How to spend the birthday of an 8 years old girl. Scenario for celebrating Nikita's birthday (8 years old) in the style of "Angry Birds

Firstly, it is not always possible to celebrate the birthday of an 8-year-old child with the help of the usual customs and rituals: "Loaf-loaf" and the traditional round dance.

Secondly, eight-year-old children consider themselves to be independent enough and adults not only to take the most active part in the games and contests of their birthday, but also to participate in the preparation and organization of the holiday themselves.

Practice shows that starting from the age of eight, children, celebrating their personal holiday, prefer "same-sex" birthdays. The birthday boy invites only male friends to his birthday, and the birthday girl invites only her girlfriends to the celebration. Experienced parents advise in such cases to invite no more than ten people of the same sex to the holiday.

If there are more children, then it is better that children of both sexes are present, thus the forces are balanced, and adults do not have to constantly calm down the raging boys and distract girls from playing with dolls.

The number of children invited to the holiday plays a role not only in terms of preparing holiday props, calculating the number of food and gifts for participating in the competition, but also in terms of the number of adults who will be organizers of the holiday. So, if more than five people are present at your child's birthday party, then there should be two organizers. If there are more than eight people, then three. At the same time, it is advisable that one of the parents of the birthday boy takes on the main role, so the guests will know who they need to contact in case they suddenly need the help of an adult.

Where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 8 years old?

You can celebrate the birthday of an eight-year-old child in different places. Outdoors, in a water park, at home, in an entertainment center or in a children's cafe. If your child loves sweets, then opt for the ice cream parlor option.

If he is a lover of active games and entertainment, feel free to go to the water park, game center or amusement park. And you can remember all those promises that you made to the birthday man before his birthday (going to the zoo, sewing doll dresses, gluing sailboats), and fulfill them on his personal holiday.

It is also necessary to celebrate the child's birthday at school, because relationships with classmates are of particular importance for him now. Let him impress them. Remember the tradition when the hero of the occasion treats everyone on his birthday with sweets, cakes and tea. You should remind the class teacher of your child about the upcoming celebration, so that the birthday boy will certainly not be left without proper attention on his birthday.

The first thing that you must remember before starting to prepare a holiday for your child is that at this age children are very sensitive, careful and reverent to their person and, among other things, always and in everything they compete with their friends. Therefore, parents can often hear phrases such as: “I don’t want the same birthday as Masha's” and “My birthday should be different from Grisha’s holiday”.

Try to make your child's birthday as unique as possible. The birthday person should not only know, but also feel that this is precisely his holiday, his day.

The solemn event itself should not exceed three to four hours in duration. This time is quite enough for the holiday. The most suitable time of day is the afternoon. The first fifteen to twenty minutes should be devoted to meeting guests and presenting gifts to the birthday boy. The first two hours of the holiday should be devoted to active games, and the second to more creative activities.

Warn the children in advance that each of them should prepare some kind of homework - a number for the birthday boy: a poem, dance, song, scene, drawing, and the like. You can invite animators to your birthday, you can do it yourself.

Eight-year-olds love theatrical performance, so either a group of animators or you yourself can show the children a play by staging a little-known or invented fairy tale. Or put on a real circus performance for children with clown, juggling and magic tricks.

After the performance, invite the children to the table, the main decoration of which, as always, will be a cake. The birthday boy will make a wish, blow out the candles, and listen to warm congratulations. After the festive feast, invite the hero of the occasion and his friends to participate in a quiz with riddles and comic prizes for correct answers. After resting, the guys will be able to start more active games again. At the end of the holiday, the birthday person should accompany the guests with you and thank them for the gifts.

Birthday games for 8 years old

Game "Dreamers"

You, as a leader, say the phrase: "Once on a black-black night in a dark-dark forest ...". Children should take the initiative and jointly come up with a continuation of this fairy tale. From time to time, you again take the initiative into your own hands, tweak the plot, lead it in the right direction. The guys can not only tell what the characters of the fairy tale are doing, but also show the actions of a certain character: he walks, jumps, runs, and the like.

Game "Guess"

Prepare cards in advance with images that are familiar to children: objects, animals, plants. Place the children at the same table or just in a circle on the floor. One of the guys needs to come up to you and draw out any card. Without showing other participants in the game what is depicted on it, he must silently, with some gestures, try to depict what is drawn on the card. The rest of the players must give the correct answer. Then the second participant comes out, and so on - in a circle, until all the guys take part in the game.

