Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Characteristic sensations and contractions. Enlargement of the uterus

24 weeks of pregnancy (according to the obstetric calendar, this is the end of the sixth month) is an important stage in bearing a child. The fetus is not yet fully formed, but if premature birth occurs, the chance of saving the baby's life at this gestational age is very high.

Despite the fact that the stomach at week 24 is already quite large, many women remember this period as the most carefree. This stage of gestation is optimal for the future woman in labor to calmly prepare everything necessary for meeting with the long-awaited child, because by this time his gender is already becoming known.

Baby development at 24 weeks pregnant

At the 24th week of pregnancy, the active formation of the internal systems and organs of the fetus continues. During this period, he often moves, which brings a lot of happy moments to a woman, inspires calmness and confidence that everything is in order with the baby.

Every couple who is expecting the birth of a desired child is interested in what happens to him at the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, how he looks, how much he weighs and how tall he is at this stage of gestation.

Child size and weight

A feature of the 24th week of gestation is that during this period the embryo begins to independently produce growth hormone. At this time, the average weight of the child is 600 g, height - 30 cm. In order for future parents to be able to imagine the size of the baby at the 24th obstetric week of pregnancy, the parameters of children at this age are compared with the average ear of corn.

What happens to the baby in the womb?

After 23 weeks of gestation, the baby's body in the womb undergoes the following changes:

  1. Thanks to the active development of internal organs and systems, the baby's face acquires a pretty and symmetrical shape. His appearance becomes more and more similar to that of newly born children. Wrinkles on the face and body are softened.
  2. Red skin tone gradually turns pink.
  3. The accumulated subcutaneous brown fat, which is responsible for keeping warm, protects the fetus from hypothermia in conditions of the thermoregulation system that has not yet been fully formed.
  4. At the 24th week of gestation, the fetus ends with an active increase in the brain (by this time, the final number of nerve cells has already been formed in it). The first furrows and convolutions appear on the surface.
  5. By the end of the 6th month of pregnancy, sebaceous and sweat glands are formed.
  6. By the beginning of the 25th week of gestation, the formation of the genital organs has already been fully completed (in girls - the uterus, vagina and fallopian tubes, in boys - the penis and scrotum.) In the ultrasound photo, which is prescribed at this time only if there are medical indications, it is already possible to accurately determine gender of the unborn child.
  7. By the end of the second trimester from the moment of conception, the baby already has a well-developed vestibular apparatus. Thanks to this, he picks up sounds and is even able to distinguish the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. The reaction of the fetus to music, the tone and sound of the voice is expressed in the form of movements.
  8. At the 24th week of pregnancy, the respiratory system is formed so that in case of premature birth and with the implementation of the necessary resuscitation measures, the child can breathe on his own.
  9. At this time, the accumulation of meconium continues and the production of enzymes by the liver and pancreas responsible for the digestion of breast milk continues.

The beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy is marked by the fact that during this period a tactile contact is established between the mother and the baby, who already feels the touch of the mother's hands on the parts of his body protruding through the stomach. The facial expressions of the baby are so developed that in the video that many future parents shoot during the ultrasound, you can clearly see how he squints, opens his mouth, smiles and yawns.

How is the fetus located?

Due to the fact that the outcome of pregnancy largely depends on how the child is located in the womb of the future woman in labor, this moment worries almost every pregnant woman. At the twenty-fourth week of gestation, the crumbs already have their own ideas about comfort, so he independently changes the position of the body and is located in the uterine cavity as it suits him. In most cases, at 24 weeks, the fetal head looks down - this is the correct intrauterine position.

Crossed arms and legs are tightly pressed to the body, and the chin to the chest. If at this stage of development the baby takes the wrong position, later he can still roll over, because only twenty-four weeks have passed since conception and his weight is not yet so great that he is not able to move in the womb.

The condition of the expectant mother and changes in her body

At the 24th week from the moment of conception, not only children's organs and systems are subject to changes. During this period, the body of a woman also changes. How much does the uterus weigh on average at this stage of pregnancy? What kind of pain can a future woman in labor experience? How often does the fetus move if it is the 24th week of gestation? What is the psycho-emotional background of pregnant women in this period?

