How to make beautiful paper butterflies. What can you do with your own hands? Corrugated paper

It is not for nothing that handicrafts are highly valued, especially if they can be used in everyday life. Sometimes the ability to craft out of paper saves a lot when you need to make an original postcard, decorate the interior of a room, a gift, decorate a stage for a performance, etc. In our article, we will tell you about several ways to make a paper butterfly. By spending time doing this, you instill a sense of aesthetics and, at the same time, develop your brain with fine motor skills.


Paper butterfly - origami

Crafts made using the origami technique always look great, and, importantly, they are usually done without the use of glue or tape. Origami paper butterflies fit beautifully both bouquets of flowers and gift wrapping, room interiors.

It is not difficult to make a butterfly if you have 20 minutes of free time, a double-sided sheet of paper of any color, it is desirable that it be square and its dimensions are from 7 to 9 cm.

Using the diagram and the following tips, you can easily implement your plan:

  1. Take the paper and fold it in half, first longitudinally, unfold, and then crosswise and unfold again.
  2. Make lines by connecting diagonally opposite corners and unfold again.
  3. Make a triangular shape out of the sheet, placing the border on the right and left sides inside, following the fold lines made in the previous paragraphs.
  4. Find the bottom corners in the workpiece. They will need to be bent upward to form oblique folds.
  5. Spread out the shape and bend the top. The uppermost point of the folded corner should protrude slightly beyond the extreme outlines of the workpiece. Now, in this position, the future butterfly needs to be fixed.
  6. Fold the workpiece in half across. End of work.

Advice! Do not press down too hard when curling the paper. Otherwise, the butterfly will not work with a beautiful volume.

Paper butterflies on the wall

Decor with butterflies turns out to be cheerful, lively, creating a joyful mood. For the manufacture of variegated insects, we may need different materials. For example, you can decorate the wall with a butterfly made from a color magazine.

Do the following:

  1. Take a sheet from a magazine and fold it in half.
  2. Draw a triangle so that one of its sides falls on the fold line.
  3. Cut and unfold. You should have a rhombus.
  4. From the same sheet (if there is enough space), cut out the second rhombus, only slightly larger than the previous one.
  5. Make an accordion out of the two obtained figures (start from the center), and then brush a little with glue to fix it.
  6. Connect the two diamonds with glue as well.
  7. Pull the accordion slightly with your fingers to spread the wings slightly.
  8. Make antennae from thin wire or a strip of paper, wrap them at the ends and attach to the center.
  9. End of work. The butterfly is ready.

In the same way, you can make moths from colored paper, which can delight the eyes of a baby in a crib, be a decoration for any postcard or even a festive table.

Corrugated paper butterflies

The advantages of corrugated paper were appreciated even in the USSR. Now its popularity is still high, since the crafts made from it are durable, beautiful, and it is convenient to work with it.

Corrugated paper butterflies are made very quickly. To do this, prepare:

  • different colors of corrugated paper;
  • thread with a needle;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

Step-by-step algorithm for making butterflies:

Beautiful paper butterflies

Whatever the butterfly is, it will still be beautiful. Paper butterflies look more natural, because the lightness inherent in these flying fauna is respected. Therefore, needlewomen know several options for creating such unusual decor items.

Colored crafts

In order to make an ordinary butterfly, one side of which you will glue to the surface, you just need to take one-sided colored paper, fold the sheet in half, draw the contours of one side of the butterfly so that the fold line falls into the middle of the future craft, cut and unfold. You can draw completely different butterflies, with different wing shapes, sizes, etc.

Butterflies made from a newspaper or magazine look very beautiful and stylish. They can even be opened with transparent varnish.

Colored cardboard also looks great for this kind of craft. The image is very clear and more or less robust.

Openwork butterflies

To create openwork butterflies, cardboard or thick paper is usually used. It folds in half and the body (thickened) and wings are drawn. A certain pattern is made on the wings, which is then cut out. Cardboard can be of different colors.

It should be borne in mind that when cutting, you should take a sharp knife, and also know that first you remove unnecessary pieces in the drawing on the wings, and only then the entire contour is cut out.

