Research project Paper and home-making. Creative research project "The Magic World of Paper

  1. 1. Children's research project What can paper do? The author of the project is Nastya Galiveeva, student of the preparatory group of the Department of Fine Arts 8 years old. Project Manager Sergeeva Lilia Niyasovna, teacher of the highest category, Head of the Department of Fine Arts, MBOU DOD "Polaznenskaya Children's Art School" Polazna Perm Territory teaching experience 20 years Paper for us is a familiar material that we come across literally at every step: opening a newspaper, sending a letter, reading books and magazines, looking through posters, calendars, albums, etc. The topic of studying paper and its application in creative work has become very relevant to me. I love to create: draw, sculpt, make crafts from various materials. And I also have many loved ones to whom I want to give gifts. I think that my project "What can paper do?" Will help not only me, but also other younger students learn how to use paper in creative work. The problem of the project: what can be made of paper? from different types of paper, in different ways. Project product: creative works from different types of paper, in different ways. II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  2. http: // Work plan: learn about the origin of paper and its types from literary sources and Internet resources; to master different ways of application, different types of paper in creative works. Subject of research: the use of paper in creative works. Subject of research: paper. Practical significance of the project: having studied the possibilities of paper, you can make creative works with your own hands and donate them to your loved ones. Theoretical part of the research: study. literary sources; study of information obtained from Internet resources. The practical part of the study: making creative works from paper. Implementation of the plan Theoretical part of the project (presentation slides No. 2-4) Studying literary sources and information obtained from Internet resources, I learned a lot of interesting and informative. About the history of the appearance of paper Paper is an extraordinary invention of man, one of his most important and greatest achievements. Since its inception, paper has become an active means of communication between people, introducing them to knowledge and culture. It is not for nothing that it is called a "source of wisdom", as it helps to preserve for future generations a huge legacy of the past and present. Paper appeared as a result of centuries of searching for material to consolidate thoughts, feelings, relationships. Man has always tried to tell about himself, first carving mysterious drawings and signs on rocks, granite boulders, basalt boulders, and the walls of caves. They have been discovered by archaeologists in many countries. Many similar drawings have been found in Mongolia, India, Australia, Mexico, the II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  3. 3.http: // among the sands of the Sahara, in Cuba, etc. These drawings are five to five and a half thousand years old. Later, clay tablets were sewn to replace the stone. They drew on them with sticks on wet clay, which was much easier than carving images on a stone. This had a huge impact on the development of culture. Letter tiles have become possible to send from one place to another and even send to other countries. Man did not stop looking for ever lighter and more durable materials for writing. This is how wooden planks appeared. After covering them with paint or wax, they wrote them down with sharpened sticks. The Chinese used bamboo planks and burned hieroglyphs on them with a hot awl. Residents of ancient Novgorod wrote letters, wrote down debts, bills on birch bark. A large number of such birch bark letters were discovered by archaeologists during excavations of the cultural layers of the Novgorod land of the XI-XIV centuries. In ancient Egypt, papyrus was widely used, which grew in abundance in shallow areas of lakes and rivers. From the banks of the Nile, he entered Europe and Asia. On papyrus, the Egyptians depicted the events of their entire life, various customs, rituals, and crafts. The rival of papyrus was parchment. Thin and durable material got its name from the city of Pergamum, which was a large craft center for leather dressing and where in the II century. BC. began to make a new material for writing. In Russia, parchment began to be made in the 15th century for state letters, codes of laws, and especially valuable books. Parchment is a strong, elastic, durable, but very expensive material, having served people for centuries, gave way only to paper. Paper was first produced in the 2nd century, in China. It is believed that the paper was invented by Tsai Lun. For a long time, the Chinese kept secret the recipe for obtaining paper in order to maintain a monopoly on its production and to provide sales markets abroad - in Central Asia, Japan, Korea and other countries. Almost fifteen hundred years ago, the art of papermaking was mastered in India. Kampuchea, Vietnam. Here they learned to make paper from old sails, hemp and linen rags, old nets and ropes. In Japan, they began to produce high-grade paper from the bark of mulberry, and a hundred years after the appearance of the first samples, Japanese paper surpassed the quality of Chinese paper, which was made from bamboo stalks. In these countries, they developed many different types of paper and learned how to use them in various ways. The Arabs perfected the Chinese way of making paper. Scraps of rags soaked in water they rubbed with a rotating millstone and manual labor, thus, at first they replaced the muscular strength of domestic animals, and the II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  4. 4.http: // then the energy of water. The abundance of paper allowed the Arab caliphs to create huge libraries. In Europe, paper began to be produced from the 12th century, first in Italy, and then in France, England, Holland and Germany. What is paper Paper is a product of the pulp and paper industry. This is a leafy capillary-porous material consisting of the smallest fibers, which, as a result of special processing, are closely intertwined with each other, folded and pressed into sheets. If you look closely at the edge of a torn piece of paper, you can easily notice such thin fibers. Paper is used in technology, goes to the manufacture of a large number of cultural, office, household items: notebooks, napkins, money, toys, ropes, wallpaper, photographic paper and much more. .Paper is used to create various packaging and building materials. How paper is made The main material for making paper is wood, but some types of paper are made from straw, cotton, wool, or silk. Rag fibers give the paper strength and durability. For special types of paper subject to long-term storage, artificial synthetic fibrous materials are used - lavsan, nylon, nitron. Synthetic fibers make it possible to produce very durable paper. The production of paper requires a significant amount of water. Therefore, pulp and paper mills are located on the banks of rivers and lakes. In addition, a large amount of wood is floated by water, which significantly reduces the cost of its delivery. First, wood pulp is obtained. Coniferous trees, most often spruce, are used for the production of wood pulp. To make paper, cellulose is needed: first it is processed mechanically (crushed), and then subjected to chemical processing - boiled in an alkali solution, in a special acid. By mixing wood pulp and cellulose, a pulp is obtained in the form of a liquid fibrous slurry. The more cellulose, the stronger the paper. In order for the paper to be strong, opaque, adhesives, minerals and dyes are added to the paper pulp, depending on the purpose, type and grade of future paper. Sizing makes the paper suitable for writing with ink, ink, for painting, i.e. moisture resistant. Various minerals are added to the paper pulp II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  5. 