How to make lips plump at home: ways, video, precautions. Using a special planper. How to choose cosmetics to create the effect of chubby lips

One of the popular Makeup techniques - Ombre, when two shades of lipstick are used at once. The darker is applied to the outer corners of the lips, lighter - to the center. The effect of additional volume is achieved by the transition of colors and the game of light and shadow.

How to make lip makeup in Ombre technique

For a visual increase in the upper lip, squeeze its upper limit with a dry highlander or bright shining shadows, leaving for the natural circuit. Light glare will create an impression of a slightly protruding top lip.

Bottom contour highlight with light brown pencil just darker skin color to create a natural shade effect. Thus, the lower lip will also be visually fluffing.

Dark lipstick corner of the lips, leaving the center free. Slightly grow in the borders of lipstick in the central part with a cotton stick.

In the center of the lips, dispense the lighter shade of lipstick. To score lips, use an artificial brush. With it, carefully draw the contour, without resorting to the help of a pencil.

We are growing with the brush of the borders of different shades of lipstick so that the color match is soft.

Ready! The lips not only began to look spectacularly, but also acquired a greater volume.

The effect of ombre can also be created using only one lipstick. Read the details in our.

And how to create a more brave version of Ombre, look in our video:

How to make contouring lips

For everyday image, use lip gloss and light brown pencil a little darker skin color.

Brown Pencil for Lip Draw Contour. Duplicate natural, going beyond the boundaries to the maximum half a million, so that the makeup does not look vulgar.

Draw the lines on the lips yourself by the same pencil: select the center of the upper lip, and also spend three vertical lines on the bottom. Slightly grow in the inner borders of the pencil along the contour with a cotton wand.

Apply a transparent body on the lips, slightly peach or pink shine.

If you wish, add a pencil a little brown in the corners of the lips or contour.

The effect of visual increase in lips is noticeable with the naked eye! But do not overdo it: try not to go beyond the boundaries of the natural contour too far and not use too dark pencil.

How to choose cosmetics to create the effect of chubby lips?

Color selection

  • It can be the most neutral shades: for a couple of tones darker of your skin; repeating the color of your lips; Slightly pink lipstick. The main thing is that such shades are as natural as possible.
  • When choosing lipsticks, do not forget to navigate your coloring (cold or warm), and do not forget about pencil to tone lipstick.
  • The obvious advantages of the nude lipstick are that it is more "resembling" and comfortable, does not require impeccable application, and it is easy to update even without a mirror.

Lip gloss Revolution High Color Lip Gloss, Kinky, Urban Decay © Site

If you have an important event and without bright lipstick, do not do, look at our video instruction on the application of red lipstick.

Selection of texture

Choosing the finish of lipstick, give preference to comfortable cream textures, lacquer lipsticks or lip gloss. Such means visually increase the lips, creating an additional volume by shine.

  • Matte lipsticks, especially liquid, dried lips and visually reduce them.
  • Liquid lipstick leaves a clear contour, which emphasizes the natural boundaries of your lips.

Lipstick Balsam Rouge d'Armani Sheers, 403, Giorgio Armani © Site

We make lips plump: little secrets

Make lips more voluminous without painful and expensive injections will help the following tricks.

The lip base can serve your favorite balm or lip oil. Be sure to apply the base 5-7 minutes before the use of follow-up.

  • Take a closer to balm with mint or cinnamon oils, they improve microcirculation - blood sticks to lips and makes them brighter and volume. If you can not find a tool with such ingredients, use mint oil in pure form. You can mix it with any basic oil.

Enter in the habit to use. Lips need exfoliance as well as face, so use a special exfoliant at least one or twice a week.

  • If you have not purchased a scrub - a toothbrush fit. Gently massage the moistened lips to remove all dead particles. There is any lipstick on the cleaned and wrist skin of the lips.


Even in the make-up lips, a consilerter or a tone cream can be useful. Apply a slight disguise to the lips with a sponge or brush on the lips.

