Fruit puree for the first dust: Pediatrician tips, allowed products. Apple puree for baby

Balanced nutrition means a lot for the child, the body and the brain of which are intensively developing. An important step towards a healthy body is to introduce into the diet of fruit mashed potatoes. Over the past decade, the opinion of pediatricians about the age of dating fruits began to differ strongly, so in the article we will provide the substantiation of the latest trends in the introduction of fruit dust and help my mother to approve the scenario of dating scenery faithful to her baby.

The value of fruit in the child's diet

The role of fruits in human nutrition at first glance seems insignificant, but their absence significantly affects the work of many organism systems. Their value is not limited to the supply of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Fruits are very valuable due to the content of tubyl, pectin and aromatic substances, organic acids, fiber, as well as easily digestible carbohydrates, mainly presented in the form of sucrose, fructose and glucose. The latter are well absorbed by the body, without creating loads on the digestive and liver organs, and provide a child with energy to the development and knowledge of the surrounding world.

Organic acids, including apple, wine and lemon (in different ratios, they are almost in all fruits), actively act on the digestion organs, thereby contributing to the process of digestion. Tubils that give the viscosity to many fruits help to establish the intestinal work if a child has a liquid chair, and pectins - absorb hazardous substances and remove them with the feces.

Fruits are distinguished by a high content of ascorbic acid (currant, citrus), retinol (vitamin A) (watermelon, cherry), beta-carotene (peaches, persimmon), vitamins P, RR, E and row of others. Some of them act as antioxidants, others are needed for healthy work of the visual analyzer, others are necessary for strong immunity. Many in fruits and mineral salts. Iron, cobalt and copper are indispensable for blood-forming processes, potassium - for the work of the heart and kidney, iodine - for the synthesis of thyroid hormones - the main gland, which affects the work of all organs.

When to enter fruit dust?

Pediatrician views regarding age in which the baby must be attached to the use of fruit mashed potatoes, differ very much. Some claim that the puree from a green apple can already be given from 4 months, others say that it is necessary to start with 6 and enter between, others are confident that it is better to wait until 8-9 months, because I have tried a sweet banana, the child is already Does not want to eat incomprehensible broccoli.

According to WHO recommendations, feed the child with something other than maternal milk or mixture, until they reach 6 months of age, there is no need. This means that entering the fruit puree into the infant diet can after half a year, although to start with it. But many moms are convinced that it is better to wait with garden gifts: very often the baby refuses to eat vegetables or cereals, because fruits are quite tastier.

Taking into account the rule that since the introduction of the previous product should pass at least 1.5 - 2 weeks, acquaintance with the fruit puree should occur somewhere in the interval between and i.e. At 7.5 - 8.5 months. You can start entering fruit, for example, when the kid will already eat rice and buckwheat porridge.

What fruits to choose to start dust?

First of all, fruit for the preparation of fruit puree should be high quality:
  • the most natural, not knewing treatment with pesticides and other chemicals;
  • grown in an environmentally friendly zone - away from lively motorways, plants, technogenic disasters;
  • mature - not green and not standing. In the first many starch and rigid fiber, the second ethyl alcohol is formed;
  • visually good - without dents and rot.
As for the type of fruit, for baby food, you should choose those that grow in climate "native" for the parents of the zone. We are ideal for the first dust will be a green apple or a pear.

You need to know the baby with fruit from low-flaped to high-caliper - start with green (in color), continue yellow, gradually preparing the baby to orange and red.

Fruit Allergy Table

How to enter fruit puree?

Introduction of any dust, including fruit puree, should be carried out thoughtfully and slowly. Mom continues to record the volume and type of food eaten products in the food diary, so that in the event of a negative reaction to quickly calculate the "culprit".

Fruit puree, like any new product, should be given, starting with the halves of a teaspoon that the digestive system of the baby to digest new products to prepare smoothly, and not load surprise. For 5-7 days, the volume of dishes increase to the age norm (see below).

Fruit puree It is recommended to adjust one of the meals, like dessert, after the main product. It is advisable to do this in the morning or at lunch so that there was a time to assess the change in the state of the baby and its skin. If there are rashes, vomiting, temperature rise, diarrhea, etc. - consult a doctor, and the new dish is not yet offered.

For the first appliance, fruit puree should choose apple, but from green varieties - they are the most. Pectin substances that are many in apples inherent bactericidal and absorbent properties, besides, they facilitate the emptying of the intestine. Gradually, the range can be expanded with pear, banana, yellow cherries, apricot, peach, prune, blueberries. Such fruits are well combined with sweet vegetables - carrots, pumpkin. Closer to two years you can gradually and very, very carefully enter the "local" allergens - cherry, raspberry, strawberries, red and black currant.

Puree for baby food is prepared not from raw fruit, but from the borals - they are more "pleasant" baby gastrointestinal trap. Fresh contain fruit acids that aggressively affect the mucous stomach and intestines. After heat treatment, many of them are destroyed, and the fruit can no longer provoke gastritis or duodenitis.

Fresh crude fruit can be given closer to 12 months, but only those that he tried in the form of mashed potatoes. It is very convenient to use a nicler - a special device with a tissue grid that protects the baby from swallowing large pieces.

Consumption rates of fruit puree depending on age

Age (months)
Mass of fruit puree, gram
40 – 50
50 – 70
50 – 70
10 – 12 90 – 100

The amount of cappus puree eaten may differ both in the most side, if it has a good appetite, and in less, if before that, heed vegetables or porridge.

Approximate Fruit Puree Input Scheme

The above-mentioned fruit puree scheme is only indicative, although parents can use it without making adjustments. It is possible to slow down the process of appearance in the child's diet of a child, it is not possible to speed up - no, since it is practically guaranteed to respond with trouble with the gastrointestinal tract or skin. The weight of the puree is designed for the fact that the fruit dust began from 7.5 to 8 months.

- green apple;
- pear;
- banana;
- Apricot;
- prune.


