What pregnancy symptoms can you notice in the early days? The main directions of pregnancy diagnostics. Influence of the uterus on adjacent organs

New, completely unknown sensations during pregnancy are simply guaranteed to all women. And how could it be otherwise, because during this period both external and internal changes take place. Somewhere after 10 days as conception occurred, the body begins to produce.

It is to this that pregnancy tests respond. True, all tests must be done with the onset of the delay. At the same time, even before the delay, it will show a reliable result.

The body begins to rebuild itself already in. A woman observes changes in her appearance, begins to feel and feel other signs. True, it is still difficult for a woman to decide which changes are normal, and which ones should be given her increased attention.

A woman always, wherever she is, treats her appearance with awe. Beauty and well-groomed face, health of hair, figure - for her it is, first of all. During pregnancy, such an attitude towards oneself not only does not decrease, but also becomes more important. Most women note in themselves that their hair becomes silky, becomes shinier and thicker.

It is the hormonal background that causes such changes. Rebuilding, it significantly affects the condition of the hair. But, there is also the opposite effect when the hair becomes dull and brittle. According to experts, this phenomenon is temporary. And when the hormonal background reaches its final change, the hair will regain its healthy appearance.

To maintain your hair in order during pregnancy, it is recommended to use shampoo for the "new" hair type and preferably if it is hypoallergenic. It should also, in the first trimester of pregnancy, exclude hair coloring and the use of styling to minimize. These recommendations are based on the fact that your body may react with allergies to various stains. It will be better if you postpone this procedure until the second trimester, but even at this time, it is recommended to replace the usual paint with an ammonia-free one.

With regard to body hair, it becomes dark and rather coarse during pregnancy. Pregnant women should be aware that laser hair removal is contraindicated for them. It will be more beneficial to use a conventional machine or epilator. You should also refuse waxing, due to the high probability of an increase in the pain line. Hormonal changes also affect the condition of the skin. Most women observe the appearance of age spots, acne, darkening of moles, manifestation of dermatitis.

True, there is another effect when the skin of expectant mothers becomes softer and cleaner, moreover, it acquires a pink tint. If a woman observes inflammatory reactions on her skin that need careful care, then it is necessary to visit a beautician. During pregnancy, there are no restrictions on visiting a beautician.

On the contrary, various procedures, such as light peeling, moisturizing masks, facial massage, will come in handy. The only thing that must be excluded is the use of cosmetics that contain a large amount of vitamin A. This vitamin can cause dermatitis and an allergic reaction in a woman. It is also not recommended to experiment with various cosmetic novelties and use products, natural substances in the composition of which are minimized.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the female forms, which from the very first days of pregnancy undergo changes in the direction of increase. The nipples of the breast under the influence of hormones become more sensitive, the breast itself is rounded, and there is discomfort from wearing lace underwear. Easing the discomfort is pretty simple. Experts recommend regularly taking a contrast shower, besides, lace underwear should be replaced with comfortable cotton, which will be healthier for the body and in which you can put on in case of severe discomfort.

Also, it will not be superfluous to use. Its use will help a pregnant woman avoid sagging breasts after childbirth and avoid terrible stretch marks. The tummy of a pregnant woman is a separate topic worth talking about. It is worth saying that the belly in the first trimester practically does not change, but by the end of it the waist is noticeably rounded, there is no intensive growth of the tummy, but it acquires either a rounded shape or an acute one. It is worth noting frequent visits to the toilet during the first trimester. There is only one reason - the uterus smoothly moves in and presses the bladder lightly. By the end of the trimester, the uterus occupies the center of the small pelvis and the pressure stops.

Returning to using the cream for stretch marks, we note that it should be applied to the skin of the abdomen daily. As the abdomen grows, the skin will acquire elasticity and will be ready for changes. At the beginning of pregnancy, aching pains in the abdomen are often observed, the same as during menstruation. Lie down and relax if the pain is not accompanied by bloody discharge. It helps. It is necessary to consult a doctor in cases where there are severe discharge and pain, the temperature rises.

