How to make a pleasant surprise for my husband. What would be right to give a guy just like that, for no reason: the best solutions

"Honey, I'm pregnant!" - here is a phrase that can be a huge surprise for any man. And if you want to please your loved one with something pleasant, but still less shocking, then it's time to look for options for what kind of surprise you can give a guy on a special occasion or just like that. After all, everyone loves gifts, regardless of gender and age.

Simple and tasteful

The desire to please a loved one is absolutely natural, and it is absolutely not necessary to buy him a new car. Sometimes simple hand-made things are much more pleasant for a man to get than a Ferrari (especially if he doesn't have any rights).

The peculiarity of male psychology is such that the effect of an unexpected gift can be akin to an exploding bomb - from crazy hugs and fiery kisses to a marriage proposal. It all depends on how emotional your partner is and how often you pamper him. By the way, you shouldn't do it too often: any holiday turned into a routine loses its charm. So you can make surprises just like that no more than once a week - and, of course, on special occasions.

4 options for birthday surprises

“It’s a pity that the birthday is only once a year!” - think birthday people. But those who have to puzzle over what kind of surprise a guy can have on his birthday often hold the opposite point of view. But in reality, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is that the gift should be:

  • relevant (it's stupid to give last year's disc to your favorite band if the team has already released two new ones);
  • interesting to him (it should not be "I bought you something for myself");
  • sincere (purity of thoughts is the main component of any gift).

This is a gift that can be given not just on day X, but, for example, on the evening of an important football match with the participation of his favorite team. The organization of the event that you will have to do includes:

  • inviting a guy's friends;
  • preparation of light snacks and beer;
  • timely self-removal from the "battlefield" to a friend.

No man will ignore such a feat.

A bit of history

Now it has become very fashionable to look for their roots, to study the history of the clan. Why don't you take advantage of the new trend and arrange the history of the name of the chosen one in the form of a stylized letter? Another "historical" gift can be a collage of your joint photographs. Many will say that, they say, the surprise gives off something like mothballs, and they will be wrong. Printed photographs have a completely different energy in contrast to an electronic gallery. Moreover, each of them is associated with some special moment of your general biography.


Do you want to give the moon? Then maybe Mars? Or Jupiter? And in the kit for the planet - a telescope, which will allow you to observe all the beauty and magic of the starry sky.

Sign up for a seminar or webinar

This option is the exact opposite of the previous one, because it suits persons pragmatic, realistic to the core. Sign up your loved one to some important event that will be interesting to him, and even benefit for the business, and he will certainly appreciate your efforts.

4 anniversary surprises

An important feature of preparing a surprise for your boyfriend for the anniversary of the relationship is that you must be a full component of this gift.

Erotic present

It can be any intimate gift - from your striptease to a role-playing game of goldfish with the fulfillment of 3 ... 4, or maybe 5 of his desires. Just keep in mind that for such a surprise it should really be an anniversary, and not 1 or 2 months of meetings. Otherwise, your partner may be taken aback by such a sexual pressure from a shy woman, with whom he is embarrassed to discuss intimate topics.

The crazy pace of life requires maximum stress every day. So it will be useful for both of you to devote a few hours to pleasant relaxing procedures accompanied by unobtrusive music and the murmur of water in the jacuzzi.

A wonderful surprise for a man who is not afraid of heights. This gift can be classified as a surprise, from which both partners can get full pleasure. After all, you can fly in a duet.

If your companion is a romantic, then the colored lights scattering in the sky, your hugs and gentle words will be a wonderful birthday present. Just don't miss such important nuances as:

  • weather (in the rain, you will hardly want to leave the house, even for the sake of a surprise);
  • place (next to the area where the fireworks will be launched, there should be no explosive objects or crowds of people);
  • time (you must admit that the morning fireworks are unlikely to please with their beauty).

4 present just because I love

Feelings for a loved one overwhelm so much that you want to give the whole world, but at the same time there are absolutely no ideas, what kind of surprise can you make a guy just like that? In fact, there can be many options.

