How to make hair with waves at home. Vertical curls in natural style. Using gum for greek hairstyles

It is believed that the simplest laying that is not a professional at home can be performed - this is soft waves and clear curls. Partly, the statement is true, but even in such an easy process there is a lot of nuances, and the work technologies have no less than a dozen. How to make waves on hair of any length? What can be used if there is no fluff?

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Selection of funds for work

70% successful hairstyles depend on properly selected tools and means, and only 30% from personal skills coming with experience. Therefore, it should be shattered in what can be achieved with one or another device, as well as what each of the cans in the store for hairdressers is oriented.

First, you need to pay attention to the styling rules from professional brands: without a curl, you can wind the waves, but without a varnish or foam, it is difficult to dismiss them immediately - it is extremely difficult.

Mousse or Penka

Basically plays the role of a fixing agent, but sometimes other functions are performed: for example, adds prikan volume. Designed for thin, normal or fatty hair, especially if there is an alcohol.

Dry hair is undesirable, because it reduces the percentage of moisture (due to which the hairstyle "cementing").

It is advisable to apply to wet strands, try to impregnate them completely, but do not overdo it. Fixation is average, the effect is not too natural: the curls look with paper, if you apply a lot of product.


Mandatory element, which in single use will give Natural result (Choose a lacquer with the "Flexible" marking), and when applied after the foam will increase its action. If it is necessary to make durable, but light waves, sprinkle strand with a varnish immediately before the cheating, but not to the wet state.

Remember that with the hot surface of the hair, the varnish must touch dry.


Immediately clarify that this product should not work in a tandem with thermal devices. Gel is used to create beach waves, a peculiar wet natural effect. Fix it cold (Important!) Air. It can also be applied to the tips already curled curls to make them clear.

As for the tools, the waves on the hair are created by means of a fluff, iron, hair dryer or curlers. The latter can be both electrical and soft or sticky. In addition, and with tongs not so simple. How to make the right choice?


Most universal Option, but requiring skills. You can get enough natural, soft waves on the hair (not curls) if the instrument plates are 3-5 cm wide.

It is important to trace the presence of a rounded edge that will not leave the chances. Suitable for any length and structure.


In the beauty market today, not only standard cylindrical models can be seen, but also conical, as well as dual. Soft waves are obtained on the device with a diameter of 29 mm, but is relevant for hair only from shoulders and below. With a short haircut, shook the strands to such a curl will not work.


The method is not the fastest, but rather sparing, if we are not about their electrical version. But again it should be noted that the result depends from diameter: Optimal large wipe curvings are optimal, but they are suitable for the owners of the length from the blades and below. But soft flexible curlers (Papillary) is better not to acquire - they give rather steep and small curls.

How to lay short hair waves?

When considering the laying devices, it was indicated that with short haircuts the result is usually not done what is expected. But it does not yet talk about the impossibility of making a hairstyle: To get the waves just need to make a little more effort.

The most common method is cold laying. It will take a hairdryer, mousse, as well as a large amount (at least 10) ceting clamps. For a long-term result, it is recommended to take a gel. This technology can be used at any length, however, it is with a short haircut (straight to the chin line) it gives a chic effect.

  • Spice the whole mass of hair on 2 parts by a vertical probor, which is desirable to shift the lobby. Divide the head on the zone with transverse lines: occipital, medium and front. Starting work is recommended with the last, the remaining stamps so as not to be disturbed.
  • Issimate a little gel (with walnut - for normal density), sort out in the palms and carefully apply on the front of the hair. Try evenly distribute, using the plastic comb with frequent tooths. Then add a thin tool with genuine bristles.
  • Smooth, wide strand Start laying the waves: first spend forward, then from the forehead, and repeat this "snake" to the tip. Each round should be fixed with clamps on both sides. The softer there will be transitions back and forth, the elegant is the laying.
  • Drink a gel with a hairdryer with a cold air mode, then remove the clamps, carefully seen the front side of the strands of natural bristles and sprinkle with varnish. The same is repeated for the middle and rear zones.

An important nuance in this technique is the choice of gel. This should be a liquid remedy that has a low "cementing".