Multilayer volumetric

To create a voluminous insect, take any material: colored paper, cardboard, newspapers, magazines, music book, etc., draw and cut out several contours of a butterfly of different sizes. And then glue them together and lift the wings as you like.

Multilayer butterflies made of openwork material and plain paper look very interesting.

A beautiful butterfly is obtained in the following way:

  1. Take any paper and cut 2 rectangles out of it. One should be larger, the other smaller. This is done in order to make the wings for our butterfly.
  2. Fold their corners diagonally to one side and the other.
  3. Fold the sheet inward along the outlined diagonals 2 times. A triangle should come out, one larger, the other smaller.
  4. Fold the material inward on the left and right. Focus on photo 3.
  5. With a simple pencil on these geometric shapes, draw the wings as you like.
  6. Since the large wings will be on the bottom, the pattern should be located along the edges, and on the small ones, squiggles can be made over the entire surface.
  7. Cut out what you have planned, insert one wings into the other and fix with glue.
  8. Draw and cut out the butterfly's body and antennae. Glue it all in the middle.
  9. Spread out and lift the top wings slightly. The result is a voluminous openwork butterfly.

Video instructions

Our videos will help you quickly navigate and make any paper butterfly.

Origami butterfly:

Butterfly corrugation:

Openwork butterflies:

There is, perhaps, nothing more ordinary and at the same time original than decoration in the form of a butterfly. This form is good in everything. In the form of butterflies, they create costume jewelry, clothing items and accessories. Butterflies are used to decorate postcards, notebooks, photo albums, furniture and even just walls. Ready-made products can be purchased in the store and simply stuck in the right place, or you can make it yourself, which is undoubtedly more fun.

What can be used to make a butterfly

Not only a paper butterfly can serve as a decoration. You can use fabric, threads, ribbons, beads, natural materials, and even used plastic bottles to create this charming decorative element. In any case, thanks to the presence of patience and irrepressible imagination, you can create miniature masterpieces with your own hands.

It's so exciting! Take a piece of unwanted garbage and turn it into a beautiful butterfly. This kind of handicraft is very inspiring. Just dream up and use whatever you don't need at home. Turn it all into your own personal little masterpiece. Let's look at several ways to make a paper butterfly.

Quilling butterflies

The simplest, but no less beautiful decor option is a paper butterfly. With your own hands, you can make it in several ways. And every time you get a unique option. More complex options are a paper butterfly made from double-sided strips. This technique is called quilling and requires certain skills, tools and a lot of time. But the products are amazing. Having made these kinds of insects of different sizes, you can hang them from the ceiling or a chandelier using very thin fishing line, at different levels, which will create a wonderful effect of weightlessness. They can be used to decorate curtains and walls, postcards and scrapbooks, and even as jewelry.

Openwork butterflies

Another option is a do-it-yourself paper butterfly using the vytynanka technique. This technique is one of the types of folk decorative arts. Its essence consists in cutting out of paper using scissors or special knives. Works in this style can be simpler, or they can reach the heights of grace.

Most often they are used to decorate windows or mirrors and other glass surfaces. They are attached with a soapy solution. They are also used in the creation of postcards. To make such a decoration, paper butterfly patterns are used, according to which their products are cut.

Curly butterflies can also be cut using a plotter. This is such a special tool. Then, of course, you will spend much less effort and time on their creation, if you need a large number of decorating elements.

Simple paper butterfly garland

It is quite easy to make a garland, the main element of which is a butterfly made of paper, with your own hands.

Moreover, you will surely find everything you need at home. And all you need to brighten up a dull room or set up a fun party is a few sheets of multi-colored double-sided paper and decorative or plain wire. A ribbon or rope will also come in handy on which the garland will be attached.

For one butterfly, you need 2 squares measuring 15 x 15 cm. Fold each of them diagonally. You should get a triangle. Now, fold both triangles towards each other, that is, from the edge to the center, in an accordion manner. The width of the fold should be no more than a centimeter. Do the same with the second square. Then connect them together in the center and wrap with wire, the edges of which bend in the form of tendrils. That's all. Our paper butterfly is ready. Make as many as you need. Now all that remains is to attach them to the tape and hang them where, according to the idea, they should be.

