How long does the temperature last during a frozen pregnancy. We master the method of home diagnostics. Return of the breast to the state before the conception of the child

Miscarriage is a pathology in which the fetus stops its development and dies.
Another name for this pathology is frozen pregnancy.
Its variety is an empty fetal egg. In this case, the fertilization of the egg occurs normally, but the embryo does not develop further.

Experts still cannot name the exact causes of a missed pregnancy; in the early stages, as a rule, these are serious genetic disorders in the embryo (in 70% of cases).

At a later date, a frozen pregnancy (second trimester and later) can be triggered by infectious diseases of a woman, traumatic effects, etc.

However, there are times when the pregnancy stops for no apparent reason; a woman can have two missed pregnancies and 3 missed pregnancies.

But do not despair! Just as spontaneous conception can occur after unsuccessful fertility treatment, it is also possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage.

Causes of missed pregnancy

In the early stages (and during pregnancy planning), the causes of the development of pathology may be the following:

  • nicotine and alcohol use;
  • the use of a number of drugs;
  • infectious diseases (flu, cytomegalovirus; rubella is especially dangerous);
  • STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalance (lack of progesterone or estrogen);
  • a violent immune response of the mother's body (in this case, the proteins of the embryo are perceived as foreign, and an immune attack takes place on them);
  • antiphospholipid syndrome (the formation of blood clots in the vessels of the placenta, as a result of which the nutrition of the embryo is disturbed, and it dies);
  • work in hazardous production;
  • weight lifting;
  • regular stress.

The following groups of women are most at risk of pregnancy fading:

  • over the age of 35;
  • having had many abortions;
  • women who have previously been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy;
  • women with abnormal development of the uterus;

The most dangerous period is the eighth week of pregnancy. At this stage of development, the fetus is particularly susceptible to teratogenic effects, which can result in a frozen fetus. Pregnancy (it doesn’t matter if the first or second missed pregnancy) in this case stops developing.

The first trimester (weeks 1 to 13) is generally more dangerous for fetal development; you need to be especially careful at 3-4 and 8-11 weeks.

However, the second trimester of pregnancy also carries a risk (signs of a missed pregnancy will be indicated below), especially weeks 16-18.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy?

The fetus froze, and the pregnancy does not develop further. However, in the early stages (in the first and even in the second trimester of pregnancy), signs of a missed pregnancy cannot always be recognized. At home, no test will show a frozen pregnancy.

In different women, the symptoms may vary, or a frozen pregnancy does not manifest itself at all for several weeks. Therefore, you should not search the Internet for signs of a missed pregnancy; Forum in this case will not be the best adviser.

Symptoms also do not depend on whether the first pregnancy is missed, or the woman has already had 2 missed pregnancies or 3 missed pregnancies.

The list below is not an unambiguous indicator of a miscarriage. However, if symptoms occur that may indicate a missed pregnancy (in the early stages), the most correct decision would be to contact a gynecologist:

  • sudden cessation of toxicosis;
  • cramping pains;
  • spotting spotting;
  • cessation of swelling of the mammary glands;
  • basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy decreases;
  • the general temperature during a frozen pregnancy may be elevated.

A frozen pregnancy in the second trimester and a frozen pregnancy in the later stages are determined by the cessation of fetal movements.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy - diagnosis

As mentioned above, if a woman finds signs of a missed pregnancy, an Internet forum, advice from friends and attempts to make a diagnosis on her own will not be the best way out of the situation. Even if the basal temperature is lowered (with a frozen pregnancy, this is one of the symptoms), if a woman has a first pregnancy - this pregnancy is dead or not, only a specialist doctor can determine.

What methods are used to diagnose “frozen pregnancy” (in the second trimester or in the early stages and “frozen pregnancy in the late stages”)?

1. Analysis for hCG.
The level of this hormone during a missed pregnancy is lower than it should be during a normal pregnancy at that time (first or second trimester) - thus, the test will show a missed pregnancy. However, it must be borne in mind that a high level of hCG can persist for several weeks after the first or second miscarriage has occurred. The fetus froze - but the hormonal background has not changed.

