How to put a headscarf on a Muslim woman's head. How beautiful it is to tie a scarf on your head: to a coat, in Muslim style, warm in winter, like a bezel in summer, for a Kazakh woman. Photo and step-by-step instructions

The article is about ways to beautifully tie a Muslim hijab headscarf with photo and video instructions.

The hijab, headscarf or stole, is an element of the traditional dress of Muslim women. They should take it with pride and wear it all their lives to hide their charms (hair). If you tie this scarf correctly, it turns into a real decoration. Read the article on how to do it.

What is the name of a scarf for Muslim women?

According to Islamic religious tradition, a believing woman must wear a headdress that covers her hair and neck, leaving only her face exposed. Such a scarf is called hijab.

The most preferred hijab colors are light and delicate. True, Muslims say that in fact, a hijdab is not only a scarf or headscarf, but also the entire garment of a Muslim woman, which freely covers her entire figure. However, now the hijab is most associated with the headdress.
In some countries of Central and Central Asia, Muslim women are required to wear a veil, clothing that covers both the face and the body. All that remains are the slits for the eyes, which are also covered with a special mesh made of horsehair.

Another type of women's clothing in Islamic countries is veil... The chador provides that the woman's eyes are not hidden, while the whole face is covered with a veil of black, less often dark blue.

VIDEO: Why do Muslim women wear hijab?

A hat for a Muslim woman's headscarf

Muslim women usually have thick and long hair. It is impossible to tie a scarf on such a scarf so that it does not slip and fall off. Therefore, it is customary to wear a tight-fitting hat under the hijab, which is called bone.

Bone is sewn from natural fabric, so another of its functions is to protect the hair and skin of a Muslim woman from the effects of the fabric from which the scarf or stole is sewn.

How to correctly and beautifully learn to tie a scarf on a Muslim woman's head in stages?

  1. The first thing a woman does before tying a scarf is to pull her hair into a ponytail or bun.
  2. Next, she puts on a bonet hat.
  3. There is also a special scarf worn under the veil. It is called mihram... When putting on, the ends of the mihram are crossed in the center of the head and tucked in at the back. It is advisable to choose a veiled shawl so that it is in harmony with the main Muslim shawl in color.
  4. After that, the main scarf is put on. It is rectangular in shape. The scarf is put on in such a way that one third of its end is on one side of the head, and two thirds on the other.
  5. The woman puts the scarf in such a way that its side, which is shorter, is under the chin, and the one that is longer, lies on top of it. With the long part of the scarf, she wraps her head so that the neck and shoulders are covered.

VIDEO: Ties a scarf beautifully (Hijab)?

How do Muslim women pin a needle on a scarf?

To secure the scarf under her chin, a Muslim woman uses special pins.

  1. Most often, the pin is inserted above the ear or under the chin.
  2. While securing the scarf with a pin, the Muslim woman makes sure that her point passes through all the fabrics of the stole or scarf, otherwise it will disintegrate.
  3. For reliability and beauty, it is permissible to secure the scarf with additional pins, which are pinned to the right and left.
  4. Some Muslim women decorate the places where the headscarf is attached with special adornments in the form of flowers or brooches.

Ways of wearing headscarves on the head of a Muslim woman

Usually, Muslim women use a stole as a hijab. Stoles come in a variety of colors and are made from different fabrics. A woman can choose any of them, focusing on the situation and the season. She can also choose from several methods of tying the scarf.

Muslim girls in headscarves: photo

The Muslim headscarf is used by many designers as a fashionable detail.

VIDEO: 25 Ways to Tie Hijab

Today, there are many simple and difficult ways to tie a hijab. We invite you to learn how to do it beautifully and highlight your own individuality with the help of a universal accessory. The ability to tie a hijab will also come in handy for women of fashion who are planning a trip to the Middle East and want to express their respect for the cultural traditions of this people.

How to tie a hijab - the meaning of an accessory for Muslims

The exotic word "hijab" is a headscarf under which the female half of the Muslim population hides her head and neck. Literally translated from Arabic, "hajaba" means "out of sight." Oriental beauties wear hijab to show their love, devotion and humility before God. This is how they dress when they leave the house.

