How to make a pen girl laugh. Simple secrets of how to cheer up girls

A good joke removes the constraint in communication, creates a relaxed atmosphere. Girls value a sense of humor, so here are some tips to cheer up a girl in a text message.

You can cheer up a girl in VK correspondence by telling a funny incident from your own life. You can tell something interesting and funny from the life of friends and relatives. Just avoid telling something defamatory or vulgar.

The ability to laugh at oneself is worthy of respect, self-irony is always perceived as proof of intelligence and modesty. Learn to be humorous even about your failures.

Keep a few anecdotes in mind to chat with girls. Just keep in mind that these anecdotes should not contain obscene words and even hints of vulgarity.

It's not hard to make a girl laugh if she treats you well. Sometimes even a not entirely funny story meets a girl's willingness to laugh. If you notice that the girl laughs even when she is not very funny, this is a sign that she likes the narrator, although his stories are not funny.

The girl will love a joke with a hidden compliment. For example, if you tell her that she reminds someone of her character. The main thing is not to slip into primitive flattery.

Jokes with elements of comparison of completely different objects and phenomena can be successful. The ability to see something in common in different ways is perceived by a girl as a sign of vivid imagination and intelligence.

You can successfully joke about your studies, over the paradoxes of life and nature. Clever jokes not only make girls laugh, but also serve as a way to demonstrate your broad outlook, erudition and erudition.

It is difficult to list all the things you can use to cheer up a girl, it depends on your imagination and the development of your sense of humor.

How to make you laugh

Sometimes guys find it difficult to come up with a clever joke and replace good humor with primitive clowning, jerking and antics. This is a surefire way to disappoint a girl.

  • Never make fun of the girl herself if you are not sure that she will accept and understand the joke. An inappropriate or cruel joke can offend your friend and lose her forever.
  • Pseudo-funny phrases with distorted and slang words are inadmissible. The misunderstood popularity of youth slang may not appeal to a girl if she doesn't speak like that.
  • Don't try to make a drunk girl laugh. A drunk person is sometimes funny, but at the same time disgusting.
  • On the global network, you can find videos - examples of unsuccessful jokes when a girl is frightened, trying to make her laugh. We must not forget about tact and a sense of proportion.
  • When meeting a girl, avoid joking about sex and sex: this can be regarded as vulgar.

Fun and laughter liberates people, making them closer and making people want to meet more often. It is because of this that guys think about how to make a girl laugh correctly. In this matter, you need to be observant and very careful. Humor and jokes will only be useful if the girl understands them.

How to make a girl laugh - a date is not a circus

Have you ever wondered why the word “clown” is usually used as a condemnation? It seems that everything should be the other way around, as clowns try to give people joy and laughter. Their behavior is unnatural and in most cases is negative and repulsive. If you want to win over a girl, then this behavior is unacceptable. Who needs a relationship when a guy literally and figuratively falls on a banana peel, and a girl laughs.

How to make a girl laugh - be natural

A sense of humor is an innate quality. To improve this side, heed our tips:

  • Prepare to be defeated. Even comedians have difficult days when all jokes will only cause disgruntled grimaces on the girl's face. In this case, you need to laugh it off that your system for delivering jokes is broken. In no case should you say that you do not know how to joke, even if it is true. The girl will immediately think: "I'm bored with him."
  • Train and improve. You should be able to come up with jokes for any situation. The more often you do this, the faster you will succeed in stressful situations.
  • Use body language to convey humor. Your body position, facial expression, tone of voice, and movement affect your communication style. Feel free to show yourself, you can even make faces. Actor Jim Carrey is a prime example.

How to make a girl laugh - memorize jokes

Jokes are a good way to make people laugh. Set a rule for yourself - read 10 jokes every day. You do not need to cram large portions into yourself at a time, everything should be gradually, in portions. If you read a good joke, then tell it to several people during the day. This is the only way you can remember them for a long time and use them whenever you need them.

