How to discharge the peroxide. Lightening the hair with hydrogen peroxide with their own hands - carefully! Useful recommendations for self-lightening of hydrogen peroxide

Greetings, dear readers of the section "Haircuts and hairstyles"!
I already told that letters with questions about hair coloring were regularly coming to the editor. Especially often (maybe in connection with the crisis, I do not know), they began to receive requests for the lightening of hair only by the oxidizing agent and we did such a publication: they were applied to the seventh natural level straight (7.0) a professional oxidizing agent of 3% and 6%, kept and washed off . As a result, nothing has changed, the hair remained the same color and did not even open the background of clarification! However, just the other day, in one of the public pancakes I came across the recommendation ... How to brighten the hair with peroxide 3%, and after I found a whole needle of articles and "good tips" on this topic!
So it is possible or not to clarify the hair of 3% oxidizer? Let's deal with.

I will start with the fact that I am a bunch of materials on the Internet, I am surprised not to note the following nuances:

Oxidizer hair lightening tips are published in the sections "Beauty", "Care" and in the overwhelming majority do not have the author or, more precisely, they are not signed by anyone

These articles are discussed not about professional hairdressers, but about hydrogen peroxide from the pharmacy (3%) or peroxide 8%, 12%, etc.

On some sites under the heading "how to clarify the hair peroxide" was written by the frankly nonsense! For example, on (!!!), the Council is given to mix the peroxide with an activator, where the activator, judging by the context - bleaching powder

For better lightening hair in peroxide, it is recommended to add the ammonia alcohol, which is an aqueous solution of ammonia

Very many tips on lightening hair peroxide are not the chapels, but hairs over the upper lip, on the legs, hands and other parts of the body and it is being done about full relief from unwanted hair

All articles concerning hair lightening peroxide ends with tips to wash their head less often, do not press hair after going, do not dry with their hairdryer and apply good (resiliful) air conditioners / masks

Illustrations with really impressive results of lightening peroxide are not confirmed: there is no photo of a particular woman and her hair "to" and "after", no phased descriptions "How was it done?". Reliable illustrations (visible face of the model "to" and "after", given a clear description of the composition of the clarifying agent, etc.) impressive to be called extremely difficult

Anyone can make such a collage!

Summating the above, I want to ask a single question: why? Why in the 21st century, when a great plenty of sparing money and hair clarification techniques have been created, burn your televure of pure chemistry? However, about everything in order.

Apparently shape actresses should inspire readers to experiment with their hair. Ashley brightens mane peroxide? Truth?

Lindsay Lohan also flashes in articles on this topic

"From the most affordable means for hair coloring, hydrogen peroxide can be distinguished. Already dozens of women enjoy this product for discoloration or hair clarification. Hydrogen peroxide is able to raise the scales cuticle in her hair - due to this staining occurs more efficiently. " (Article "Clarification of hydrogen peroxidation hair"

Hydrogen peroxide really lifts hair scales, but no staining occurs if the dye is not involved in the process. Oxygen overlayed oxidizes / dissolves natural pigment.

Before the grade procedure, the authors of articles are recommended to carry out shock cosmetic hair therapy. Exposure from the publication "How to lighten your hair with a hydrogen peroxide" on, which most authors are rewriting to different frets.

"Start with healthy hair. Do not paint them or conduct any procedures a few weeks before discoloration. Lightening will be better if your hair is strong and healthy. Strengthen your hair:
- Use natural shampoo and air conditioning. Avoid products containing sulfates, they dried hair
- Avoid using hair varnishes, gels, strengthening products and other hair products.
- Do not use hair straightener, hot hairdryer or other devices that can drain hair. "

Someone adds such an item

- Making firming masks (enough 2 times a week). (Article "Clarification of hydrogen peroxide"

I am sincerely not clear to me why it is necessary to abandon the elementary tools for laying (hairdryer) before "skin-free lightening" and switch to non-sulfate shampoo? This is, actually, cheap pleasure! And, as a person who paints hair for more than 15 years, uses shampoos with sulphates and makes a mask once a month after dyeing hair, because no longer needed, I wondered how you can brighten the hair with peroxide, reading the following "side effects":

"The hydrogen peroxide can be very harmful, as it destroys the melanin in the stem of the hair and leads to serious damage. Some people noticed that their hair began to break when combing. Continuous impact of peroxide, even if it is diluted, destroys the hair follicles and causes abundant hair loss. In some extreme cases, hair lightening peroxide can lead to full hair loss (baldness). Some people appeared on the heads of baldness sites on the skin of the head and in order to restore the defeated areas it is necessary to spend a lot of time and strength. " (Article "Lightening hair peroxide"

The latter is the closest to reality information.

