How to deal with teenager aggression. Biological factors: when hormones are to blame. Manifestations of teenage aggression

Aggressive behavior of teenagers every year more and more grows and manifests itself. At the same time, the younger generation itself suffers from it in the first place.

The word aggression comes from the Latin “aggredi”, which literally means “to attack”, “attack”. Unfortunately, the rhythm of modern life, all kinds of stressful situations lead to the fact that aggressiveness is getting younger and embittered, irritated pupils of kindergartens are already the norm rather than the exception to the rules.

Psychologists call aggressive such destructive behavior in which other people are harmed, psychologically or morally.

But when aggressive behavior appears for no reason, this may mean that a person is suffering from a serious hormonal imbalance in the body, as well as Alzheimer's disease. Psychotherapists insist on a thorough examination and identification of the causes of aggressive behavior, especially if it manifests itself in adolescence.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents, if it is not caused by diseases or disorders in the body, can be both a form of protest against restrictions at school, at home, and a desire to assert themselves among classmates through conflicts with teachers. In addition, the causes of aggression can also be socio-economic inequality, the influence of the media, films, bad company, conflicts in the family between parents and children. In any case, the situation should not be left to chance.

Aggressive behavior of children and adolescents should not frighten parents and teachers, its timely diagnosis and correction (treatment) gives very good predictions.

Aggressive behavior is a deviation that must and can be dealt with. Modern psychology and psychiatry copes with the aggressive behavior of children and adolescents quite successfully. It is important to correctly and timely determine the cause that led to aggressive behavior and prescribe treatment. This can be both visits to a psychologist for preventive conversations, and medication.

If aggression has not been eliminated in childhood, then in adolescence it will be much more difficult to fight.

The problem of aggressive behavior of adolescents

The problem of aggressive behavior of adolescents today, more than ever, is relevant. Psychologists note that in recent years the level of aggression among adolescents has increased significantly, both in developing and developed, prosperous countries.

The root cause is the unfavorable atmosphere in the family, which imposes anti-norms of social behavior on the child.

The dominance of violence and cruelty in the media and cinema lead to the fact that aggressive behavior is perceived by adolescents as the norm. With the help of aggression, they try to establish themselves in the team, to achieve what they want.

The development of aggressiveness is influenced by many factors, both biological (heredity, diseases) and psychological.

Aggressive behavior of adolescents - a diploma on this topic is chosen by an increasing number of graduates of universities in the psychological direction. The aggressive behavior of adolescents, their diagnosis and correction are now, more than ever, relevant and in demand.

School psychologists note that aggression is common among both high school and junior students. And in specialized medical institutions, neuropathologists do not have time to receive patients. But on the other hand, it should be noted that if earlier, 20-30 years ago, aggressiveness was attributed only to improper upbringing, now it has been recognized that aggressive behavior is a disease that needs to be treated.

Teenage aggression is a defensive reaction to what is happening around. Increasingly, we are faced with it in the modern world. Adolescent aggression as a social problem is one of its important manifestations. More often, it makes itself felt in response to the negativity surrounding a teenager. After all, this behavior does not appear from birth. People, being born, cannot be cowardly or selfish, they become so depending on the environment in which they live and develop.

The main reason is relationships in the family and in close circle. Factors such as attempts to constantly control a teenager and exert pressure on him, unreasonable criticism, lack of attention and love, contribute to the manifestation of anger towards the outside world. Aggression manifests itself at the age of 10-16 years, during the transitional age. This is a difficult period for a child, when he has puberty, he changes as a person from the psychological side. Under the pressure of changes taking place in him, the teenager is confident that he will be able to cope with all adult issues on his own. He feels himself on an equal footing with the older people from his environment and wishes that their attitude was the same. During this period, there is a desire to change and conquer the whole world, but children simply cannot realize all this in life.

Aggression in adolescence is more of a defensive reaction to what surrounds him than an attack. During such a period, it is very important for parents to observe this line: to make him feel like an adult, while not forgetting that he is still a child. Give him attention and care. Most often, adults are simply not psychologically ready for such a manifestation of the behavior of their child and do not know how to help him, how to treat him. During such behavior, we simply do not know how to behave in this situation and what to do, how to help.

The manifestation of aggression in adolescents

Psychologists distinguish 2 types of aggression: hidden and open.

Open aggressiveness is manifested in the form of harm to the people around him, objects. A teenager so wants to show his authority among friends, thus, to fulfill himself. In case of failure, they begin to steal, drink, smoke, use drugs, engage in petty robbery, or commit suicide.