Origami butterfly

Consider another way to make a paper butterfly. It cannot be called simple or complex. Rather, both options are present. Everything will depend on the pattern of paper butterflies used. And, believe me, there are a huge number of them. And all of a different level of difficulty. And, of course, the more complex and intricate the scheme, the more interesting it looks in the end.

When folding your garment, make sure every time that all the folds are perfect and not warped. If you pick up material with interesting colors or unusual textures, that origami paper butterfly of yours will not disappoint you.

Lay the square of paper with the white side up. Fold it twice diagonally and once vertically. Then follow exactly the instructions shown in the picture above.

Having made a large number of such butterflies, you can miraculously decorate any room with their help. You can make them in different sizes and use all the rainbow colors. After that, stick to the original lightweight driftwood, imitating the color scheme of the rainbow. And nail a snag with butterflies on the wall, for example, in the children's room.

Butterflies on a paper wall and more

There are many ways to "house" such wonderful insects as butterflies on your wall. One of them is a three-dimensional transparent picture, inside which there is a dried butterfly of a rare species. It looks amazing, but not for those who are for the preservation of wildlife. This exposition is unlikely to please such people.

Another, no less beautiful, option would be butterflies, created from feathers and wire. They are often colorful and look great on plain walls. If you have walls with a pattern, then this option is unlikely to suit you, since such butterflies will be lost against this background.

Or you can buy butterflies made of self-adhesive film and stick it wherever you want.

What you can do with your own hands

With your own hand, you can create butterflies not only from paper, but also from cardboard, thin plastic, and even from an oracle.

Butterflies made from vinyl records will also look interesting. To make them, you need to circle the butterfly pattern on the plate with a white pencil and heat it in the oven, holding the plate there for no more than 45 seconds. When the vinyl is soft, cut out the butterfly and shape it. It is possible that the heating procedure for each butterfly will need to be repeated several times. After all, this material cools and hardens as quickly as it heats up.

Perhaps the easiest option for decorating walls will be paper butterflies. The photo shows how unusual compositions can be obtained from them.

Composition mounting options

Ornamental insects made or purchased by you can be fixed in their permanent location in different ways. There are four mounting options in total.

  • Fastening with glue. The choice of adhesive material will depend both on what you are going to attach your composition element to, and on the material from which the attached object is made. If we are dealing with paper insects, then most often PVA glue becomes the number one choice. And here the main thing is not to get carried away. If you apply more than necessary, you risk not only getting streaks, but also distorting the color.
  • You can use the pin method. It is, of course, much neater than glue, but it will only work if there is space between the wall and the wallpaper.
  • Another mounting option is fixing with tape. You can use both flat and volumetric options. The latter will add airiness and weightlessness to your composition.
  • And last but not least, and perhaps even more original way - with the help of threads and transparent wire. This type of attachment is especially suitable for butterflies that have been folded using the origami technique. This type of fixation will affect your imagination to the maximum and will bring a lot of positive emotions in the process of work.

Preparing to create paper decor

Although paper insects are the cheapest option for decorating, it also gives you opportunities that no other can. When creating paper butterflies, you can make them flat or voluminous, smooth or textured, as well as layered and even delicate. Or even combine everything in one. The main thing is to approach this issue not only creatively, but also wisely. After all, your composition should maximize the room. Breathe life and dynamics into it, and not become an indicator of bad taste. It should also be noted that the paper color gamut is not only very wide, but can be easily supplemented with all kinds of paints. Although in fairness it should be noted that the most win-win option is black monochromatic butterflies. In general, before starting work, think over everything to the smallest detail. Starting from the form and color and ending with the methods of fixing the composition.

The process of creating a butterfly for a wall composition

In order for you to get a paper butterfly, which will become one of the elements of the future wall composition, you will need the following materials and tools.

First, there is paper and small decorative items for decoration, if you want to use them. For example, it can be rhinestones. Secondly, scissors, glue, a pencil and whatever is needed for fastening. Also use ready-made templates, according to which you will cut out insects for your composition.