Enlargement of the uterus

The less time left before childbirth, the greater the transformation undergoes the uterus of the expectant mother. By the beginning of the 24th week of gestation, the weight of the baby is actively increasing, which entails an increase in the size of the uterus. As a result of this, its position is shifted 4-5 cm above the navel or 24 cm from the womb to the uterine fundus.

Along with this, the uterus undergoes other changes:

  • the walls are stretched;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • training contractions periodically occur - painless contractions of the uterus, designed to prepare it for childbirth;
  • the gradual formation of a mucous plug begins;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid increases to 400 ml.

Pain and discharge

After 23 weeks of gestation, the future woman in labor experiences mostly pleasant moments. The inevitable weight gain and hormonal changes in the body may be accompanied by:

  1. Leg pain and muscle cramps. The cause of these symptoms in most cases is a lack of calcium and magnesium. Taking vitamin complexes containing these components, warm foot baths, massage and stretching will help to cope with this problem. Compression of the inferior vena cava as a result of an increase in the size of the uterus can also lead to the development of pain syndrome. In this case, it is useful to lie with your legs up as often as possible.
  2. Pain in the abdomen, arising from prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position, which leads to stretching of the ligaments of the uterus. To alleviate the condition, it is enough to lie on your left side, tucking your legs as close to your stomach as possible.
  3. Problems with digestion and violation of the process of emptying the intestines.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Slight discomfort in the lumbar region.
  6. Excessive sweating.

Normal discharge at this stage of gestation should be light, clear or whitish. If bloody inclusions are visible, an unpleasant pungent odor and a specific shade (green, brown, rich yellow) appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

fetal movement

As a result of weight gain, the future woman in labor already clearly feels the movements of the baby in her stomach. During this period of gestation, the motor activity of the fetus is characterized by dynamism. Despite the fact that its size is no longer quite small, it actively turns over in the womb and constantly changes positions. Movements of the arms and legs, pushing away from the walls of the uterus, as well as touching the umbilical cord often cause pain to a woman.

Most of the day (about 20 hours) the baby sleeps. On average, a baby in the womb makes about 15 movements every hour. The expectant mother should not be disturbed if he calmed down for a few hours. If the movements have stopped for more than 12 hours, this is a reason for an urgent appeal to the attending physician.

The optimal weight of a pregnant woman at 24 weeks

The weight gain of a future woman in labor at each stage of gestation depends on the type of her figure (we recommend reading:). In women with an asthenic physique, as a rule, this figure is small.

The optimal weekly weight gain during pregnancy is 300-500 g. Normally, in a pregnant woman with a normal complexion, weight gain by the end of the second trimester should be 8 kg.

Women with a large and massive physique during the bearing of the baby must carefully monitor the weight gain. For this, it is recommended to weigh yourself daily. Experts note that during gestation it is better to gain little than too much. Large weight gain can not only worsen the condition of the expectant mother, but also significantly complicate the birth process.

The psycho-emotional state of a woman

By this stage of pregnancy, most of the experiences are already behind, and the woman can completely surrender to new sensations. The sixth month of pregnancy is the best time to enjoy motherhood. With every movement of the child, the heart of the expectant mother is filled with joy and anticipation of meeting with the desired baby.

The attitude of husbands during this period in most cases changes and becomes more reverent. Future dads, in an attempt to hear and feel the movements of their son or daughter, like to put their hand or ear to their wife's tummy. These incomparable feelings are a sign of the unity of two adults, the result of whose love will soon be born.

Along with positive emotions, many future women in labor at this stage of gestation experience frequent mood swings against the background of hormonal changes. A woman during this period can also be visited by anxiety and doubts about whether she can cope with a new role, whether she will become a good mother. Experts recommend that pregnant women fight despondency and avoid negative emotions - the suffering of the expectant mother can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Diet and daily routine of a pregnant woman

Doctors during this period of gestation give pregnant women the following recommendations regarding nutrition and daily routine:

  • adhere to fractional nutrition;
  • organize the diet in such a way that 30% of the menu consists of vegetables and fruits, 70% of cereals, dairy, meat and fish products;
  • give preference to seasonal vegetables and fruits;
  • do not drink tea immediately after eating, otherwise the substances contained in it will impair the absorption of iron;
  • exclude fatty, pickled and spicy foods from the diet;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • drink at least one and a half liters of water daily;
  • refuse shoes with high heels;
  • before going to bed, take a contrast shower - this procedure has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and allows you to cope with swelling;
  • instead of long walks, overloading the legs, rest on a bench in the park;
  • daily yoga, swimming or gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • several times a day to actively strain and relax the muscles of the vagina.