2. Ultrasound.
If a missed pregnancy is diagnosed during an ultrasound examination, the video “shows” the absence of a heartbeat in the fetus.

3. Gynecological examination.
A low basal temperature during a missed pregnancy, the size of the uterus corresponding to the gestational age - all this is determined by the doctor.

Also, it is the specialist gynecologist who prescribes the necessary treatment after a missed pregnancy, prescribes tests after a missed pregnancy, determines the planning of pregnancy after a missed pregnancy.

If a woman is diagnosed with a missed pregnancy, an Internet forum is unlikely to help in treatment; All appointments must be made by a physician.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy.

Unfortunately, when pregnancy stops, it is no longer about preserving the fetus, but about restoring the health of the woman. A fetus that has stopped developing can cause intoxication of the body, so it must be removed from the uterus.

Often in the earliest terms, a woman has a spontaneous abortion; it even happens that a woman does not suspect that she had a frozen pregnancy, menstruation comes with a slight delay.

If a missed pregnancy is diagnosed, treatment is carried out by the following methods:

  • Medical. Used for less than 8 weeks. Drugs that cause miscarriage are prescribed.
  • Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion). The operation is usually performed under anesthesia with the use of vacuum suction, which cleans the uterine cavity.

It also happens that doctors take a wait-and-see attitude; if for some reason a missed pregnancy occurs, the woman's body produces treatment on its own, by spontaneous abortion.

But in any case, medical supervision is necessary. If a spontaneous miscarriage has not occurred, it is necessary to clean (curettage after a frozen pregnancy) the uterine cavity. Also, curettage after a frozen pregnancy is necessary if, after one to two weeks, an ultrasound scan shows the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus.

Planning for pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

How can you get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? When to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? This issue is resolved individually in each specific case - depending on the term of pregnancy fading, the general health of the woman, the results of examinations, etc.
When asked when to plan a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy, an Internet forum is unlikely to be able to give an unambiguous answer - only the impressions of women who have had one or even two missed pregnancies.

On the recommendation of doctors, the minimum period is to wait six months. During this time, after the diagnosis of “missed pregnancy”, the consequences of such a pathological condition will decrease. One and especially two missed pregnancies have a negative impact on a woman's body. It is necessary to take a number of preventive measures in order to exclude fetal fading in the future.

What tests to take after a frozen pregnancy?

Before you become pregnant after a missed pregnancy, it is recommended to pass the following tests:

  • blood test for hormone levels (progesterone and estrogen);
  • vaginal smear for STDs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • examination of uterine tissues (histology).

After a missed pregnancy, it may also be necessary to conduct a genetic test for the compatibility of partners.

Prevention of fading pregnancy

How to get pregnant after a missed pregnancy? Is it possible? Yes, it is possible! doctors say.

Why pregnancy freezes is not exactly known until now. However, not one woman gave birth after a missed pregnancy; to give birth to a healthy child is quite real. Of course, if necessary (according to the results of the tests), you need to undergo treatment.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to get vaccinated against rubella and chicken pox. This is especially true for women who are at risk - in this case, this is work in children's institutions, where you can easily become infected with these diseases. You should also treat sexually transmitted diseases, take a general strengthening course of vitamins, and stimulate the immune system. The treatment regimen must be agreed with the attending physician.

And if all test results are normal, then treatment may not be required.

The best protection against fetal fading is a healthy lifestyle when planning a pregnancy.

How important it is for the expectant mother to monitor the state of her health and the health of the unborn baby. And measuring basal temperature is not the least important thing. Many regularly monitor the indicators throughout the first trimester. After all, it is at this time that the irreparable can happen - the fading of the fetus. What indicator is the norm for a pregnant woman and what happens basal temperature during missed pregnancy?

What is a frozen pregnancy and what are its signs

Stopping the development of the embryo and later, by the 28th week, its death - such a definition has a frozen pregnancy. Among the most common causes of a missed pregnancy, doctors distinguish:

  • genetic factor;
  • Hormonal failures - a lack or excess of certain hormones;
  • Infections, since during pregnancy the woman's immunity is no longer so persistent;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.