Strands are laid out for a long time, and throughout the process they must have good flexibility. If you still doubt your abilities, use mousse and / or varnish.

How to create waves with tongs?

The work of the catch or iron, in fact, does not represent any particular difficulties, but if you need to get the waves on the hair, and not clear curls, you should pay attention to some nuances.

  • Wash your head before laying. Clean hair is definitely worse holding a hairstyle, they are softer and easier, but here it goes only in plus. And finally not to straighten up in a couple of hours, strands will help lacquered a weak fixation. Moreover, it is desirable not to use masks in the shower - only balm or air conditioning: they do not lose and do not compact the structure of the hair.
  • Work on zones and start from the bottom layer. First, it is convenient; Secondly, so the settlement will be uniform - by the time the top layer starts to wind, the rest will already lose the clarity, but do not straighten completely.
  • Curls on thick hair before cooling is recommended to fix the clip. At the same time, the curl should be treated with varnish, and before heating - foam.
  • After curling - disperse all strands with your fingers. Such a move will help to avoid the deliberate clarity of the curls, as well as slightly weaken them.

Exposure time and laying technology depend on the desired result, source material and the type of device. For a natural effect, 40-45 sec. At high temperatures, for more solemn - 60 sec.

How to wind the waves without a curl?

The absence of a thermal device (or electricity for its use) will not be an obstacle to the wish to make a beautiful laying: you can turn strands with others, the truth that requires more time in ways.

Simplest - A sign of everything since childhood: Wet hair is required to carefully comb, braid into the thick French braid (when the initial strands are taken above the top of the top), fix the tip of the elastic band and hide under it - then it will not remain straight. With a success, it is necessary to like 3-4 hours, waiting for its complete drying.

The process will accelerate if you take fen. Then the gum is removed, strands are broken with their fingers, spray with varnish. Waves are obtained naturally negligent, easy enough. But the smaller the density of the hair, the sharper curls.

Similar option, With which, however, it is impossible to sleep because it is uncomfortable - break the whole mass of wet hair into several equal parts. Their number depends on how soft waves need to be obtained (you can not divide in general). Each strand twist in the harness, which turns around around its axis, forming a bundle. Secure in invisible or a wide rubber band (ribbon, thread, etc.). Also wait for a complete hair drying.

If very large waves are needed, a special foam roller is recommended for a bundle.

Nontrivial scheme - using wet napkins or fabric strips. They will work on the same principle as curiors, but with a lesser degree of impact on the structure of the hair: the material must be wet down (if it is a fabric), put a strand on it and consolidate.

In conclusion, it should be said that natural and light waves can be obtained in the process of the usual drying with a hairdryer if you take a diffuser nozzle. For this, the head is lowered down and pass along the entire length of strands from the tip to the root. It will not be superfluous to use the foam that will give the root volume.

The sophisticated, gentle and sophisticated hairstyles have always been in demand among fair sex representatives. That is why the hairstyle "Hollywood wave" does not go out of fashion. She gives the image of a woman. Specificity, charm and attractiveness. It is not surprising that Hollywood's stars demonstrate all the charms of this retro style. Hollywood hairstyle is suitable for everyday, and evening image, it looks great on short, and long strands. Knowing the features of this hairstyle, you can make a gorgeous Hollywood wave at home!

History of the advent of hairstyles "Hollywood wave"

Hollywood hairstyle is considered the most sophisticated and elegant. Beautiful long hair remains loose, while have a neat wave and a sophisticated shape. There was such a hairstyle in the 19th century, and its founder is considered to be a hairdresser Marseille Ciro. He decided to make a new way of curling: on hot tongs.

Such an unusual hairstyle "Marseille Wave" began to enjoy wide demand, especially in actresses of the 20s. It is also well acquainted how she demonstrated the famous Movie Diva with admiration looked at such a style, and each, regardless of the length of the curls, sought to demonstrate the same Hollywood wave. Today, such a hairstyle is considered to be fashionable and original!

