How to wean a cat run at night: advice of experienced owners. Maximum cat speed and cat

Many owners and breeders of cats often face such a problem when a fluffy pet confuses the day with at night, and at night there is an enhanced activity. Agree, it's not too nice if, after a hard work day, someone breaks sleep and peace, even if it's a favorite cat. The inability to sleep normally leads to irritation, reduction of working capacity, nervousness. So consider how to wean a cat run around at night in the house, apartment? What if the pet is noise, meows and prevents you from sleeping at night?

Cats by nature are incredibly inquisitive, pretty energetic and cheerful creatures. Throughout the day, the wake periods alternate with rest and sleep. But if the pet is acting at night when everyone sleeps? To reassure the kitten to run at night, you need to find out the root cause of such behavior.

As a rule, small kittens or energetic young cats show playfulness at night. While the owners sleep, inquisitive animals will know the world, explore their home. In most cases, such behavior is noted during the period of socialization and adaptation of the animal to new conditions. In the afternoon, when there is no one in the house, cats are sleeping in anticipation of "night playing", so their "day" begins with the onset of darkness or in the evening.

Important! Adults, older cats adjust to biorhythms, owners schedule and sleep at night. Even if the pet wakes up at night, it is not necessary that he will make noise, most likely, the cat was hungry or wanted to bypass his possessions.

The manifestations of night activity in cats are manifested in different ways. Some pets run around the apartment, they will be elevated for all elevations, use various items as toys, having fun riding them on the floor, climb the curtains. Others, challenged around the house, climb to the owners on the bed, begin to eat hands, plowing loudly. At the same time, the maximum night activity is celebrated from three to five hours.

Adult cats and cats can shit at night during the Gon, sexual hunt. As a rule, such behavior is manifested several times a year, and especially in early spring.

Causes of night wakefulness, activity from representatives of the Feline family:

  • pet was hung or in a bowl there is no water;
  • cat is disturbing or hurting;
  • not enough physical activity during the day;
  • the cat experienced a strong stress, nervous shock;
  • pet attracts the attention of the owners.

If the cat is buggy and in the house there are other pets (cats, dogs), she is trying to sleep during the day, clogging into secluded places to avoid extra contacts, and at night awake.

Also do not forget that cats are excellent and very careful hunters, so they prefer to go hunting at night. The hunting instinct makes a dream, the cat's drema is very sensitive. Animals hear and distinguish the sounds elusive for human ear. If the cat showed activity, it is possible that someone disturbed her sensitive sleep (bird, night moth).

Correction of cat behavior

If the pet is absolutely healthy and night wake, the wrinkle is not associated with any diseases or pathologies, using our recommendations and tips can be loosen the cat to noise at night.

If the cat runs at night around the apartment, house, organize a cat diverse active leisure. Buy toys, imitating animal and bird movements. They will help to realize the hunting instinct, and the pet will be interesting. Games with balls, clockwork mice perfectly entertain cats that love to strive for the prey. You need to play with pet until you make sure the animal is tired. Organize a game complex, shelves for lasagna, vertical supports with a playground, buy interactive toys.

Play with a pet per hour or two to sleep, after which you feed it. Best of all in front of a night rest to give cat chicken, beef, any other meat food. After physical activity and the fed cat's meal, as a rule, they are stacked.

Important! The full, tired cat is really quickly falling asleep, but this does not mean that after a while the animal will not wake up and will not show activity. So think than you can interest the pet in the afternoon. The more cats awake in the bright time of the day, the less desire it will be noise and play at night.

If the cat is nervous, it behaves restlessly, inadequately reacts to the external stimuli, walks at night at home, meowing not only at night, but in the afternoon, it is possible that the cat is discomfort, painful syndrome due to illness, exacerbated chronic pathology. Carefully observe the condition and behavior of the pet. Noticing the symptoms of indisposition, the deterioration of the general condition, take the cat to the clinic for inspection, diagnostic surveys.

If the cat is meowing due to lack of caress, attention, before bedtime, pay attention to him. With benefit, you can conduct hygienic procedures. Cut the fur, clean the ears, inspect the eyes. After serving a caress and attention, making sure the strength of the emotional connection, the cat will sleep sweetly until the morning.