Frozen pregnancy can occur already at an early stage, after 14 weeks. During this time of pregnancy, a woman is already getting used to changes in the body. First, it is the cessation of menstruation. Secondly, the consequences arising from the first: toxicosis, breast enlargement, swelling of the nipples, an increase in basal temperature. Since pregnancy is manifested not only in an increase in basal temperature, so anembryonia (stopping the development of the fetus) is not only in its decrease. The primary signs of a missed pregnancy include the following:

  • Blood discharge;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Stopping toxicosis and breast enlargement;
  • Weakness and fever.

So, basal temperature is not the main indicator. But it is possible and even necessary to follow its fluctuations.

In order to do this procedure, you need to prepare in the evening, put everything necessary next to the bed, and in the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed and moving as little as possible, get down to business. You will need a thermometer that does not make mistakes, gives the clearest readings, and a fat cream. Being in a supine position, you should carefully insert a thermometer, lubricated with cream, into the anus by 2-3 centimeters. After 5-7 minutes, remove the thermometer, and immediately see the result.

Preparation for the procedure consists in observing some rules:

  1. A minimum of physical activity, both before measuring basal temperature, and during this. Any body movement is superfluous, it can distort the real result.
  2. Sleep at least 4 hours.
  3. Abstaining from sex for at least 12 hours before the measurement.

Failure to follow any of the rules will cause the basal temperature indicator to be unreliable.

What basal body temperature is considered normal and what is not?

On average, the basal temperature in a non-pregnant woman is 36.7. At a time when she herself may not yet feel the birth of a baby, the body is already giving signs - the basal temperature rises. It rises to 37 degrees. Which is normal throughout pregnancy.

What is the basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy? In this case, the temperature drops to 36.7-36.9 degrees, that is, it becomes the same as in a woman who is not pregnant.

If during pregnancy a low basal temperature was noticed, do not panic. As mentioned above, in addition to basal temperature, other factors must be taken into account. In addition, often the basal temperature is measured with errors. And even more often, moms just wind themselves up on nervous grounds, which is quite normal in their position.

But still, if there are at least a few symptoms of a missed pregnancy, you should contact the antenatal clinic. As a result of this disease, a woman can lose a child by miscarriage. But this does not always happen.

In rare cases with a frozen pregnancy, what is the basal temperature keeps at around 37, does not allow to trace the pathology. There are also cases when in women the basal temperature decreases, and at the same time the pregnancy proceeds remarkably.

As it has already become clear, everything is quite individual, and you can’t guess at home. To avoid health problems in the present and the future, you should be under the supervision of a doctor.

How to diagnose a missed pregnancy

The medical facility may offer several options for examinations. Each of them is effective and will allow diagnosing anembryonicism with accuracy.

  • ultrasound. By doing an ultrasound, the doctor will be able to check the baby's heartbeat or lack of it.
  • Gynecological examination. The doctor will examine the patient, listen to the baby's heartbeat, in the case of a missed pregnancy, find a discrepancy in the size of the uterus.
  • Urine or blood test for hCG. The hormone during a normal pregnancy is higher than during a dead one.

A frozen pregnancy is not a collapse of all the dreams of a happy family with children, no. This is something that happens to some women, but does not carry the terrible burden of infertility. After an unsuccessful pregnancy, it is quite possible to get pregnant again and give birth to a wonderful healthy baby. After six months, you can safely work on a new baby. The likelihood that a missed pregnancy will happen again is very small. And for greater confidence, mothers are advised to lead a healthy lifestyle.

During the period of bearing a baby, every woman is worried that the development of the fetus may stop. Unfortunately, this is what happens sometimes. In about one in three cases, a miscarriage is diagnosed after fertilization. Signs in the first trimester can be different. This article will tell you about them. You will find out what causes it in the first trimester, as well as find out about the methods of diagnosis and treatment.

What it is?

What has in the first trimester? Symptoms of the pathology will be described below. To begin with, it is worth saying what it is.

The fading of pregnancy is the cessation of its progression. The fetus at some stage simply stops developing, but does not undergo a reverse change. As a result, its decomposition and rotting of the masses may begin. It is very dangerous.