Hiding her beauty from outside men with the help of a headscarf, a Muslim woman secretly declares that she is a person, not a sexual object, and she should be assessed solely by intellectual and moral skills. A piece of silk fabric helps Muslim women to emphasize their individuality, modesty and femininity. They wear the hijab whether they live in their home country or abroad.

How to tie a hijab - several interesting ways

Wearing a hijab in one style would be boring, so today there are many options to always look different in a hijab.

The scarf should be about 1.5 m in width and length, otherwise it simply will not accept the configuration that you want to give it.

So, when tying a scarf, remember to cover your hair, ears and neck. To do this, the hair is pulled back and secured with a hair clip or an elastic band, and then the scarf is carefully laid on the forehead, fixing it under the hairdo, on the back of the head and under the chin. Here are the easiest and most attractive ways to tie a hijab:

In the form of a sea wave:

  • Cover your head with a handkerchief, placing the edge slightly below your hairline.
  • Wrap the ends of the hijab around the neck so that there are folds of fabric in front, hanging down on the chest in soft waves.

In the form of a braid:

  • You will need two scarves in a contrasting color - the bottom and the top. Put your hair up. Cover your head with a lower scarf, wrap it around your neck, leaving free ends at the back.
  • Now cover your head with the top scarf, bring the edges back to where the ends of the lower scarf hang down.
  • Combine the ends of the upper hijab with the ends of the lower one and braid like a classic free braid, securing the bottom with a beautiful elastic band. To make the head scarf structure more compact, wrap the braid around the top of your hair and secure with a barrette.

With pins and brooches:

  • Twist your hair into a bundle and twist it into a "bun" at the back of your head.
  • Cover your head with a bottom scarf, pull the ends back and secure with a simple safety pin.
  • Throw the top scarf on top, wrap it around the neck and bring both ends forward. Position the hijab so that one end is much longer than the other.
  • Lay out the long part of the scarf in beautiful folds on the chest, and fix the free end with a decorative pin or brooch above the ear.

How to tie a hijab - fashionistas note

  • According to all the rules, the hijab should be worn on top of a special hat tightly fitting the head. Whatever happens to the scarf (for example, it has shifted to the side), the hat will reliably hide the woman's hair from prying eyes.
  • Refuse to use a scarf with inscriptions or any symbols as a hijab.
  • The combination of a hijab with tight and transparent clothing is nonsense.
  • The color of a Muslim headscarf depends a lot on the season. In summer, hijabs are not worn in black and dark colors. Better to give preference to delicate pastel shades. Snow-white shawls are at the peak of popularity.
  • A hijab made of wool or viscose is good as a winter headdress. For the summer season, shawls made of chiffon, silk, satin or cotton are the best fit.

It takes skill to learn how to tie a hijab quickly and beautifully. With a little practice, you will soon master this activity and replenish your fashionable piggy bank in another irresistible way!

Such a thing in a wardrobe as a Muslim hijab involves not only wearing it on the shoulders or neck. A scarf beautifully tied on the head will look no less stylish at any time of the year. This will add some charm to the image. You can not just tie a scarf on your head, but learn how to design a hat in an original way.

There are no special rules in the design of a headdress. Here you have to completely rely on your taste and originality. Eastern women, tying the hijab, try to hide all their hair under it. European beauties do not need to follow this rule. You can leave all the curls open or release a few strands.

You can wear a scarf on your head at any time of the year and in any weather. In summer, women of fashion prefer materials such as chintz, silk or cambric.

To prevent the material from slipping through your hair, put on a special hat under it, which is called a bone, it is sold in boutiques that sell hats. In winter, thick fabrics and knits come to replace thin ones. You can wear a scarf with any accessories, but elongated earrings look especially original, drawing even more attention to the image. An original brooch or hairpin on the headdress will bring some zest, make the bow more romantic and oriental.

IMPORTANT! English needles, hairpins or hairpins will help to fix the structure on the head.

What are the ways?

There are many interesting ways to tie a hijab or a stole:

We tie a triangular scarf

These scarves are classic, so they are the easiest to work with. If you don't have a special triangular scarf in your wardrobe, use a regular rectangular scarf folded diagonally.