The onset of pregnancy is often accompanied by increased sweating. This is explained by an increase in metabolism due to the increased work of the body. We advise all pregnant women to wear clothes made exclusively from natural fabrics, especially during the hot season.

It is possible to improve the functioning of the kidneys and intestines with the help of liquid, the drinking of which should be increased, as well as at the expense of fruits and vegetables. Suppress hunger by snacking on pistachios, nuts, yogurt and dried fruits.

The emotional state of a woman during pregnancy also undergoes changes. This period is marked by a state of special sentimentality, tearfulness, slight lethargy and drowsiness. Hormones are to blame, and you can't argue with this, as well as with nature. It would be better not to contradict them, but, giving in slightly, change the state to a positive one. If you feel tired - take a break, want to cry - switch to watching good movies that raise your mood.

As a generalization, let us name some rules that should be followed during pregnancy, namely:

  • eliminate bad habits;
  • eat right;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • go to bed on time.

The main thing for a woman during this period is a positive attitude, because pregnancy is the result of tenderness and love, so enjoy it to the fullest and be healthy!

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman, which is accompanied by new sensations that are significant both externally and internally. Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, the body is rebuilt, changes in appearance occur, new sensations appear. In order to know which changes are the norm, and which changes are worth paying special attention to, it is advisable to read this article and draw conclusions.

Let's start with the appearance, namely, with the beauty of the face and, after which we will consider changes in the figure, note new aspects of metabolism and answer questions regarding the state of the emotional background during pregnancy.

So, during pregnancy, many women notice that their hair becomes thicker, shiny and silky. The reason for this pleasant change is the hormonal background, which, being rearranged, affects the condition of the hair. It is no secret that some women may have a reverse reaction, that is, during the normalization of hormonal levels, the hair, on the contrary, becomes brittle and dull. However, experts say that this is a temporary phenomenon. After the final change in hormonal levels, the hair will acquire a healthy look. In order to keep your curls in a beautiful shape, during the period of "interesting position" we advise you to purchase a shampoo for the "new" hair type, preferably hypoallergenic. In addition, you should abandon hair coloring and minimize the use of styling. The fact is that during changes, your body may react to allergic coloration. Therefore, postpone the procedure until the second trimester, but during this period, the usual paint will have to be replaced with an ammonia-free one.

Body hair becomes coarser and darker during pregnancy. It should be remembered that laser hair removal is contraindicated for pregnant women, so a regular epilator or machine will work for you. Waxing should also be abandoned, since the pain line may be slightly increased.

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the condition of the skin changes. Many women notice darkening of moles, the appearance of age spots, and the manifestation of dermatitis. However, we note that in most expectant mothers, the skin, on the contrary, acquires a pink tint, becomes cleaner and softer. If the skin of the face is inflamed and requires careful care, then there are no barriers to visiting a beautician during pregnancy. Facial massage, light peeling, moisturizing masks will come in handy. The only thing that should be excluded is the use of cosmetics with a high content of vitamin A, which can cause an allergic reaction and dermatitis. In addition, you should not experiment with new cosmetics, but it is best to use products that contain natural substances.

As for the female forms, namely, in most cases, it increases from the first days of pregnancy. Under the influence of hormones, the nipples of the breasts become more sensitive, the breasts acquire a more rounded shape, and discomfort from wearing lace underwear is often observed. In order to alleviate discomfort, experts recommend taking a contrast shower, purchasing a comfortable cotton bra that can be worn at night with severe discomfort. In addition, the use of a cream against stretch marks will be useful. So you will take care of the beauty of your breasts in advance and avoid subsequent stretch marks and sagging breasts after childbirth.

Now let's talk about the tummy of a pregnant woman. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the belly does not practically change. By the end of the trimester, the waist is noticeably rounded, the tummy may acquire a sharper or rounded shape, but intensive growth is not observed at this stage. It is important to note that in the first trimester, in most cases, frequent visits to the toilet are noted. This is due to the fact that during this period the uterus slightly presses the bladder, as it moves into the small pelvis. By the end of the trimester, the pressure stops - the uterus is in the center of the small pelvis.