So, let's look at how to make a paper butterfly. Cut the paper to be used into squares. The sizes of the shapes depend on your idea. Fold each square in half and carefully circle half of the sketch of your future butterfly on one side, working through all the details. Without expanding the square, carefully cut out all the elements, and only then unfold. You will end up with a completely symmetrical insect.

After all the butterflies are cut out, decorate them as you intended and start attaching to the wall. On the surface that will be the basis of the composition, apply the markings in advance, so that in the end you do not get unpleasant surprises.

Do-it-yourself paper butterflies

A paper butterfly can become a decoration for walls or clothes, it is also suitable as a gift. These crafts are always in fashion and are relevant for the holidays. Making a paper butterfly with your own hands is not difficult. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary tools and materials, learn a few secrets and turn on your own imagination.

Butterfly stencils for cutting

Openwork paper butterflies are especially eye-catching. They are beautiful and unusual, so they are perfect for decorating a room. To make such a product, you will need a stencil. It is easy to do it yourself. To do this, a silhouette is drawn on the cardboard, and in the middle a drawing is created at its own discretion. First, the butterfly itself is cut along the contour, and then the pattern inside. Thus, a stencil is obtained that can be used repeatedly. It is enough to attach it to paper of any color, circle it and cut it out.

On a note! When making a stencil, we cut it out carefully, otherwise all the flaws will constantly be reflected in the finished products. It is convenient to use a small, sharp knife for this. To add volume, don't stick to symmetry exactly. You can make the wings a little different, but so that it is not too conspicuous.

Today on the Internet there are ready-made sketches of butterflies for cutting. First, you will have to download and print them, and then transfer them to cardboard, as in the previous case.

Another option is to purchase ready-made stencils.

On a note! An openwork craft will look more interesting if you cover it with glitter varnish.

Paper butterfly patterns

In fact, the template is the same stencil. But sometimes an ordinary sketch is mistaken for it, without an internal pattern. Templates are used in the same way as stencils. They can be created manually by connecting imagination.

There are ready-made templates on the Internet that will eliminate the need to show your artistic abilities.

Cut out the butterfly along the outline of the template

First, they need to be attached to the paper for making the product, circle the outline, and then cut along it. This way you can make products of completely different sizes. It is recommended to involve children in the process, they will find this activity interesting.

On a note! With the help of such products, you can arrange a layout, decorate a wall, curtains, dot the floor with them, fill a vase. It will not be difficult for a person with unlimited imagination to find a use for them.

A way to make a butterfly using origami

A multi-layer volumetric craft is obtained using the origami method.

Step by step, the product will be performed as follows:

    The paper square is folded in half (horizontally and vertically) and then diagonally on both sides.

    The workpiece is folded into a triangle.

    The top of the triangle folds towards the crown.

    The workpiece is turned over so that the crown of the triangle looks down. Then it bends so that it goes over the base.

    The result is a small end of the triangle that sticks out slightly. It is necessary to bend it and fix it with glue on the back.

The product is almost ready, it remains to slightly modify it to get the desired shape. To do this, the craft is bent in half on the side where the small triangle is. Antennae can be made from wire.

Perhaps, it will not be possible to immediately understand the whole principle of action. For clarity, a photo of step-by-step execution is presented.

The picture below shows how original the decoration turned out to be.

Using the origami method, you can make an accordion craft. For this you will need:

  • ultra-thin brush;
  • thread (depending on the idea);

The following sequence of actions is performed:

    A square piece of paper is folded in half to form a triangle.

    From the middle of the shape, you need to start creating an accordion by bending the material. The same steps are repeated with another paper square.

    The resulting accordions are folded and wrapped in the center with a brush. It is necessary that it not only serve as a fastening element, but also be used as a tendril.

    The "wings" unfold slightly to make them larger in size.

The pictures below will help to visually represent the manufacturing process of such "accordions".

From many of these elements, you can make a beautiful garland. To do this, they are connected with a thread that runs in the center of each craft.

Video: how to cut a butterfly out of paper

Below is a short video showing how to cut a butterfly out of paper.