With hidden aggression, children keep everything to themselves, they do not share their experiences and problems with anyone. They are quiet and submissive, not showing their displeasure. But, since the negative energy did not find an outlet for a long time, later nervous breakdowns, prolonged depressions, and neurosis occur.

So, attacks of aggression are manifested in the form of insults to relatives, conflicts arise with parents. Teenagers humiliate everyone who seems weaker to them. Animals are beaten and vandalized. In case of misunderstanding on the part of the parents, they can leave the house. They create their own companies, which often welcome alcohol and drugs. Such companies have their own rules, their own jargon, jokes that are understandable only in this environment. Difficult teenagers who do not find understanding at home become comfortable there, and they spend more and more time with new friends, believing that now this is their family.

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Forms of manifestation of teenage aggression

Each teenager expresses aggression in different ways (depending on the nature of the child and his relationship with the external environment). The main features of the manifestation:

  • resentment (often offended for no particular reason at the whole world and at a specific person);
  • suspiciousness (the child does not trust anyone, is negatively disposed towards everyone);
  • indirect aggression (dissolves gossip about someone, jokes viciously);
  • physical aggression (always a participant in fights);
  • irritability (very quick-tempered and rude for no good reason);
  • verbal aggression (shows its attitude through threats and screams);
  • hidden aggression (does not do what he is asked, saying that he forgot; he tries not to fulfill the request for a longer time, or even forgets about it).

What are the causes of aggression in teenagers?

Consider 3 main reasons why aggression occurs in adolescence: these are situational, family and personal.

Personal reasons are shown as follows:

  • the child feels lonely;
  • unconfident;
  • gets irritated for no particular reason and offended;
  • feels guilty about everything;
  • hormones are activated due to puberty;
  • constantly thinking about the worst.

Situational causes appear in certain situations in a child's life:

  • disease;
  • watching violent films;
  • long sitting at the computer, computer games;
  • improper nutrition.

With mental and physical stress, overwork of the body occurs.

Not always parents can restrain themselves, this does not justify them, but they also depend on many surrounding factors. Family causes of adolescent aggression arise due to the behavior of the parents themselves with children:

  • often parents publicly humiliate and insult the child;
  • do not participate in his life, letting everything take its course;
  • show indifference and hostility towards their child;
  • do not allow him to express himself, suppress his desires and emotions;
  • control every step of a teenager;
  • little talk about their love.

Aggression is the most accessible way to express your emotions. And in a person's life, it plays both a negative and a positive role. Positive aspects include defusing emotions, removing obstacles to the goal, asserting autonomy, increasing self-esteem through aggressiveness. However, if a person does not learn to control aggressive manifestations, this is fraught with big life problems. Therefore, let's see what are the causes of aggression in adolescents - after all, this is one of the most pressing problems of this period of growing up a child.

What is aggression?

With the help of aggression, a person seeks to subjugate and dominate. This tendency can manifest itself both in fantasizing and in real behavior. An aggressive person is prone to violence, destruction, harm. Aggression can be directed at oneself (auto-aggression) or at external objects (people, objects). Distinguish between overt and covert aggression. Explicit aggression is manifested in increased conflict, slander, pressure on a person, assault, hidden - in avoiding contacts, suicide, inaction to cause harm. A person of any gender and age can be aggressive. Aggression is especially pronounced in. What are the causes of aggression in teenagers? This question is asked, perhaps, by every parent who has noticed that his child has become uncontrollable and angry.

Adolescence and aggression

During adolescence, the child becomes more aggressive. The causes of aggression in adolescents lie in the specifics of adolescence - a very difficult period in the life of any person. A teenager usually behaves aggressively towards other people, and aggression can be manifested both in physical and verbal form. Adolescents do not take into account the opinions of adults, perceive their parents as enemies, and can deliberately hurt another person. At this age, the role of the peer group in which he is located is great for the child, it is important for him to earn their respect. Therefore, violence, aggression towards outsiders, towards people from the other side is a way to assert oneself, to show personal heroism and devotion to the group.

Why do teenagers become aggressive?

1. One of the important causes of aggression in adolescents is a constitutional predisposition. The main character traits of adolescents with a tendency to aggressive behavior are irritability, suspicion, isolation, anxiety, fear of public opinion, a tendency to feel shame rather than guilt.

2. In the formation of aggressive behavior, the negative influence of magazines, newspapers, the Internet, computer games, and TV plays a leading role. There are too many films, cartoons, articles, websites, computer games, the main content of which is cruelty, violence, crime.

