How to treat cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. What are the types of diseases

Pregnancy is considered by many to be a renewal of the female body. In fact, this is a period of tremendous stress, hormonal storms, during which any diseases can occur or existing ones can worsen. The rapid increase in weight leads to an increase in the load on the spine. Osteochondrosis may appear. How can it be treated during pregnancy, if most of the drugs belong to the group of potentially dangerous for the fetus?

Why osteochondrosis develops

Intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers. Cartilage contains mucopolysaccharides, which easily bind water. The more it is, the more elastic the disc. Metabolic, hormonal, constant increased load on the spine leads to depletion of reserves, loss of elasticity. As a result, blood vessels and nerve roots are compressed. Disk power is even more disrupted.

At the initial stages of the disease, depreciation disturbances compensate for the ligaments and muscles of the back. From a constant load, muscle spasm develops, which further compresses the nerves and leads to symptoms of osteochondrosis during pregnancy.

Find out what it is, what it can lead to.

How is it possible, are there ways to stop the progression of the pathology.

If before pregnancy there were initial changes in the intervertebral discs, then the condition is likely to progress as the fetus grows. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • hypodynamia;
  • shift in the center of gravity, change in posture;
  • weight gain;
  • hormonal changes;
  • metabolic disease;
  • flat feet.

How does it manifest

The spine section determines the type of osteochondrosis. In pregnant women, the lumbar is most often affected. The clinical symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  1. during pregnancy it is manifested by pain in the neck, shoulders, a feeling of numbness in the fingers of the hands. Depending on the degree, headaches, dizziness, flashing flies before the eyes, noise in the head can disturb. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine during pregnancy can be combined with damage to other areas, it is more difficult to tolerate.
  2. During pregnancy, it can manifest itself in the form of pain in the back, chest, intercostal spaces. It can disguise itself as pain in the lungs, heart. The pathology of this area develops less frequently than in the rest, usually in women who have injuries or degenerative changes in the spine.
  3. If it was previously, then with a high probability of exacerbation during pregnancy cannot be avoided. The growing uterus and fetus, in addition to affecting the spinal column, compress the nerve roots in the lumbosacral region, cause aching pains, shootings in the back of the thigh and in the inguinal region, and a feeling of tension. Some are worried about numbness of the skin, cramps in the muscles of the legs, in the foot.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should inform your doctor about it. Incorrect self-diagnosis can lead to disastrous consequences.

Attention! Noise in the head, dizziness, headache can be signs of high blood pressure, which leads to a serious complication - preeclampsia. Pain in the lungs and heart can be a consequence of the pathology of these organs.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women is carried out by a neurologist. It is he who will correctly prescribe the diagnosis, determine the severity and help select the necessary therapeutic techniques.

What can be treated

Most of the drugs are prohibited for women in position. In the first trimester their appointment leads to miscarriages, the formation of deformities incompatible with life, and improper laying of organs. In the second and third trimesters, the fetus is already formed, the placenta performs a protective function, but drugs penetrate through it, disrupt the growth of the child, can lead to changes in the placenta, and affect the state of the child's nervous system.

Only a doctor knows which drugs are safe for the mother and fetus, and which can be prescribed as a last resort with great care.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women is allowed with topical preparations. In the first and second trimesters, it is a gel or ointment with Diclofenac. For the third trimester, it is contraindicated.

Ointment during pregnancy from osteochondrosis Kapsikam, Finalgon, Nise are not used due to the lack of clinical studies on the effect on the fetus. Their independent use can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Find out what is dangerous, how it is treated.

How does it manifest itself, what diagnosis does this concept correspond to.

What includes the concept of I, what diseases do they correspond to.

In the normal course of pregnancy and cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis with severe symptoms that disrupt the rhythm of life, it is allowed to use a short course up to the twenty-seventh week of gestation Diclofenac in injections or tablets.

Other therapies include the following:

  • wearing an elastic bandage;
  • massage of the problem area;
  • rest mode.

What is absolutely contraindicated

What is forbidden to treat osteochondrosis in pregnant women:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs after the twenty-seventh week of gestation lead to premature closure of the arterial duct - an important anastomosis for fetal blood flow. Normally, it closes at the time of birth. Also, drugs in this group can cause late prolonged labor.
  2. Aspirin provokes the development of nuclear jaundice in the newborn and mother.
  3. Corticoid hormones - the formation of the cleft palate in a child.
  4. Thiazide diuretics, which are used to reduce muscle swelling, cause thrombocytopenia, directly toxic effect on the infant's bone marrow.
  5. Anticonvulsants prescribed to eliminate muscle spasm depress the child's nervous system.

Before treating osteochondrosis during pregnancy with the help of manual therapists, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist. Sometimes manipulations with muscles and joints provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and the risk of premature birth.

How not to get sick

The easiest way to prevent is to wear an elastic bandage. It is recommended to wear it after the twentieth week, but if the stomach is large and exerts a noticeable load on the back, and pain also appears, then this can be started earlier. It is also worth taking care of doing gymnastics for pregnant women, resting in a comfortable position with raised legs. Proper nutrition will complement preventive measures and allow pregnancy to be carried out with minimal complications.