  • First, the Consilers will block your natural contour of the lips, and you can slightly adjust it.
  • Secondly, such a "base" will provide a more even and resistant coating of lipstick.

Lip pencil

Those who seek to visually increase their lips, it is necessary to pick up a pencil to the tone or a couple of tones with a darker of natural shade of lips. Pencil will be needed not only for the stroke, but also to fill the lips by this color.

For more detailed instructions for creating chubby lips with a pencil, see Alina Fly Cloud's Beauty Blogger video.

Yes, the drive can be used not only for creating a natural tan. Swipe a thin strip under the bottom lip, creating a shadow that allegedly falls from a plump lip.


Highlight can also benefit in creating the effect of chubby lips. Apply your favorite shining product on a tick above the upper lip - thanks to reflective particles in its composition your lips will look much more.

Lip gloss

Lip gloss Ecstasy Lacquer, 600, Adrenaline, Giorgio Armani © Site

When was the last time you used glitter with sparkles? If a long time, then in vain! It is the brilliance with a large number of shimer gives the maximum volume to lips. In addition, the sequins again entered the fashion, so boldly buy a forgotten agent.

Smiles and kisses

Protect a small magnification of the lips will help workout facial muscles. Do not worry, these are pleasant exercises that are easy to perform every day. Smiles and kisses (even air) will help not only give extra lips, but also raise the mood.

And what tricks to increase the lips do you know? Write a comment.

Puffy lips never remain unnoticed and constantly attract others around their seductive juiciness.

To make them the most saturated and lush, girls even make operational interventions: they enhance various drugs to increase the volume, moisturize their hyaluronic acid, the reviews about which is very contradictory. But not everyone remains satisfied with the result of the lip correction and are disappointed, damaging their naturalness.

We will tell you how to make your lush sponges and much more attractive houses, reversible methods and without any harm to the body. It is very important to follow these tips and constantly take care of your lips.

Special gymnastics

There are many different ways, how to make lips more voluminous, but the simplest that does not require money is the implementation of special gymnastics (Facebilding). Lips are leather-muscle folds, and therefore they can be "pumping".

To do this, you need to make enough simple exercises that we will consider below:

  1. Air kiss. For this exercise, we need to perform such a sequence of actions:
    • Pull the lips forward, as if sending the air kiss, and bring the palm to the mouths
    • After that, pursue them in the palm
    • Then you need to raise her lips, as if she is a dumbbell, sending an air kiss

    Perform this exercise 20 times

  2. Make the "lips a bow."Say the letter "O" and keep your lips in this way for five seconds, then leave them for 6 seconds alone. Then repeat it ten times
  3. Necessary stretch the lips as if we smile, and press them to the teeth. This exercise is performed ten seconds five times.
  4. Whistle Favorite melody non-stop for seven minutes a day
  5. Pull the lips forward "fish"closing and tearing them
  6. Fold the palms together, put the thumbs under the top lip. Slightly press on the lips from the inside with your fingers, resist the pressure of the muscles of the mouth. Exercise will allow emphasize the contour of the upper lip. Instead of fingers, you can use a language, but for this you need a skill.
  7. Fight your head slightly back, laid the bottom lip for the lower row of teeth and tighten the muscles. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. This exercise will help you adjust and emphasize the lower lruption.
  8. Raise the corners of the lips upwards. Smile and strain them, barely adequately pressing on them with reference fingers, move up. This exercise makes the lip muscles shrink and rush up
  9. Dial a large amount of air for the cheeks And close your mouth. Make moves as if you are chewed, while moving lips in different directions
  10. In order to remove wrinkles around the mouth, squeeze your lips as if you were offended, but do not press them. Fast movements of the index finger up and down, tapping about 10 seconds on them, then relax.

Be careful, performing exercises, try not to stretch the skin around the lips so that unnecessary wrinkles are not formed.