How to make a pen girl laugh

Almost all guys and girls communicate on social networks. Before thinking about this issue, you need to look at the girl's page and analyze it. You need to understand what will make her admire, what she likes and what kind of humor can be used here.

  • Send the girl a funny picture with animals and come up with an interesting inscription.
  • Find a funny photo, upload it to your page and tag the girl you want to cheer on. There are many photographs of someone having fun or bad luck. In any case, the girl will notice this joke and react to it.
  • Comment on her photos. If your sense of humor is not well developed, then ask a friend for help. Don't use overly ironic humor. It should be something nice and flirtatious.
  • Send the girl a funny story or an uncluttered anecdote. The story should be relevant to any entry on the girl's page.
  • Send your girlfriend a gift with a funny comment.

You should not only make the girl laugh, but also interest her with your personality.

How to make a girl laugh - laugh together

Laughter is highly contagious, and sharing laughter can strengthen your bond and bring you closer together. You can laugh spontaneously, or you can go to a place where the two of you can't hold back your laughter.

  • Mimicking the girl's jokes is a good way to laugh together. If a girl is not shy about obscene jokes, then you can afford such jokes. Everything should be natural: if your jokes are soft and light, then an attempt to adapt to sarcastic and black humor will look strained.
  • You can only joke in the style of a girl if you understand her well. She may get confused and not know how to react correctly - forgive her confusion.
  • Ask her about her favorite TV shows, comedies, or comedians. Watch them together and mention them in conversation. This will help you relax and create a fun atmosphere.

Girls are very emotional beings. They quickly become upset and depressed. But there is always a chance to cheer them up and cheer them up, even by correspondence on social networks. It is important here that the interlocutor is tuned in to the conversation.

And in order to solve the problem, you need to know how to cheer up a girl if she is sad, even if she is not a lady of your heart.

The reasons for the lack of mood in girls

There can be many reasons.

Some are minor and others are major problems:

  1. Self-doubt. One of the common reasons why the female sex becomes depressed. The girl thinks that she is not attractive enough, not interesting and boring. Maybe she's insecure about the outfit she's wearing. In such a situation, a sincere compliment will help.
  2. Broke up with a young man. A common reason after which a woman does not want to communicate with anyone and withdraws into herself. She feels as if she is not at ease. If you and your girlfriend are close, she will tell you about the incident herself.
  3. Problems at work, in school. Perhaps your friend is not up to the task. The bosses are dissatisfied with her work and because of this, a conflict arises. Or she has strained relationships with colleagues.
  4. Fatigue... When a girl gets tired, the mood disappears. I don't want to do anything, just lie and stare at the ceiling. Maybe the girl worked a lot, studied or “ran around the city” for several hours. Physically, there is no strength for fun.
  5. Family problems. It is also possible that not everything is good in the family. And this situation puts pressure on emotionality.
  6. Health... Anything is possible here: a toothache or a headache, an injury, various “female sores”. If so, then you may not know this, because girls do not like to talk about such things.
  7. Your behavior. This happens due to the fact that you do not know how to joke. Your jokes are tactless and rude. In this case, it is worth clarifying the reason for her bad mood. If the fault is in you, then it would be more correct to apologize.
  8. Boredom... This is corny, but true. Such a thing has a very strong effect on the emotional state. When a person is bored and does not know what to do, emptiness begins to press. Nervousness appears from idleness, emotionality decreases.

How to behave a guy if a girl is not in the mood:

How can you cheer on VK by correspondence?

Before you start typing her a message in contact, you need to consider a few tips.

This is necessary in order not to aggravate the situation even more.

  1. The first and important point is not to be ironic. Humor can cheer you up, but only in a good way.
  2. Try to distract from the problematic topic.
  3. If you are in a bad mood, you will not be able to resolve the situation.
  4. The most important thing is mindfulness. Listen, become a vest to cry on.
  5. Don't forget about positive examples. Share various funny situations from your life.
  6. You don't need to use a lot of slang and incomprehensible words.
  7. Don't try to be a clown.