5.http: // white fillers: chalk, talc, plaster. They give the paper whiteness, opacity, softness, smoothness, mechanical strength and improve its printability. In addition to adhesives and fillers, dyes are added to the paper pulp. Depending on the type and purpose, the paper is subjected to further processing and finishing: it is made smooth, molded, dyed, glued, gummed, impregnated with various substances, made corrugated, velvet, embossed, etc. There is a wide variety of paper. It varies in thickness, color, quality and size. The paper needs to be selected of a certain color and type depending on what you are going to do. Types of paper: newsprint; paper for printing books and magazines; copy paper; drawing and drawing, printmaking; tracing paper; packaging or wrapping; colored glossy; pebbled paper (embossed); velvet; self-adhesive; copying; wallpaper; cardboard; Rep paper. Conclusions of the theoretical part of the project Analyzing the studied information from literary sources and Internet resources, one can draw the following conclusions: paper is an extraordinary invention of man, one of his most important and greatest achievements; it is a product of the pulp and paper industry; it is used in various areas of human life, the main materials for making paper are wood and cellulose; produce various types of paper, depending on the purpose. II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  6. 6.http: // Practical part of the project Learning the practical use of paper, I decided to make gifts to my loved ones in different ways from different types of paper. 1. For my mother, I decided to make a bouquet of flowers in a pot, using the technique ancient and decorative traditional Japanese origami products. They are a variety of balls, consisting of collected together paper flowers, rosettes or paper pieces of another shape. These individual parts are often referred to as modules. What does the self-word "kusudama" mean? ―Kusuri‖ is translated from Japanese as drug‖, ―tama‖ - ―shar‖. Therefore, the word ―kusudama‖ can be translated as drug ball‖. What does medicine and drugs have to do with it? After all, it was about folding out of paper! It turns out that the kusudams were originally used by the Japanese during the Shinto religious mysteries of the Kagura. This was the name of the rituals formed on the basis of the magical solar cult. The sun was symbolized by huge bright red balls, the surface of which was created by the heads of paper carnations tightly pressed against each other. The balls were located at the corners of a quadrangular platform. Many-meter poles with flowers strung on them protruded from the balls in different directions. And today, not a single Japanese holiday on the street, in a temple, or in a house is necessary without kusud. For some, they are just an ornament, while others give an immagic meaning. Such a ball can be hung over the patient's bed and charged with positive energy by bringing your palms to it. Mystic? Which side to look at ... Stages of work (presentation slide number 5) I needed materials: colored paper, scissors, glue, ruler, pencil, jar, ribbon for decorating the pot, corrugated paper. I measured out five 9x9 cm squares on a piece of paper and cut them out, because for one flower you need to prepare five squares. So, I prepared 45 squares for 15 flowers from colored paper. I put each flower in a certain sequence (Slide No. presentation), glued the petals, thus making a flower. The resulting flowers I glued together to make a ball. II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  7. 7. I cut out a strip from colored corrugated paper equal to the width and height of the jar and fixed the strip with glue, so I got a beautiful flower pot. Decorated it with ribbons. Fastened a ball of flowers in a pot with glue. 2. For my dad, I decided to make an applique of colored paper "Omore Memory". He so often recalls a trip to the sea, how he swam and dived, that I wanted to create an image of the inhabitants of the deep sea. Application is one of the types of applied art. Applicatio - Latin word, means "applying, overlaying". It is a way to create ornaments or artistic images by gluing paper. The application is widespread in many countries. It occupies a large place in the art of the peoples of the East - Vietnam, Japan, China. Application works are used in Poland. In Russia, applications in the form of cut paper laces and napkins were used to decorate shelves with dishes. Appliques made of leather and fur are widely used in the design of clothes and carpets by the peoples of the North. Applique images of objects always have more conventional forms than in other types of art. These forms are generalized, small details are not distinguished, both along the contour and inside it, which can be transferred to painting and sculpture. Since the application technique is simpler than in drawing a painting, you can quickly make a panel, a poster, a frieze, etc. Stages of work (presentation slide number 6) I needed materials: an album sheet of paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, a ruler, a pencil, templates for seahorse and jellyfish I pasted a sheet of colored paper on a landscape sheet of paper. To make waves, I cut off a strip, bent it several times, and cut an arched line with scissors, then glued this strip to the upper border of the blue sheet. I traced the patterns of the seahorse and jellyfish on colored paper, and cut out the details along the outline. The rest of the details of my applique I created on the basis of my imagination. Having prepared all the parts from colored paper, and placing them in a certain order, I glued them onto a blue background. 3. I wanted to give my younger sister a kitten "Mura", made using paper plastic technique. I deliberately made it only white, because the II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"
  8. 8.http: // if he wants to make his friend colored, he will paint him at his will. Paper plastic, an original way of shaping from paper. Paper is a special material, expressive, decorative and “flexible”, it is easy to form, but at the same time dictates the methods of work and the style itself. Paper sculpture is diverse: children's crafts, design solutions, arts and crafts, independent works and a preparatory sketch for a metal sculpture. Stages of work (presentation slide No. 7) I needed materials: a sheet of office white paper FA 4, writing paper, scissors, curly scissors, glue, ruler, pencil, sheet with a pattern of a cat. I put a sheet of office white paper on a sheet with a pattern of a cat and outlined the lines with a pencil. I cut out the details and glued them in a certain sequence, starting with the body of the cat and so on according to the scheme. Using curly scissors, I cut out strips of writing paper and decorated the cat with them. Conclusions of the practical part of the project Mastering in practice the studied information from literary sources and Internet resources, I came to the conclusion that using different methods of application, different types of paper in creative works, you can make creative works with your own hands and give them to loved ones. The generalization of the conclusions of the theoretical and practical part of the project gives reason to believe that the study of paper and the production of creative works from different types of paper, in different ways, leads to the achievement of the goal of the project "What can paper do?" II All-Russian Internet competition "Children's research project"
  9. 9.http: // References: 1. Goryaeva N.A. Your workshop. Slave. tetr. Ed. Nemensky B.M. M .: "Education", 2006. 2. Dokuchaeva N.N. We make the paper world. We are building a city. SPb.: LLP "Diamant", 1997. 3. Kozlina A.V. Handicraft lessons. Slave. tetr. M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005. 4. Makarova N.R. Secrets of the paper sheet. Slave. tetr. M .: Mosaika-synthesis, 2006. 5. Nemenskaya L.A. Your workshop. Slave. tetr. 4 cl. M .: "Education", 2004. Internet resources: http: // http://all-origami.ruhttp: // /applikatsii II All-Russian Internet Competition "Children's Research Project"

Republican Festival of Research Projects and

creative projects "My first discoveries"


What is paper

and how is it made?

