What should a modern woman look like according to Burberry Prorsum? What a modern girl should know and what she should look like

The world is changing every minute.

And together with it, the idea of ​​beauty changes.

Some girls manage to quickly react to new trends, and some trail at the end of the line and adopt frankly outdated techniques.

Let's talk about this!

The image of a modern woman

Wearing sexy clothes?

Mini-skirts, expressive necklines, and leopard-print dresses are relics of the past.

Stylish casualness, well-groomed and "relaxed" styles, characterized by the comfort of clothing, are in vogue. Intelligent restraint, midi length, etc. are in fashion. Tight sweatshirts have long given way to modern knitwear in the wardrobe.

And sexuality is something elusive, inherent in self-confident and well-groomed, stylish girls.

You DO NOT need to be tight-fitting and bare: the mini length, deep neckline and close-fitting silhouette are a receipt in the absence of taste.

There may be an accent, but only one. Wear short skirts with loose knits or straight blouses, neckline with tight pants, etc.

Life without heels?

Hairpins - for the occasion. "Hooves" with a heavy platform - for strippers.

Loafers, ballet flats, boots, boots, over the knee boots, ankle boots can be flat or have a stable heel. To waddle down the street, drenched in sweat and gritting your teeth tighter, but being "beautiful" and long-legged is no longer fashionable!

Wear comfortable shoes. And yes, remember, sneakers go with everything! :-) Well, practically. :-)

A conservative approach to accessories

Matching bag and shoes by color? Do you wear earrings with a necklace and a ring? Ready-made kits do not give a chance to show your individuality and prove that you feel insecure and are insured by ready-made solutions. The same goes for the habit of buying "dummy bows" from storefronts. After all, the result is obtained "like everyone else", and your own style remains an unattainable dream.

Obviously, you, unlike your grandmother, know how to use modern gadgets, but the ability to tame technology is still not enough. Because a modern woman does not believe that gadgets are a world evil, is not going to protect her children from the pernicious influence of a tablet, and does not believe that smartphones are killing something important in us.

The modern woman looks the way she likes

It is to her herself, and not to the people who surround her. If she wants to build muscles - she does it, and she doesn't care about attacks like "This is unfeminine!". If she wants to enlarge her lips, she does that too. Because it can. What's the problem?

The modern woman lives on the web

No, not 24/7, of course, but the Web is an important part of her life. Simply because it is convenient: here you can read and watch movies, you can chat with friends (no, virtual friends are not worse than real ones - they are real ones), you can shop, you can work, you can meet and fall in love, finally.

Modern woman is erudite

Precisely because she spends a lot of time on the net. Well, it would be weird to have a bottomless source of information on hand and not learn anything new, right? Let's clarify: a woman who uses the Web only to read a TV program and post recipes and statuses on her page is out of date. Well, let's clarify just in case.


Modern woman looks after her health

Today's young ladies, unlike their mothers, think about their health not when they get sick, but when everything is in perfect order. We have no idea who taught them this, but it's a fact.

The modern woman is forever young

There is no more age - and this is also a fact. Simply because there is nothing "inappropriate" for the modern woman anymore. Anything you like is appropriate, and at any age. Another education in 30+? Easy! The birth of the first child at 40+? Easily! Shaved whiskey, ripped jeans and a new retirement tattoo? Great idea!

A modern woman chooses a hobby that she likes

And not something that someone would consider "feminine" enough. If a woman likes to embroider, she will embroider. And with the same success she will be chopped at night in bloody shooters, collect custom bikes in her own garage or master hand-to-hand combat.

The modern woman follows the news

And she most likely already has a hoverboard. Okay, at least she's tried it before.

There are no taboo topics for a modern woman.

Because she's not a prude.

The modern woman is free and does not depend on anyone

Because this is the main quality of a modern person. Regardless of his gender.

Just a few years ago, it was completely unpleasant to discuss the topic of the clothes of rich and famous women involved in political activities. This topic often seemed very boring and this concerned both fashion critics, those who review social life, and for the reader himself. Almost all women with influence led in politics in every conceivable and inconceivable way they tried to bring their everyday wardrobe closer to the most approximate formal dress code, which looked universal. Although, even now there are such women politicians who try not to attract the surrounding attention to their feminine principle, this was undertaken in order to recreate a style close to a masculine, strong, official image.

But no matter what, the Political consultants who gave their advice played their role, as a result of which there were a lot of politicians, deputies, all kinds of first ladies, people who headed international organizations who began to dress quite stylishly and much more often than before being on the covers the most famous fashion magazines. The teams of stylists and fashion designers who worked on the image of influential women in politics concluded that the audience of glossy publications and all personalities who are interested in fashion is an electorate that was previously unnoticed from a political point of view, which will help raise the rating of one or another politics.

Incredible popularity came to Michelle Obama precisely thanks to the very competent selection and combination of wardrobe, also among the updated politicians are women such as: Yulia Timoshenko, Kate Middleton, Ann Hidalgo, Rania Al-Abdullah, and this is not the whole list of ladies who all the same, we realized what an important role a well-chosen and well-chosen wardrobe plays for potential elect.

Women in politics have started to constantly hire stylists who have recently worked with public celebrities and have certainly established much closer contact with famous fashion designers. The trend-following community has also been overwhelmingly quick to respond to such significant changes. And many leading fashion designers began to publicly give their advice to the first ladies of countries and adjust their wardrobe.

This was followed by the publication of a book by British author and fashion historian Young entitled First Ladies, Women in Politics and Fashion. " The chosen topic and the selection of photographs for it of all quite influential women living on the planet and their images provoked an inexorable discussion among readers. One of the most respected fashion critics in the world said: “ A woman who, in spite of everything, makes her way to the top, must certainly read this book in order to draw and choose an image for herself that is right for her.».

