How to sunbathe for pregnant women at sea. Sunburn during pregnancy. Sun exposure rules. Sunburn during pregnancy: consequences of excessive sun exposure

During pregnancy, women become very careful for fear of harming themselves and their unborn baby. During the summer months, many expectant mothers are faced with the question: can they afford such seasonal pleasures as tanning and swimming? This article will answer these questions, dispel the doubts and fears of the most responsible mothers.

Pregnancy and tanning

Perhaps you have heard about the dangers of ultraviolet radiation contained in the sun's rays, and, being in an "interesting" position, decided to skip the beach season. You're in a hurry! Do you know that there is a term "heliotherapy", which is translated from Greek as sun therapy ?! The positive effects of sunbathing were already known in Ancient Greece, and in the 19th century, scientific works appeared describing the beneficial effects of sunlight. At the beginning of the last century, Danish physiotherapist N. Finsen received the Nobel Prize for his work proving the benefits of "concentrated light radiation" in the treatment of certain diseases, including lupus.

The benefits of sunburn

So why is the summer sun so useful? Have you noticed that a sunny day gives us a good mood? This is no coincidence. Scientists and doctors have proven that the sun's rays are an excellent antidepressant. The smile on the face of the expectant mother will benefit the little person inside her.

In addition, sunbathing accelerates metabolism, tissue metabolism is especially intense; increase the woman's immunity weakened by pregnancy, which means that the body is gaining strength to combat aggressive manifestations of the external environment. They also improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which prevents the development of osteoporosis in a pregnant woman (osteoporosis is a disease associated with thinning of bone tissue). The sun's rays increase the production of vitamin D, which is a recognized prevention of childhood rickets.

Sunburn is especially useful for those pregnant women who lack sunlight in their daily life, for example, residents of the northern region. Heliotherapy will only be beneficial in case of immunoconflict pregnancy.

Features of tanning in pregnant women

You should be aware that tanning lays down much faster during pregnancy. This is due to a change in the hormonal background: the level of estrogen rises, which causes a more intense formation of the melanin pigment. The latter just gives our skin a chocolate shade when we are in the sun. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be especially careful about the rules of behavior on the beach in order to avoid possible complications.

Safety rules for pregnant women

First of all, you need to know that the direct rays of the sun are dangerous for you - hide under a beach umbrella or in the shade of a tree. And do not worry, ultraviolet will find you here, in other words, you will not leave without a tan.

If it is above + 30 ºС outside, do not go to the beach. You should not sunbathe during the hours when the sun is most active, namely from 11.00 to 15.00. At this time, even in the shade, there is a high probability of overheating or getting burned.

Remember that during the heat, sand and pebbles warm up to 60 ºС, so it is better to sit on a sun lounger. The head should be slightly raised.

If you alternate sunbathing with swimming, then keep in mind: the time spent in the sea, river or pool should be taken into account in the total time spent in the sun. Ultraviolet radiation is active in water as well.

When going to the beach, give preference to loose clothing that allows air to pass through, do not forget your sunglasses and be sure to wear a hat - a wide-brimmed hat will work best.

Hygienic lipstick will protect your lips from drying out and cracking.

Drink plenty of water - the constant replenishment of moisture in the body will keep you from overheating and dehydration.

And, of course, use sunblock. When choosing a cream or oil, pay attention to the factor - it should be at least 20. But it is better to give preference to the highest possible degree of protection. Study the composition of the product you are purchasing - it may contain harmful substances that can be absorbed through the skin. The cream should be applied to the skin 30 minutes before going to the beach, as well as every two hours and after each bath. After returning from the beach, be sure to wash off the cream and apply a moisturizing milk to the skin.

Possible complications

Failure to comply with safety rules while tanning a pregnant woman can cause serious complications. Excessive exposure to the beach under the scorching sun can lead to uterine bleeding, overheating and fainting (stress on the heart increases during pregnancy), varicose veins (progressed by the sun), and an increase in age spots on a woman's face that appear during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and swimming

Swimming benefits

The benefits of swimming during pregnancy cannot be overstated. In water, the expectant mother gains "pre-pregnant" lightness, water relieves stress and fatigue, prevents the formation of edema. Water treatments perfectly maintain tone, so they are very useful for varicose veins. Swimming exercises breathing and muscles of the whole body, including the abdominal muscles, which will certainly help you during childbirth. Despite all the listed advantages, do not forget to consult with your gynecologist - contraindications may be associated not so much with pregnancy as with your general health.