Causes of pathology

Why does a frozen pregnancy occur in the first trimester or later? Pathology can occur due to certain diseases. Viruses are especially dangerous. These diseases include rubella, influenza, acute respiratory infections, toxoplasmosis and others. Often, the fetus undergoes changes incompatible with further development due to diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, and so on. These pathologies are sexually transmitted. That is why we can call a frequent change of sexual partners.

A variety of can lead to the fact that a frozen pregnancy will occur in the first trimester. Signs of it may appear immediately or be hidden for a long time. Often, the cessation of embryo development occurs due to previous abortions, diagnostic interventions and other manipulations in the area of ​​the reproductive organ. It also includes congenital or acquired pathologies of other organs and systems. Not the last role in this problem is played by the hormonal background.

Another cause of missed pregnancy can be called genetic abnormalities. Often such a fetus dies in the very early stages. At the same time, the woman does not even have time to find out about her new position. In some cases, pathology develops due to external influences. For example, if the expectant mother uses alcohol, drugs or leads an inappropriate lifestyle.

Frozen pregnancy: signs in the first trimester

The most reliable symptom that the fetus is no longer developing is the absence of a heartbeat. It is worth noting that in the early stages this can be checked only with the help of ultrasound diagnostics. For longer periods, such manipulation can be performed using a special sensor or a cardiotocography apparatus.

During the study, the specialist always compares the estimated term and size of the embryo. Much attention is paid to the fetal egg. Also, an examination is performed on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corpus luteum. Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester ultrasound signs have the following:

  • discrepancy between the size and timing of pregnancy;
  • in some cases, the embryo is completely absent;
  • contraction of the heart muscle is not determined;
  • additional defects are established (absence of a corpus luteum, presence of detachment, and so on).

It is worth noting that it is impossible to talk about these signs without ultrasound diagnostics. It is this method of examination that is considered the most reliable in the formulation of the described diagnosis. Consider what signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester it still has.

Painful sensations in the abdomen

Up to 70 percent of missed pregnancies are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. They develop due to the fact that the body tries to independently reject the pathological. In this way, the human self-preservation system works. Pain occurs as a result of the fact that the production of certain hormones stops. The uterus becomes more sensitive and begins to contract, the cervical canal slightly changes its position and expands. A woman may experience unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or feel severe cramping pain. Each situation is individual and does not depend on the gestational age.

It is worth saying that such sensations often occur with the threat of interruption. If certain hormones are insufficiently produced in a woman's body, as well as under the influence of other factors, a reduction in the reproductive organ may begin. This process can be reversible in the early stages. You just need to take the appropriate drugs and follow the prescription of doctors. That is why it is so important to seek help from a doctor if you experience pain in the lower abdomen as early as possible and later.

Discharge from the genital tract of various nature

What other signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? A symptom of the development of pathology can be called vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, their number increases. This is considered the norm. However, the color of such a liquid should be clear or milky. Impurities of blood, pus and other substances are recognized as pathology. They should be cause for immediate medical attention.

Bloody discharge may indicate that the process of rejection of the fetal egg has already begun. As a result, small capillaries are damaged. When the bleeding gains strength, we can talk about a progressive spontaneous miscarriage. In the presence of purulent discharge, it may be suspected that the fading of the fetus occurred quite a long time ago, and the process of its decomposition has already begun. It is worth noting that, as in the previous paragraph, these signs can only indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy. The sooner you seek help from a gynecologist, the greater the chance to save the child.

Sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands

What other signs of a frozen pregnancy does it have? Symptoms of pathology can manifest themselves in the form of the disappearance of soreness and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Under the influence of the pregnancy hormone (progesterone), the process of preparing for breastfeeding begins immediately after fertilization. The mammary glands will undergo changes throughout the duration of pregnancy. At first, the breast becomes larger, it acquires a special sensitivity. Some women even experience pain. All these signs persist until about 12 to 16 weeks. That's when the placenta starts working. A sharp disappearance of breast sensitivity may indicate that there has been a stop in the development of the fetus.

Toxicosis and its absence

What are the signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? A photo of the embryo is presented to your attention in the article.

Most expectant mothers are faced with toxicosis. It appears already a few weeks after fertilization and can be more or less strong. Reliable reasons for this condition still cannot be stated.