Recipes masks and scrubies

The bustling lips are top and bottom lump and chinful artery, so it is very important for us to improve their blood flow.

Nicotinic Acid and Vaseline

Excellent mask acting no worse than Fillers

  • Multiply multiple nicotine acid tablets and mix with petroleum
  • Add ground red chilli pepper (if you do not be friends with him, you can not lie down)
  • Drip drops of any essential oil
  • Call the lips with a toothbrush for a minute
  • Apply a ready mask for 5 minutes, after which we wash with warm water.

Mask is contraindicated in the lips!

Honey and coffee

This can be done, applying a canceled scrub mask, which is easy to prepare manually from natural components. It excellently exfoliates, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the lips and improves blood flow to them. It is prepared as follows:

  1. To the honey you need to add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of essential with a pinch of ground coffee
  2. All the resulting composition should be mixed and smeared on the lips
  3. Then you need to wait ten minutes, then make a light massage of lips and wash off this mask

The result will be very amazing. Lips will acquire the volume and will be more lush, soft.

Honey and Cinnamon

Very simple scrub recipe:

  • make a mixture of cinnamon (it is better to use the thicker, not ground) and honey.
  • apply lips to lips and light movements
  • it will expand the capillaries, which will make lips brighter and expressive
  • the effect lasts up to 1 hour

Grape bones

The next recipe will also help make your sponges gentle and acquire volume:

  • Half a teaspoon of safflower oil mix with oil made of grape bones
  • To this mixture, add a small pinch of cinnamon and several droplets of essential oil
  • Stir this composition before the pasty consistency is formed
  • Then apply a mixture on the lips and massage them with circular motions
  • After this procedure, wash the scrub from the lips with warm water

Medovo-sugar scrub

  • Make a mixture of sugar, honey and olive oil
  • Apply on the lips and rub with light massage movements
  • Due to the sugar you will get a massage effect of an expanding capillaries, and honey and oil will smooth skin.

It is best to use scrubs from natural ingredients with nutrients.

From the means on the shelves can be used to care for their sponges, which included menthol, perfectly stimulating blood flow.

Using natural oils

For more complete and efficient lips care, it is necessary to use nutrient oils. The most good for use such oils:

  • Persikova
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • Apricot
  1. Before applying these oils, you need to warm them
  2. They can add additional components: vitamin E or jojoba oil
  3. Soak lips one of your chosen oils and make a lightweight cotton tampon
  4. But first moisten it in warm water and squeeze

After this procedure, your sponges will become more plump.


Among other things, for a successful increase in the volume of lips is very effective massage. It takes quite a bit of time, but the effect you will notice in a month.

There are several lip massage methods:

  1. Massage, which is carried out with a toothbrush. To do this, it is better to purchase a toothbrush with a soft bristle (the optimal option is children's).
    • To begin with, you need to moisten the brush with warm water
    • Then smooth movements carefully massage the skin of the lips so as not to damage it
  2. Massage with ice cubes.
    • For this procedure you need to wrap the ice in a thin fabric
    • Next, you can start a massage, spending on the lips of ice into the left and the right side of two minutes

    The cold improves blood circulation well and will contribute to the increase in lip volume

After each massage, it is necessary to moisten the lips with a cream or a medicinal balsam.

Simulator for increasing lips Fullips

For the speedy giving the lips of the plunge you will suit you a simulator to increase the lips of Fullips. This thing has recently been on sale, but already has widespread and use.

This simulator is a plastic cap of a special form. It is inexpensive and fairly easy to use.

By drawing air through the mouth, a vacuum is formed inside it, which significantly increases lips in size.

With regular care for your sponges, the result will not make himself wait long and will extremely please you. Adhere to these tips, and your chubby and charming sponges will attract male views.

Video Makeup Instructions for Volume

You can get volumetric lips and in minutes before going out of the house. 7 Makeup secrets that will help you create chubby lips, visually shown in the video.