What can I do

If the cat is meowing, yelling without a reason, does not sleep at night, never get up to the pet. Even if the animal was hungry. Cats - big manipulators and having achieved their own, will constantly use the kindness of the owners. Therefore, the only correct decision in such a situation is not to pay attention to the cat.

Do not close the cat in a separate room. The animal will not understand why he was isolated from other family members. The pet will become sad and lonely, and to attract attention, it will begin to noise even more.

If the cat is awake at night, do not shout at him and even more so do not beat. It will not work, but will only aggravate the situation. Cat will do it.

Cats It is impossible to get to sleep at night, but you need to try to do everything so that the pet exists in the afternoon. Following our advice, not to indulge the night wakes, to show patience, the kitten with time adjusts your schedule and will sleep peacefully at night.

8: 4. The final batch is played. Another "black day", more precisely - a black evening. Would you know how it is scary - consider yourself a loser. It's one thing when you say so about you, here you can simply mean and show indifference to temporary bad luck. But if you feel to believe in myself, then the carcasses are light as they say.

In the first five parties, I just worked wonders. Fallen in the Luba all the balls - from direct across the whole "green" to the incredibly thin "quiet". But it was not possible to leave with winnings - Garik suggested playing "on everything." It was possible to refuse, save money, but it meant to lose the face of the player, to perseve yourself on mockery. Moreover, if I took the last batch, my winnings doubled.

Almost every evening I spend in the billiard room with the former house of the culture of railway workers. It is impossible to say that the Russian billiards hooked me as a drug, as you can not blame and in trying to make a game. Or still I cheat yourself?

A year ago, when I had not four, and twelve stalls around the city, I could afford to play just for the sake of Azart. After the city authorities removed almost all the kiosks from the central streets, leaving only pavilions on trolleybus stops, I became much less. But that's not all. Now I myself have to deliver the goods in the kiosks on my pickup, to dangle on wholesale bases and search where what is cheaper. I used to laugh at the statements that trade spoils, but now forced to recognize such a fact. Brutal pressing of a constant lack of money for goods, officials, theft, theft of sellers are so derived from themselves that I want to throw everything for the day several times on the day. But what then do next? Sell \u200b\u200bthis so-called business? Not enough for the year of normal life. Stop again for the milling machine? It will not work, there is no already our glorious plant, in its place now the car service and wholesale base. So it falls the whole day, creaking with teeth to ripe as a squirrel in the wheel. And constantly having to bargain, prompting discounts, delay payments, abandon any paid assistance. So on you and hanging the ruthless stigma of the "sultry" man, greedy and constantly trying to sell something. Perhaps the billiard room in the "piece of iron", as everyone is called the House of Culture of Railway workers, the only place where I can feel like a person, as in those times, when it was with money and considered himself an employer for several tens of people.

The table in the "piece of iron" is small, decady. In other billiard clubs, there are several new twelve-footed tables, but it already happened that "piece of iron" is close to many because once this DC was one of the centers of urban life with all sorts of concerts, discos and student humorins. The circle of regulars for the "Russian" table is not so great, a man five to seven. We play in the "Bardak". This means that everyone plays for himself, and the game is not up to eight clogged balls, but to the last ball. Thus, the score in the game can reach not 8: 0, but even 16: 0. As you know, in Russian billiards one red ball and fifteen white. When playing "Bardak", the last scored ball is considered for two, and if the game ends with a score of 8: 8 (this is called "consumption"), then the consumables are played with a twin bet behind a clogged ball. Consumption in "Bardak" is more dramatically than in a simple "Muscovite". First, in the usual game, the flow rate is preceded by 7: 6, that is, a difference in one ball. In the "Bardak", with a score of 8: 6 (with a difference of two balls), the losing can not only compare the invoice and force the enemy to play again at a double rate, but also to win two balls. If you score both of the ball with one successful blow, then the score will be 8:10, since in this case the result of the strike is doubled. The walls of the "hardware" remember and not such cases. We have one young talent in the city - Ruslan, twelve years from the genus, the silver medalist of the Russian pyramid championship among juniors. So this figure is managed to win not just "dry", but also to substitute the enemy under foul. To do this, at the end of the game, a red ball is not to score into a glass, but leave between the sponges of the angular lobe. Then the enemy does not have the opportunity to be aiming to hit the last white ball. Without hitting the ball, the enemy exposes not one ball, and two, such rules in the "Bardak". Thus, three white balls appear on the table. If before that the game was "dry" and there was nothing to exhibit the enemy, then his loss increases for two balls, not to mention the fact that with the "dry result" the loss amount doubles. By the way, it was after such a "number" Ruslan and expelled from the "piece of iron." Mastery skill, but I don't want to play "in one gate". The level of the game our company is almost equal. It happens that someone is lucky, someone less, very much depends on the curaza. Most often we win with Garick. And the most sharp battles occur between me and Garick.