About back massage in pregnant women, see the video:

During the bearing of a child, an additional and uneven load on the spine is created. Often this becomes the cause of osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis during pregnancy is not amenable to classical treatment with the use of medications. Massage and therapeutic exercises are also partially contraindicated. To relieve symptoms, a woman needs to follow recommendations for nutrition and musculoskeletal activity. Some folk remedies, as well as traditional local remedies, help treat pathology in pregnant women.

Why does pathology appear in pregnant women

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a thinning of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs, leading to a change in their shape and loss of elasticity. The disease develops due to metabolic disorders in the tissues and muscles that surround it.

Exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy occurs for the following reasons:

  • body weight gain;
  • hormonal changes;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • insufficient physical activity.

Women with flat feet or poor posture have a high probability of developing pathology. Increases the risk of disease multiple pregnancy and transverse presentation of the fetus.

Symptoms of the disease

According to the clinical picture, osteochondrosis in pregnant women does not differ from that characteristic of non-pregnant women, but the intensity of symptoms increases due to the increased vulnerability of the body, and therefore pregnancy and osteochondrosis of the lumbar region are 2 times more dangerous, and treatment should be selected as sparingly as possible.

The main symptoms of the disease:

  • Back pain: their localization depends on the location of the lesion of the spine. The pain is sharp or aching, aggravated after physical exertion, long lying or sitting.
  • Numbness of the extremities: cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy is characterized by numbness of the hands, with the pathology of the lumbar or sacral region, the legs are affected.
  • Muscle spasms: there is stiffness of movement, it is difficult for a woman to relax her back, temporary cramps may also appear.

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis during pregnancy have rich symptoms. A woman suffers from severe headaches, sometimes there is a cough and sore throat, problems with sleep, irritability increases.

In case of painful symptoms of a pregnant woman, you should consult a doctor. Independent measures will lead to undesirable consequences for both the mother and the child.

How to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy

It is not enough just to diagnose osteochondrosis during pregnancy, you also need to know how to treat it. Standard methods of treating osteochondrosis are taking medications, therapeutic exercises: massage for pregnant women is almost completely contraindicated. To alleviate the painful symptoms, you need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • Wearing orthopedic devices: bandage, corset, special shoes, Shants collar. They support the spine in a natural position, reduce the load.
  • Physical education classes: classical exercise therapy methods are not suitable, but special gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, swimming, and walking are also effective in treating pathology.
  • The use of folk remedies: warm compresses with herbs, soothing teas, if the recommendations are followed, will not harm the child.
  • The use of local medications: with a strong pain syndrome, the doctor may prescribe an ointment or a special patch with analgesic and anti-inflammatory components.
  • Light massage: manual therapy is not used to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy, but symptoms can be urgently relieved with self-massage.

During treatment, a woman should eat right. In the diet, you need to increase the amount of dairy products (especially cottage cheese), meat, vegetables and fruits.

For a pregnant woman to sleep, it is necessary to purchase an orthopedic mattress and a pillow. It is best to sleep on your back or on your side with your legs bent.

Therapeutic exercises for pregnant women

The pathology of the cervical and thoracic regions is treated with the help of classical physiotherapy exercises. It is recommended to use the following set of exercises:

  • Head tilts left and right. They are performed slowly with a delay, 10 inclinations are made in each direction.
  • Head tilts forward. The chin is lowered into the jugular fossa, held for 10 seconds, repeated 5-15 times.
  • Head turns left and right. First, they simply do 5 turns, then connect the shoulder girdle. The right palm is placed on the left shoulder, the head is turned to the left, the left palm is placed on the right shoulder - the head is to the right. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Shoulder raise. Shoulders are raised together or alternately, trying to reach the ear. The exercise is repeated 10 times.
  • Reduction and dilution of the shoulder blades. The back is kept straight, the shoulder blades are slowly connected, the hands are brought together behind the back into the castle and slightly raised without tilting the body, then lowered along the body, the shoulder blades are slowly spread apart.

Exercises can be done in a sitting position. The load should not cause sharp pain, dizziness, if they occur, the exercise is stopped.

It is most difficult to treat lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy. Swimming is good for pain relief. You can also lie on an inclined hard surface.

Self massage

Self-massage techniques are allowed to be used for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral spine. All manipulations should be neat and easy. Massage is done only with warm hands.

To relieve pain symptoms, the following massage techniques are used:

  • Stroking. It is carried out with the palms or fingertips in the longitudinal or transverse direction. There are superficial strokes (with weak pressure) and deep strokes (with strong pressure). You need to start the massage with superficial effects, gradually increasing the pressure. The duration of manipulation is 1-2 minutes.
  • Trituration. It is performed in two ways: light tingling, recurrent stroking with the knuckles. The duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.
  • Kneading. Perform deep pinching with muscle pulling. Duration of execution - 2 minutes.
  • Vibrations. You can tap with your fingertips or with the palm of your hand. Manipulation is performed 1-2 minutes.

The massage ends with stroking. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm (not hot) shower.

Massage of the cervical-collar zone is done in a sitting position. The lumbosacral zone is massaged lying on its side or sitting with a straight back.

What medicines to use

Almost all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs adversely affect the development of the fetus, so pills and injections are not prescribed for pregnant women.

To eliminate severe symptoms of the disease, Traumeel and Diclofenac ointments are used. It is forbidden to use drugs for treatment on your own. Only a professional can evaluate the benefits of ointment for osteochondrosis of the spine during pregnancy.

