How to make a drug abortion. Is it possible to conduct a house procedure. How tools to stop pregnancy in emergency order

Drug abortion of pregnancy is different as an unscheduled or tableted abortion. This is a modern medical procedure that allows you to interrupt pregnancy in a woman in the early stages. Surgical intervention in this case does not apply.

Intervention in the work of the body is carried out with the help of special drugs with antigestagnetic effect.

Medical interruption of pregnancy in early time can be called a relatively safe method.

The drug stimulates the process of peeling the embryo in the uterine cavity. With abortive effects, the embryo is independently separated from the mucous membrane and comes out. This is the so-called artificial miscarriage.

The effectiveness of the technique is approximately 95-98 percent.

How long can you do?

If a drug abortion is planned, the timing is strictly defined. The procedure can be carried out only in the early deadlines, not later than 5-6 weeks (up to 49 days of delay from the first day of the last period).

If you, to what period, you can make a drug interruption of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the period in this case is placed only on the results of the ultrasound of the transvaginal method.


For the procedure, doctors use such drugs:

  • Pencrofton (Russia);
  • Mifepristone (Russia);
  • Mifegin (France);
  • Mytholian (China).

All tablets have a similar principle of action. Active substances block progesterone production in a woman's body. It is this process that participates in the process of pregnancy development. Reception The drug provokes peeling of the embryo shells from the walls of the uterus and its exit from the body.

Asking a question, to how many weeks do a drug interruption of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that the above-mentioned drugs are not sold in pharmacies.

How is the procedure?

The pharmacet requires a number of resolving documents from a doctor.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of pregnancy and. The usual and ultrasound is carried out using a transvaginal sensor. Embryo must be excluded.
  2. Signature of patient documents for consent to conduct a procedure.
  3. In the absence of contraindications, a woman is given to take the drug in the doctor's office. Here it spends not less than 2-3 hours under medical supervision. This is necessary in order for in the case of complications, emergency assistance was provided in the case of complications.
  4. After a day, a woman can go home. During the period of stay in the doctor's office, the uterus usually occurs and bleeding begins.
  5. Three days after the medication abortion, you need to visit the doctor again and go through the procedure. This is necessary and necessary in order to eliminate the presence of residues of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

The question of the soreness of the procedure is often asked. As for pain, it is more intense than with ordinary monthly. After taking the procedure of the drug, a woman can feel the pulsation at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as grapple pain. You can consult with the doctor and take an anesthetic.


There are a number of contraindications for medical interruption. To absolutely, when the procedure is prohibited, the following are:

  • ectopic course of pregnancy;
  • the term of pregnancy is more than 9 obstetric weeks;
  • the presence of scars in the uterus;
  • allergic reactions to the used drugs;
  • the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system;
  • heavy hearts and vessels, kidneys, liver.

There are relative contraindications to the pharmacist, in the presence of which the patient may refuse to carry out the procedure (the question is solved by the doctor):

  • age less than 18 and more than 35 years;
  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • bad blood test (low hemoglobin, coagulation problems);
  • smoking over the past five years;
  • epilepsy;
  • prolonged use of drugs with antithrombotic effect.

Consequences and complications

Normally, after the medication interruption of pregnancy, the woman feels almost the same as with a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

After the procedure may be observed:

  • spasms, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and painful uterine reductions;
  • vomiting and nausea, dizziness as a result of hormonal balance in the body;
  • bleeding that can last up to several weeks.

Hormonal imbalance after pharmacet can cause consequences in the form of a number of gynecological diseases, such as inflammatory processes, cervical erosion, endometritis, endometriosis. All this can cause infertility in the future.

To eliminate such consequences, it is necessary to undergo an appointed examination before and after interruption, compliance with the hygiene rules and all recommendations of the gynecologist.

The following complications are also possible as a result of the procedure:

  • Bleeding. The most frequent complication after artificial interruption. Normally bleeding should be. But their abundance, intensity and too much duration lead to serious blood loss, anemia and fatal outcome as a result. Anxious symptom when a woman has to use more than two pads (5 drops) in one hour.
  • Incomplete abortion. Means the partial liberation of the uterus from the fruit egg. Danger in the development of purulent complications and sepsis. For this reason, an imperative ultrasound study after the procedure. In the presence of residues, cleaning the uterus is carried out or vacuum aspiration.
  • Hematometer. This is accumulating blood in the uterus cavity, which leads further to purulent processes and sepsis. Anxious symptom: increasing pain at the bottom of the abdomen after taking tablets and no bleeding.