How to cheer up a girl is described in the video:

Examples of

If you are worried that your friend is sad, then cheer her up.

You don't need to be a clown for this, because the simplest things can make a lady smile:

  1. Wish you good morning, good day or good night. It helps to charge a person with positive and good mood. If communication takes place by VK correspondence, then be sure to send her a smiley or a sticker.
  2. Forward a funny or cute video. Another best option. Find an interesting video with funny animals and skin the girl. The main thing is to avoid vulgar and stupid videos.
  3. Compliments. The safest option. Any girl loves to receive pleasant words in her address, and this is an indisputable fact.

Reference! For example: "I never cease to be amazed at what a pleasant voice / beautiful eye color you have."... Proceed as you see fit.


A good joke helps to relieve tension and support further communication.

The female sex appreciates a sense of humor, so you can tell funny stories or anecdotes.

Important! Remember that jokes should not contain obscene words and avoid vulgar phrases (about sex, about an ex, etc.).

Jokes with a hidden compliment are great. For example, you can say that she resembles someone with her voice or character. And it is important - do not overdo it, everything should be in moderation.

Good jokes include those that have elements of comparison with objects or phenomena.

You can also make fun of your occupation or stupidity, nature or paradoxes of life. Clever jokes can not only make a girl laugh, but also show your broad outlook.

Trying to make me laugh by phone and SMS

Of course, it is quite easy to cheer up a girl live, because you can watch her reaction and stop at the right time. But you can cope with such a task both by phone and by correspondence.

If communication is based on messages, then try using funny phrases:“You see, I am writing to you and will sin a little. You are too beautiful, undermining my faith. "

Play with your imagination and come up with something original and funny, but not vulgar.

Another option is send her a funny gift, a picture and support with an interesting story... In the morning, you can also send her a funny SMS, and she will definitely smile.

If communication occurs during a telephone conversation, then already the voice plays an important role here:

  • Intonation should be expressive and lively.
  • Read social media jokes, but watch out for the voice. It doesn't have to be monotonous.
  • And if you know how to parody someone's voice, then use this trick.

Come up with a joke with this character. For example, copy the voice of any famous person (singer, actor, politician, etc.).

How to interest and cheer up a girl via SMS is described in the video:

Jokes if she is sad

Who doesn't love jokes? Everyone likes them, as they cheer up and make you feel cheerful for a long time.

But there is one caveat - not everyone likes jokes with vulgar notes or rude phrases.

  • "If programmers come to power, then entire ministries will be replaced with a small script."
  • "When you clean the dirt off your mouse, you learn new features in your browser."
  • "A hedgehog walked through the forest, farted, landed and went on"

If nothing comes to mind, then go to the internet for help.

What question to ask?

Many men are interested in: what to ask a girl if she is not in the mood and she is sad? You can ask what caused this mood. If she trusts you, she will open up and talk about her feelings.

Ask questions that will interest both of you. For example, ask about a profession, goals, or dreams. You can also chat about crazy things that have been or will be done in life.

Important! React to your lady's answers. Remember to express your emotions.

Any question should be interesting and easy. Do not make the girl think a lot, do not drive her into paint. Communication should be based on mutual emotions.

What to write?


Imagine how nice it would be for a girl to receive a poem.

You can compose it yourself or find it on the Internet.

“What's up, baby? Are you really sad. Where is your smile! Come on, honey, don't be angry. Share with me, I will not offend you "

“I love you even sad,
But do not try to be sad.
After all, it is more beautiful to live with a smile on your face! "

“Smile, my friend and do not dare to be sad,

There is no need for you to be sad.

Look, well I'm trying

Cheer you up a lot. ”

“Do not be sad, look how beautiful the day is

Smiles at you.