For the treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy, vitamin and mineral complexes are widely used, they should also be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are safer than pills, but most of them are contraindicated for pregnant women. For the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women, warm compresses with a decoction of burdock, dandelion root or parsley are widely used. Warming agents should not be placed on the lower back or chest.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar during pregnancy is forbidden to be treated with folk remedies, in this case only ointments and orthopedic devices will help.

The danger of osteochondrosis in the lumbar for pregnant women

It is impossible to ignore diseases of the spine during pregnancy. When the first symptoms appear, you need to seek help. If there was already a pathology in the anamnesis, pregnancy planning should begin with an examination of the spine and prevention of exacerbation.

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy may occur for the first time, or it may "wake up" after a long lull. Why is this happening, what can and cannot be done? How to treat without harm to the child? These and other important questions are answered later in the article.

With osteochondrosis, deformation, thinning of the intervertebral discs and pathological growth of the vertebrae occur. During pregnancy, the main load falls on the lumbosacral spine, which is why it is most often affected by the disease. The cervical and thoracic regions are affected much less frequently.

The load on the lumbar spine: on the left - an "ordinary" woman, on the right - a pregnant woman. Circle with arrow - center of gravity

Causes of the onset and exacerbation of the disease

The reasons leading to the appearance and exacerbation of osteochondrosis in pregnant women are identical. There are a lot of them, but 5 main ones can be distinguished:

increasing load on the spine and a rapid increase in weight with relatively weak, untrained and unprepared back muscles;

a sedentary lifestyle, especially in the 3rd trimester with a rapidly growing abdomen and a change in the center of gravity;

deficiency of vitamins supplied to the needs of the body of the woman herself (most of it goes to the development and growth of the fetus);

hormonal changes;

displacement of organs and compression of the neurovascular plexuses as the child grows - this leads to malnutrition of the spine.

Also, the causes of the development of the disease can be: genetic predisposition, previous injuries and microtraumas of the spine, features of professional activity and other "standard" causes of the disease. Pregnancy in this case is a catalyst for the development of the disease.

Changes in the musculoskeletal system in a pregnant woman

Characteristic symptoms

Each type of osteochondrosis - cervical, thoracic and lumbar - is characterized by its own symptoms.

Cervical lesion

The cervical vertebrae are relatively small and quite mobile, therefore, with the development of osteochondrosis in pregnant women, the symptoms are pronounced:

  • headache and dizziness, hearing and vision impairment caused by compression of the vertebral artery;
  • pain in the neck and shoulders (sometimes throbbing), numbness or decreased sensitivity of the skin in the upper body - such signs are caused by pinched roots;
  • pain in the shoulder blades, heart, especially when coughing or sneezing and turning the head - the so-called cardiac syndrome.

Important! Rare, but the most dangerous symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women are loss of consciousness and pressure drops, which can adversely affect the health and development of the fetus.

Thoracic injury

Despite being protected by a muscular corset and relative immobility, the thoracic spine during childbearing can also suffer from osteochondrosis. In this case, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • violation of respiratory function;
  • intercostal neuralgia (pain, feeling of tightness in the ribs and chest, especially after activity or, conversely, a long stay in a static position);
  • violation of the activity of internal organs;
  • pain when raising arms;
  • pain between the shoulder blades.

Note: thoracic osteochondrosis is dangerous because its symptoms are usually mild, and they are often confused with signs of other diseases. As the pathology progresses, metabolic processes and nerve conduction can be disturbed, which leads to intoxication of the body - an extremely undesirable complication at any stage of pregnancy.

Lumbar injury

It is difficult to identify lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy at the first stage of development, since the disease may not manifest itself at first. Severe symptoms usually appear already in the second stage of the disease:

  • severe pain in the lower back and groin,
  • "lumbago" in the lumbar region,
  • weakness,
  • mobility disorder,
  • foot cramps,
  • muscle pain and spasms,
  • difficulty in movement
  • violation of the sensitivity of the lower extremities.

Attention: lumbar osteochondrosis in pregnant women can lead to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, which is a serious complication in this situation. Possible disruption of other organs, which also negatively affects the development of the fetus.

Methods of treatment suitable in this situation

Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy is a topic around which disputes between physicians have not subsided for a long time. Due to the special position of a woman and the inadmissibility of a negative impact on the fetus, it is not always possible to treat a pathology (both new and aggravated) using standard methods.

And yet there is a way out of the situation. Which? The answer is a little further.

Conservative therapy

Let's look at the main standard treatment options:

Medicines. Most medications are not prescribed because of the risk of harming the fetus. However, with severe pain, doctors tend to treat the disease (stop symptoms) with drugs based on diclofenac sodium, but only in the first and second trimesters and after carefully weighing the benefits and harms for the mother and child.

Ointments. Some ointments, the use of which is possible during pregnancy, help to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of the disease (their ability is to relieve pain).

Physiotherapy. During pregnancy, this method of treatment is contraindicated due to the negative impact on the fetus.

Manual therapy. Some doctors are in favor of this method, because it really relieves pain and reduces symptoms. Other experts are categorically against manual exposure, arguing that there is an increasing risk of preterm birth.

But how can the disease be treated? Do not sit on your hands!