My color is dark chocolate. I never painted, I want to change my color in the way with as little damage as possible. Six months ago, I tried different ways of cordon - a cinnamon mask, applied lemon juice, rinsed the hair with a decoine chamomile, did not notice the clarification. Now, still fearful, I decided to try the method of lightening peroxide.

- I used a bottle with a spray gun and sprayed a 3% peroxide solution on dry hair - and on the roots, and for length.
- Then the hair was combed several times.
- left peroxide on her hair to dry.
- When the hair was dried, I combed and caught the peroxide once again, wrapped the hair with a plastic film, insulated with a cap and heated with a hairdryer of 10 minutes.
- Then washed away the peroxide in cold water with shampoo, caused balm on the roots and on the length, massaging movements rubbed it into the skin of the head, washed off with cold water. So that the roots were not fat, I washed away a balsam for a very long time. If the balm does not apply, there is a risk of cut hair. By the way, the more peroxide on the hair and the longer it remains there, the brighter there will be hair.

So, just one application of peroxide - and my dark chocolate shade of hair
turned into:

And all this:

Application of clean, dishepberned carriage components of peroxide per hair twice
- Heating hair with peroxide shown on them (amplification of thermoelecthe effect)
- washing the hair with cold water (why ???)
- Washing cold water Balzam

in order to open an orange pigment at the same level of clarification?

There are more radical tips:

"The most famous way of clarifying, which our grandmothers also used is the use of hydrogen peroxide. For this, there is peroxide on the head with the addition of ammonia alcohol, on 50 ml of peroxide several drops. If you think how to brighten the strands of hydrogen peroxide, remember that it is very simple, fast, but rather unsafe for the hairs structure method ". (Article "How to lighten hair at home without paint,

Yes, everything is true, my mother in the early 80s blew his almost black hair with a mixture of perhydron and ammonia. And the recommendation quoted above - there is nothing but the Council to apply the recipe for 35 years (!!!) limitations in the 21st century.

Summer alcohol is an aqueous solution of ammonia. According to the author of the article, it turns out that the stabilized hydrogen peroxide from the professional hairdressing store and the dye enriched with oils and protective components is worse than pure chemistry in the form of peroxide and ammonia? Is it really possible?

Or here: "For lightening thick hair, an 8-12% solution of hydrogen peroxide is used, for the hair of the middle thickness - 6-12%, for thin hair - 4-8%. The more porous hair, the solution should be weaker. " (Article "How to lighten your hair correctly. Lightening the hair with hydrogen peroxide"

12% peroxide, 12%, Karl! I have no words!

Still, from there: "Dark hair, especially red pigment, brightened significantly slower light. There may be such a situation where the pigment has not yet discharged, and keratin hair under the action of peroxide has already collapsed so that further lightening becomes very dangerous. "

What does it mean? This means that the hair will be dismissed, only and everything.

And final chord: "Usually when tinted with normal, not very thin hair, a good result gives the composition of 40 g of perhydrol, 30 g of water, 20 g of liquid soap and 5 g (teaspoon) of ammonium bicked."

And this is what? That by 40 g of the percentage of that percent, which is necessary for discoloration of the desired type of hair (from 4% to 12%, it is necessary to take 30 grams of water, 20 grams of soap (alkali enhances the separation of oxygen during the chemical reaction process, oxidizes (dissolves) Natural pigment and all this is accompanied by heat release.) And 5 g granola ammonium or, if a clear word, ammonia!

As a result, we have a shock dose of peroxide, ammonia and an amplifier in the form of alkali from soap. What for?

If the lightening of hair peroxide was really gentle, but the main thing, the effective method, they would use all the leading hairdressers of the world, but this does not happen!