3. The family in which the teenager lives and is brought up can also become the cause of the teenager's aggression. Misunderstanding in the family, insults, emotional rejection of the child, overprotection, excessive spoilage of the child, lack of emotionality in parent-child relationships create the basis for aggressive behavior. Observing aggression, the child involuntarily begins to imitate patterns of such behavior, and in the future will begin to reproduce them.

4. Alcohol and drug use can also lead to aggressive behavior. In alcohol and drug intoxication, the teenager is liberated and does not fully understand what he is doing.

5. The appearance of aggression is influenced by the specificity of the environment and the state of society itself. Thus, an increased level of noise and radiation, unfavorable ecology, an overabundance of information create the prerequisites for aggressive behavior. And economic crises, unsettled laws, together with a feeling of irritation and hopelessness, can cause a teenager to feel a sense of protest and a desire to express this protest in the form of aggression.

One can only hope that parents will be able to find an approach to their child, who is trying to prove to everyone that he has already grown up. Only love, understanding and respect can neutralize excessive anxiety and aggressiveness in a teenager and help him overcome this most difficult period in his life.

A teenager strives to grow up faster, but emotionally remains a child. Therefore, during this period, it is especially important for parents to observe a fine line: to treat him as an adult, but also not to forget to show feelings and care.

Aggression in adolescence is more likely not an attack, but a defensive reaction to actions directed against him. Often all these sensations are exaggerated, due to excessive emotionality and vulnerability.

It is worth recognizing that it is quite difficult for parents to learn how to properly respond to the behavior of the child. They not only turn out to be psychologically unprepared, but also cannot cope with a mass of domestic problems at all. But, as they say: “forewarned, which means armed,” so we have identified the most common causes of teenage aggression and give some advice on how to deal with it.

Causes of teenage aggression

There are several types of causes of aggression in adolescents: family, personal and situational.

Family causes of aggression

Not every family cultivates the right approach to raising children. This is undoubtedly a minus of parents, but they are also dependent on many factors and are often unable to restrain and control themselves. In any case, you need to know what kind of parental behavior can lead to aggression in children in adolescence:

  • Indifference and hostility towards the child
  • Rejection (unexpected child), lack of love and its manifestations
  • Excessive control and guardianship
  • Indifference to the life of a teenager
  • Lack of emotional connection
  • Humiliation and insult, especially in public
  • Suppression of the child's emotions and any manifestations of independence

Personal reasons

These reasons can arise both by themselves and as a result of family circumstances and the influence of the environment:

  • Fear, expecting the worst
  • security uncertainty
  • Hormonal imbalance due to puberty
  • Irritability and resentment as a result of self-doubt
  • Feeling guilty about something
  • Feeling lonely

Situational causes

Most often associated with specific situations that take place in the life of a teenager in a specific period of time:

  • Fatigue as a result of physical and mental stress
  • Disease
  • Wrong diet
  • Excessive interest in computer games
  • Local unpleasant situations in the family

Ways to deal with teenage aggression?

It is worth recognizing that there is no single solution to this problem. First of all, it is necessary to determine what could cause aggressive behavior in a teenager. Based on this, you will be able to determine what needs to be changed in your behavior, the environment of the child.

Remember, your main task as parents is to minimize the manifestations of aggression, which means to provide the most comfortable conditions for him or change your parenting style.

Most often, parents become the cause of aggression in a child, so you should start by educating yourself:

  1. Let the teenager decide whether to take the initiative or take his interests into account in everything.
  2. Eliminate aggression in the family. Analyze the relationship with your other half for aggressive attacks.
  3. Redirect teenage aggression in a useful direction, for example, in sports.
  4. Talk to your child more often as a friend. Do not tell what to do, take on the role of a wise mentor who advises, but does not condemn.
  5. Praise your child more often, this will instill confidence in him.
  6. Respect his choice, even if it seems wrong to you.

A teenager does not become aggressive just like that and of his own free will. Remember that you are your child's role model. No wonder they say: "Do not educate children, educate yourself." If you missed the moment and admit that you are unable to cope on your own, consult a psychologist.

“My son is 14 years old. He became aggressive and out of control. What should I do?"
A question from a desperate parent to a psychologist. The answer was not long in coming:
“You would be surprised if your son showed different behavior as a teenager.” A funny smiley at the end.
Probably, it was he who had to convince his mother that the aggressiveness of a teenager is normal, ordinary.

“My son is 14 years old. He became aggressive and out of control. What should I do?"

