Who is the elder sister of the wife. Who is the brother's wife

Wedding. Who accounts for whom?

Who accounts for whom?

The wedding fell silent, and the newlyweds had new relatives.

Father-in-law (father-in-law) - the husband's father.
Mother-in-law- the wife of the father-in-law, the mother of the husband.
Father-in-law- the wife's father.
Mother-in-law- the wife's mother.
Brother-in-law- the brother of her husband.
Brother-in-law- brother-in-law.
Sister-in-law- the sister of the husband, the wife of the brother.
Sister-in-law- wife's sister, brother-in-law's wife.
Brother-in-law- the husband of a sister-in-law.
Daughter-in-law- son's wife, daughter-in-law ..
Son-in-law- the husband of the daughter, the husband of the sister, the husband of the sister-in-law. One person is the son-in-law of the father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.
Nephew- the son of a brother, sister.
Niece- the daughter of a brother, sister.
Bride- maiden, widow or divorced, conspired to marry.
Daughter-in-law- wife of a son, wife of a brother; a married woman in relation to her husband's brothers and sisters (and their wives and husbands).
Matchmaker- the one who goes to woo the bride on behalf of the groom or parents; the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
Svatya- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
Motherfucker- the wife of a brother-in-law.
Kum and godfather- godmother and father. For their godson, they are not godfather and godfather, but only among themselves and in relation to the godson's parents.

Confused about the names of family ties? Don't know who your brother's wife is? "Who is she to me?" - a question that interests you? In fact, everything is very simple. This is the daughter-in-law. This is the name given to your brother's wife when she comes to your family. "Who is she to me?" - the question is not difficult. It remains only to sort out your relationship with her.

Brother's wife. Who is she to me according to the degree of kinship?

So, this is the daughter-in-law for the father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and son-in-law. Well, who is your cousin's wife? The name is very funny. This woman is a bro. By the way, the wife of a brother is also called a daughter-in-law in relation to the wife of another brother. In a word, everything is clear with the names.

Family relationships

And now a little more detail. Who is the brother's wife in the family? “Who is she to me? And why should I (or should) be friends with her? " - you ask a question. Everything, of course, depends on the character of the person. Well, and from age. You may not be able to communicate normally. What if your brother's wife isn't treating you well? "Who is she to me?" - you say. But you are one family! Probably, first you need to determine the reason why you don't get along. Perhaps you are just jealous of each other for your brother and husband. By the way, this is important. In a cool relationship, you will absolutely not care.


Probably, you would not be very interested in who your brother's wife is. "Who is this lady to me?" - a question that might not worry you too much. This is all true if you are at a distance from each other. But what if your brother's wife shares the same living space with you? “Who is she with me? And how to communicate with her? " - something that cannot be left unanswered. Disagreements and misunderstandings between family members often lead to big scandals. And even to divorce.

Of course, it is best to live separately. But this is not always possible. However, in the case when the brother chose a calm, kind, balanced wife, it is quite possible to get along. A good woman and a brother can make an exemplary family man. So you will also be grateful to her.

In fact, it is the daughter-in-law that needs to be established. After all, it was she who came to your family. However, you should still try to help her in this. Go to meet her. A warm relationship is very good. True, you will hardly be able to communicate on any topic anyway. You will not discuss, for example, your brother's intimate life ...

By the way, age, as mentioned above, is a very serious and important point in your relationship with your brother's wife. If the difference between you is small, everything is extremely simple. You will communicate on an equal footing. If your brother's wife is much younger, you may not take her seriously. Otherwise, if she is older, you may be annoyed by her condescension towards you. Nevertheless, the main thing is that the brother is good, convenient and comfortable. The main thing is that he and his wife love each other. This is his choice, and you need to come to terms with him.

And finally ...