The work was completed by students of grade 3 b

Head: Vera Vasilievna Ribinskaya,

primary school teacher

Municipal government educational institution

"Essoil secondary school"

year 2013

1. Introduction

Our research project is called "What is paper and how is it made?"

All the guys in our class love to draw, paint, make various applications. We enjoy reading interesting books. At school, we write in notebooks, we write down our homework in a diary. The teacher puts grades in the classroom journal. Paper is everywhere: at home, at school, in the store.

It is now impossible to imagine life without her. Paper is the most widely used material in the world.

At one of the lessons of the world around us, we talked about environmental problems, about forest protection, learned that paper is made not only from wood, but also from waste paper. We were interested in the papermaking process itself. How is paper made in a factory and can it be made at home?

Before working on the project, we carried outquestionnaire among elementary school students. We interviewed 75 people. They were asked the following questions:

    What did people in the ancient world write on? We got the following answers:

I don’t know - answered –16 people, and on a tree - 27 people, on stones, walls of caves - 18, on birch bark - 11, on papyrus - 1, on clay - 1, on animal skins -1

    What is paper made of today?

I don’t know - 25 people answered, from wood - 41 people, from bark - 3, from wooden porridge - 6

It turned out that we ourselves and the other guys do not know very much about paper. We decided to study this issue and bring our knowledge to the students of our school.

So there was the topic of our research work: "What is paper and how is it made?"

The purpose of our work was: and research of paper: history of its origin, properties and manufacturing technology.

We have set ourselves the following tasks:

1. ... Study the history of the appearance of paper.

2. Conduct a series of experiments with paper, study its properties.

3. Make paper at home.

4. Introduce the project to primary school students.

We have put forward hypothesis: "If we learn how paper is made, we can make it ourselves at home."

In our work, we used research methods such as:


    Excursion to the pulp and paper mill "OJSC Kondopoga".

    Study of reference books and Internet resources;

    Experiments with paper

    Practical paper making

2. Practical part

To work on the project, the guys and I decided to become scientists for a while and were divided into three groups: Historians, Chemists and Technologists. The Historians were the first to set to work. They examined the question "Where did the paper come from?"

    1. Where did the paper come from?

There was not always paper. What were people using before paper came along? For millennia, people have been looking for writing material. First, they used stone, clay, tree bark. They were replaced by wooden planks covered with wax. Our girls also tried to make such wax boards. They were replaced papyrus, who is sometimes called the "grandfather of paper". (Papyrus is a plant with a tough, hollow stem that was cut and straightened to create thin sheets of paper that you could write on.)

In countries with hot climates, dried palm leaves were often used. In Russia, the most common writing material was birch bark - a layer of birch bark. Then came parchment... It was made from the skin of young animals (rams, cows, pigs, goats). Parchment was a very expensive material. The skins of 200-250 animals were used to create one book. Parchment was used before paper appeared.

The Chinese were the first to start making paper. It is believed that paper was invented in China around 105 by Tsai Lun. He found a way to make paper from the inside of the bark of a mulberry tree. The Chinese rubbed the bark of trees, chips, rags in water for a long time, until they got a porridge without lumps, then they poured this mixture onto trays. When the water drained off, the sheets were dried. Later, the Chinese began to add starch to it. At first, paper was made from rags, then they decided to try wood.

Now paper is made in much the same way, only machines do it all. We learned about how paper is made in Karelia when we visited the Pulp and Paper Mill in the city of Kondopoga.

2.2. C properties of paper.

At the mill, we learned what can be included in the composition of the paper.

    Wood pulp or cellulose 2) Waste paper 3) Rags

Cellulose is a substance that can be found in all plants, trees, cotton, rice, corn stalks.

We tried to investigate the properties of paper and for this we conducted the following experiments:

    Experience number 1 Smoothness . I took different sheets of writing paper, newsprint, wrapping paper and noticed that it was mostly smooth. The appearance of the paper depends on the smoothness.Output: Smoothness is important for writing papers, for printing papers, and for gluing paper.

    Experience number 2. Kink resistance . Paper is made up of fibers held together. If you tear a sheet of paper, the line will turn out to be uneven. If the sheet is ironed along the fold line (that is, to break the fibers), then the sheet will tear along a straight line.Output: The paper is made up of fibers that make the paper strong.

    Experience number 3 Clearance. I took two sheets of paper: thick and thin, put them in turn on the picture in the light and saw that thin paper shines through the picture, but thick paper does not. Output: There are different types of paper: thick and thin. The transparency of the paper depends on the compaction of the fibers.

    Experience No. 4 Porosity. I dropped paint on a sheet of paper, it was absorbed. There are pores between the fibers. Output: The paper absorbs ink due to its porosity.

    Experience number 5 - Strength. Place a heavy object on a piece of paper. The sheet bent. Then fold the sheet like an accordion and place the same object. The sheet does not bend. Output: Accordion-folded paper becomes more durable. The accordion principle is used in the manufacture of boxes.

    Experience No. 6 Elongation . I take a sheet of soft paper (napkins) and try to stretch it, the paper slowly stretches a little. Output: The paper is stretched. This property is especially important for packaging paper.

    Experience number 7 Softness. I try to crumple a piece of paper into a lump, the paper lends itself easily. Output: The paper is soft, the softness depends on its density.

