How to hide nasolabial folds with makeup. How to effectively mask nasolabial folds with makeup

Wrinkles in the lower part of the face are a common problem for women, and not always due to age-related skin changes. Let's figure out how you can mask the nasolabial folds with the help of skillful makeup and visually throw off at least 5-10 years.

Causes and prevention of the appearance of nasolabial folds

Although the most common wrinkles around the nose and lips appear due to age, this is not the only option. Overweight, a specific structure of the face, or improper skin care can also provoke their occurrence. And if you rewind years ago or correct the contour of the face without surgery will not work, then everything else is fixable.

With overweight, everything is clear - you should try to get rid of it, as well as from bad habits, as well as normalize nutrition and increase water consumption.
As for care, scrubs should be used from a young age, and after 30 years also intensive chemical peels should be used. By removing the top layer of the skin and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, they help to remove small wrinkles and reduce the appearance of more visible wrinkles. In addition, the day cream for the skin is no longer enough to fully moisturize. It is necessary to add to it a night cream, nourishing serums and masks.

Also, massage is an excellent tool for correcting age-related changes in the skin of the face, and it does not necessarily have to be performed by a specialist in the salon. Simple stroking, patting, pinching and kneading movements with your own hands will be enough to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the muscles of the face.

More radical means - mesotherapy, beauty injections with hyaluronic acid or various nourishing and moisturizing compositions, the introduction of fillers under the skin or plastic surgery. They are all effective, but expensive and not always safe.

Makeup and preparation for it

The whole principle of masking nasolabial folds with various cosmetics is based on the play of light and shadow, that is, on the skillful use of dark and light shades. Since the light color has the property of visual enlargement, with its help the deepened zones (i.e. wrinkles and other hollows) seem to be stretched, and the excessively convex areas are reduced and deepened with dark corrective agents.

An ideal foundation would be a liquid or semi-liquid product with reflective particles, perhaps even combining a masking and moisturizing effect. Too dense "foundation" will collect in all the folds of the face, and too oily - will lead to an unpleasant glossy shine. All this will only accentuate nasolabial and other wrinkles.

Disguise correctly

Necessary cosmetics and accessories: moisturizer, foundation, highlighter, bronzer, concealer, light powder, makeup brushes.

  1. In order for all concealers to lie on the skin as best as possible, the face must be properly prepared. After standard caring procedures - washing, toning, applying cream and / or serum - apply a leveling base agent. It partially fills in wrinkles, evens out the color and texture of the face, after which the foundation will lie smoother.
  2. Next, a foundation is applied: on most of the face - a slightly darker shade, on the area around the nose and mouth - a little lighter.

  3. A small amount of concealer is applied exclusively to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, which matches the natural skin color as much as possible, or, in extreme cases, slightly darker than it. An alternative to concealer is a matte browbone with a reflective effect. It is very important to choose the right shade depending on whether there is yellowness or pinkish tint in the natural skin color.
  4. Further, the contours of the face are sculpted with a bronzer and a light matte highlighter. A dark tone is applied to the outer edges of the forehead, areas under the cheekbone, the double chin area. Light - on the back of the nose, the area above the upper lip, in the central part of the forehead, above the cheekbones and along the edges of the upper eyelids.
  5. Make-up is fixed with a light colorless powder, and it is desirable that it contains reflective particles.
  6. The finishing touch to your makeup is to apply lipstick or lip gloss that is soft but not greasy. If a pencil is used, it should not contrast strongly with the lipstick / gloss shade. Too thin lips, it is better to try to visually enlarge a little.

Bright shades of lipsticks and lip products with a lot of shimmer attract additional attention to the lower part of the face and, accordingly, to the nasolabial folds, so that older ladies are better off using a calmer beige-pink color scheme and abandon shiny lipsticks and glosses.

Makeup mistakes

So that instead of masking the nasolabial folds not to emphasize them, on the contrary, even more, you should not:

  • use too oily foundation;
  • choose a foundation that is much lighter than the skin tone;
  • abuse concealer and powder;
  • apply unnatural shades of blush;
  • use oily and liquid lipsticks;
  • apply makeup in a thick layer - in this case, after some time, it will certainly begin to roll down and accumulate in the natural depressions of the skin, only making them more noticeable;
  • choose burgundy-plum lipsticks for lip makeup.

If mastering all these tricks on your own is not very successful even with the help of training videos, it may be worth visiting a makeup artist who will select makeup individually, tell in detail how to hide various skin imperfections, and share professional tricks.

Blush on the face should be applied higher. If applied in the lower part of the cheekbones and below, it will once again accentuate the nasolabial folds.

It should be understood that neither the caring procedures, nor even the skillfully made makeup are omnipotent and are not able to completely hide the pronounced nasolabial folds. In such situations, only radical methods are effective, such as filling in wrinkles or lifting a face. If you don’t want to resort to such risky procedures, then, no matter how you want to look younger, it’s better to just stop getting hung up on completely natural age-related skin changes and try to accept and love your appearance as it is.

What do they look like and the reasons for the appearance

In a particularly advanced case, nasolabial wrinkles look like two deep grooves running from the nose to the mouth. Of course, they pretty much spoil the appearance of even the most correct face. , give age to their owners, but sooner or later appear in most people.

Accelerate the formation of nasolabial folds and aggravate the condition of those already outlined can lead an unhealthy lifestyle, namely, smoking, addiction to caffeine and alcohol.