    Led two new products are simultaneously impossible - it is difficult to track allergen if the reaction occurs. You can enter a couple of croup, then one or two fruits, offering them together with the porridge entered, then some other cereal or cereal, then a couple of fruit again.

    Add sugar to fruit puree is impossible. First, it is complicated for splitting and assimilation, secondly, it can provoke the development of caries, since enamel on growing teeth is not so strong as in adults.

While in the garden or in the basement there are fresh home fruits / berries, cook fruit puree is smarter with them. In this case, do not do without a blender or sieves. Closer to the year it will be possible to cope perfectly with the help of an ordinary grater.

Fruit puree: buy or cook?

An unequivocal answer to the question, feed the child prepared independently or the purchased puree does not exist. For this reason, most mothers chose a position somewhere in the middle: if you have the opportunity to get high-quality rustic fruits, then prepare yourself, if only supermarkets are available, safer to buy special baby food.

Homemade fruit puree is complete confidence in quality, composition, freshness and production technology. Flawlessly, it will always exceed the purchase. But if the time of the dust came, and there is no good fruit in the garden, nor in the basement, nor in the freezer, then it will be much wiser to go to the store for the jam fruit mashed potatoes, rather than cook it from shop fruits. It's not a secret for a long time that industrial fruits are processed by pesticides and in trees, and before transportation - so as not to be spoiled and did not overwhel.

"Polls" happen even in the most famous manufacturers of baby food. But if the quality of their products is controlled at the state level, then no one follows the quality of apples or peaches, no one is watching in abundance on stores.

How to choose a puree for baby?

In the process of choosing a shopping puree, you need to pay attention to the following points:
  • The age specified on the label is most often not running off with the WHO recommendations - adhere to the Pediatrician Recommendations.
  • The composition of the puree can also not correspond to the ideas of high-quality dust - in the jar there should be no sugar, thickeners, preservatives, thickeners, flavors and other nutritional supplements - only natural components.
  • Visually assess the packaging condition - it must be without defects.
  • The presence on the label of the shelf life and labeling of the manufacturer is necessarily.

Home Recipes Fruit Drawing

For cooking mom, you will need a small enameled saucepan with a lid or a steamer, a blender, a sieve or grater. A ready puree can be a maximum of a day forward, no more, as it is oxidized when contacting air. It is better to feed it immediately, and the remains of throwing out or tapped yourself.

Before cooking, fruits need to be thoroughly flushed, quiet, clean the peel and remove managers and seeds. It is much better to boil them for a couple - all the beneficial substances remain inside, and do not go to boiling water. If there are no double boards, then for cooking use filtered water - special children buy at all necessary. Try not to digest fruits - so useful properties and taste to maintain more.

Puree from apple or pear

Apples and pears with green leather are ideal for starting fruit dust. They are easily absorbed by the body and rich in vitamins E, C, K, A, many of the group B, as well as vegetable proteins, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  1. Rinse the fruit under running water and remove the skin, the middle, the tail.
  2. Slip pieces of fruit, flushed with filtered water, in a thick-walled saucepan for 15 minutes.
  3. After pready with an apple (or pear) a blender or kneading for a fork together with a part of the fluid remaining after cooking. Ready!

Apple banana puree

Bananas - Potassium's vegetable leaders - 348 mg / 100. This macroelegen is necessary for the health of blood vessels and hearts. Also, they contain magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  1. The puree will need 0.5 large banana and 0.5 large apples.
  2. Fruits wash, cleaned from the peel, and the apple is also from the core.
  3. Cut the fruit on large pieces and placed in a saucepan or a double boiler. It will take about 15 minutes for cooking.
  4. Ready fruits are pudded by a blender and cooled to 37 ° C. Ready!

Puree from prunes

Such a puree is often introduced as a laxative with frequent constipation. It is also rich in potassium, Vitamins B1 and B2, as well as fiber, which contributes to the weakening of the chair.
  1. For cooking, you need 100 g of prunes, preferably home.
  2. The dried fruit is poured with boiled water and let stand 10-15 minutes. It will soften, and from the storey, most of the harmful substances will be released, which were used for processing for long-term storage.
  3. Water is drained, and the prunes are placed in a cup and "blender" to a homogeneous mass. Ready!

Puree from pumpkin and apricot

Apricot is rightfully considered one of the most useful fruits, because in its composition almost the entire table of beneficial substances: choline, β-carotene, folic acid and vitamins B2, B5, B6, E, C, H, minerals, among which potassium, iron, Magnesium, iodine, sodium, as well as pectins, dietary fiber, tannins, fruit acids and sugars. The use of fruits in the season is very positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the flow of metabolic processes.
  1. For the puree, you will need 100 g of pumpkin pulp and as many apricots.
  2. Pumpkin is cleaned of peel and "indoors", cut into small cubes. From the apricots remove the bones and the spoon choose the flesh (it is hardly possible to remove the peel from ripe apricot).
  3. Pumpkin is placed in a saucepan, pour into the twentiest water and extinguished on a small fire until readiness. Then add the pulp of apricot and tomatifs for another 8-10 minutes.
  4. The finished puree is homogenized by a blender, a breast of cream oil is added according to age and, if desired, a little breast milk or a mixture. Ready!

