When is the best time to play a wedding: folk signs and seasons. How to choose a wedding date: which months are best to get married

Vika Di April 28, 2018, 12:35 pm

When preparing for a wedding, planning begins with choosing a date for the celebration. Brides approach him very scrupulously, guided by numerology, astrology, beautiful dates or folk signs. Some pick up day in accordance with church statutes, someone is guided by the convenience of the date for registration at the registry office and a banquet in a restaurant.

Registration at the registry office

So how to choose the right wedding date? There is no definite answer to this question. Every couple of newlyweds independently decides, what day should they go down the aisle.

Auspicious days for weddings according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is different from the usual that allows you to follow the phases of the moon - new moon, growth, full moon and decrease.

Such a calendar is compiled for each year and you can see favorable days for each month of the current year or calculate the lunar day yourself

It is considered an unfavorable wedding in an eclipse and a full moon, the negative energy of the satellite has a destructive effect on the young. White night wedding also requires tracking the movement of the moon as its influence is still there. Before setting a date for the celebration, you need to check with.

Lucky day for marriage in numerology

Numerology is the magic of numbers, showing the connection between a person's life and his date of birth.

Choice for marriage in numerology

Add: 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11.

5 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7. Add up the resulting numbers - 11 + 7 = 18. This will be an auspicious day according to numerological calculations.

The 31st number, according to numerology, does not have any special property, and if young people want it, it is quite possible to get married on this day.

Signs related to wedding dates

The number 7 for a wedding, according to popular belief, is considered lucky for a wedding, like other odd numbers, except the 13th the numbers because of the extreme unhappiness of this date.

Marriage on even days - for the birth of a boy, on odd days - for the birth of a girl

It is also believed that a birthday on the wedding day is a bad omen, but at the same time if the birthdays of the spouses are the same then this is a very good sign. If the birthday of any of the relatives coincides with the planned date, then it is better to postpone it. For ethical reasons, it is not very pleasant to have a wedding ceremony or a wedding anniversary on a birthday.

Signs with wedding dates

There are no special signs if the day and date of the wedding coincides with the date of the parents' wedding, but in this case, at the discretion of the young, not everyone will like to celebrate two anniversaries on one day. It is definitely a bad omen to get married on a date that coincides with the date of death of one of the relatives. Such a family, according to the signs, will be haunted by misfortune.

Is it possible, according to the signs, to make two weddings in one year in the same family? According to popular superstition, it is impossible.

There is a sign that the bride needs pin a gold pin on a dress, for luck. You can combine beauty and superstition by purchasing an elegant pin-shaped brooch.

Gold brooch, SOKOLOV(price by link)

According to popular belief, there are favorable years for weddings. The current 2018 is considered a quiet year for marriage., as well as the next one - 2019. But in the question "when is it better to get married?" brides only believe in bad luck about a wedding ceremony in a leap year known for hardship and misfortune.

Why can't you get married in a leap year? In fact, earlier this very year the girls themselves went to woo, and no one had the right to refuse them.

So the leap year used to be called the year of brides, and it was believed that he was successful in terms of marriage.

Days not to get married

However, at the present time there are more substantial prohibitions on marriage. In addition to the days when the registry office does not work, therefore, the marriage cannot be registered, there are restrictions imposed by religion for marriage.

Play a wedding in an Orthodox church

According to the statutes of the Orthodox Church, the days when you cannot play a wedding:

  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On these days, the sacrament of the wedding is not performed;
  • during fasting;
  • the eve and days of Orthodox holidays;
  • on Shrovetide, the week before Lent;
  • during Easter week.

Wedding date agree with the priest, he will tell you when it is best to conduct the sacrament.

Beautiful dates for a wedding

Sometimes brides, not paying attention to the signs and forecasts of astrologers, try to choose a beautiful date. The choice of a beautiful wedding date is due to the combination of the same numbers. For example, in 2008 the most popular date was 08.08.08.

This year, such a complete coincidence will not work, but a beautiful date could be August 18 - 08/18/18 with three eights

You can also choose a combination of day and month digits, for example, 06.06.18. It is believed that lucky dates are those in which there are many zeros and eights, for example, 08/10/18 or 10/18/18. Also dates in which one number is a multiple of another look good, for example, 09/18/18. Such round dates look nice and sound good and they are easy to remember. A weekday or a day off falls on the date of the wedding, in this case it is not so important.

The question of what date to have a wedding torments many girls who want the celebration to be perfect. You can refer to the characteristics of the days of the week.

What day of the week is it better to play the wedding?

The favorableness of a particular day of the week determined by numerology, astrology, church charters and popular beliefs. So what day of the week is it better to get married?