Game "Fanta"

Have the children sit in a circle. Anyone who wishes to be there will sit in the center of the circle. Prepare a bag with "phantoms", on which certain tasks will already be written, so that when pulling them out, children do not rack their brains over what exactly to come up with. The child who took out the "fant" reads the task to the one who is in the center of the circle. All children who wish to do this must take part in this game. This is a very simple, but no less exciting competition. Give the children pens and checkered leaves. Explain the task: the children need to draw many crosses in one minute. The winner is the one who drew the most crosses. Invite two or three boys to participate in this competition. Have three girls sit with their backs to them on chairs. There should be kerchiefs on the backs of the chairs. The boys' task is to tie a kerchief to "their" girl with musical accompaniment not only faster than the rest of the participants, but also better. Prepare some not too complicated tongue twisters in advance. Select those willing to participate in the competition. Their task: to speak without mistakes and quickly as many tongue twisters as possible. The winner will be the participant who coped with the task better than others.

What to give a child for his birthday at 8 years old

When choosing a gift for your son, remember that boys of this age are distinguished by the development of independence and responsibility, so their games become more complex and varied. As a presentation, you can focus on the Lego set: Star Wars, a police station, a pirate ship or a police station; on new sports equipment: soccer or basketball, rollerblades, skateboard, boomerang, table hockey or mini golf.

Games for game consoles and consoles, computer games will be an excellent gift. No less attractive for boys are bakugan toys, a music player with headphones, and a new cell phone. Kits for creativity: a pocket microscope and an electronic construction set will be appreciated by all boys, without exception.

Girls of eight years of age are distinguished by the fact that if earlier, studying in the first grade, they had not yet thought about their external attractiveness, now for some of them the issues of beauty and fashion are becoming relevant. But a girl of eight is still a child who believes in fairy tales and is waiting for miracles on her birthday. Therefore, gift options for your eight-year-old daughter should be distinguished by sophistication and originality. For example, you can give her a music box, a beautiful silver medallion with a secret inside, jewelry boxes or a miniature tea set.

Maria Vyalykh

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Holiday preparation

1. Only girls are invited to the party.

2. Every girl who comes is announced that she has entered the "School of Young Witches". She is immediately given a cap and a magic wand (caps can be bought at the store for the holidays, you can make yourself; magic wands can be bright plastic skewers for fruit).

3. The kitchen should have prepared opaque jars with chopped ingredients for salad "Olivier", each signed:

Sausage - pigtails;

Cucumbers - toad legs;

Potatoes are the root of immortality, etc.


Leading... In order to become real witches, you need to prepare a special potion and eat it under a magic spell. But the recipe for this drug is hidden somewhere. And to find it, you need a map. Therefore, first we need to find a map that will lead us to the recipe. But where to look for a map? To get a hint, you need to solve a crossword puzzle (guess the riddle).

The map was found inside a red balloon. Finally, the card is in hand! Then the girls began to read the plan and carry it out. The map is drawn up according to the principle: two steps to the left, three steps forward, sit down, turn around, etc. At the final point of the plan, a recipe for a magic potion was found. The girls and the presenter go to the kitchen to cook.

Children(they read the recipe in chorus, and one mixes everything in a large bowl). Take 100 g of pigtails, add 100 g of toad legs, 100 g of finely chopped root of immortality ... At the end of the recipe, a note: "The drug must be eaten with fly agaric."

Girls(whispering). Where do we get fly agarics? And in general they are poisonous, they cannot be eaten.

Leading... I suggest making edible fly agarics. I have boiled eggs and tomato halves prepared. What should be done?

Girls(realizing quickly). You need to do this: an egg - a leg, a tomato - a hat, apply mayonnaise spots on top with toothpicks.

This is how the children will prepare a salad and appetizer while playing! Still, future hostesses!

Everyone sits down at the table for a small snack - you need to eat a potion and cast a spell in order to become witches.

On the table are salads - a medicine of kindness, a sauce of evil, a magic drink of a dream.

For hot "Snake": can be made from ordinary minced chicken by preparing a cutlet mass (add onions, a little grated raw potatoes to add thickness). Form a sausage for the body, put boiled quail eggs inside it, form the head, bend the snake's body a little, make notches on the surface with scissors, when baked, they rise slightly and become like scales. Bake everything in the oven.

1. Game "What's your name?"

Come up with magic names, different spells - according to your name.

2. The game "Hot - cold".

One by one the girls leave the room, the presenter hides a chocolate egg with a surprise "Girlfriend" (especially for girls). All together shout: "Hot - cold" when the girl comes in looking for a toy. Whoever finds it faster - that one has more magic power.