Igor Kovalev, whom we call among themselves Garica, the personality is very colorful and is known to almost all of the city. In school years, Igor was desperate and cruel hooligan, but after the army, as soon as the first cooperatives began to appear, he left the crime, and in legal business. Hard, energetic and incredulous, Garik confidently took a place in the business - elite of the city, created the holding of enterprises. In the game Garik looks like a predator, some tiger or jaguar, silently sneaking to the victim before the throw. In Biliard, there is a law: "Uncomfortable - not Bay." Each time the Garik is slowly looking at the "Polyana", thoroughly arranged at the table, puts his left hand on the table or side of the table in the silk glove and freezes, almost pressing the chin to Ku. The man's uninitiated in the sacraments will not be noticed, but we see that the right hand of Garik, holding the rear part of Kiya makes some clear movements in a horizontal plane, similar to the operation of the machine with software control. Robot and predator at the same time. Having hit the ball, Garik straightens and calmly looks at the balls on the table. At first glance, he does everything in the same way as the rest, but I feel the difference. In my movements more fuss, I can change the direction of impact almost at the last moment, I play more by intuition. Having hit the ball, I immediately do not raise my head from Kya, and I look at how the ball rolls in a glass, I trace his way, although I don't fix anything. When we play simply for payment of time for a party or "on trifles", the result is unpredictable, I can win, I can lose, but the game gives true pleasure. When the rates in the game make up something near my weekly earnings, I begin to test not a sports excitement, but an almost panic fear. It is completely refusing to intuition, who has recently allowed to score almost incredible balls, movements become compound and uncertain, treacherously trembling hands. It is such a state that leads to the collapse of the game - not a clogged ball remains at the very badge and Garica remains only to "pick up." Garik, on the contrary, at any bets remain calm and collected, he is important to victory in the battle, the amount rate does not distract him. On the other players, I can "press", make the wrong mistake, play it, but against the Garika all this does not work. At the same time, I can't avoid these heavy fights for me. Unlike other players, Garik is never afraid to raise rates and pays immediately, without records. I myself never play debt. Small-breeding activities not only spoils character, but also disciplines, makes it possible to get into debt bond with great caution. Even if these debts and without a "counter". That is why I need a positive balance of billiards.

Every evening, without five eleven, I leave for my old Ford-transit to close the kiosks. So now I move the long-spent route. Interesting pattern: if the evening "winning", then all traffic lights on the intersections are welcomed by green light. If, on the contrary, you have to wait at every corner.

Why am I so afraid to risk at large bets?

Lord, what am I all about this damned billiards? Does he really affect the whole of my life everyday? Crash sharply - the cat rushed under the wheels. From behind, the screeching of foreign tires is heard, the driver of the cutting cabin shows the fingers an indecent figure. The goat itself! And the cat's cat is afraid of dogs and people, and heavy iron bandura seems to her something safe. I remembered how in my childhood I saw a cat fleeing from a tin can from a tied to the tail. I then presented at the site of this cat of our Barsik, and at home he studied his tail and came to the conclusion that our cat would guessed to pull the rope loop from his tail, because the tails in cats and cats have the form of a cone.

Cat. Tail. Pantery bank. But it's about me! I am in a panic run away from the defeat and his own himself. And you just need to stop and overlook the damned rope. Do I really fool a cat?

I drove to the parking lot, already having a hard decision, how to live on. Or, at least, how to build your billiard life.