Intimate life of parents

Sex during this period can bring many new sensations into the intimate life of spouses, because the future woman in labor, due to the changes taking place in her body, is able to experience vivid multiple orgasms. However, you should take safety precautions, namely avoid:

  • uncomfortable postures;
  • deep penetration;
  • too active movements;
  • pressure on the abdomen.

What tests and examinations are performed at the 24th week of pregnancy?

Ultrasound at the 24th week of pregnancy is performed only if there are medical indications. According to the plan, this study is carried out 2 weeks earlier. An unscheduled ultrasound is prescribed for late registration of a future woman in labor or suspicion of a violation of the development of the fetus. Mandatory types of research at this time are a general blood and urine test. In addition, blood sugar levels are tested to rule out diabetes.

Possible complications during this period

At this stage of gestation, there is a risk of the following complications:

  • kidney infection;
  • oxygen starvation and fetal fading;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • premature birth;
  • placental abruption and subsequent death of the child;
  • diabetes;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • varicose veins;
  • metabolic syndrome.

From the moment of pregnancy, the sixth month is coming to an end - the 24th week becomes its last week. The second trimester continues, which many women call one of the most calm and pleasant moments of pregnancy. Before giving birth, there is still a decent amount of time that can already be devoted to preparing for a meeting with a baby growing in the womb.

fetus at 24 weeks pregnant

And the baby by this time had already grown and practically took shape: the fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy looks almost the same as the mother will see him after birth. True, the baby's body is still quite thin: the baby's fat reserves are still only accumulating. But already now, the weight of the fetus reaches about 600 g, and its height is approximately 30 cm. At the same time, at week 24, the baby's body begins to independently produce growth hormone - from that moment on, the fetus will actively grow and gain weight.

Almost all organs and systems at the 24th week of pregnancy in a baby are formed, now they are improving more and more. The respiratory system is completing its formation: the bronchial tree is fully formed, the lungs are covered with a special surfactant substance, which in the future will prevent the capillary sacs from drying out and closing when inhaled.

The fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy can "boast" of the well-functioning work of the sweat and sebaceous glands. And also - grooves and convolutions taking shape on the brain.

Along with the improvement of the brain, the child's senses, his reflexes are also improved. The baby can already hear, squint at a bright light, distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid, experience emotions that are transmitted to him from his mother. Despite the fact that the fetus at week 24 is already quite large and there is less and less space left for it in the mother’s tummy, he is still interested in the world around him: he pushes his arms and legs into the walls of the uterus, somersaults in the amniotic fluid, grabs the umbilical cord and feels it with his hands.

Interestingly, at this stage, the baby has already developed a sleep and wakefulness regimen, moreover, some scientists argue that the fetus even dreams at 24 weeks of gestation! Of course, most of the time the baby is in a state of sleep, which, like in adults, is divided into two phases - fast and slow.

And, when not sleeping, the baby listens more and more sensitively to the world around him and reacts to the emotions experienced by the mother. So, in response to a loud sound, the baby shudders. She also reacts to mother's fright - she begins to move restlessly, and mother feels these movements sufficiently.


So, as the baby grows, his movements become more and more distinct, and not only because the baby reacts to the sounds and light around him, but also due to the decrease in the place for him in the uterus. For the time being, he has the ability to roll over and somersault, which he actively uses, letting his mother know about himself.

Feelings at the 24th week of pregnancy are more and more pleasant - the woman fully feels that she has already become a mother, she is full of joy and impatience of meeting her baby. However, just now weight gain may already be affecting: in addition to the pleasant sensations experienced, there may be problems with the bladder, digestion and bowel movements, headaches, heaviness and fatigue in the legs.


The predominant number of sensations that the expectant mother experiences at this stage (and, in fact, throughout the entire pregnancy) are associated with the growth of the baby, and, accordingly, the increase in the uterus. So, the uterus undergoes subsequent changes, increasing in size more and more: the bottom of the uterus is now determined at the level of the navel. The cervical canal is filled in parallel with a thick mucous plug, which will come off immediately before childbirth.