To prevent stretch marks on your belly, you should apply a moisturizer daily to your belly skin. So by the time the belly grows, the skin becomes elastic and ready for changes. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy, aching abdominal pains are possible, the same as during menstruation. If such pains are not accompanied by bloody discharge, then just try to lie down and relax - it helps. In case of severe pain, temperature and discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As for metabolism, since your body works with double force during pregnancy, namely, pumping an increased volume of blood and lymph, it is possible to increase metabolism, as well as increase sweating. Therefore, try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, especially in the hot season. In order to improve the functioning of the intestines and kidneys, in the first trimester, drink plenty of fluids, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, do not let the feeling of hunger appear - snack on nuts, pistachios, dried fruits and yogurt.

In conclusion, a few words about the emotional state of a pregnant woman. During this period, even the most active and positive women may notice a state of tearfulness, sentimentality, drowsiness and slight lethargy. The blame for everything is hormones, with which, alas, you cannot argue. Therefore, you should not contradict them, but it is best to succumb to this state, changing it to a positive one. For example, if you feel tired, then lie down to rest, and crying is best over the happy ends of good films. And in general, tune in to the positive, because pregnancy is a state of love and tenderness, enjoy it and be healthy!

Specially for- Ira Romaniy

Pregnancy is a diagnosis, and the diagnosis in translation means "management tactics". Indeed, pregnancy leaves an imprint on the entire body of a woman as a whole, since at this time there are intense changes in all organs and systems of her body.

In addition, pregnancy is a contraindication for prescribing certain drugs, which is especially important for doctors of other specialties to consider. During pregnancy (signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay are especially important here, that is, the very beginning of a new life), fluorographic or any other x-ray examination, which can be prescribed to a woman if it is not known that she is not known, is contraindicated.

Therefore, the timely identification of the fact of pregnancy is very important, since the correct management of pregnancy from the earliest dates is the key to its successful completion - the birth of a living, viable child. Based on this, knowledge of the early signs of pregnancy is important both for the patient herself and for doctors of various specialties. This is what our article will be about.

The main directions of pregnancy diagnostics

Often, the diagnosis of pregnancy in a short period of time presents significant difficulties, since the early signs of pregnancy detected before the delay in menstruation are not very specific and can be observed in other conditions and diseases. Diseases of the endocrine glands, neuropsychiatric disorders, stressful situations, taking certain medications can simulate pregnancy, which misleads both the doctor and the patient.

The observed hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the appearance of new subjective sensations, as well as to certain objective changes, which are determined by the doctor. In addition to detecting these signs of pregnancy in the early stages, additional research methods are used, which include ultrasound examination and determination of the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine (urine pregnancy test, which can be qualitative and quantitative) and in the blood. These are laboratory signs of pregnancy that can be detected.

But the establishment of the fact of pregnancy does not yet allow to put an end to the diagnostic search. At the next stage, it is important to establish where the ovum is localized (in the uterus or outside it), as well as whether pregnancy is developing, that is, to exclude a non-developing pregnancy.

Thus, the diagnostic search includes three directions:

  • diagnosis of pregnancy;
  • determination of the site of implantation of the ovum;
  • determination of the heartbeat of the embryo / fetus (an embryo is called a fetal egg up to 8 weeks of development).

Methods of examination of pregnant women

What are the early signs of pregnancy and how to identify them? This is the main question that worries many women trying to get pregnant. First, let's look at how you can identify the signs of pregnancy.

The detection of pregnancy is based on the assessment of:

  • complaints and subjective feelings of a woman;
  • an objective examination of a woman, which includes an examination of the mammary glands and a vaginal examination (using mirrors and two-handed examination);
  • the results of additional research methods (ultrasound, blood and urine tests).

Let us dwell in more detail on additional research methods, since the first signs of early pregnancy are difficult to diagnose using a routine clinical study (questioning, examination, palpation, etc.).

Ultrasound examination allows to establish the fact of pregnancy, its localization, as well as the presence of an embryo's heartbeat, that is, it solves all three main tasks of diagnostic search. The most reliable and early information can be obtained if the study is carried out using a vaginal probe. It is important to establish the presence of a heartbeat before 8 weeks of pregnancy, since by this time the heart of the embryo has already been laid.