Come to the hairdresser was enough to say: "Like Monroe," and the professionals immediately understood what was about. Evaluated all the advantages of the Hollywood hairstyle of Renata Litvinova and Dita von TIZ. Their Hollywood Images indicated a strong love for the past and retro style!

Distinctive characteristics of the hairstyle "Hollywood Wave" is a braid sample and falling down beautiful curls.

Features Hairstyles Hollywood Wave

The secret is hairstyles simple: it is important that all hair is one length. If you have a cascade, then a professional will be able to realize your desire, however, it will take to achieve the desired effect to use numerous styling means with strong locking of curls.

The main differences between the Hollywood Wave from Kudrey:

  • Smooth and smooth curls.
  • Swipe wave.
  • Strands are the same by volume and twist.
  • No disheveled Kudrey, hairstyle smooth and brilliant.

The sample, as a rule, is made on the side, but now the stylists strive for experiments and diversity, therefore, even surveillance and asymmetry are also used.

The peculiarities of Hollywood waves include:

  • it looks great on hair of any length and color;
  • it is possible to do even on curly hair, but they must be pulled out before;
  • permits experiments: can be made of oblique, and smooth sample;
  • ideal curls are difficult to make a non-professional one from the first time, but thanks to the practice you will learn to achieve the desired result.

Placement for Hollywood Wave

Beauty and accuracy made hairstyle depends on the materials used. Therefore, you will recommend to take care of the purchase of necessary devices and.

  1. Foam.

It also applies for final fixation, and to give hair a chic volume. It's not worth a lot of foams, as they will be strands on the contradict and hard. Well fits for laying Hollywood hairstyles on thin hair. After applying, it is necessary to distribute it evenly along the entire length of the curler.

  1. Mousse.

It is especially appreciated by a fixing agent of a girl who has a fatty hair type, since Mousse is distinguished by a dry effect. The more this means to apply, the more rack there will be fixation. However, it is still not worth exagging that the hair does not become dull and dirty.

This means is indispensable for any stacking, and especially for the Hollywood wave. Varnish happens different degrees of fixation, it is better to select more resistant options so that the hairstyle does not lose the form and appearance by the end of the day. Lovers of volume in the roots pick up varnishes with a sprayer, which it would be convenient to use to apply to curls.

Observe the distance and do not spray the varnish too close so that the hair does not stick from the number of fixing agents.

  1. Aerosol gels.

This modern means is applied on dry hair. Advantages: high degree of fixation, curb volume and easy combing even after applying gel.

How to put a Hollywood wave?

The hairstyle "Hollywood Wave" requires special care when using indispensable assistants - the main instruments for laying. What do you need?

  1. Hairbrush.
  2. Cone catch.
  3. Clips or invisible.
  4. Fixation tools (aerosol gel, varnish).
  5. Rectifier (if you have curls from nature).

Stages of laying Hollywood wave:

  • Preparation. Before hairstyle or laying, it is recommended to wash curls from dirt, remnants of past fixing agents. You need to approach this issue seriously, make the necessary masks, use. Then disclaim the strands of the comb and apply tools for styling: foam or mousse.
  • Make a sample, separate the bangs and proceed to the alternate cheating of the hair on the curl.
  • Please note that the tips of the hair in no case are not climbed and not sharpened, otherwise the hairstyle will not be Hollywood!

  • Pay attention to the cracks of the wave and ranged at an equal distance. It is not necessary to twist the roots, so they are recommended to be separated by clamps.
  • After twisting each curl, hook it by invisible or clamp to a complete cooling.

You are required primarily accuracy. It is important that no curl will not lose the shape and did not increase extra hairs from it.

  • When the strands are screwed down, your task is to carefully comb the curler curls, the teeth of which are located far from each other. Pay close attention to the curls do not break up and have not lost an elegant appearance.
  • When the hairstyle acquired the desired appearance, you should fix the result of varnish. Make sure that the curls do not disengage when air flow, and it remains elegantly falling on the shoulders. If you like hairstyles with an additional volume, it was previously done by the roots and fix it with a varnish.

Make a Hollywood wave is easy, but it requires special professionalism and experience. Already after a few attempts, you will achieve the desired effect and will enjoy the hairstyle, made at home!