  1. Place the fabric in the center of your head and hold both sides of the fabric against one cheekbone.
  2. Twist one end into a flagellum.
  3. Then press it against your neck.
  4. Holding the fabric on one side, drag the other end of the fabric near your ear.
  5. Wrap a handkerchief around your neck without pulling the fabric, while holding the flagellum.
  6. Gently straighten the remaining part, and leave, it should fall nicely.

Tourniquet method

No less original is the method of tying the hijab with a tourniquet. This way you can cover your entire head or leave your hair open. Let's consider both methods.


Eastern women often tie a cloth on their head so that it resembles a box in shape. A scarf with a border is perfect for this method. What you need to do:

IMPORTANT! This method of tying is preferred by Muslim women who are over 45-50 years old.

With the tips extended

A hijab with extended tips will cover not only the head, but also the neck. Therefore, this method of tying is suitable not only for summer thin fabrics, but also for woolen and downy items for the winter season.

Woven into your hair

In the summer, a scarf woven into the hair looks original. For this, a thin rectangular fabric is suitable. How to proceed?

There is another way to weave a scarf into a braid and at the same time cover your head. Tie the fabric in the form of a bandana on your head, weave the remaining hanging ends of the scarf into your hair, as in the first option. The braid can be left hanging down the back, slung over the shoulder, or twisted into the original bump. From the remaining ends, you can tie a beautiful bow or knot.

V-shaped way

A Turkish woman's headscarf is tied in a V-shape. He is very original. Take a beautiful scarf.

With drapery

The draped hijab can be tied in two different ways:

  • oblique drapery;
  • double drape.

Oblique drapery

Double drape

  1. On the long side of the hijab, create a fold 5–6 cm wide.
  2. Throw it over your head and fasten the long part at a distance of 25-30 cm from the edge on both sides.
  3. From the folded section, form a shuttlecock around the forehead and pin it with needles.
  4. Next, we form a fold from the narrow part of the scarf also above the forehead.
  5. We wrap the neck with the other side of the fabric and stab it.
  6. The end of the scarf is attached so that it hangs beautifully over the shoulder.


Another common way to tie fabric beautifully on your head is to use layering. You will need a scarf with beads all over the edge.

A beautiful knot

Oriental style requires covering the entire head with material.... A beautiful and original knot will help to decorate the structure on the hair. After you put on the scarf, tie the ends tight at the back. Twist and wrap in flagella in a bump. You can fasten the material so that it does not disintegrate with invisibility or a pin. In addition to the knot, you can tie a multi-layer bow, and hide the small ends under the fabric or leave them hanging down.

How to pin a hairpin correctly?

Any hijab, scarf, stole can be transformed by adding a beautiful brooch or hairpin to the structure tied on the head. Accessory can be attached to any part of the scarf: side, back, center, front... Most often, a hairpin is used to close the knot or pin the hanging folds. Choose a bright or shiny hair clip and then your image will turn out to be more sophisticated and festive.

Muslim women prefer modesty in dress, but this rule does not apply to hats. The fabric can be not only plain, bright materials are often used, decorated with floral prints, beads, rhinestones, sequins, hand embroidery. The most popular color combinations are:

In addition, tricolor fabrics are often used for hats.

Suitable accessories

In addition to hairpins, other products can be used as accessories to add personality and charm to the image. In summer, with a scarf tied over your head, it is appropriate to wear sunglasses. Of course, this will alienate the Muslim image and bring a European touch to it. Often, modern women of fashion with a scarf on their heads wear long earrings, wrap the structure with a long thread with stones or sequins, and decorate with fur or leather straps.

For a walk in the city or in the forest, on the beach and even on a social event - a beautifully and skillfully tied headscarf will add a touch of extravagance and elegance to a woman's outfit. There are many ways to tie a headscarf. How to do this, what style to give preference to - later in the article.

How to tie a headscarf like Hollywood

How to tie a headscarf on your head

Quick and practical - to tie a scarf or scarf in the form of a headband. The scarf should be folded in half, rolled into a ribbon. Wrap your head with tape. Having led the ends of the scarf down, cross them, lift them up and make a knot on the upper part of the head. If you start tying from the bottom up, then the knot will remain at the bottom of the back of the head.