Choosing a reservoir

It is worth considering carefully the choice of the reservoir in which you are going to cool off on a hot day. First of all, pay attention to its purity. It is no secret that the connection between the body and the environment is carried out through the skin. In other words, both beneficial and harmful substances contained in water can enter the body through the skin. So, swimming in places not approved by epidemiologists, you have a chance to "pick up" typhoid fever, dysentery, stomach flu, viral hepatitis A, cholera, etc. In addition, the likelihood of infectious skin diseases is not excluded , mucous membranes of the throat, ear, nose, eyes.

Do not forget, the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, so it is easier for her to get infected.

A trip to the sea during pregnancy

Separately, it is worth talking about the sea. Who would doubt that swimming in the sea is not dangerous ?! The way it is. Salts and microelements contained in sea water penetrate into the body and have a tonic and restorative effect. It has been proven that sea water, in comparison with fresh water, improves the metabolic function of the skin by more than 25%. Swimming in the waves of the sea, you get a soft massage of the whole body as a pleasant bonus.

Still, you should take into account the specifics of bathing in a particular place. If the seabed is rocky or covered in coral, buy special shoes to avoid abrasions and scratches. Find out in advance about the peculiarities of the marine fauna: meeting with jellyfish and some poisonous fish can bring a lot of trouble.

Even if you do not dare to plunge into the sea water because of, say, its low temperature or strong waves, wait until the heat subsides and be sure to take a walk along the beach. Sea air has a positive effect on redox processes, blood pressure, and the volume of circulating blood. And the sound of waves, rustle of pebbles, the color of the sea will soothe and have a positive effect on your well-being.

Safety regulations

You should not go into the water if it seemed cold to you. Hypothermia can seriously harm your health. Remember, pregnant women are not recommended to immerse themselves in water, the temperature of which is below 20 degrees.

Don't swim too much, you don't need serious physical activity. If you feel tired, immediately get out of the water.

Even if you are a great swimmer and feel confident in the water, don't swim too far. In pregnant women, the likelihood of seizures in the water is slightly higher, which is associated with a lack of calcium and compression of nerve endings.

A small warm-up on the shore will help you avoid possible cramps in the water - bending and unbending your legs, lifting on your toes, and rubbing your calf muscles and feet.

Pregnancy is not a disease. Enjoy the summer - swim and sunbathe, not forgetting about the precautions and features of your condition.

Happy pregnancy and easy delivery!

Pregnancy is far from being a disease, and with its normal course, exposure to the sun in moderation is of great benefit to both the expectant mother and her unborn baby. Let's try to figure out together whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe and how it should be done.

Why healthy sunbathing

It has long been known that the sun's rays activate the production of vitamin D3, which is necessary as the main stimulant in the absorption of calcium by the body. Experience shows that even with the constant use of vitamins and calcium, in most women during pregnancy, hair falls out and grows dull, caries appears, and nails begin to exfoliate.

All these symptoms clearly show the lack of calcium and vitamin D3 in the body. But, even taking vitamin complexes and receiving this vitamin from the outside in the form of tablets, in capsules, its inadequate absorption occurs. It follows that it is necessary to take sunbathing at short stages of pregnancy, when the child's future teeth are being formed.

Note that it is not forbidden at all and, on the contrary, it is even recommended to stay at the sea, but with reasonable restrictions (only in the morning, no dining beaches and closer to the shade).

Why is tanning dangerous?

During pregnancy, the female body is most susceptible to increased stress. For example, women's skin requires more careful attention and careful care. Also, pigment spots on the back, face, arms and décolleté are not uncommon. To protect yourself from overly intense exposure to harmful UV rays, you must give up tanning during the day and pause your visit to the tanning salon.

Remember that overheating of the mother's body can negatively affect the health of the baby, because he cannot independently regulate his body temperature while in the womb.

Another property of UV rays is the activation of the body's natural tasks, such as breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat, metabolism and others. But, if problems with these processes are observed in the body of a pregnant girl, then prolonged exposure to the open sun can worsen this problem.

According to the latest data in scientific research between the appearance of skin cancer diseases, there is a connection with sunburn melanomas. On top of that, dehydration can occur, so it is very important to restore the water balance in the body.

How should you sunbathe if you are in position?

  • Pregnant women can only sunbathe from morning until 10:00 and in the evening after 17: 00-18: 00. The rest of the time, excessive activity of UV rays is noted, which turn an ordinary tan into an occupation that is dangerous for expectant mothers and their babies.
  • Be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from harmful UV rays (less risk of pigmented spots)
  • Be sure to use sunscreens with an SPF factor of at least 25. When choosing a cream, be sure to read the composition and consult your doctor about the possibility of using this cream. Cheap creams may contain allergens that you don't need.
  • You should also talk to your doctor about your fluid intake during the summer. Drink a lot, especially if you are in the sun and sweat a lot.