After all, it doesn't cost you anything to write down on small pieces of paper why you love your boyfriend? And he will be very pleased to walk around the apartment and read tender words on the mirror, on the refrigerator, on the desk and on his favorite mug. A variant of such a gift can be a sheet of recognition launched into the sky. To do this, the main words are written on a large sheet, and with the help of balloons and a fishing line tied to them, the note is released into the sky.

This is a universal gift that is good both for no reason and for the most serious occasion. Choose a suitable route and hit the road with your loved one, accompanied by the hum of the wheels and the sound of the wind.

Dinner in the company of stars

No, you don't need to invite Philip Kirkorov! Stars scattered across the sky will do. You just need to negotiate with the janitor, get the keys to the attic and have an open-air dinner. Just keep in mind that the roof of the Khrushchev five-story building, covered with pigeons, is not at all suitable for this.

Website for you

In our age of high technologies, one cannot do without gifts that keep pace with the times. Why not take advantage of the Internet and create a website where you can post his favorite songs, your joint photos, as well as notes in the spirit of LiveJournal about how you love your man?

A good relationship is not always complete understanding and predictability. Sometimes it is necessary to add sharp notes to them and do something unusual, which will allow you to look at each other in a new way. A great option for such a "shake-up" would be a surprise to your loved one. But it is very important to think over everything thoroughly and organize it correctly so that your gift will bring joy, and not unnecessary problems.

Which surprise to choose?

Choosing the right surprise is half the battle. You need to find out what can please your young man, so as not to get into a mess. In successful couples, such a problem usually does not arise, since the preferences of loved ones have long been no secret. But if you are dating relatively recently, it will be difficult to predict the reaction.

Most Lucky Surprises

The first thing to remember: a surprise is not a demonstration of your wealth or imagination, it is what you do for your loved one. In relationships with men, it is better to adhere to the rule that everything ingenious is simple. There is no need to come up with incredible gifts and complex delivery scenarios, such a surprise will get boring even in the process of receiving it.

A romantic dinner is a great surprise

The easiest way is to prepare a romantic dinner for him. Show your culinary talents, and if you don't have them, order food in a restaurant, but don't advertise it. Spend half an hour creating a suitable environment, but do not overdo it, it will be enough to order in the room and neat table setting with a minimum of decor, for example, a candle or a small bouquet. Balls, petals and "romantic lighting" as in an inexpensive brothel is unlikely to be appreciated by a man. The main thing is to look stunning and hint that this is all for his beloved.

Do not be afraid to seem banal, the simplest cup of coffee, brewed with your beloved hands and served in bed in the morning, can bring more joy than an expensive and original, but unnecessary gift.

Nice surprise - handmade. Even if you are far from being a craftswoman, he will appreciate the diligence and the fact that for his sake you sacrificed your free time. It is desirable that the gift is practical. By the way, the general cleaning in his house is also a good surprise.

Invite your loved one to football is one of the best surprises

Another good surprise is to be willing to share his passion. Invite him to go fishing, football, billiards, offer to do what he likes together. If he is a football fan, you can buy tickets to the stadium or organize a TV screening with beer and other items. Even if his infatuation annoys you, be patient for a day. And, of course, we must not forget about intimate surprises. Usually, any suggestions to diversify the sex life of men are well received.

And it is imperative that when preparing a surprise, it is necessary to take into account the age, character of a man and his occupation. If a husband comes home in the evening after working a shift at the machine at the factory, hungry and tired, and his wife invites him to play in search of a surprise, this is unlikely to please him.

What surprises are better not to do?

If you search on the Internet, what is the best surprise for your loved one, you can see thousands of options. But, unfortunately, most of them are not very suitable for real life, or they turn out to be very "amateur". Agree, not every man will like it if he is presented with a parachute jump, a pet or congratulations on a big board. Therefore, if you are not sure that the surprise will be appreciated, it is better not to do it.

When making a surprise, think about how to eliminate its consequences.