In the mornings, I open the kiosks, then I return home, I wash, wash, tightly breakfast and visiting the Son to school. From school, my way lies in the bases: beer, "snickers", cigarettes. In addition to their stalls, I ruin the goods across several other strangi kiosks and three more bars, including in the "piece of iron". Usually on the "piece" route to lunch and ends, slowly drink coffee and wait for orders for the transport of small cargo in the city, the intermediary dispatcher finds me on a mobile phone. But today I have other plans, you can wait for orders in the billiard room at a river station.

From the river station in a huge building there was only a small waiting room with a long time not working electron scoreboard and several rows of broken chairs. All the rest of the first floor space occupies a household appliances store, and on the second floor, there is a restaurant and ten billiard tables on the place of the previous spacious waiting room: four for playing pool and six twelve-foot "Russians". Passing the boxes with cigarettes and the masonry juices, I got money from Barmen and headed for the billiard table. In the summer, at the height of the tourist season is crowded here at any time of the day, now in the restaurant only one table is busy with some couple. Nine billiard tables are free, for the tenth Ruslan teaches playing a girl of fourteen - fifteen. But it is me very by the way!

Hi Ruslan. Hello, girl, - I stretch the hand to Ruslan, then I will cry on ceremoniously with the girl.
"Hello, Uncle Misha," the boy politely answers.

Ruslan looks neither older or younger than his twelve years. A boys like a boys, a whirl and thin, in a faded T-shirt and wide pants - pipes with many pockets. The girl tries to look older than it really is. It can be seen that he feels a little embarrassing in this institution, which is not better than the best in the city of reputation.

Second shift at school? CE-ME-ESA received?
- No, they did not give. There was no one in the tournament from the masters, "Ruslan replied, ignoring the question about school, - Want to play?
- With you? Without odds? - I depict a doubt in my voice in my voice, - no. Just sit, drink coffee, I'll see you from afar if you do not mind the girl. I am waiting for a call.

It can be seen that Ruslan is nice to such an appeal. It would be just suicide to play against him with a cheerleader - it shares like the God of the Turtle without the slightest pity. But the "industrial espionage" is that, for which I am here and twist today.

The waitress from the bar at the restaurant brought me coffee and juices for Ruslana and girls:

Mikhail, Ruslan, Girl, you want to eat something?

I am specifically for home unforgettable, so that in expensive institutions do not explore saliva. Ruslan confidently answers:

Yeah! Flax, I am scrambled with sausage. And you? - He turns to the girl, - here it is unmatched the scrambled eggs, I recommend.

The waitress, the girl and I rushed so that in a large and empty room, the laughter was reflected from every corner. Ruslan slowly began to blush, but could not utter anything. The girl spoke first:

Ruslanchik, I adore you! You are a real gentleman. You are just increasing.

What did I say that? - Turlan went out.

You said everything correctly, I just give the scrambled eggs to the fried eggs, "the waitress smiled," he also smiled. You - the scrambled eggs, the girl is fruit salad. Pozov.

And ice cream, please, asked the boy.

When the waitress is gone, Ruslan has flown to her as a funny face. Then he turned to me:

Uncle Misha, tell Nastke, that you can not learn to the billiards to play if you do not train on one ball!

Nastya! - I am absolutely seriously talking to the girl - you can not learn to play billiards, if you do not train on one ball. The shooter must shoot several thousand cartridges, the boxer - to hit the pear his boxer as many times, the tennis player exercises blows from a special machine. But if you do not want to win even in the pool - your business. Ruslan, show a person how this is done.

Everyone knows that Ruslana is trains wheels, the only master of sports in Russian billiards and a participant in European competitions in Snooker in our city. Maybe Ruslan will give out something to the unknown to the lacquer?

The miracle did not happen. Ruslan Kiya's tip Kiya moved the ball to the point shown on the closure of the billiard table, quickly aimed, hit. The ball pushed out of the opposite side and rolled back to the point, stopping the movement precisely before the tip-tip. Ruslan hit once again. The ball returned to the same point again.

And that's all! - said the boy, - the rest already depends on intuition and character. And so for a few hours a day.

But in the present game, the game is all different! - indignant Nastya.