An abrupt cessation of severe toxicosis may indicate that the pregnancy has frozen. This symptom is indirect, but, like all of the above, requires additional diagnosis and confirmation. It is worth saying that some expectant mothers do not experience such sensations at all. They successfully endure the first stages of pregnancy. This does not mean that there is a risk of missed pregnancy.

Basal body temperature

What other signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester? The causes of the pathology have already become known to you. Another symptom of the problem is a decrease in the high level of basal body temperature. If you have observed the work of your body in this way, you may notice that immediately after ovulation there is an increase in the level of the thermometer readings. After fertilization and implantation, it can become even higher. So, the average value of basal temperature in expectant mothers is 37 - 37.2 degrees. If suddenly there was a drop in the graph line to 36 - 36.5 degrees, then we can talk about a frozen pregnancy.

It is worth noting that this sign can only be checked by those women who have previously conducted appropriate observations. The initial measurement in most cases turns out to be unreliable, because you will have nothing to compare with.


Another sign of a missed pregnancy is an increase in body temperature. It happens due to the fact that the fetus in the uterus begins to gradually decompose. It is worth noting that this sign appears with a long course of the process. This can be very dangerous for a woman.

If you have a high temperature, and there are also additional signs described above, then you should immediately run to the hospital, but it is better to call an ambulance. The slightest delay in sepsis can lead to the death of a woman.

How to find out about a missed pregnancy before an ultrasound?

If you have suspicions, only an ultrasound can confirm them. Any indirect signs cannot be a reason for making a diagnosis, remember this.

There are studies that can help you learn about the problem even before the diagnosis. This is a blood test. During the study, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in your blood is determined. The results are compared with generally accepted standards. Based on this, you can judge whether your real term corresponds to the expected one. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct a study several times with a break of three or five days.

Frozen pregnancy in the first trimester: treatment

If you find out about the presence of this pathology, then it must be eliminated as soon as possible. In most cases, gynecological curettage is performed. For short periods, it is possible to use other methods of cleansing the uterus, for example, medical abortion or In some situations, when an abortion (bleeding) has begun, doctors choose expectant tactics. If a complete cleansing of the uterus does not occur within a few days, then the patient is offered cleaning. What are the consequences of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester?

In most cases, the pathology does not affect the future life and fertility of the patient. Only in especially severe cases can we talk about acquired infertility. Usually, a representative of the weaker sex is capable of a new pregnancy already 3-6 months after the incident. Often, after the manipulation, medications are prescribed to a woman to correct the condition. These can be antibiotics, immunomodulators, agents for restoring microflora, and so on.

Instead of concluding an article, or a short summary

You have learned what causes a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. This is a very unfortunate occurrence. It is especially hard for those women who want to give birth to a baby for a long time, but they do not succeed. If the situation with a frozen pregnancy is repeated more than twice, then the representative of the weaker sex, like her partner, is shown a consultation with a hematologist and genetics. In such situations, it is worth starting a full examination and finding the reason why conception occurs, but at some stage the embryo simply stops developing. Good health and success to you!

Every woman who dreams of a child should know what basal temperature is, how to measure it, and what numbers can indicate pregnancy. A stable rise to 37°C for 10-14 days is the earliest sign of fertilization. The basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy is lower than during a normal gestation process.

The first weeks of pregnancy bring not only joy, but also anxiety. It is at this time that fetal fading can occur. This pathology is a type of miscarriage, a sign of a stop in the development and death of the embryo.

The expectant mother should know what it is, and learn how to schedule even with. Consider what basal temperature signals the onset of conception and how it changes after it.

Temperature changes after fertilization

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe hormonal therapy to normalize the background of female hormones. If necessary, a referral to inpatient treatment will be given. This is often the only way to keep a pregnancy going, especially in women with a history of complications.

What does an elevated temperature indicate in anembryony?

Low temperature values ​​are not a defining moment in the diagnosis of this pathology. It is impossible to do without additional research methods, since a basal temperature of 37 ° C during a missed pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon. This is possible with concomitant inflammatory diseases of a woman, measurement errors, malfunction of a thermometer.