Effective symptom relief at home

Without knowing it, many women are able to relieve the symptoms of the disease without resorting to aggressive and unsafe methods of treatment. To relieve pain at the first manifestations or exacerbation of the disease help:

  • warm (not hot!) shower;
  • very light stroking self-massage along the spine;
  • physiotherapy;
  • warming compresses (only for pain in the cervical region!);
  • orthopedic devices: bandage, corset, shoes, mattress, pillows (under the head and under the stomach).

Special medical gymnastics

Doing simple exercise in the morning will bring great benefits for pregnant women in general health and help relieve symptoms of the disease. Next - a set of exercises for each section of the spine.

Neck exercises

Sit on a chair, tilt your head back and try to alternately reach your left ear to your left shoulder, your right ear to your right shoulder. Perform 5-10 "rolls".

Sitting with your head thrown back, slowly raise your head up, and then aim your chin towards your collarbone. Perform 5-10 nods.

Rest your palm on your forehead. Press with your palm, resist with your forehead (you should feel the tension of the neck muscles). Linger "at the peak" (counting to 5), relax.

Chest Exercises

Stand up straight, hands at your sides. Inhale, as you exhale - hands up, then lower your hands. Repeat first 10 times.

Sit down. Slowly arch your back forward, then back. Repeat 10 times.

Stand up straight, close your hands "in the castle" at the back of your head. Do 3-5 smooth bends back, return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Lower back exercises

Lying on your back, raise your arms along the body up and stretch without straining your back muscles. Relax. Repeat 5 times.

Lying on your back and spreading your arms to the sides, slowly and gently bend up. Repeat several times.

Get on all fours, put your chin on a chair. Do bending of the spine up and down (5 times each).

Universal exercises

Stretch your shoulders by doing circular motions "in" and "out".

"Good and Evil Kitty" Get on all fours. Arch your back towards the floor, and then arch your back, aiming your spine towards the ceiling.

Stand straight, hands on your belt. Gently and slowly turn your torso to the left and right.

On a note. Some types of yoga will be useful for osteochondrosis. Consider signing up for pregnancy yoga. Remember that during the exercises you should not feel pain.


Osteochondrosis in pregnant women, even during an exacerbation, can be tolerated calmly. But for this you need not to be lazy, but to work:

At the top of the comment feed are the last 25 Q&A blocks. I answer only those questions where I can give practical advice in absentia - often without a personal consultation it is impossible.

Hello! Pregnancy 16 weeks. Headaches, numbness of the fingers and sometimes the tongue, pain in the neck are severely tormented. Before pregnancy, she turned to the doctor, but unfortunately, the unfortunate doctor could not help in any way. I asked for directions to take a picture and took it. To which the doctor exclaimed, “You have such a good chondrosis, or even arthrosis already! Drink your vitamins, goodbye!!” Went to the emergency room today because no longer able to endure the pain. It turned out that I had chondrosis of the cervical region with a displacement of the 4th and 5th vertebrae. The doctor prescribed Indomethacin suppositories, but did not give a guarantee that it would help. And in the first trimester, the gynecologist allowed me to relieve an attack of pain with pills that I drank before (Spazgan), and I drank. not often, but she drank when she could not stand the pain. Then she allowed me to drink citramone, but it does not help me at all. Now I'm worried that I could harm the baby with drugs and I'm afraid to put indomethacin suppositories. Help, pozhalusta, council, whether they are dangerous and than it is possible to stop a pain. Thank you in advance

Tatyana, the increasing load on the spine and weight gain certainly increase the manifestations of osteochondrosis. On this basis, blood circulation worsens and therefore the hands, fingers, and lower limbs may become numb. Headaches often develop. Diclofenac tablets can be advised, but they are taken with caution only in the first and second trimesters. Absolutely all drugs somehow get through the placenta to the fetus and yes, they can harm. Therefore, in your case, you can carefully do a light daily massage of the collar zone and exercises for pregnant women described in this article. Thanks to this, blood circulation will increase, congestion will decrease, you will get relief if you are not lazy. I also advise you to monitor the pressure. If it is low or high, headaches also occur, and this sometimes happens in pregnant women, especially with osteochondrosis.

I wish you an easy birth!

Good evening. I am 27 weeks pregnant, I feel dizzy while lying on my back, turn to the right, I can’t sleep, I have difficulty on my left side and my arm twitches at night, tell me how to treat it?

Natalia, in the second or third trimesters, many pregnant women complain of numbness in their hands, especially at night. The most common cause today is carpal tunnel syndrome (a nerve is pinched in the carpal tunnel, which causes a woman to feel pain in her arm, numbness). It develops due to a static load on the same joints / tendons, which most often occurs today while working with a computer mouse. If numbness is present along with swelling, then attention should be paid to the amount of fluid consumed (eliminated by a salt-free diet). It is not at all excluded that the hands go numb due to osteochondrosis. This disease affects more and more young people, and during the period of bearing a child, all chronic diseases come out. Osteochondrosis and other spinal injuries (in particular, herniated discs) can cause hand numbness during pregnancy. This is due to a pinched nerve that runs from the spinal cord to the arm. Hands can become numb with arthrosis of the cervical region or due to simple muscle strain in this area. You should spend less time in a sitting position and do a warm-up and neck massage more often. Treatment at this time is not desirable, only massage.