Hollywood laying is a special hairstyle that will make an image harmonious and luxurious only subject to these rules:

  1. Do not combine the Hollywood wave and bright makeup, as the image will be not sophisticated, but extravagant. Focus on one part of the person, for example, lips.
  2. Do not forget about accessories. Retro style assumes the presence of rhinestones and shiny hairpins. Tiara and rims can also use if an event or evening event has an event.
  3. Dress down accordingly. If it is a party, then even jeans are suitable for the Hollywood wave, but with a planned campaign to a restaurant with a beloved necessarily under such a stylish haircut.

The desire of women to constantly change led to the emergence of various forms of styling. Among them, light waves are occupied by a special place, which are appropriate in everyday life and in special, solemn cases. To whom they are hairstyle and how to make them with the help of various devices (and remedies, including), we are talking in this article.

What are someone suitable

These are the same curls, only created in a deliberately negligent manner. As hairstyles they look natural and feminine.

It looks great such as laying on long hair and medium length hair. But on the short hair to make soft curls, too, can be very impressive.

The main thing is to know how to cheat the curls of the waves correctly, which devices for this need to be used and with the help of what installation means you can make wavy hair at home.

Do not make light curls before an important event if you do not have practice. The result may not be as much as I wanted. It is better to practice creating soft waves on the hair in advance. So you will be able to adversely to the stylers and decide in which direction it is better to make a cheek.

Remember thatthick, long and hard hair are quickly spinning and in this case it is necessary to use stacked means. But thin hair is easily dried with various varnishes, foam and so on. Therefore, use them carefully, trying not to overdo it with quantities. More about means for creating and fixing Kudrey, read on our website.

Wavy curls go to everyone, the main thing is that they are correctly in the right direction.

Curls using ironing

Before making a light wave with a rectifier, it is worth familiar with some rules:

  • you can use the iron only on dry strands;
  • the formation is adversely done on a well-washed outloy;
  • the cheating is in the direction of the roots - to the hair;
  • it is worth choosing the temperature regime. For example, for thin hair there is enough average temperature;
  • when screwing, it should not be very pressured on the clamp so that there are no ugly bends;
  • be sure to use thermal protection.

Cheat on medium and long hair

  1. Separate the temporal zones and secure them with a hairpin.
  2. Collect the rest of the strands in the tail, leaving the initial horizontal row on the back of the head.
  3. Pick up a small occipital strand and clamp her iron at a distance of about 2 cm from the roots.
  4. Holding the tip strands, turn it along with the iron towards the head to 360 ° C. The end of the strand must be directed down.
  5. In this position, stretch the styler throughout the curl down. Must get a neat curl.
  6. Separate the next part of the hair horizontally and do the same movements, directing the iron in the opposite direction - from the head. So wavy curls will not merge with each other.
  7. In the next row, create a root volume. To do this, each individual hair beam, draw the root and sprinkle with varnish.
  8. Then make the cheapest in the opposite direction from the previous row, holds the strand of the roots.
  9. Thus, screw the remaining part of the chapels. Front beams all screwed up in the upward direction.

What is the features of the curl of curls on long and medium hair, preferred curvory techniques you will find on our website.

Council.To create a natural wave on the hair, tilt your head forward and read the curls to your fingers. Sprinkle with varnish. Raise your head, straighten all the curls and turn the lacquer again.

Using the iron, you can make curls at home and in this way:

  1. Twist a small strand in the tight harness and walk on it ironing, well warming hair from the inside.
  2. Do the same with the rest of the chapels.
  3. Cross the curls with your fingers and lock the lacquer.

Fenom laying

How to make hair wavy with a hair dryer?

You will need:

  • 2 round big comb;


  1. Wash your head and dry it with a hairdryer in random order. to almost dry condition.
  2. Separate a small part of the chapels and pull it out with a brash and a hair dryer, as with standard laying.
  3. Again pick up the same bundle and screw it on the comb in the direction to the head, while driving the hairdryer. In this position, leave the brush on the strands until you do the next curl.
  4. In the same way, screw the following part of the curls, leaving a comb on it in the form of a big curle.
  5. Split the previous curl.
  6. Repeat with the rest of the Kudrey.