Your brother's wife is, after all, your new relative. And no matter how different you are, you still have to communicate. Despite hobbies, interests and goals in life. In order for this communication not to cause any inconvenience, it is only necessary to maintain a certain distance. That is, idle on the rights of "relatives" in another family not to climb. Do not give advice on how to behave correctly with your husband. Do not compare yourself with each other. It will not lead to anything good. The easiest way is to stay just close acquaintances. Unpleasant incidents can also provoke quarrels with your brother.

Often, conflicts also occur between peers. Common topics are not always found. Although you don't always want to look for them. Apparently, the ideal is to just not swear. Observe neutrality. Rules of mutual courtesy.

In a word, the brother's wife is a person with whom you have to see from time to time. And even if you do not share the views and likes of your brother, think about him first. After all, he, too, will suffer from the fact that you cannot find a common language. Try to accept this woman. Even if you don't like it at all. In addition, do not forget that anything can happen in life. And it is your relatives who will be the people who will come to your aid in difficult times. In general, no matter how hard it is for you, try to keep peace and quiet in the family. In this case, everyone will be happy and contented.

It is sometimes very difficult to understand family relationships. It used to be, when huge families for several generations lived under one roof, it was not difficult to remember who was due to whom and by whom, because all these tricky terms were constantly heard. Nowadays, when relatives are sometimes scattered all over the globe and gather together only on the occasion of big events, the words "sister-in-law", "brother-in-law", "brother-in-law", "daughter-in-law", etc. many of us find it strange and completely incomprehensible. And yet, let's try to restore it to our name so that we don't have to guess later on occasion: "My brother's wife - who is she to me?"

How to call your brother's wife

For clarity, let's imagine a specific family, otherwise we might get dizzy from the endlessly intersecting vectors of kinship. So, there were two siblings, Ivan and Vasily. Both became serious men and got married. Ivan on Marya, and Vasily on Daria. And what do you think we will need to answer the question, for example, of Ivan: "My brother's wife, who is she to me?" Indeed, who is Daria to him now?

The older generation would answer this question that such a woman in Russia was most often called her sister-in-law, in some areas - ash, and closer to Ukraine she had a different name - brother or yatrovka.

Each of the young wives - both Marya and Daria - have now acquired a new relative - a daughter-in-law (that is, they are each other's daughters-in-law or intercourse). By the way, not only the father-in-law with the mother-in-law can call them daughters-in-law, but also the husband's brother (that is, Marya became the daughter-in-law of Vasily, and Daria - to Ivan), and the whole husband's family.

Who is the brother's wife from the point of view of his own sister?

And in the case when siblings live in a family, will the sister be called something differently? No, nothing new has been invented here - for a sister, her brother's wife will also turn out to be a daughter-in-law, or, in another way, brotherly. But she herself will be a sister-in-law for the daughter-in-law. By the way, in some regions she was called “sins-in-law” (probably from an excess of feelings!).

It is interesting that in the old days the cousins ​​were called "bro" or "brat" (that's where these proud definitions of the 90s era come from!), And their wives, respectively, were called "bros". That is, figuring out: “My brother’s wife - who is she to me?”, Know that siblings and cousins, as well as their wives, are defined by slightly different terms.

A little more about the husband's family

Sorting out who the brother's wife is, we involuntarily dug deeper, and now we can no longer fail to mention how, after the wedding, Marya or Daria will have to call her husband's brother. For Marya, Vasily (her husband's brother) is a brother-in-law, and, as you understand, Daria can also call Ivan.

But if, for example, the same Daria has his own native Stepan), then for Vasily (Daria's husband) he will be a brother-in-law or a schwager. And Stepan's son will be a shurich for both Vasily and Ivan. True, the last term is now considered completely outdated, and almost no one remembers it (but you can demonstrate your erudition!).

Let's add a little about the relatives of the imaginary and real

And if we assume that Marya, Ivan's wife, has a married sister, then she will be considered a sister-in-law for Ivan, and her husband, accordingly, a brother-in-law. That is, it turns out that brother-in-law are family members whose wives are sisters. If we are talking about cousins, then their husbands among themselves will be considered cousins.