The effectiveness of the drug abortion, the likelihood of negative consequences and complications depend on a number of factors:

  • professionalism of Doctor;
  • women's responsibility;
  • perform recommendations after the procedure.

To minimize the risk of complications after interrupting, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Conduct the procedure only at a qualified physician. Independent carrying out artificial interrupt is dangerous.
  • Refuse the medal in the presence of contraindications and choose another way.
  • In the recovery period, strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, follow their self-meaning. It is not recommended to use tampon, it is better to use gaskets.
  • Refrain from sexual life for two to three weeks after the procedure. It can provoke bleeding and the development of inflammation.
  • For two weeks, heavy physical exertion, motor activity, alcoholic beverages, thermal procedures (sauna, sauna, etc.) are prohibited.
  • Recommended for at least 6 months after a pharmacist take hormonal contraceptives. This will help restore the hormonal balance in the body and prevent subsequent undesirable pregnancy.
  • With poor well-being after the procedure, the appearance of discharge with the smell, increasing body temperature should immediately make a visit to the doctor.

No type of abortion can be called completely safe. Each of them can lead to serious complications. Despite the ease of conducting a procedure for drug interrupting pregnancy, it is impossible to use it as an emergency contraception method.

A pharmacist is a forced measure, and if it does not work to avoid it, it is better that she was one-time in the life of a woman.

On the video about interrupt

The interruption of pregnancy in the early periods is interested in women who have conceived, but they do not want a child. Another reason - pregnancy is dangerous to health and life.

In any case, measures should be taken as early as possible that avoid negative consequences.


This is the most common way to eliminate unwanted embryos. It is carried out for a period of up to 12 weeks.

The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia due to painivity. It is an artificial expansion of the cervix and scraping of the uterine or a curethip, with the help of a special metal tool - Cureti.

The duration of the surgical abortion is about 20 minutes. Next, the patient is conducted from 2 to 4 hours under the supervision of doctors.

This method is the most traumatic. Possible consequences:

  • endometrial damage;
  • injury to the cervix;
  • the formation of an extensive wound on the fabrics of the inner cavity of the uterus;
  • bleeding;
  • development of endometritis and other inflammatory processes;
  • infertility.

Medical methods


The following are applied in the early stages:

  • Mifeprex. Indications - Conducting a pharmacist for a period of up to 42 days of delay. The drug has high efficiency, healthy women are well tolerated.
  • Pencrofton. As part of tablets - mifepristone. It is shown as an emergency interruption to girls who have no children. Cases of gynecological complications after these tablets or infertility are minimal.
  • Mifgyne. French reliable drug that can be used up to 6 weeks. Differs high efficiency practically close to 100 percent.
  • Mytholian. Also an effective tool, when taking a tissue of uterine fabrics, along with the embryo occurs.

- Somewhat other means. Refers to the category of emergency contraception.

Postinor is used after unprotected sexual communications. Packaging contains two tablets, one of which needs to be taken no later than 72 hours after the act, and the second - 12 hours after the first. The greatest efficiency of the drug is possible, provideding for the earlier reception of the first tablet.


The body of the woman requires recovery after any abortion, and even more so surgical.

  • Ban of sex life for 3 weeks. The neglect of this Recommendation is fraught with a mass of complications, the development of inflammation, infectious processes, and even a fatal outcome.
  • Attentive attitude to his well-being. It is important to measure the temperature and blood pressure. If it is from the norm - urgently consult a doctor.
  • Prohibition of physical exertion. Within two weeks after an abortion, a woman cannot be played out and lifting heavy items.
  • Water procedures. Only warm shower is allowed. Baths, pools, open reservoirs - all this is prohibited.
  • Timely visit to the toilet. Emptying of the intestines and bladder must be regularly. This will avoid the development of inflammatory processes in the bodies of the small pelvis.
  • Balanced diet. The exhaustion of the body after the operation requires the receipt of all necessary nutrients.
  • Compliance with hygiene and underwear change twice a day. For the arms, it is necessary to use only boiled water.