Laconic overview of fruit puree brands

Buying fruit purees in special departments of baby food, parents first need to be guided by their own tastes, but information on the label. The puree for the first dust should not be anything other than fruit, and maybe water. The longer the child will not know anything about Sahara and other additives, such as thickeners and preservatives, the better. Fortunately, even in small towns you can find shops with an impressive choice of baby food.
Brand Producing country
Types of fruit puree Structure

Fruit and berries puree
Only fruits, without additives

Bebivita. Germany The manufacturer releases mashed potatoes from basic fruits for our strip. Fruits / + Vegetables, Water, Vitamin C. As part of some - Rice Crupes and Starch, Concentrated Juice

Beech Nut. USA The American manufacturer produces organic fruit and fruit and vegetable purees, many in unusual combinations (banana + cherry + beet)
100% Organic Fruits (+ Vegetables)

Fleur alpine. France The manufacturer produces organic puree with fruits, incl. and exotic for our locality. Packaging - jar, scaffolding
100% Fruits / + Berries / + Vegetables

USA, Poland.
Worthy selection of fruit, fruit-berry purees, fruit-yogurt and fruit-curd masses
Water and fruit puree

There are several species in the line - apple, pear, peach, plum, their layouts
Fruit puree, some contain sugar

Hame. Czech Republic An impressive assortment of fruit, fruit and vegetable, fruit and berry and berry puree. There are products with oat flakes, cottage cheese, cream
Fruits, sugar, vitamin C, starch, lemon juice

Frote Pureshka
Czech Republic Line H Ame with sweet fruit berry puree Fruit or berry puree, sugar, water, ascorbic acid, corn starch, citric acid

Hame Hamanek.
Czech Republic The H AME line, which entered 100% fruit and fruit-berry puree. Fruit / + berries, ascorbic acid. There are products with cottage cheese.

Heinz. Italy Line of fruit, fruit and berry, fruit and vegetable puree and mashed potatoes with cottage cheese and cereals in jars and soft packs
Frung puree, apple and / or lemon juice, vitamin C

Hipp. Germany The manufacturer produces a wide range of fruit mashedrals for different ages: monocomponent (apple, pear, plum, apricot) for start-up feeding, two-component (including blueberries and pumpkin) to continue dust, fruit desserts with berries and exotic fruits older babes. Release Form - Bank or Soft Packaging
In one-component - fruit puree, enriched with vitamin C.

The composition of multicomponent includes fruit / + berries / + vegetables, rice flour and starch, water enriched with vitamin C

Humana. Germany Diverse assortment of fruit and fruit-berry purees Only fruits. No sugar, thickeners, preservatives

Karbita. Holland 3 fruit products with apple puree and goat cream:
+ Mango
+ Forest berries
+ banana with cookies
Organic puree without additives

Marmaluzi. Lithuania Small assortment of fruit and fruit-berry puree For the first dust - 100% fruit.

Puree to expand the diet may contain water and vitamin C as a preservative.

Milupa Germany Wide Vibling Fruit Puree, incl. and with yoghurt, cottage cheese, cereals or cookies Fruits, rice flour, ascorbic acid, concentrated lemon juice. May contain corn starch, fruit juices, cookies on wheat flour, yogurt, cottage cheese

Ovko Bio. Slovakia Small ruler of fruit puree, there are types of cereals Water, fruit puree, apple concentrated juice, lemon concentrate, rice flour

Line of 6 puree from fruits and berries, incl. with raspberries, strawberry, blueberries, mango in soft packaging
Organic puree, apple and lemon juice, in some sugar

Semper. Sweden The manufacturer offers fruit, berry and fruit-berry purees (including with exotic fruits) in a glass jar and spine
Single-component - fruit and vit. C, multicomponent - + rice starch, fruit juice, lemon acid

Vitababy Moldova The manufacturer offers several types of puree of fruit, incl. and with vegetables and cream For the first dust - only fruits and ascorbic acid. As part of the rest - sugar, cream

Two line of fruit puree - clean fruit and fruit with cream
Only fruits or fruits with cream

Agu-Agu Russia Various fruit purees - single and two-component, with cottage cheese, cream, oatmeal To begin with dust - as part of an extremely fruit. Puree to continue their feeding may contain citric acid corn starch, depending on the type - cream, cottage cheese, oatmeal

Small assortment of puree from 4 main fruits (apple, pear, banana, peach) and their combinations
100% fruit. Some sweetened by fructose (2%)

Babushkino Lukoshko
Russia Wide vibor fruit, fruit and vegetable puree and mashed potatoes with cottage cheese or cream Mashed to start dust contains only fruits.

As part of a puree to expand the diet eating sugar

Bellakt. Belarus Large assortment of single and two-component fruit, fruit-berry puree, as well as mashed potatoes with cottage cheese and cream
Only fruits and water

Bibol Germany A good selection of fruit and fruit-berry puree, there are types of goat cottage cheese Fruit puree. Depending on the view, it may be puree from berries and / or goat milk cottage cheese

A little happiness
Belarus Small assortment of fruit puree 100% fruit puree without additives

Malyatko Ukraine Several types of puree from the main fruits (apple, peach, pear, apricot, their combinations) 100% fruit puree, vitamin C. As part of some can be sugar

Fidget Belarus Puree from one or two fruits, with the addition of cottage cheese, cream or without them For the beginning of the dust - only fruits. The rest contain sugar, and, depending on the species - cream, cottage cheese

Grow big!
Belarus Good selection of fruit and fruit-berry puree to start and continuing Fruit puree. Without sugar, gmo, preservatives

Gardens of Dyoulia
Russia In assortment - fruit, fruit and vegetable and fruit-berry puree Fruits / + Vegetables, Water

Good selection of fruit, fruit and vegetable, fruit and cereal and fruit-curd puree
Fruits (+ vegetables), water, + (depending on the species) - cream, cottage cheese, cereals

Ourselves with ossami Russia In the lineup - fruit, fruit and vegetable, fruit-berry puree and mashed potatoes with cream or cottage cheese. Packaging - Bank, scaffolding
For the first dust - only fruits and water. The remaining puree contain sugar.

Stumpy Belarus Fruit and fruit-berry puree, eat with cream In addition to fruits and berries may contain citric acid, sugar syrup, cream

Subject Russia The manufacturer does not produce fruit purees, but in the range there are creative fruit products Biotrus, fruit puree, sugar syrup, pectins as thickener

Frutonian Russia The manufacturer offers an impressive selection of fruit, berry, fruit-berry purees and sallikov - one-component, two and multicomponent, with cream, cottage cheese
Fruits, vitamin C, prepared water. Depending on the species, it can contain cow cream, cottage cheese, sugar, pectin

Miracle Choo. Ukraine The manufacturer produces mashed potatoes only from fruits inherent in our strip. Mashed fruit, there are types with pumpkin. Some products contain sugar or ascorbic acid as an antioxidant.

