How Zuckerberg dresses. Why Mark Zuckerberg always wears the same T-shirt. Bill Gates - conservatism and slight negligence

The question is why the billionaire Zuckerberg is captured in the same gray T-shirt in most of the pictures.

Mark Zuckerberg, 30, is a role model for fans around the world. In everything, including his manner of dressing. At the same time, he is permanently included in the lists of the most tastelessly dressed celebrities. Quora tried to figure out why he almost always wears his famous gray T-shirt - and in different ways came to more or less the same conclusions.

- Zuckerberg wears the same clothes every day, because it’s too busy, and this approach allows you not to think about what to wear in the morning. The Facebook founder himself voiced this version during a meeting with interns in 2011.

- He does it for the same reason, according to which the president wears the same thing. Every decision you make during the day hinders your ability to make the next decision. By eliminating most of the pointless decisions from your life, you can focus on the ones that matter. Imagine that you have a vacation in New York, and you have to decide where to have breakfast, what to see, how to get from one place to another, where to eat, what to buy as a keepsake. Even if you are on vacation and have plenty of time, by the time you need to eat somewhere, it will not be easy for you to make a simple decision.

- Zuckerberg created an enviable personal brand. His appearance tells us: "I myself create the rules."

- In our time it has become a trend wear the same thing to meetings and events to create a kind of branding for the product. Like Steve Jobs, who always wore a black turtleneck at all Apple conferences. This is a powerful strategy and one of the foundations of branding any product.

- Warren Buffett has a wardrobe almost identical shirts, trousers, ties and suits. He said that this saves time when choosing clothes.

During a Moscow press conference in 2012, Zuckerberg admitted that he actually has twenty identical T-shirts, with the rest of his wardrobe space occupied by his wife's belongings.

True, on rare occasions he still has to change his usual T-shirt for a business suit. For example, for visits to the White House.

We all know how pop and movie stars dress, but few people are interested in the wardrobe of famous "nerds". Their wardrobe is radically different from public figures, although they have six-figure bank accounts. What are the richest "smart guys" wearing?

Bill Gates is oblivious to brands

Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, but he has absolutely no control over his wardrobe. Gates is of the opinion that he doesn't need expensive clothes and they are completely useless. The billionaire is often seen in torn clothes, he believes that things should be functional, but no more. Outwardly, Gates looks like an ordinary guy who does not stand out from the crowd. For Bill, intellectual development comes first, not a luxurious lifestyle.

Bill Gates

Zuckerberg loves funny hoodies

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg doesn't pay attention to his wardrobe either. He absolutely does not care what he is wearing. He is criticized for wearing sweatshirts with weird and funny images. It's strange to see one of the richest people in ridiculous sweatshirts that absolutely do not match his status. It is thanks to Mark that the sweatshirt has become popular in the IT field, and it is worn by the world's leading experts. More than once, Mark surprised everyone by coming to work in his pajamas, in which he sleeps at home. He explains this by the fact that he does not have time to choose things for the wardrobe.

Mark Zuckerberg

A few words about the color of power of Pavel Durov

The creator of the social network Vkontakte Pavel Durov - although he does not lead the TOP of the richest in the world, he is also a wealthy person, according to Russian measures. Judging by his photographs, Pavel liked to wear black even before leaving VK. Yes, he probably doesn't spend a lot of time choosing a wardrobe. But he is of the opinion that black is a symbol of power.

Pavel Durov

Jobs liked Miyaki turtlenecks and Levi's jeans

The founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, was different from other wealthy people in that he always wore a black turtleneck (several dozen turtlenecks were sewn for him personally by Issey Miyake), jeans of the famous Levi’s brand, and New Balance sneakers on his feet.

It was thanks to the black turtleneck that Jobs became recognizable all over the world. After his death, the number of sales of black turtlenecks increased several times. Such clothes have become a hallmark of Steve Jobs, it is in this image that he is remembered by millions of people around the world.

Steve Jobs

Sergey Brin does not spend money on clothes

Sergey Brin is one of the founders of the famous Google. He leads an active lifestyle, enjoys playing sports and skating and playing hockey. Sergey cannot imagine his life without movement, and he chooses clothes based on this. It can be seen in

There are a lot of people on Earth who don't give a damn about fashion. They dress however they want. They are not chasing fashion, but fashion is chasing them. Today we'll talk about the style of IT legends of all times and peoples, such as Sergey Brin and Larry Page(founders of Google), Steve Jobs(Apple), Mark Zuckenberg(Facebook), Pavel Durov(VKontakte) and others.

What IT legends and multimillionaires are wearing

Steve Jobs

The Apple founder, who turned 56 on February 24, is very charismatic. Starting in 1998 to this day, he wears a black turtleneck and Levi's jeans. By the way, he always tucked his turtleneck into jeans. However, before no one knew him, Steve was much more conservative. At the Macintosh launch, he wore a white shirt with a green bow tie and gray trousers on his legs.