Higher nose, wider smile

Everything is about to get better already "

Funny pictures and jokes

Mood is a thing that is, it is not. Sometimes it’s enough annoying little thing to ruin a good mood.

But this must be fought against. After all, as they say - laughter prolongs life.

The best and easiest option is funny pictures.

On the Internet, you can find pictures for every taste. Girls love the humor associated with pets and other animals. Such cute creatures cause not only affection, but also increase the emotional balance by 100%.

Important! A funny picture should not contain obscene and vulgar expressions. After all, such a joke can offend the girl even more. Better send her a photo with funny cartoon characters, with animals, with bad shots, etc.

Watch a video selection of funny pictures:

Girls are emotional creatures, and sometimes it is difficult to understand when their mood gets spoiled. But the main question is how to raise it.

You can seek help from tips that will point you in the right direction. Try to trust your instincts, analyze the situation and only then try to cheer up the girl.

Remember that every person is different and you only need to find an approach.

In social networks, the fair sex is looking for what is problematic to find in the gray everyday life: atmosphere, recognition and good mood. By diluting the messages to the lady of the heart with major tones, you will increase your chances of success. It doesn't matter what color your mood in life is, in social networks you should radiate a rosy positive. Gloomy and withdrawn gentlemen while away their bachelor evenings in proud and dreary solitude. So the question of how to cheer up a girl, for example, VKontakte (VK), is very relevant. In the struggle for the smile of a beauty, time-tested means of improving mood are guaranteed to work: generous compliments, decent stories from your rich biography and decent anecdotes.

Sincere compliments

Feel free to admire the girl as often as possible. There are never too many compliments. Each one mentally tries on the crown of the beauty queen. And it suits everyone! Your humble task is to ensure that the compliments are:


Monitor her photo and show the wonders of male observation. Online directories of the female version of beautiful life will expand your ideas on how to cheer up a pen girl. A couple of minutes - and you know what "make-up" is and at first glance you will distinguish "soft coral" from "luxurious cherry". I noticed a new lipstick (shadows, nail polish) - please the owner with a flattering review:

  • “You are such a stylish thing! The color of your lips is simply mesmerizing! ”;
  • “I admire your avatar as the cover of a fashion magazine. I didn’t know that such miraculous beauties happen in life ”;
  • “You have very beautiful hands. In advance, I ask permission to accompany you home in the evening: I am afraid that with your luxurious manicure I will have too many competitors. "


Compare your darling with the one (no one!) That you consider to be truly beautiful:

  • “You are like a fresh branch of lilacs. I look at you - and spring is in my soul again ”;
  • “Your photo in the morning invigorates stronger than coffee. No Arabica can match your natural sophistication. "

If the appropriate words still run out, visualize your compliment with a suitable GIF or send out a photo with a gorgeous bouquet of roses.

"Crocodile of my soul" - such a nickname seemed to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov quite figurative and quite appropriate for addressing in letters to his bride.


For hours on end, the girl spins in front of the mirror, not only in an unrestrained outburst of narcissism. She tries to please others, to attract the attention of her only one. Perhaps yours. Show that you appreciate the efforts, and thank in the comments under the photo for the pleasure you have given:

  • “Thanks for the selfie. I saw you, and I wanted to live ”;
  • “Upload your photos more often. May there be more real beauty in this world. "


Daily reminders to a girl by SMS or VKontakte about how beautiful she is, will certainly be able to cheer her up. Improvise, look for new reasons to express your admiration. Believe me, they definitely are. A woman is not given to be the same even two days in a row. So the guilty "I do not get tired of repeating how beautiful you are with me" does not seem to be a premature surrender in courtship.

Funny stories from life

A time machine can do a great job. Share stories about touching events from your childhood, school life. Remember what your parents laughed at to tears. It is quite a working option, how to cheer up a girl in VK in correspondence. The heart of the Snow Queen will thaw from your honest stories:

  • about the first love: I pulled the pigtail, but not the one (I didn't recognize it from the back), I had to carry my portfolio until the end of the year;
  • about the first culinary experience: defrosted dumplings before cooking and tried to feed my mother under the guise of lasagna;
  • about a dream come true: Santa Claus ordered by neighbors made the wrong door and made you believe in a New Year's miracle.