Using a headband-style scarf, make the edges of the scarf shorter than the other. Wrap the head with the long end, make the second turn, twisting the scarf into a bundle, tie a knot on the side, where the short edge of the scarf remains.

How to tie a scarf in Greek

This style will suit the owners of long hair.

Option 1:

The second option is how to tie a headscarf in the Greek style:

  • For a small scarf, which is long enough to wrap your head once;
  • Braid a loose braid, fasten the ponytail at the end with an elastic band, leaving the tip 2-3 cm;
  • Fold the scarf into a ribbon, as in the previous case;
  • Make a knot in the middle of the scarf and fasten the ponytail in it;
  • Wrapping the scarf from bottom to top, wind your hair over it. Tie the ends of the scarf on the top of the head, tuck the ends under the scarf.

How to tie a scarf on your head in an oriental way

The East is a delicate matter, and it really is. A high turban or a bright turban on a woman's head gives a special sophistication to the whole ensemble. Eastern women completely hide their hair under a headscarf or scarf. For European countries, this is an optional rule, so it is quite acceptable to tie a scarf so that bangs or a few strands of hair remain outside.

To knit a scarf beautifully in an oriental way, you need a large piece of rectangular or square fabric:

  • Pull the hair at the crown into a bun. To add volume to the bun, use a large hair roller;
  • Throw a scarf over your head, asymmetrically distributing its ends;
  • Wrap the long edge of the scarf around the head, tie the ends, hide the ends in the folds of the scarf. Tuck the corner of the scarf and tuck inward. When using a long thin scarf, the headpiece will turn out to be more voluminous;
  • Tie the edges of the scarf on one side, making a knot with long ends behind the ear. If the hair is short, leave bangs open or loose strands of hair at the temples.

We tie a scarf on the head with a low knot

Collect hair in a low ponytail. Cover your head with a handkerchief or scarf folded in half, tie the ends under the tail. Twist the hair with a scarf, make a knot, secure the ends. If the hair is short, make a knot with only the fabric.

We tie a scarf with a twisted turban

A beautiful and graceful way to tie a scarf in the shape of a twisted turban. You will need a rectangular scarf made of thin fabric.

The first option is suitable for the fair sex with long hair:

The following option is suitable for girls with medium length hair:

  • Pre-make a high ponytail, and if the length of the hair allows, use a hair roller to make the bun out of the hair voluminous.
  • Tilt your head down, cover it with a handkerchief like a towel wrapping wet hair.
  • Cross the ends of the scarf or scarf at the top, wrap it tightly around the head and wind them around the bun.
  • Wrap the ends again around the bun, twisting into bundles, tie and hide. If you are tying a scarf, fold the corner of the scarf left in the front up and tuck it into the folds of the turban.

In case the hair is cut short and there is no way to add volume to the turban with the help of hair, there is another way out:

  • For this option, you will need two scarves or an additional scarf;
  • Make a blende bun out of an additional scarf and tie a twisted turban over it.

How to tie a braid scarf

To tie a scarf on the head in the form of a braid, use a large square-shaped scarf or two scarves.

How to do it:

  • The scarf should be folded diagonally in half;
  • Cover your head with it, secure it with a pin at the bottom of the back of your head so that the scarf fits your head tightly;
  • Weave the three free ends of the scarf into a free braid, ending with a knot.

Using two rectangular shawls:

  • fold scarves overlapping each other;
  • tie a scarf over your head and make a low knot at the back of your head;
  • distribute the ends of the scarf into three parts and braid them into a braid.

An elastic band can be used to secure the scarves to the back of the head. A headscarf braid with long hair is made with hair woven into the headscarf.

We tie a scarf on the head in the form of a bow

Making a bow from a scarf is as easy as tying a scarf in the form of a headband. Only in this case, you should leave the long ends of the scarf to make a bow out of them.
The bow can be placed at the top of the head, on the side or at the bottom of the back of the head.