Serials about politicians in which a rather attractive style were described have also become an integral part and an example. The images in the films are worked out to the smallest detail, and of course carries some beautiful variations of styles for women politicians. As the designers of the series say in their interviews: “ It is enough to turn our gaze to the actors, we immediately define in the images a rather cold calculation and unbreakable character. It is immediately evident that they are masters of their craft and certainly know their job. They have undoubtedly set goals, which is very clearly displayed in their wardrobe.».

Shirts, now it is better to choose less formal and strict ones, there is also not a shameful opportunity to roll up the sleeves a little, which looks pretty nice with trousers or a pencil skirt, as well as glasses for work meetings are needed in a beautiful and expensive frame. For special occasions, it is advisable to wear off-the-shoulder cocktail dresses. And the most important thing is a demonstration of the jewelry that is correctly selected for the outfits.
The cinematography includes elegant sheath dresses, lacquered handbags and pumps with medium heels as a casual style. Here is a description of just a few of the images that are depicted in the films and played a critical role in creating the image of a business woman.

Having concluded with the world experience of consultants, it can be noted with confidence that the exceptional choice of the image, its ideal correspondence to the situation, but by no means is not the only parameter. The constituent concepts that define the overall direction are equally important. This is what prompted the advisers of many women who are at the helm of power to pay attention not only to colors, but also to the choice of the manufacturer's brand itself, to an in-depth study of the history of brand creation. Clothes must unquestioningly have a certain business sense, but also be presented unobtrusively.

You need to be incredibly careful with ethnic elements, which were taken from the folk style. Of course, Queen Rania of Jordan was able to cope with this task perfectly. Sheath dresses make up a huge part of her wardrobe, they fit perfectly on her figure, suits in composition with an A-line skirt, as well as trouser sets. But when a certain situation requires it, Rania uses national ideally appropriate elements.

Here is a quick overview of how and thanks to what the images and styles of the most famous women around the world have changed.

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In the fall season, Victoria Gres presented her vision of a modern woman - smart and beautiful. The designer has been creating feminine looks for more than 25 years, annually offering to complement the wardrobe with special products that will always be relevant. The brand's philosophy is based on the French expression "l" Art de vivre "-" the art of living beautifully. "

The stylist of the photo shoot was Nadya Shapoval, who had previously collaborated with the brand and created the history of the spring-summer collection for Victoria Gres. The heroine of the shooting was the Ukrainian top model Alena Osmanova, it is she who personifies an intelligent, elegant, modern girl, with delicate taste and restrained manners. The collection was shot by Stefan Lisovsky, a fashion photographer who has already worked with many famous Ukrainian and world brands.

Victoria Gres does not change her traditions. She creates collections of quality materials, lush decor and expensive finishes. During the shooting, we tried to move away from the emphasis on luxury, and shot the collection in a minimalist mood. We also paid attention to Victoria's decorating studio - Gres Decor - combining fashion and decor, as the most important turns of our time. I am very pleased with the result of the shooting, the model Alena Osmanova helped us a lot - her appearance and style today are synonymous with the philosophy of the Victoria Gres brand.

says stylist Nadya Shapoval.

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The FW`18-19 collection consists of woolen and silk dresses, made in the typical techniques of the brand - tambour embroidery, appliqué, patchwork, hand-knit and corrugation. Echoes of sport chic are visible in the combination of lace, patterns, chevrons, textured brooches with sweatshirts and loose-fitting bombers.

Classic tweed textures are used in companion skirts that Victoria Gres suggests wearing over a dress. They can serve as a separate part of the wardrobe in combination with blouses and thin sweaters. Classic dresses in the new collection are successfully combined with bomber jackets, and elegant coats are made in the oversize category.

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© Press Service

A modern woman is a mother, wife, daughter, sister, businesswoman and just a gorgeous lady. What roles does she not combine in herself! She must be successful in everything and everywhere, be successful both at work and at home. Have time to cook a delicious dinner and submit the report to the boss on time. A woman accounts for a lot, and her wardrobe must match this. So what is it, the style of a woman of the XIX century?

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A modern woman's wardrobe must include several styles: from business to sporty, from elegant to daring. A woman should change, be different, be able to adapt in space and society, whatever they may be. Therefore, her clothes should also be varied. After all, she determines the tone and pulse of the life of a modern lady. @pinot_noir_fashion


Aesthetics are an integral part of our life, but a modern woman's wardrobe must also be practical. To endure inconsistent weather, to withstand the flow of people in public transport, to be persistent and comfortable. The clothes we wear should help us in life, and not create additional difficulties. That is why the modern lady prefers a practical wardrobe.

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Reflective nature

A woman's wardrobe is a visiting card that creates the first impression and reflects the inner world of its owner. What we wear is ourselves. A daring outfit is a firm nature. An elegant classic - a gentle soul. A modern woman's wardrobe should say something about her that she will not say aloud. After all, as they say, they meet us all the same by their clothes.

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Filled with details

Any modern woman should have jewelry or stylish accessories: necklaces, earrings, scarves, belts and gloves. All these little details add the finishing touch to our look. We cannot do without them in the modern world, because they brighten up our life and our style. A woman who knows how to competently combine accessories with various outfits is able to win over others and become an object of admiring glances.


Our modern world is too gray and dull. Sometimes there is no place for a riot of colors even in spring and summer. That is why the modern woman is trying to stand out from this endless everyday flow. Bright images, colorful and rich clothes, colored scarves, coats, trousers. Such a lady is hard to miss in the crowd and against the background of dark buildings and streets, which means that she will have many fans and business connections.