Artificial interruption is not a simple procedure as many think. Do not treat it frivolous.

This is a huge stress for the body and harming him. For this reason, questions how to interrupt pregnancy in the early periods of the house by folk remedies - do not make sense.

The use of various herbs and other agents can lead to irreversible consequences, and in the end, medical assistance will still need. Therefore, abortion is better to do with a qualified doctor so that the losses for the body are minimal.

On the video about the conduct of the procedure

Medical abortion of pregnancy is the most modern and least traumatic way to interrupt pregnancy. Unfortunately, due to poor ecology, as well as a severe economic situation, many women are forced to make a difficult decision to interrupt their pregnancy. Whatever the reasons that influence this decision, it is important to choose the most secure way to interrupt pregnancy, a way that will not pull the unwanted consequences and all sorts of complications.

This article will tell in detail about the non-surgical abortion, which can be carried out in the early period of pregnancy with the help of drug (chemical) drugs. This procedure, although it does not require surgical intervention, however, it must be carried out under the complete control of the gynecologist.

Having studied the feedback from the patients who used this procedure, it is safe to say that it has passed for the bulk of women without consequences and complications. Pained pain effect, which every woman transferred in his own way, even needed anesthesia.

The clinical and diagnostic center qualifiedly conducts an intimate plastic surgery to restore the virgin splava.

Mechanism of procedure

Mythiprestton The main active substance that contains drugs intended for drug abortion. This substance affects the female hormone progesterone, produced in large quantities in the female body for a well-concerned pregnancy. Under the influence of mythiphone, the impact of progesterone is blocked and the process of detachment of the germinal egg that attached to the wall of the uterus begins.

Preparations of prostaglandins appointed simultaneously cause strong cuts in the uterus, as a result of which the germinal egg is rejected and is thrown out of the uterus. In the process of artificially caused by miscarriage, bleeding occurs, which is slightly more intense than menstruation.

When the effect of the procedure is maximum

Drug abortion of pregnancy is more efficient by more than 95%, subject to timely conducting this procedure. Timely appeal is the timing from the first to 42 days from the date of the monthly delay. True, the closer to the 6th week of pregnancy, the expected effect decreases. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the procedure can lead to a partial abortion, so it is better not to delay and make a decision on fairly early time.

Features and advantages of medication abortion

Pills interrupting pregnancy is the best way, which has a number of advantages over a surgical abortion.

The main advantages of medication abortion:

  • It has more than 95% of efficiency in the early deadlines to 6 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Surgical intervention is not required. It is enough to take under the supervision of the gynecologist tablets with a mifepristone, and then for several days to take the drugs appointed by the doctor.
  • The procedure completely eliminates the mechanical effect on the walls of the uterus, there is no risk of damaging this important organ for each woman.
  • Anesthesia during the procedure is not conducted.
  • Complications after this procedure are extremely rare.

Accepting drugs, in particular, the pills containing the mythipresson can observe such reactions and consequences as nausea, strong spasmodic pain at the bottom of the abdomen, sometimes vomiting, chills and short-term body temperature up to 38 ° C. As the consequences of the impact of prostaglandins, diarrhea may appear. When manifesting any of the listed reactions should not be particularly worried. Data of manifestations most often have temporary character and quickly pass.


There are a number of contraindications. Take medical preparations of this group contraindicated to patients who have:

  • dates of pregnancy more than 6 weeks;
  • if it is assumed to have ectopic pregnancy;
  • if pregnancy originated during the use of intrauterine contraception;
  • renal and liver failure (acute and chronic);
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs of a woman;
  • under anemia;
  • in the morning of the uterus;
  • in porphyry;
  • after a long course of treatment with corticosteroid drugs;
  • intolerance of mythiperstone;
  • with hemostasis violations.
  • when breastfeeding (lactation must be interrupted by 14 days);
  • for smoking women, age from 35 years;
  • with hypertension;
  • in the presence of scars on the uterus.

Permission to carry out this procedure can only be given by the doctor a gynecologist after a careful inspection of a woman. Before making a final decision in favor of an abortion, it is worth weighing everything, clearly understanding what consequences and complications after an abortion can be.