You will need

  • A dish for feeding a child. Flexible plastic spoon, so as not to damage the gums of the baby. For home cooking you need a blender and sieve.


Vegetable puree. is the first<<взрослой>\u003e food for baby. Children on or enter the first vegetable lore no later than 6 months, when the child's digestive system is already able to digest fiber, starch, proteins and fats, but not earlier, because Digestive disorder may occur and allergic reactions.

Start Prikorm puree. From vegetables with delicate fiber, for better assimilation in the body of a child (cauliflower, broccoli). Later, enter vegetables with a coarsame tissue (white cabbage, potatoes, carrots).

Offer the child to start 1 tsp. puree., Or dip finger in a plate and thus let him try the taste of new food. To addiction to a new product, it is necessary on the recommendations of the World Health Organization from 5 to 7 days.
Increase the number of vegetable spoons puree. Gradually, bringing to 7 to 100-150 g.

Try the new dish in the second morning feeding, in order not to miss possible allergic reactions.
Do not start entering first lures if the child is after or sick

If the kid refuses to try vegetable puree., dilute it with breast milk or dairy. Temperature puree. There must be the same as the breast milk 37 ° C.
If the child is all - it does not eat, do not force, postpone it for 2-3 days and try again.

Do not continue the introduction of feeding puree. From vegetables, if suddenly there is a rash, itching, anxiety of a child, gases, diarrhea.
By 8 - 9 months to vegetable puree. Add cottage cheese or. According to the Moscow Nii of Pediatrics, these products can be combined from 5 to 6 months.


If you have decided to start typing after 4 months, consult your pediatrician. This is possible if the child shows an interest at the sight of food, strive to try what parents eat.
Do not sweeten your mashed potatoes - it can cause and addictive child to sweet, as a result, the kid failure from other food.
Do not use food additives and spices in the quality of food additives.

Helpful advice

To boost the nutrition of vegetable puree, add breast milk or milk mixture, it will also give a more liquid food consistency for better assimilation.
By 9 months, the child is capable of eating more coarse food, so you can give vegetables in the form of small soft pieces for the timely development of chewing skills.
If the child quickly picks up a body weight, start feeding with homogenized vegetable or fruit purees, if not gaining weight up to normal, then from dies.

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The older the baby becomes, the more he needs useful trace elements. Fruit puree. It is a source of natural vitamins and nutrients. So that this product does not harm the child to the child, you need to know how to properly enter the baby's diet.


Enter fruit puree. It is necessary to start with 6 to the ¼ of the teaspoon and gradually increase this volume to 60-80 grams. This quantity will be enough to 8 months enough, then increase to 100 grams.

With great care it is necessary to enter puree. From cherries, strawberries, raspberries, forest berries and currant - they are able to provoke allergies.

As first fruit puree. You can use: -Labe puree.containing pectin and iron;
-Gruzhevoye puree.containing acid, calcium and magnesium;
-Bananova puree.containing calcium, iron and phosphorus;
-puree. from apples and apricots, containing pectin, potassium, carotene and vitamin C;
-puree. from prunes containing potassium, vitamins B1 and B2;
-Furniture puree.containing pectin and beta carotene.

For cooking fruit puree. It is necessary to use exceptionally fresh fruits of domestic production. Fruits need to be thoroughly rinsed, clean from the skin and grate on the fine grater.

With the beginning of the feeding, the parents have a lot of questions about how to feed the baby and at what age. Sometimes mom and dad doubt when to give a baby with a puree from vegetables and fruits.

First Pring: When to give a child a vegetable puree

Just a few decades ago, the first pricing from which the pediatricians were recommended were not a vegetable. Acquaintance with new tastes began with the juices that gave hardly after the expiration of the first life. Today, the point of view of the doctors has changed and it is believed that breast milk or adapted mixtures fully ensure all the needs of the kid body, which allows not overloading its digestive system with concentrated juices. Therefore, now the lures start with vegetables, fruits or porridge.

Vegetable supplies recommend that children who have no problems with a weight set, as if it is lack, porridge adds first in the menu. Puree from vegetables should be given no earlier than the child will be fulfilled, and for kids who are on, this period can be calmly moved away to six months. The first to choose the least allergenic vegetables, which include zucchini and broccoli cabbage or color.

You should not perceive all the recommendations on the introduction of certain vegetables literally, since only his mother and the attending physician, whose opinion about Pringher is based on the knowledge of the peculiarities of health can know the best needs of the kid.

When to give a baby fruit puree

In principle, it is possible with fruit. Apples and pears are perfectly suitable for this. But the difficulty lies in the fact that after the sweet taste of these fruits, not all children are glad to eat neutral zucchini or cabbage. As for the deadlines for dating fruit, they are similar to those who are allocated for vegetables, that is, before the achievements of a child of 4 months can not be hurry. And, unlike vegetable, fruits are given in much smaller quantities, because it is much more convenient to give them not in its pure form, but as a supplement to other dishes, first to porridge, and then to cottage cheese.

For allergenic fruits of the type of citrus or red berries, even later deadlines for the introduction into the diet are installed and it should not be hurried up to six months, even if the child is not inclined to allergies.

Shop or homemade mashed potatoes: Advantages and Disadvantages

Many believe that in their puree, cooked by the hands of a loving mother, cannot be compared with the store, because no one knows that in reality lies in and how compliance with all the technologies. But it is not so. Baby food production is rigidly controlled and if you compare it with a home, then the latter can lead only if it is made of fruits grown on our own vegetable garden and prepared in the season. In winter, even their own apples lose most of their properties, because the advantage is on the side of the factory production.

Vegetables are recommended to enter the diet as the first prikorma At about 3 to 4 months (the exact period will indicate a children's doctor). It can be a puree from zucchini, turnips, pumpkins or potatoes. Kids who are as the first prikorma Get porridge, especially purchased, often too get used to the sweet thick mass and then reluctantly eat fruits and vegetables.