If by this time there is no fetal heartbeat, then, most likely, the pregnancy has frozen (non-developing pregnancy).

Determination of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine (a sign of pregnancy in the early stages - 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks) allows you to diagnose the presence of a fetal egg. However, it does not give exact information about the place of its implantation. This can only be indirectly judged - the inconsistency of the level of this hormone (less than the norm) with the expected gestational age.

The same can be said for the viability of the product of conception. If the content of chorionic gonadotropin corresponds to the gestational age, then the pregnancy develops normally, and if it is less than the norm, then one must think about either a frozen pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy.

Very rarely, there can be a significant increase in this hormone, which is regarded as a serious pathology and indicates a cystic drift or chorionic carcinoma. This is a type of the so-called trophoblastic disease, which belongs to cancer. A slight increase in chorionic gonadotropin is the earliest sign of twin pregnancy, that is, it does not characterize pathology.

Subjective signs of pregnancy

Subjective signs of pregnancy are signs of early pregnancy, which are called dubious signs in the medical literature. The woman herself tells about these signs. Their appearance is associated with hormonal changes that occur in the maternal body if the egg is fertilized by a sperm. For the same reason, objective symptoms appear, which the doctor reveals during a thorough examination of the woman.

They are the second most important in the diagnostic search and are called probable signs of pregnancy. The most reliable are reliable signs that are determined only in the second half of pregnancy.

These include:

  • fetal movements felt by the doctor;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • palpation (groping) of small parts of the fetus.

So, back to early pregnancy signs. These include the following subjective sensations:

  • nausea and vomiting (up to 2 times a day is regarded as a variant of the norm, more than 2 times - as a symptom of early toxicosis);
  • change in taste (adherence to a certain type of food and aversion to other types);
  • increased or decreased appetite;
  • change in sense of smell (hypersensitivity to perfumery products, intolerance to tobacco smoke);
  • increased irritability;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness, including during the day;
  • non-intense headaches and dizziness associated with decreased vascular tone;
  • increased painless urination;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands and their slight increase;
  • the appearance of increased pigmentation along the white (middle) line of the abdomen, on the face, on the nipples;
  • the appearance of stretching bands, which are due to the influence of glucocorticoid hormones.

This is how pregnancy manifests itself in the early stages, and the signs before and after a delay in menstruation, which are detected, often require additional research methods. In this case, the earliest sign of pregnancy from additional research methods is the appearance of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood or urine, as discussed above.

Enlargement of the uterus

An enlarged uterus is a likely sign of early pregnancy. The growth of the uterus is associated with the growth of the embryo and extraembryonic structures (chorion, amnion, yolk sac). This sign in the early stages of pregnancy can be established from 2 weeks. We are talking about two weeks from conception, which corresponds to 4 obstetric weeks.

In addition to the enlargement of the uterus, its shape and consistency change, the reaction to various stimuli. Before the era of ultrasound, these changes were regarded as very early signs of pregnancy, which, with a high degree of probability, indicate the conception and implantation of the ovum. The pregnant uterus has an asymmetric shape, that is, it has a protrusion in the place where the ovum has penetrated.

Such a uterus is soft, since progesterone, which is released in large quantities during pregnancy, relaxes the smooth muscles (especially the uterus). This leads to its increased mobility. The uterus in a pregnant state is able to actively respond to external stimuli, therefore, with a two-handed examination, it first becomes toned, and then immediately relaxes.

In addition, during a vaginal examination in order to detect early pregnancy, it is also important to assess the discharge. In pregnant women, they have a white appearance and a thick consistency, since progesterone changes the nature of vaginal secretions. With a complicated course of pregnancy, their nature can change - they either become mucous (this may indicate an increase in estrogen and a decrease in progesterone), or bloody.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract most often indicates the threat of termination of pregnancy, therefore, to maintain it, immediate treatment is required, which includes the appointment of antispasmodics, hemostatic agents and progestogenic drugs (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Progesterone). Gestagens are able to influence immune processes, which play a very important role in the normal development of pregnancy.