Stages of holding

A woman involving pregnancy goes to his doctor. At the reception at the doctor, she makes a complete diagnosis. A visit to the gynecologist will confirm or refute the pregnancy. When diagnosing pregnancy, the doctor establishes which estimated period of pregnancy, reveals an ectopic pregnancy, contraindications to childbirth.

In the case, if the woman does not have contraindications to childbirth, but pregnancy did not enter her plans, the doctor gives time to meditation.

If a woman is configured to interrupt pregnancy, even learning about the consequences and complications after an abortion, the doctor determines whether there is contraindications to carry out this procedure.

The procedure of drug termination of pregnancy takes place in several stages.

Stage 1

Tablets containing mifepristone are accepted, the dose is 600 mg (3 tablets). The patient throughout the first stage is under the complete control of the doctor. How much time ranks first - depends on the individual reaction of the female organism for drugs appointed by the doctor. After studying the feedback from the patients who choose a tablet way to interrupt pregnancy, we learn that the first stage goes for 2-6 hours. During this period, women begin to feel a spasming pain at the bottom of the abdomen, there are blood discharge from reproductive organs. This is the normal response of the body on the tablet with the mifepristone. There is a rejection of the fetal egg.

After the first stage, the woman receives further instructions and medical preparations that prepare it to the second stage of the procedure.

2 stage

The stage begins 36-48 hours after the first reception of the tablets. The patient at this stage no longer goes to the doctor, enough at home to take the pills that the doctor gave her at the end of the first stage of the abortion. Preparations of prostaglandins, such as "Mizoprostol", force the walls of the uterus to shrink, thereby being expelled (pushing) a fruit egg from the uterus.

On the day of the second stage it is worth aware, since abundant bleeding from the genital tract is observed. The pain syndrome is pronounced, in some cases the pills with an anesthetic effect are shown. The body's response to the drug may be any. It is recommended to take a convenient pose, slightly massaging pain points, distracting something pleasant (music, film, book).

It is very important for carrying out this painful and fairly dangerous procedure to use only certified drugs, because the patient's life and health are on horseback. In the early periods, the procedure is most effective and has fewer risks and consequences. The rehabilitation process occurs easier, the pain shock is less pronounced.

Patient actions after the procedure

After 3 days after the second stage, the patient needs to visit his attending physician again. This time, the gynecologist carefully examines the patient and determines whether the remains of the fetal egg remained in the uterus cavity, whether the pills have affected, and whether complete rejection occurred. To prevent the unwanted consequences of drug abortion and prevent complications make the primary control ultrasound. When the remains of the fetal egg is found in the uterus, the gynecologist thinks over its next steps.

After one or two weeks after the primary check inspection, a second inspection is carried out. The gynecologist again does an ultrasound and checks what effect managed to achieve, taking a tablet for medication interruption of early pregnancy. If necessary, to confirm that the abortion really occurred, check the level of HCHG.

In the early periods, the procedure is more than 98% successfully, which cannot be said about later time when pregnancy is more than 6 weeks! How many cases of incomplete abortion occurs as a result of late appeal to the doctor! If this is still happening, the question will already be about conducting vacuumspiration.

After medical interruption of pregnancy, a woman should take precautions to use contraceptives. How many cases of re-pregnancy are observed before the occurrence of menstruation!

After the procedure for several weeks, the patient, resolved by drug abortion, will be contraindicated alcohol, visits to the baths, saunas, pool, as well as sexual relations.

The possibility of using special preparations allows you to safely interrupt the pregnancy at an early term. This method makes it possible to save the reproductive functions of a woman, avoid negative consequences.

Dates of the medication abortion

Scientific research has allowed to determine what time a drug abortion can be done on a minimal risk to the health of a woman. This procedure is in most cases. A woman should appeal to the gynecologist no later than 40 days after the end of the last menstruation. This corresponds to a three-week menstruation delay.

There are several means provoking the abortion. At present, the most commonly used "Mifepristone" (up to 6 weeks of pregnancy), Methotrexate (up to 8 weeks), "Mizoprostol" (up to 9 weeks).