Different, - I decided to support Ruslan, - just to get something else you need to be able to. Look! - I took off the ball with the shelf and put it before the Far from Ruslan by the corner husk, - Ruslan will drive it into the Luza, even here you need to beat not to the center of the ball, but at this point, - I poked my finger in the ball, but at this point You need to get a bitch through the entire table. Are you sure that you will take a ball at all?

Nastya shook her head self-critical, and Ruslan was silently aiming and hit the bit. The ball supplied by me flew into the lyuza.

But it still can not be forgotten about the "output" so that the bertot jumped into a place convenient for the next strike, "I explained Nastya," or vice versa, so that in the case of your missing the enemy there was nothing to beat.

"Before it addressed that I understood myself," remember such a saying? Cat-cat, so he is the only way to pull the damn rope from the tail. I even heard that exactly the wheels train Ruslana and probably trains himself, but lazy long and stupidly bother one point. Much more interesting and more pleasant "one person", if you have no one to play, just smash the pyramid of the balls and just to drive them into the pool at the time. As a last resort, I was enough to work with a tet of time to work out some kind of complicated blow.

Any middle-aged middle-aged man came to us in a triple suit, clearly traveling from the nearby hotel "Wave":

Do not want to play young people?

Without hiding interest, we are considering a stranger with Ruslana. The face is absolutely not familiar, in urban tournaments, all the more or less strong local players were given, and under the guise of the "travel" may well come touring rolled. This "read" is almost impossible to "read". And even if Ruslan now "raises", the client may well come in the evening and recoup on larger rates. Would you know if there are cases. However, these are not my concerns. "RECHNICT" is you not "piece of iron" with us, lovers, a whole system, industry with its technologies work here.

Learn, a cat, as a jar from the tail to bold!

In "American" or in "Moscow"? Just keep in mind, it is played here, "Ruslan warned Delvito.

Let's start with the "American". "Fools" and stand exhibit? - asked a stranger.

Here is a number! We are in the "piece of iron" such nonsense got over three years ago. There are clear rules on which they play in tournaments, any self-identity only leads to confusion and scandals. "Fools", you mean the balls randomly falling into the layer, in the "American" and "Muscovite" are not exhibited. There is a game "by order", so it is called. And in such a game you need to declare where you beat. And the stands to shoot - generally kindergarten. For errors you need to pay. Or not wrong - take care of "wagering". Again, "American", where the game does not go with one bit, gives the advantage of Ruslan, because when he has a children's growth, it is more difficult to reach if the bertok will be in the center of the twelve-foot table, even with the "sweeter", extension focus for KIA.

Not! Rules in the frame on the wall. If we play, then play!

Ruslan pulled out of his pocket and laid on the shelf near the balls the storuba bill, took off the ball from the shelf and asked:

- "Even" or "nothing"?

"Even," the man took money from the purse and also put them on the shelf.

Twelfth. You beat. During the time - with the loser, Ruslan began to promptly put balls in a triangle.

A man chose cue, she lasted the lining and hit. He illiterately hit, it is impossible to break a "bunch" in the "American". The balls fucked throughout the table, no one fell into the Luza, Ruslan remains only to pick up stands.

That I was always amazed in Ruslana, so this is the rapidness with which he always makes a decision, which balls beat. Combinations of the position of the balls on the billiard table are much more diverse than the quarrels of the card deck. Remember such an expression about a deck in the "Master and Margarita"? Ruslan manages to evaluate one rapid look of the balls of balls, as a conductor his score. Three clear impacts, and three balls rolled on metal polishes from a glass to the centers of long-sided tables. "Traveling" did not bother to remove them and put on the shelf, as any normal player would do. On the contrary, I caught a couple of times his runaways towards money. "Loha" sculpts or is there? Ruslan threw a short chain look at the enemy, leaned over the table again and hit, then, even without looking at the cloth table, bent over the scored balls and laid them on the shelf.