As you can see, there are many reasons why pregnant women should not sunbathe without measure. But at the same time, a complete refusal to sunbathe can also harm not only the expectant mother, but also her fetus.

Each organism and the course of pregnancy is individual, therefore, when making a decision, you still need to consult a doctor.

The question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun is very serious. Scientists have been constantly talking about the dangers of UV radiation lately. Naturally, every woman expecting a child is very afraid to harm him.

On the other hand, the expectant mother knows about the benefits of sunlight: the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, without which calcium cannot be absorbed. So what recommendations can be given to pregnant women regarding summer vacations?

Pregnancy and the sun: interesting information

The sun is a good antidepressant during pregnancy

In fact, exposure to the sun during pregnancy is vital. After all, thanks to exposure to sunlight:

And how the mood rises on a joyful sunny day! It is not for nothing that medicine claims that the best natural antidepressant is the sun.

Pregnancy and tanning: beauty in a convenient format

We, women, so want to be attractive always! Even during pregnancy, it is a pity to miss the opportunity to look like a "mulatto-chocolate". In summer, it is somehow especially noticeable that everyone around is so slender and, in addition, tanned, and only you are plump and pale ... Do not be discouraged, dear mothers! Nature is on our side, if, of course, we are armed with the necessary knowledge.

Pregnancy causes a change in the level of hormones in the female body, which results, in particular, in the increased production of melanin, a pigment that gives the skin a beautiful chocolate color during sunbathing. Therefore, a woman in a position will get the desired tan rather quickly. But this is where the danger lurks for herself and her baby: you can "grab" too much dose of UV radiation. Therefore, for safety reasons, you should follow some simple and useful rules:

  1. In no case should you be in direct sunlight. It is better to hide in the shade of trees and receive ultraviolet light in a diffused form.
  2. Pregnant women need to sunbathe only in the morning and in the evening. At lunchtime, when the air temperature is especially high, you need to stay at home, lie down or even sleep.
  3. Sunbathing, it will be safer to sit on a sun lounger / beach trestle bed. First, the sand or pebbles get very hot, which can lead to sudden overheating of the body. Secondly, it is easier for a pregnant woman to get up from the same sun lounger than when she lies on the sand.
  4. While under the sun, it would be good to use special tanning creams to prevent the formation of large age spots. However, a doctor's advice is needed before purchasing them.
  5. When swimming in a pond, remember that UV rays also penetrate the water column. Water droplets can even cause burns as they act as lenses. So after swimming you need to wipe yourself dry.
  6. Drink a lot on the beach: moisture will prevent both overheating and dehydration.
  7. The head must be covered. It is better to wear clothes that are made of natural material and therefore breathe well.

Summer is already on its way, the sun is actively hot and many of us have already soaked up under its first hot rays. Naturally, it is very difficult to imagine a summer vacation without sunburn. Therefore, pregnant women also do not want to give up "their place in the sun." But how safe it is and whether it is possible for pregnant women to sunbathe is a question that worries many. Let's not guess, but just figure this out, weighing all the pros and cons.

Is it possible to sunbathe for pregnant women: the opinion of experts

To begin with, doctors are not at all opposed to being in the sun for expectant mothers. Moreover, in their opinion, pregnant women will only benefit from tanning, since being in the sun stimulates the formation of such an anti-rachitis factor as vitamin D-3. And since the skeleton of the unborn baby is being laid during pregnancy, exposure to the sun will provide a sufficient amount of calcium and phosphorus. Thus, the sun's rays during pregnancy are essential for the health of mom and baby. However, if you think that pregnant women can lie on a lounger all day and sunbathe, then you are wrong. We will talk about how to sunbathe for pregnant women further.

Safe tanning rules

Expectant mothers are strongly advised not to sunbathe in direct sunlight. The best time for a healthy tan is in the morning from 11 to 12 noon and in the evening from 18.00. Simply put, it is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to be in the sun. After all, we all know that the sun's rays are heat and ultraviolet radiation that can cause burns. Therefore, harmful ultraviolet light, penetrating through the upper layers of the skin, destroys collagen and accelerates skin aging. In addition, it is the ultraviolet rays that cause.

It is also important to remember the fact that being in water, the skin attracts significantly more ultraviolet radiation, which can provoke sunburn or heatstroke. Moreover, such an overdose of the sun can even lead to premature birth. Therefore, while sunbathing, it is also very important to provide yourself with an intensive drinking regimen and be sure to protect your skin with tanning agents. We will talk about them in more detail.

Means for a safe tanning during pregnancy

When choosing sunscreens for the skin, remember that they only let through those rays that form a tan and slightly delay the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the degree of protection against UV rays should be the highest - 25-30. That being said, opt for dermatologically tested cosmetics and don't trust the questionable products displayed on street stalls. Protective agent should be applied to all sensitive areas, including ears, nose, neck, and shoulders.