And one more video of making unusual crafts for wall decoration

Sometimes you can make unusual and beautiful things out of paper. For this, the Internet is filled with master classes, video instructions and other material that will help in this craft. For those who do not want to start from scratch, ready-made templates are offered that greatly simplify the task. With the help of them, it is possible to create figures of flowers, turtles, cats and much more. In the future, products can be designed at your own discretion. Some use varnish for this, others use paints, and still others paste over with a cloth. In this case, there is a lot of fantasy to roam. A paper butterfly belongs to simpler crafts that require a minimum of experience and time to complete.

Elena Kandakova

Dear friends and guests of my page, I suggest volumetric butterfly master class, which my children and I did for teamwork. I will write about this lesson in the next publication. Now watch and try with us.

So, to work for us will need:

colored paper of different color shades,

simple pencil,

sample butterflies.

1. For the main template, take the cut butterfly from a piece of old wallpaper.

2. Fold the template in half and circle it on a white sheet paper... Us for butterflies you need to prepare three templates of different sizes. With dotted lines we make the outline of the smaller template, departing from the edge of 0.5 cm.

3. This is what we should get. Three templates for butterflies.

4. Expanded templates.

Another option with a large butterfly ...

Colored tornado….

    The lace butterfly technique resembles the origami of New Year's snowflakes. The work is hard and requires a lot of perseverance. You will need nail scissors, tweezers, and a sharp dummy knife. Using plexiglass and a table lamp, fix the openwork pattern you like on a folded sheet in half and circle all the contours of the butterfly. And continue from the abdomen carefully, painstakingly cut.

    Openwork butterflies will decorate the interior of the apartment on holidays, they will decorate the serving table and help in the design of a beautiful postcard.

    To cut an openwork butterfly out of paper, you first need to make a stencil for her so that you can easily circle and cut any number of openwork butterflies on any paper. You can do it yourself, but you can use ready-made ones.

    I propose to cut an openwork butterfly on paper using this wonderful stencil, thanks to which you will make the butterfly beautiful and airy.

    Just save this drawing as a file (right-click on it and click save as), and then print it on the printer. After that, you can easily cut an openwork butterfly out of paper and decorate it as you wish.

    Cutting different figures out of paper is very useful with the children. Do not be afraid to trust them with scissors - under your supervision you can! Such activities develop fine motor skills and teach children the accuracy of movements.

    First, take everything you need - paper or napkin, sharp nail scissors.

    First, fold the paper in half and again in half to make a square. Now add the square from the corner to the opposite corner to make a triangle.

    At the base of the triangle, we will also make a notch with a triangle, so that its vertex enters the body of the large triangle.

    The drawing can be drawn or cut directly with scissors. The more cutoutsquot ;, the more delicate the butterfly will be.

    This is one of the options for how to cut an openwork butterfly, and there are a lot of them. For example, you can cut individual parts out of paper and then glue them together.

    To cut a butterfly you need: good paper, scissors, ordinary pencils, a paper knife

    Download a butterfly pattern from the internet and print it

    Cut out the butterfly, cutting off all unnecessary

    The butterfly is ready - now you need to make it openwork.

    Fold in half, draw small patterns and cut them out with a paper knife.

    The lace butterfly is ready. You can hang on a string and admire it.

    Cutting out of paper is a very painstaking activity and requires a certain perseverance. This can be done with girls about eight years old. I think the result will please both children and adults.

    You just need to first put on the paper an approximate sketch of the drawing on the wings of the butterfly, fold the paper in half for symmetry and you can start.

    It is better to take scissors with short and sharp ends of blades, like manicure. After all, the work is almost jewelry.

    Here are some sample templates openwork butterflies:

    A very beautiful butterfly, can be cut out of paper. To do this, you need to print templates, beautiful butterflies and, using small scissors or a clerical knife, cut out the centers, curly patterns on the wings. You can cover it with blsk on top. There are such templates for cutting

    But what we get after cutting

    First you need to decide on a stencil and choose the most attractive butterfly for you. Then, bend a sheet of paper in half, attach one butterfly wing to the fold and cut out the wing along the contour and around with a clerical knife. After when we accelerate the previously folded paper, we will see a similar wing on the other side of the fold.

    Below I suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the options for butterfly patterns.

