How to understand the attitude of a husband towards himself. Long period of courtship. How to understand a man's intentions

Have you met the man of your dreams and are already thinking about the style of your wedding dress, choosing a name for your first child? Are you sure that a man wants a serious relationship? Of course, you can ask the guy directly, but not the fact that you will hear the truth from his lips. And, besides, such a question can seriously scare a young man, destroying all your previous efforts.

Tired of guessing, discard all illusions and carefully look at the behavior of your chosen one. If a man really wants a serious relationship, you will probably notice several of the 10 signs below.

1. He often looks into your eyes.

Men love with their eyes - and this is not just folk wisdom, but a fact proven by scientists. When a man is in love, he literally cannot take his eyes off the object of his passion. If you notice that your new acquaintance is furtively looking at you and does not look away for an indecently long time, be sure that he hopes for a continuation and wants to read the response in your eyes.

2. He wants to know as much as he can about you.

As a rule, during an acquaintance, people manage with a dozen on-duty phrases and a couple of unobtrusive topics. But if a man intends to transfer your acquaintance into the category of a serious relationship, he will learn as much information about you as possible. In addition, you will feel that the interest on his part is extremely sincere. After a while, you will notice that a man remembers absolutely everything that you once told him about yourself.

3. He wants to touch you.

And although tactile communication is not only between lovers, if a man is interested in you as a woman, he will try to reduce existing boundaries as quickly as possible by inadvertently touching you. Shaking hands, adjusting a curl, or supporting your elbow while you descend the stairs may seem harmless at first glance, but actually says that you are pleasant to a person in a physical way.

4. He introduces you to friends.

Men love to brag to their friends. Moreover, they show off not only new cars, sports devices or any other things dear to them, but also girls with whom they intend to build a serious relationship. No matter what stage your romance is at, if a man insists on introducing you to his company, he sees you as his life partner. First, consciously or not, he wants his comrades to envy him. And, secondly, he hopes that you will accept and approve of his friends.

5. He introduces you to his family.

Even if the previous paragraphs passed by your relationship, but your chosen one invites you to have dinner with his parents, you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions. The desire to introduce a girl to her parents or family never arises spontaneously. Most likely, the man thought about his decision well and hopes that soon you will also become a member of his family.

6. He doesn't need a reason to contact you.

Often girls amuse themselves with vain illusions, hoping that a man does not call because of his excessive modesty and delicacy. In fact, a man who is truly in love will terrorize you with calls and texts to make sure that you are okay and that you are not spending time in the company of another.

7. He becomes jealous.

A harmless mention of the name of your colleague or a telephone conversation with an old acquaintance will cause a real fit of jealousy in a man hoping for a serious relationship. And even if your chosen one is wise enough not to make a scene, you will feel his interest in the people of the opposite sex around you. At first, a man will gently ask you about your circle of friends, trying to find out if you have more than friendly feelings for someone.

8. He easily compromises.

A man in love will try his best to please you. He will easily refuse to go to a concert of his favorite band after learning about your poor health, instead bringing cold medicine and a fruit basket to your house. He will forgo his Saturday nap until lunchtime to take your cat to the vet and fix all the electrical outlets in your house instead of watching his favorite movie. In a word, men in love turn into real altruists, doing everything possible to win the object of their passion.

9. He can't be mad at you.

We do not always do the right thing, we can forget the promise, inadvertently hurting the feelings of a loved one. However, if a man is truly in love, regardless of the severity of the "sin", he will not be able to be angry with you. And even if you yourself will be ashamed of your act, the man will justify you, because you are the ideal of his dream.

10. He confesses his love to you and you believe him.

It seems that the phrase "I love you" is not always built on sincerity, however, most men, confessing their feelings, really experience them. A man who sees his soul mate in you will not waste words. He will utter such a coveted phrase only when you are ready for it. When your relationship ceases to be a non-committal romance, he will not waste time in vain and will reveal his cards to you.

These signs are not an axiom, but, as a rule, lovers think and act the same way. Therefore, if his intentions are really serious, sooner or later he himself will show them.