How to tie a scarf like a Muslim

Muslim women are great at how to tie a headscarf. According to the rules of Sharia, a woman must hide her hair from prying eyes and cover not only her head with a scarf, but also her neck, as well as the décolleté area. There are several ways to tie a Muslim headscarf in an original way.

For this you will need:

  • large scarf;
  • safety pins;
  • a hat for a scarf made of natural fabric.

A hat for a scarf is called "bone". It serves to cover the hairline that may be peeking out from under the scarf. It also prevents the fabric from slipping and holds the scarf on the head. Such a hat is made of cotton fabric, sometimes with the addition of lycra.

How to tie a headscarf in a Muslim way? The photo is one of the many options.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make a bun out of hair. You can place it high on the top of your head or in the middle of the back of your head. To add volume, you can use a hair roller, a tricot tape, or a small scarf.
  2. Tie a bonet hat. It is tied so that the hairline on the forehead is covered. Instead of a hat, you can use a small thin scarf made of natural fabric.
  3. Take a handkerchief and close it in the middle, cover your head with it, put it behind the back of the head and fasten it with a pin.
  4. Bring the long edge of the scarf under the chin back to the back of the head and also reinforce it with a pin.
  5. Throw the remaining edge in the direction of movement over the head back. Reinforce the edges of the outer layer with two or three pins so that the scarf does not fall off.

How to tie a gypsy scarf

For this method, you will need a medium-sized shawl with a bright color.


  • Fold the scarf in half in the form of a triangle;
  • Tie a scarf so that it covers the forehead almost to the eyebrows and is located only on the upper part of the head;
  • Collect the ends of the scarf on the side, make a knot, then form a bow;
  • Spread out the fabric so that you get a rose.

How to tie a scarf with a bandana

An easy way to tie a bandana:

A fun way to tie a bandana:

  • Fold the scarf in half diagonally, tuck the fold line by 4-5 cm. Place the scarf down at the middle corner and tie it not on the head, but on the face, while closing the eyes with the scarf, make a tight knot on the back of the head.
  • Fold the outer layer back and straighten, move the scarf back a little, revealing the face. Twist the inner corner of the scarf with a thin flagellum, turn to the side and, continuing to twist the fabric, make a thin roller on the forehead, pulling the fabric forward. Hide the twisted corner in the roller.
  • Skip the middle edge of the scarf located at the back under the knot and straighten it.

We tie a scarf with a high bun

A bundle with a scarf - option 1. Collect a high ponytail at the top of the head. Fold the scarf in the form of a ribbon, tie on the tail. Twist the hair together with the scarf and roll up the bun, secure with hairpins.

A bundle with a scarf - option 2. Make a high bun out of the hair, secure it with a hairpin or hairpins. Tie the scarf on the head, placing it from bottom to top. Tie the edges on the forehead and wrap them around the bundle.

How to tie a scarf on the beach

A scarf is not only an original, but also a useful accessory. In the summer on the beach, he will protect the head from the heat, and the hair from burnout

For a beach ensemble, you should give preference to shawls made of natural thin fabrics. Bright saturated colors, scarves with prints, floral or ethnic patterns will do.

Scarf bandage

The easiest way to get your beach hairstyle:

  • Fold the scarf into a ribbon and wrap it around the head several times;
  • Tie the ends of the scarf on the side or at the top of the head.

A beautiful brooch or hairpin will be an excellent addition to such a headband.

Open turban


For going to the beach, you can make a twisted turban, make a headband with a bow, or tie a scarf with a high bun.

Tying a pirate-style scarf

A great way to stand out from the crowd is with a pirate-style headscarf:

How to tie a pin-up scarf

Pin-up style or retro style. The fashion for it came from the last century and is still relevant.

To tie a scarf in this style, you will need a small scarf, so that there is enough length to make a small knot in front, behind the bangs growth line:

If you use a scarf folded in a ribbon:

  • make a high beam;
  • tie the tape over the head, turning the edges up;
  • make a knot, form a bow out of the fabric or tuck it into the folds;
  • Straighten the scarf on the back of the head so that the fabric covers the back of the head completely.

How to tie a turban scarf

For a turban, you need a large square or rectangular scarf to wrap around your head at least 2 times.