Kudri Poyachika

How to make wavy hair with hair curlers:

  1. Wash the hair and dry it up to a slightly wet state. Apply Mousse. If you use thermal vehicles, curls must be completely dry.
  2. Create curls starting a cheap from the tips. Width strands should be slightly less than the length of the styler. Make cheapel in different directions.
  3. Dry curled curled currency hairdryer. Using thermostyle, this item will skip.
  4. Carefully remove the stylers and tail the curls with your fingers. Do not comb your brush.
  5. Link.

Attention!Note that this method will not suit the owners of short haircuts.


An excellent way for those who have long curls and no time for long-term manipulations with hairstyles.With a bundle you can go at work, and in the evening get soft air curls.

How to make beautiful waves on hair using a beam?

  1. Twist from the curls tight harness.
  2. Tighten it by forming a beam, and secure with hairpins or hairpins.
  3. Leave for several hours, and then just dismisse your hair and straighten all your hands.


  1. Apply for purely washed and wet hair mousse or foam.
  2. Move the pigtails: one or more, depending on the pests of the chapels. The thicker braid, the softer there will be a wave.
  3. Wait when the braid dries (you can leave for the night).
  4. Polish and put your fingers without combs.

The same method is performed and faster. To do this, braid braid braid on clean dry hair, which you need to warm up the iron. How do you look like curls from the pigtails, to whom such a way of curling is suitable, you will find on our website.

Cold wave

A cold wave (it is a retro wave) received its name from the laying method: curling occurs without thermodifiers. It looks good such a hairstyle on short hair, but you can create it at any length.

You will need:

  • penka (for a more natural form) or gel (to create an accent on curls). Choose styling facilities that will leave a plastic mace, not tough;
  • climb clips;
  • comb-comb with frequent teeth.


  1. Apply the selected styling on the wet lap and make a side view of about 5 cm deep.
  2. Starting from the side where the hair was more, it is well spreading their comb, directing them to face.
  3. From the very top, at the roots, place your finger on the proof so that he pointed to the face, parallel to the test.
  4. Take a comb, position it in parallel to the finger at a distance equal to the depth of the future wave (about 3 cm). Move the comb selected part of the hair to the finger, forming a wave (crown) up.
  5. At the place of the commercial finger and extend the remaining curls, well combing all the irregularities in the finger area.
  6. Fix the wave by clips on both sides.
  7. Finger and the comb, create a new wave, not forgetting well to read strands.
  8. Pay due attention to the front of the front, the line must be clear, beautifully outlined. Be sure to fix the bends of the crown of the clips. Please note that clamps should be placed parallel to each other.
  9. Continue work until you reach the desired number of crowns.
  10. Tap of the hair tip in the direction from the face to the theme and form a beautiful curl.
  11. Wait until the hair dry, and only then remove the clamps.
  12. Good sprinkle the whole surface of crowns with varnish.

Council. It can be continued to continue the cold wave throughout the head, and you can simply turn the occipient part of the hair on the curlers.

Kudri using iron and foil

Foil enhances curl fixation, and iron laying is more durable.

  1. Cut foil into squares.
  2. Take a small strand and turn it with a ring from the tip, towards my head.
  3. Wrap the ring in the foil, forming pockets.
  4. Warm iron about 2 minutes.
  5. Continue the formation of the Course in the same way.
  6. Foil remove only when it completely cools.
  7. Ready curries straighten with their hands and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

There are many ways to create light waves. If you need to make the laying quickly, then use the hairdryer. And if there is no time even on the laying, take care of the hairstyle in advance and just make a bundle. Well, if you want to put over the hairstyle longer and create a real masterpiece, then the curl and the iron is to help you.

Although, in pursuit of beauty, all means are good, so experiment, try different ways and choose the one that you like more than others.

Useful videos

How to make curls yourself without harm to health.

Method of curl of curls "for lazy".