After sun exposure and showering, be sure to apply an after-sun product to your skin.

Summarizing all of the above, we highlight the main aspects of the correct and safe:

  • you should start sunbathing gradually, being in the sun for no more than half an hour in the first days;
  • you should sunbathe at the safest hours in the morning - until 11 o'clock, and in the evening - from 18, being in the shade;
  • when choosing a sunscreen, choose the highest UV protection level;
  • apply sunscreen 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapply the cream periodically, especially after water treatments;
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Protect your eyes with sunglasses and protect your head with a panama hat or wide-brimmed hat.

And in conclusion, if God forbid, you still sat out in the sun and got heatstroke, then remember that in this case bed rest, plenty of drink and a doctor's consultation will help.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time filled with awe and delight. But many questions concern expectant mothers, especially those expecting their first child. One of these questions - is it possible to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium?

Sunburn and pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, but the physiological state of women. Absolutely do not deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the sun, even if you are expecting more. With a reasonable approach, pregnant women can sunbathe both at the smallest terms and on the eve of childbirth. What are the pros and cons of sun exposure for a pregnant woman? Let's start with the pros:

  • Ultraviolet rays cause special cells in our skin - melanocytes - to produce natural vitamin D. This vitamin is directly involved in calcium metabolism, forcing it to strengthen the bone tissue of both mothers and children. Thus, sunbathing in the sun, a pregnant woman begins already intrauterine prophylaxis of rickets to her baby.
  • Vitamin D is also called the mood vitamin. With a sufficient level in the blood, mood improves, drowsiness decreases. And a happy mother is a happy baby.
  • Dosed ultraviolet radiation will not only help the skin to be covered with an even, beautiful tan, but will also improve the course of some skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and acne.

But in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, so it is worth recalling the negative sides of tanning.

  • In addition to the ultraviolet spectrum, sunlight, especially during peak heat, also carries infrared radiation harmful to the skin. In case of an overdose of both types of radiation, sunburn is possible.
  • Long exposure to the sun without a headdress is fraught with sunstroke and fainting.
  • During pregnancy, hormones change dramatically. The huge amount of estrogen increases the photosensitivity of the skin. Pregnant women burn more easily, and may also notice the appearance of age spots on the face and chest. Most often, pigmentation goes away within a few months after childbirth, but still it is not worth the risk.

In order not to get the unpleasant consequences of sunbathing, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • you need to sunbathe under the scattered sun, for example, under special canopies on the beaches or under the crown of trees;
  • avoid sun exposure in extreme heat. The optimal time for even, and most importantly, safe tanning is from 8 to 11 am and from 4 pm to 7 pm;
  • be sure to use sunscreen. It is not necessary to pursue very high degrees of protection. SPF 15-30 is more than enough for safe sun exposure;
  • a pregnant woman's wardrobe must include sunglasses and a hat. You can not go out into the sun without a hat;
  • it is important to remember that the skin produces enough natural vitamin D. Therefore, it is necessary to stop taking vitamin D for the summer period or choose complex ones without it. About when you need an additional one.

If you follow these tips, sun tanning, even in early pregnancy, is completely safe and even beneficial.

Visit to the solarium during pregnancy

Strictly speaking, there are no absolute contraindications for tanning in a tanning bed for pregnant women. Under the influence of ultraviolet lamps, exactly the same processes occur in the skin as in the sun. Artificial ultraviolet radiation is widely used in polyclinics for the complex treatment of such diseases as:

  • psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • depression and neuroses;
  • osteoporosis and other disorders of calcium metabolism;
  • cramps of the calf muscles in pregnant women;
  • the phenomenon of symphysitis, that is, pain in the pubic joint of the pelvis in pregnant women.

So modern medicine does not deny the beneficial aspects of artificial tanning in a solarium. The key question here, as with sun tanning, is a sensible approach:

  • the solarium must be verified, best of all on the basis of a state clinic or sanatorium. Do not hesitate to ask for a certificate for lamps - there are strict regulations for their replacement;
  • tanning time in a solarium starts from one minute. Then, after assessing the reaction of the skin, the time can gradually lengthen up to five minutes;
  • you can visit the solarium in short courses, for example, 1-2 times a week for a month, then take a monthly break;
  • pregnant women are strictly forbidden to use various bronzers and other means to enhance tanning;
  • for the period of tanning in a solarium, remember about vitamin D in the composition of vitamins for pregnant women. It shouldn't be there!

If you follow these basic principles, tanning in a solarium for a pregnant woman, even in the early stages, is a good alternative to the sun in winter and late autumn.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for site

Useful video about tanning during pregnancy