Volumetric, chubby sponges so hurt to themselves for a kiss. Pull lips give the face of flirtability and sensuality. Many girls with thin lips resort to medical interventions and pour drugs from which they increase their volume. But it does not always look beautiful and girls lose their naturalness.

Make the lips plump at home it is also possible and this is also safe. The main thing is to be given to your lips time, regularly conducting non-good procedures with them, which site website will be happy to share.

To begin with, it is worth understanding one important detail: the skin on the lips is very thin and sensitive and for the volume corresponds to blood circulation. It happens, when the lips are notching, they seem to be burning and scatter, because when inflammation increases blood flow. This effect can be achieved without negative consequences using funds to enhance blood circulation in the lips. But you need to do it regularly.

So, to make lips plump at home you need:

  • Having dried dry skin;
  • Moisturize lips;
  • Stimulate blood circulation;
  • Do special exercises for lip muscles, as a result of which they will become more voluminous;

Recipes (masks, scrubs)

Excellent natural scrub mask, which stimulates blood flow perfectly, well
solving several tasks at once: exfoliates, nourishes, moisturizes and strengthens blood flow to lips, you can cook yourself. To be a little candied honey, add the floor of a teaspoon of oil (olive or cocoa oil), 3 drops of mint essential oil and a pinch of ground coffee. Stir, apply a warm mixture on lips for 10 minutes, after well massage lips with this composition for a couple of minutes and wash off. After such a procedure, the sponge will become gentle, juicy, soft and get welcome.

Cinnamon in powder or essential oil Also well affects the volume and helps make lips plump at home. This spice has a warming and stimulating blood circulation by action. You can prepare such balm with cinnamon in two versions:

First option (simple):take a teaspoon of vaseline and add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or add a cinnamon powder halp. To stir thoroughly. Apply such balm as needed. Lips become bright and more plump.

The second option (more complex): 20 grams of cocoa solid oil + 10 grams of bee wax + 10 grams of almond oil + 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil + 2 drops of ginger essential oil + 2 drops of mint essential oil. First, on a water bath, you need to melt cocoa butter and beeswax, then add liquid almond oil, mix well and remove with water bath. Add essential oils and mix. Pour the mixture into a suitable mold and put it in the refrigerator. After cooling, you can use balsam on purpose. It causes a strong tide of blood to her lips, as follows, they become juicy and plump, the contour becomes clear, and the sponges themselves will be soft and gentle.

It is worth paying attention to the means for lips containing Menthol and ground red pepper. These components can also be added to masks and balms.

Mask with red pepper for chubby lips: A teaspoon of honey mixed with a teaspoon of ground red pepper, pour the half teaspoon of peach oil (can be replaced with any other cosmetic oil). All components mix each other and dense lips thick. Keep from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Then remove the wet woven disc.

Menthol compress: Menthole oil teaspoon mix with a pinch of cocoa powder, apply a mixture on the lips, cover and keep 20 minutes, then wash off. You will feel chill on the lips, tingling and a noticeable increase in lips after washing up such a compression.

Simulator for increasing lips Fullips (Fullips)

If you want to add a volume to your lips, then try using a special simulator. This novelty in the beauty industry is rapidly gaining momentum. Fullips is a plastic cap specially designed form. Simple movements are created a vacuum that allows you to pump lips and increase their volume. The effect is saved for several hours.

Exercises for lips muscles:

Make lips plump at home can be using exercises.

First exercise: Squeeze your lips and turn them inside to your teeth, in such a position, make small shoes with lips, as if smashed them.

Second exercise: Fold your lips with a tube and blow air.

Third exercise: Sing the vowels: a, and, oh, alternating them.

Not to all nature presented such lips as Angelina Jolie. Volumetric, chubby lips - the last squeak of fashion, and every woman probably dreams of how to make lips more. Downloading medical preparations is not always safe. However, there are certain techniques with which they can be visually enlarged.