Purulent discharge and early signs of pregnancy are also a reason for contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist, as they can lead to infection of the ovum, which can be implemented into pathology at an early stage or at a later date.

Infection in the early stages of pregnancy is manifested by a non-developing pregnancy or miscarriage, and in the later stages it leads to premature birth, intrauterine infections, placental insufficiency with its consequences (delayed fetal development and intrauterine fetal hypoxia). Most often, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, local therapy in the form of suppositories, cream is prescribed to combat purulent discharge, so that systemic drugs do not have a negative effect on the developing fetus and do not lead to anomalies in its development.

A period of up to 12 weeks is critical, since at this time all organs and systems are laid down and their primary differentiation occurs, therefore, at this time, a pregnant woman should, if possible, not take any medications. In this regard, the earliest signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation should be known to every woman who goes to the doctor with a particular disease. She must warn the doctor about them so as not to harm the fetus with the prescribed treatment.

Diarrhea and pregnancy

The above dubious symptoms that can cause inconvenience to a woman are signs of early pregnancy, and diarrhea, which may be in some women, most often indicates pathology. It is associated either with food poisoning, or with intestinal infection, less often with chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is a misconception that diarrhea is a sign of pregnancy.


It is important to identify the first signs of early pregnancy in women suffering from miscarriage, since such women need the earliest possible initiation of therapy aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

Miscarriage should be talked about in cases where a woman has had two or more pregnancy losses in a row. As a rule, such patients are examined outside of pregnancy in order to identify the reasons for its termination. Knowing the exact cause can prevent its effect on the newly fertilized egg. Such early treatment contributes to the preservation of pregnancy and the birth of healthy, viable babies.

Thus, the first signs of pregnancy at an early stage help to timely diagnose the fact of pregnancy in order to optimize the management of such a patient. An obstetrician-gynecologist diagnoses pregnancy and makes an appropriate entry in the medical documentation.

After that, a special approach is applied to such a woman - the risks of prescribing certain medications, certain examination methods are assessed, and, if possible, complications of pregnancy are prevented, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.


Many women who have already become mothers claim that they knew about their pregnancy long before visiting a gynecologist. What is this - the maternal instinct, the sixth sense, a subtle mental organization? And, if possible, what are the sensations in this case during early pregnancy? Similar questions are asked by a woman who is eagerly awaiting the news that a new life has arisen under her heart. It is possible to guess that a miracle has happened based on a number of specific signs. One has only to listen to itself, and the body will answer all the questions of the expectant mother without an express test and examination by a doctor.

Of course, the most eloquent symptom of pregnancy is the absence of regular periods. However, this is not an indicator that will help you know about conception right away. For example, a woman did not even think about becoming a mother, and the schedule of the menstrual cycle did not greatly occupy her attention. In this case, the first guesses that she may be pregnant will visit her no earlier than 2 or even 3 weeks after the introduction of the ovum into the wall of the uterus.

The situation is completely different for women who have planned a pregnancy. They are attentive to any metamorphosis of their body, so they can unmistakably understand that their dream has come true. With a high degree of responsibility and attentiveness, some ladies even feel how the ovum is implanted into the uterine cavity.

So what should you look out for first? Let's list the most indicative signs of pregnancy.

Basal temperature change

When planning a pregnancy, women measure their basal temperature every morning to determine when they will ovulate. When an egg is fertilized, a decrease in temperature occurs - this is facilitated by a sharp jump in estrogen in the blood. After fertilization, the basal temperature rises sharply, which is caused by the intense production of progesterone in the body. Lowering the basal temperature is a short-term process, and lasts only one day. An abrupt change in its indicators is considered the earliest sign of pregnancy.

Scanty spotting

This happens, as a rule, 7 to 12 days after the fertilization of the egg. Discharge appears when the ovum is fixed in the uterine cavity. If a woman has not yet thought about motherhood, she takes spotting for the beginning of the menstrual cycle or late menstruation. However, do not forget that the attachment of the embryo very often occurs without the isolation of the ichor from the genital tract.