How long have you been dangerous to boast a new beautiful hairstyle? Learn how to make light waves on hair using different means.

Iron for light waves

Tongs can be used not only for strands alignment, but also to create a soft and natural wave.

  1. Combine the champper and separate a thin strand.
  2. We intercept it with an ironing approximately in the middle.
  3. Wrap a strand around the rectifier, scrolling it for 360 degrees.
  4. Slowly lower it to the tips.
  5. We process the remaining hair and spray with a lacquer.

Rectifier + harness

  1. Thoroughly solicing.
  2. We select the thin part.
  3. Twist it in a tight harness.
  4. We clamp it iron and carry out the device in the direction from top to bottom. We do it very slowly so that the hair inside the harness managed to breathe completely. You can walk several times - so strands will be twisted better. Important: The width of the plates iron should not exceed 3 cm.
  5. Let the hair completely cool and only then we dissolve the harness.
  6. We repeat the process with the remaining hair.

Also, light curls can be made in this way:

Biguchi for a beautiful wave

Biguchy Velcro is remarkably suitable for creating styling. In addition, they are very convenient to use them, because they themselves cling to the hair. The main thing is to choose the size correctly, because the magnitude of curls completely depends on the diameter of the curlers.

1. My head.

2. Combine and divide another wet mace into several thin parts.

3. Hook each strand on the "velcro" and be dry by a hairdryer or natural way. It is better to start with a crown, then go to the back of the head and finish the side strands.

4. We give hair to cool and carefully remove.

5. We divide the curls with your fingers and fix the lacquer of light fixation.

If desired, it is possible to take the thermal vehicles, but you do not need to abuse them - it hurts the hair.

Waves with brewing and hairdryer

Wrongs of obedient and not too tough hair we recommend using this simple and easy way. It is suitable for both long and medium hair.

Step 1. Combine and divide the lap on separate strands.

Step 2. Each twisted on bewriting and dried with a hairdryer.

Step 3. Remove your hair with a brush and spray the finished hairstyle.

You can also use the diffuser. To do this, you need to pre-wash your head, getting the extra moisture towel and dry each strand with this nozzle.

Waves using Kos

Weaving tight braids are one of the most gentle ways to create an easy wave.

  1. We appline mousse on wet hair and carefully combed.
  2. We braid them in one or several braids. The thicker braid - the larger curl.
  3. We brings them in the morning - strands will fall on with beautiful waves.

If you wish, you can put a braid into the beam - the wave will be even better.

For a quick effect, you can use the iron:

Wet wipes

This is a reasonable version of the rags that our great-grandparents spinning.

1. We stretch the wet napkin (preferably without smell) in the hartus.

2. Wet hair combing and divide into separate strands.

3. Wrap a strand rings around the center of the napkin. We tie the tips to the knot.

4. We give hair to dry, we spin the napkins and disassemble the strands of your hands.

Sugbs for beautiful curls

Do not know how to make wavy hair at home? Tighten them into the harnesses!

Step 1. Combing wet hair.

Step 2. We divide them on 3-4 parts (depends on the denotation).

Step 3. Twist each part in the harness, then put them in a bundle and fix with studs. Do not make harnesses too thick - the hair will dry for a long time.

Cold wave

1. My head, sharing and divide the hair on thin strands.

2. Each of them twisted in the harness and dried with a hairdryer. Vertical curls are obtained, which can be additionally sprinkled with varnish.

Beach waves

Very fashionable laying, reminiscent of the effect after bathing in water. Stars are given great money for her, you can make beach curls yourself.

  1. Combing dry hair.
  2. We apply on them a special texturing spray or any other laying.
  3. Fix your hair with my hands, dropping my head down. During the drying, you can use the hairdryer.
  4. Sprinkle with a varnish finished hairstyle.

Locks with iron and foil

Metal foil enhances and prolongs the impact of the iron. Locks are obtained very beautiful and hold much longer.