You will need

  • - vegetables;
  • - the juice;
  • - vegetable oil;
  • - milk;
  • - Salt.


Vegetable puree as the first prikorma Especially significant that were born prematurely, as well as for diathesis and rickets. Start giving a vegetable puree in front of one of the feedings, offering to start a couple of tea spoons. The next day, you can give 4-5 teaspoons - etc. Gradually, for 7-10 days, it is possible to bring to the norm - 100-150 g. After vegetable, you can give a little juice.

When the krooka gets used to mashed potatoes from one vegetable, it is worth it to prepare dishes from 2-3 vegetables, which is more appropriate because the mixed puree contains a complete set of useful substances. It should be remembered that potatoes should not be more than half of the volume of the dish, because it has a lot of starch and too little calcium. At the same time, before cooking mashed potatoes, the potatoes are better soaked.

In prepare mashed potatoes. For example, take a carrot puree. To obtain 100 g, 100 g of carrots will be needed, 25 ml of milk, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. Carrots need to rinse with a brush, clean, cut into pieces, pour boiling water and stew under a tightly closed lid until the water bumping out. Warm carrots should be wired and add to it heated milk and salt. The resulting mixture is necessary within 2-3 minutes. A vegetable oil will be added to the finished puree.

Video on the topic


Purchased fruit and vegetable canned food is comfortable and also contain the necessary baby vitamins and trace elements, but it is seen that mashed potatoes produced by the food industry are very similar to each other and therefore they can quickly borrow a child.


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Starting with six months, doctors recommend entering light vegetable soups into the diet. This dish contains a large amount of vitamins that are so useful for the body of a small baby. Consider some of the simplest recipes of delicious vegetable soups.

Puree vegetable soup

Products that will be needed for the preparation of this appetizing soup:

250 ml of boiled water;

1 Ripe Morkovina;

Half of the bulbs;

1 young potato tuber.

All vegetables are pretty rinse, clean the skin and husk. Small fine, lay out in a comfortable saucepan. After adding the water and boil everything to complete cooking, do not forget to cover with a saucepan with a lid. Remove the welded vegetables, wipe the blender and carefully dug vegetable broth. Then the resulting soup is brought to full boil. At your request, you can add a small piece of butter.

Fish Vegetable Soup

Products for vegetable soup:

50 g of fresh heck fillet;

60 g of cauliflower;

1 potato tube;

1 PC. reptile onion;

60 g of broccoli cabbage;

1 Ripe Morkovina.

Pour water in the pan, better filtered, put the washed heck flush, boil it for 20 minutes. The lid during cooking must be covered. During this time, rinse, clean the vegetables and cut into small cubes. When the heck is welded, pour all the vegetables into the pan and cook another 20 minutes (do not forget to stir). Obtained Soup Wake up a blender. Then pour into the plate, let the soup cool down.

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Until the 5th month, maternal milk fully satisfies the needs of the child in nutrients. However, well, if you already start giving him fruit and vegetable juices, of which the children's body receives additionally vitamins and salts.

For the first time, give him a whole spoon of juice - after feeding, for the second time - two spoons, increasing gradually this amount up to 1/4 cup.

Of course, you need to be very careful, for different organisms perceive the same food in different ways. If you notice that the feast of the child becomes rare or that he is tearing, stop giving juice for several days. Children prone to constipation can get juice in more.

In the 5th month you can increase the portion of the juice to half a glass, giving it 2-3 times a day after feeding or between feeding. Juices can be prepared from carrots, cherries, lemons, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, green lettuce, etc.

In winter, a child on the 3rd month of life can be fished. Initially, one drop is given in a spoon with a swelled milk. We gradually increase to half a teaspoon and finally, bring up to 1-2 teaspoons per day. But we should not forget that children, often suffering from gastrointestinal disorder, fishe fat are contraindicated.

Starting from the 5th, it is good to give a 5% porridge from roasted flour or semolina or vegetable puree. This food contains many substances necessary for the growth of the organism - proteins, mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus and especially iron, the stock of which in the liver of the child by this time is exhausted. Cut a child 5 times a day after 3.5 hours.

The feeding of manna or flour porridge should also be produced gradually - starting with 1-2 spoons before breastfeeding. Increase this quantity so that by the end of the week it could replace one breast feeding entirely. Porridge children take better than puree; But there are children, such as Rachitual, for which it is more useful to start lore straight with a vegetable puree. The focusing is started at the time when the child is completely healthy. It is not recommended to start lore in the summer.

When a child gets used to 5% caress, start giving him 10%, which is much more nutritious. Starting from the 5th month you can also give a child fruit and milk kissel. In addition to milk, porridge can be cooked on a vegetable broth by adding kefir to it.

We recommend you by the end of the 6th month to give a child to a child with a vegetable puree, leaving porridge on the afternoon clock. At the same time, twice a week, add it to the porridge at half the yolk, well cooked and confused.

Let's make porridge from mixed croup, for example, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. First prepare

Helpful advice

Children, prone to allergies or sick rickets, is better to cook porridge on vegetable broth. Tabs with excess body weight must be more common to give oatmeal.

When the baby becomes not enough breast milk, moms think about the first fruit dust. Fruit child is needed, as it is a storehouse of vitamins. Where to start fruit dust and when it is better to start, talk about it in the article.

When to start feeding fruit

According to modern recommendations, fruits are introduced after vegetables and porridge at the age of about 7 months. Previously, fruits were considered one of the first types of dust, which recommended starting either from a grated apple or from apple juice.

Start entering with a liquid puree, gradually bring it to a rough consistency.

Now the approach of modern pediatricians has changed a little, but the adherents of the old school are still found that they will begin to start the dust for 4 months, and as much as fruits.

Fruits are sufficiently heavy food for a children's stomach, and the fruit juices do not always well influence even the strengthened stomachs, which is already talking about not yet perfect stomach and kid's intestinal tract.

