergeevna The main tasks of the kindergarten: Strengthening health, preparing children for school, comprehensive

Educator-psychologist Shavedro ES The purpose of psychological support is to create social and psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning. Tasks: - systematically

Approved by the Head of MKDOU d / s 4 "Kolokolchik" G.V. Parunyan September 01, 2017 PROSPECTIVE WORK PLAN of the teacher-psychologist E.A. Napalkova Municipal government preschool educational institution

The priority goal of the modernization of education is to ensure the high quality of Russian education, which is not limited only to the level of training of students, a set of knowledge and skills, but is associated with

1 Goal: Increasing the efficiency of the educational institution by harmonizing the mental development of students, ensuring successful socialization, maintaining and strengthening health, protecting

"APPROVED" by the acting head of the MDOU Kindergarten 72 O. N. Larichkina Order 10 dated 05.28.2015 REGULATIONS on the psychological service of the municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten 72 Adopted:

AGREED APPROVED Head of MBDOU 310 2017 The work plan of the educational psychologist MBDOU 310 for 2017-2018. Objectives of the work: 1. Preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children; 2. Creation of favorable

ANNOTATION to the work programs of the teachers of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 137 of the compensating type" of the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic.

Purpose of work: creation of favorable psychological conditions for the development of all students, the work of school teachers; providing psychological support to parents and teachers in the upbringing and education of children

3.2.2. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education The requirements of the Standard for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of basic educational

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW YUZHNOE DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Pedagogical College

Annotation to the work program of the early age group The work program for the development of children in the early age group was developed in accordance with the content of the educational process of the first junior group

Approved by: Head of the MDOU d / s 1 "Solnyshko" Balagurova N.N. Prospective work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year of the teacher psychologist MDOU 1 "Sun" Elena V. Putilina 2015. Objectives: 1.Creating conditions

Analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year Teacher-psychologist T.V. Velichko. Analysis of the work of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year. Psychological support is a system of professional

107 Program of correctional work The program of correctional work is aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical or mental development of children with disabilities and providing

Provision of pedagogical assistance in preschool educational institution Information on the provision of pedagogical assistance to pupils and the provision of pedagogical, medical and social assistance in the MADOU combined kindergarten

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 27 of the general developmental type of the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg Analytical report on the work carried out by the teacher-psychologist

Field of activity Activity Methodology, program used Target audience Brief summary Psychoprophylaxis and psychoeducation Classes on adaptation with newly arrived children “Classes of a psychologist

Analytical report on the work of the teacher-psychologist MADOU kindergarten 3 Medvedeva O.A. for the 2017-2018 academic year In accordance with the main tasks and work plan of the preschool educational institution for 2017-2018. and given the results

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Rucheek "v. Rytkuchi" Approved by Head of MBDOU DS "Rucheek" Z.V. Mandzhieva Analytical report of the educational psychologist Dubina I.V.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 167" Work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2018-2019 academic year Educator-psychologist: E.S. Kazakova The purpose of the work of a teacher-psychologist: assistance

Annotation to the work program for the development of children of the second group of early age The work program was developed by educators in accordance with the content of the main educational program of preschool educational

The annual work plan of a psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year. The main tasks of the kindergarten: for the 2016-2017 academic year: 1. To ensure the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of preschoolers


"APPROVED" Director of Peter the Great N.A. Susov 20 g. REGULATIONS on the social and psychological service of Peter the Great I 1.1. This provision defines

U T V E R Z D A Y Head of the MBDOU "Kindergarten 15" Kovalchuk L. A. WORK PLAN OF THE TEACHER PSYCHOLOGIST MBDOU "Kindergarten 15" IZOTOVA RAISA VIKTOROVNA for the 2015 2016 academic year Compiled on the basis of the Educational

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten" Rodnichok "s. Bykov Psychological and pedagogical support of a child. Completed by: Teacher-psychologist T.A. Tkanova Psychologization of educational

Work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year Objectives: 1. To strengthen the psychological health of children, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. 2. Create favorable conditions for

ANNUAL WORK PLAN of a teacher-psychologist N.M. Evlashkina for 0-0 academic year Purpose: creating conditions for the harmonious development of children in the process of schooling, psychological and pedagogical support of the child


Reshetnikova L.A.

G. Balashov,

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of the combined type" Zernyshko "

Psychological support of the educational process is a prerequisite for the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 655 dated 23.11.2009), which states that the tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved integrated in the development of all educational areas ("Physical culture", "Health", "Security", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Music "), Along with tasks that reflect the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.

FGT determine not only the structure of one of the main documents of preschool educational institutions, but also those principles by which teachers need to build educational work with preschoolers (principles of developmental education, complex thematic, integration, etc.). To implement these principles, a rethinking of their activities is required by all specialists of the preschool education system, including the preschool psychologist, since he plays a large role in solving the problems of development, education and upbringing of children.