As you can see, asking the question: “Who is my brother’s wife?”, We slowly sorted out the rest of the relationship. And who knows, maybe this information will help you maintain a warm relationship in a new family. By the way, an interesting experiment conducted by British scientists can serve as a vivid example of this. They gathered in a group previously unknown people, having previously informed some that they were relatives among themselves. It is interesting that in the future it was these people who established the closest friendly relations among themselves, assuring the researchers that family feelings had suddenly awakened in them.

A small parting word for those who figured out who the brother's wife is

What is the name of the long line of relatives from the side of the wife and husband, we hope that we have figured it out after all. You just have to once draw yourself at least a primitive diagram of these connections, and it will be an excellent clue to you at the beginning of your married life and a way to avoid awkward hiccups in defining a new relationship. And after some time, you yourself will be able, with the air of a connoisseur, to answer the question of a confused newly-made relative: "My brother's wife - who is she to me?"

And you must admit that instead of building a verbal chain like “sister of my brother’s wife”, it will be much easier to name kinship with one term “sister-in-law”. In addition, not fully mastering these terms, we make it difficult for ourselves and the perception of literary works (and the authors are very fond of using these names of relatives), as well as folklore and even everyday traditions that came to us from the past.

Today, if the family is relatively small and without any problems all fits at one large table, we practically do not ask ourselves the question, and who has whom to whom, because the family circle is rather limited. Indeed, what is there to understand: mother with father, brothers and sisters, grandparents and, of course, grandchildren. Of course, such family ties are not difficult to understand.

Age-old traditions

It has long been assumed that members of the same genus are united not only by blood ties, but also by common needs, traditions or interests. This has led to the fact that in the current time of disunity and independence, it is often possible not to figure out by what principles a circle of dear and close people is created. When a person forgets about his roots, having practically got rid of them, he gets a certain freedom. But it is not in vain that they say: "in order to stand, I must hold on to the roots."

Family bonds

So is it really so difficult to determine who is the wife's sister, or what kind of blood ties are in-laws connected? Of course not. In order to do this, it is enough just to regulate the list of relatives, or even better - to compose a tree of the genus and trace it.

Of course, the situation becomes an order of magnitude more vague if there are many branches in the family tree, most of which appeared as a result of family mergers. The most common example of this is, of course, marriage. Of course, everyone easily understands who a husband, wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law or mother-in-law and father-in-law are. But the fact that there are such people in the family as a daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or brother-in-law puts many in a difficult position, after which they ask themselves the question: "Who is my wife's sister for me?", "What is the name of my husband's brother?" etc. Of course, it is not so easy to compare such "titles" with real people.

This article is published specifically for people who are wondering who is a wife's sister for a husband, or who is a brother-in-law.

What should you call your brother's wife? Wife's sister - who is this?

So, what kind of positions do the various members of the family acquire as a result of the merger of the two clans?

The wife's sister is called sister-in-law. In the event that she is married, then it is her husband who is called brother-in-law. A spouse's sister can be called a sister-in-law or an ash-tree. In some cases, the brother's wife is also addressed.

The newly-minted spouse is a son-in-law not only for the mother and father of the bride, but also for the wife's sister or brother. Often, representatives of two families, who have recently become relatives and have not yet fully mastered all the mysteries of the family tree, are embarrassed to ask who the daughter-in-law is. And here is the answer to the unanswered question: a daughter-in-law is the same as a daughter-in-law, that is, the wife of a son for his parents.

Who are the brother-in-law and brother-in-law?

It also happens that a person has heard that there are such relatives as brother-in-law and brother-in-law, but cannot figure out exactly who it really is. Such details can simply fly out of my head. So, the wife's brother-in-law is called a brother. The brother-in-law, in turn, is the husband's brother. So the circle of the closest relatives has been considered, and, as it turned out, everything is not so difficult. It will not be difficult to remember the list of relatives' statuses.

And if you dig deeper?