Early injection of fruit can be dangerous allergies, and in general, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as subsequent problems with the digestive system.

In favor of the fact that you first need to enter vegetables, and then only fruits, can play the fact that after sweet fruits it will be difficult to force the baby to whine enough fresh vegetables.

What fruits to give

The first acquaintance should take place with only one kind of fruit
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • apricot;
  • peach.

Most often, fruits are interrupted by a blender, or rub on the grater. There are special plastic graters that are not oxidized under the influence of fruit juice, and, accordingly, it is better suited, including for children's dust.

The moment when you give the kid first fruit dust, may coincide with the first teeth, so you can not bother with the lag of fruits. Moreover, there is such a device like a nibler, which you can also use in, in particular the pumpkin. Therefore, fruits can also be given in a nicer, and not feed with spoons with spoons.

There is a huge number of types of nibllers, but they have one principle: fruit is placed in the container

Nibls are with a tissue mesh, and with silicone. There are also replaceable tissue nets. After all, despite the fact that its mesh should be washed immediately after eating and drying very carefully, the nibler is dumping and becomes an unpleasant smell.

It is much easier to care for a mesh in a nicer from silicone, it is easier to wash, it does not require frequent shift, unlike tissue mesh.

How to use Nibler

Apple - Ideal Food in Nicler

Nibler is a fairly simple device: Any mom will be able to disassemble and collect it. Any fruits are placed there.


Wash and cut the apple to the quarter. During the baby, only one quarter of the apple will be able to eat. Frequets Cut the middle and clean the peel. Cut with thin plates. At once in the nicler you can put 2-3 thin plates from the apple, so they will be convenient to spray the child.

If the plates are greater or they will thicker, then the baby will be too firm. When Nibler is ready, it can be given to a child. He will be happy to eat and "scratch" teeth.

The design of Nibler will not allow crumbs to be suppressed by the bones of fruit

An apple is slightly cool and it cools, gives a small anesthetic effect.


Pear need to use more sweet and soft. Also cut into quarters, but in NiBler you can put and slightly large pieces, as they are softer apple.

From the pear, it turns out in an excess of juice, and this juice paints around itself into a specific reddish color. Therefore, if the baby blocked clothes, kinging a pear, clothes better to immediately drag, otherwise the stains will remain.


The banana is cleaned, a piece of ripe banana is placed in a nibler. Everything is very simple. This fruit is one of the sweetest and sticky.

For feeding, use very mature bananas, without sourness. As unreasonable bananas can lead to a child's constation. It can bring enough experiences as the baby and his mother, especially those who are facing it.

Fruit salad

Try to make such a salad:

  1. I wash the apple, clean the peel and the core, cut on the fourths, and then one quantity can still be in half. In the salad will need 1/8 from the apple, that is, half the quarters.
  2. Also take a pear and do the same as with an apple. It will be needed in the same proportion - 1/8 of the whole (cutting into 4 parts of the pear and then one quarter once again in half - this will be used).
  3. Take a piece of banana.
  4. All cut on not very large cubes that the child is convenient to take a handle. If he swallows them without chewing, then the problems will not arise.
  5. Purchase to the plate and give the baby. This lesson will take it for 15 minutes at least.

It costs to remember that such fruit as a penetrating banana and plum possess weak effect, and a pear and not very ripe banana can give a little fixing effect.

Taste fruit purees like kids more than vegetable

Pediatrician opinion about fruit juices is diverged. Some say that this is a source of vitamins for a child, others suggest that natural, concentrated fruit juices contain a large amount of fruit acid and can negatively affect the stomach.

Sometimes even adult people are problematic drinking undiluted fruit juices, which speaks of children.

Compote fruit

From the residues of the fruits you can cook compote.

After the preparation of salad, most of the pear, apples and cleaning remains. Banana can eat the mother itself, as many do not like the taste of a thermally processed banana in compote.

All the rest arbitrarily cut, clean from the seed and send 2.5 liters to a saucepan, or a little less (if you have only one apple left from the dust). You can add dried fruits: kuragu, prunes (1 piece), or a little raisin.

Pour with water, put on the slab to the maximum power, cover with a lid and leave up to boil.

After boiling a compote, leave it boiled for 5-7 minutes.

In compote, you do not add neither sugar or citric acid nor cinnamon.

After shutdown, leave the compote to cool. It is best to cook it from the evening, then he will cool overnight and will be ready in the morning.

Part of the compote can be drained into a bottle, part - in a glass jar with a tightly closing lid.

In the remaining compote, add sugar, some spices to taste, in this form you can drink compote adults: my mother with dad, but not baby.

Something about fruit puree

Mashed can be prepared by themselves, but you can buy ready-made, in jars. Pay attention to the composition, it is important that for the beginning you were administered a monocomponent masculine masculine.

Mashed puree differ according to the degree of shreddance: homogenized (no need to chew), finely divided, large-broken (for older children)

This means that if the puree is only from apples, then there should be no other fruit additives there. Sometimes starch is used as thickeners in the jam puree. For the start, such purees are better not to use.

After opening, the jar should be stored in the refrigerator no more than 24-48 hours. That is why not buy big jars immediately. It is best to warm up in a water bath.

When it was decided to cook my puree on my own, it is impossible to store it for a long time. Use always freshly prepared portion.

For cooking mashed potatoes, wash the fruit, clean the peel, bones, etc. Grind in a blender or soda on a plastic grater.

For the first time it will be enough to give half a teaspoon or 1 tsp. puree.

5 rules for the introduction of the first dust

When the time comes to enter fruit luchers, use the main rules that will help protect the crumb from allergic reactions and other unwanted consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Do not let the child immediately exotic fruits.
  2. Start entering a monocomponent puree, that is, from one type of fruit, and then follow the reaction of your child, within 2 days.
  3. To start, enough 0.5-1 spoons puree.
  4. Children who are on artificial or mixed feeding, fruit puree can be given 3-4 weeks earlier than babies on breastfeeding.
  5. Avoid "sweetening" of already sweet fruits.