Savings on clarification looks very doubtful, remember the advice to use the vigilant shampoos before and after the procedure, eliminate the styling of the chemical component (for sweet water and beer, whether to do it?) And apply a mask almost 2 times a week.

But the main thing is the doubtful result!

Kaby advice on the lightening peroxide were written by a practicing hairdresser, a technologist, and even if the sales manager, I would still understand, but people who write a, more precisely, correspond with each other on this topic - profans with a capital letter PUnqualifying discoloration from clarification and staining!

So is it possible to clarify the hair of 3% oxidizer? Can. Recipes are given above, but only answer yourself for one question: why? If there is a 1.5% oxidizing agent and gentle bleaching cream, the soft dyes, which are painted with a 40% seed with a 3% oxidizer, oil for clarification ... Why?

Have a good day!

Hydrogen peroxide. This method allows you to change the shade of strands on the tone-two, and without much costs. You can buy a tool in any pharmacy, it is a penny, but the result is guaranteed. The features of the procedure and the rules of it should be spoke in more detail.

Blonde with long curls and black eyeliner

Principle of action of peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide for hair lightening is applied not only in its pure form. This component is part of most purchased hair colors. The principle of its action is based on the processes of destruction of melamine and oxidation of paint pigments. In the case of pure use of the substance, the following occurs. Strands treated with this liquid reveal the scales of the rod cuticle. Hydrogen penetrates into the deep structure and destroys the melamine that is responsible for the pigmentation of the hair. As a result, the shade is covered with 1 - 2 tones at a time.

Hydrogen peroxide and additional means used when lightening

How to brighten your hair on your head, face (mustache over lip), hands, stomach and legs at home

In order to brighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide do not need additional materials. Sufficiently stock set of such objects:

  • bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • shampoo;
  • moisturizing balm;
  • small combing comb;
  • hairpins (not metallic, otherwise they will start oxidized);
  • latex gloves;
  • spray;
  • foil;

For hydrogen peroxide without harm to the skin of the hands, put on the gloves, since with a long-term contact with a substance may occur irritation and pecking palms.

Similarly, hair can be discouraged with such funds:

  • lemon juice;
  • cinnamon;
  • vinegar;
Whole white hair with a yellowish tint
  • kefir;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • ammonia;
  • vodka;
  • soda;
  • gelatin;
  • ginger.

Preparation of hair

Frequent bleaching of hydrogen is able to overcover them and lead to fragility. In order to prevent such an outcome should not be carried out more often than 1 time per week. After reaching the desired result, it is necessary to undergo a course of recovery procedures aimed at nutrition and moisturizing.

Hydrogen peroxide affects the hair is soft enough with proper preparation and application. She raises the scales of the cuticle and oxidizing the pigment.

Folk remedies for the care of the scalp and curls

To preserve the shine and the strength of strands, it is impossible to allow a long contact with the substance, as it pulls out moisture from them.

Before conducting manipulations, it is recommended that 1 - 2 weeks carry out caring procedures. Use masks to power and saturate curls with vitamins, moisturizing and strengthening. Special attention is paid to the tips. If they look inactively, sometimes they break and break, it makes sense to concentrate them, since the peroxide for the hair will turn them into a straw.

Before starting the main procedure, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

Procedure Coloring strands in the beauty salon
  1. Wash your head shampoo to remove fat and contamination. Their remnants will oxidize that it will not allow to fully discolor curls.
  2. Apply the air conditioner for moisturizing and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Wash strands thoroughly in cool water.
  3. Get labeled with a towel and leave to succumb to naturally.

Do not use hairdryer, styling, cloth and sulphate shampoos not only on the day of the procedure, but at least a week before it.


To brighten the hair using peroxide it is better to use a solution with clean water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Sink of hair before painting

For the convenience of applying it is poured into the pulverizer. The work is carried out on wet hair, so that the substance is easier to penetrate the scales of the cuticle.