A question from a desperate parent to a psychologist. The answer was not long in coming:

“You would be surprised if your son showed different behavior as a teenager.”. A funny smiley at the end.

Probably, it was he who had to convince his mother that the aggressiveness of a teenager is normal, ordinary.

Beyond normality

Is it then worth it to ordinary people to be surprised when the younger generation reacts aggressively to their remarks, and not only verbally, revealing all the charms of obscene language, but also physically.

The videos posted by the teenagers themselves on YouTube testify to the glaring facts of the manifestation of teenage aggressiveness. They are capable of many things:

    punch an elderly person in the face, spit at him, ridicule him, throw him to the ground and kick him to death (grandfather did not let him smoke and tried to give a lecture on the dangers of smoking);

    to torture, mutilate stray cats and dogs (“What? Does anyone need them? We rid society of animal garbage ...”);

    mock the homeless (“They are the dregs of society, let them know their place!”);

    beat your teacher (“Grandma is in insanity, but she teaches physical education!”);

    abuse a classmate (“Yes, he is a major, so we rinsed him in the toilet bowl of the school toilet so that he would not show off”);

    take revenge on a former lover (so one girl with a group of friends beat and humiliated) or a lover (for example, a teenager inflicted several stab wounds on his “unfaithful Juliet”).

Aggression and aggressiveness of children goes beyond all the norms of the permissible. Are we really going to consider this the “norm” of teenage behavior?

What is aggressiveness

Psychologists distinguish between the concepts of aggression and aggressiveness. Aggression in Latin means "attack", "hostility". Under aggression, first of all, understand actions.

Some psychoanalysts see aggression as a continuation of the death instinct, the desire for destruction, described by Freud.

The Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz in his monograph argued that aggression is not evil, but a natural instinct that contributes to the survival of the species, and is not at all aimed at its self-destruction.

The researcher of aggression A. Bass defines it "as a reaction, as a physical action or a threat of such an action on the part of one person, which reduces the freedom or genetic fitness of another person, as a result of which the body of another person receives painful stimuli."

Aggressiveness is a property of a person, manifested in readiness for aggressive behavior. Moreover, a certain predisposition to aggression can be both a conscious individual and an unconscious one. Psychologists distinguish several types of manifestations of aggressive behavior:

2. Indirect.

3. Negativism.

4. Resentment, envy, hatred.

5. Suspicion.

6. Guilt.

7. Verbal aggression.

8. Irritation.

As you can see, aggression has different faces, it can be directed at other people, the external environment and at oneself.

So, aggression is, on the one hand, a consequence of aggressiveness, on the other hand, it arises in the process of social learning.

Needed for life

Being aggressive is fashionable these days. It is believed that aggression is a kind of mechanism of psychological protection of the individual from the influences of the outside world. In order not to be passive, dependent, unable to defend their own interests and goals, you need to be aggressive.

Mom in the sandbox rejoices that her toddler took a bucket from another baby:

Well done, he knows how to achieve his goals! Don't let yourself be offended...

Another teaches on the way to kindergarten:

If someone pushes you, you surrender.

Dad enrolls a girl at the age of three for martial arts so that she can stand up for herself.

It is clear that parents are led by good intentions, but they do not see that they are teaching children aggressive forms of behavior and do not teach other ways of interacting with others, other ways of solving problems. They often raise monsters with their own hands, and then they don’t know what to do with them.

During adolescence, which is the transition from childhood to adulthood, parenting failures become most obvious.


The urethral teenager shows aggression in the form of anger in case of injustice towards his flock, infringement of his free, unrestricted person, addressing him not in rank - from top to bottom (for example, praise).

His anger manifests itself brightly, he knows no boundaries, no limits. The urethral vector is not content with half measure. Here rage - so rage, love - so love.

At school, a urethral teenager can be seen immediately, he smiles with a special smile, walks with a confident gait, often with his shirt unbuttoned, they involuntarily look after him. Teachers call him an informal leader, start an individual diary for evaluating behavior for him, he wears it, calmly receives deuces and looks at teachers with such an air that adults are completely powerless in front of this daredevil.

The key to the urethral child is to be his regent, turn to him for support, help, advice, delegating your authority to him. In no case should you get involved in pulling the blanket over yourself, put pressure on him, demand unquestioning obedience - you will still lose.

It is best to make the head of the class, he will lead the team, and this is how you can most productively direct his energy in a positive direction. When there is a urethral child in the class, in fact, this is happiness, you can safely entrust him with control over the discipline of the class, aiming children at high academic achievements and good team cohesion.