Fruit feeding is best to start when the baby turns 6 months. The body's body is not so prepared for coarse food, so always follow the reaction to the new product. Advance with your pediatrician if something causes an allergic reaction. The taste sensations of each child are individual, but fruit children always eat with pleasure.

When to start feeding fruit? It is usually injected into food in two or three weeks after vegetables or porridge, starting with six months, and sometimes from four. The first two months are all fruits, excluding bananas, give in boiled form, making my mashed potatoes. Starting the best of all from a green apple.

Apple puree is the perfect option for starting fruit dust.

Why apple?

  • Less frequently causes allergies.
  • Contains various vitamins and minerals in large quantities, especially valuable iron contained in it.
  • Improves digestion and contributes to the best emptying of the bowel of the kid due to the pectin contained in it. It also helps to remove different harmful substances from the body.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Contributes to the normalization of blood sugar.

Apples increase immunity and remove toxins from the child's body.

That's it, green apple!

When is it better to give puree?

Fruit puree can be given before any baby feeding or even twice a day, depending on what your baby appetite, and on how new food is absorbed.

If your baby's stomach is easily upset, it is better to limit ourselves to one time a day.

The lack of vitamin D is observed in children who were born in the autumn-winter period. This deficiency can lead to a newborn rickets. It has several stages of development. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately after diagnosis, otherwise irreversible processes begin.

After fruit dust, you can start entering vegetables. It is one of the best options for vegetable supplies. The bright dish quickly prepares and it simply adore infants.

How to introduce lures?

It is necessary to get used to the child to a new food. Start with a half-teaspox, gradually increasing the portion of up to fifty grams per feed. Look at the body's reaction of your baby. The baby is calm, eats with an appetite - everything is fine, we continue the lure. If the baby has a stool and the smell of the chair, became more liquid, flushed the cheek, the tummy, the tummy appeared, the rash appeared - stop letting the lure. And enter it again only after consulting with a pediatrician.


What is better?

Until now, there is no complete agreement on the question - what power is better, shop or homemade? Let's talk a little about being a friend.

Puree from the store

The easiest way to go to the store and buy a ready-made puree from apples. It can be sold in glass jars or in a package of cardboard. What package to choose?

Environmentally friendly. Tasty and fast.

Glass is considered more environmentally friendly, there are no harmful impurities in it. But look at the date of manufacture.

The longer the transparent jar with a puree is on the light, the faster it decreases the amount of vitamin C, even the taste and color of the product can change a little.

Do not take nutrition, whose shelf life comes to an end.

If the fruit puree is packed in a cardboard packaging, it retains its useful properties until the end of the term.

Carefully read the composition of the product, there should not be any preservatives, except ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as nutritional supplements. At the beginning, do not take the jars, where the composition of their content includes sugar and starch. Starch is poorly absorbed by the body of the infant, and sugar can cause an allergic reaction.

The result of a poor-quality product is obvious.

Pay attention to the label - from what age is recommended to give this product, how long can you save a jar with baby food open.

And homemade - better!

Of course, buying ready-made mashed potatoes in the store, you save your time. Still, the most useful and tasty is what you cook yourself. Pros are obvious:

Natural, without GMO, from their garden.

  • You know for sure that we used mature good quality apple.
  • The home product, unlike the shop, contains small lumps, which tears the baby to chew.
  • Always freshly prepared.
  • Without preservatives and food additives.

Cooking puree from apples themselves

How to cook apple puree, knows, probably, every mammy.

But still repeat the technology in more detail.

Green apples do not cause food allergies.

So, first select an apple. It is better to take green, it is less than all allergens. Try to taste - is sweet? If the apple is acidic, you will have to add sugar, and it is undesirable. Look, if there is no rot on fruit, dents. When using such fruits, poisoning or to go an allergic reaction.

Before cooking puree, it is necessary to wash apples how to wash.

Now thoroughly wash it with warm boiled water. Cut the skin, remove the core. Now proceed directly to the cooking process.

Prepare a puree in different ways.

Give your child dessert using every time to prepare his other recipe. Look, which of the three dishes it will be better to eat.

As always, the word mommy

Isolde from Germany wrote:

"We are on breastfeeding. Therefore, to enter the lore was not rushing. Started half a year with a green apple. Gave on a spoon completely droplet first. And soon we already ate on a teaspoon. "

Evgenia from Moscow:

"The introduction of other types of feeding helps to prepare a baby to gradually teach from the chest. And start best with apple puree. Prapported, before attaching to the chest. The initial portion is half a teaspoon, gradually increase the dose during the week. To determine the size of the portion, multiply the number of ten months (for example, 6 months - 60 g) ".

Young Mother Anya warns:

"If you use purchased meals, be sure to try it before you give the baby. Several times I came across the proceedings. "

Another valuable advice gives Irina from Peter:

"I, when I started to enter the lore, started myself a diary of the food. There I recorded the name of the product, doses of day, as my son reacted to a particular product. If something went wrong, when contacting the doctor, this diary helped him very much to find the cause of the problem and its decision. "

Bon Appetit!

Regular bathing is simply necessary for newborn kids. Otherwise, they may appear. The Padder gives discomfort to the kids if during the non-proceedings of her treatment can reach inflammation. At the first manifestations of skin irritation, you need to consult a doctor.

Many kids face digestive problems, in particular constipation. If the baby can not go to the toilet for a long time, colic is beginning to torment him, the bloating appears, the child is constantly crying. deal with the problem?

Tells about the factors from which the deadlines depend on the end of the coup in the kids, as well as about what to do if the child is behind them.

So, we generalize everything written:

  • Pringly fruit is preferably starting from a green apple.
  • Portion increase gradually.
  • Carefully observe the state of the child's health.
  • At the first signs of the gastric disorder or allergies, the lures stop and appeal to the doctor.
  • For better control, we keep the diary of the baffling diary.
  • Gradually, we introduce other fruits, be sure to boil them first (except for bananas).
  • And yet - accustomed to eating a tasty fruit puree from a spoon, your baby will be better perceived and vegetable, which you will begin to give him soon.