Unpleasant sensations in early pregnancy can be considered a pattern. At the very beginning of the long nine months, expectant mothers often experience weakness, drowsiness, and constant fatigue. After fertilization, the immunity of the female body weakens somewhat - this is a natural process that ensures the successful development of the embryo and its transformation into a full-fledged child. At this time, the body temperature of the expectant mother rises very slightly, but this, too, undoubtedly affects her well-being. The feeling of apathy and high fatigue in early pregnancy are due to the active production of progesterone in the body. During pregnancy with twins, early sensations are even more pronounced: expectant mothers may feel exhausted and literally sleep on the go.

Increased breast tenderness

In the overwhelming number of women who have become pregnant, but do not yet know about it, their mammary glands "hint" at their delicate situation. They become very sensitive, rude, react painfully to touch. The reason lies in the fundamental restructuring of the hormonal system with the onset of pregnancy. Sometimes everything happens exactly the opposite - the breasts, which gave the woman painful discomfort before each period, becomes less sensitive and no longer hurts. As a rule, soon after this, the woman learns that she is expecting a child.

"Heavy" uterus

Feelings in the uterus in early pregnancy are also specific. The spectrum of sensations is very diverse: from a pressing feeling of heaviness to a slight tingling sensation. The woman begins to feel the uterus after implantation of the ovum into the uterine wall.


The sensations caused by toxicosis are so specific that it is almost impossible to confuse them with ailments of another nature. Morning sickness, which sometimes ends with vomiting, a radical change in gastronomic addictions, dizziness, fainting - you must admit, all these "innovations" should immediately prompt a woman to think about pregnancy.

Feeling in the stomach in early pregnancy

At the very beginning of the first trimester, there are still no visual changes in the abdomen - they will appear much later. So you can postpone the complete renewal of your wardrobe, but already now you need to be very careful about the sensations in the stomach: some symptoms can be harbingers of serious complications. Let's list the most dangerous ones.

"Petrified" belly

While resting on her stomach, a woman suddenly feels as if there is a large stone inside her, in the area behind the pubic joint. At a period of 2 months of pregnancy, some expectant mothers (often thin ones) can feel with their fingers the upper part of a certain rounded seal in the abdomen. At the same time, you have to run to the toilet "in a small way" more and more often. If the urge to urinate is not satisfied immediately, the feeling of a fossilized abdomen increases.

This is how hypertonicity, or excessive tension in the uterus, manifests itself. This condition develops on the basis of a deficiency of the hormone progesterone, which protects the fetus in the womb. When there is not enough progesterone, a large muscular organ begins to contract and can remain in this state for a long time. In most cases, uterine hypertonicity in early pregnancy is considered a physiological norm, but the possibility of the development of pathology is not excluded. With exciting questions of a pregnant woman, you need to contact a gynecologist. To balance the hormonal system, the expectant mother may be prescribed a course of treatment with progesterone drugs.

Hypertonicity cannot be ignored in any case: constant spasms of the uterine walls, disrupting the blood supply to the ovum, pose a threat to its position in the uterine cavity and interfere with the normal formation of the placenta. To avoid complications, the expectant mother needs to take care of herself:

  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • temporarily stop physical training;
  • deliberately protect yourself from shocks and shaking, especially when traveling by public and private transport;
  • use the elevator to go up or down stairs;
  • use any opportunity to rest (even for a few minutes) to relax your abdominal muscles while sitting or lying down;
  • satisfy the need to urinate at the first urge.

Pressure or distension in the perineum

After the introduction of the ovum into the uterine cavity, it slowly but non-stop begins to grow. With each new day of pregnancy, blood circulation in the large muscle organ becomes more and more intense. The network of vessels that encircles the uterus and nourishes it increases in volume and branches more and more. The overflow of the uterine walls with blood gives the woman the impression that something is pressing inside her in the pelvic area. To relieve stress, a pregnant woman again needs to lie more, and it is better to raise her legs up a little while resting - this is a wonderful prevention of varicose veins.