3. Game "Nonsense".

In front of each participant is a piece of paper. The moderator asks questions that must be answered: who, when, where, what did he do, what he saw, what he said? in this case, the upper edge of the sheet is wrapped so that it is impossible to read what is written). In turn, you yourself receive a leaflet from your neighbor on the right. When the sheets go around everyone in a circle, the presenter collects them and reads the result aloud. Sometimes it’s really nonsense, and sometimes it’s just hilarious.

4. "Magic rope".

Prepare some fun souvenirs in advance. Hang them on a string with sturdy string at different heights. Each participant in the game is blindfolded in turn, given a pair of scissors, carefully untwisted, after which, with the help of the tips of other children, the player must cut off a gift for himself. Children can not be given scissors - let them catch souvenirs with their hands.

5. Game "Bilbock".

Take a lace 40 cm long. Glue one end with adhesive tape to a table tennis ball (you can take a container from the "kinder surprise"), and the other end to the bottom of a plastic cup (you can tie it to the handle of a plastic mug). Bilbock is ready.

You need to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One prize is awarded for this. Catch the ball in turn until you miss. The one who misses passes the bilbock to the next player.

6. Karaoke "Music Competition".

At the end of the celebration, serve a birthday cake with candles for tea.

A children's party for a boy, designed in a nautical or pirate style, is the safest option. Boy's birthday script "Brave Captain"is designed for children 8-10 years old, and therefore has an educational and entertaining character. To enhance the impressions of the birthday man and his guests for the program, you should take care of the" sea "props, prizes and elements of costumes for everyone.

"Sea Disco".

John Silver: Well, the last mark remains ( install it somewhere in the british isles), it will be a serious test, and therefore I propose to make a stop for rest. We will arrange a small marine disco on our deck.

Songs on sea and water themes are played: “A boat rushes through the water area”, “Song of Kapitoshka”, “Song of the Water One”, “Chunga-Chang”, “Apple” and others - animators dance with children and sing the well-known lines in chorus. The disco ends with the song "There lived a brave captain", which is played up by honoring the birthday man: he is put in the center, and they themselves circle around him, clap and make funny "faces"

To enhance the effect of "sea adventures", at this moment, you can offer children to do war paint or a sea tattoo, of course, temporary. To do this, invite a face painting or body painting master to a children's party.

6. Competition for ingenuity.

John Silver: Whistle all aboard! Now you have to go through the most difficult task! Those-oh-re-ty-chesh-something! This means that I will ask you questions about everything marine, and you will answer me correctly! There are a lot of questions, and you must have at least 13 doubloons so that we can remove the mark from the map! (if the children do not cope, you can be allowed to take the help of the audience, i.e. parents no more than three times)

1. What seas are named "colored"? (Black, White, Red, Yellow, Marble)

2. What positions of seafarers do you know? (Cock, lookout, boatswain, midshipman, cabin boy)

3. What is the name of a hurricane at sea? (Storm)

4. What tool do pirates use to find treasure? (Shovel)

5. What is the pirates' favorite drink! (Rum)

6. What is the worst river? (Tiger)

7. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, the ostrich cannot speak)

8. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

9. What will happen to the ball if it falls into the Red Sea? (The ball gets wet)

10. Which hand is the best for stirring tea? (It is better to stir tea with a spoon)

11. What tree does a seagull sit on during a storm? (There are no trees in the sea or ocean)

12. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

13. When the car is driving, which wheel does it not spin? (Spare)

14. Why do we eat? (At the table)

15. Which month of the year is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)

John Silver: Well, well, how many doubloons have you accumulated here? Well, then, we are looking at the last, fifth, mark. It says ... maybe you can guess it yourself? (there is the letter "A") Come on, birthday boy, try to add a word from the letters you've already received! It means the thing that you dreamed of! (since in the hands of children almost all the letters - Y, F, O, N - it is not difficult to guess which word is encrypted). That's right, jellyfish in my nose! This is the most real iPhone! (there is a ceremonial presentation, which both Pugh and Jack can endure, as well as the parents themselves; it is quite possible at this moment to turn on the fanfare recording).

Sailors Jack and Pugh (together): Hooray! This is the end of our amazing journey! You guys have coped with the tasks with honor, so everyone will receive gifts today! (Of course, gifts for guests will not be as expensive as for a birthday boy, but they will also be very pleasant. Give the children chocolate sets decorated in a nautical style, cell covers with the same theme, office supplies with images of ships and sailors, etc.)

John Silver: Sadly, the sea is calling us! We must leave, because tomorrow is the birthday of the boy Rodrigo, who lives in Australia, and we need to have time to get to this blessed continent! Good luck, rookies, I beg your pardon, no longer rookies, but experienced sailors! We hope you will not forget our sea adventure!