It is important to remember that the stomach of small children is very fragile. In order to grow and be healthy, the baby needs a very specific diet and a proposed diagram of a daily diet. Therefore, moms must make decisions based on the needs of their karapuz. Until six months, the child needs solely in maternal milk. Then the decisive step occurs - the sequence of the introduction of fruits and vegetables in lures.

How and when to start right?

After the child began to use rich foods, it comes to offer him extra food. It is mostly vegetables and fruits that have not yet been introduced into the first lure. Try to give them every day, with every meal, but in small quantities. They will provide infant organism with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.

All children's dishes must be prepared, in the form of a puree. You can offer pieces of boiled vegetables or soft fruits that kid can take fingers.

How to start lore? Initially, offer one vegetable or fruit, and only after 3 days another. Why is that? It happens that the child needs several days to enjoy new food. This period can be more, but it is not necessary to perceive as proper. When he tried everything, you can mix them. This method will help to detect the true taste of each product. In addition, if he has allergies, in this way you can learn the reason.

What vegetables enter and in what sequence?

Milk continues to remain basic food for a child up to 1 year. And the new food should not spoil appetite for breast feeding or mixtures. The baby must drink at least 750 ml per day before and 600 ml per day to 2 years. If before 7 months, breastfeeding is present, always offer to the child your chest in front of solid food. Closer to 9 months he can first eat vegetable or fruit before drinking milk, which saves a good appetite.

Start your dust with soft vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes. Then turn green in the menu, for example: zucchini, green beans and polka dots.

Add new: corn, avocado. It is impossible to give the babies to children until the year cauliflower and broccoli, as they often cause gas shoes, which leads to food disorders and the appearance of colic.

What fruit to start lore?

You can start with apples, pears, peach or as mashed potatoes. You can also continue with other fruits, for example: plums, apricots, nectarine, pineapple.

Offer him fruit at the time; A few days later, give him another one. When he tasted the fruits separately, you can mix them. It is not recommended to add sugar to fruit: they already contain it!

The first fruit dust, like vegetable, is a prerequisite in the diet of each child.

And juice?100% fruit juice (without adding sugar) is a good source of vitamin "C", as well as energy, but a child who regularly uses fruit, can do without it. With the first prure, it is enough to give 60 ml of fruit juice per day. Closer to 2 years old, it is recommended to drink no more than 125 ml per day.

Why is it important to start babies from vegetables and fruits in 6 months?

After milk is no longer enough to cover the needs of the child's nutrition. At this age, digestive abilities are better developed, and it is ready to chew more hard food. It is also important to note that with, the baby is already able to appreciate and discover new taste flavors!

The order of entering fruit and vegetable supplies

Food diagram with vegetables and fruits, as well as additional power, the following is a letter of recommendation.Carefully monitor the opinions and recommendations of the children's pediatrician who knows your firstborn.

Milk must remain the basis for feeding your karapus. In the six-month age, its approximate dose - 500 ml per day. The kneading moms know the longer the baby dwells on breastfeeding, the better for her health.

6 months

First, start the introduction of vegetables by month - small doses (1 tsp). After 2 weeks, Kroch should have between 30 and 40 g of vegetables per day. Giving fruit with breastfeeding six-month kid is still too early. As for "artificialists", the acquaintance with them can be started, but in small quantities.

  • Vegetable puree (30-40 grams): carrots, beets, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, green beans, zucchini - peeled and boneless.
  • Fruits are allowed, but it is better to wait some time.

Seven months

  • Vegetables in the same form as at six months (50-70 g at noon).
  • Fruit: Fresh apples (green, red), pear, banana. Avoid exotic products. It is better to start feeding from home fruit, small portions with a gradual increase in dose.
  • You can also offer children's yogurt instead of a driver.

8 months

  • Vegetable puree - daily volume: 100 to 120 g.
  • The introduction of fruit dust - when a child is familiar with an apple, a pear and banana, to offer him a peach, apricot and plum. Be sure to observe the reaction of the body on the injected products.
  • Dietary meat (20 g / day): chicken, turkey, ham, beef.

9 months

  • Ready vegetable purees or home-cooked - rubbed or crushed to very small pieces without lumps (from 15 to 200 g). At night, in addition to breast or artificial feeding.
  • cereals in the diet (50 g): semolina, rice.
  • pasta or noodles (50 g).
  • salads: cucumbers, tomatoes.
  • low-fat fish (20 g / day): Cod, heck.
  • Fruits: Strawberry, Kiwi ... Very ripe, cooked or mixed.
  • meat or minced meat (20g / day).

10 months

  • Vegetable dust. It is possible 2 times 150 g at lunch and in the evening.
  • Acquaintance with egg yolk (1-2 times a week) during lunch.
  • Fish (10g / day): Tuna, Sardines, salmon.
  • Dietary meat (20 g / day): Pork, lamb, lamb, rabbit.
  • Cheese or children's raw mass.

11 months

  • Ground vegetables, sliced \u200b\u200b2 times a day, in half a day and in the evening. From 150 to 200 g for one meal.
  • Meat or egg yolk during lunch.
  • bread, child can eat a small crust.
  • Fruits.
  • Yogurt.

12 months

  • Vegetables in the same form as before (160-250 g) twice a day - day and evening.
  • Meat, fish, 1 egg during lunch.
  • Fresh fruits, children's cheese.

Breakfast: Milk (also possible baby porridges up to 9 months).

Lunch: Vegetables + Fruits + Mashed + Meat + Soup

Evening: For Breasts - Vegetable Soup (Puree), for artificials - porridge.

Important! Microwave information. Sometimes it heats the food unevenly. Mashed, for example, can be cold in some places and hot in others. Therefore, caring about the health of your child, it should be checked before serving their temperature, applying the back side of the hand or the inner side of the wrist.