At a meeting with the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States, Steve Jobs was dressed in his usual office clothes. Bill Gates once said: “ I admire Steve's style. And it's not a joke".

Pavel Durov

Mark Zuckerberg

The creator of the most popular social network in the world can walk around the office in slates without problems and reproaches. Many call his style "home". Mark loves regular T-shirts and jeans, sometimes wears a sweatshirt over it. For this, Mark Zuckerberg won the title " The most disgusting dressing star "according to Esquire magazine.

Mark can also easily refuse to meet with representatives Microsoft because he wants to sleep at 8 am. Or cancel an appointment with Yahoo because he has a date with a girl. But despite this, Mark came to the meeting with the US President in a suit.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page

Sergei loves to wear T-shirts and jeans, like Mark Zuckenberg, and Larry wears classic clothes. He wears shirts without ties.

Larry Alison

The owner of Oracle is quite a stylish person. Larry wears black T-shirts with long sleeves only. He can often be seen wearing dark glasses. If he puts on a shirt, then only with a red tie.

Now you know how legends dress. Despite the fact that they are all multimillionaires, they dress just like us.

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Startups copy the style of Mark Zuckerberg in vain - the habit of wearing hoodies with a funny print will not help them repeat the success of the creator of Facebook. Sim Gulati, founder of the Gulati Group, which has been producing fashionable menswear for over 10 years, noticed that many IT entrepreneurs are very poorly dressed.

Gulati is in the midst of a Kickstarter fundraising campaign for his new firm Barley & Britches, which will supply clothing to customers directly from the manufacturer. Discussing this idea with investors and representatives of business incubators, he first encountered IT entrepreneurs and noticed how slovenly many of them were dressed.

American Forbes has compiled his tips for startups who want to be taken seriously. Gulati says his advice is aimed primarily at men - not because there are no women among startups and IT entrepreneurs, but because they usually understand the importance of appearance and therefore dress well.

1. Give up flip flops and sandals

“It seems self-evident, but all too often I see these shoes on young entrepreneurs. You are no longer a student, sandals belong on the beach, and not in the office where the board meets. Instead of sandals, you can wear Converse sneakers - clean but vibrant colors - or a pair of vintage Adidas sneakers. And if you want to look a little more formal, change into cute loafers, ”the expert suggests.

2. If you are not Mark Zuckerberg, the hoodie is not for you.

The Facebook founder who made the sweatshirt popular in IT circles can still afford to wear it today. But Zuckerberg is the only one, and on everyone else, according to Gulati, the sweatshirt will mean: "I am a desperate ambitious." “When you're just starting out, casual student dressing can be the order of the day. But once your company starts to grow and you grow older, it's time to dress more judiciously. Again, we are talking about wearing those things that will show you the best, and not those that will cause neglect to you, ”Gulati said.

3. No pajamas in the office

“Forget about coming to work wearing what you slept in. It doesn't matter that Zuckerberg did that. If you go to the director or even to your own office in a tracksuit or sweatshirt, it is a gross mistake. " Why? According to Gulati, this means that in the morning you did not even try to pack yourself properly. Entrepreneurs can say all they want that they are too busy to think about such things, but their day does not start with a fire alarm.

4. Avoid T-shirts with slogans

Corporate T-shirts are fine as long as they are clean and in good condition (not torn, stained, or cut). But T-shirts with slogans are associated with the student club, not business. “You don’t need to get your messages across to your employees and colleagues using T-shirts. Leaders rule by acting. Therefore, save your clothes from comic phrases, ”advises Gulati.

5. No slacks

Say no to crumpled slacks tucked into hiking boots - especially if they are dirty. “Once you decide to wear slacks, then they should look decent - be neatly ironed and ironed. Leave your hiking boots for mountain walks on weekends. ”

6. Spend money wisely on comfortable clothes

Dressing well doesn't necessarily mean buying expensive clothes or items that make you feel out of place. “There is nothing worse than wearing clothes that are uncomfortable for you. Whether you dress in a casual or business style, make your clothes comfortable and suitable for you. "

So what to wear? If you love costumes, go in costumes. If you prefer something a little more casual, Gulati recommends wearing classic jeans with a sports shirt, polo shirt, or a traditional shirt. He has nothing against uniforms. You can customize your clothing by following the example of founder Steve Jobs, who always wore a black turtleneck, Levi's jeans and New Balance trainers.

“If you run a company, you need to be open to innovation, understand who you are and what your company is striving for. You should remember your mission, "says Gulati." You also need to approach your clothes. Men usually don't like to think about clothes, but you need to understand how clothes can affect a person and his behavior. So find a look that works for you and stick with it. "

We make the first impression of a person by his appearance and clothing - this fact must be admitted. Zuckerberg or Jobs didn't have to win approval with good suits. If you're not entirely sure of your own genius, stick to tradition.

The adage that people are met by their clothes seems archaic, but you can't get away from the obvious things - clothes tell a lot about a person's personality.