Often, girls are advised to organize a search for a gift using notes hidden in the house. The idea is interesting, but only suitable for entertaining young children. An adult man is unlikely to like to spend his free time walking around the house in search of something unknown. The situation is the same with fireworks and air lanterns, especially if you have lived together for a long time and you have a common budget. It is unlikely that a man will feel a surge of love for you, watching his money float into the sky, no matter how romantic it looks.

Most men would definitely like it if their beloved woman danced a striptease for them. But the girls are complex, embarrassed by the imperfect figure and movements. But you should not be afraid, for your man you are the best, even if you differ from the glossy picture in the magazine.

Often, girls are advised to give their beloved his portrait or their common one. This option is not bad, but not all men like to decorate their homes with their own images. But a portrait printed on a mug is another matter, it certainly will not gather dust somewhere behind the closet.

When lighting candles at home, do not forget about fire safety rules

And the last piece of advice is to observe the measure in everything. If you decide to clean up his house, then you do not need to throw away everything that seemed unnecessary to you, and change his curtains to pink with ruffles. And if you got the idea to diversify your intimate life, you should not immediately do hymenoplasty, invite strippers or jump out of the cake.

How to prepare and present a surprise

First you need to make sure that your surprise is what the man wants. If you don't know his hobbies very well, try to explore them. The second thing to consider is whether your man likes surprises at all. There are people who are confused and upset by any deviations from the usual rhythm. It is better to warn them in advance that you are preparing something so that they have time to tune in to the right wave.

To make the surprise really unexpected, it is advisable not to plan it for the holiday, but to do it on the most ordinary day, if, of course, the schedule allows. Try to prepare for it without disrupting the normal rhythm of a man's life. Believe me, if you forbid him to move around the apartment for a couple of days, so that he doesn't see something superfluous, or you disappear somewhere, preparing a gift, this will bring more problems than joy.

Mishandling a gift can ruin the whole experience

As for the presentation of the surprise itself, it is important to do it correctly, without overly escalating the situation. At one time it was fashionable to pack a small but expensive gift in a large number of boxes, so that the first box was at least a meter in length and width. At first glance, this is interesting, but patiently picking open the packages in search of a gift is more typical for girls. In addition, immediately after receiving the gift, you will have to collect all the waste paper in a heap and take it out of the house, which can ruin the whole solemnity of the situation. Therefore, the delivery of a surprise should not take too long and create additional problems.

A pleasant surprise is a great way to renew and strengthen relationships. But when preparing him, you need to take into account the interests and wishes of the man and try to please him first of all. In addition, do not forget about the sense of proportion, your surprise should bring joy, and not frighten the man and put him in an uncomfortable position.