Hello, Doctor! I am 31 years old. Conclusion MRI: a picture of violation of statics, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the lumbosacral spine. Signs of osteochondrosis. Severe S-shaped scoliosis. Spondylosis. Herniated disc L4/L5. Disk protrusions L2/L4, L5/S1. Perineural cysts at the level of S2-S3. I also have unilateral secondary gonarthrosis of the 2nd degree. Tell me, please, can I bear and give birth to a child with such diagnoses? (At the age of 25, she gave birth to a daughter, pregnancy and childbirth went well, but then there were no such health problems). Thanks for the answer!

Hello Margarita. With such a list of complex diagnoses, pregnancy is contraindicated, especially with deformation of the vertebrae (spondylosis) and hernia. Pregnancy will further aggravate and aggravate the condition of your spine, increase the compression of the spinal nerves (the presence of a perineural cyst), and increase the pathological curvature of the spine.

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy time in a woman's life. The body is affected by various factors, new diseases appear, old ones remind of themselves. During pregnancy, osteochondrosis often appears. Diagnose osteochondrosis of the lumbar, cervical, knee joint.

The disease affects the cartilage tissue, manifesting itself on the spine. During pregnancy, a woman's weight increases, the back tilt changes, and the pelvic muscles relax in preparation for childbirth. Factors cause an exacerbation of osteochondrosis during pregnancy. Doctors recommend at the planning stage to undergo an examination, to cure possible diseases.

It is worth paying attention to the lower back, the fetus is located nearby. Severe pain will lead to a change in hormonal levels, muscle spasm will cause a miscarriage. Do not neglect osteochondrosis before pregnancy.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in pregnant women

On the one hand, treating osteochondrosis for pregnant women is simple, on the other hand, it is difficult. If a woman suffers from severe pain, it is worth contacting a neurologist. Sometimes the pain resembles a disease of the heart, stomach - it is difficult to diagnose correctly. It is recommended to take measures for treatment.

In a normal situation, the doctor prescribes medicines, makes injections to alleviate the patient's condition. During pregnancy, there is nothing to treat. The choice of methods of treatment is narrowing, effective, fast help for pregnant women is needed.

The problem of treating pregnant women is that almost all medicines and procedures are contraindicated.

Pharmaceutical companies often do not test drugs on pregnant women. Women in position do not dare to conduct experiments. It is impossible to create a sample for testing, drugs are not tested, they simply add to the instructions that pregnant women should not take the drug during lactation. This removes legal responsibility from manufacturing companies, ties the hands of doctors.

Prohibitions are written on most drugs with NSAIDs containing ketoprofen. No one doubts the danger of many steroid drugs. During pregnancy, women, their entourage read contraindications on medications, but forget that smoking harms the body no less.

In addition to taking medications, patients should not perform manual therapy, there is a possibility of provoking premature birth, miscarriage. Do not use methods of reflexology - acupuncture, magnetotherapy, acupuncture. Contraindications remain with osteochondrosis of the cervical region in a pregnant woman.

The doctor is bound when prescribing treatment, on the other hand, he cannot leave everything as it is. It is recommended to be screened at the stage of family planning.

How to relieve pain during pregnancy?

Among the existing drugs, ways to relieve pain, there are those that help during pregnancy:

  • Medicines. In the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, there are drugs used in the 1st, 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Medicines are created on the basis of sodium diclofenac, produced by different companies under different names. The remedy will stop the inflammation, the pain will go away.
  • Ointments. Ointments applied topically will not harm the expectant mother, child. They have an irritating effect. The advertised products are based on ketoprofen, which is prohibited for pregnant women, with a corresponding postscript in the instructions.
  • Manual therapy. Most doctors do not undertake to perform for pregnant women, especially for long periods, but it is effective. Lumbar, cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women leads to muscle tension. Muscle pressure leads to a change in the hormonal background, childbirth is provoked. The doctor will gently help the pregnant woman, removing excessive tension from the muscles.
  • Therapeutic exercise, gymnastics. The cause of osteochondrosis is a change in the load on the spine, gymnastics for osteochondrosis for pregnant women normalizes the condition.
  • Ethnoscience. There are recipes for self-creation of ointments, drugs for external use to alleviate the condition of pregnant women.
  • Orthopedic shoes, corsets. Pieces of clothing, gymnastics relieve excess tension from the spine.

You can not practice self-medication during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe a treatment regimen for osteochondrosis, otherwise you will harm the body, the child.

Gymnastics for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

A way to get rid of pain, a prophylactic agent is therapeutic exercises. There are sets of exercises that stop cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy, used in everyday life. Gymnastics is indicated in the first stage of osteochondrosis, improves blood microcirculation, and provides normal tissue nutrition.

Helps with problems in the lumbar region. Pregnant women are often advised to attend special yoga courses during pregnancy - a neat, correct way to prepare the body, relieve excessive stress.

  1. Cat. Performed standing on your knees, hands. Slowly on the inhale the back arches up, on the exhale it bends down. Additionally, it is worth adding arching of the neck. The exercise is similar to arching the back of a cat.
  2. Fish. Sit on your feet, gently lean back as you exhale. Hold, inhale to return to the starting position.
  3. Twisting. Stand up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Turn the body left and right, pointing the hands in the same direction. You can not do swings, sharp turns to the side.
  4. Circular movements of the shoulders. Perform in the evening, relieve the day's stress.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region during pregnancy will win the warm-up, which will benefit the body. It is recommended to perform exercises under the supervision of a doctor so as not to harm the child. Most neck exercises are done with hand support so that the pain doesn't get worse.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lower back

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, pregnant women are helped by wearing special bandages. Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy involves the constant wearing of corrective means: a bandage, corset, orthopedic shoes. Affect the spine, removing excess load; used for other diseases.