The uterus at 24 weeks of pregnancy can already contract irregularly and almost painlessly. These are the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions, or false contractions, through which the uterus “trains” to contract and relax, which will be needed during childbirth. False contractions, if they occur, then periodically, from time to time and are not accompanied by any severe pain. If the uterus begins to contract regularly at 24 weeks of gestation, and contractions are accompanied by pain and, moreover, copious watery discharge, it is urgent to call an ambulance: such symptoms indicate the onset of preterm labor.


In parallel with the growth of the uterus, the belly of the pregnant woman also increases. The abdomen at the 24th week of pregnancy has already noticeably rounded and risen, the pregnancy is becoming more and more noticeable. As the abdomen increases, the skin on it stretches, the vessels on the abdomen are translucent. Due to the tension of the skin, the stomach usually begins to itch, arcuate stripes appear on the skin - stretch marks, or, according to the scientific "stretch marks". After the birth of a baby, it is very, very difficult to deal with stretch marks, it is much easier to prevent their formation. To do this, today there are many different remedies for stretch marks for pregnant women, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or a specialty store. It is advisable to use creams or gels regularly - 1-2 times a day, after a shower, rubbing them into the skin of not only the abdomen, but also the chest and thighs with massage movements.

Pain at 24 weeks pregnant

By the end of the sixth month, major changes had already occurred in the woman's body, associated with the gradual growth of the baby. The body is maximally adapted to bearing a baby, and gives all its strength to the preservation of a growing little life. Against this background, a woman often experiences some discomfort - certain pains at the 24th week of pregnancy.

The most "popular" moms call pain at the 24th week of pregnancy in the lower back and back. This is the result of an enlarged belly, a shift in the center of gravity, and a softening of the supporting ligaments. It is possible and necessary to avoid pain in the lower back and back - even before pregnancy by strengthening the muscles of the back, and even during the bearing of the baby, resorting to gymnastics for pregnant women. Pain at the 24th week of pregnancy, located in the lumbar region and in the back, ambiguously indicates: heels must be abandoned as soon as possible.

Comfortable shoes with low soles will also help reduce the likelihood of frequent sensations of heavy and tired feet. The load on the legs as the pregnancy progresses is constantly increasing, and there are frequent cases of leg cramps, which are also accompanied by painful sensations. And therefore, it is necessary, in addition to giving up heels, to regularly give your legs a rest - to take a lying position, stretching your legs forward and putting your legs on a hill (you can put a pillow or roller under your feet).

Pain at the 24th week of pregnancy in the abdomen is normally absent. Although from time to time a sharp stabbing pain in the side occurs and can - as a result of uterine distension. However, this phenomenon passes quickly and is not a cause for alarm. But the pain in the abdomen, characteristic of contractions, the pain is long and aching, requires the immediate intervention of a doctor: such pain, usually accompanied by characteristic discharge, indicates a high risk of preterm labor.


The discharge at the 24th week of pregnancy, accompanying the onset of preterm labor, has a liquid, watery consistency and a slightly yellowish tint. The appearance of such secretions against the background of regular uterine contractions requires an emergency call for an ambulance and placement of the pregnant woman in a hospital, because in most cases, in such a situation, it is no longer possible to extend the pregnancy.

By the way, amniotic fluid can also leak in small portions: in this case, a woman regularly notes watery and liquid discharge from the vagina at the 24th week of pregnancy even without uterine contractions. This happens if a woman has isthmic-church insufficiency or the fetal membranes have been damaged by infection. In any case, if there is even a slight leakage of amniotic fluid, specialist advice becomes a necessity.

Without fail and without delay, you should consult a doctor if bleeding occurs, which indicate the likelihood of placenta previa or indicate its detachment.

Normally, the discharge at the 24th week of pregnancy has the same characteristics as the previous weeks: the discharge remains moderate, light, has a uniform consistency and a slightly sour smell. The appearance of mucous, purulent, cheesy secretions, a change in their color towards a gray, yellow or green hue indicates the development of an infection in the mother. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, after which you will have to resort to the optimal treatment regimen.