Turban from a square scarf

  • Throw a scarf folded into a triangle over your head like a towel, from bottom to top.
  • Cross the two ends of the scarf cross to cross and wrap the head with them.
  • Next, raise the ends to the top, make a knot.
  • Raise the middle edge of the scarf to the top, wrap it around the knot, hide the edge.

Turban from a rectangular shawl

  • Fold the scarf in half along its length, cover the head with it.
  • Tie the edges of the scarf at the bottom of the back of the head, lift up.
  • At the top of the edges, cross with an eight.

If there is enough length, tie the ends at the bottom of the back of the head. If the length is not enough, tuck the edges into the folds of the turban.

Tying a 70s-style scarf

In the 70s of the last century, the headscarf was worn by:

  • tied like a kerchief;
  • in the form of a wide tape;
  • in Hollywood.

Klondike. Tie a scarf folded into a triangle on a high hairstyle, tied under the chin.

Ribbon. Fold the scarf into a wide ribbon, tie it over loose hair, make a knot under the hair. Another option is to tie a scarf - a ribbon with a high bun or a babette.

How to tie an African-style scarf

African style is not just a high turban made of several meters of fabric, it is also catchy prints, ethnic bright colors.

To tie an African-style scarf, you will need a large scarf and a small natural fabric scarf to add volume.

African rose

  • Fold the scarf in a triangle, cover the head with it from bottom to top;
  • Twist the ends of the scarf into a tight bundle and form a large bun, located almost on the forehead;
  • Tuck the ends of the bundle into the folds.

African tall turban with blende

You will need:


  • Fold the scarf into a triangle, cover your head with it in the same way as in the previous version;
  • Make a knot on top. Close the bundle with the middle corner of the scarf, tucking the edge of the corner under the scarf;
  • Wrap the edges around the bundle, as far as the length allows, tuck the ends into folds.

How to tie a scarf to a coat

The coat is an integral part of the modern woman's wardrobe. In cool weather, a scarf will be a great addition.

And in the summer heat and in bad weather, the scarf was, is and will be in fashion.

How to wear a scarf with a coat:

  • the easiest way is to tie a scarf like a headscarf, tying it under the chin.
  • in a peasant way - to tie a scarf with a low bun.
  • Tie a large scarf on the head, wrap it around the neck, tie at the back.
  • make a closed turban with a bun on the crown or back of the head.

How to tie a headscarf to a jacket

A casual ensemble in a cool time in a casual style can be diversified by tying a scarf on your head:

  • A scarf tied in the form of a rim, bandana or in a pirate style will perfectly match with a short leather jacket;
  • A large scarf, loosely tied over the head, with the ends thrown over the back, is suitable for a balloon jacket or down jacket.

We tie a headscarf to a mink coat

A scarf can be an alternative to a winter headdress for a mink coat.

It can be tied in the style:

  • pin-up;
  • twisted turban;
  • in Hollywood;
  • scarf with a knot under the chin.

Summer version of tying a scarf on the head

In summer, a scarf is an accessory that allows you to complement or create an original hairstyle.

Ways to tie a tent that keep most of your hair exposed are good:

  • a scarf tied in Greek;
  • open turban, "eight";
  • scarf in the form of a rim.

How beautiful to tie a downy shawl on your head

A beautiful downy shawl in a harsh winter will suit a coat, fur coat or down jacket. This accessory differs from the usual scarf by its larger volume. In addition, a downy shawl is an openwork thing, which means it can be blown through. That is, you need a regular cloth scarf or a thin hat for a scarf.

An original way to tie a scarf for outerwear with a hood:

  • Tie a thin scarf on the head, making a knot on the back of the head, hide the edges;
  • Fold the scarf in a triangle, make a lapel;
  • Throw over your head and put on outerwear so that the middle edge of the scarf is inside;
  • Put the hood on your head. Cross the free edges of the scarf, bring it back under the hood and tie;
  • Remove the hood.

Down shawl hood:

  • Throw a scarf folded in a triangle over your head;
  • Make a knot at the bottom at the ends of the scarf;
  • Roll the loop into a figure eight (cross the connected edges under the chin) and throw it over the head so that the knots are at the back. The scarf hood is ready.