A laconic story about your fun adventures, sent by morning text message, will easily cheer up a girl. The effect of a pleasant surprise will work. Surprise news from a boyfriend is clearly more fun than reminders from a greedy bank or instructions from a strict mother.

What kind of jokes and anecdotes will always be appropriate?

Not at all those who go to the sports bar with a bang in a friendly male team. We need some other version to make a girl laugh by SMS. Audit your stock of fun for every day and find a worthy one:

"Good old"

There are eternal themes that humanity has been laughing at for several decades in a row. Without inventing the fifth wheel for a bicycle in search of a way to cheer up a girl in correspondence, tell her about the last adventures of Ivan the Fool, the games of thrones in the kingdom of animals, reproduce a couple of imperishable pearls from school essays. An opaque hint of your intentions will be light anecdotes about funny moments of the candy-bouquet period and its cheerful continuation: “How is the word“ registry office ”deciphered? "Absolutely deserved guarantee of happiness."

"New creative"

A win-win option for you. The girl herself will find and watch the top 10 jokes and funny videos. Why do you need someone else's glory, if you yourself are cheerful and resourceful. It remains to convince your beloved of this. Try to make the girl laugh on VK in any of the following ways:

  • compose and tell a fairy tale. With your passion in the title role: “Somewhere in a remote residential area, on the 25th floor, there lived a bright beauty with eyes the color of summer. I was waiting for the prince from Dubai on a white horse. And I appeared - a student from the nth region on a black second-hand Priore. But this did not prevent them from meeting and being happy ”;
  • ask a humorous rhetorical question, wait for an answer and give out your version: “What is the best French dish that a handsome, not free man can afford? - Cake "Napoleon" baked by his girlfriend for his birthday. " Such verbal tennis is also convenient as entertainment, with the help of which you can amuse a girl via SMS;
  • play with your addressee: take an unusual photo and send it in fragments. This is a worthy option, how to dissolve a girl by correspondence. She will have to show miracles of ingenuity to guess what got into the lens. Let the winner get the original as a gift for resourcefulness.

How can you never make fun of girls?

Do you have a peculiar sense of humor? There are many offended people who do not understand whether you are joking or are you serious? If that's the case, plan ahead for how to make the pen girl laugh. List of proven taboo topics to help you:

  1. Her faith. Unsuccessful attempts at jokes in this direction can result in a complete breakdown in relations.
  2. Her mother. The cooler the girl, the funnier her mom is. The formula always works. Show maximum tolerance and smile broadly to yourself if you do not want to be in deep h / s.
  3. Her bedroom. Any strikes below (and above) the belt is a prohibited technique. For girls, "this" means "making love" in the literal sense of the word. And, as you know, they don't joke with love.
  4. Her style. Yes, with whom it does not happen. No one is immune from one-time total failures. But even if you don't associate her new shorts with anything other than diapers, the best thing you can do is tactfully keep quiet. Believe me, your passion will not wear something ugly on purpose for an avatar. Be condescending.
  5. Her cockroaches in her head. Forget about the whole colony at once, since you will definitely not be able to cheer up a VKontakte girl with their help. If you are still seeking the lady, then while you are at her feet. Observe the chain of command. Each princess has her own pea, which is not gentlemanly to laugh at. She is afraid to death of spiders - do not rush to send them a close-up photo with a bunch of laughing emoticons. She will not appreciate such a rally. If a girl shared some of her weakness with you, then with only one single purpose - you must protect her from what she considers dangerous for herself.

Of course, girls are different. And each has its own sense of humor. But cheerful and bright optimism is contagious and will certainly cheer up even the most serious interlocutor.