  1. Foil mode for small rectangles.
  2. Combine and divide the chapel on the same strands (approximately 10) - on top, on the sides and below.
  3. We gently twist each strand, wrap the rings and turn it into a foil rectangle - bend it in half, put on one half the ring from the hair, and we cover the second part. The edges of the foil bend, so that the "pockets" holds.
  4. Heat the iron every ring for 2 minutes.
  5. Let the foil completely cool and leave it for another a few minutes.
  6. Remove the "pockets" with strands and straighten the curls with your hands.

Retro waves

Such styling was very popular in the 20s of the 19th century. The current fashionistas she also loved.

  1. We divide thoroughly cleaned hair with a side probor. Rear selected a triangle of hair.
  2. That part in which hair is more, divided horizontally on 5 sections. From the smaller side you need to make at least 3 sections.
  3. The upper section is strongly lubricating gel and combing scallop.
  4. We put strands with the waves, fixing each bend with a special clip.
  5. We put all hair according to this scheme.
  6. The rear strands also lubricate the gel and screw on the curlers.
  7. Let the gelet dried and carefully remove the clips and curlers.

Choice of means for laying

Now you know how to make light waves on the hair, but that's not all! Laying will be held only if you apply a good styling agent on your hair. Consider them in more detail:

  • Mousse - Suitable for hair of any type and structure. It can be applied on dry, and on wet hair. The larger the number of mousse you take, the longer the hairstyle will last. But it is important not to rearrange, otherwise the hair will become dull and negleous. The volume equal to the size of the tennis ball is quite enough.
  • Aerosol gels are a modern means to be applied only on dry strands. The advantage of such a gel is good fixation, creating volume and easy combing.
  • Penka - fixes strands and gives them a pomp. Excellent choice for owners of thin hair. Penka is taken to apply to the wet herder and distribute scallop over the entire length of the hair.
  • Luck - fixes ready-made waves. Varnish are applied from a distance of 30 cm, otherwise it smokes strands.

Ten recipes for carefree mood: how to make light waves on the hair?

Relaxed curls fit absolutely everyone and are appropriate in any situation. There are many ways to create them on any hair: short, medium and long, thin and heavy, wavy and straight. We study popular methods and discuss with SalonSecret experts, like catching the wave, do not spoil the hair.

The most famous way: Waves with Crying or Tongs

The standard curl gives an elastic rigid curl, but if its diameter is at least 3 cm, the effect of natural wavy hair is easier than simple.

How to make such waves at home?

  1. First affect hair, or foam medium moving fixation and extend the hair to be brushed.
  2. Divide the strands along the zones using hair clips. It is better to start a twist with the most complex zone - the rear heat.
  3. Screw strands on the curl of the spiral and hold on the weight of 5-10 seconds (if the curl is a safe coating, then you can just longer).
    Tip: Heat the heat appliance up to 160 degrees, if you have thin hair, and up to 230 - if heavy and hard.
  4. Treat all strands thus. Depending on the desired effect, the curl can be formed closer or further from the roots.
  5. For the most natural effect, take the strands of your fingers, separating curls.

The easiest way: hairdryer and brashing

With unaccustomed to simultaneously, it is difficult to clean the heavy hay and a large round comb, difficult to physically. But the waves are obtained as natural as possible.

How to achieve such a result of the house? SalonseCret experts suggested in step by step instructions:

  1. Apply a suitable laying throughout the length of the hair. Since the hair dryer will be very close to strands, it is also not necessary to forget about thermal protection - the air at the nozzle itself exceeds 100 degrees!
  2. Create every strand, capturing, and then twisting it with brush and directing hot air with each of the sides of the combs for 10-15 seconds.
  3. After curling, the curls are already soft enough and free, so only slightly straightens them with your hands.
  4. Work ready-made waves with a high level of fixation.

The fastest way: waves in 5 minutes with an iron

Iron fans claim that they even have a couple of minutes!

We are confident that with our step-by-step instructions you also cope with everything:

  1. Apply your favorite styling that does not turn strands into a hard frame, and leaves them elastic, and spread out.
  2. The top of the hair fasten into the beam on the back of the head.
  3. Divide the bottom layer of hair on medium strands. At this stage, decide which way you want to curl curls - on behalf of or to face - and, therefore, in which direction you will need to turn the iron.
  4. Each strand to capture the iron, then with the help of the second hand, turn the thermoder in one turn around your own axis and slightly delay it to the ends. The tips themselves should not pass between the iron plates.
  5. Before letting the strand, hold it for a few seconds on weight.
  6. Intensively beat the curls with your fingers and sprinkle with fixing sprays.