We have figured out the "titles" of the closest relatives, and now we will easily answer questions like "who is my wife's sister, what is the name of my husband's brother, who is my brother-in-law", thereby demonstrating our awareness of this issue. But it is worth digging deeper to understand the seemingly more intricate family ties. Of course, there are still many different degrees of kinship, which are quite rarely used, and therefore positions such as the husband of a sister, the wife of a brother or the sister of a wife are far from the whole list of kinship ties that are worth remembering. For example, men who are married to two sisters are brother-in-law to each other. In turn, the spouses of two brothers can be called intercourse among themselves (a intercourse is the wife of a brother-in-law). If a brother-in-law, that is, a wife's brother, has a son, it is customary to call him a brother-in-law. And the wife of the brother-in-law, the brother of the husband, can be called differently - yatrovka.

Only family ties?

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about one rather curious experiment carried out by British scientists. They gathered a group of complete strangers among themselves and some of them were told that they were distant relatives of each other. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that those who were imposed on the idea of ​​kinship fully met the expectations: the participants began to communicate quite closely, and a friendship struck up between them. The subjects themselves received tremendous pleasure from communicating with each other, conducting peaceful conversations in the "family" circle. Most of them reported that they had a real family relationship, despite the fact that scientists have not confirmed their words. So maybe we, having received an idea of ​​how exactly we should call our family members, will begin to treat them even a little warmer?

A wedding is a pleasant occasion when a new family is being created. But at the same time, both parties who enter into family ties acquire new, albeit not blood, relatives, with whom it is necessary to learn to establish relationships. But how to figure out who is who who is now? Brother's sister, sister's husband - who is to me?

New connections

After getting married, a young couple should first figure out who has to whom and by whom, because the questions “the husband of a sister - who is to me”, “what is the correct name of the husband's (wife’s) sister”, etc. are not new. It is also worth saying that new relationships are often quite difficult, because at first it is difficult for people to accept a new person into their family. Do not be upset if a similar situation has arisen, everything can be fixed, if only you want to.

If a man understands

Now I want to separately consider who has whom to whom, differentiating the interests of the wife and husband. If a man is interested in his new family ties, first of all it is worth saying that the mother and father of the bride are called mother-in-law and father-in-law, respectively. By the way, the “mother-in-law-in-law” relationship is very ambiguous. Many funny stories and anecdotes have been written about this, but most often mothers-in-law treat their sons-in-law much better than mothers-in-law treat their daughters-in-law. The wife's sister is the sister-in-law of the new relative, and the brother is the brother-in-law. To all of the above relatives, the man is a son-in-law. If you want to go a little further and ask the question "who is the husband of my sister, who is he in my family line," then everything is simple: if the sister is a sister-in-law, then the husband of a sister-in-law.

If a woman understands

In new family relationships, a woman acquires many new relatives, in whose designations she also needs to be at least approximately oriented. So, the most important people on the part of the husband for the bride will be the mother-in-law and father-in-law - the mother and father of the beloved man. For them, the girl will be a daughter-in-law, or a daughter-in-law. It is very important to initially establish normal communication with them, because the most difficult forming family relationships are precisely the “mother-in-law-daughter-in-law” or “sister-in-law-daughter-in-law”. The sister-in-law, by the way, is the husband's sister, who most often at first, if not constantly, simply does not accept a new relative. If you ask the question "who is the sister's husband, who is he to me in the family line," then this man can simply be called a son-in-law. The brother of the beloved is the brother-in-law.

Family troubles

Why is it so important to build good relationships with all relatives in the first place? It's simple, because you often have to communicate with them, to be in the same company at large family holidays. And even the fun itself and the mood of the holiday depends on what kind of communication there will be between people in the same room. Young people should not be wary of newly-made relatives, be rude to them or prove their case. I would like to note that often squabbles and troubles arise precisely between women: wives and daughters, mothers and sisters do not always respond well to the appearance of a new family member. But over time, the situation changes, passions subside and calmness and normal communication comes. Patience and an adequate response to what is happening are the key to normal relations with new relatives!