If neither infection nor any other contraindications to sex are diagnosed at the 24th week of pregnancy, physical intimacy at this stage is only welcome. Sex at the 24th week of pregnancy cannot harm a baby in any way, but parents can bring a lot of pleasant minutes. And especially - to mommy, whose orgasmic sensations are now much more pronounced due to increased blood flow to the genitals.

That's just practicing sex at the 24th week of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that mom's stomach has already grown significantly and pressure on it must be excluded. Therefore, you should choose the most comfortable positions for sex, which can even further diversify and complement the sex life of future parents.

Weight at 24 weeks pregnant

Weight is considered optimal at week 24 with an increase of up to 8 kg. Women of a thin physique can gain less than the specified norm. For those of the mothers who had a predisposition to fullness before pregnancy, weight should be monitored with greater observation. So, the optimal weight gain is plus 300-500 g every week, and it is advisable to weigh yourself to track weight daily. After all, gaining more than shown, kilograms during pregnancy can significantly worsen the condition of the mother and even provoke unwanted complications during childbirth.


And to monitor the weight, among other things, a specially designed diet at the 24th week of pregnancy will help. Ideally, the diet should be observed from the moment a woman finds out about the upcoming replenishment, and up to the birth itself. Nutrition at 24 weeks of gestation involves eating healthy and as natural foods as possible; dishes prepared by boiling, baking, in the process of stewing. Fried, smoked, as well as half-raw (for example, soft-boiled eggs, half-fried steak), it is desirable to exclude from the diet.

A relative ban during pregnancy is on sugar, confectionery, white flour products. As a source of fast carbohydrates, they cause a sharp jump in glucose in the body of pregnancy and can lead to the development of diabetes in pregnant women. Also, certain restrictions apply to salt - by retaining water in the body, salt causes the development of edema, which significantly worsens the condition of the mother and the course of pregnancy in general.

Given the high risk of developing anemia, nutrition at 24 weeks of gestation should be “built” in such a way as to satisfy the woman’s increased need for iron. Buckwheat, beef and beef liver, cod liver, pomegranates, persimmons are rich in iron. By the way, there are foods that help the absorption of iron. These include products containing ascorbic acid: currants, cherries, seaweed, sweet peppers.

Vegetables and fruits in general should make up, if not most of the diet of a pregnant woman, then at least half. After all, just these products contain large amounts of fiber, which improves digestion, promotes better intestinal motility, which reduces the likelihood of constipation.

Tests at 24 weeks pregnant

Tests at the 24th week of pregnancy are usually given unless indicated. These may be a deterioration in the well-being of a woman, the possibility of developing any diseases, diabetes in pregnant women.

To determine the likelihood of developing many diseases, tests at the 24th week of pregnancy of urine and blood will help. So, urine will be examined to determine the level of leukocytes and erythrocytes in the body of a pregnant woman, the presence of protein in it and some other indicators.

The risk of developing diabetes will help establish a blood sugar test. Although mild gestational diabetes is diagnosed in only a small number of pregnant women, given that the condition leads to the development of many complications, blood sugar control during pregnancy becomes a necessity.


But ultrasound at the 24th week of pregnancy is usually not prescribed: the second planned ultrasound examination was carried out at a period of 22 weeks. The need for ultrasound at the 24th week of pregnancy may arise due to the late registration of a woman. Or, worse, if you suspect the formation of malformations or chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. In this case, an ultrasound scan at the 24th week of pregnancy can be performed unscheduled, for the purpose of control and additional examination. In this case, during an ultrasound examination, it will once again evaluate the parameters of fetal development, and compare the data obtained with the norms recorded in the table of relative indicators corresponding to a given gestational age.

24 weeks of pregnancy (6 months) is the end of the second trimester of gestation. During this period, the fetus becomes viable outside the womb in case of premature birth. Alveoli and surfactant are finally formed in the lungs, which allows the child to breathe on his own. A woman can no longer lead her usual way of life, in order to maintain good health, it is necessary to observe the daily routine. Changes in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to increased fatigue, drowsiness and other clinical symptoms, which is associated with fetal growth and an increase in the uterus. At the end of the 2nd trimester, the maternal instinct is born and strengthened.

What is happening with the baby?