Radical techniques

A few decades ago, everyone who wishes to increase their lips and have a financial opportunity for this to appeal to the plastic surgeon. The introduction of implants under the skin is quite common and today, but, after many of the sensational stories, the amount of scalpel buddy decreased at times. Especially since there appeared alternative offers to obtain chubby lips.

For example, lipophiling. There are no fat stalls in the tissues of the lips, so when the muscles become flabby and dry, lips as they melt. With the help of lipophiling under the skin of the lips, a small amount of fat cells are introduced, taken from another place of your own body. There is a possibility that this fat is also not attached, or unevenly distributed, forming irregularities. But if everything goes successfully, the result will continue forever.

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid fillers. Special composition is introduced with a thin syringe under the skin of the lips. It will hold a surround form for only a few months, no more than a year. Gradually, the gel is dissolved, and the lips will take the original look. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated with a certain frequency. This method is the least risky from those described.

Decorative cosmetics for visual lips increase

Makeup plays a huge role in the perception of the features of the face and individual details. You can often find such a recommendation: so that the lips seem more simply draw by the contour the form you want. In this case, the contour can take place at some distance from the natural edge of the lips. But even on brightly smeared lips it will be seen that they are drawn. Therefore, try to use such advice: so that your lips visually look more plump, use a light pencil for the contour and light lipstick. If you are more walking dark lipstick, then in the center impose a little glitter with a slightly lighter, thanks to this lips will seem more fully.

Using brilliants with sparkles, you can make lips much volume. Also the use of lipper with ginger, pepper, menthol or other substances that greatly stimulate blood flow. And the presence in the composition of collagen or silicone lipstick will visually increase the lips.

A popular way to make lips luxury is a tattoo. According to the principle of tattoos, the dot contour lip line is drawn. At the request of the client, you can even give a completely new shape of lips, increasing them.

Charging for lip.

With age, the lips dry out and lose volume. To make it not happened, make a special gymnastics:

Pull your lips forward and blow with relaxed lips, as if you bloom the candle. Repeat 30-40 times.

Make a deep breath, inflate the cheeks and exhale, alternately doing slowly exhale over the exhalations. Repeat 15-20 times.

Through the vowels loudly and - o - y, straining lips. Repeat 10-15 times.

Ways to increase lips without leaving home.

You can add volume to your lips without risky procedures. There are many such recipes.

  • Here, for example, the lips look muffled and shiny, use the daily cream "for sensitive skin of the eyelids." It is necessary in the morning the tips of the fingers slightly lift (and not to mint around) into the red border around the lips, without stretching them at the same time.
  • Using a children's soft toothbrush, make a 1-minute lip massage daily. Or twice a day for 30 seconds. Move the brush gently and slowly, not to damage the skin. After the massage, certainly apply the healing moisturizing balm.
  • The skin of the lips also need to be cleaned from dead cells. To do this, you can use your favorite scrub with small abrasive, but it is best to make it from natural products. In a small glass jar, mix two tablespoons of candied honey, on a teaspoon of soda and sesame oil, two drops of mint essential oil. It is necessary to mix with a wooden or ceramic chopstick or spoon. Store scrub certainly in the refrigerator. At its discretion you can use every other day or more often, but at least once a week. After exfoliation to moisten the skin of the lips to the balsam.

Homemade masks for lips

  • Half a teaspoon of cottage cheese mix ropes with any natural juice or milk.
  • Home sour cream, one spoon, mix with 3 drops of lemon juice.
  • Natural honey distribute on lips. It is possible for enhanced skin nutrition to mix honey with swine fat.
  • Apply kefir, and as soon as it gets dry, apply another layer.

And remember: when you press lips in a capricious grimace, wrinkles are formed around them. Better smile!