Procedure with hydrogen peroxide: whether to help dark hair

All hairstyle must be divided into separate strands. Build them with hairpins and start processing one. The peroxide is sprayed to a leaning strand from the ends to the roots. Then carefully read it and wrap it in Foil. Thus, lighten the curls one by one. To enhance the effect of the High bundle, the hairdryer has for 10-15 minutes. After half an hour, rinse your head with a balm and rinse the cool water to give a hairstyle shine.

An example of painting strands and sealing their foil

Light russes and blondes are easier to paint the hair with hydrogen peroxide. At brunettes and brown, the effect may be a little noticeable or an orange shade.

So, so that the poles of hydrogen for hair on the head gave the maximum result to comply with the following recommendations:

  • Prepare your hair in advance, moisturize them and strengthen. After the procedure, also spend the healing course.
  • Use a sprinkler to apply a solution on strands. For the effect of ombre, sprinkle ends more, and then splash them even less to the roots.
  • Foil and hair dryer will strengthen the effect, but this method is suitable only for healthy strands.

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  • Do not use hair dryer and styling before and after clarification at least a couple of weeks.
  • Watch out for the skin reaction. With a strong itching and irritation, give up the procedure.
  • 1. Hydrogen peroxide: what is it?
  • 2. Benefits of the method
  • 3. Features of the application of peroxide and precautions
  • 4. Recruitment
  • 5. Folk recipes and how to carry out the procedure
  • 5.1. Face
  • 5.2. Bikini zone
  • 5.3. Limb
  • 5.4. For rigid hair
  • 6. Disadvantages of the method

Hydrogen peroxide: what is it?

Peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, without color with an acidic smell. Used in medicine, industry and everyday life. It has bleaching properties, therefore, it is sometimes used for cosmetics purposes, for example, as a bleach of teeth and lightening hair. Available in a plastic bubble with a spout-dispenser.

Benefits of the method

  1. Bactericidal - treated wounds and cuts.
  2. Low price is one of the cheapest tools, the price in the pharmacy is less than 50 rubles per vial.
  3. Painless - first there is a clarification by the will, and over time they disappear, there is no mechanical impact.
  4. Verified tool - it is also called a grandmother or folk.

Features of the application of peroxide and precautions

The method is designed to combat thin, soft and light (rusia, red-haired) hair. Get rid of black and hard will not succeed. Is that a small lightening will make them less noticeable.

Peroxide for hair lightening must be used with caution, not everyone suits this method. Lightening hair can not be done:

  • people with delicate and sensitive skin;
  • often, since the peroxide acts also as peeling, thereby can damage the cells;
  • people with dark skin, especially on the face, since not only hair clarification, but also skin cover occurs.

Before removing unwanted hair with hydrogen peroxide, you must familiarize yourself with the precautionary measures:

  • check the sensitivity on a small section of the hand;
  • it is impossible to clean the skin before applying the means, the fat layer will become an additional cell protection;
  • never use 30% perhydrol and iodine, as they advise some "craftsmen" - this is 100% burned;
  • additional to the skin of the fat cream, before starting the clarification.

Conduct the clarification is needed in a well-ventilated room. The floor is better to be applied to the glue, so that the drops of the composition do not bother linoleum.


Woman's face is her business card. It is always in sight. Therefore, ladies having a slightly noticeable mustache or several hairs on the chin are forced to use tweezers or wax. And many of them dream of getting rid of the hair on the face forever or make them invisible. In this case, lightening hair on the face peroxide is a great output.

Repeatedly processing a mustache 6% peroxide, mixed with shaving foam, hair becomes light and thin, and then disappear at all.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide can be made on all parts of the body, including in the bikini zone. Only time it will take much more. But if you gain patience and carry out procedures regularly once a week, then the hairs will become soft and practically imperceptible, but not completely deleted.

Folk recipes and how to conduct a procedure

There are many proven folk recipes for lightening the hair in different parts of the body, since the hair thickness is not the same everywhere.


Mix the ammonia alcohol (ammonia) - 2 ml, hydrogen peroxide is 6% - 50 ml and shaving foam in a glass cup. Brightening the composition for 30 minutes, is then washed off with warm water and moisturized with cream. There are other recipes for lightening the mustache in women, but this most secure and effective.