"Client" with a predatory expression on his face bypassed the table. Then again. And confused me. Ruslan "Relaxed", removing the cream - twelve balls left on the table, but there was not a single real stand. I figured out that he would beat himself. Perhaps the doublet in the middle. They would eat in the "piece of iron", on a decade. But on the Big Table - it is unlikely. I would have just played on the site of the opponent Ruslana. But he decided on the "throw", tried to score "someone else's" in the corner. And stood, without scoring the ball. A ball with the thirteenth number measurements at the angular lobe, albeit under an acute angle. Another ball rolled back to the middle of the table. Ruslan leaned the cue and began to attach to beat. To do this, he had to throw his knee on the table and begged everything.

TA-AK! Do not leave the floor from the floor! - almost shouted "traveling", standing at the opposite side of the table.

So you come and see. So what to talk?

In order to answer, Ruslana had to knock her breath. Honestly I say: I would have been lazy to remove the leg from the table after replica, would hit the ball. Ruslan also tears from the table, restored his breath.

Cat, cat! This is how you need to pass away from the boys who are trying to tie a rope with a jar to the tail!

Ruslan again threw his knee on the table and hit. "Sadyav" in Louze. The opponent again did not remove the scored ball, and I hardly suppressed the desire to put the ball on the shelf of Ruslan himself and speak out about this. Alas, it is impossible. In someone else's monastery, as they say ...

Schedule 4: 0. Throwing a quick look at the enemy, Ruslan did not score the next ball, but just played. And not too cynically, I would probably manage to score "someone else's" in the middle. And the opponent Ruslan managed. Ruslan immediately removed the scored ball, put on the empty regiment, got up next to Nastya and began to explain something to her. Obviously about their tactics or strategy, because the girl looked at the table and nodded. Meanwhile, the opponent scored another ball. 4: 2. Ruslan again religiously shot the ball, slid his eyes on the table and returned to Nastya.

The waitress Lena approached:

Ruslan, scrambled eggs. And salad with ice cream, "she winks Nastya.

Thank you, to fuck flax, we will soon!

"Aunt Lena", the girl of the years nineteen-twenty, did not return to the rack, but remained to watch the game.

You have a nephew you have a nephew, - broken from the game "Commandable", - on the move of the rifle.

It was so crushed, "the waitress Lena grinned and nodded to Nastya, - all in the Mother.

Realizing that he was played out, the man returned to the game. Hit. "Past cashier." And again the stand.

With a sigh "To what you want to eat," Ruslan quickly inspected the balls on the table, slowly aimed, hit. I also aimed and hit. And two more times. And not thinking to remove four scored balls, Ruslan approached the shelf, took the money and said Nastya:

Let's go eat, mommy. And then the aunt of Lena will swear.

Yes, the generation of "Pepsi" gives to break away, - addressed me "Commandable when we stayed together.

I was silent. I did not want to talk to him, on the contrary, I wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible and try to drive myself myself. It is the ball, not the balls. From the board to the point.

Or maybe you will play with me? In "Moscow" or in "Bardak"?

Cat! Yes, you, a balloker, lure suspicious into the yard. And not Wischas, but the most natural valerian. And there you will not only give you a jar to the tail, can and still create something.

Or vice versa? Once, this uncle showed himself to Loche Ruslan in just a hundred "wooden", then I decided to throw a babbit, so that the catch was removed in the evening. Then he succumb to me. And in the evening, let others play with him. In tempting, damn it. True, on the twelvethhum I have not played for a long time.

I raise my eyes on the interlocutor. You will not discern. Or Loch or a good actor. Risk?

Saved a phone call from the dispatching:

Michael? Hello. In the Stroymarket, Gazelle broke, isolated. Will you work? For unloading will be supplemented. Right now drive up?

Thanks the dispatcher, I removed the phone in my pocket and dismissed my hands with regret:

Alas, things are called.

And you do not buy dollars from me?

Such a surprise! What would this mean?

Cat, and because of you the bait do! But you already know how to untie the rope from the tail?!

If they come down at the rate, I can buy five hundred.

"Traveling" did not bargain, I removed the money and hurried to the rack pay for coffee.

Did you see everything? I asked Barmen.

Yep. This work. By the way, looks at us now. Play offered? - asked Bartender.

Offered, and in the "Bardak"! Sen?

Also me, Rus. Rode typical. Currency exchange rate, of course, preferential? And showing bucks showed?

That's it.

That freak! Could and for this course to sell! Thank you, Mich.