In modern fashion, a scarf is a multifunctional item in a wardrobe that adds charm and femininity to any style.

A scarf tied around the head fits perfectly into everyday and festive bows. This headpiece is suitable for any hair length, for any face shape. It will take a little practice at the mirror, experimenting with color and texture. The image of a unique and mysterious woman is guaranteed!

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: how to tie a scarf on your head

How to tie a scarf over your head if you have a short haircut:

Twelve ways to tie a headscarf:

A scarf is considered a fashionable and stylish attribute of a woman's wardrobe, which can be worn around the neck or used as a headdress. There are many ways to wear a scarf on your head, but perhaps the most interesting option is considered to be tying a scarf on your head in Muslim style. While European women use a headscarf as a decoration, for women of the East, this is a mandatory attribute that allows them to observe traditions and religion.

Eastern culture and, always attracts people from other countries. She is shrouded in mystery, personality and her beauty. Women from Muslim countries observe the traditions of their people from early childhood. One of these traditions is the wearing of hajab clothing, which is considered part of the Muslim religion and allows women to cover their entire body except for the face and hands. A part of the hajab is a headscarf, without which a Muslim woman will never go out on the street, and will not appear to a stranger. While for women of Islam a headscarf is a must-have wardrobe attribute, European women use it as an adornment and addition to their wardrobe. Learning how to tie a headscarf in the Muslim way is a whole art that has been passed down from generation to generation. There are many ways to tie a headscarf in a Muslim way, all of them, with the right technique, allow a woman to remain beautiful and modern. Islamic women, according to Sharia law, always wear a headscarf. With its help, they not only preserve the traditions of their people, but also shelter their heads and bodies from the hot sun and desert wind. Regardless of the chosen method of tying a scarf in Muslim style, it is very important that no hair is visible under it. Women most often choose a scarf from materials such as silk, cashmere with multi-colored designs and patterns. It is not uncommon for it to be taken as a scarf, which is also very popular, in the countries of the East.

Consider a few simple, but popular ways of tying a scarf in Muslim style, which are ideal for any outfit, make the image of a woman mysterious and stylish.

Ways of tying a scarf in Muslim

You need to tie a scarf on your head so that strands of hair are not visible from under it. Therefore, before tying it, you need to braid a tight ponytail or use a boni, which looks like a narrow bandage and allows you to hide women's hair. In addition, with the help of such a bandage, the scarf will not slip through the hair and lose its shape. If there is no bandage - boni, then you can use another scarf, but only from natural material.

Method 1. Fold the scarf in half and position it so that it slightly covers your forehead. Wrap the corners of the scarf back, and secure with a pin, it should hold well on the head, and its ends hang down at the back.

Method 2. A large scarf should be worn over the head along the forehead line. One end of the scarf must be held under the chin and fixed at the fisk with a pin. The other end of the scarf remains free to hang. This option is suitable for women of different age groups.

Method 3. In this case, you will need a large scarf (about 5 meters in length and width). The scarf is worn along the forehead, at the bottom it is fixed with a pin. The ends of the headgear should fall in soft waves over the shoulders and chest.

Method 4. The following steps are an easy way to tie a scarf. Fold the scarf in half, wrap your head around it so that both ends are at the back. Then wrap the ends a few times and roll them into a donut.

There are other ways to tie a scarf that will help you highlight your look and style. We recommend watching the video.

In order to properly tie a scarf in a Muslim way, you need to adhere to a few simple rules.

  • Hair strands should not stick out from under the scarf.
  • Be sure to use a bone bandage or other thin scarf made from natural material.
  • Match the color of the scarf to the color of your clothes or other accessories.
  • A real Muslim headscarf should not contain various inscriptions or signs, only patterns or be of the same tone.
  • Try to wear light-colored shawls in the summer.
  • A scarf is tied, should match the face, eye color.
  • Be sure to practice before tying the headscarf like a Muslim. Watch a video or photo of how the scarf should lie on your head.
  • Try several methods of tying a scarf, this will help you choose the method that will suit your face.