Also, those girls who like to stretch their lips for photographs are at great risk. Yes, lips will appear more voluminous, but such grimaces accelerate the formation of nasolabial folds, and they rarely look cute.

Otherwise, the reasons for the appearance of these wrinkles are as follows:

  • bright active facial expressions, smiling;
  • drastic weight loss, illness;
  • insufficient skin care;
  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • stress;
  • features of the structure of the face;
  • rare stay in the fresh air;
  • heredity;
  • passion for tanning.

What is offered in the beauty salon

Every beauty salon must have a competent beautician who can remove nasolabial folds.

The principle of action of the filler is to fill in wrinkles from the inside, that is, an effect that no expensive cream can give. The result is visible immediately after the procedure.

Another way to fight is mesotherapy and biorevitalization. But these methods are rather preventive, they help to improve the condition of the skin on the entire surface of the face, fill it with useful substances and moisturize it from the inside.

There is nothing to be afraid of, modern cosmetology has achieved incredible results and continues to develop further: every day there are new fillers, preparations, procedures are being improved.

In order to get rid of the nasolabial folds, you do not need to cut anything, fall asleep from general anesthesia, there will not even be blood, because the procedures are carried out using injections of the finest needles.

How to remove nasolabial wrinkles at home

The fear of a cosmetologist can remain after visiting a bad specialist or a painful procedure. If this fear is insurmountable, it is quite possible to do home care for the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.


Let's pay attention to the fact that you should start actively caring for your skin, doing masks, massage, gymnastics, not when the wrinkles have already appeared, but before that.

Then the skin will thank you with its beautiful appearance and wrinkles will appear much later.

Masks can be either purchased in a store or made from improvised means, products that are always in the refrigerator: cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream, bananas.

Recipe number 1

This mask requires a bay leaf package, which must be soaked in a small amount of boiling water and then boiled. There you need to add 2-3 eggs, a little olive oil. The mixture should be cooled, then left on the face for 40 minutes, it is best to take a course of such masks.

Recipe number 2

Prepare a saturated chamomile broth (dried inflorescences are sold in any pharmacy), soak a cotton pad with it, cool in the freezer. Hold on problem areas for about 15 minutes.

After this mask, people around you may start asking you for advice on how to remove nasolabial wrinkles.

Recipe number 3

We need yeast (fresh) and milk. They should be mixed and left in a warm place for a while, then applied to the face for half an hour, and rinsed thoroughly.

Peels can also make wrinkles a little less noticeable, helping to get rid of the upper stratum corneum.


The older the person, the lower the ability of the skin to produce these beneficial substances on its own, so it is imperative to supply them from the outside.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen creams can cost a little more than regular nutrient creams, but they are worth it. Hyaluronic acid helps to maintain an optimal level of skin hydration, replenish moisture loss, the skin becomes nourished and dense.


Regular massage improves blood circulation and skin turgor, improves complexion and helps you look younger. To enhance the effect, you can use an ice cube with useful herbs or decoctions during massage (chamomile and St. John's wort are suitable for this purpose).

There are a variety of movements that help gradually smooth out the "lines of grief" on the face:

  • you can perform frequent tapping on the cream;
  • you can massage the skin along the wrinkles in the direction from the nose to the mouth;
  • you can press on certain points, and then, as it were, resist the pressure of the fingers with the help of the muscles of the face.

It should be noted that for face massage, you can use more than one finger, pressing on one point, but, for example, three or all at once, which will increase the effectiveness and at times increase the effectiveness of the cream or serum on which the massage is done.

Such home procedures are not only pleasant and improve the mood in the morning, but can also significantly prolong the youthfulness of the skin.

Folk remedies

For one reason or another, you can postpone a visit to a professional beautician and try to deal with nasolabial folds on your own.

Some folk remedies can be quite effective in this struggle, for example, gymnastics.

There are a lot of exercises: stretching the lips with a tube, writing out the alphabet in the language, puffing out the cheeks, - only a small part of them all (you can also enter facelift or faceforming into a search query). Try to do facial gymnastics for 10 minutes a day, and in a month you will notice the result.

Video: Gymnastics

How to hide wrinkles with makeup

In order to make nasolabial wrinkles less conspicuous, there are many means. Let's take a look at some of them.

Firstly, to remove nasolabial folds with makeup, you can apply a special "wrinkle filler" under the foundation, offered by many brands of modern cosmetics.

Of course, this method has its drawbacks: it works until the first wash, and the product usually contains silicones and clogs the pores. But for special occasions, such as a photo shoot, you can take note of this trick.

Secondly, you can lighten the folds with a highlighter or foundation in a lighter shade.

This method is widely used by beauty bloggers seeking a perfect face in photos and videos. Using a highlighter in everyday life can look pretty silly and too noticeable.


As with any disease, getting rid of nasolabial wrinkles involves not only treatment, but also prevention.

Of course, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the nasolabial folds forever with the help of prevention, but it is highly likely that their appearance can be significantly postponed and, when they appear, they will not be so deep.

As a preventive measure, cosmetologists advise you to start using high-quality creams with hyaluronic acid in the composition even before you notice pronounced wrinkles.

This will help your skin stay youthful and smoother for longer.

So, the main methods of preventing nasolabial wrinkles are:

  • massage;
  • mesotherapy and biorevitalization;
  • proper nutrition, drinking plenty of water;
  • giving up cigarettes;
  • use of sunscreens;
  • peels, masks, creams;
  • gymnastics;
  • controlling facial expressions;
  • using ice for home care.