  1. A major change in appearance. If you are a blonde, you become a burning brunette. And vice versa! And you can even become a redhead or - or.
  2. Declaration of love on every product in the refrigerator. Write acknowledgments (different) on the packaging of each product. If he wants to eat, he will read it. Write confessions with a bright marker so that your loved one will notice the inscription for sure.
  3. A huge heart (on the whole wall) above the bed. It can be drawn, and weaved from beads, and "built" from a huge number of air balloons. It should be smooth and neat.
  4. One hundred and one postcards with confessions. Buy a lot - a lot - a lot of cards. They should be different from each other. Make sure that when you buy, there is not a single inscription on them. You must decorate with postcard inscriptions yourself, such are the surprises for your beloved.
  5. Heart shaped bed. Collect enough money (you must calculate for which holiday you want to make such a surprise for your loved one). Put a crib instead of the sofa on which you sleep (if you live together). If it hasn't come to cohabitation or marriage, place the bed on the landing next to his apartment.
  6. A thing very reminiscent of childhood. If your loved one appreciates things reminiscent of childhood, then give them to your loved one! They will be a surprise, because hardly anyone (except you) will be able to guess that such a present can be made.
  7. Balloon travel. Arrange to rent a small balloon. Fly it with your beloved. He will both remember and appreciate this flight. If you are not even a little afraid of heights!
  8. Meeting with a celebrity. What kind of music does he like? What transmissions? Which films? Choose a time and look for an opportunity to arrange a meeting of your loved one with the "star". May this meeting not last long. And three minutes will turn into a surprise!
  9. Huge glass of coconut beer. It is very possible that he did not buy such beer. He probably only heard of him. And you buy the largest beer glass for your dear one and pour coconut beer there.
  10. What a wonderful surprise to make? - In advance, a ticket to an important football match. Do you like football? Don't buy him a ball! Buy the coveted ticket for the match! He will receive incredible pleasure. And for a long time he will not be able to forget about him.
  11. A diary dedicated to him. This diary should contain stickers with confessions, your photos and descriptions of everything that happened to you. He will “swallow” such a diary (its contents) with great pleasure!
  12. One hundred little notes with reasons (about love). Make exactly one hundred notes using a set of colored paper and brightly colored felt-tip pens. On each note, write the reasons why you love him so much. The reasons must not be repeated!
  13. Seven pairs of cool socks (different). Have you guessed (guess a little) why there are seven of them? Right! Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, Sunday…. The days are messed up on purpose so that you would sooner run to choose socks.
  14. Romantic disc. On this disk, burn all your photos, making many nice slides out of them. You can insert verses under each photo. It is advisable that you compose each of the poems yourself.
  15. The tablet is beautiful. Beautiful but multifunctional. One that will really bear the well-deserved name…. "Surprise!". And you can play with them yourself, by the way.
  16. Do-it-yourself scarf. Can you knit? Try to learn, if time permits. Maybe it will turn out to be pretty. Good luck should come to you too!
  17. Laptop table. A necessary thing! Essential! But a man won't buy it himself until you figure it out. Take it and guess to make it a surprise!
  18. Two netbooks. Why exactly two? Because this amount will really be a surprise! And there is also a "plus" in the fact that your beloved will not be afraid to use the netbook as he wants, because he will remember that there is a second one. And you feel good…. The computer has broken down - you are in a hurry to one of the netbooks (to the one that is free at the moment). Cool, yeah? Still would! Any surprise is always cool.
  19. Surprises for a loved one. - A set of ties. A set is ten ties. Choose different ones. So they will be very pleasing to the eye. And hands, because there will always be a huge selection of these "accessories".
  20. Box with puzzles. As a result of "collecting" your photo should be depicted on the puzzles. Choose the best photo. The most favorite photo of your loved one….
  21. The body is covered in chocolate. Pour chocolate over your naked body and lure your loved one into bed. He will be delighted! And she will never forget such a surprise! Most likely, he will ask to repeat….
  22. Backlit keyboard. You sleep, and he often surfs the Internet at night. And it is hard for him to navigate in the dark in the dark. And he does not turn on the light so as not to disturb your sleep. Have pity on his eyes! Take care of his condition! Think about its comfort!
  23. The camera of his dreams. Do not spare financial resources! Deny yourself everything, but buy your loved one exactly the kind of camera he wants. Considering every little thing in it.
  24. Coffee drawing. This surprise will suit you if you are good at drawing. Take lots of coffee beans and glue. Take a huge sheet of paper or cardboard and draw on it, blotting your index finger in the coffee. You can use a thin brush. Draw whatever you want. When finished, fix the drawing with glue.
  25. Dress made of candy wrappers from gum "Love Is ..." (surprise from gum "Love Is ..."). It will take a long time to do this on your own, but if ordered - faster. Take your savings and look for a man who will sew a dress so unusual for you.
  26. Site. For what? What if he wants to do his own business, but does not know where to start better. So you give him a surprise with a hint! Maybe he will become a famous person as a result. Well, it will "capture" you with it immediately.

Continuation. ... ...

A handmade gift is unusual and fun! A gift shaving set or cologne cannot evoke as much joy and delight as a personal unique gift that is not sold anywhere.

This is an opportunity to surprise your loved one and show him that you have a good sense of humor - they appreciate it in girls.

Today I have collected 6 unusual ideas for those who decided to congratulate the guy in a special way.