Short-term sharp painful outbreaks in the groin

Closer to the second month of pregnancy, the expectant mother has a new problem - an attempt to quickly get up from a sitting position, an inadvertent turn in sleep, coughing, sneezing and other movements that cause a reflex push in the body, are accompanied by severe but short pain in the groin folds. The sensations are so intense and sudden that the expectant mother freezes for a few moments.

This is how tense ligaments make themselves felt, which hold the growing uterus in the correct position. If the pain dissipates within a few moments after the onset and occurs only with the next careless movement, you should not worry. However, if the pain does not subside or recurs over and over again on its own, you should immediately inform your doctor about it.

Painful "premenstrual" sensations in the lower abdomen

The aching and pulling sensations in the early stages of pregnancy are, in fact, an echo of menstruation, which was not destined to begin. In terms of the strength of the manifestation of pain, they can be any: from intense discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen to almost painless scanty brownish discharge. Ideally, you need to record the duration of your menstruation in a special calendar, then the expectant mother, through simple mathematical calculations, will understand what kind of discharge it is, and will not worry too much. But even in this case, the unplanned can happen: if the discharge is abundant enough, with an admixture of dark red or scarlet blood clots, you need to be alert and consult a doctor about this.

Persistent one-sided pain in the lower abdomen

If a woman has undergone surgery in the past, of course, she still has postoperative scars. Most likely, adhesions are hidden under the scars. The longer the pregnancy, the more they stretch - hence the pain. The well-being of the expectant mother will improve short-term rest in a comfortable position. You need to lie on the sore side.

If unilateral abdominal pain bothers a woman in the early stages of pregnancy, then the specialist is likely to suspect the presence of an ectopic pregnancy in the patient. After confirming the sad diagnosis, you need to act immediately - the sooner the pathology is removed, the more chances a woman has to become pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby.

A pulling or cramping pain that either fades or worsens again

If a pregnant woman feels something like this for a certain period of time, the intensity of the pain exceeds the discomfort associated with menstruation, and does not tend to weaken (it hurts "on one note"), you should immediately consult a doctor! There are all the signs of a miscarriage. In order to get rid of the ovum at the very beginning of pregnancy, the cervix may not fully open, and in most cases there is no severe pain, as in a long-term pregnancy. The sooner the woman receives help, the better - it is possible that the miscarriage can be stopped.

Pregnancy can be officially confirmed only 2 weeks after a delay in menstruation. An express pregnancy test, an ultrasound scan, a blood test for hCG will help to do this. But what to do if a woman trusts her inner voice, which whispers to her that she is expecting a baby? During this period, it is important to ensure yourself a healthy and comfortable lifestyle: quit smoking and other bad habits, eat right, get more rest and not worry. If disturbing or painful symptoms of unknown origin appear (severe pain in the lower abdomen, release of blood clots), you should consult a gynecologist.

When a woman has already received official confirmation of her pregnancy and is faced with a problem in the form of abdominal pain, she must remember the main rule: not to make independent decisions about treatment. Experiments with medicines, homeopathic remedies, herbs and folk recipes are unacceptable!

At the early stage of pregnancy, outwardly nothing is still noticeable, but inside the mother's body there is a whole revolution: the internal organs and systems of the future person are laid and developed. Many drugs taken without a doctor's prescription can cause irreparable harm to the fetus, therefore, the gynecologist prescribes medicines for the expectant mother only in case of urgent need.

Premonition of pregnancy. Video

The first days of pregnancy were different for each woman. But, interestingly, each remembers in detail how the early stage of her interesting position proceeded.

When Mom Doesn't Know Yet ...

When we talk about the very first weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, we are talking about the time when the expectant mother does not even suspect that a new life has arisen inside her. During this period, the body begins to give the very first signs, as hormonal changes begin. Although it also happens that the sensations that many experience, some do not manifest at all.

For example, a pregnant woman's temperature may suddenly rise sharply - after a couple of hours, it also unexpectedly normalizes for a woman. Or at some point, her lower back starts to ache or her stomach hurts - these are the first sensations that they cannot yet convey to the pregnant woman important news for her.