At 24 weeks of gestation, the fetus gains more weight than height. This is due to the formation of subcutaneous fat and internal fat. The height of the child reaches 27-31 cm, weight corresponds to 450-500 grams. The appearance of the fetus becomes similar to a newborn. The skin changes color from red to pink, wrinkles on the face and body straighten out. Subcutaneous brown fat retains heat well and prevents hypothermia of the fetus in conditions of imperfect work of the thermoregulation center.

The baby swallows amniotic fluid and receives nutrients from them. Meconium continues to accumulate in the intestines - the original feces that are excreted after birth. The liver and pancreas produce enzymes that can digest breast milk. Improves the endocrine system. The reproductive organs of the fetus are finally formed.

In the central nervous system, new neural connections continue to form. The movements of the baby become more active, the senses are ready for functioning outside the womb. The child has a well-developed hearing to distinguish sounds, the intonation of the mother's voice, the emotional coloring of speech. By moving the baby, you can determine which sounds he likes and which cause a negative reaction.

The child sleeps 16-20 hours a day, the rest of the time is in motion. During this period, there is not much room in the uterine cavity for somersaults and coups, and the mobility of the fetus increases every day. This is reflected in the feelings of the pregnant woman - the baby's blows become more sensitive and even painful. The child plays with his arms and legs, pulls the umbilical cord, sucks his thumb. At week 24, the fetus usually takes a cephalic presentation - the optimal position for physiological childbirth.

At the end, an emotional contact is formed between the fetus and the expectant mother. Stressful situations, negative emotions, depression affect the mental development of the baby. Doctors say that a woman's nervous shocks can cause neuroses after birth and mental disorders. During this period, the temperament of the child and the individual characteristics of his character develop.

All organs and systems of the baby are so formed that premature birth gives good chances for the survival of the fetus outside the womb. First of all, this is due to the development of alveoli and surfactant sufficient for external respiration. At birth, the baby is able to take the first breath to straighten the lungs.

What's going on with mom

At the 24th week of pregnancy, there are no cardinal changes in the woman's body.

A pregnant woman during this period may gain extra pounds, which is associated with increased appetite. The increased work of the digestive center in the woman's brain is aimed at the process of formation of adipose tissue in the body of the fetus and contributes to the weight gain of the child. The normal increase in body weight of a pregnant woman should not exceed 8 kg.

The routine of the expectant mother's day is now different from the daily activity at an earlier date. Characterized by fatigue during physical exertion, and legs, change in gait, clumsiness and sluggishness. This can cause negative emotions, irritability, tearfulness, which is also associated with the state of the hormonal background. For a period of 24 weeks, a woman can work, but for good health she needs facilitated working conditions.

The belly of the expectant mother is increasing in size every day. Now loose clothing can no longer hide the state of pregnancy. The bottom of the uterus is 4 cm above the navel. The uterus not only increases upwards, but also to the sides. The large size of the organ leads to compression of the stomach, bladder and intestinal loops, pushing the dome of the diaphragm. This causes heartburn (reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus), increased urge to urinate, constipation, mild shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing during exercise.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood due to plasma leads to a relative decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin. At week 24, physiological anemia can be diagnosed, which does not cause harm to the health of the woman and the fetus. Malnutrition and chronic diseases exacerbate the progression of the disease, which requires treatment. Otherwise, morbid anemia contributes to fetal tissue and impairs fetal development.

Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman cause swelling of the mammary glands, the precursor of breast milk, colostrum, can be released from the nipples. More blood rushes to the genitals of a woman, which helps to increase libido. During this period, pregnant women may notice redness of the skin of the fingers due to changes in hormonal levels. This is considered a variant of the norm.

The pelvic bones gradually move apart under the influence of the constantly growing uterus and fetus. In the area of ​​the symphysis, there are bursting sensations. Under the influence of the weight of the child, lordosis in the lumbar spine increases, which causes heaviness and. An increase in intra-abdominal pressure contributes to the development of hemorrhoids and varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Symptoms and sensations at 24 weeks pregnant

At the end of the 2nd trimester, a woman feels changes in her condition associated with growth and. The physical capabilities of the expectant mother are gradually decreasing - it becomes more difficult to walk, roll over in bed, sit down. Characterized by swelling and heaviness in the legs. A pregnant woman at week 24 can still work, but needs easier working conditions. A woman feels the movements of the child, can communicate with the baby and receive a response. This develops maternal instinct and affection for your child.