    The cutting technique is simple, many are familiar with it from kindergarten or school. To make the butterfly beautiful, you can print templates in advance from the Internet. You will also need thin manicure scissors and a dummy knife.

    Openwork butterflies glued to glass can be cut out of thin office paper, and if you want to make a pendant in the shape of an openwork butterfly, it is better to choose photographic paper for this. One / two-sided colored paper or multi-colored pages of glossy magazines are also suitable.

    Fold a sheet of paper in half and put it on a thick sheet of plywood so that the sheet does not move, carefully secure it with pins or tape. Attach a template, draw a pencil around the offices of the butterfly and the offices of the pattern on the wings.

    First, cut out the inner pattern on the wings along the lines with a breadboard knife. And cut the outer contour of the butterfly with scissors. If you still see pencil lines somewhere, they can be easily erased with an eraser.

    An openwork butterfly will always look like a very beautiful and thin paper lace.

    Because they are very light and transparent, almost airy. And if you like to do creative work at your leisure, then you can create just such beauty. After all, it is always very pleasant to look at the fruits of your labor, and this will give you a good mood.

    Children often ask for help in creating such a cute openwork butterfly.

    If you’ve never done this before, then you need to start with a simple technique and choose larger patterns in order for this to work, and you will need a clerical knife for this purpose. And here are all the steps in order:

    The lace butterfly is the same snowflakes that we cut out at school. The technique is almost the same. But there are also differences.

    1) In order to cut an openwork butterfly, it is necessary to fold the paper only twice, since the butterfly is symmetrical along one axis.

    2) The butterfly should be cut out first of the inner patterns, and only then the outer contour.

    3) First you need to draw the pattern with a pencil, but not hard, so that later you do not have to carefully wield the eraser.

    4) You need to be patient and persevering. If you decide to cut a butterfly with an intricate pattern, it can take a long time.

    5) It is better to cut out of thick paper and with a sharp knife, for example, use a clerical knife.

An accordion paper butterfly combining different colors is a very beautiful craft. And it can also be a sticker if you stick double-sided tape on the back.

Materials for work:

  • Colored paper of any desired color;
  • Some cardboard for the torso and antennae of the butterfly;
  • Glue stick, scissors, pencil, black marker.

Paper butterfly accordion step by step

To create a butterfly, cut two rectangles from colored paper. The bottom two wings of the butterfly are slightly smaller than the top ones, so one of the rectangles should be smaller than the other.

A butterfly can be in one color, but its bright multi-colored version looks beautiful. So I chose two shades for the wings - red and yellow. The upper wings are red; they are slightly larger than the yellow lower ones, both in width and in length.

Let's start making the wings like an accordion. Prepare a rectangle.

Fold it in half, the photo shows it folded from left to right.

Then fold again, from top to bottom. That is, we have a folded rectangle with one fold on the left and two on the bottom. Above and on the right - free paper tips. This is essential for proper wing cutting.

At the top of the rectangle, draw a line from the right side to the top corner of the left. It can be more sinuous or convex, depending on how you want the butterfly wings to be.

Cut along the line by removing the top left corner.

Open the folded paper, you should get something like the one in the photo.

Do the same for the second section prepared for the bottom two wings.

Fold both parts into a small accordion, the width of the folds of which is no more than 5 mm. Of course, this size also depends on the size of your butterfly. Since for a butterfly, the size of a sheet of A4 paper, folds up to a centimeter are quite suitable.

Determine the center of the accordions and bend them. Cut a thin rectangle out of colored paper, fold it 1-2 times to make a kind of belt.

Apply glue liberally to this belt and fasten both wings with it in the fold in the middle. Press and hold for a while. Spread your wings.

Cut a small body of any shape out of cardboard. It can be an oval, a schematic figure eight. Draw eyes in the same place, a sweet smile, you can also have stripes that harmonize well with the stripes on the wings. Cut thin strips of antennae from colored cardboard, twist their ends into rings and glue to the body.

It remains only to glue the body to the wings and the accordion paper butterfly is ready.

Experimenting with the colors of colored paper, you can make a variety of beautiful and bright butterflies, and with double-sided tape glued on the back - chic stickers that will decorate a children's room, any room.