Bikini zone

The peroxide is 6% - 5 ml, vaseline - 7 grams, ammonia alcohol - 0.1 ml, Ointment of Lanolin - 10 grams, shampoo or liquid soap - 5 ml. In glassware, the composition is mixed for lightening. Apply to the hair in the bikini zone excluding the germ lip mucosa. After hardening, the mass is washed off with warm water.


The hands and legs of the hair are pretty tough, and the dermist is not so tender, as on the face and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. Therefore, the clarification is made by another composition.

Take 6% hydrogen peroxide - 25 ml, 2 pills of hydroperite, water -25 ml, 2 ampoules of the ammonia solution, soda - 1 tsp. Mixed in glassware, apply to feet or arms. Lightening lasts one hour. If it starts to pinch it right away right away.

For rigid hair

You can clarify the hair using peroxide and hydroperite - a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and urea (peroxide), sold in the form of tablets in any pharmacy.

Three pills of hydroperite are rubbed, 10 ml of warm water and 10 drops of ammonia alcohol are added. Apply a cotton tampon for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with water with soap and handle the vacuine area.

Disadvantages of the method

Do not forget that clarifying by chemicals, such as peroxide, can harm not only the hair onion and skin, but also the health of women, the main of them:

  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • if you do not comply with the proportions or reap, you can get a burn;
  • the skin is injured, starts to dry and peel, if you put the peroxide more often than 1 time per week;
  • slow effect - for a good result will require at least 5 procedures, regularly.

Each woman in its own way decides to lighten the hair or remove them with the help of other means. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

But the removal of hydrogen peroxidation hair is a method proven by many generations of women.

Of the most affordable hair dyeing, hydrogen peroxide can be distinguished. Already dozens of women enjoy this product for discoloration or hair clarification. Hydrogen peroxide is able to raise scales cuticle in her hair - due to this staining occurs more efficiently. Using the right method, how to brighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide at home, you can achieve a good result and save your televir beautiful and healthy.

Preparation for lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

Before any clarification, it is necessary to take care that the hair is strong and healthy, because the bleaching procedure itself is capable of having to hurt them. In a couple of weeks to the planned clarification, it is impossible to stain or chemical curuy of the hair, it is not recommended to expose them and thermal processing.

To prepare the hair to the procedure, you need:

  • use therapeutic shampoos, balm and air conditioning;
  • eliminate the use of varnishes and chemical-based gels;
  • reduce to a minimum use of a hair dryer and an aligning curl;
  • do firming masks (enough 2 times a week).

Tip! Before lightening is also important to carry out a test test. It must be applied to a small strand of hair a little hydrogen peroxide (you can take strand where it is not visible). After 30 minutes, the remedy washed with cold water, then evaluate the result. If it is satisfactory, you can proceed to the procedure for lightening the rest of the hair.

Tools for clarification

Hair staining is carried out by a special preparation - 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. For the procedure you need to prepare an empty bottle with spray, gloves, comb, hair clips and a towel. You will also need foil, shampoo, hair balm and hairdryer.

Instructions for lightening the hair with hydrogen peroxide

If the hair lightening of hydrogen peroxide is done at home, it is important to follow the exact instruction of the procedure. Otherwise, you can spoil healthy hair and not achieve the desired result.

So, how to discolor hair with hydrogen peroxide:

Wash your head and dry your hair with a towel. To put on gloves and cover the clothes with an old towel or a cut of the fabric. Combose hair.

  1. Dilute a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with water in equal proportions and pour the finished means to the washed bottle with a sprayer. If a it is necessary to lighten only individual strands.You can use cotton swab during procedure. This method, how to lighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide, is quite simple: you need to dip in the solution Tampon and rub a part of the hair. Repeat the same actions until all strands are painted. To brighten all hair, It is necessary to divide them into sections, alternately spraying the clarifying agent on them. The drug must completely cover the hair - from the roots to the tips.
  2. When the tool is applied, it is necessary to leave the solution on the hair for a certain period of time. The duration of clarification depends on the initial shade of the hair. For dark color, you will need 30 and more minutes so that it brightened. The lighter shade should turn out in the end, the longer you have to wait. The average duration of the clarification is not more than 45-60 minutes. You can estimate the result of staining already after half an hour, washing the remedy with several separate strands. Color suits? So you can wash off and everything else. If not, it is better to wait another 15 minutes. In the event of such unpleasant sensations as irritation, a strong itching, burning sensation, it is recommended to immediately wash off the preparation from the hair.
  3. To speed up the clarification process, you can use the effect of high temperature. To do this, you need to collect your hair in the tail and wrap them in foil. The resulting body must be evenly heated with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After a period of time, the drug was washed away from the head using cool water. Over the entire length of the hair, apply balm to restore their natural state. The tool is recommended to be washed in 25-30 minutes.