Stages of the procedure

Medical abortion is two stages and recovery period. During the first visit, the gynecologist tells in detail the patient about the peculiarities of this method of interrupting pregnancy, possible complications, the symptoms that expect it. Explains to what period you can make a drug abortion. If a woman decides on abortion, the doctor issues directions to the necessary surveys:
  • A stroke is sent to the laboratory, which is investigated by the degree of purity.
  • The blood test for hepatitis C and B, RW, HIV is investigated.
  • A ultrasound study is carried out, which allows you to make sure of pregnancy.
After receiving the results of the survey, the gynecologist gives the patient three pills "MiPepristone". Following a couple of hours, a woman should be in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. After that, she can go home. After 1.5-2 days, it is necessary to again visit the gynecologist so that it can be convinced of the absence of complications. Specialist gives the patient supporting the drug "Siotek" in the number of two tablets.

Symptoms after medication abortion

The expulsion of the fetus in most cases begins in the hospital, immediately after receiving the tablets. Occasionally, bleeding appears after returning home. They can continue within 1-2 weeks. The intensity of the selection may be the same as with conventional menstruation or more abundant.

Ten days later, it is necessary to recruit a visit to the doctor. The control ultrasound study makes it possible to make sure that the expulsion of the fetus happened completely, there is no complications.
Subsequent menstruation begins in 28-42 days after an abortion. Until that time, the woman should not use pregnancy tests, as they show a positive result.

Advantages of abortion of this type

Doctors recommend interrupting pregnancy in early tablets, as the method has a lot of advantages.
  • Surgical intervention is not required, which allows you to maintain the integrity of the walls of the uterus.
  • Psychological trauma is eliminated.
  • The effectiveness of drug abortion is high.
  • No need to apply anesthesia.
  • There is no danger of infection.
  • Women's reproductive functionality is not damaged.
Since the doctors know perfectly perfectly, in what time a medical interruption of pregnancy is made, have experience in conducting such operations, the risk of complications is minimal.

There are contraindications that do not allow drug abortion. These are diseases of the liver, kidneys, nervous system, adrenal glands. In this case, a mini-abortion is recommended. It is also a small-acting method of interrupting pregnancy, in medicine called vacuum aspiration. It does not use surgery, general anesthesia or local anesthesia is applied, which makes the procedure painless.

Apply drug abortion in the later dates is not recommended. In such cases, a surgical interruption of pregnancy is used or artificial childbirth is caused.

Modern medical statistics record annually increasing the number of abortions, most of which are produced at an early term. The desire to interrupt the pregnancy by artificially is not always justified by weighty circumstances. Therefore, the question of how long the pregnancy can be interrupted with the lowest consequences for the reproductive sphere, it is necessary to discuss with the gynecologist necessarily.

Types of abortion

Confirmation of pregnancy is not always in women causes pleasant associations. There are cases when to preserve the fruit does not allow household, physical, material difficulties and other circumstances. Despite the norms of legislation that officially allow abortion to 12 weeks of pregnancy, the search for the most secure type and period is interested in many women.

The question, to what period you can make an abortion, should be discussed with a gynecologist. The doctor in each individual case decides when you can make an abortion to save the reproductive function and do not damage to health.

By the deadlines, the abortion is classified on:

  • early (abortion up to 12 weeks);
  • late (for more than 12 weeks).

Depending on the term of pregnancy, the gynecologist determines which type of the medal as acceptable in this situation.

In obstetric and gynecological practice adhere to the following norms:

Deadline for an abortion - 12 weeks, but there are situations when it is possible to interrupt and in a later period.

Up to how many weeks you can make the patient Surgical manipulations to remove the fetus, solves the Special Commission, which includes:

  1. chief physician;
  2. gynecologist who observed pregnancy;
  3. adjacent specialists (in the presence of systemic diseases in history);
  4. lawyer.

The decision, to what period you can make an abortion, and in which method, taking into account such indicators as:

  • physical and mental health patients;
  • circumstances that influenced the adoption of such a decision;
  • age;
  • the presence of systemic diseases;
  • anamnesis allergy;
  • the risk of complications;
  • threat for life.

Medical abortion

On what time it is possible to do a medicine (pharmaceutical) abortion, most often interested in barking women. The essence of the pharmacet is to take the synthetic steroid antigestore agent, mifepristone, which increases the contractile ability of the myometrium and contributes to the expulsion of the fruit egg. In combination with misoprostol (synthetic analog of prostaglandin) pharmaceutical effect rises.