Thanks a lot. I would take a couple of days in the morning at the table. But that few people knew about it.

Sure, not a problem. And what did you decide to go to the rod? On tour ride?

Exactly! Joke. I want to dilute stepash big, he took me. Do not say anyone, okay?

Stepash, "Comrade" on billiards in "piece of iron", I quietly hate lyout class hatred. Stream of the year three years ago was married to the official from the city hall and now gives up to the sublease decorated for him for renting the premises of the stores. Honestly, I would not be a stepash called Alphonse, if it were not for his Honor. Maybe he has there really love for a lady older than half a year and a half, but it is impossible to talk "through the lip" with simple mortals who do not buy the same expensive rags, hours, phones and cars. It fully assumes that Stepaches thus preventively protects against possible trap in its lifestyle, but it does not become easier for it. It gives me a great pleasure to cut the steps under the nut, and not just to win. I did not do from this from this, but I don't need to know anyone about my intention to beat Garik ...

Well, a cat, victory will be behind us?

Speaking up with the bartender, I went to "go" in "Stroymarket". The dispatcher usually vows favorable orders, for this I bring them cigarettes and other sneakers at wholesale prices. Until the evening, I delivered construction materials in the city, all sorts of panels, paints and cements, terribly tired and did not have time to dine. And then drove home. "Crane" today let me rest from me.

Only in a week of intensive workouts, I began to hit the ball so that he returned to the point ten times out of ten. When I bored to bang in one point, I started writhing on the fists. For the first couple of days after the pushups, I "Kicksov", did not even get even ki away, but soon I was involved. I stopped the training only when someone from acquaintances came to the hall or if you called anything to transport. All this time in the "piece of iron" I did not appear.

When I went to the "native" billiard room, our table seemed to me tiny. Mentally, I thanked Ruslan, who dissuaded me to play in the "Ricnik". The fact is that the ten-sided table has much more cruel lubs, the gaps between the edge of the ball and the lips of the Lubus constitute a literally a couple of millimeters. On the large tables, with a greater "glade" and a lobe are free, and the balls seem less than the size. Stepasha lazily chased balls in proud loneliness. According to his face it was clear that he prepared some kind of me. Be patient, Stepasha, the people will gather - speak.

Well, Mikhail, we chase? - suggested Stepasha.

Why not? How much?

And just for a while you do not want to basically? - asked Stupa ulbles.

And what is the meaning? Anyway, now someone will come and will play for money.

Stepasha does not like to pay anything. At all. Since those times, when was "young, poor, but free." If I save everything, then the steps simply "gives" in life. Stop! But we will play on this! When Garik comes, Stepache will be easier to "roll off", yielding turns to Garica.

You're right, let's play for a while, "I suggest Stepache.

Step from joy began to arrange balls.

Even something?

Nothing Bay.

First hit for me. Your angle, without breaking a bunch - classic. Stepasha removes the ball. His own in the same Luza. What is Leshehka to regret me? And here is Igor Stepanovich Kovalev, the owner of the factory, steamboats and newspapers, he is our Garik. With the guard Roma, who also plays sometimes, but today will probably won't be if Stepasha refuses to play for money. Roma will not play if Garik decides to fight one on one.

Did not hear Hochma? - asked Garik when we were missing each other with each other, - Gastro-rolled to us grew up. At first he won several people in large, and then the wheels himself personally did not dilute him. They say, left our Varyag city naked and bare.

Cool, "said Stepasha," and how many wheels on it "raised"?

For what I still "love" Stepash, so this is for his constant desire to consider money in foreign pockets.

I do not know, "Garik replied," but they summed up our maestro to him beautifully and competently, such as Pope Ruslana, came to swear and so on.

Garica information was accurate. He did not see himself, but Ruslan told me everything in detail.

Word for the word, I scored with Stepache eight unanswered balls. Putting a cue into the corner, Stepasch with an acid mine on his face paid to the marker for the party and ordered his beer.

How do you play? - asked Garik, laying out the balls on the cloth.

As usual, - I shrug.

- Cat, you are not scary?
- Niskolatko. Even curious.
- That's it! Did you forget that the cat thugged? It is curiosity, they say.
- And me - not to thwart!