Characteristics of each day of the week:

  • Monday... Despite the fact that in most cases this day is officially a day off in the registry offices, from the point of view of astrology, this day is moderately favorable for marriage, since on this day the young are patronized by the Moon.
  • Tuesday... On this day, you cannot get married according to the Orthodox teaching. In astrology, Tuesday is considered very unfavorable for the conclusion of a marriage.
  • Wednesday... Under the auspices of Mercury, he favors the newlyweds - this promises compromise and consent to the marriage.
  • Thursday... The wedding is not held on this day; popular beliefs also warn couples against getting married. But according to astrology, this is a pretty good day, promising material wealth in the house.
  • Friday... It is considered the most favorable day for marriage, since it is under the auspices of Venus. Friday, the 13th, according to the signs, is considered an unlucky day, but this does not affect family life in any way. The church is sympathetic to the Friday wedding.
  • Saturday... The most popular day for official painting, the sacrament of the wedding is not performed. According to astrology and folk signs, it is considered not a very favorable day for marriage. The marriage promises to be stable, but a lot will have to be sacrificed for happiness.
  • Sunday... It is considered a good day for marriage, this day is patronized by the Sun, which promises warm relations between spouses, but, in another opinion, emphasizes individuality, so the marriage will work out if one of the couple takes responsibility for family life.

So what day of the week is it better to marry? Monday to wednesday... The rest of the days of the week for marriage are considered unfavorable.

It's easy to choose a wedding day, starting from the influence of the stars for family life.

Choose a wedding day in astrology

In what month is it better to get married and get married?

Each month has its own pros and cons, due to weather conditions, signs and church customs. For each month, according to numerology and the lunar calendar, happy dates are calculated on which it is best to marry.

Signs and meanings of a wedding by month:

  • January wedding - the wife is widowed early;
  • a marriage concluded in February will be full of love and tenderness;
  • to get married in March - to life in a foreign land, far from home;
  • an April wedding - to changeable happiness;
  • wedding in May - to betrayal;
  • June wedding - the spouses will spend their whole lives like a honeymoon;
  • get married in July - the marriage will be sweet and sour;
  • to get married in August - to a strong marriage, sealed not only by love, but also by friendship;
  • wedding in September - the marriage will be long, without quarrels and scandals;
  • a marriage in October promises problems and difficulties;
  • November wedding - to a rich and happy life;
  • getting married in December - fortunately in family life, which will only grow.

What is the best month for the wedding? Each season has its own benefits- in winter there is no wedding excitement, and you can safely choose the date of the wedding in the registry office, in the spring it is already warm enough to hold the ceremony in nature, in summer, despite the heat, there are many celebration scenarios, in the fall the abundance of vegetables and fruits will provide a rich feast.


Signing immediately after the New Year holidays may not seem like a good idea, but in reality January has many unobvious advantages.

Huge space for outdoor festivities: snowball battles, the construction of a snow fortress and sledding

Offers many options for entertainment and contests.

In addition, you can continue New Year's theme and weave it into the decoration of the banquet hall.

Get married in January


This month can provide several ideas for a wedding celebration at once - the theme of Valentine's Day and Shrovetide festivities. The date of the wedding can be timed to coincide with one of these holidays.

In addition, the advantages of a wedding in winter also apply to this month: there are no queues for painting at the registry office, you can rent a banquet hall in a restaurant with a discount and fly away on a honeymoon trip to hot countries. can be combined with a trip and hold a symbolic ceremony on the shores of the azure sea.


Despite the fact that this March is the first month of spring, it differs little from winter in mood and weather in central Russia. But this is a great opportunity for a budget holiday, and the vagaries of the weather can be compensated for by an exquisite buffet table in the restaurant. - a reason for an interesting photo session against the backdrop of melting snows, spring drops and the warming sun.


This month is considered truly spring - more and more warm days, the first flowers and leaves on the trees begin to bloom. Spring awakening is a great theme for a celebration. Moreover, in early spring the wedding excitement has not started yet than you can use. it is already possible to spend in the fresh air, despite the unstable weather.

Get married in April


May spring wedding not only according to the calendar, but also according to the mood. Warm weather allows for off-site registration among trees and blossoming flowers. This month you can save on floristry.

For you, you can pick up an unusual wedding dress and weave flowers into your hair.


June is a good month for a wedding, because the heat has not yet arrived, and the berry season has already begun. Despite the fact that summer is the time for weddings and the wedding excitement is gaining momentum, young people can decorate the celebration in an original way, focusing on wildflowers and strawberries... - a great occasion for a picnic with kebabs and grilled meat dishes.

Get married in June


A summer wedding in the hottest month is an excellent excuse for onsite registration in nature. Wedding tents will hide the guests from the scorching heat. Mid summer disposes to an abundance of berries and fruits on the festive table.

You can make it themed by decorating a rustic celebration or throwing a Hawaiian party.


According to popular beliefs, the strongest marriages are concluded in this month. August is a fruitful month when the markets are full of fresh vegetables and fruits. This will make the menu not only tasty, but also healthy. considered favorable not only from the point of view of folk signs, but also, according to astrologers.


An autumn wedding offers many options for decorating your celebration. The ceremony can be themed, for example, rustic or eco chic. Bright autumn colors will serve as an excellent decoration interior and can be the leitmotif of the whole celebration. Despite the onset of cold weather, you can spend in the park or in the country, enjoying the autumn landscape.