Important! The distance between the thermo bears and the head of the head should be at least 2 cm. At the root zone, contact the iron and the curls do not rush and gently so as not to burn!

Immortal Classic Wait

Do not discount the Message No. 1 of our moms. Fortunately, now sleeping on hard cylinders no longer needed.

What should I do?

  • Use the thermal vessels, they significantly accelerate the process and heat up in 5 minutes;
  • For light waves, the hair curlers of the middle and large diameter are suitable;
  • The heating temperature in some thermobigi models exceeds 200 degrees, so that thermal protection is obligatory, and ideally styling with thermal protection function;
  • Before you start curling, hair should be wet, but not wet;
  • It is necessary to withstand curlers on your head to their cooling - that is, about 15 minutes.

Alternative methods

When you melt with special devices, I do not want to help ancient, but still effective methods for the formation of light curls.


"We can say that this is the most gentle laying. But braids will not harm hair and bulbs only if they are not tight! Enough on a slightly wet hair, apply a small amount of light cream for forming the shape, heat the lungs, not tightening too much in the root zone. After 5-7 hours, we ruin and enjoy natural waves. To achieve a faster result, it is permissible to braid braids and for 10-15 seconds to work on their iron to straighten. "

Nadezhda Yusufkhanova


"We dry your hair by 80% by a hairdryer, then we apply cream / mousse / sea salt to form curls, spinning strands into light harnesses and dried with a hairdryer with hot air. We give strands to cool, we dissolve, fix varnish and get a natural laying. By the way, "Angel" Victoria's Secret Candice Sveynpol in everyday life does this way! "

Nadezhda Yusufkhanova


Previously, the tissue strips or paper, which they screwed strands. Now Papillary is rush foam curlers. Due to the small diameter, the effect of natural wavy hair with them is difficult to get, but you can: just use styling with easy fixation degree, and the curls slightly straighten under their own weight.


Very easy way: put on the head a solid medium width and skipping the strand-treated straight through the bandage as much time as the length of the hair is allowed.

Salt spray

It is suitable for those who have strands to root, but always inappropriate. It is enough to apply spray on wet hair, "walk" on the curls of the hands with compressive movements - and the waves in the style of "Surfer Girl" are ready!

What method of creating lung waves and is effective and safe for hair?

Nadezhda Yusufkhanova notes that with effective styling the goal will be achieved in any case, but each method of laying is conditionally dangerous:

"Stacking on thermal tools and on hair curlers are applied some harm to the structure of the hair, and the thermodifestations are also evaporated with moisture, if they do not apply thermal protection in the form of a cream, spray or lotion, even laying a hairdryer for the same reason can lead to a hair cut."

Nadezhda Yusufkhanova

It is not recommended to make it possible to install with such accessories, like curles, cough and papillos if the hair was chemically exposed (lightening, grape, chemistry, keratin, etc.) they are already in fact damaged and dehydrated, there are no Excess moisture, and a constant cheating can lead to increased sensitivity, and in the future - to fragility, since we force your hair to change your natural direction.

Experts SalonSecret assure: What method of creating light curls you have resorted, you can do it without fear, if you pre-enlist the help of a professional. He will not only show how to make beautiful waves, but also will select the correct care, thanks to which hair quality improves, despite daily laying.

Select a way to create curls based on hair length

How to choose the ideal way to create beautiful and natural curls? Based on the length of the hair - they assure our experts!

Short Hair Waves

For short (above shoulders), the easiest way to create light curls with a thermal vehicle or a curl is easier. So that the laying remains beautiful and lush the next day, choose spray or mousse for styling.

Waves on medium length

For such hair, all means are good, but the iron is ideal. It creates exactly the same diameter of the curl, which especially harmoniously looks at strands just below the shoulders.