A friend is a funny, interesting companion, support and support, helper, critic and outlet. Such definitions should be suitable for both parties, that is, if a friend is nearby at a difficult moment, then she should be supported when she is sad and lonely. Unfortunately, everyone has such moments, and it is at this moment that an acute need for a friend is felt. How to cheer up a friend and cheer her up, many are thinking. But not always something needed immediately comes to mind. Since the situations due to which the mood has fallen are different, then the ways to raise it should be different.

The first step is to find out the reason for the lack of mood. But you need to ask carefully and tactfully, showing concern, no matter what a friend doubts that they want to help her.

Possible Causes of Mood Decline

  • Personal life problems
  • Problems at work
  • Health problems
  • Physiological problems
  • Psychological problems

And many other troubles. From trivial little things to global failures, because women are generally prone to frequent mood swings.

Having found out the reason, you need to boldly take action. If the mood is ruined by some trifle, then the first step is to try to make her laugh by telling an anecdote or a funny story. You can even remember some funny moments that were experienced together. And if the problems are more serious, then calm them down and make it clear that everything can be solved by giving successful examples of friends.

Ways to cheer up a friend

Most young girls get upset for love reasons. If a friend has problems in a relationship or if a boyfriend left her, then you can distract from love failures in a proven way - work. Both mental and physical. Firstly, you can offer to jointly cook your favorite dish, because it's no secret that many girls simply seize problems. Cooking and talking about abstract topics, and then tasting the creation, undoubtedly can cheer you up. Games, logic puzzles, charades are also good distractions. A joint visit to a beauty salon will cheer up and increase your friend's self-esteem. And physical exercise in the gym will add a slight fatigue and make you forget.

If she is sad and lonely, then, of course, she needs fun. It can be trips to entertainment centers, cinema, club or cafe. There you can make new acquaintances and have an interesting time chatting with friends. You can take your friend to the circus and laugh heartily at the clowns. And, of course, shopping! And what could be more interesting and more fun than shopping? For girlfriends, this is one of their favorite activities. After all, you can please not only your friend with new things, but also yourself.

A friend is an important and necessary person in everyone's life, and therefore, when she feels bad, it is necessary to be there.

But after all, the desire to amuse a friend does not always arise in bad situations. There are other moments for jokes and fun:

  • Simple communication
  • Correspondence
  • Holidays
  • Practical jokes

How to cheer up a friend in a correspondence

When, for one reason or another, it is impossible to see and talk to a friend, then communication takes place on social networks, by phone or SMS. To please a friend in a correspondence, just add a few funny emoticons to the main text, write an anecdote or send a funny video. In the modern world, people spend a lot of time on the Internet. The virtual world is limitless, and you can register in new groups and communities at least every day. If the girlfriends are together in one of the social networks, such as, for example, VK, then you can post a photo or collage with a friend, in the comments to which you have made a compliment. Such a pleasant little thing can please and cheer you up. And talking on the phone, by itself, can cheer up, because it is also a favorite pastime of girlfriends.

How to cheer your friend on holidays

During the holidays, it is also necessary to amuse, amuse and delight friends. For example, on April 1, you can make your friend laugh by sending her funny pictures, animations or videos. And this will be enough, because the main thing is to cheer, not offend. Therefore, having conceived to play a prank on this day, do not forget about the consequences. Jokes should be harmless and funny.

Well, to congratulate the best friend on her birthday is everyone's direct responsibility. It is best to bring congratulations in the morning, it will set a good mood for the whole day. You can congratulate with flowers and poems or another gift. Not necessarily expensive and purchased. A gift can be made with your own hands, taking into account the preferences and tastes of a friend. The main thing is that with a soul and from a pure heart.


Most likely, there are few women who do not have girlfriends. Although they say that female friendship does not exist, reality proves the opposite. Girlfriends are close, beloved people who are ready to share both joy and sorrow together. Come to the rescue in time and cheer you up at the right time.