The fact that the first batch will be "expendable", neither I did not doubt the Garik. As it, of course, happened. But not quite in the usual way. With a score of 5: 7 in my favor, Garik managed to score "pants", two balls in the corners. According to the rules of "Muscovite" - consumption, when playing "Bardak", consumption is no longer possible. And it is impossible to folk specially, everyone understands everything.

Consumption? - suggested Garik, you will soon go to your labazam, and we will chase these two balls for a week.

I agree.



While Garik lays down the balls, I raise the saucer with a cup of coffee with two fingers, looking at a level in a cup. Hands do not tremble. While Garik talks on the phone, pull out the ballot of the Pulov table, I put a point, I am aim ...

- Cat, how are you?
- order! I will not run away from this stupid bank!

Domestic cats run somewhat slower homeless, for which the speed and lightningness of the reaction is a way of survival. But at home they need active movement, so even without apparent danger, the cat loves to avoid muscles, going from the room to the room. In such games, it seems to persecute imaginary prey. The average speed of the animal, regardless of the habitat, is 13.86 m / s. Even the most unprepared cat runs much faster than man thanks to a special running technique.

Maximum and average speed

In case of danger, she makes a jerk, wounds back and performs jumps that exceed the length of its own body up to 6 times. The front and rear paws work in pairs. When jerking, the beast is repelled from the surface with the rear paws, landing first on the front, then on the back pair of paws. Lightly taking care, the cat steps on the pads, but in the feline claws running outwards, which provides better grip with a surface for an effective push.

Features of the clock and cats of different breeds

Maine Coon breed cats are used to regulate the speed of their fluffy tail, at the base of which are strong muscles. A powerful tail can not boast the cat breed Bobtail, in which this limb is practically absent. High speed they develop due to their high and strong hind legs. This kind is considered one of the most energetic cat breeds, Bobtail needs long-term active games and requires no less active lifestyle.

The leader in speed indicators among domestic cats is the breed of Egyptian Mau. At the base of the rear paws, they have folds of skin in the form of small bags. The resulting step of the step allows the cat when running to have a particularly wide amplitude of the movement and, therefore, to run the faster of their relatives from other breeds.

Cat - Victim, Cat - Hunter

As cats do not occupy a dominant position in the food chain, in the wild conditions they often turn out to be the victim and from how quickly it will be easy to run, its life depends. In his own hunt, this small predator usually focuses on suddenness of the attack and dexterity of the paw, and not at speed. After pre-hated and accurately, having accurately calculating your rushing cast, the cat is capable of catching a mouse or a bird even on the fly.

Speed \u200b\u200b- advantage, but not exit

However, with all its sprint qualities, that allow the cat to develop speed up to 50 km / h, the cat's heart is not able to withstand a long load. After the tightened jogging of high speed, the cat is forced to stop to bring the temperature of his body and breathing. Therefore, when the persecution turns out to be too long, the animal will have to surrender. Crumpled Files of dogs Cat is doomed to death, if he has nowhere to hide.

In urban environments where the right tree does not always have, to which you can climb and avoid danger, these animals are dying more often than in rural conditions.

Bad sign, to a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profits.

Caress cat - distrust, doubt.

The cat goes to meet you, moves the road - to a meeting with the enemy, a non-exclusive person.

A causing cat is unfortunately in the house of the owner of the cat.

The cat hysterically meows - a request for help that is difficult to perform.

I hear the fastener meowing - get hypocritical assurances in love.

Hear the meowing of the cat, not seeing it - to deception.

Bitting you or scratched a cat - slander or the offense of her owners on you.

Bitting someone or scratched a cat - to light ailment, your insult on this person.

Catch the cat - open gossip.

Feline games - to troubles in personal life, identifying enemies.

Fucking cat - to experiences.

Play with a cat in a dream - to infidelity.

Black cat - to evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat - to the disappearance of a person unpleasant to you.

A removeable cat see - your lifestyle will lead to poor consequences.

Harm, cat pain cause - to have an unclean conscience.

The cat dreamed of a man - some girl "hunts".

The cat dreamed of a woman - to the appearance of a strong rival.

Mouse cat catches - to great profits, wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the son of the XXI century

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