A pregnant woman puts on weight. Weight is gained quickly, in the absence of exercises to strengthen the muscles, they are not ready for the load, they additionally relax under the influence of hormones, preparing for childbirth. Affects the spine - the vertebrae are mobile. Bandages will fix the position of the lumbar spine, there will be no pinching of the nerves.

Osteochondrosis of the lower back during pregnancy, cervical osteochondrosis - are not considered contraindications to it. Requires the intervention of a doctor, monitoring the course of the disease. After childbirth, the end of breastfeeding, it is recommended to undergo a special course of treatment. Sometimes changes in the spine become a reason to perform a caesarean section. The health of the child, mother - for the doctor in the first place.

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondrosis accompanies pregnancy in 30-50% of women. And if you do not take care of your physical form before its onset, there is a high probability of falling into this percentage. And this means that during the period of bearing a child, there is a high risk of pain in the back or neck. There are three main factors that provoke the development or exacerbation of osteochondrosis:

  • Weight set. 12.5-15 "extra" kilograms for the spine is a big load. Weak back muscles are bad helpers for him.
  • Shifting the center of gravity forward. To maintain stability, the woman leans back. The spine in the lumbar region bends, muscles that were not previously involved tense.
  • Hormonal reorganization. In pregnant women, the body produces the hormone relaxin. It is important for preparing the pelvis for childbirth, as it helps to relax the femoral-sacral joints and ensures the mobility of the pelvic bones. But at the same time, all ligaments, including intervertebral discs, are softened. The result is pain. Progesterone is also strongly secreted. This hormone regulates blood circulation, without it a normal pregnancy is generally impossible. But, while improving the blood supply to the vessels, it simultaneously causes a slight swelling in the area of ​​the nerve roots in the spinal cord. When they are squeezed, pain receptors are irritated and pain occurs.

Lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy

The main symptoms of this type of osteochondrosis during pregnancy:

  • Pain in the lower back (aching, pulling, like "lumbago") and groin. The uterus presses on the nerve endings of the spine, the result is short-term, but severe pain in the lumbosacral region. Acute pain in the leg or buttock speaks of radicular syndrome.
  • Stiffness in movements when changing the position of the body, limitation of mobility.
  • Muscle spasms. Working muscles are in hypertonicity.
  • Cramps in the legs and feet, tingling, "goosebumps" in the legs with some loss of sensation.

Lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed on the basis of complaints of a pregnant patient or according to the results of a visual examination. The doctor examines the physiological curves of the spine, checks the reflexes. During the examination, he can detect a distortion of the shape of the pelvis (determine the Michaelis rhombus, the position and outline of the iliac crests, the level of the trochanter), the asymmetry of the buttocks, and the displacement of the vertebrae from the sacrum. Instability of the vertebrae can cause dysfunction of internal organs, in particular, the genitourinary system. The proper development of the fetus is under threat. Traditional treatment of osteochondrosis is not prescribed for pregnant women. Only under special indications and under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist is it allowed to use Diclofenac in the minimum effective doses for a period of 4-6 weeks. But, of course, no one will offer a pregnant woman to endure pain and discomfort. There are many ways to relieve pain and muscle tension.

Cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region significantly affects well-being during pregnancy. The pain in the neck is not so dangerous (it may not be as intense) as the vascular manifestations of the disease. Symptoms are formed under the influence of a large number of nerve endings and fibers concentrated in the neck, as well as the neighboring vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the brain and many vessels. If we consider that small cervical vertebrae are characterized by great mobility, then with osteochondrosis, nerves and blood vessels are often compressed. As a result, with cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women, you can expect:

  • dizziness and headaches spreading to the shoulders, occipital muscles, tinnitus with a long stay in one position, visual disturbances (blurring, dots, poor focus);
  • nausea and belching when tilting the head, turning, feeling short of breath, difficulty swallowing (as if there is a foreign body in the throat);
  • sudden loss of consciousness due to a short-term spasm of the arteries;
  • numbness or slight loss of skin sensation in the upper body;
  • pain from the region of the heart or between the shoulder blades, similar to cardiological;
  • BP instability.

Part of the manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis in pregnant women (loss of consciousness, jumps in blood pressure) pose a direct threat to the development of the fetus. Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical osteochondrosis, given all of the above? Of course, most of the symptoms are characteristic of a complicated course of osteochondrosis. But the period of pregnancy is usually full of health surprises. And in order to minimize them, without adding "surprises" from the existing osteochondrosis, the disease must be cured before it occurs.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region does not manifest itself as clearly and so unambiguously as the lumbar or cervical. This segment is protected by a muscular corset and is relatively immobile. Symptoms are often disguised as violations of the activity of other organs:

  • Pain: in the abdomen (epigastrium), right hypochondrium, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades at night, when raising hands, coughing, prolonged static positions, sudden movements in the thoracic spine.
  • Compression and soreness of the ribs - intercostal neuralgia.

If the existing pathology progresses during pregnancy, there is a risk of impaired nerve conduction and metabolic processes. And this leads to intoxication of the body - an extremely undesirable complication when carrying a child.

Treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Standard treatment of both newly emerging and aggravated osteochondrosis during pregnancy is contraindicated. There is a slight relief only for the middle trimester and under the control of the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. But there is always a way out. The following activities can alleviate painful manifestations, and at the same time strengthen some muscles and relax others:

  • Chiropractic. Very popular in the USA, includes soft manual correction, light relaxing massage, physiotherapy exercises. A woman gets rid of excruciating back pain, her nervous system functions normalize.
  • Acupuncture (acupuncture) in the later stages. It is harmless to both mother and fetus.
  • Warm bath or shower.
  • Wearing a bandage. The support belt will take some of the load off the lower back.
  • Orthopedic devices (pillows for pregnant women, mattresses, shoes).
  • Watch your posture, do not arch back. Sitting on a chair, put a pillow under the curve of the spine.
  • Don't stand on your feet for a long time. Tension in the back can be relieved by alternately placing one or the other leg on an elevation (step, threshold, curb).
  • Sleep on your side, if you want to lie on your back, you need to put a pillow under your lower back.
  • Swimming (if there are no contraindications).

You can cope with osteochondrosis in pregnant women if you remember that pregnancy is not rest, it is work. Its purpose is to prepare for childbirth.

In the event that cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by vertebral syndrome, that is.

This question is asked by many patients suffering from the development of the upper intervertebral discs.

For the treatment of vascular disorders provoked by cervical osteochondrosis, patients need to use nootropics.

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For 9 months of pregnancy, a woman with a history of osteochondrosis may not be able to avoid its exacerbation. How.


Osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the articular cartilage of the spine, caused by a metabolic disorder in the intervertebral discs.

With osteochondrosis, articular cartilage begins to gradually lose its elasticity, and the amount of intervertebral fluid decreases. All this leads to the fact that the discs are worn out and deformed from constant contact with each other, the nerve endings are infringed, which leads to pain in the spine. The circulation of the problem areas also suffers - the blood vessels are simply squeezed by the intervertebral discs.

Osteochondrosis is a disease, although not fatal, but requiring careful medical supervision. Purposefully planning a child, a woman with problems with the spine must definitely consult a specialist doctor and undergo the necessary course of treatment. But not everyone succeeds in “laying straws”: pregnancy, like a litmus test, shows all the weaknesses of the body, and the disease can begin even in perfectly healthy young girls.

There are several reasons for the development of the disease during the period of bearing a baby, and it is almost impossible to influence them:

  1. 1. increase in body weight and, as a result, the load on the spinal column;
  2. 2. hormonal changes or metabolic disorders;
  3. 3. incorrect posture or flat feet;
  4. 4. reduced physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

What you need to know about osteochondrosis during pregnancy?

According to the localization of the disease, cervical, thoracic, lumbar osteochondrosis is distinguished.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be: severe headaches, as well as pain in the shoulders or arms; sudden dizziness and flashing color spots or "flies" in the eyes.

Disease of the thoracic spine occurs extremely rarely and is manifested by pain in the hypochondrium when walking, chest, between the shoulder blades, painful breathing. Indirect signs may be brittle nails and peeling of the skin.

Lumbar osteochondrosis during pregnancy manifests itself with aching pain or sharp backaches in the lower back - lumbago (pain can also spread lower: to the inguinal region and thighs), muscle cramps and spasms of the feet, impaired sweating, burning sensation or tingling of the lower extremities.

Do you have any of the above symptoms? You have a good reason for visiting a doctor. Which doctor to contact? For the first visit, you can choose a regular therapist, who, after examination and conversation, will refer you to narrower specialists: an orthopedist, surgeon, neurologist, reflexologist, etc.

How to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Osteochondrosis is not only a real punishment for pregnant women, but also a real headache for the attending physician. The fact is that almost all drugs are prohibited for use during childbearing, as well as the main reliable method for diagnosing a disease is magnetic resonance imaging, and physiotherapy that can alleviate the patient's condition can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

The main way to diagnose osteochondrosis in pregnant women is a clinical examination. An experienced doctor can confirm the disease, focusing on changes in reflexes and physiological curves of the spine (asymmetry of the pelvic line, gluteal folds, etc.). Based on the collected history - information about the patient's lifestyle, the presence of diseases, allergic reactions, as well as the nature and localization of pain - treatment is prescribed.

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis during pregnancy is possible with only a few drugs, such as Traumeel (injection or ointment), Paracetamol. They will relieve inflammation, swelling and soreness of the diseased part of the spine. In cases of emergency, drugs are prescribed, which include diclofenac sodium. They are used in the first and second trimesters, and then only after preliminary consultations with a general practitioner, gynecologist and neurologist.

The next stage of treatment will be physical education. A set of specially designed exercises will help to "unload" the spine, normalize blood circulation and metabolism. The main exercises from the exercise therapy complex are borrowed from yoga and do not require significant physical exertion. The duration of each should not exceed seconds.

  1. Fish. The woman sits on her knees, rises as she exhales and carefully leans back. It stands a little in this position and, on inspiration, returns to its original position.
  2. Cat. Starting position - standing on all fours. On inhalation, the back arches up, on exhalation it falls back.
  3. Circular movements of the shoulders are useful not only for osteochondrosis of pregnant women. This exercise perfectly helps to get rid of the tension accumulated during the working day for absolutely all people.
  4. Twisting. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart. Gently turn the body after the hand to the right, to the left. The pelvis remains in place.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, exercises should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect and only increase pain.