Is it worth doing plastic

Plastic surgery is everyone's choice, but it is indeed a very radical step that should be taken only if all else fails.

After all the variety of the considered methods of dealing with nasolabial wrinkles, we can safely say that in this case, plastic is not needed. Home care and prevention is quite enough, and, in extreme cases, you can remove the nasolabial folds from a beautician.

Summing up, we can say that, in general, nasolabial wrinkles are no different from all the others: they need careful care, their appearance is inevitable, and you can get rid of them by trusting a professional.

Nevertheless, in no case should you neglect the entire arsenal of home remedies, because they can really postpone the appearance of nasolabial folds for several years.

Reasons for the appearance

How to mask and hide nasolabial folds with makeup if you don't want to go to cosmetologists? Yes, if the problem already exists, then it needs to be addressed. But if you have not yet encountered it, but assume that such a misfortune will overtake you, you should deal with the causes of the appearance of nasolabial folds:

  • Very often this problem appears due to insufficient care. Do not neglect moisturizers, scrubs and deep peels. It does not require a lot of money and time, but the skin of your face will definitely thank you;
  • Facial structure... It also happens that the appearance of folds is associated with individual characteristics and genetics;
  • Excess weight... Of course, if a woman is overweight, then the oval of her face will no longer be so fit and neat. In some cases, nasolabial folds also appear.

Cosmetologists recommend taking care of your face from youth, and not starting to do it when problems arise. Even at the age of 20, the skin needs care and hydration. The main thing is to choose the right cosmetic products that will suit your age and skin type. In order to prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds, you do not need to apply a cream for aging skin at the age of 25, this will not only not help, but also aggravate the situation.

Useful procedures

Do not sound the alarm if it suddenly turned out that you have a genetic disposition to the appearance of nasolabial folds, or your skin care was not as good as you would like. Everything is not so scary, because modern cosmetology offers so many amazing products that can prolong youth for many years.

First and foremost, you should make it a rule to take care of your skin daily and use scrubs, masks, creams and tonics. If you apply a moisturizer once a week, you will definitely not get results. Care must be of high quality and regular.

Consider your age. If you are already over thirty, then you definitely need to visit a beautician and regularly do chemical peels. Yes, you can hardly do without cosmetologists if you want to look fresh and young.

It is also worth taking a closer look at various masks, for example, Japanese or honey. You must first consult with a beautician to advise on what procedures are best for you.

How will makeup help?

If you find that you have nasolabial folds, then you can hide them with the right makeup. But it should be borne in mind that this must be done very delicately, since there is probably not a flaw to disguise, but to make it only more noticeable. You may not be able to do this the first time and will have to practice. For concealing makeup you will need:

  • Highlighter;
  • Powder;
  • Bronzer.

Forget what you knew about makeup before. In order to hide flaws, a certain sequence is required, which in no case should be violated.

Step-by-step makeup

Now you can start directly with makeup:

  • First of all, you need to cleanse your skin with a toner and apply a moisturizer. This stage is very important, because if you apply makeup on dry skin, then fine wrinkles will immediately appear on your face, perhaps even those that you did not have. Plus, applying make-up to moisturized skin is much easier;
  • After the cream is absorbed, apply the foundation. But the area of ​​the nasolabial folds must be treated with a pore grout. For the best effect, it is best to use a foundation slightly darker than your skin. For aging skin, a lifting product is suitable;
  • A concealer or corrector is applied to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. It should match your skin tone exactly. The transition from concealer to foundation is carefully shaded, there should be no clear boundaries;
  • Now you should go directly to the competing face. To do this, you need a dark bronzer and a light highlighter. First of all, we highlight the necessary areas - the area above the cheekbones, upper lip, the bridge of the nose, under the eyebrows. It is also necessary to lighten the middle of the forehead. Thus, you will make your face a little thinner and sharper, which in turn will divert attention from wrinkles and minor imperfections;
  • Do not forget that certain areas need to be darkened, it is not for nothing that we have prepared a bronzer. It is necessary to apply it on the edges of the forehead closer to the hair, on the cheekbones, outline the wings of the nose and darken the area of ​​the double chin. Thus, you can not only hide flaws, but even lose a few pounds;
  • To fix the effect, you need to apply a colorless powder. Yes, exactly colorless. In no case do not use dense powders of a dark or, conversely, a light shade;
  • Wear lipstick or gloss on your lips.

Frequent mistakes

It should be noted that very often girls make mistakes when applying makeup, which clearly does not play into their hands. What can be done wrong? Actually a lot of things:

  • Many women sin by choosing a tonal base that is absolutely out of tone. But if the foundation is much lighter than the skin, then it will highlight all the problems that you have with your skin. The complexion will be uneven, which means you will instantly age 5-10 years. And if you decide to correct the situation with the help of a bronzer, then you will accentuate the nasolabial folds and fine wrinkles;
  • Applying a large amount of foundation and concealer. There is no such rule - the more the better. If you apply too much foundation, it will simply accumulate in wrinkles, nasolabial folds and on the wings of the nose. All this will look sloppy, sloppy and ugly. Believe me, a large amount of decorative cosmetics will not help you, for example, cover up pimples or redness. You can only make them less visible;
  • Improper application of cosmetics. Still, it is quite difficult to hide the nasolabial folds and not all women can do it. Therefore, if you see that nothing comes out for you, then you should abandon this venture. Wrong makeup is much worse than no makeup.

If you still cannot leave everything as it is and it is important for you to close the question once and for all of how to mask the nasolabial folds with makeup, then you should sign up for courses on professional makeup. There you will be taught by masters of their craft, and you will receive all the necessary skills.

Reasons for the appearance

  • structure of the face;
  • excessive completeness.

What can be done

Is there any way to prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds? Unfortunately, the arsenal of available tools is very small.

Massage is an excellent means of correcting and preventing ptosis. A deep study of problem areas helps to quite successfully deal with existing and emerging facial wrinkles. Japanese, honey, pinch massages have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the facial muscles, which means they are able to stimulate those muscles that are responsible for the appearance of deep folds in the nose and lips, strengthen and tighten this area.

How makeup will help

From cosmetic products you will need:

  • moisturizing cream;
  • tonal basis;
  • corrector (highlighter);
  • dark and / or light powder;
  • bronzer.

The consistency of makeup is very important. You will have to work very carefully, the stages of applying makeup are as follows.

Makeup step by step

What mistakes should be avoided

Other common makeup mistakes with pronounced nasolabial folds are as follows:

Despite the fact that deep "nasolabials" are considered a sign of age, the reasons for their appearance may be not only mature years. Wrinkles and folds in the specified area can result from:

  • care errors: lack of care procedures, improper cleansing, lack of deep peeling procedures;
  • structure of the face;
  • age-related sagging of the skin - ptosis;
  • excessive completeness.

That is why it is so important to deal with the face from youth. If there is a predisposition to early sagging (facial structure, excess weight), then the nasolabial folds will appear very early. Therefore, you should strengthen skin care, get rid of excess weight.

Age-related drooping, sagging of the face (ptosis) is caused by the fact that in the upper part of the face the muscles are more prone to thinning, loss of elasticity, since they act less than the rest of the facial muscle corset. With age, the muscles become weaker, less grip on the skin, leading to sagging.

If a young face has clearly defined cheekbones, raised lines of eyebrows, lips, a tucked-in chin, then after 35-40 years, the corners of the lips sadly sink down. Ugly "flews" appear, which are almost impossible to fix, except perhaps to do it with the help of a plastic surgeon.

In addition, the subcutaneous fat in the cheekbones, cheeks, and forehead is very thin. On an older face, it almost completely disappears, so the face looks flatter, and the cheeks go down limply. This leads to the formation of a deep skin crease between the nose and lips.

First of all, you need to take care of your skin regularly. Scrubs help prevent the formation of early skin wrinkles, postpone visual aging, and after thirty years - regular chemical peels. Removal of the upper skin layer, stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin fibers help to delay the appearance of pronounced "nasolabial", remove fine wrinkles.

From the age of thirty, you should pay attention to deep skin hydration. One day care cream is clearly not enough. Requires the use of age serums, masks with hyaluronic acid.

Massage is an excellent means of correcting and preventing ptosis. A deep study of problem areas helps to quite successfully deal with existing and emerging facial wrinkles. Japanese, honey. pinch massages have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the facial muscles, which means they are able to stimulate those muscles that are responsible for the appearance of deep folds in the nose and lips, strengthen and tighten this area.

After thirty-five, you should seriously think about beauty injections. Mesotherapy, injections with hyaluronic acid, as well as the hardware introduction of moisturizing and nourishing cocktails can, if not remove, then postpone the appearance of nasolabial folds as far as possible.

There are also more radical methods - the introduction of fillers, for example. It is possible to remove skin wrinkles in this way, but the risk of side effects is quite high, not every woman decides to have an operation. Only a surgeon's knife can be guaranteed to get rid of nasolabial folds.

Finding outlined nasolabial folds, many women try to mask them with makeup. This must be done very delicately, since there is a great risk not to hide, but to emphasize the fold.

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin. Apply moisturizer. This stage is very important. Softened skin seems to be saturated with moisture from the inside, wrinkles become less noticeable. It will also make it easier to blend a concealer or foundation on moist, soft skin.
  2. Apply a make-up base to a clean, moist face. Cover the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with a pore grout.
  3. Apply foundation. For an older person, a product with a lifting effect is better. With regular use, it rejuvenates the skin and tightens it. To successfully disguise the nasolabials, apply a darker tonal foundation to your face. The main thing is to distribute it evenly over the skin.
  4. Apply to the area of ​​nasolabial folds a creamy concealer or concealer, exactly matching the skin tone or half a tone darker, blend thoroughly. The product must not contain shimmer. The transition between concealer and foundation should be imperceptible. Remove excess funds.
  5. Sculpt the face with a light matte highlighter and a dark bronzer (no shimmer). A light tone is applied to the area above the cheekbone, the bridge of the nose, the upper lip, under the eyebrows, to the center of the forehead. Visually, we seem to stretch the face, emphasize all the beneficial details, distracting from the sad wrinkles and folds.
  6. Now you need to work with a bronzer. To do this, the outer edges of the forehead are darkened, the area under the cheekbone is drawn, the "flews" (sagging areas of the cheeks) are darkened. Apply a dark tone to the double chin area. This will help to visually tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin.
  7. Colorless powder will help to consolidate the work. If it contains reflective particles, you can get a stronger visual effect of rejuvenation. Do not apply over concealer and bronzate tinting powder: the sculpting effect will disappear.
  8. Complete the makeup by applying a refreshing lipstick or gloss of pink, caramel, coral color to the lips.

On an aged face with pronounced nasolabial folds, “aging” lipstick colors look very bad: dark plum, burgundy, plum brown. They highlight the problem rather than mask it.

  • choosing the wrong shade of foundation. If the tone is too light, then instead of masking, you will get the effect of deliberately emphasizing the problem. In this case, the use of a bronzer will only aggravate it, highlight the nasolabial folds and other mimic wrinkles, and give the face an absurd look;
  • generous application of foundation and corrector to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. No matter how carefully the makeup is shaded, if there are a lot of funds, it will surely roll down into wrinkles. Instead of removing them, make-up will accentuate imperfections in the skin;
  • improper application of blush and bronzer will highlight the nasolabial folds, make the face even more "sad", and accentuate the sagging.
  • It is very difficult to disguise the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with makeup. In some cases, you need to abandon this attempt so as not to aggravate the problem.

All women after 40 are faced with the problem of wrinkles on the face. And now you look at yourself in the mirror without pleasure, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control your facial expressions so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • You start to forget those moments when men complimented your impeccable appearance, and their eyes lit up at your appearance.
  • Every time you go to the mirror, it seems to you that the old days will never return.

See also:

  • Sesame smoothie
  • Weight gain hormone
  • Health after 40
  • Proper nutrition recipes for every day for weight loss

On average, facial muscles contract about 15 thousand times per day!

We wrinkle our faces, frown our eyebrows, squint our eyes, and this inevitably leads to the appearance of mimic wrinkles, which, by the way, are prone to all, regardless of age (see. Skin aging mechanisms)

In this video, Lady Mail.Ru beauty editor Dasha Rozhko will tell you how to disguise mimic wrinkles and what you should not use so as not to make them more noticeable.

Correction of wrinkles is an urgent problem not only for older women, but also for fairly young women. Competent makeup will help you disguise crow's feet, nasolabial folds, get rid of wrinkles under the eyes - in general, it will make your face younger, fresher and more attractive.

Correction of wrinkles: the main thing is hydration

Before starting your makeup, you should definitely moisturize your skin. Even fine wrinkles are especially visible on dry skin in need of hydration.

The ideal option is to choose a moisturizing and toning cream at the same time. In this case, try to use a tone that matches your natural skin tone as much as possible. A darker color will age you for several years. You can use a cream a little lighter than your skin: you get the effect of a healthy glow, but then don't forget about the neck!

Choosing a foundation, give preference to a product with a silky texture, oil-free. A thick and oily cream is not suitable for correcting wrinkles.

Skin toning and wrinkle correction

Start applying foundation from the cheekbones, working your way up to the nose, chin and forehead. This should be done with light tapping movements of the fingers. Do not apply the cream to the nasolabial folds, but carefully tint the areas around the wrinkles: this way you can make the skin relief smoother.

After applying the tone, take a sponge in your hands and lightly walk it over the areas in which wrinkles are outlined: this will remove excess cream.

Concealer will help to hide wrinkles

Makeup artists recommend masking areas with wrinkles with concealers (correctors) water-based, the color of which is slightly lighter than skin. After being applied to the skin, such a concealer is quickly absorbed, the area with wrinkles is visually evened out, and this effect lasts all day long.

Correction of wrinkles under the eyes

To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, choose cream products, while avoiding loose powder: it will only accentuate the unevenness of the relief. If circles are visible under the eyes, they can be masked with a light concealer.

Eye makeup should only include the outline of the upper eyelid: if you emphasize the lower one, you draw unnecessary attention to the fine wrinkles under the eyes.

This also applies to the eyelashes: paint over only the upper ones.

Correct anti-wrinkle shadows on the eyelids

Before applying the eyeshadow, cover the eyelid with a foundation: this will ensure that the shadows last a long time and will not smudge. Choose shades that are natural pastel shades, one or two shades darker than the skin color, this will help wrinkles become less noticeable.

Kajal and wrinkle correction with makeup

Eye makeup is not finished yet! Take a soft white or beige pencil and carefully draw the outline of the lower eyelid mucosa. This will add radiance to the look, and existing wrinkles will be completely lost in this radiance.

Correction of wrinkles around the lips

In the corners of the lips, vertical wrinkles are often visible, adding for several years. They can be quickly corrected with a light concealer. Gloss will help to "smooth" the lips and make them younger - you can choose any shade, just do not forget to paint the middle part of the lips with a lighter gloss, this spot will give your lips additional volume.

The role of blush in wrinkle correction

For anti-aging makeup, a creamy blush will do the trick: it looks more natural than loose and does not accentuate wrinkles.

Aerobatics - combine two shades of blush: pink should be applied to the "apples" of the cheeks, and the blush of a bronze shade - a little lower than the cheekbones. This technique will "lift" your cheekbones, which means it will make your face look younger.

Correcting wrinkles: 10 makeup mistakes that age

  1. Using a greasy foundation.
  2. The foundation is too light.
  3. "Overkill" concealer: it should be applied only to small problem areas using a special flat brush.
  4. Excess powder: it should only be applied to the T-zone, otherwise it will dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, making wrinkles more visible.
  5. Dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. It makes the eyes look smaller and draws attention to dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.
  6. Pearlescent shadows: they accentuate expression lines.
  7. Mascara on the lower lashes.
  8. Oily and liquid lipsticks - they spread, accumulating in wrinkles near the lips and making the lip contour blurred, because of this, the face becomes several years older.
  9. Dark lipstick: it will accentuate the unevenness of the skin and visually add five years.
  10. Orange and brown blush. They look unnatural, drawing attention to wrinkles.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles, you don't have to resort to the help of surgeons. Correct makeup - and now you are a young beauty! And we will not tell anyone about the secrets ...

For a rejuvenating makeup try:

  • Moisturizing Lip Balm Addict Lip Glow, Dior, France
  • Reflective corrector for brightening skin Skin Flash, Dior, France
  • A compact foundation powder with a smoothing effect The Makeup Perfect Smoothing Compact Foundation SPF 15, Shiseido, Japan
  • Foundation with an anti-aging and protective formula Radically No Surgetics Foundation, Givenchy, France
    A source

The main task of anti-aging makeup is to mask the signs of aging, the decorative function is secondary. The hardest thing to hide is deep expression lines. Incorrectly selected products, on the contrary, focus on irregularities. Not much attention is paid to the correction of nasolabial folds, although this point is very important for visual rejuvenation.

Concealing makeup of nasolabial folds (master class)

Apply cosmetic products to moisturized skin. Apply a cream suitable for your age category on the face, wait until it is completely absorbed and start makeup.

  • First you need a primer, that is, a makeup base. It will help prepare the skin surface for the application of decorative cosmetics, fill in fine wrinkles and prevent the foundation from rolling.
  • Take a thin, flat brush and apply the primer directly to the nasolabial folds.

    Lightly rub in the rest of the product, but do not rub it. Wait 30 seconds.

  • Take a light concealer that is 1 to 2 shades different from your skin color and apply it with a fine brush or squeeze straight out of the tube if it has a handy dispenser.
  • Blend gently with your fingertips or a silicone sponge. This must be done in order to highlight the problem area.

  • The next step is to apply the foundation. Its texture should not be dense and greasy. Makeup artists recommend choosing a light cream, fluid, or mousse. The color should be as close to your skin tone as possible.
  • The tone is applied not only to the nasolabial folds, but also to the entire face. This can be done with a rounded bristle brush or sponge.

  • As a rule, any makeup is set with powder. In this case, there is no exception. Apply a small amount to a kabuki brush and cover your face with a light layer of powder. Use moderation so as not to highlight the flaw you just tried to disguise.
  • On average, facial muscles contract about 15 thousand times per day!

    We wrinkle our face, frown, squint our eyes, and this inevitably leads to the appearance of mimic wrinkles, which, by the way, are prone to all, regardless of age (see)

    In this video, Lady Mail.Ru beauty editor Dasha Rozhko will tell you how to disguise mimic wrinkles and what you should not use so as not to make them more noticeable.

    Correcting wrinkles with makeup

    Correction of wrinkles is an urgent problem not only for older women, but also for fairly young women. Competent makeup will help you disguise crow's feet, nasolabial folds, get rid of wrinkles under the eyes - in general, it will make your face younger, fresher and more attractive.

    Correction of wrinkles: the main thing is hydration

    Before starting your makeup, you should definitely moisturize your skin. Even fine wrinkles are especially visible on dry skin in need of hydration.

    The ideal option is to choose a moisturizing and toning cream at the same time. In this case, try to use a tone that matches your natural skin tone as much as possible. A darker color will age you for several years. You can use a cream a little lighter than your skin: you get the effect of a healthy glow, but then don't forget about the neck!

    Choose a silky-textured, oil-free product. A thick and oily cream is not suitable for correcting wrinkles.

    Skin toning and wrinkle correction

    Start applying foundation from the cheekbones, working your way up to the nose, chin and forehead. This should be done with light tapping movements of the fingers. Do not apply the cream to the nasolabial folds, but carefully tint the areas around the wrinkles: this way you can make the skin relief smoother.

    After applying the tone, take a sponge in your hands and lightly walk it over the areas in which wrinkles are outlined: this will remove excess cream.

    Concealer will help to hide wrinkles

    Makeup artists recommend masking areas with wrinkles with water-based help, the color of which is slightly lighter than the skin. After being applied to the skin, such a concealer is quickly absorbed, the area with wrinkles is visually evened out, and this effect lasts all day long.

    Correction of wrinkles under the eyes

    To get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, choose cream products, while avoiding loose powder: it will only accentuate the unevenness of the relief. If circles are visible under the eyes, they can be masked with a light concealer.

    Eye makeup should only include the outline of the upper eyelid: if you emphasize the lower one, you draw unnecessary attention to the fine wrinkles under the eyes.

    This also applies to the eyelashes: paint over only the upper ones.

    Correct anti-wrinkle shadows on the eyelids

    Before applying the eyeshadow, cover the eyelid with a foundation: this will ensure that the shadows last a long time and will not smudge. Choose shades that are natural pastel shades, one or two shades darker than the skin color, this will help wrinkles become less noticeable.

    Kajal and wrinkle correction with makeup

    Eye makeup is not finished yet! Take a soft white or beige pencil and carefully draw the outline of the lower eyelid mucosa. This will add radiance to the look, and existing wrinkles will be completely lost in this radiance.

    Correction of wrinkles around the lips

    In the corners of the lips, vertical wrinkles are often visible, adding for several years. They can be quickly corrected with a light concealer. Gloss will help to "smooth" the lips and make them younger - you can choose any shade, just do not forget to paint the middle part of the lips with a lighter gloss, this spot will give your lips additional volume.

    The role of blush in wrinkle correction

    For anti-aging makeup, a creamy blush will do the trick: it looks more natural than loose and does not accentuate wrinkles.

    Aerobatics - combine two shades of blush: pink should be applied to the "apples" of the cheeks, and the blush of a bronze shade - a little lower than the cheekbones. This technique will "lift" your cheekbones, which means it will make your face look younger.

    Correcting wrinkles: 10 makeup mistakes that age

    1. Using a greasy foundation.
    2. The foundation is too light.
    3. "Overkill" concealer: it should be applied only to small problem areas using a special flat brush.
    4. Excess powder: it should only be applied to the T-zone, otherwise it will dry out the skin on the cheeks and under the eyes, making wrinkles more visible.
    5. Dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid. It makes the eyes look smaller and draws attention to dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes.
    6. Pearlescent shadows: they accentuate expression lines.
    7. Mascara on the lower lashes.
    8. Oily and liquid lipsticks - they spread, accumulating in wrinkles near the lips and making the lip contour blurred, because of this, the face becomes several years older.
    9. Dark lipstick: it will accentuate the unevenness of the skin and visually add five years.
    10. Orange and brown blush. They look unnatural, drawing attention to wrinkles.

    If you want to get rid of wrinkles, you don't have to resort to the help of surgeons. Correct makeup - and now you are a young beauty! And we will not tell anyone about the secrets ...

    For a rejuvenating makeup try:

    • Moisturizing Lip Balm Addict Lip Glow, Dior, France
    • Reflective corrector for brightening skin Skin Flash, Dior, France
    • A compact foundation powder with a smoothing effect The Makeup Perfect Smoothing Compact Foundation SPF 15, Shiseido, Japan
    • Foundation with an anti-aging and protective formula Radically No Surgetics Foundation, Givenchy, France

    Now on the cosmetic market there are many products that emphasize certain features: blush, eyeshadows, bronzers, highlighters and others. But do they always make us better? Today we will deal with the fact that changes in the face with age and makes us look older, and how, being carried away by similar products, accidentally do not emphasize this.

    The first thing that comes to mind when we think about age-related changes is wrinkles and age spots. However, these are only superficial manifestations, they may not be visible from afar, and yet we approximately determine the age of a person even without these trifles. With age, facial features sharpen, the skin loses its elasticity, gains volume in some areas and loses in others, the shape of the face, its expression, as well as the manner of movement and posture change. Of course, the last two points cannot be hidden in any way, but as for age-related changes on the face, makeup works wonders. However, these miracles are different: with makeup you can make a face both younger and much older than it really is.

    The picture on the left shows 4 of my photos taken on the same day, but with different makeup. Moreover, the makeup was done with the same products (except for the lips): a concealer, a highlighter, a lightening powder, a blush in balls with a tanning effect (rather dark), an eyeliner. It's just that all these funds were imposed along different lines. And if in the first photo I am no more than 23, but in the last one I am over 35.

    I'll write in order:

    Sharpening of facial features
    ... Here are 3 photos of Megan Fox in her youth, after 20 and now, when she is 28. There are no wrinkles yet, and it would seem, what can give these 10-12 years, which we all refer to as youth? And yet we can accurately determine which photograph is younger and which photograph is older. In the photo in his youth, the face is even, the nasolacrimal depressions and nasolabial folds are not visible, the cheekbones are almost not distinguished, while in the photo under 30, the face seems more defined, the cheekbones are clear, and the facial features are sharp. A lot of unnecessary "details" appear on the face.

    How to correct with makeup:

    Do not emphasize the cheekbones even more, apply dark shadows to the hollow above the eye, all the more you do not need to use a clear lip contour. Minimum effort: even out the tone of the face, even if it seems a little flat, emphasize the line of the upper eyelid, paint the eyelashes, apply lipstick of a neutral color or gloss to the lips. On the cheekbones, you can apply a blush of a gentle color, but it is on the "apples" of the cheeks, and not under the cheekbones, so as not to emphasize them even more.

    Frequent mistakes: too strong, bright makeup, excessive sculpting of the face, using lip liners, clear eyebrow line.

    Change in the shape of the face,... This problem most often occurs after 35-40 years. In youth, the shape of the face repeats the letter V: a clear line of the chin, the corners of the lips and eyebrows are raised, the line of the cheekbones goes up. With age, facial tissues drop, changing proportions and "flipping" our letter V, as a result, the corners of the eyebrows drop, nasolabial folds appear, instead of a beautiful line of cheekbones, nasolacrimal grooves come out to the foreground, and the contour of the face is spoiled by the so-called "flews".

    How to correct with makeup

    At first, as always, an even tone. Then we need a concealer, highlighter and foundation 1-2 tones darker than your skin. It can be foundation, powder, tanned blush - whatever you're used to.

    With the corrector, we will hide what our age has awarded us - we will slightly "highlight" all the lines that resemble an inverted V: puppet depressions, nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves. Now, with the help of a highlighter and a dark foundation, we sculpt the face, as if drawing the features we need: cheekbones, the volume of the middle part of the face, a thin nose, we will apply a little highlighter under the eyebrow and on the center of the forehead, with a dark foundation we will emphasize the oval of the face. Apply lipstick of some refreshing color to the lips, for example, light pink, caramel or coral.

    Frequent mistakes: lipsticks of plum and burgundy shades, excessive whitening of the face, the use of blush on the apples of the cheeks, which may already have nasolacrimal cavities, which will only highlight your imperfections.

    Fullness of the face
    ... Fullness always gives age even to a young girl. With makeup, you can make your face look thinner. To do this, I need a highlighter or light powder with reflective particles and a dark powder (blush) with a tanning effect. You can also use regular powder that is darker than your skin tone.

    Apply light powder to the central part of the face: under the eyes, in the middle of the forehead, the bridge of the nose, the nasolabial area, the area under the eyes, on the cheeks closer to the nose, and a little on the chin. Dark - on the oval of the face, we emphasize the line of the cheekbones, darken the parietal zones and the edges of the forehead.

    Of course, my face looks very skinny and bony with such makeup))

    Frequent mistakes: Excessive whitening of the face, applying one tone of powder / cream all over the face, too much powder. As a result, the face becomes flat and even fuller.

    Wrinkles in the lower part of the face are a common problem for women, and not always due to age-related skin changes. Let's figure out how you can mask the nasolabial folds with the help of skillful makeup and visually throw off at least 5-10 years.

    Causes and prevention of the appearance of nasolabial folds

    Although the most common wrinkles around the nose and lips appear due to age, this is not the only option. Overweight, a specific structure of the face, or improper skin care can also provoke their occurrence. And if you rewind years ago or correct the contour of the face without surgery will not work, then everything else is fixable.

    With overweight, everything is clear - you should try to get rid of it, as well as from bad habits, as well as normalize nutrition and increase water consumption. As for care, scrubs should be used from a young age, and after 30 years also intensive chemical peels should be used. By removing the top layer of the skin and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, they help to remove small wrinkles and reduce the appearance of more visible wrinkles. In addition, the day cream for the skin is no longer enough to fully moisturize. It is necessary to add to it a night cream, nourishing serums and masks.

    Also, massage is an excellent tool for correcting age-related changes in the skin of the face, and it does not necessarily have to be performed by a specialist in the salon. Simple stroking, patting, pinching and kneading movements with your own hands will be enough to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the muscles of the face.

    More radical means - mesotherapy, beauty injections with hyaluronic acid or various nourishing and moisturizing compositions, the introduction of fillers under the skin or plastic surgery. They are all effective, but expensive and not always safe.

    Makeup and preparation for it

    The whole principle of masking nasolabial folds with various cosmetics is based on the play of light and shadow, that is, on the skillful use of dark and light shades. Since the light color has the property of visual enlargement, with its help the deepened zones (i.e. wrinkles and other hollows) seem to be stretched, and the excessively convex areas are reduced and deepened with dark corrective agents.

    An ideal foundation would be a liquid or semi-liquid product with reflective particles, perhaps even combining a masking and moisturizing effect. Too dense "foundation" will collect in all the folds of the face, and too oily - will lead to an unpleasant glossy shine. All this will only accentuate nasolabial and other wrinkles.

    Disguise correctly

    Necessary cosmetics and accessories: moisturizer, foundation, highlighter, bronzer, concealer, light powder, makeup brushes.

    1. In order for all concealers to lie on the skin as best as possible, the face must be properly prepared. After standard caring procedures - washing, toning, applying cream and / or serum - apply a leveling base agent. It partially fills in wrinkles, evens out the color and texture of the face, after which the foundation will lie smoother.
    2. Next, a foundation is applied: on most of the face - a slightly darker shade, on the area around the nose and mouth - a little lighter.
    3. A small amount of concealer is applied exclusively to the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, which matches the natural skin color as much as possible, or, in extreme cases, slightly darker than it. An alternative to concealer is a matte browbone with a reflective effect. It is very important to choose the right shade depending on whether there is yellowness or pinkish tint in the natural skin color.
    4. Further, the contours of the face are sculpted with a bronzer and a light matte highlighter. A dark tone is applied to the outer edges of the forehead, areas under the cheekbone, the double chin area. Light - on the back of the nose, the area above the upper lip, in the central part of the forehead, above the cheekbones and along the edges of the upper eyelids.
    5. Make-up is fixed with a light colorless powder, and it is desirable that it contains reflective particles.
    6. The finishing touch to your makeup is to apply lipstick or lip gloss that is soft but not greasy. If a pencil is used, it should not contrast strongly with the lipstick / gloss shade. Too thin lips, it is better to try to visually enlarge a little.

    Bright shades of lipsticks and lip products with a lot of shimmer attract additional attention to the lower part of the face and, accordingly, to the nasolabial folds, so that older ladies are better off using a calmer beige-pink color scheme and abandon shiny lipsticks and glosses.

    Makeup mistakes

    So that instead of masking the nasolabial folds not to emphasize them, on the contrary, even more, you should not:

    • use too oily foundation;
    • choose a foundation that is much lighter than the skin tone;
    • abuse concealer and powder;
    • apply unnatural shades of blush;
    • use oily and liquid lipsticks;
    • apply makeup in a thick layer - in this case, after some time, it will certainly begin to roll down and accumulate in the natural depressions of the skin, only making them more noticeable;
    • choose burgundy-plum lipsticks for lip makeup.

    If mastering all these tricks on your own is not very successful even with the help of training videos, it may be worth visiting a makeup artist who will select makeup individually, tell in detail how to hide various skin imperfections, and share professional tricks.

    Blush on the face should be applied higher. If applied in the lower part of the cheekbones and below, it will once again accentuate the nasolabial folds.

    It should be understood that neither the caring procedures, nor even the skillfully made makeup are omnipotent and are not able to completely hide the pronounced nasolabial folds. In such situations, only radical methods are effective, such as filling in wrinkles or lifting a face. If you don’t want to resort to such risky procedures, then, no matter how you want to look younger, it’s better to just stop getting hung up on completely natural age-related skin changes and try to accept and love your appearance as it is.