It was not for nothing that Winston Churchill chose the black butterfly and cigar, without which we can no longer imagine him. And Michael Jackson's white gloves have become an integral part of his image. Clothing dictates the style of behavior - this is also not objectionable. It has long been noticed that many powerful people of this world do not at all seek to emphasize their social status with expensive clothes, but, on the contrary, try not to stand out in any way.

For example, he was very fond of dark classic Levis jeans no more than $ 60, T-shirts or turtlenecks of dollars for $ 30. Simple clothes didn't stop Apple's creator from being super-charismatic and self-confident. , the founder of the world's most popular search engine loves all the simple, but non-trivial news. He was the first to wear Five-fingers Flow boots with a bare foot print.

Bill Gates needs no introduction, and his favorite clothes are V-neck jumpers and a shirt. Interestingly, the computer genius prefers shades of lilac. So the founder of Facebook from his student days wears cheap T-shirts, the simplest jeans and Adidas flip-flops. Now, however, he allows himself a sweater for $ 300.

Men's magazine GQ has published its ranking, in which Zuckerberg was voted the winner among the most tastelessly dressed celebrities in Silicon Valley. However, the founders of Adobe, Foursquare, MySpace, Sony, HTC and others got it from the magazine. As you can see, insufficient attention to their wardrobe did not prevent these people from reaching enviable heights in their business. But, for sure, there is no feedback - dressing like Mark Zuckerberg is not enough to be talented.

Gulati Group founder Sim Gulati, who has been making menswear for over a decade, noticed long ago that IT entrepreneurs traditionally dress poorly. This fact pushed Gulati through Forbes to give some advice to startups who, willingly or unwillingly, are trying to imitate the clothing style of Mark Zuckerberg and other famous IT people. According to Sim Gulati, women working in the IT field, as a rule, understand the importance of appearance in their careers. But men would not hurt to heed the advice of a specialist from the fashion world.

Leave your flip-flops and sandals for the beach

It seems like it goes without saying, but these shoes are often the choice for young entrepreneurs. Of course, this is very convenient and you can move your fingers, but still, one should not forget that the student days are over. And in the office and at the board meeting, such shoes, to put it mildly, are inappropriate. Gulati recommends swapping out your flip flops for clean and bright Converse sneakers or vintage Adidas sneakers. Better yet, keep an eye out for cute and comfy loafers, they will look pretty decent and too formal.

If you're not Zuckerberg, ditch sweatshirts

It was the founder who made the sweatshirt so popular in IT circles, and now he continues to wear these clothes with pleasure. But in the case of Zuckerberg, sweatshirts no longer make the weather - he achieved overwhelming success. If your path to the heights is not so fast, it is not at all necessary to challenge society. What looks quite appropriate in his student years will seem like unnecessary bravado for a startup startup with its independent views. The reaction can be a dismissive attitude from others. Therefore, it is better to choose things that can characterize you from the best side.

No need to come to the office in pajamas

Remember that you cannot come to work in the clothes in which you slept. Yes, Zuckerberg may have taken such liberties, but you are not Zuckerberg. If you come to the office or even to the director's office in a tracksuit or sweater, employees will understand that you didn't even bother to change before going to work. Sometimes entrepreneurs say they are too busy to pay attention to such little things, but still their morning does not start with an alarm.

Don't overuse slogan T-shirts

Clean and unkempt corporate T-shirts are welcome, but T-shirts with playful lettering and graphics are a clear reminder of the carefree student days. Such clothes are not associated with business in any way. You don't have to communicate your thoughts to employees and business associates using images on T-shirts. The business of the leader is to manage and act. Leave the "fun" clothes for leisure.

Save slacks for other occasions

Avoid wrinkled slacks tucked into hiking boots, especially if the boots are not very clean. If you can't seem to get away with slacks, they should look very neat and ironed properly. Save your hiking boots for walking in the mountains on weekends.

Comfortable clothes are the best choice

Good clothes don't have to be expensive or impede movement. There is nothing worse than uncomfortable clothes. Observe the rules of decency, but choose only those clothes in which you will not feel embarrassed. Whichever style you choose, the clothes should suit you. To summarize all that Gulati said, you can wear suits and classic jeans with a shirt, sportswear, polo or traditional, like Steve Jobs. In any case, you should always keep your mission in mind if you are leading the company. Decide which look will work for you and try to stick to it.

And here's another touch to the extraordinary personality of Mark Zuckerberg

As soon as Mark earned the title of disgusting dressing star, an online store selling a line of clothing - Mark by Mark Zuckerberg, began operating on the Internet. How do you like this decision?

Disregarding the recommendations of Esquire magazine, Zuckerberg continues to dress as he sees fit. The founder of Facebook really doesn't have to worry about the opinions of investors, let them think what Zuckerberg thinks of them. The online store Mark by Mark Zuckerberg offers a wonderful bathrobe, warm white socks, comfortable jeans with an elastic waistband and slippers that fit your legs. The assortment is small, but Mark doesn't like changing outfits often.