Often this phenomenon is observed against the background of diseases that threaten life. An increase in temperature to 37 ° C or higher may indicate inflammation of the endometrium caused by the decomposition of the embryo. High temperature is also observed against the background of septic complications caused by the death of the fetus.

How to measure basal temperature correctly?

Failure to follow the rules of measurement leads to a distortion of the results, which can cause excitement, undesirable for the expectant mother, or dangerous carelessness.

To obtain reliable data, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • The gestation period is early. Later, the hormonal background of a pregnant woman is completely different. Therefore, temperature fluctuations are of little value.
  • Time of day - morning. Measurement is optimally done at the same time. BT depends on the meal, so it is best to measure before breakfast.

It is permissible to measure during the day, but this must be preceded by a five-hour daytime sleep, but such a rest is hardly possible in today's busy life.

Measurement technique

A woman should take her temperature while lying in bed. You need to try to maintain a fixed horizontal position. Therefore, before going to bed, it is advisable to put the thermometer on a table near the bed, so that when you wake up, you can easily reach it without getting out of bed.

The tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with petroleum jelly, oil or baby cream. Insert the thermometer to a depth of 2 cm for 5-7 minutes. It is believed that it is optimal to insert a thermometer into the rectum to obtain accurate data, but insertion into the vagina is also acceptable. It is important not to change the location of the device insertion during the temperature monitoring process.

The thermometer must be the same. Before use, you need to make sure it is working. It is acceptable to use conventional mercury thermometers and electronic devices. It is believed that mercury thermometers give more accurate results.

When should you not believe evidence?

The data obtained during the measurement do not always reflect the actual state of the mother and fetus. The temperature may rise against the background of a woman's misbehavior. So you can lose valuable time, which is dangerous for health.

The following measurement errors lead to distortion of the results:

  • Random measurement at different times of the day.
  • Irregular control of basal temperature.
  • Registration of values ​​after loads. The period of active wakefulness or evening rest after a tiring day is not the best time for the procedure. The basal temperature sensitively responds to the activity, overwork of a woman, her rises can be regarded incorrectly.
  • Incorrect position during the procedure. You can not measure the temperature in a sitting position in bed, as it may increase due to blood flow to the pelvic organs.
  • The presence of sexual intercourse. It is desirable to exclude them for the entire period of control. In extreme cases, the minimum interval must be observed - rest after sex for at least 12-14 hours.
  • Taking medications. In the early stages, they should normally be excluded so as not to harm the fetus. But sometimes a woman is forced to take them for health reasons. This also needs to be taken into account.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease or acute pathology. A graph drawn up against a background of poor condition is not informative.
  • Temperature measurement against the background of stressful situations.

In addition to changes in temperature, other symptoms confirm the death of the fetus: all signs of early disappear quickly, the increase in mammary glands stops, pigmentation of the nipples disappears, cramping or constant pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen. Bloody or vaginal discharges may occur, often with an unpleasant odor.

You can not focus only on the values ​​​​of basal temperature, even measured according to all the rules. A woman should not worry if her history before fertilization was below the average. In this case, during pregnancy, low numbers often persist. This is possible against the background of the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, temperature control is so important already when planning a pregnancy.

The following factors indicate the absence of pathology during the examination:

  • the doctor listens

A frequent fear that haunts expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy is that they are afraid to detect the death of an embryo during one of their ultrasound trips. Sometimes this anxiety becomes so obsessive that the expectant mother is ready to literally live next to the ultrasound machine and be constantly confident in the successful development of the child.

But a missed pregnancy has certain symptoms that can be noticed if you carefully monitor the general condition of your body.

It is conditionally possible to divide these signs into 2 groups: the first includes those that a pregnant woman can observe on her own, and the second - those observed with the help of special studies and not visible to the naked eye.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester

It is possible to determine that the fetal egg has died by observing the nature of the discharge from the genital tract, general well-being, toxicosis, and also the behavior of the basal temperature graph. These will be only indirect symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the early stages, but their presence will serve as a signal to see a doctor and conduct more thorough research.


Despite the fact that the embryo dies, for some time the fetal egg is in the uterus. If the miscarriage did not occur in the first hours, then the body will get rid of the fetus gradually.