At the present stage of development of the preschool education system, the relevance of the activity of a teacher-psychologist is increasing, since the achievement of educational goals without psychological support of the program seems to be very problematic.

The activity of a psychologist in the educational process in the context of the introduction of FGT is aimed at ensuring control over the development of children; assessment of the comfort of the educational environment, the level of its safety for children; participation in the development of the educational program of an educational institution; psychological design, examination and monitoring of the conditions and results of educational activities; forecasting social risks of the educational process, carrying out preventive work; providing high-quality psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to all participants in the educational process.

Types of work and content of activities for psychological support of preschool educational institutions: prevention, diagnosis, individual and group (screening), counseling (individual and group), developmental work (individual and group), drawing up an individual educational route, correctional work (individual and group), psychological education and education of children and adults

However, an analysis of the activities of practical psychologists shows that most of the time is spent on diagnostic and correctional development work. Education of parents and teachers is carried out mainly during consultations on general issues of development of preschool children and the specifics of interaction with a particular child. Psychoprophylactic work is often limited to solving the problems of adaptation and preparedness of children for schooling. These are undoubtedly serious problems. But outside the attention of the psychologist, other, no less important tasks of preventive work remain - assistance in creating favorable conditions for the full development of the child at every age stage and the timely prevention of violations in the formation of personality and intellect. Their solution is very difficult in isolation from the educational program that is implemented in kindergarten, without psychological justification of its content, provisions and principles underlying it, without psychological support of the educational process itself.

Analysis of scientific literature has shown that psychological and pedagogical support has a wide variety of types and forms that differ in focus, subject and object: parenting support; accompanying a child (gifted, hyperactive, with learning difficulties, in a critical situation, etc.); accompanying the teacher in the process of teaching and educational activities; support of parent-child relationships, etc. In addition, the problem of support in education is considered both as a strategy for personality development and as a tactic for realizing its individual potential.

Psychological support is a system of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, which covers all subjects of the educational process in a preschool institution, to create social and psychological conditions for a full-fledged life of preschool childhood, the successful learning and development of children.

The activity of a psychologist in the framework of support involves: systematic tracking of the psychological and pedagogical status of the child and the dynamics of his mental development in the learning process, the creation of socio-psychological conditions for the development of the personality of children of their successful learning and development, the creation of special socio-psychological conditions to help children with problems in psychological development, learning.

Thus, psychological and pedagogical support today is not just a sum of various methods of correctional and developmental work with children, but acts as an integrated technology, a special culture of support and assistance to a child in solving problems of development, learning, and socialization.




Psychological and pedagogical study of individual personality traits in order to identify the causes of problems in development and learning, determine the strengths of the personality, its reserve capabilities, which can be relied on in the course of correctional work, diagnostics of changes in the psychophysical, sensory and personal-social development of the child during implementation a holistic pedagogical and correctional and developmental process in a preschool educational institution.

  • Psychological diagnostics

Purposeful systematic joint work of a psychologist, teacher and educators to prevent possible socio-psychological and psychological problems, to create a favorable emotional and psychological climate, to identify children at risk.

  • Psychological prevention

Systematic purposeful work of a psychologist with children classified as risk groups for one reason or another, and aimed at specific assistance to these children. Developmental work is organized through the development and implementation of developmental programs in the following areas: intellectual and communicative-personal.

  • Psychological correction and development

Providing specific assistance to the adults and children who have applied in their awareness of the nature of their difficulties, in the analysis and solution of psychological problems associated with their own characteristics, the prevailing circumstances in life, relationships in the family, in the circle of friends; assistance in the formation of new attitudes and making their own decisions. Raising the psychological culture of educators, teachers, parents, forming a request for psychological services and providing information on psychological problems.

  • Psychological counseling and education


  • Activities

teacher-psychologist in the framework of interaction with families of pupils

  • Model of psychological support for a child

The main functions of a psychologist in a preschool institution are associated with the protection of the physical and mental health of children, with the creation of conditions that contribute to their emotional well-being and ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child. The implementation of these functions requires the performance of a number of related types of work, both directly with children and with their parents and kindergarten staff.

  • Functions of a preschool educational psychologist

Personal data about the child and basic information about the family Data about the child's health. Features of raising a child, starting from birth. Characteristics of development from birth. Moments in the development of the child that parents consider essential.

  • Acquaintance with the history of the child's development

Psychological diagnostics

  • Psychological diagnostics

Diagnostics of the level of conditional adaptability

child to a preschool educational institution Program of psychodiagnostics of maladjustment

child to preschool educational institution L.V. Makshantseva

Routine diagnostics to identify

features of the child's mental development and their

compliance with the age norm and social

requirements, as well as identifying problems in

child development