Symptoms and sensations of 24 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Abdominal enlargement - volume 75-80 cm.
  2. Normal weight gain up to 8 kg.
  3. Increased appetite, tendency to overeat.
  4. Active movements of the fetus, you can determine which part of the body the baby rests on the walls of the uterus.
  5. Change in gait.
  6. Pain in the symphysis due to the expansion of the internal dimensions of the small pelvis.
  7. Swelling of the mammary glands, discharge of a small amount of colostrum from the nipples.
  8. Heaviness in the lower back.
  9. Rapid fatigue during physical exertion.
  10. Swelling of the legs, heaviness in the lower extremities.
  11. Symptoms of mild anemia (weakness, pale skin).
  12. Symptoms of hypotension (dizziness, darkening of the eyes with a change in body position, drowsiness).
  13. Tendency to constipation.
  14. Heartburn.
  15. Signs of hemorrhoids (pain and burning in the anus).
  16. Shortness of breath on exertion.
  17. Frequent urge to urinate.

Clinical signs of pregnancy disappear after the birth of the child.

At the 24th week of gestation, the woman's libido increases, associated with a rush of blood to the genitals. It is recommended to avoid postures that squeeze the stomach.

Otherwise, intimate life cannot harm the health of the child. An exception is the pathological course of pregnancy (threat of miscarriage, preeclampsia,). For characteristic not abundant from the vagina of a transparent or whitish color with a sour smell.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 24th week of gestation, there are no scheduled diagnostic examinations. In case of violation of the condition of the expectant mother and child, the gynecologist may prescribe additional diagnostic methods: biochemical analysis of blood and urine, ultrasound, Doppler examination of the vessels of the umbilical cord, etc. Timely control prevents the development of complications and the risk of spontaneous abortion.

At the appointment, the doctor measures the volume of the abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus, the weight of the woman, controls blood pressure, and listens to the baby's heartbeat. Additional ultrasound diagnostics allows you to detect fetal growth retardation, malformations of intrauterine development, changes in the amount of amniotic fluid, placental pathology. If a genetic disease is suspected, the specialist prescribes an amniocentesis with a study of amniotic fluid.

Possible dangers at 24 weeks pregnant

At the end of the second trimester, it may occur. This condition is accompanied by an increase in the child's motor activity and an increase in his heart rate of more than 180 beats per minute.

It leads to a violation of the growth and development of the baby. The threat of abortion develops against the background of chronic diseases of the expectant mother or injuries during pregnancy.

Spontaneous abortion is accompanied by leakage of amniotic fluid, contractions, bloody discharge from the vagina.

Complications at 24 weeks of gestation:

  • frozen fetus (lack of fetal movement);
  • placental abruption (manifested by abundant bloody discharge from the vagina);
  • increased tone of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • Varicose veins.

A change in the nature of vaginal discharge: a yellowish-green color, an admixture of blood or pus, an unpleasant odor indicate a sexual infection, education, a threat of miscarriage. If alarming symptoms are detected, it is necessary to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

At the end of the 2nd trimester of a pregnant woman, it is important to observe the regime of physical activity. Every 2-3 hours, it is recommended to rest for 20-30 minutes - take a horizontal position with raised legs. This avoids the appearance of edema in the lower extremities and prevents discomfort in the lower back.

At week 24, the increase in appetite reaches its peak, which contributes to the rapid weight gain. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed 3000 kcal. The diet includes vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, meat and fish.

Exclude - fatty and fried foods, convenience foods, smoked meats, fast food, carbonated drinks. Limit - sweets, muffins, pastries.

If edema occurs, reduce the amount of salt consumed, which contributes to fluid retention in the body. To suppress appetite, it is recommended to drink a glass of water before each meal.

For physical activity, walking at a slow pace for short distances or fitness for pregnant women is suitable. For convenience, you can wear clothes for expectant mothers that do not restrict movement and meet all hygiene requirements. To maintain the abdomen, improve breathing, unload the lumbar spine, doctors recommend using a prenatal bandage. Unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands can be prevented by wearing a bra for pregnant women. When isolating colostrum, use pads on the nipples. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, a special cream or gel is rubbed into the skin of the abdomen, chest, and thighs.