  • In the first 1-2 days after the onset of regression in the development of the fetus, the discharge has the usual whitish color and the usual consistency.
  • Over the next few days, the embryo begins to decompose. These processes affect the fetal egg, which begins to gradually exfoliate from the wall of the uterus, where it was previously implanted. Reddish streaks may appear in the discharge.
  • After 2 weeks from the moment of the death of the embryo, the detachment of the fetal egg is more obvious. The discharge becomes bloody, acquires a red-brown color.

As a rule, when blood appears, a woman turns to a gynecologist who diagnoses a lost pregnancy. But this symptom does not necessarily mean that the embryo has stopped developing. Perhaps he is alive, and the detachment began for completely different reasons.


If nausea began from the first weeks of pregnancy, then by changing its frequency and intensity, one can judge that not everything is in order with the embryo. begins to appear after the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus, so an increase in the concentration of the hCG hormone in the blood causes nausea and vomiting to increase.

  • On the first day after the embryo died, nausea can manifest itself in the same way as while the pregnancy was developing.
  • Over the next day, the level of hCG begins to decrease, so if the expectant mother had vomiting, then it can turn into a slight feeling of nausea.
  • After 4-5 days, toxicosis disappears.
  • Another option for changing the manifestations of intoxication may be the sudden cessation of vomiting and nausea.

It must be remembered that a decrease in the number of vomiting may be a sign of the natural cessation of toxicosis due to the mother's body getting used to the presence of pregnancy.

General well-being

A decaying fetal egg that has not left the uterus will contribute to a deterioration in overall health over time. However, this symptom appears when the deceased pregnancy is in the mother's body for a long time.

  • Weakness, dizziness and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen appear about 3 weeks after the embryo dies.
  • Sharp pains in the uterus and a slight increase to 37.7 appear 4 weeks after the death of the embryo.
  • High fever and cramping pains in the uterus, accompanied by general weakness and loss of consciousness, are observed 5 weeks after the death of the embryo.

A long stay of a decaying fetal egg in a woman's body is fraught with severe inflammation, which can develop into sepsis. Therefore, special attention should be paid to other signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy in order to carry out curettage of the uterine cavity in time.

Changes in the BT schedule

Many women continue to monitor their basal temperature daily even after pregnancy. This will be another opportunity to notice the first signs of fetal death in time, moreover, the temperature will react faster than all other symptoms.

  • In two days, the BT line on the chart will start moving down. Normally, the thermometer should show a temperature of at least 37 degrees. However, approximately 48 hours after the termination of the life of the embryo, it will drop to values ​​of 36.9 - 36.8.
  • After 4 days, the temperature will drop to 36.7 degrees and will stay at this value for several more days.
  • Further, the process of decomposition of the fetal egg will enter a more active phase, and BT will react to the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the organs of the small pelvis with a sharp rise.

However, in some cases, the cessation of embryo development is not reflected in the indicators of basal temperature. Then the pregnant woman should rely on a number of the above symptoms.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the early stages (I trimester)

The signs of fetal death are determined by the doctor, based on the results of the studies. As a rule, a woman seeks help in the presence of pain and spotting scanty (or profuse) spotting, or a dead pregnancy is discovered by chance during an ultrasound scan. In addition to the hardware study, the pregnant woman will have to take a blood test to determine the concentration of hCG.

Ultrasound indicators

  • The heartbeat of the embryo is not determined. Normally, it is noticeable on ultrasound, starting from the 5th week of pregnancy.
  • The fertilized egg does not have a diameter of such dimensions that the gestational age suggests.
  • The size of the embryo in the fetal egg does not correspond to the gestational age.
  • If the period is up to 4 weeks, then a sign of the death of the fetal egg is deformation.
  • The embryo is not visualized for a period of 6-7 weeks.

HCG indicators

  • The concentration of hCG is below the gestational age, set on ultrasound or during a gynecological examination.
  • For several days, there is a persistent decrease in the hormone hCG in the blood.
  • The level of hCG rises, but very weakly and far behind the norm, determined by the gestational age.