Of course, the game program must end with a treat. The table can also be served in a nautical style by purchasing disposable tableware with pirate pictures. If possible, order a cake or cakes in the form of ships in the pastry shop. A good end to the festive evening will be watching the cartoon "Treasure Island".

A note on the Brave Captain scenario:

It is necessary to get a wall geographic map in advance. On it we mark the route of the Otvazhny ship with stops at different ports (see below in the text). We make the port labels so that you can peel them off and see what is written on the back. And there will be written the letters included in the word "IPHONE" (or any other, denoting a prepared gift). Glue the letters randomly.

We are also constructing a model of the ship: we designate the contours of the stern with chairs so that you can sit. The bow of the ship can be made of plywood or thick cardboard. Install the steering wheel. On the chairs, you can hang a couple of mock-ups depicting portholes. We also hang up a lifebuoy, as well as a sign with the name "Brave". In the middle we install a mast made of a round bar, on which we attach a "sail" - any suitable fabric. You can also hang a small bell to beat off the "flasks". The improvised ship should be a surprise for the birthday boy and his little guests!

Inside the ship we hang up the signs "cabin", "galley", "porthole", "boat", "gangway", "hold", "steering wheel", "Mars platform". We put a couple of children's marine encyclopedias or reference books on the chairs.

Also prepare a captain's costume for the birthday man, and for his guests marine accessories: peakless caps, vests, pistols and sabers on belts, cocked hats, eye patches, etc.

You will need 20 pieces of chocolate coins, ten candles, a pair of water pistols, a homemade telescope made of cardboard and colored paper, flippers, caps, binoculars and pictures (20 pcs.), Which depict some of the following items related to the marine theme: ship, fish , anchors, palm trees, binoculars, steering wheel, etc.

Hello to all creative and not lazy parents! I offer you a simple idea - the birthday of a child in the style of "Angry Birds". Of course, it was possible to send the children to the animators, but I really didn't want to "run into" uninteresting, boring programs. Because my child is a fan of this game, in fact, it was decided to make a surprise with this theme. I will not say that the whole script is completely my ideas (the Internet helped), but I came up with the costumes myself. So, preparations: You will need two large green and one red large sheets of cardboard. And here's what came of it:

I needed: black marker, yellow and white paper, glue, scissors, rubber band (or tape). Cut out the Bad Pig from two large sheets of green cardboard - this will be the muzzle and the back, with the help of an elastic band we fasten both parts together (here I must say that I got excited and made just a huge pig - it could have been half the size of J). But the Red Bird turned out to be what you need! Just from one sheet of cardboard. I had the Queen Bad Pig costume. To do this, I sewed a pig's face onto a blouse (see photo below), the crown was bought ready-made. You will also need all the attributes of this game for the entourage, for example, for the festive table you can buy disposable dishes, napkins, caps, crackers, pipes, balls with Angry Birds (I didn't have everything, only what I found in stores). Do not forget about invitations (if you get really confused, you could have done it yourself in the style of Angry Birds, but there was no time anymore). We also had a stunningly beautiful and delicious Angry Birds cake.


When all the children had gathered, we, the hosts, two Bad Pigs and a Red Bird, greeted the children and invited them to the table.

Leading: Hello guys! Today we all have gathered on a very important occasion, today is Nikita's birthday! So, you already understood that today is our birthday in the style of "Angry Birds". Guys, we invite you to have a good meal - here we have "Pig Abundance"

After the children had finished with their food, we invited them to take part in fun contests.

Leading: Guys! To make you all have a lot of fun today, we invite you to take part in fun contests and challenges! Ready?
So, you already know that our birthday is in the style of Angry Birds. Who are the Angry Birds? (These are angry birds). What about Bad Pigs? (These are bad pigs).

What do you think is necessary in order to successfully cope with the tests? (Friendship!) And so today you are all one team, which will be called the Angry Birds. Your goal: complete contests and challenges to find Angry Birds eggs (these were hidden kinders) that the bad pigs hid. For each successfully completed task, your team will receive gold coins (chocolate coins), for which you can redeem eggs from Bad Pigs.
It is important that you are all together, one team, because only together can you win. To do this, let's get to know each other again. Each of you will give your name and what he loves and knows how to do the most!

(The presenters also introduce themselves: I am Alena, the queen of Bad Pigs, I am (NAME), the red bird, and our eggs were stolen by the bad pigs, I am (NAME), Bad Pig, and we hid the eggs (grunts gloatingly).

And I also want to offer you a battle cry that will support your morale and help you defeat the bad pigs!
Angry Birds Go! Victory awaits! "
Let's practice.
(You can also use another chant: "More fun together - we will defeat the pigs!"