The use of bandages and corsets has proven itself most positively in exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis. Sometimes experts also advise wearing orthopedic shoes - in combination with a bandage (corset), this helps to properly distribute the load along the spine.

The involvement of a chiropractor in treatment is not always welcomed by representatives of traditional medicine. But for many, this method of treatment greatly facilitates the condition.

Folk remedies are usually used for cervical osteochondrosis. Warm compresses based on a decoction of burdock, St. John's wort, parsley, dandelion root help relieve pain and improve blood microcirculation in the affected area. The compress is applied for a minute, and for better warming up, the neck is additionally wrapped in a towel. However, with lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis, this method is dangerous - the biologically active substances of the decoction and elevated temperature can adversely affect the child in the womb.

An active lifestyle, yoga or feasible physical activity, proper nutrition will help keep muscles in good shape, avoid sudden weight gain and, as a result, serve as a good prevention of spinal diseases.

Remember that osteochondrosis during pregnancy is not treatable, however, it is possible to alleviate the condition and prevent the progression of the disease, but only together with a doctor.

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Osteochondrosis during pregnancy is quite common. Despite the fact that pregnancy is one of the brightest periods in the life of every woman, there are still many moments that can overshadow the joy of waiting. The most common problem faced by expectant mothers osteochondrosis.

The disease affects cartilage tissues, causing their deformation and thinning, due to the high load on the muscles. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to these stresses. After all, while waiting for the baby, the body and body of the expectant mother is being rebuilt, preparing for childbirth. It is during this period that the neck, back and legs suffer the most.

There are several forms of osteochondrosis. These are cervical osteochondrosis, osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. Most often, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine occurs, since it is this area that is subject to the greatest stress. In addition, the disease in this particular part of the body needs immediate treatment, since the pain caused by the disease can cause an increase in muscle tone, which in turn can cause premature birth or miscarriage. That is why the main thing is to recognize the disease in time, and this is far from being so simple.

The symptoms of this disease are easily confused with other ailments, such as diseases of the stomach, heart and other internal organs, as they have a similar nature of the pain caused.

If you are constantly tormented by pain in the neck, chest or lower back, if you are tormented by headaches, congestion in the ears, dizziness, blurred vision, if the pain intensifies with sudden or careless movements, if you feel a change in the sensitivity of certain parts of the body (skin, muscles) - all This is a significant reason to immediately go to the doctor. To avoid the development of the disease or its complications, doctors strongly recommend that you undergo a complete examination at the stage of pregnancy planning.


Treating osteochondrosis during pregnancy is much more difficult than in other cases. The whole complexity of the treatment of this disease lies in the fact that almost all medical procedures and medicines are contraindicated for pregnant women. This fact greatly limits the doctor in choosing a treatment, but it is also unacceptable to let the disease take its course. That is why it is better to prevent the disease by undergoing an examination in advance than to try to find a cure later.

It is difficult to treat osteochondrosis during pregnancy due to the many restrictions for expectant mothers, but it is also impossible not to treat it. What to do? Don't despair and don't give up! There are still several ways to alleviate the condition, or completely get rid of this disease. Here are some of them:

  • Preparations for external use. These include all kinds of ointments and lotions. The exception is ointments based on ketoprofen, which is contraindicated in pregnancy;
  • Medicines belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Manual therapy. Although most doctors are wary of her, there is still a result from her;
  • Ethnoscience. This item should be treated with caution, because self-medication can adversely affect not only the health of the mother, but also the health of the unborn baby;
  • Physiotherapy. The most harmless and effective method, but again requiring caution and not tolerating fanaticism;
  • Special bandages, corsets and orthopedic shoes. They help reduce stress on the muscles.

Ointments, medicines and manual therapy we will leave to the doctors. Let's take a look at the remaining three points. Let's start with folk remedies, proven by our grandmothers. The safest for osteochondrosis during pregnancy are warming compresses. But here it is important to consider several points. Firstly, only cervical osteochondrosis can be treated this way, and secondly, it is very important to make sure that a woman is not allergic to one or another component.


The most effective are lotions and compresses based on decoctions of dandelion roots, burdock leaves, parsley roots and St. The exposure time of such compresses should not exceed 25 minutes. In the first trimester it is possible, but the exposure time should not exceed 5 minutes. Also in the early stages, the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis during pregnancy occurs with the help of a bag of sand heated in a pan. It should be warm enough, but not scalding. Here you need to focus on your feelings.

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For the treatment of thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis, methods such as therapeutic exercises and the wearing of special corsets or bandages are suitable. They perform the same function - relieving tension from the muscles. However, if in the case of corsets and bandages there is a result, but temporary, then when doing therapeutic exercises, the natural muscular frame is strengthened.

Of course, it is better if a set of exercises is compiled by a therapist and a gynecologist, in order to avoid complications, but you can also do elementary exercises at home in the morning. Also, do not engage in fanaticism. The movements of a pregnant woman should be smooth and accurate. The great thing about this method is that therapeutic exercises not only help relieve tension, but also strengthen muscles and develop endurance, and this will only benefit every expectant mother.