In order to accurately establish the presence of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester, the signs found on ultrasound and according to the results of hCG are considered in conjunction with each other.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the II and III trimesters

With an increase in the gestational age, the child makes itself felt more and more clearly, therefore, in the event of his death in the second trimester, the signs of a missed pregnancy will be equally noticeable both at 16 weeks and at 18 weeks. The same can be said about the third trimester.

Since the symptoms of fetal death in both trimesters have much in common, you can combine them into a single list:

  1. Sudden cessation of movement for several days.
  2. The appearance of pulling pains in the lower back.
  3. The appearance of bleeding.
  4. Isolation from the genital tract of amniotic fluid that has an unpleasant odor.

Unlike the first trimester, in the long term of pregnancy, the woman's body independently gets rid of an undeveloped pregnancy rather quickly - within a few days.

Factors that provoke the death of the embryo

Frozen pregnancy is not unreasonable. It can occur due to genetic failure, hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, or due to autoimmune problems. Doctors identify two factors that cause the development of the embryo to stop:

  1. Factors that contribute to the development of a potentially defective embryo (genetic mutation).
  2. Factors that create conditions that are unfavorable for the development of the embryo (hormonal disorders, infections, autoimmune problems)

The vast majority of pregnancies that fail before 8 weeks die due to the genetic mutation factor. They may be spontaneous or may be hereditary.

What diagnosis of a missed pregnancy will be the most accurate?

The actions of a woman should depend on how the non-developing pregnancy was established. It happens that doctors make mistakes in the diagnosis, so before you go for curettage, you need to double-check the conclusions of doctors.

Diagnosis during gynecological examination

The size of the uterus may not match the gestational age, which the doctor calculated based on the date of the start of the most recent menstruation. If at the same time bloody spotting comes from the genital tract, then the specialist can conclude that the embryo has regressed in development and the fetal egg has begun to decompose.

It often happens that the period determined by the gynecologist differs from the actual gestational age by 2, and sometimes by 3 weeks. Bloody discharge can go for completely different reasons, for example, the fetal egg began to exfoliate with a live embryo.

Therefore, if a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed only with the help of a gynecological examination, then it is better to double-check the doctor's conclusions by visiting an ultrasound room.

Diagnosis with ultrasound

Signs of a missed pregnancy, for example, at 8 or 10 weeks, are clearly defined during the first ultrasound procedure. But if the period is still small, and does not exceed 5 weeks, then even hardware diagnostics can make a mistake: do not visualize the embryo or not notice its heartbeat.

Therefore, in the short term, when determining a lost pregnancy, ultrasound cannot be completely trusted. In this case, you should come back in a week and make a new attempt to identify the presence of the vital activity of the embryo.

Diagnosis with HCG

The results of the blood test may not coincide with the expected gestational age. But if the blood sampling for hCG was single, then in determining the death of the fetus, it is not informative.

Only a second test, made a few days after the first, is able to answer the question about the viability of the fetal egg. There will be even more accuracy if the results of hCG are correlated with the results of ultrasound.

What to do if a missed pregnancy is detected?

If the child was desired, then his death at any stage of pregnancy will be a tragedy for the mother. But from the moment the doctors suspect the death of the fetus, a certain scheme of actions must be followed:

  • You need to make sure that the pregnancy is really dead. To do this, you need to follow the results of the analysis of hCG in dynamics.
  • If the embryo died recently, then you can apply expectant tactics - perhaps the body itself will reject the fetal egg. But this should be done only after consulting a doctor who will carefully assess all the risks.
  • If the embryo died a long time ago, the doctor will prescribe a curettage of the uterus, which is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

It is necessary to get rid of a frozen pregnancy only under the supervision of medical specialists. In no case should you self-medicate and try to induce uterine contractions at home with the help of herbal preparations.

Firstly, you can miss the time and the fetal egg decomposing in the uterine cavity will cause serious harm to the woman's body.

And secondly, inept actions create the risk of a partial exit of the embryo from the uterus. The remains of the membranes may still be in the body of a woman, contributing to the onset of the inflammatory process.

In addition, self-treatment of a missed pregnancy can provoke severe bleeding, to stop which you will have to go to the hospital.