    Experience No. 8 Moisture resistance. Now I put the paper in water and press down slightly, the paper gets wet, but does not lose its shape. The paper is strong when wet. Output: The stronger the paper before dampening, the less it loses its shape after dampening.

    Test No. 9 Combustion. I try to set fire to the paper, it burns easily. Ashes and ash remain from the burned paper. Output: The paper is highly flammable and burns very well.

To summarize our research: I have listed the main properties of paper. Those people who make paper need to know them. Paper mills produce different types of paper. Quality depends on its properties.

2.3. Paper making technology.

After examining the properties, we decided to make the paper ourselves. And this is what we got. Watch the movie How We Made Paper. We made paper from waste paper at home andwithwe read that the use of recycled paper raw materials on the scale of the whole state and individual regions allows us to preserve forest resources. We must remember that the forest is a treasure that mother nature gave us and that the forest must be protected, protected and tried to save with all our might.


Practical results:

    The guys in our class from various sources learned about the history of the creation of paper; 2. Studied the properties of paper. 3. Made paper from waste paper.


Our hypothesis that “if we learn how paper is made, we can make it ourselves at home,” was fully confirmed. We learned what paper is made of, and we ourselves learned how to make it.


Used literature and digital resources:

Bogdanov V.V., S.N. Popov. The stories of ordinary things. Ed. "Pedagogy-Press", M., 1992, p. 70-76

2. Great Russian Encyclopedia

3. A word about paper. N.Yu. Yakovlev. M. 1988

4. Paper technology, M., 1992

5. What is. Who it. Vol. 1. - M .: Pedagogy, 1990.


Gordina Victoria

Municipal government educational institution

basic general education school

with. Zagarye Yuryansky District Kirov Region

Research project

"DIY paper"

The work was done by a student

5 class MKOU OOSh s. Sunburn

Yuryansky district Kirov region

Gordina Victoria

Supervisor: biology teacher

MKOU OOSH s. Sunburn

Gordina Elena Nikolaevna

1. Passport ............................................... .................................................. ............................ 3

2. Introduction ............................................... .................................................. .......................... 4

3. Stages of work on the project ............................................ ............................................... 6

4. Conversations about paper

4.1. Paper appearance ................................................ .................................................. .... 7

4.2. Making paper today ............................................... .................................... ten

4.3. Homemade paper making techniques ............................................ 12

5. Conclusion ............................................... .................................................. ...................... fourteen

Informational resources................................................ ................................................. 15

Applications ................................................. .................................................. ...................... 16

1. Project passport

Project name: DIY paper

Age of the project participant: 11 years

Number of participants: 1

Supervisor: Gordina Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of biology of chemistry, Moscow Regional Educational Institution OOSh p. Sunburn

Academic subject within which the work was carried out- natural history

Academic disciplines close to the topic of the project- biology, chemistry, ecology, local history

Project type- long-term

Intended product: obtaining samples of paper, issuing a booklet.

2. Introduction

DIY paper project theme

Paper has an exceptional place in people's lives. She had many predecessors. Stone and clay, wood and bone, leather and birch bark, wax and metal, papyrus and parchment - all of them in different historical epochs served people as a material for writing, for transmitting such valuable information.

DIY paper ... Can you make it at home? This question was asked by the author of the proposed project. Having studied the literature on this issue, the author came to the conclusion that the impossible in this case does not happen. Several methods of making paper at home were found, but after trying them, one was chosen. Nowadays, handmade products are highly valued, because they keep the warmth of human hands and have no analogues. The same can be said about hand-made paper: interest in it is growing every day, so, according to forecasts, the paper craftsmen will not be bored.


I suppose that the product of homemade paper will be of interest not only to school students, but also to teachers and acquaintances.

Object of study

Production of paper from recycled materials

Subject of study

History of paper production


Everyone uses paper, but not everyone knows how they get it.

Objective of the project:

Make your own paper manually from recycled materials.


1. Study the history of the origin of the paper.

2. Get acquainted with the industrial method of making paper.

3. Make paper samples at home.

4. Learn to use recycled raw materials, conserve forest resources (no matter how loud it sounds)

5. Submit the material in the form of a presentation, booklet.

My work consisted of two stages:

1. Study of literature on this topic in the library and on the Internet.

2. Research part of making paper samples

Sources used
1. "Novaya Gazeta" No. 49 (492), 2005
2. Koryova GA "Your alternative to nuclear power plants" Book 2 / Energy passport of the family / Ed. 2nd, rev. and augmented. - Murmansk, 2002 .-- 32 p.

3. Websites:

3. Stages of work on the project.

1. Preparatory (October-November)

Search and study of literature on paper production in school and rural libraries, since the material found had few illustrations, I had to turn to Internet resources. We have studied the history of the emergence of paper, various types of paper, papermaking in the industry.

2. Practical (December - February)

Registration of work on a computer, applications, paper making.

3. Control and evaluation (March)

Publishing a booklet and presentation, making paper samples with our own hands. Preparation and defense of the project at the school and district competition of research works.

4. Conversations about paper.

4.1. The emergence of paper

The lumberjacks cut down the tree,

On the machine, they were divided into parts,

They chopped the lumps into splinters,

And they boiled them in solution for a long time.

And then all the liquid is squeezed out,

Roller ironed, dried, ironed.

This is how a blank sheet of paper comes out

For magazine, book and notebook.

The paper was invented by the Chinese. Rather, one very specific Chinese is Tsai Lun. Before him, there was also writing material - the Egyptians made it from sheets of papyrus (Annex 1), but this material had a whole host of shortcomings: it broke down, did not tolerate moisture well, and delaminated over time. And making papyrus paper was not very easy. So Tsai Lun did the whole world a great favor by deciding to finally try to create the best writing material in the universe on an early spring morning in AD 105.

Before that, the Chinese made paper from hemp and defective silkworm cocoons. Tsai Lun, on the other hand, crushed mulberry (mulberry) fiber, wood ash, rags and hemp, mixed it all with water, put the resulting mass on a bamboo sieve and dried it in the sun. And when the mass was dry, he smoothed it out with stones. Tsai Lun's paper was very much liked by the emperor - it was smoother and smoother than hemp sheets, and more durable and durable than silk rolls - and he immediately obliged all Chinese officials to switch to the new material.