Modern medicine offers a large amount of means and manipulations aimed at adjusting and increasing lips. However, not all fair sex can afford to resort to plastic surgery services. If you prefer the naturalness and not accepting operational intervention, try to increase your lips yourself.

The most affordable way to make lips volume is due. It is very important that special cosmetics enriching the skin with nutrients can be used for daily procedures. Creams, lotions and balms are not necessarily bought, they can be prepared independently from natural ingredients.

Masks for increasing lips

Make chubby lips without surgery will help masks.

  • Honey mask. Mix on one teaspoon of honey, shea oil and rose oil. Add a few drops of lemon. Apply a mask on pre-cleaned skin. The procedure is best done for the night. The result of using the mask is smooth elastic lips.
  • Caen's Pepper-based mask. A pair of droplets of any essential oil with a warming effect, a semi-spoon of vaseline, 8 crushed nicotine acid tablets and a third of the cayenne pepper teaspoon. The mixture is applied exactly for a minute and wash off. Thanks to the ability of acute pepper to activate the capillary blood circulation, after using the mask of the lip will become plump and increase in volume.
  • Mask with peppermint. The principle of operation of this tool is similar to a mask with pepper. Mint oil enhances blood circulation in the tissues of the lips, increasing them in volume and creating a seductive volume.

How to make lips more plump with heat and cold? Use a simple reception: alternately apply ice and warmth to the surface of the lips. This unique and easy method activates blood circulation in the tissues and makes a smile seductively swelling. To enhance the effect, the procedure can be combined with a slight massage.

How often can you make masks?

There are practically no restrictions on the use of masks. Home masks are good in that natural ingredients are used for their preparation. However, it is important to take into account the fact that masks and massage are contraindicated if there are:

  • damage (scratches, scars, cuts);
  • inflammation, including herpetic rashes;
  • allergic reactions.

You can bring masks three times a week, as well as the eve of an important event.

Use of cosmetics

Visually make a smile more volumetric you can not resort to massage or masks. You can make lips with plump with cosmetics. Your "weapon" in the struggle for a seductive smile will be a contour pencil, lipstick and shine. It is important to remember that the shade of the pencil should most complicate with the tone of lipstick. If you use a pencil of a darker shade, you can get the opposite effect - a vulgar smile of a small volume.

There are several tricks using which even thin lips can be done visually more. Before the lipstick, outline the contour of the upper lip with a white cosmetic pencil and apply a tone cream, which is the most coinciding with a touch of the skin. Next should be applied to lipstick or shine. The effect of this simple reception is really awesome! By the way, such a trick very often uses stars to make the top lip of the fluff.

It should be noted that when choosing cosmetics, the lipstick should be preferred and the gloss of light shades with a glossy or satin effect should also be used, also use special increasing agents or places. With their help, you can make natural lips more sexy and plump.

Gymnastics for lip.

Make lips visually plump can not only with cosmetics. The effect of increased volume can also be achieved using special exercises.. Of course, this method is not so fast, but its effectiveness is preserved much longer. There is a simple, but effective set of exercises, with the help of which you can achieve a resistant effect of increasing lips.

Complex exercise

  1. Open your mouth a little, drop the tongue as much as possible and count to five.
  2. Type more air for your cheeks and tightly commemorate your mouth. Try to make chewing movements, moving with lips in all directions.
  3. Pull the lips with a tube, a little open your mouth, and then the lips are most tight.
  4. Inflate the cheeks strongly, gradually release the air with short jerks, so that the vibration was felt at the time of the exhalation.
  5. Wrap your favorite song daily five minutes.

According to reviews to make lips plump at home, you need to perform every exercise daily for 10-15 times for 3-4 weeks. It is very important when performing gymnastics do not stretch the skin near the mouth, so as not to get together with the increased volume of additional wrinkles.

Worried because you have thin lips? Forget about this problem! To become the owner of a seductive smile without surgery today is quite simple. It is enough to take advantage of our advice how to make chubby lips at home without much effort!