If the hair turned out not so blond, as I would like, you can repeat the entire procedure first, but it is necessary to do it the next day. With the help of hydrogen peroxide, you can brighten your hair well, but in some cases it will take several procedures.

Any woman, even if she is completely satisfied with his own appearance, a desire arises from time to time to make some adjustments to their usual appearance. And the first thing that is subject to change is hair, or rather, their color. Blondes are repainted in dark colors, and brunettes and browns, on the contrary, they seek to make their curls with lighter or even snow-white.

The modern cosmetology industry offers women many different hair clarification methods are both chemical dyes, and natural agents, and shedding shampoos or balms. However, in order to become a blonde or at least to give curls a lighter shade, it is possible to use non-only factory products specifically designed for these purposes - it can be replaced by alternative means that do not lose their relevance over the years. And one of these means is hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) - a drug that can be purchased in any pharmacy. The use of peroxide is not a new method, and nevertheless it uses a fairly great demand for those who prefer to conduct hair lightening procedures not in the cabin, but at home. So, what causes the popularity of this fund and how safe is it for curls?

Advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a medicine, widely used in medicine in inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes, capillary bleeding from surface wounds and gynecological diseases. This drug is available in different forms and concentrations: in the form of a finished aqueous solution (perhydron, peroxide, hyperon, hydrogen peroxide) and in the form of tablets (hydroperite).

As for the lightening of hair - peroxide, being a strong oxidizing agent, enters into a chemical reaction with a natural pigment (melanin) contained in the hair rod, and destroys it (this process, occurring as a result of the separation of active oxygen, is called oxidation). The higher the concentration of the means and the longer the oxygen released from peroxide affects the curls, the higher the efficiency of the hair discoloration procedure. The main disadvantage of the use of peroxide as a clarifying agent is that this substance, destroying the pigment, damages the hair structure, making it more porous, as a result of which the curls can lose their natural radiance, become fragile and brittle. Despite the fact that hydrogen peroxide cannot be called absolutely safe for the waistly tools, this drug has positive qualities:

  • availability - hydrogen peroxide in any form and concentration can be purchased in each pharmacy at a relatively low price;
  • easy use is the absence of the need to prepare complex compositions (in order to lighten the hair, only the finished solution of peroxide or tablet is needed);
  • quite a quick effect - subject to the correct dosage of the drug in a short time discoloring the hair of any length and structure;
  • the absence of harmful effects on the body - peroxide affects only hair (the only side effect, which may occur when using this tool, is an allergic reaction that manifests itself in the form of redness, burning or itching of the skin of the scalp).

It is intended to use hydrogen peroxide as a brightening hair for hair, it is necessary to take into account that only healthy curls should be bleaching, otherwise their state can be aggravated. It is very important to correctly choose the concentration of the means, which is determined in accordance with the type of curls, their thickness and rigidity. Thin hair can be treated with a 3-5% peroxide solution, the curls of the mean thickness are 6-10%, and for thick and tough, an increase in the concentration of the drug to 8-12% is permissible. Since peroxide heavily dries hair, women with curls of a very dry type, from holding such procedures it is better to refuse and choose a more sparing way of bleaching.