It is believed that in the first days of pregnancy, the body itself partly understands that a fertilized egg is developing in the uterus, but this information has not yet reached the brain. Therefore, he is lost in conjectures, not knowing how to react to the changes that are taking place. At the same time, most women admit that in the early stages of pregnancy, the thought suddenly occurs to almost everyone: “Am I pregnant?”, Although there seemed to be no reason for this. If you realized that you are expecting a baby, closer to 12 weeks, then you already had to experience a variety of sensations.

Avoid Overwork

So, how does pregnancy manifest itself at different times and what are the feelings of a woman? First of all, there is a familiar feeling of overwork. A pregnant woman (if she is not yet aware of what happened) thinks that she is getting sick, because her body aches like before the onset of a cold, she constantly wants to sleep. But no matter how much time a woman spends in a dream, she begins to "nod off" within a few hours after waking up, without having time to do important things or work.

It turns out that by sending such sensations to a woman, a smart body accumulates strength for the upcoming changes and enables a woman to recover if she was exhausted mentally or physically. Almost every pregnant woman says that at such moments it was simply not possible to fight sleep - as if someone pressed an invisible button so that it would instantly turn off.

Doctors explain: this happens during pregnancy because the body turns on the energy-saving mode, when overloads are unacceptable. So every time a woman tries to do something tedious or "overwork", the body immediately stops her, as if teaching the fair sex to set priorities right now.

Don't eat clay

How else does the early stage of an interesting situation manifest itself? Of course, a pregnant woman in most cases does not want to eat, or, on the contrary, she is constantly overcome by hunger. It all depends on the state of the body, lifestyle and physique.

It is believed that thin girls at this time begin to lean on buns, because they are drawn to them. Thus, the body is in a hurry to stock up on the fat it needs, which will also serve as protection for mom and baby. Women in the "body" can become selective in their diet, and after childbirth they often become much slimmer than they were.

In general, the relationship with food in pregnant women becomes difficult immediately - this is how pregnancy manifests itself in almost everyone. Someone, suffering from toxicosis, already in the early stages cannot see raw meat or nuts and eats only canned corn. There are also those who pretend to love pickles. Of course, there are lucky women who do not know what morning sickness is, and can eat absolutely any food without problems, but there are very few of them.

After the 12th week, the situation returns to normal, but keep in mind that the very course of pregnancy suggests odd eating behavior throughout the entire 9 months. For example, vomiting, which appeared in a woman from the moment of conception, can pursue her until the birth of a baby.

Such a manifestation of an interesting situation can and should be fought. To get rid of the discomfort that occurs in the morning, you need to eat a small piece of cookies, even before you get out of bed. Also, avoid stuffy and smoky rooms - otherwise, you are guaranteed to faint.

This stage of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that you may be drawn to inedible "products" (chalk, earth, clay). It is believed that in such a non-standard way, the body tells you what elements are missing in your diet. Also, by the way, it comes in when it sends you a signal to eat a food item that you are not used to.

Consult your doctor - perhaps, after a series of tests, he will prescribe you a course of vitamins. Try not to eat what you really want - after all, these "products" can lead to poisoning or infection in the body, which is dangerous in your condition.

Body and Mood: Change Is Coming

The course of pregnancy, of course, at an early stage has a number of features. In addition to all of the above, a woman may also feel a desire to empty her bladder more often. This is due to the fact that the uterus grows from the very first day of pregnancy - thus, even during this period, it can put a little pressure on its "neighbor" who is responsible for urination.

Due to extensive hormonal changes, emotions will replace one another at incredible rates. Therefore, do not be surprised that you will be annoyed even by the little things or suddenly want to cry. Try not to shout at loved ones, as much as you would like it - remember that pregnancy manifests itself in this way, and in a couple of minutes you will be ashamed of your act. Over time, these emotional outbursts will be smoothed out, but be prepared for the fact that you will cry with emotion at the sight of babies (even in advertising) for all 9 months.

The early stage of an interesting position can also manifest itself at the physiological level. First of all, a woman's periods stop. At the very beginning of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations appear in the area of ​​the mammary glands, because they are the first to prepare for childbirth. The breasts may swell and hurt, and the nipples may become sensitive to even the slightest touch. Sometimes even wearing a bra can cause discomfort.