The 24th week of pregnancy is the next step that brings a woman closer to childbirth, and prepares the child for life outside the womb. Compliance with the daily regimen and nutrition, a scheduled visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, wearing a prenatal bandage help to pass this period without the development of undesirable consequences.

24 obstetric week of pregnancy is a magical time when the expectant mother realizes the joy of her current position. It is at this moment that the development of the baby takes place daily, the belly of the pregnant woman gradually increases.

Now you can see the baby, because the size of the fetus allows it. At the request of the mother, a 3D ultrasound can be done, which will be the first photo of the future baby. We offer you to watch the video of the ultrasound of the fetus at the 24th week of pregnancy, and also above you can see the photo of the baby.

Possible deviations from the norm

Height and weight a child may differ slightly from the norm by months, because in each of the specific cases they are influenced by many factors that do not cause any pathologies:

  • gender of the child (girls are smaller than boys);
  • heredity and genetic predisposition;
  • what kind of food does the expectant mother have;
  • what physical stresses the pregnant woman was subjected to;
  • how many babies live in the womb.

If the fetus is constantly lagging behind in weight and height, this indicates that the nutrition is insufficient or there is an oxygen starvation of the baby. Smoking, alcohol consumption, fasting, dieting, or the principle of "eat for two" can cause deviations in the development of the unborn child.

Mom's diet at 24 weeks pregnant

The diet must be in full accordance with healthy and nutritious food. Eat only natural fresh products. The main thing is boiled, baked and stewed. It is advisable not to consume sugar, pastries made from white flour and confectionery. Salt should be consumed in a minimal amount, because it prevents the release of fluid from the body. The result is swelling.

Now it is very important to have enough iron in the body. iron rich foods relieve development (anemia): beef, buckwheat, cod liver, persimmon and pomegranates. With them, it is better to eat foods that help absorb iron: seaweed, cherries, sweet peppers.

For expectant mothers constipation may occur due to a sedentary lifestyle and the fact that water is retained in the body of a pregnant woman. It is possible that malnutrition contributed to the formation. To combat this phenomenon, you need to start actively consuming vegetables and fruits, since they have a lot of fiber, and it makes the intestines work more actively.

Sexual relations at 24 weeks

If the doctor does not find any reason to worry, then at the 24th week it will be very helpful. future baby almost impossible to damage, but for a woman, sext will bring multiple pleasure, because during pregnancy, desire intensifies due to a strong blood flow to the genitals.

But there are certain limitations. All positions in which pressure is applied to an already grown tummy are not suitable. Poses are best suited when dad is on the back on his side or mom is on top.

How to choose a birth preparation school and what they will teach there

Usually course for future parents consists of psychological training, breathing exercises, fitness, lectures on proper nutrition, newborn care, swimming pool classes, showing documentary filming of childbirth. Expectant parents are explained how childbirth begins, what awaits the mother during and after childbirth, how to interact with medical staff in the maternity hospital, how to properly prepare the breast for lactation, relaxation techniques that can be used during labor are practiced.

To choose the right school You need to focus on three important points:

  • the principles observed by the staff of this school should resonate with your soul;
  • it is important for a future mother to make it convenient to get to school;
  • the cost of the main course and additional classes.
  • The expectant mother should be very careful to monitor thirst, frequent urination and itching, because this directly indicates that the blood sugar level is elevated or that the baby is too fed. It is not suitable for normal childbirth.
  • Pregnant women should stay calm throughout their pregnancy, walk in clean areas, listen to pleasant relaxing music, and get as much rest as possible.
  • It is advisable not to stop doing it, as they will help in the future during childbirth and, in general, maintain health.
  • If you have any problem, contact your doctor immediately.

Video about 24 weeks pregnant

To better understand what is happening inside the expectant mother, we suggest watching a video guide for 24 weeks. It tells what the baby is like at this time, what he can feel, how to properly choose a school to prepare for childbirth and what you can learn there, exercises for expectant mothers and joint classes with future dads.

Time will fly by unnoticed, and the long-awaited baby will quietly sleep in his mother's arms. All difficulties, difficulties, fears and pain will be forgotten. There will be only an all-consuming joy from the fact that the most beloved person on the planet is now nearby.

Moms, how was your 24th week of pregnancy? What sensations did you experience? Does your baby push hard? Share your impressions and joy.