Hair lightening hydrogen peroxide: preparation for the procedure

To preserve the beauty and health of hair when using peroxide as a clarifying agent, it is necessary to properly prepare for the discoloration procedure. To do this, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For 2-3 weeks before lightening the hair, give up the various manipulations that have a harmful effect on the lap, - chemical curling and staining. Also try to exclude or at least minimize the use of styling devices (iron, electric forceps and a bad).
  • Minimize the use of lacquers and hair styling gels, which contains chemical components that have a negative effect on curls.
  • Wash your hair correctly. Use warm, not hot water and only those shampoos and balsams that are suitable for your location type. It is desirable that there are no sulfates as part of detergents, since they are very dried strands.
  • Do not forget about the additional leaving of the curls - 2-3 times a week do moisturizing and nutritious masks of factory or homemade manufacture. In order to strengthen the hair and protect them from external influences, use various rinsers from the heralds of medicinal herbs (nettle, burdock or chamomile) after removing cosmetic mixtures).

Proper hair preparation for lightening is a guarantee of a successful procedure. If you did everything correctly, you can proceed to the next step - the acquisition of the necessary attributes that you will need to discolor the curls.

Tools and materials for lightening hair

To carry out the CLOW Clarification Procedure, you need to prepare the following items:

  • a solution of hydrogen peroxide of the desired concentration (if you use hydroperite in tablets, it must be pre-diluted in water). 1 tablet dissolved in 50 ml of water gives 1% peroxide solution;
  • empty plastic bottle with sprayer;
  • ceramic or glass blade;
  • a thin comb of plastic;
  • latex gloves;
  • cotton discs;
  • clips and foils;
  • fat face cream (they need to handle skin on the border with hair);
  • soft shampoo and hair balsam;
  • towel.

After all the necessary tools are prepared, it is possible to start the hair clarification procedure, which is recommended to be carried out in accordance with the instructions below.

How to brighten the hair with hydrogen peroxide: instruction

Independent lightening of the hair in hydrogen peroxide - the procedure is simple. In order to achieve the desired result, you just need to follow a certain procedure:

  • Wash your hair with warm water with shampoo and gently flow into their towel. In order to protect the curls from the aggressive impact of peroxide, you can additionally use the moisturizing air conditioning or a rinse balsam.
  • Carefully disperse curls. Lubricate the skin along the hair growth line (on the forehead, on the back of the back and over the ears) with a fat cream, put on the hands of the gloves, and the shoulders cover the flap of unnecessary fabric.
  • Mix the peroxide solution of the desired concentration with warm water in equal ratios and break the cooked liquid into the bottle with the sprayer. You can also pour the finished solution of peroxide into the ceramic or glass blade and wet your cotton discs. Before starting the procedure, it is advisable to spend a test on a separate strand of hair. Treat it with a cooked solution and leave for 30 minutes, then stay on the tool and evaluate the result. If he satisfies your requirements, you can safely clarify all the chasing or separate curls.
  • To brighten all hair, you need to pre-divide them into parts using the clips and alternately spray each strand from the sprayer, starting from the roots and to the most tips. If you want to discolor separate strands, lubricate them with a cotton disk, moistened in peroxide solution, and wrap foil.
  • To speed up the clarification process (if you plan to discolor all the hair), it is recommended to collect hair into a bundle, wrap it with foil and warm the hairdryer for a few minutes. The effect of clarification is usually noticeable after 30 minutes - you can rinse 1-2 strands and evaluate the result. If he does not suit you, hold the peroxide on the hair for another 10-15 minutes.
  • The time of clarifying procedures depends on the original color of your hair. If you are the owner of light curls, then you will need about 30 minutes to deteriorate, if you are a brunette - a session duration for you can be from 45 minutes to 1 hour. It is recommended to monitor the clarification process, assessing the result every 5-7 minutes, since the effect of peroxide on the pigment and the time of its discoloration for each woman is individual.
  • To wash off the peroxide solution with hair, you need to use cool (better resistant or filtered) water. Next, you must apply along the entire length of the curls, the restoring balsam, which needs to be withstanding at least 20 minutes, and then wash off and leave the hair drying naturally.

The owners of blond hair for obtaining a lighter shade usually enough to use peroxide, britches may need 2-3 sessions, and brunettes will have to spend at least 5 procedures. It is only necessary to take into account that re-discoloration can not be carried out immediately, but after day. When taking into account all the nuances concerning the training of curls to lightening hydrogen peroxide, acquiring the necessary tools and materials, as well as the procedure itself, you can refresh your image without much material and temporary costs, give it brightness and expressiveness, without fear for health and health and Exterior of their hair.