However, the decision, to how many months they make an abortion with the help of tablets, should solve the gynecologist. The view that the lack of operational interference in the reproductive bodies is safe, excludes the risk of complications, erroneously.

The maximum term for the procedure is 6 weeks (42 days from the date of the last menstruation). If the term of pregnancy exceeds, then the likelihood of incomplete removal of the fetal egg is large. In the absence of menstruation, additional consultation of the gynecologist and ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity is required.

Make a drug abortion without consulting a gynecologist - is unacceptable for a pregnant woman. Only a doctor decides, to how many weeks you can make an abortion using tablets to minimize the risk of hormonal imbalance.

Mini abortion

Vacuum aspiration is the most common type of pregnancy interrupts for up to 7 weeks:

  1. Compared with a pharmacist, vacuum aspiration contributes to the complete removal of an aborted material in 95% of cases. At the same time, doctors make a vacuum abortion to reduce the risk of injury to the reproductive sphere.
  2. The lack of actions related to the expansion of the cervical canal prevents the occurrence of functional disorders in the cervical department in the future.
  3. Healing the wound surface occurs in a shorter time than in operational intervention with impaired integrity of the endometrium.
  4. Interrupting pregnancy with a miniature, the patient may refuse to use common anesthesia in the presence of a high pain.
  5. The abortion produced in the first month of pregnancy by the method of vacuum aspiration has the minimum risk of complications. Despite the absence of contraindications, only the doctor must decide whether it is possible to make a mini abortion for 12 weeks.
  6. The absence of a long-term rehabilitation period increases the number of patients who want to make a medal with a vacuum suction on a permissible period of pregnancy.

Despite the existing advantages of vacuum aspiration, the risk of complications are not excluded:

  • the emergence of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive sphere;
  • risk of polyps due to incomplete removal of abortionable residues;
  • spasification of the muscles of the cervical canal;
  • the appearance of blood clots in the uterine cavity and cervical canal;
  • delay of the parts of the fetal egg and the need for a re-conducting procedure.

Surgical abortion

An abortion with the use of surgical instruments is the most traumatic type of manipulation performed for interrupting pregnancy carried out by a doctor. The essence of the method is to expand the cervical channel and scattering the uterus using a curette. Operational intervention is resorted only in the most non-standard situations when the use of other methods is impossible.

The basis for the purpose of the operational is:

  • the term of pregnancy exceeds 7 weeks;
  • contraindications to the use of alternative metabat methods;
  • anomaly of the development of the reproductive sphere;
  • anomaly of the intrauterine development of the fetus due to chromosomal and other violations;
  • infection during pregnancy, which threatens irreversible consequences for the future child;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • threat to the patient's life;
  • the incapacity of a woman associated with physical and mental health.

Later intervention for a period of 12 to 22 weeks - the exceptional case to which they resort to coordination in such situations as:

  1. rape;
  2. finding a woman in places of imprisonment;
  3. death of her husband during pregnancy;
  4. deprivation of parental rights;
  5. identification of intrauterine deviations of the development of the fetus at the later date;
  6. heavy diseases representing a real threat to the patient's life.

By deciding on a late interruption of pregnancy, which can no longer be done according to admissible standards, it is necessary to evaluate the risk of possible complications. The probability of the emergence of complications in women who made a medal increases by 15-20% with each subsequent month.

Among the main pediatric consequences are allocated:

  • bodybagging of the uterus during the banking (scraping);
  • breaking the cervical channel when expanding it;
  • the formation of polyps with incomplete purification of the uterine cavity;
  • the risk of bleeding, the appearance of blood clots in the uterus and the cable channel;
  • risk of infection;
  • a longer rehabilitation period for wound surface healing;
  • infertility.

By deciding on an artificial interruption of pregnancy on any period, it is necessary to assess the degree of risk not only for the reproductive sphere, but also for the whole body as a whole. The task of the doctor is to give the patient a real idea of \u200b\u200bthe manipulations carried out, push the idea that it is not just the removal of biological material, but human life. A rampant decision may forever change the fate of a woman, having deprived her happiness of motherhood.