Idea # 1: A gift for a hot guy

To emphasize the high degree of relations between lovers, you can present the chosen one with a box in the shape of a heart, inside which he will find several small bottles with expensive brands of cognac.

On the inner lid of the box, write some touching message: congratulations, or comic instructions on how to dispose of its contents.

To make the gift look presentable, you can line the box with scraps of beautiful fabric, and scatter a few bright heart-shaped chocolates between the bottles.

These boxes are available in gift wrapping departments, or get a candy box.

Idea # 2: Sweet box

If your boyfriend fundamentally does not recognize alcohol, and you love and know how to cook deliciously, you can pamper him with homemade baked goods.

You can bake cookies for him, put everything in the same heart-shaped box and present, accompanied by the appropriate wishes. And be prepared for the fact that he will eat the treats you have prepared himself. The box can be made from under the shoes by pasting it with gift paper.

And if you don't have time to cook, fill the box with kinder surprises, Love Is gum or tangerines, mixed with notes about your feelings.

Idea number 3: 100 reasons for my love for you

If your relationship is still in that wonderful stage when your loved one does not have a single flaw, and all of it consists of solid merits, this idea of ​​a romantic gift will give him real pleasure.

You will need:

  • Nice box or glass jar.
  • 100 strips of paper.
  • Multi-colored ribbons or small bright elastic bands.
  • Beautiful sticker stickers.
  • Small chocolates or sweets.

And now you have to activate your imagination so much that on a hundred small leaves you explain to your chosen one the reasons for this very love. One leaf - one reason.

We roll up the confession notes into a tube, tie it with a ribbon or an elastic band, put it in a box, add a certain amount of sweets and chocolates there (to make the reading process even more enjoyable) and use stickers to decorate the lid beautifully, not forgetting to supply it with the inscription “100 reasons for my love to you".

Idea # 4: A checkbook of desires

This idea will help make your relationship more interesting. Perhaps this is the most original and unusual gift for your beloved man with your own hands, as he makes wishes come true! The essence of the gift lies in the fact that on each page of the check you write small amenities that you will do to your loved one upon presentation of the check. One check is designed to fulfill one desire. A book can have 15-20 pages.

Examples of desires for him:

  • Beer with friends
  • Shish kebab in nature
  • Relaxing massage
  • Play World Of Tanks all day
  • Execution of any whim, etc.

Idea number 5: Photo for memory

Do you have any favorite photos with him? Make a photo souvenir of them! This option is suitable if the guy has everything and you do not know what to buy - give him memories. There are many options:

  • Photo collage on the wall in the shape of a heart or the word LOVE from many of your little photos.
  • A pillow or blanket with a black and white print of the best moments of your life.
  • Wall clock with your smiles.
  • Wall picture on canvas.

This is a real work of art, this is an interior decoration. You can order a photo souvenir at any advertising agency. All you need is digital photos. It will take about a week to make a gift.

It's time to do this to refresh your relationship.

Often in a relationship, we simply forget about all the pleasant little things that can be pleasant to a loved one.

But we all love pleasant surprises that remind us that two halves still need each other.

If you've planned a surprise and don't have an idea of ​​how it should be yet, there are some tips and ideas to help you.

As a surprise, you can arrange an unusual date for your girlfriend, or prepare a gift for her / him with your own hands, or maybe both.

What a surprise to cook for a girl or a guy

Interesting date as a surprise

In case you decide to arrange a date, you can write on small pieces of paper several options for places where you would like to go, fold the pieces of paper and put them in a jar. You can decorate the jar first, and then invite the girl to choose one of the options.

* A date can be arranged based on common interests, or if some interests differ, then you can plan several dates (for example, once a month) - prepare 12 options for each month.

Here are some options for how and where you can date:

* Midnight Picnic - Find a spot where the full moon is best seen, or simply spread a blanket in your living room or bedroom by the light of the moon and cover it with your favorite treats.