Initially, paper in China was used for wrapping fabrics, and only then it became a writing paper. During the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese invented tea bags and toilet paper, and during the Song Dynasty, paper money was the first on the planet.

Since then, the manufacturing process has improved, but has not changed. New components were added - starch, glue, dyes - smooth stones were replaced by cylindrical presses, drying in the sun gave way to ultraviolet lamps. In the second half of the seventeenth century, Europeans invented a grinding machine, which significantly reduced the time for paper production. In 1770, the British paper manufacturer J. Whatman invented a technology that made it possible to obtain a sheet of paper without traces of a drying net. And in 1806, the Fourdinier brothers patented the first paper machine.

Spain was the first in Europe (around 1150) to start making paper, having adopted the technology from the Arabs. In 1154, paper appeared in Italy. Hungary began to make paper in 1300, Germany in 1390, England in 1494, Russia in 1565, Holland in 1586, and Sweden in 1698.

There were 30 operations in papermaking technology. The main figure in the paper mill was the scooper, and his main working tool was a rectangular shape with a mesh bottom. He lowered her into a vat filled with paper pulp and quickly lifted her up. It was required to do this in such a way that, after the water drained from it, an even fibrous layer remained on the mesh, from which a sheet of paper was then obtained. The scooper was considered an important person and had a number of privileges, unlike other masters.

Over time, the workshop paper production changed its character, acquired the features of a manufactory production. It remained that way until the end of the 19th century. This operation was very laborious and required a lot of physical costs, experience, and skill. Usually these were highly qualified masters. They were respected and privileged. Having done his job, the scooper handed the frame to the worker - the receiver. He deftly turned the frame over, and the fiber fell on the cloth cloth lining. Damp paper sheets were separated by spacers and collected in stacks. Then the water was removed from them with a press. Many engravings show such a press in detail, so that, if desired, a working model can be made without much difficulty, the drawings and engravings are so accurate.

Drying was the final, but not the very last operation. After removing the moisture, the sheets were straightened, flattened on a smooth roller with a gurney made of hard wood species such as beech, walnut or bone. Then they pressed again. Sometimes the paper was dipped in a cuvette with a diluted animal or fish glue. Fish was considered better, as it was less exposed to rotting. Then there was repeated drying and smoothing.

The papermaking process requires a lot of water to drive the mills. Therefore, they tried to build paper mills as close to the water as possible, and more often right on the river. Such workshops became known as "paper mills". The first paper mills appeared in Italy in the XIII century (Fabriano, 1276, later in Bologna and Ancona), in France in the XIV century (1348), in Germany in 1380, in England in the middle of the XIV century, in Holland, Norway, Denmark - in the 60s of the XIV century, in Poland in 1493, in the Czech Republic - in 1499.

The demand for paper is growing, the number of workshops, craftsmen and apprentices is increasing. Competition is growing - the desire to occupy its own niche in production, in the supply of its goods, in consolidation of its name is growing. Each master has his own tricks, his secrets, which he keeps under strict control, although in general the general principle of production was known.

In Europe, paper was made from linen rags. First, it was soaked in milk of lime. Then the rags were ground in large mortars, and again soaked in lime water for about a day. Then the crushed mass was taken out, squeezed out, and ground again until a homogeneous mixture was obtained in large vats. The foreman determined the readiness of the raw material - he allowed the molders to scoop up a mass - a blank of paper with a special sieve (a wooden frame covered with a fine mesh) with a special worked-out movement. After a while, the water was drained through a sieve, compacted, and then "reclined" onto a layer of felt. The remaining water was absorbed into the felt, and the paper pulp - the raw material - became even more compact. A sheet of felt was placed on top, and the operation was repeated, thus, several times. After a certain amount of time, the entire felt-and-pulp stack was compacted under a press. The press squeezed out the remaining moisture and then slightly damp sheets of the workpiece were hung in the shade (always under a canopy) for air drying.

The dried paper went to the ironers: on the marble board, the sheet was smoothed with a bone stack (a kind of flat and very smooth knife without a handle). The paper ironed in this way went to the sizing machine. He soaked the sheet with a gelatin solution and hung it up again to dry. The dried sheet was returned to the sizing machine for processing the other side, after which the sheet was again hung to dry. The glued sheet was returned to the ironer. He would repeat the operation of ironing the sheet and hand it over, if polished paper (a type of modern coated paper) was needed, to a polisher. He polished it with ivory and completed his actions by treating the surface with jasper, jade, agate, and onyx. Agate veneers were most often used. A similar technique of burnishing or polishing raw clay products has been preserved to this day. Such items, called "polished" in ceramics, are popular with ceramics enthusiasts.

Almost finished paper was put on the table to the master-carver. He cut the blanks for a specific format and stockpiled them in dozens. The packer, depending on the number of sheets in the order, assembled a block of finished paper, having previously placed a formatting plate from below and exactly the same one on top to protect the edges of the sheets of finished paper from mechanical damage. All this was carefully covered with cloth, linen, tied with ribbons, and handed over to the finished product warehouse or directly from hand to hand to the customer. Paper, as a commodity, was not stale in the warehouse. There were about 30 main operations, about 15 additional operations, technologically quite complex manipulations with paper pulp.

4.2. Paper making today.

Almost the same as under Tsai Lun. In a special large bath, crushed particles of wood, fabric, strengthening substances and paint are dissolved in water. Then the resulting mass is scooped out and spread in portions on a drying net (Annex 1).

If the scooped out mixture (it is called primary paper) just dry under a light bulb, you get a loose and rather brittle mass. Therefore, after drying, the virgin paper is pressed on special press rolls - that is, it is driven between rows of smooth cylinders (Annex 1)., which press on the sheet with a certain force. The greater the pressure, the denser the paper is and the more difficult it is, then it will bend.

The paper itself is usually brown in color with varying degrees of saturation. In order to whiten the paper (or to give it some other shade), special dyes and chemicals are added to the primary mixture. In addition, the sheets are often chalked - that is, a chalk solution is sprayed on the paper, and then the sheet is pressed again with cylinders. Besides the beautiful color, coated the paper is more durable and more convenient for the printer by spot absorption of ink.

Standard paper, coated or not, is matte and slightly rough to the touch. In order to make it smooth and glossy, the paper is coated with a special compound during the coating process. Glossy paper is usually heavier than matte paper. It is best to print full-color illustrations and photographs on such sheets: the size of the printed dot on such paper is the smallest, which means that the image resolution is the highest, and the color reproduction is the most accurate.

In addition to coated paper, there is one type of white matte paper - calendered... It is used for digital printing: the ink of a digital printer falls on such paper very evenly and adheres better than on chalk. In order to achieve this effect, the sheets are passed through a special machine named calender(Annex 1)... In fact, a calender is no different from a baler - the same belt, the same cylinders. Only now the surface of the cylinders themselves is very smooth, and the sheets are passed under b O more pressure - therefore the paper is very thick. Calendered paper is never glossy, and the color of its white sheet is slightly yellowish, so it is very convenient to read from it.

To receive you need to textured paper, during pressing, the primary paper is placed on a textured mesh. Or, when mixing the composition, additional elements are added (threads, cellulose particles, thin plastic sections, etc.)

Recently, recycled paper has become very popular; collected waste paper or fabrics are used as the basis for its sheets. Such paper becomes the main one for packaging materials or is used to make design paper with a complex texture.

The paper is based on plant fibers, properly processed and bonded into a thin sheet by surface adhesion forces. For the manufacture of special types of paper, fibers of synthetic and mineral origin (asbestos, glass, etc.) have also been used recently. Sometimes wool, straw or rice fibers are used in paper production. To create colored paper, dyes are added to the composition.

4.3. Homemade paper making techniques



Large saucepan

Used paper sheets

Mixer or food processor

A piece of gauze with fine holes

Instant starch (two teaspoons)

Two sheets of blotting paper (or newspaper)


1. Tear the paper into small pieces (no more than 2x2 cm) and place them in a saucepan. (If you are using a food processor, simply place torn paper in it, pour in some water, and beat until the paper breaks down into fibers.)

2. Then pour the mixture into a pot of warm water. If you want to use starch, add it to the water now (two teaspoons).

3. Let the paper stand for 10 minutes, and then beat with a mixer until the paper fibers separate and the mass becomes soft.

4. Gradually lower a piece of cheesecloth into the pan with one edge, holding it by the other edge. Submerge it completely in the mass and then carefully remove it. Let the water drain back into the pot.

5. Cover the gauze with absorbent paper and turn over, but be careful not to break up the resulting "cellulose".

6. Carefully remove the gauze and cover the remaining "cellulose" with a second sheet of blotting paper and roll.

7. Dry with an iron

8. Carefully remove the blotting paper. Do not touch the resulting sheet for 24 hours until it is completely dry.



Special frames with a mesh for filtering liquids. (Appendix 2) They are wooden, sheet sizes A4 and A5. For work, it is enough to have two of each size. The mesh is fine-grained, similar to a sieve, it is used in construction. The net is attached to the frame with small studs. A top bezel without a mesh is optional, but desirable. It makes it possible to gain more mass and it is easier to flatten it on the mesh.
We also use a blender and iron to speed up the process, but you can completely do without them.


For work, you can take a variety of paper: documents that have been destroyed in special machines (shredders), old newspapers, egg trays, toilet paper. The production of 2-3 sheets of paper requires approximately 3-4 liters of mass. The thinner the paper we want to end up with, the more water we take at the beginning.

For painting, you can use any paints, starting with gouache. For decoration, you can use threads, dry leaves, flower petals, glitter, confetti, etc.


1. The paper collected for work is torn into small pieces, filled with water, infused for 30 minutes and placed in a blender, where it is crushed until smooth. (Appendix 2) You can add dye. When the paper pulp is ready, it is applied to a frame with a grid, and it is covered on top with a frame without a grid. It takes a while to let the water drain (Appendix 2)

2. The upper frame is removed (without a grid).

3. Turn the frame over to the top with a mesh and remove all excess moisture with a sponge. After that, carefully remove the frame with the mesh and leave it to dry for several hours.

4. At the end, iron the resulting paper with an iron through a thin rag or newspaper.

5. Conclusion

In the course of the work, the goal set by the author of the work at the very beginning was achieved: two methods of making paper at home described in the literature were mastered. In addition to the fact that this activity turned out to be fun, it was certainly rewarding. You can make beautiful postcards, covers for diaries, photo albums, lampshades for lamps from our own paper, there are even designer wallpapers made by hand. Such paper is prized and quite expensive.

Was collected 18 kilograms of waste paper: most of it was handed over to the school for subsequent delivery at the recycling center. Cropped margins of collected newspapers were used to make paper, 300 grams of waste paper was used to make 3 sheets of paper at home.

The author believes that this work has brought little benefit to nature. In the course of the design work, the author learned a lot of new and interesting things and got satisfaction. Friends, relatives and teachers became interested in the product.

After all, this was the main task.

Erofeev Dmitry

research project "how to make paper at home by hand"






How to make paper at home by hand?

Research project


Erofeev Dmitry

9 years



Olga Anatolyevna

year 2013

  1. Theoretical part. p.

1.1. Introduction …………………………………………………………… 3

1.2. History of the origin of paper ………………………………… ..3

1.3. Paper making methods ……………………. …… 5

  1. The practical part.

Making paper at home ………………… ............ 5

Conclusion ………………………………………………………… .. 9

Sources used ……………………………………………… .10


Hello! My name is Dima.

I study at school in grade 3 and I am everywhere surrounded by objects made of paper: books, textbooks, notebooks, notepads, albums, colored paper, cardboard and other objects. And recently I watched a TV show that talked about paper and how it is made. I wanted to know more about this.

Hypothesis: if you study the history and methods of making paper, then paper can be made and used at home in a domestic environment.

Problem : is it possible to make paper at home for its further use.

Target: explore ways of making and using paper in modern times.

Object of study: paper.

Study subject:ways to create and use paper.


Study paper literature, paper making history, papermaking techniques, make paper at home

The history of the emergence of paper.

Paper didn't always exist. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, people did not know writing, did not know how to write. Primitive people made their drawings on the walls of caves, carved them on the rocks.

Then people began to write on boards made of wet clay with pointed sticks, and then on birch bark, later on papyrus, parchment, only then (almost 2000 years ago) paper appeared.

Mulberry and bamboo were used as raw materials for making paper. The word "paper" comes from the word "bambigo" - the so-called paper made from bamboo.

For centuries, paper has been made by hand. After the invention of the first paper machine by the Frenchman Robert (1761-1828), paper and paperboard production took a leap forward.

Paper began to be used not only for writing and printing books, for packaging goods, but also in construction, industry, agriculture, and electrical engineering.

Modern ways of making paper

Modern methods of making paper differ little from those used 2000 years ago.

Making paper at home

Did you know you can make your own paper?

1. Tear the paper into small pieces and cover with water for 24 hours

2. Squeeze out excess water, transfer to a basin. Add a little water, a teaspoon of PVA glue (to hold the paper together) and a tablespoon of starch (so that the sheet is elastic and can bend), beat with a mixer. The result should be a porridge-like mixture.

3. Put the resulting mixture on a grid and drain off excess water.

  1. Now is the time for the final drying.Put everything on a towel, put gauze or newspaper on top and leave under pressure for 24 hours. What ifwe want to get a thin sheet of paper, we need to lay out the mass in a thin and even layer.
  1. The result of this fun activity is very beautiful handmade paper.

6. For decoration, dry herbs, spices, colored threads, leaves, flower petals, shells and beads can be added to the paper pulp.

7. Hand-made sheets can be used for design work: books, postcards, panels, for painting.

8. You can dry the paper pulp not on the screen, but on a cup or on a glass, and then you get a decorative vase or bowl, pencil holder, hat for a doll.


1. Paper can be made at home.

2. It is beneficial to use homemade paper, because it is made from waste paper and does not require any money.

3. It is best to use such paper for decoration.

4. Plus, homemade paper is more environmentally friendly.

Sources used:

1. "Novaya Gazeta" No. 49 (492), 2005
2. Koryova GA “Your alternative to nuclear power plants” Book 2 / Energy passport of the family / Ed. 2nd, rev. and augmented. - Murmansk, 2002 .-- 32 p.
3. DIY paper _ Country of Masters.mht


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Research project Making paper at home by hand

Leader: Akbasheva Olga Anatolyevna Executor: Erofeev Dmitry, 9 years old, 3rd grade student of the MOBU secondary school s. White Lake

Paper in my life I go to school in grade 3 and I am everywhere surrounded by objects made of paper: books, textbooks, notebooks, notepads, albums, colored paper, cardboard and other objects. And recently I watched a TV show that talked about paper and how it is made. I wanted to know more about this.

Research hypothesis: if you study the history and methods of creating paper, then paper can be made and used at home in a domestic environment.

is it possible to make paper at home for its further use? Research problem:

and learn how to create and use paper in today's environment. Purpose of the study:

paper Object of study:

ways to create and use paper. Study subject:

Analyze the available literature on paper, find and study the history of the creation of paper Collect the necessary material for carrying out the practical methodology Examine the methods of making paper at home Make paper at home Tasks:

Equipment needed: Basin or bucket Sheets of used paper Blender Water Piece of mesh with fine holes Blotted paper or newspaper Pallet with small holes Pieces of cloth Dried mint Glycerin Gouache Dried flowers Starch Homemade paper making.

Tear paper into small pieces and cover with water for 24 hours Making paper at home

Squeeze out excess water, transfer to a basin, add a little water, PVA glue, starch or other fillers, beat Making paper at home

Put the resulting mixture on a grid and drain off excess water Making paper at home

Put everything on a towel, put a towel or newspaper on top and leave it under pressure for 24 hours Making paper at home

The result is pulp Making paper at home

For decoration, dry herbs, seasonings can be added to the paper pulp, multi-colored threads, "skeletons" of leaves, flower petals, shells and beads can be added. Making paper at home

You can dry the pulp not on the screen, but on a cup or on a glass, and then you get a decorative vase or bowl, pencil holder, hat for a doll.

1. Paper can be made at home. Making handmade paper is a very interesting and creative process. And quite uncomplicated. And what an amazing result: an exclusive paper of your own design! 2. It is beneficial to use homemade paper, because it is made from waste paper and does not require any money. 3. It is best to use such paper for decoration. 4. Plus, homemade paper is more environmentally friendly. Output:

1 . “Novaya Gazeta” No. 49 (492), 2005 2. Koryova GA “Your alternative to nuclear power plants” Book 2 / Energy passport of the family / Ed. 2nd, rev. and augmented. - Murmansk, 2002 .-- 32 p. 3. DIY paper _ Country of Masters.mht Sources used

Pedagogical project "The Amazing World of Paper"


  • Project duration: 2 weeks.

Project type: short-term, group, integrative (information-accumulative, creative, practice-oriented).

  • Project participants: children of the middle group, educators, assistant educator, parents. Children age: 3-5 years old.

Justification of the project:

More than 2,000 years have passed since mankind invented paper. Today there is no person unfamiliar with paper. Money, notebooks and books are made from paper, but this is not all. From it, every child and adult can fold a bag, boat, airplane. But from an ordinary sheet of paper you can get thousands of different figures, create your own paper world, in which wonderful animals live, outlandish flowers bloom, good dragons and dinosaurs walk. You can create this unusual world with your own hands from paper.

All children in the world love to play with paper. They are fascinated by the ability of paper to change shape. It easily wrinkles, tears, bends, twists. Paper is the most readily available and cheapest creative material. The child gets to know the paper earlier than any other material. She is familiar, easily amenable to any changes.