He is merciful by nature, and making him your ally rather than your enemy is easy enough. He is not touchy, quick-witted, understanding.

If there are two urethral leaders in the class, then it is natural that they will be at enmity, and the conflict will be accompanied by aggression. Everything will end in a fight, where they will fight not for life, but for death. It is better to prevent a reason for aggression in the bud - to transfer them to different classes, to assign them different territories and fields of activity.

An anal teenager, with the correct development of innate abilities, is an obedient, docile child who respects the opinions of elders. The reverse side of the anal teenager is verbal aggression, vindictiveness, vindictiveness, resentment, venting internal stress on domestic animals, sadism.

For a child, his mother is of great importance, if she pays little attention to him, does not praise him for the work done, then he feels that he is not loved, and takes offense at everyone - first at girls, and then at women. He kicks classmates in the ass, calls them dirty curses, can swear at the teacher.

The skin child aggressively pushes everyone with his elbows, he is ambitious, quickly finds ways to get out of any situation. He shows aggression when he does not get what he wants, for example, a high mark (he was promised a bicycle for it), when his ambitious plans are infringed. He tries to argue with the teacher, “shakes” his rights, how quickly he breaks down, just as quickly forgets about what he has done. The skinners demand equal conditions, unconsciously feeling that they will overtake everyone, they do not like to lose and their principle is: "To win, all means are good."

It should be noted that the negative aspects of a skin teenager with its incorrect development are the lack of self-discipline, the inability to control and limit oneself (for example, he cannot organize himself to come to school on time).

Aggressively behaves in case of loss of any material values, because for them they are a certain foundation of psychological comfort.

A muscular teenager behaves aggressively towards others only with the wrong upbringing. From birth, this child is extremely calm, his normal state is monotony. He begins to show aggression if he is transferred to a “war” state, giving him to the sports section, where he will only get every chance to get into a criminal environment, since sport does not develop the main thing in the muscle - the ability to positively apply his strength.

The right development for such a child is to be taught to work, even hard physical work. Initiating his erogenous zone - the muscles, in this way he enjoys the very process of work and subsequently becomes a "peaceful builder".

A muscular teenager will never start a fight alone, he is directed by a skinner, and then he, together with his muscular comrades, is able to commit violence. Dear, good-natured boy, they would never think badly of him ...

It is important to be fed, well-fed, slept for a good mood. Satisfaction of natural human needs for him is the greatest joy in life.

So, a group of teenagers attacked a passer-by near the garages, beat him up, took his money. The skin leader of the gang bought a watch for himself with stolen funds, and the musclemen for the part allocated to them - food, moreover, simple, rough - sausages in the dough scored in large quantities. Fed up with a belly. Juvenile delinquents in dire need of occupational therapy.

Top vectors have a significant impact on the aggressiveness of adolescents. adds emotionality to aggressive behavior: “Sasha threw a tantrum when she saw me with another girl, then grabbed her by the hair, screamed and fought.”

They are most prone to auto-aggression, they experience internal tension from interaction with the outside world deep in themselves until the accumulated tangle of contradictions, misunderstanding at one moment spills out in the form of a suicide unexpected for others.

A teenager shows aggression necessarily verbally, he easily shouts over all other peers and his derogatory nicknames “stick” usually for life.

The vector adds thoughtfulness to the aggressive behavior of a teenager - we will not only not prove his involvement in the deed, but we will not suspect him. An inconspicuous, barely perceptible child, performing his main function of “surviving at all costs”, substituting others, hides evidence of his own socially unapproved behavior.

So, the aggressiveness of a teenager is a wake-up call for parents and teachers. They are doing something wrong. We need to reconsider our attitude to the child, to the methods of his upbringing.

An effective tool that helps to cope with the aggressive behavior of a teenager is the awareness by parents of two postulates:

1. It is necessary to properly educate a child, in accordance with his innate vectors, so that he becomes a Human, absorbs culture.

2. It is necessary to be able to understand the underlying causes of a teenager's aggressiveness and teach him to remove negative feelings without causing damage, both mental and physical, to other people.

For example, realizing the value of silence for a sound child, parents need to create comfortable, calm conditions for him so that, returning from school, he has the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Parental love becomes the most effective and targeted if it is shown systematically, only then the child feels that he is loved and this removes aggression: hugging a skin teenager, praising an anal one, admiring the urethral one, creating a close emotional connection with the visual, listening to an oral one, etc.

The aggressiveness of adolescents is not inevitable, a lot depends on us - their educators.

Proofreader: Valeria Starkova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»