1. So, the first test is called: “Oh no! Not an omelet! "
(Red Bird was our DJ, don't forget about funny music for contests)
Each of you must carry a tennis ball (egg) and lower it into the bucket so that it does not fall and break, i.e. didn't turn into an omelet. Children are given a table tennis racket, and each in turn carries a ball on it (egg) into the bucket. We give out chocolate coins for a successfully passed test.

2. The second game task is called: "They planted a pig! "
(Don't forget the music)
4 stools are placed in the middle of the room. The music turns on - everyone is dancing. As soon as the music stops, children should have time to sit on stools. Those who do not have time are eliminated. The leaders remove one stool, the winner is the one who is the last to stay on the stool and brings his team gold.
(We give out coins).

You can raise your morale: Angry Birds - go! Victory awaits!

3. The third test is called "Crouching pigs."
Participants are invited to go from start to finish with a tangerine on their heads and try not to drop the fruit. Time Trial: 5 minutes.
(We give out coins).

4. The fourth test is called: "Move your brains!"
You are invited to solve a crossword puzzle in which "bird" words are encrypted - you need to find hidden words that can be located horizontally, vertically, and even backwards. And there are only five words. Try to find them.
(Words: Eggs, Slingshot, Pigs, Birds, Victory).
Here I had to suggest only the word "Birds", tk. it was written backwards, the children found the rest of the words without prompting.
(We give out coins). Don't forget to raise your morale: Angry Birds - go! Victory awaits!

5. The fifth task is called: "Pork Chops!"(Just a joke task)
This will be a game task where you are all divided into pigs and birds in pairs. A ball is tied to each participant's leg with a thread. At the command of the leader, the players must burst the opponent's ball with their feet, trying to prevent the opponent from bursting his ball.
(We give out coins).

6. The sixth task is called: "Pig Games! "
Silhouettes of Bad Pig, Red Bird and Yellow Bird are drawn on a sheet of Whatman paper. Each of the participants is blindfolded in turn. It is necessary to finish drawing each of the characters of the game Angry Birds, that is, to finish the missing details. Players can help their friend by directing him with hints (above, to the right, to the left, below, etc.) where to finish this or that detail.
(We give out coins).

7. The seventh test is called: "Pigs are astronauts! "
Two stools are placed at a distance from each other. Place an inflated balloon about one. It is necessary on all fours to "blow" the ball from one stool to another, go around it and "blow" the ball to the finish line. You cannot help with your hands or feet. The test is given 5 minutes.
(We give out coins).

8. The eighth task is called: "Well, above the patch! "(We did not have this task - the children were already tired)
We offer you a little rest and some creative work. Make Bad Pigs out of plates (disposable, green), which will be useful to us later, until I tell you why. Everything is very simple: children cut out and use adhesive tape to attach eyes and snouts to disposable plates. Legs are attached to the back of the plate with tape and cardboard so that the plate can stand.

9. And the last ninth task is called: "We attack the pigs! Smash to smithereens! "(The children liked this task the most)
Building a fortress out of boxes (children help)... It contains Bad Pigs - balls and plates made by children, and each of the slingshot shoots birds at the pigs. Shoot down all the Bad Pigs. But, as I said, we didn’t make pigs out of the plates, and we suppressed the balls in the Pork Chops competition, and didn’t have time to inflate the new ones. Therefore, they were content with small rubber pigs. But all the same, the children were satisfied.

After successfully passed the tests - the fortress is destroyed, the pigs are shot down, Bad Pig for gold (i.e. for the coins that the participants collected), gives eggs to Angry Birds (kinders).

The children were delighted and decided that the tests were over, but it didn't work!

Bad Pig says: “Of course, you saved the eggs, but I won't give you the HOLIDAY CAKE !!! "(Grunts gloatingly).

Continues: » You can find the cake only by guessing riddles, and all the answers are in our house. " Reads the first riddle:

"How to hide a CAKE"(Writing notes)

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion.
Doesn't sing or play.
She heats the house.

Children guess a riddle about a battery and find on it the following note with a riddle about a broom, then they themselves read riddles:

The troublemaker Yegorka took up the cleaning.
He started dancing around the room.
I looked around - a clean floor.

A note with a riddle about the bed is stuck in the rods of the broom:

Until then it slumbers sweetly
I don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? ...

Hidden under the bedspread is the following note with a riddle about the mirror:

And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone,
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show him everything as it is.

And the last riddle about the refrigerator, where the cake is hidden:

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store

Here the delight of the children knew no bounds! Cake, well, I really liked it! Let's shout to our birthday boy three times: "CONGRATULATIONS"!

And finally, cake-eating!