But suddenly this familiar paper disappeared. Not a single piece of paper remained in the corner of artistic creation. "What to draw on?" , "Where can I get paper?" "Buy in store" - I heard the advice of the children. I supported the communication of children: - "Where did she come from in the store?" , "Who made the paper and from what?" , "Is it really necessary for people?" , "What would happen if all the paper disappeared?" These questions remained unanswered. So it was decided to help children in an interesting and fun way to get answers to questions about the origin and role of paper in human life.

At the same time, the importance of this type of activity for the personal development of a preschooler was substantiated; the purpose and main tasks when children work with paper are outlined.

The value of working on a project for the personal development of a preschooler.

“The more the child has seen, heard, experienced, the more elements of reality he has in his experience. The more significant and productive under other equal conditions will be his creative activity " .
A.S. Vygotsky
The need for new experiences and knowledge is one of the fundamental needs underlying both cognitive and general mental development of preschool children.

Intensive changes in the surrounding life, active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all spheres, dictate to us, teachers, to choose more effective means of teaching and upbringing based on modern methods and new integrated technologies. One of the promising methods for solving this problem is the project activity method. Based on a personality-oriented approach to teaching and upbringing, he develops a cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge, forms cooperation skills.

Working on a project is of great importance for the development of a child's cognitive interests. During this period, there is an integration between the general methods of solving educational and creative problems, the general methods of thinking, speech, artistic and other types of activity. By combining various fields of knowledge, a holistic vision of the picture of the surrounding world is formed. The collective work of children in subgroups gives them the opportunity to express themselves in various types of role-playing activities. The common cause develops communicative and moral qualities.

The didactic meaning of project activity is that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, and work in a team.

The implementation of the project is carried out in a playful way, with the inclusion of children in practical useful things, in various types of creative and practically significant activities, in direct contact with various objects of the social environment.

Children are researchers by nature. Research, search activity is the natural state of children, they are tuned in to cognition of the world around them. The child wants to know: tears the paper and looks. What happens; conducts experiments with different subjects; measures the depth of snow cover on the site, the volume of water, etc. All these are objects of research. The object of our research was paper. Paper is one of the most interesting materials.

In the process of working with paper, preschoolers learn its properties, the possibilities of its transformation and use in various compositions. In the process of creating handicrafts, children gain knowledge of the standards of shape and color, form clear and fairly complete ideas about the objects and phenomena of life around them. This knowledge and ideas are strong, because, as the artist and a figure in the field of folk art N.D. Bartram, "thing. Made by the child himself, it is connected with him by a living nerve, and everything that is transmitted to his psyche along this path will be immeasurably livelier, more intense, deeper and stronger than what follows someone else's, factory and very often mediocre invention, which is the majority of the most common educational visual aids " .

Making crafts gives children great pleasure when they succeed, and great grief if the image does not work out. At the same time, the child develops the desire to achieve a positive result. It should be noted that preschoolers are more careful with toys made with their own hands, do not break them, do not allow others to spoil the craft.

Working with paper contributes to the development of the imagination of preschoolers, i.e. the ability to see an extraordinary image in a sheet of paper. Educators and psychologists dealing with the problem of the development of children's artistic creativity note that various types of productive activity affect the development of children's abilities for creative activity. Speaking of ability, T.S. Komarova highlighted the following properties of a person's personality: perception and representations formed on this basis, imagination and manual skill, an emotionally positive attitude to activity. We can develop all these qualities of a child's personality in the process of working children with paper.

  • paper, cardboard.

Subject of study:

  • physical properties Purpose:
  • formation in children of the foundations of knowledge and ideas about paper, its properties.


  • The development of the cognitive abilities of children in the process of joint research activities, practical experiments with paper; the ability to analyze, identify relationships and interdependencies between material and other signs.

Development of communication skills in the course of work and joint activities

Teach children to establish causal relationships (between the material and the structure of the object and the way it is used, etc.) applying a systematic approach.

  • Development of creative thinking and creativity of the imagination.
  • Involvement of parents in the joint activities of the preschool institution and the family.


Suppose that paper has different properties: it gets soaked in water, torn, crumpled, cut with scissors, rustles.

  • study paper

direct and indirect observations

  • conducting experiments with paper
  • analysis of the results obtained. Integration:

"Cognition" , "Communication" , "Reading art

literature ", "Artistic creation" , "Security" ,

1. Preparatory:

Determination of the object of study.

Formation of the parent's corner: placement of consultations, recommendations, practical material.

  • Selection of visual and didactic aids, educational and fictional literature, demonstration and handouts for direct educational activities, experiments, games.
  • Individual conversations with parents about the upcoming exhibition.
  • Prepare an album, paper samples to create a collection "Paper" .

2. Research:

  • Reading the works of S. Marshak "Clear sheet" , S. Mikhalkova "Paper" .
  • Making riddles about paper, getting acquainted with proverbs and sayings about paper.
  • Offer parents a selection of literature "With your own hands" (making paper crafts).
  • Direct educational activities of children to familiarize children with paper, the history of its occurrence.
  • Collection creation "Paper" .
  • Writing short stories about: "What if the paper disappears?"
  • Conducting games: didactic, verbal, creative. Artistic creativity.
  • Mug work "Origami" .
  • Experiments with paper.
  • Examining paper crafts (origami, applique).
  • "Knizhkina Hospital" - repair of books with the aim of fostering respect for books and paper.
  • Security Conversations "Don't joke with fire" .
  • Games with paper toys.

Z. Final:

  • Processing and presentation of project results.

Expected results of the project.

  • Formed design and research skills and abilities: identify the problem, independently look for the right solution, choose the most adequate and productive way from the available methods, independently analyze the results
  • Formed at the level of the child's individual development

prerequisites for educational activity: the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes, the formation of communicative skills.

  • Development of sensory-analytical activity
  • Enriching the children's vocabulary with terminology on the topic.

Children have systemic knowledge about paper, its role in human life.

  • Bringing parents and children closer together through joint activities.

In the course of studying the fields, it turned out that paper is very often used by people and is consumed in large quantities, therefore, paper should be used sparingly, and used paper should be collected and given for recycling.