A man in love shows his emotions violently. Even talking about his girlfriend or mentioning her in the process of conversation, he changes - his eyes burn, he becomes more emotional and worried. If a woman evokes only friendly feelings in him, then a man remains calm and even indifferent. Speaking of his own, he looks pleased and looks forward to meeting, but these emotions are limited only to sexual arousal.

Expression of sexual desire. If there is a friendly relationship between a man and a woman, then they do not have sexual overtones. A man who perceives his partner only as will speak directly and openly about this, because his goal is only intimate relationships. Loving couples who are interested in a long-term romance with serious consequences in the form of marriage and the birth of children will talk about sex with interest, but with hints and leading questions.

Meeting relatives and friends. At the stages of a relationship, a man hides his girlfriend from close people, since he himself is not yet sure of his feelings. He is unlikely to introduce his mistress to his parents, although he may invite friends to the company to show off. The man begins to lead the applicant for the place of the future wife through friends and acquaintances, brothers and sisters, and, in the end, introduces them to his parents - his feelings are already quite definite and stable.

A man stops communicating with other women. Showing increased interest in his chosen one, reduces the number of contacts with other women to a minimum. Even friends of the opposite sex begin to experience a lack of communication with him, as he is completely absorbed in his beloved.

The attitude of a man to his promises. A man does not call back, he may be late for a meeting or miss it altogether in only one case - he is not interested in relationships or is completely indifferent. The gentleman, burned with passion, will be persistent and initiative, having serious intentions - soft, adamant and self-confident. When planning a date, the fan will adapt to the schedule of his girlfriend, be flexible and take into account her wishes.

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The woman met a man whom she clearly liked. And apparently, she also made an impression on him, but the question immediately arises: how serious? How in general can a woman immediately, literally at the first meeting, understand whether she is interested in a man, whether he is determined to continue communication?


Remember that the vast majority of men are not only much less emotional than women, but also not as talkative. Therefore, even if you really liked it, you should not immediately expect lush compliments from him (with extremely rare exceptions). Even if he embarrassedly and uncertainly tells you the most banal compliment, this is already very good.

Some women, wanting to please a man, instinctively try to emphasize the dignity of their appearance, figure, luxuriance of hair, etc. Men Traditionally, their appearance is much less attention, but such behavior is not alien to them! Therefore, if your date smoothes his hair, adjusts his tie knot, pulls his cuffs, etc. - this is an indicator that he wants to look his best when communicating with you. And if you were indifferent to him, would he do this?

Be attentive to facial expressions. The behavior of a man largely depends on his upbringing, habits, temperament. But even a reserved, naturally shy man will try to make it clear

It is important for every woman how the person to whom she has some feelings treats her. We want to see in a guy not just a boyfriend for a couple of months, but a potential life partner. In turn, men clearly divide us into ordinary lovers and future wives. To complicate matters, they often treat the woman the same way on both occasions. So how do you know what's on his mind? What are his intentions? Is he planning a serious relationship or are you nothing more than a friend to him? We will tell you how to determine his attitude.

The riddle of male emotions

  • Stormy emotions. If a man has fallen in love, he expresses his emotions more vividly than usual. For example, if you are only his girlfriend, he will often mention you in a conversation with other people, his eyes will burn, you will notice that he seems to be worried about something. Moreover, if you evoke exclusively friendly feelings in him, he will be absolutely calm and a little indifferent. If he treats you like his mistress, then he will look pleased and impatient, he will wait for meetings that bring him only sexual arousal.
  • Sexual attraction. Having only friendly relations with a man, you will not see any sexual overtones. When he perceives his partner as a lover, he is unlikely to hide it. Most likely, a man will talk about it absolutely openly, he will not be afraid to lose his mistress, because they communicate only for the purpose of obtaining intimate pleasure. When a man loves, he is interested in marriage and the birth of children, so he has to talk about sex in hints or leading questions.

How to understand a guy's attitude: love

  • He notices all the changes in your mood, he makes you constantly smile, and is afraid to upset you. Your beloved is often interested in how your mood is? Then, most likely, he is in love with you.
  • In addition to mood, he notices changes in your image, hairstyle, etc. He will always understand what kind of dress you are wearing - new or you wore it last time.
  • A guy in love doesn't want to talk about himself all the time. He is interested to know how you live, how your day went, what you did and what plans you have for the future.
  • He misses. It seems that you saw each other quite recently, but did he miss you? This is a clear sign of love. He just wants to see you again, hear your voice and laughter.
  • If you have conquered a man, then you do not have to call first or wait a long time for his call. He will call for any reason he can find. Or maybe for no reason, which is even more pleasant.
  • Do you notice that he often tries to touch you? It means that he is betrayed by human psychology, he likes to touch the object of his love.
  • A guy who thinks you are beautiful will always look you in the eye during a conversation. At the same time, pay attention to his pupils. They will be a little wider, thanks to the excited body.

How to know his attitude: friendship

We have already said that if a man has friendly relations with you and no more, then you will not see any sexual overtones in the relationship, and he will behave very balanced and calm. Besides:

  • He will be too frank with you. After all, you are his girlfriend.
  • He will not pay attention to your appearance. You are the same for him, in a dressing gown, in a cocktail dress.
  • A friend can easily ask you about relationships with other guys. He will not be angry and annoyed if you get yourself a boyfriend.
  • Instead of taking you to the movies, he will offer you to sit somewhere and just have a beer. Friends do just that.

Now you know how to understand his attitude towards yourself, be more vigilant, pay attention, and you will understand everything yourself.

Communicating with a man she likes, a woman often doubts, not understanding the true attitude of a man towards her. So how to understand the attitude of a man towards a woman, what is behind some external manifestations, and how to get to the bottom of the true motives and reasons that lead a man through life?

Relations between the sexes are the most important part of our life, and therefore it would be interesting for any woman to understand this issue. A man is a much simpler creature than a woman, so you can take it apart “on the shelves” (but this will not work with a woman). Therefore, let's list those factors that reveal the true attitude of a man.

1. A man is known in action

If you want to understand how a man treats you, and at the same time doubt what he feels, then most likely he does not feel anything. Harsh, but mostly fair. Why am I so categorical?

Because a man is known in his actions, in his deeds, first of all. How to understand the relationship of a man to a woman? It's very simple: a man who feels something for a woman does something for her! Takes care of her, gives gifts, tries, and takes steps. If all this is not there, then the man is most likely indifferent to you.

Of course, one can assume such a situation that a man is so embarrassed that he is afraid to breathe in your direction at all, and therefore does not do anything, but such cases are very rare, and the attitude of such a man, and his location is probably not very valuable - why do you need such a man who is not even able to overcome himself and take a step towards you? Yes, it is not always easy for a man, but any man is just known in overcoming himself.

So, in order to understand the attitude of a man towards himself, follow, as they say, your hands. A man does things to you, and you see if he does what you like, if he tries, if he asks about your desires, and so on. Is he attentive to details? All of this will give you a lot of clues about a man's attitude.

2. Long period of courtship

The second important criterion when checking a man for the seriousness of intentions, feelings and a serious attitude towards a woman is time. Yes, it is time that men are tested.

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That is, in the short term, almost anyone can show themselves as a “hero”, care, give gifts, and put themselves in the best light. But a month passes, the second .. and only a few men who are really interested in you and have serious feelings towards you will be able to maintain the set pace.

Therefore, it is best for a woman not to drive ahead of the locomotive, and not to strive to give herself completely to a man in the very first days - after all, it is quite possible that this is just a screen behind which he hides his true face and true attitude towards you. Time will pass, and everything will begin to open up. A man will make mistakes, misses, and open himself up to you.

And if you see that a real person, and not an invented ceremonial mask, has feelings for you, emotions and a desire to be with you - well, then this man is really serious.

3. Words in your direction

Although I added this item to the list of those things on the basis of which a woman can understand the attitude of a man towards herself, but in fact, you need to be very careful with words. Why? Because it is better for a woman not to listen to a man at all at the initial stage, take care! A man can weave anything: promise mountains of gold, say that he will make a fairy tale out of a woman’s life, and tell amazing stories that will enchant her - but words are just words.

The most important thing, returning to the first point, is not what a man says, but what he does. And it is precisely on the actions of a woman that you need to pay the closest attention, it is they who will give the right picture. And in words - all the heroes and well done, and many can pour molasses into their ears.

And woe to those women who are led by the stories and chatter of men who have a serious passion for a woman - a woman, having heard enough fairy tales, will eventually receive much less and will suffer.

On the other hand, of course, words are a great indicator of what a man feels for you, and what kind of attitude he has towards a woman. If a man gives you beautiful compliments, emphasizes your beauty and grace, notes your dignity - these are all the good qualities of a man. A woman loves with her ears, and this will allow him to score extra points from you. But, I repeat - be very careful with words! They can fool you!

4. Lack of active communication with other women

Another indirect factor that speaks about the attitude of a man towards a woman, by which you can understand what a man thinks and feels for you, is that he stops caring for other women and does not seek to actively communicate with them.

If you see serious changes in a man’s social circle, that he rejects those women with whom he used to spend a lot of time, and seeks to communicate only with you, this is also a call in favor of the fact that the man has a crush on you.

Of course, there are loving subjects who can continue to communicate with a huge number of women, but at the same time burn with passion for you - but this is an exception, and not the most successful one. Usually such men, as they were womanizers, remain so, even if any lady can win their heart. Therefore, whether it is worth entering into a relationship with such men is a big question if you want something serious.

5. How much time does a man spend with you

A very serious factor is the amount of time that a man wants to spend with you. If you regularly stumble upon him in various institutions, places, general social circles, and so on, you should think about it. Does this happen by chance, or is the man purposefully looking for intersections with you?

A man who loves can hardly bear the separation from the woman he likes. He will suffer in the distance from you, and with all his might strive to be with you more and more.

6. Active interest in communication

And the last point that I would like to mention is the man's interest in your hobbies, activities, and so on. If you are talking with a man, and you see that he is really passionate about the conversation, he likes your stories, your emotions, and what you are talking about, and he contributes by talking about his hobbies and experiences, then most likely this man is in interested in you, and not just as a friend.

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very desirable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

If you actively communicate, then you will also be able to notice various unusual looks in your direction, a man will look at you, look at your beauty, and will not be able to hide his admiration for you. Even if it is in words, then in the eyes it will all be read without fail. Men can hardly hide their feelings if the object of adoration is at close range.


Remember - the most important thing for any woman to look at is what a man does. By his actions you will recognize him - and it is desirable that these actions be performed for a long period of time. The actions of a man will tell you a lot.

If you want to be with your beloved man, you need to figure out if you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out the exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below.

Have you met the ideal candidate for a husband or are you already married, but you still can’t understand what attitude he has towards you? For those who were not born telepathic, our today's article will help. It is devoted to the topic of how to understand what a man thinks about a girl, what he wants from her, how serious his intentions are and how far he is ready to go. You will learn to understand male psychology, correctly analyze the behavior of the opposite sex and correctly act on this basis.

If a guy really likes a girl, then he will do anything to achieve her location. He will show the following signs of attention:

  • assistance at any time of the day, regardless of the complexity;
  • unexpected surprises and gifts;
  • care (holds the door, helps to take off or put on outerwear);
  • constant compliments.

It is important to follow the attitude of the guy to other girls. It is possible that his behavior is not caused by romantic feelings, but by good manners and courtesy.

A man in love will be bewildered as soon as he sees you, but at the same time he will rush to fulfill your every whim. Too often, his behavior is laced with defiant courage, bordering on insanity, just to impress you. He will compose a beautiful song for you and write poetry, and also talk about his childhood fears. He will want to look wealthy and worthy of you, so he will devote himself to increasing material wealth.

Especially a lot of information carries the look of a guy, which you must definitely pay attention to. A man will admire your appearance, look at your lips while you say something. And if you suddenly meet eyes, he will smile awkwardly and take them aside. To confirm your suspicions, read in more detail about which. You will learn how long contact should be, pupil size, etc.

If a man likes you, then he will unconsciously repeat most of your movements. He will also accidentally touch you, try to hug you more often, take your hand in front of strangers. He will want to look more solid in your eyes, so he will constantly straighten his clothes and straighten his shoulders.

Watch this video if you want to make sure whether a man loves you or not, the girl gives a lot of banal advice, but there is also a lot of useful information:

How to tell if a man is hiding his feelings

All men are different, but there are a few common signs by which you can easily figure out the hidden feelings of a guy. Pay attention to:
  • a sharp change in the mood of a guy (especially when you appear in his field of vision);
  • feigned indifference;
  • jealousy;
  • attention to other girls to make you jealous in return.

An article about . We told how to do it according to behavior, words, horoscope. Also, earlier, we analyzed why guys hide their feelings, found out what the main signs are and tried to figure out how to do it in this case. Our tips will help you understand what.

How to understand the intentions of the boyfriend

You shouldn't count on a man's long-term affection if he offers to go to his house on the first or second date, or immediately talks about how bitches all his exes were. Also, you do not need to insist on a relationship if the meetings are private and the chosen one avoids you in public.

The seriousness of intentions can be judged by several factors:

  • other women will seem uninteresting and not so pretty to a guy;
  • a man will not cause jealousy in a woman dear to his heart;
  • he is in a hurry to introduce you to his family and cannot wait for you to make a return gesture;
  • often starts talking about the future, is interested in your opinion about children;
  • he will never be rude to you, and even more so he will not insult you in the circle of his friends in order to seem more self-sufficient.

But the most important thing here is that a man will want to spend time with you, constantly look for meetings, be interested in what is happening in your life, talk about himself. All this will allow. In this article you will find 10 obvious signs of sympathy, tips on how to determine it by correspondence, behavior, speech.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You will receive a 12-step step-by-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Quiz: Does a guy think about you from a distance?

If you answer our questions, you can understand how a young man feels when he is away from you.

1. How often does he write to you?

BUT) Constantly, even for nothing

B) Rarely, he allows himself to disappear for several days without explanation.

2. What happens when you accidentally don't answer his call?

BUT) He continues to call anyway, and then gets angry when you explain to him the reason

B) He is interested in the cause sluggishly, without a special mood, or does not speak on this topic at all.

3. How do his friends treat you?

BUT) Thanks to his stories, they know everything about his chosen one - what she likes for breakfast, what is her favorite color and when is her birthday.

B) They don't even know you exist.

4. Before making an important decision, he…

BUT) Definitely interested in your opinion

B) He consults with anyone, but not with you (or even makes a decision on his own).

5. How often does he call you?

BUT) At any convenient moment, because he misses his voice

B) He may not call for weeks, justifying himself with deeds.

6. Does he write to you first?

BUT) Yes, of course, every day he writes “Good morning” first, and in the evening he wishes good night

B) Not always, sometimes he doesn't seem to care at all.

7. Does he call on skype, viber and other applications to see your face?

BUT) Yes, and quite spontaneously, remembering a trip together or making compliments

B) Calls only when there is a reason.

If the majority of answers are A, then you just have to congratulate you, because your man is really in love and cannot live a day without you.

If more answers - B, then it is worth reconsidering relations with such a person, it is unlikely that you are so significant to him.

Finding out if he needs you

A man needs you if he:

  • really listens to you and constantly asks for your advice;
  • makes you the most unusual gifts, based on your tastes and preferences, because he knows them best of all;
  • ready for you for everything possible and impossible;
  • supports his soul mate;
  • cares about you.

There is a more detailed article on our website on how to understand. You will be able to determine if he is only interested in sex, if he really loves you or is it just flirting.

The opinion of men is much more interesting, in this video the head of the Happy Life School shares his vision of the situation:

These are signs of true sympathy and love, trust and devotion, sincerity. A truly interested young man in a relationship will experience feelings even at a distance, think about his beloved, and he is unlikely to hide them.