* Prepare your sofa or bed (for example, scatter a few rose petals) and watch your favorite movie together with a floral scent. You can add your favorite snack to this.

* Prepare a fragrant bath for your beloved, and while she relaxes, prepare dinner for two.

* Arrange each other a hot air balloon ride. For more effect, you can do this at sunset.

* Buy your beloved / beloved tickets for a concert of an interesting group, theater or cinema.

Nice little things as a surprise

This gift can be made for both a guy and a girl.

You will need:

Box (you can buy and decorate it, or make it yourself)

Nice little things that your significant other will like.

You can put in the box:

Notes with pleasant words - the paper with the note can be rolled up and tied with braid

Print your unopened photos and attach a note of your best memories to them

Funny figurines or other objects that can make you smile; can be stickers with tattoos as a joke

You can ask his / her parents to write something nice and surprise your soul mate with beautiful words from the parents.

Favorite DIY sweets or pastries

* You can put a lot of all sorts of things in a box and ask to get one thing every day - inexpensive, but nice.

What a surprise to give a guy or a girl

How to make a voluminous heart with your own hands

To make such a heart you will need:

Paper (you can use pages of an unnecessary magazine)

Glue stick or PVA




How to make a heart

Handbag in the shape of a heart with sweets

You will need:


Felt of several colors

Thick paper


Heart pattern

Sewing machine.

You will find detailed instructions in the article: How to make a heart

Clothespin "I love you"

Cards with 52 or 36 phrases about why you love your soul mate

A jar, decorated with your own hands and filled with pleasant words

A cup on which you can draw or write something beautiful and pleasant with a special marker

Make an "accordion" from several photos and fold beautifully into a box

You can do such a craft together - take a photo of each other, cut the photos and glue them accordingly to a skewer or twig. As you scroll the skewer, a beautiful illusion will be created.

From a case for discs, you can make a notebook with photos and beautifully designed comments to them - photos on one side, and comments on the other.

Balloons with photos

An original postcard - pull the tab, and one person approaches another, and with it a nice note

Original T-shirts for two

Chocolate in its original form (you can order or do it yourself)

A universal surprise (for a beloved woman or beloved man)

Gift "Open when ..."

Such a gift can be presented to both a woman and a man. It is very simple to make and will create a pleasant effect on whoever you have prepared everything for.

The idea behind this surprise is simple: you create a series of envelopes that say when to open each one. When a person opens an envelope, the note inside should cheer him up. Envelopes can be opened when a person is sad or not in the mood.

You will need:

Envelopes (you can decorate them)

Sticky notes or just colored paper

Small items that can complement the note (photographs, for example)

Here, envelopes, with what inscriptions you can prepare:

"Open when ..."

"... your day went wrong"

"... you're out of sorts"

"… do you miss me"

"… are you bored"

"... I want something sweet"

Postcards for your beloved

Quilling style card

You will need:

Paper strips (red)

Toothpick or special device for twisting strips into a spiral


Colored cardboard

Connecting rings

Cloth and other decorations for the postcard (if desired).

You can find more detailed instructions for making crafts in the quilling style in our article: Quilling for beginners

1. Make a droplet shape from a paper strip.

Here's how it's done:

Twist a spiral (circle) out of the strip and secure the end of the strip with glue. Next, squeeze any part of the circle with your fingers to make a droplet.

2. Repeat step 1 to make another drop.

3. Glue both droplets together to form a heart.

4. Make a tight spiral (circle) out of another strip of paper and secure it with glue. After that, glue the circle at the top of the heart.

5. Use the connecting rings to attach your paper heart to a paper clip.

6. Make a postcard out of colored cardboard, glue the braid into its middle, and attach a paper clip with a heart to the braid.

It remains to write something pleasant to your beloved half.

Heart chain

Using the same technique, make a heart and using the connecting rings, attach the heart to the chain.

3D card with hearts

Postcards for your beloved

Original postcard in the style of minimalism - you can make your own design

Postcard with eight bit heart

You will need:

Colored cardboard

Stationery knife

You will find detailed instructions in our article: