How to hide extended pores on the face. How to hide large pores: a new way of applying makeup

Hello girls!
There are days when you want to look especially perfect, but sometimes there are simply no money at hand or little time, or the skin declared war in front of a very important event. I want to share in a simple way, how to erase the pores from the face for a while. I hope that I will be useful and my post will come in handy to someone.

I want to say, such a way will not suit every day, because still, the skin is hard with such a disguise and with constant uses can be clogged by pores, but on a special case optimally, because it is not always in the cosmetic bag there is a dense tonal or super corrector.

What we need:
- any moisturizer, but in the texture it should be quite dense and not fat.
- any crumbly powder, but comes and compact, if you are ready to knock off a piece of it)
- Any base of your skin type (moisturizing for dry, matting for oily), you can also use a shadow base, or replace in emergency cases with hair balm, in general.
- Aevit, you can separately vitamin A or E, if no oil is suitable, for example, almonds.
It is not necessary to use the products that you like, you can use and not approached, the main thing that the color of the powder approached the color of the skin.
What I used:

All this mix in equal proportions, add a drop of vitamin.

The consistency should succeed in thick, it is not necessary to mix up to homogeneity, but on the contrary, so that there are dry turns on the powder.

The face is preliminarily straightened, and then apply to dry skin pointing to problem areas and finger pads, as if to drive into the pores, without swing, until a complete shrinkage.
Well, photo what happened to me.
My very problem zone near the nose. Super Macro to:

Super Macro after:

I really like this way, of course, it's easier to shine a proofreader, but how many of them had them, none given such a result, neither by coating, nor in resistance.
The tone cream on the non-problem areas is not required later, the effect is obtained natural, i.e., the skin in the rest of the sections remains not overloaded.

Thank you all for your attention, I hope the way it will be useful.
To me on you!

The skin prone to fatness delivers a lot of hassle to its owners. If with greasy glitter, matting creams and masks are cope with greasy, then extended, dark, too prominent pores hide it is very difficult.

Because of them, the skin looks like "felt" and reminds dim orange crust. But this problem is solved. Cosmetologist Anna Rozanskaya reveals the secrets of daily care, thanks to which your face will shine beauty.


Cleanliness, as you know, a guarantee of health, and for skin with extended pores, it is most important. If you look at such pores with a great magnification, the look will appear huge wells, covered with a dark substance, consisting of sebum, street dirt, sweat and residues of decorative cosmetics. Release the skin from these "deposits" is simply necessary in order not to give a multiply to bacteria.

Assist in this:

▪ Hakes for washing with exfoliants (scrawls). Applied 2-3 times a week, these tools are perfectly removed excess skin salts, skinned skin cells and other elements that clog the pores and skin surface.

Tip: To get involved in scrubs. In addition, massaging movements when applying the gel should be light and delicate so that the skin is not injured.

▪ Masks for deep purification (for example, with a coaline), preferably with a sparking effect. Literally in a few minutes they dissolve dirt in the pores, they will make them less noticeable, and the skin is fresh.

Tip:applying such masks, focus on zones, where the pores are most noticeable ("T-zone" - forehead, nose, chin), and the trouble-free areas of the skin are minimized. Make such masks 1-2 times a week after cleansing the skin.


After the pores are cleared, it is necessary to "close" - for this there are tonic. For example, based on pink or cornflow water, tea tree extract or scarlet (an excellent option for acne suffering).

Tip:if the ready-made cosmetic tonic seems to you too "aggressive" (oily skin can be very sensitive), then wipe the face with a slicker cucumber - his juice also strongly narrows the pores and makes skin silky. A staggering and soothing effect has a decoction or infusion of sage, calendula, chamomile or a beast. Field Horsetail and Lipa - soften well.


Dehydrated oily skin is a sad sight. Moisturizing agent must be in your beauty arsenal. It is desirable that in its composition vitamins, a sunscreen filter and selected specifically for oily skin complexes of grass extracts.

Tip:the moisturizer should not be fat. Choose lungs, melting, gel textures. Before applying, you must clean the skin, otherwise the vital moisture simply does not break to the cells of the epidermis through the layer of dust and fat.

Salon treatments

Makeup for leather with advanced pores

Big error - overdo it with the number of toneand with its density. It does not mask with a thick layer on the "porous" surface, but emphasizes imperfections. Therefore, after cleansing and toning the skin, apply a little moisturizing matting cream, and the complexion to eliminate the most thin layer of the tonal cream. It is possible to restrict ourselves to the crumbly powder.

Even the most skillfully made makeup loses its attractiveness, if extended pores, pedestal and scars are clearly visible on the face. Special cosmetics will help to correct the situation - grouting for pores, which visually allow skin relief, hide peeling and irregularities, and also disguise shallow scars.

We will get acquainted closer with such a useful cosmetic product as grouting for the pores, we offer in this article.

Very few girls can boast perfect skin. Often the teenage period, accompanied by a hormonal splash, is reflected on the face of rash - inflammation, acne. Illiterate skin cleaning in this case can lead to the appearance of scars and extended pores.

Sometimes oily skin, even adulthood, can bring big trouble with its owners. HyperSecretary of the sebaceous glands often leads to the blockage of pores and the occurrence of inflammation. Even after cleaning pores, they become extended and this process, unfortunately, is practically irreversible.

We do not encourage to replace high-quality care cosmetics and face cleaning procedure with decorative means. However, they can take place from time to time and make the appearance almost perfect.

Korean cosmetics, as in the case of a revolutionary agent, was ahead of European brands, which has long submitted to the market its unique Grouts for pores.

According to its grouting properties for pores or minimizers of pore are reminded who visually help hide a whole complex of flaws - pigment spots, mimic wrinkles, scars, pedestal and, of course, extended pores.

Thanks to the special composition and the properties of the grout for the pores, all the recesses available on the face are filled, thereby equalizing the skin relief. After that, the tonal means lay down to a smooth layer, not falling into the pores and not emphasizing them.

We want to present the top 5 most popular and effective rates for the pores that have received excellent feedback from buyers.

Tony Moly Egg Pore Silky Smooth Touch

Perhaps the most sensible cosmetic product in this category became grouting from the Korean brand Tony Moly Egg Pore Silky Smooth Touch.

And the point is not only in the excellent masking properties of the famous "Golden Egg", but also in amazing maiden decoration and unusual packaging.

Tony Moly Grout has a pretty thick consistency and a transparent texture that is easily distributed in the face and hides even serious shortcomings. So, the primer is capable not only to hide the package, but even mimic wrinkles and.

Due to its penetrating properties, the grout is capable of filling any "cavities" on the skin of the face, which are extended pores and shallow scars. Thus, the skin relief is visually leveling, and the subsequent application to the primer BB-cream or another tone makes it impeccable.

Like many other decorative means of Korean brands, Tony Moly Egg Pore also carries a careful function: when the grout penetrates into the pores, thereby "seals" them, preventing the pore contamination.

The product can be purchased both on eBay and in domestic online stores, such as Girlswillbegirls.

Etude House Goodbye Pore Ever Pore Primer Essence

A no less noticeable product was putting out from the Korean cosmetic brand Etude House Goodbye Pore Ever Pore Primer Essence.

A more concise and traditional design is the only thing that she is inferior to Tony Moli's egg. However, a tube in 20 ml easily placed in cosmetic bag, which is very convenient for summer holidays. Moreover, the grout for the pores of Etude House Goodbye Pore Ever is simply created for hot days. Its high camouflage properties are combined with the ability to control the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which will appreciate the owner.

Grout for the pores of Etude House Goodbye Pore Ever allows not only to hide even the most visible defects on the skin of the face, but also get rid of oily shine in the T-zone much longer than the matting cream.

Speaking of grouts for the ages, it is impossible not to mention the cosmetic product of the American brand NYX Pore Filler, who has long been loved by makeup artists and famous beauty buggers.

The advantage of this minimizer pore is that it can be safely used as a full-fledged database, causing a person, and not locally.

Its light, reminiscent of light mousse, texture with a barely distinguishable natural beige shade perfectly absorbed into the surface of the skin, visually holding her relief. However, it should be noted that the cutting ability of this grout for NYX is somewhat inferior to the masking properties of the previous two and is not able to hide serious imperfections.

Another product of the American cosmetic brand, which deservedly occupies a place in our top minimizers for pores, has become primer Benefit The Porefessional.

This grout is able to replace photoshop, since the visual effect of its use is obvious and incredible.

The effect of Benefit The PorefeSional is narrower than that of previously listed primers, as the dense texture is able to emphasize even the most minor facial wrinkles on the face. Therefore, to apply grout for the pores from Benefit should be locally to the places where the extended pores are most noticeable.

To distribute The PorefeSional Manufacturer recommends that slapting movements, driven into the pores and update over makeup as needed during the day.

Overall skin can safely choose this grout for pores, as it is an Oil-Free tool and does not contain oils. So, the lack of oily shine is guaranteed!

Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser

The most budget, but from this not less popular means to reduce the pores, the primer of the French brand Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser.

It is quite noticeable different from other pore minimizers that we talked about earlier. A rather dense gel texture is easily distributed in the face that sliding filling not only extended pores, but also mimic wrinkles and scars from the pedestal.

The finish at the primer Maybelline Baby Skin Pore Eraser is far from the matte, so it is better suited to the owners of dry and normal skin. This grout is absorbed for the pores not completely, so one way or another needs fastening the finish or matting powder.

However, the owner of oily skin of the face must be careful with the Baby Skin Pore Eraser, since its silicone texture is capable of provoking the shine in the T-zone, but also score pores.

As you were able to make sure, in our top 5, the rates for the pores were attended by minimizers and primers, represented by both Korean cosmetics and American and European brands. This brings us to the consolation thought that in our desire to hide extended pores we are not alone. Girls around the world pursue the same goal - to be the owners of beautiful skin, and the grouts play in this not the latter role.

Modern developments in the field of cosmetology and proper application of funds allows you to paint the hated pimple. In order not to constantly look for outputs, you need to carefully and regularly care.

Most women and girls of different age suffer from acne rash, extended pores, black dots. It looks not very attractive, significantly affecting self-esteem, mood and everyday life. Most often these are signs of oily skin, which requires much more care than dry or ordinary. Excessive selection of subcutaneous salales scores, expands the pores, making them visible. It is necessary to treat acne, but what to do if you look beautiful now? It remains only to hide defects with cosmetics. And how to disguise the pores on the face, consider further.

A variety of face careers will help to correct the situation, aimed at regulating the production of skin salts. It will take several days, but the effect will not make himself wait. This method is approached when any event is planned, and still have a little time to prepare.

The pharmacy for sale such as:

  • antibacterial soap;
  • cream;
  • lotion;
  • vitamin complex;
  • mineral solutions;
  • vegetable tinctures of their herbs.

It is very important once a week to peeling a person to exfoliate old cells, clean the skin from dirt. After the procedure, it is recommended to use special moisture creams intended for oily and combined skin. When cleaning, use fruit acid, genuine green clay. This will speed up the recovery process. But sometimes, acne needs to quickly smear. How?


The reasons for the appearance of acne are many, often they appear at the most inopportune moment. The main factors can be:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • oversupply hormones;
  • fatty food;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol.

To align the tone of the face, most often use cosmetics. The disguise procedure takes place in several stages, and for this you will need several different means. The main thing is to learn how to use them right. The best way to get rid of large pores - to brush them in a timely manner and not to climb bacteria. Then acne will be less.

We prepare the skin

Extended pores must first be narrowed. To do this, any vesseloring agent is applied to clean skin. For example, you can use eye drops. The substance is perfectly coping with redness around acne. We do this:

  1. Welcome in the eye solution, we leave it a bit in the freezer. After about ten minutes, we take out, apply to redness. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
  2. Or make such a recipe: Lubricate the acne of tea tree oil. It has a bactericidal property, quickly struggles with inflammation. This method is long (the results will be noticeable after six hours), but very effective.

How to mask pimple

Many women use a tonal cream to smell redness, however the structure of the cream may look on the skin very rude, reminding the mask if it is wrong to apply. The usual sponge for applying a tone cream is not suitable. It absorbs fat and all the dirt that can be on the skin, including the cream itself. Therefore, cotton disks not only tolerate bacteria, but also spend the cosmetic agents. It is best to apply a tone cream with a tassel point, on problem areas.

As masking means are also suitable:

  • moisturizing tone cream as a base for cosmetics;
  • special pencil corrector;
  • or any means from the BB Cosmetics category.

Tonal cream with a moisturizing effect. Apply the pads of the fingers to the entire face. This is enough to hide insignificant, but visible flaws. But the proofreader is processed only by the defects themselves, then slightly smear and apply a neutral tone, which, as a rule, is on the second side of the pencil. The corrector is necessary to give homogeneity of the skin, even applying a tone base.

BB cosmetics are quite expensive, but very effective when trying to mask expanded pores. Since it not only pains the tone of the face, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Fast disguise

There is another quick way, how to paint flashes on the face, for example, when you need to go to a business meeting, a date or other event, but there is no time. We make such manipulations.

  1. Clean the skin from dirt by any tonic or lotion.
  2. We process inflamed pimples by correcting and waiting when it dries.
  3. Moisturize the face with cream, preferably low-fat, matte tone. Apply a fine layer all over the face.
  4. Of all the cosmetics only, the tone cream is able to align the tone of the face, especially if it is solid or the color of the ivory.
  5. We distribute cream on the skin, without affecting areas closed by corrector, retouching a cotton disk.
  6. The next step is the powder face. Makeup on the mineral powder holds for a long time, has a uniform tone.
  7. As a Rumyan, it is not necessary to use peach shade, dark bronze, light brown tones. They will attract attention to inflamed and strong acne.

It is possible to effectively hide skin defects, aligning eyes brightly. We use the eyeliner or technique of smoky Eyes.

In any makeup, the cleansing of the skin plays a huge role before applying cosmetics. And, in general, the more often we clean the face and pores, the less dirt will accumulate. To do this, you can use:

  • tonic;
  • foam;
  • hakes for washing;
  • lotions;
  • wet wipes.

It is recommended to clean the face with natural products, such as cucumber. Or choose some gel for fatty face. Moreover, it is necessary to moisturize all types of skin, and not just dry. There are such cosmetics, when applied which not only the tone of the person is aligned, but also the water balance of the epidermis is maintained, fat production is regulated. Especially efficiently use the cream as a basis for makeup.

Basics under Makeup

After we cleaned the face, proceed to the next stage of makeup - we make the basis. It is recommended to apply special means containing vitamin E and protection against ultraviolet rays of at least fifty. It helps the skin does not dry even under the large layer of cosmetics, which is why healthy blood circulation is preserved.

When disguised pores, the base layer under cosmetics is required, especially if you have problem skin. It is important to pay attention to the proofreading pencil. It allows you to breed pimples and expanded pores, creating a protective layer between the skin and cosmetics, which is why the microbes and dust do not fall on the inflamed place and do not cause even more suppuration.

It is best to buy a camouflage pencil with an antibacterial effect, useful oils and herbal extracts.

How to pick up a pencil tone:

  • light tones - for small redness, they can be one tone with skin or a little lighter;
  • green pencil - even the strongest defects, pores and acne;
  • yellow tones - for shiny spots.

The corrector has a sufficiently concentrated structure, so copes with any skin problems. It is used point and grows a little tassel.

Powder and blush

The next step is to make the skin of a matte face and with a uniform natural tone. We will use powder. It is recommended to apply it a large brush so that the layer is thin and uniform. Spots and pores muffled with a bulk powder. If defects are still standing out, it is worth trying to combine powder with a small number of tone cream and apply a small tassel.

Well, you can complete the makeup with glittering blush light pink shades. The correct technique of applying decorative cosmetics makes wonders. The main rule is no brilliance. Although you should not forget about high-quality cleaning and skin care to avoid the expansion of pores and the appearance of acne.

Fast solutions

And what if you need to paint the pores quickly and efficiently? The cosmetic market exists special silicone bases for makeup. Of course, they are constantly not recommended to use, and the feeling of torn skin may not be very pleasant, but, for example, you can do the perfect makeup for a wedding without flaws.

Silicone base makes it possible to apply more cosmetics, easy to grow, and it keeps it much longer. An important rule: you need to choose a corrector from silicone in the afternoon, so that its tone was as much as possible to the natural complexion. The consistency of the cake under makeup is very important. Consider what types of corrector from silicone are, and how to apply them.

  1. Transparent and gel-like form is called fluid. Suitable for the correction of the tone of the person in the presence of small pigment spots. For more substantial defects, it will not suit, since it does not contain a pigment.
  2. The means in the form of a cream contains powder and pigment powder. Ideally mask acne and extended pores.
  3. The gel-like form of the foundation also has the same abilities, but it does not score the skin and gives it to "breathe."
  4. Solid and brilliant bases - to hide small scars and acne.

Whatever the masking means, the correct skin care will not replace anything.

Oily skin has some positive qualities. For example, it continues to stay young for a long time, compared with other types of skin. It is possible to significantly save money on different creams from wrinkles and other decorative cosmetics - just buy a gel for washing and moisturizing. It is so most often those who know about the difficulties with oily skin. For some, it becomes a real problem - there are extended pores on the face.

Four types of skin are isolated: combined, oily, normal and dry. The owners of oily skin are a bit lucky - they do not need to worry about regular humidifier of the skin. This type of skin is not as exposed to the processes of aging, wrinkles on the face appear much later than the owners of normal or dry skin. In winter, the bold secret protects the face from the effects of cold, too cold wind.

But the excessive measurement process of fat as a result leads to the reproduction of bacteria. Ultimately, such rashes arise on the face: black dots and inflamed acne.

To eliminate the negative effect of oily skin and narrow the pores, you need to understand the main reason for the development of such difficulty. A large amount of fat as a result leads to the expansion of the pores, dust and different dirt accumulate in them. Over time, such pollutants settle in large quantities, as a result of which black dots appear on the face, which are differently called comedes.

This environment is good for the development and rapid reproduction of bacteria that lead to the development of acne. To prevent black points, you need to start regularly to regularly carry out the corresponding cosmetic procedures, which will be directed to the reduction of pores and the salo waste.

It is important to carry out such procedures not only regularly, but also moderately. Do not often brush the skin with aggressive cosmetic drugs, as well as to cut it with its special alcohol-based lotions. Such actions may result in deterioration of the condition of the cover.

The main important functions of the skin are thermoregulation and selection - can work normally only with the help of pores. It is they who reveal the channels of the coarse, as well as sweat glands. Pores are almost always expanding in the field of chin, nose and forehead. Extended pores on the cheeks arise much less often.

Answer the question why there are strong skin salinity simply. Extended pores on the face, there are quite a few reasons, but they are all well studied by specialists. Wide pores on the face occur due to:

In addition, the reasons for the development of such a lesion can be associated with incorrect skin departure. An error in the selection of cosmetics and preparations for face care can adversely affect the condition of the skin. The reason for the development of extended pores is also poorly selected decorative cosmetics..

Extended pores not only look bad, but also contribute to the rapid penetration into the skin of bacteria and their active reproduction in it. Such skin features as a result lead to the appearance of acne and inflammation. Over time, their number increases significantly, which is why the appearance of a person is becoming worse. That is why it is necessary to start the fight against extended pores as early as possible.

Especially increased pores in adolescence. Most often, such a state passes along with strong inflammations. Many publity girls also arise the problems of the gynecological plan, which is why rashes acquire an inflammatory form.

The main methods of improving the state

Methods in order to permanently eliminate large pores, unfortunately do not exist. But some procedures help significantly reduce them. The main methods of reducing pore are:

  • Cleansing face;
  • Special masks;
  • Exfoliating drugs;
  • Microdermabrasion;
  • Anti-aging cosmetic drugs.

The first thing to be done to reduce the pores is to clean the skin of the face. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the drug on the washed skin and it is pretty cold. Then the tool is washed off with warm water from the tap. It is important that the foam for washing fully corresponded to the skin characteristics. Otherwise, such a problem will only become more serious.

If the skin contamination indicator is too high, it is best to take advantage of a deeper cleansing. Need to unpat face and, applying a special scrub, wash. At the end of the cleansing you need to apply a special moisturizing and soothing cream on the skin. Such a procedure should be carried out in the morning or in the evening two or three times a week.

Peeling oily skin

If a person suffers from very large pores on the skin of the face, then a good method for eliminating such a violation is to use peeling. Such therapy will include the use of scrubs containing small granules, and lotions, as they will help eliminate the dead cells and speed up the update process. Peeling is considered useful in that it helps to quickly clean contaminated pores, as well as improve blood circulation. But it is not recommended to carry out such a procedure. Otherwise, high chance to strengthen the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

For peeling can also be used tools with salicylic or glycolic acid content.

Such acids in the composition of the applied tools have a softening effect on the skin. If the porosity is too strong, then it is best to use retinuous or trichloroacetic acid to carry out the peeling. The drug, which includes such active substances, helps to clean the pores and align the overall relief.

A face with increased pore needs a frequent application of special masks. The indicator of their performance will be directly dependent on the main ingredients in the composition of the mask. Cosmetologists advise to prepare masks that have the following effect:

  • Purified and narrow pores;
  • Moisturize face;
  • Regulate the process of normal operation of the sebaceous glands on the oily skin;
  • Improve the total tone and skin color;
  • Stop the angry rash;
  • Eliminate strong shine;
  • They carry out therapy to eliminate the processes of inflammation on the skin and prevent possible recurrences.

There are many recipes for combating extended pores on the skin.

Large pores begin to narrow under the influence of the following elements:

  • Chicken yolk;
  • Pears;
  • Starch;
  • Aloe.

To create the first mask you need to mix one teaspoon of aloe juice with a whipped protein. Such a mask should be applied to the skin quickly. After applying, it is left for ten and fifteen minutes, and after it is washed off with warm water.

To prepare a mask with a yolk in the composition, you need to mix 2 yolks with three tablespoons of the honey. Such a mixture is insteaded for six hours. The mixture is then applied with neat movements and left for twenty minutes, washed off with water. You need to apply such a mask on the face at least two or three times a week.

To obtain a mask on the basis of starch, you need to mix two teaspoons of the main ingredient with ½ crushed green apple. The mask is then applied to the surface of the face, and after the past twenty minutes, it is washed off with water from under the tap. If you make such a mask at least two times in seven days, it will help not only cure the noticeable comedones, but also reduce pigmentation.

To create a mask with a pear, you need to stretch the main ingredient to the state of the Cashitz and add one teaspoon of potato starch to it. And then apply to the cleaned skin of the face, wait for fifteen minutes and wash off with water from under the tap.

Large pores on the face, how to get rid of - this question interests many. If there are too large on the face, then for this there is another effective mask. It is necessary to soften five grams of almond nuts and add a small amount of boiled water. The resulting paste must be applied to the surface of the skin and leave the mixture for thirty minutes. Then the paste need to be washed off with cool water and wipe the face with a rat, moistened in water and apple vinegar. Such a procedure should be done every day.

Another good mask to get rid of the pore will be clay, mixed with lemon juice. To create such a mixture, you need to take the juice of the lemon half, mix with a blue clay, 10 ml of aloe juice and greed of green tea. Then you need to apply a mask on the skin and wash off after thirty minutes. Then the skin must be moistened with a special cream.

As well as a good result, you can achieve after using ice cubes. They need to wipe the surface of the face. Such a procedure is best done daily. Pores will quickly decrease if several drops of lemon juice can be added to the cooked water. After the procedure, you can wipe the face with ice prepared from a dill bravery or green tea.

With advanced pores, it will be much easier and faster and faster, if a person, subject to them, will clearly understand why they have increased. In some cases, it is best to go to the reception to a dermatologist.

Preparation for the application of mask

If there are too large pores on the face, then the leather is completely sprinkled. Such a procedure leads to the softening of comedones and rigorous traffic jams. Besides, swinging helps to all components of the mask deeper into the skin layers.

Eliminate large pores with the use of special masks to combat oily skin. As the main component in this case, a protein that has a tightening effect should be. It is best to apply homemade eggs, including all nutrients and trace elements that are so important to the skin.

Previously the composition of the mask must be tested. Otherwise, the risk of developing allergies on the skin is very high. Wash the mask from the face you need warm running water. After the skin is driving, a moisturizing cream is necessarily applied to it.

Beauty salons offer their customers a large number of services for invasive and hardware cosmetology, with the help of them it will be possible to quickly reduce the pores and improve skin elasticity. The effect of rejuvenation can be noticed immediately after the first visit to the cosmetology. Salon services:

There are many methods of combating large pores, but at the same time popular salon procedures and masks are particularly popular. To improve the result, you need to abandon harmful addictions, use only high quality cosmetics and normalize your menu.