The second month of autumn continues the theme of gold and crimson colors in the design. If the celebration is scheduled for the end of the month, then you can make a halloween wedding- with pumpkins instead of lamps, carnival costumes and themed dishes on the festive table.

Halloween wedding in October

- a reason not only for a gloomy, Gothic celebration, but also for an autumn holiday in a rustic style.


In late autumn, the excitement associated with marriage is declining, which makes it possible to plan a celebration in less haste, calmly choosing a date. Despite the coming cold, November considered a favorable month for marriage... according to signs, it is associated with the end of field work and preparation for winter, so it was believed that it was better to have a wedding this month.


A winter wedding in December is a great opportunity for a themed celebration in the style of a winter fairytale. Of course, it scares many New Year's Eve hype, in the bustle of which it will be difficult to prepare, but there will definitely not be queues at the registry office. Plus, it's a wonderful occasion for a symbolic ceremony on a tropical island.

But you can celebrate at home by renting a hall in a restaurant or arranging a home party.

What is the best month to get married and what is the best time of the year for a wedding is up to the young to decide.

Each season has its merits and demerits.

Months favorable for a wedding, according to popular beliefs: February, March, August, September. But it is important to remember that in order to sign, you can choose any date you like for any month.

Post wedding

Many couples about to get married are wondering - is it possible to get married and get married during the fast? According to church statutes, weddings and weddings are prohibited.

Lenten dishes for a wedding at church fast

Why can't you play fasting wedding? Since fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing, eating restrictions animal origin, physical intimacy and amusement.

However, despite this, you can sign for the post without playing a wedding, since secular laws do not correlate with religious prohibitions.

If young non-believers or identify themselves as belonging to another religious denomination, then orthodox prohibition should not stop them in the desire to play a wedding in fasting.

A grandiose and exciting moment in the life of every couple is their wedding, for which they begin to prepare in advance. And the very first thing to do is to decide in which month it is better to make the celebration, because the choice is wide enough: from gentle spring and bright summer to rich autumn and snow-white winter. What to give preference to? The Svadebka.ws portal will tell you what to look for when choosing the best month for a wedding: from signs and numerology to the weather and the financial side of the issue.

The best month for a wedding according to signs

The very first thing that newlyweds pay attention to when choosing the time for a wedding are the signs associated with marriage in a particular month, because each of them has its own symbolic meaning:

As you can see, each month has its own signs associated with marriage. Only you can decide whether to believe in them or not, because there are many signs associated with a wedding: from the choice of the month to the bride's rings and shoes.

Choosing a month for a wedding: weather, organizational issues and budget

The www.site portal told you which month is the best to play a wedding, taking into account both the signs and other factors: weather, organizational aspect, budget and numerology. If you consider at least some of them, we are sure that you will make the right choice!

    For a long time, folk signs have been passed down from one generation to another. They originate in ancient times, when people sacredly believed in the predictions of fortune-tellers and magicians. Women have always wanted to know their future and the future of their children, and young girls have always been curious to know in advance who will be their betrothed. If it came to a wedding, then all the beliefs and omens that could be used were used. Everyone knows about folk signs concerning wedding ceremonies not by hearsay. First of all, the bride and groom must observe wedding signs for months and take seriously the choice of the month, since according to legends, the correctly chosen month for the wedding will favor good relations between the spouses.

    Folk wedding omens

    Winter weddings promise big money spending in the family budget, a lot of unnecessary purchases and cost overruns. Spring weddings show that the life of the spouses will be cheerful and carefree, that the spouses will love each other dearly to a ripe old age. Summer weddings will bring a lot of joy, happiness and warmth to each other to the spouses' home. And autumn predicts a very long and stronger relationship for newlyweds.

    Signs for a wedding month by month are already firmly rooted in the minds of people. Our mothers and grandmothers wish only happiness to the newly-made couple, so a month-by-month wedding is a fairly sure way to determine in advance what awaits the spouses in their future life together. It is believed that getting married in the rain is a big profit and constant prosperity in the family. And if, for example, to get married on the Great Shrovetide, then the young will be "like cheese rolling in butter", that is, there will always be money in the family. It is also good for Yablonevy to marry or get married: in this case, the spouse is not in danger of ruin or bankruptcy.

    Winter weddings

    Winter wedding

    December weddings are like stars: the family union concluded in December will shine brighter and brighter every year, love will flare up more and more every year. A very successful month for newlyweds, favorable for those couples who put their sincere feelings for each other first.

    January weddings always bring a lot of trouble to people. Many holidays, such as New Years, Christmas, are not so easily tolerated by our body. And then there's the wedding. And according to popular beliefs, January is far from the most successful month for marriage. He promises the early loss of one of the spouses. That is, a wedding in January will lead to widowhood at an early age.

    If young people really want to get married in winter, then February is the most successful month for further warm relations. A wedding in February promises a very long-term and strong union between spouses. If the young people get married in February, they will live in peace and harmony all their lives.

    Weddings in the spring months

    Signs for spring

    March weddings mean that one of the spouses will go to a foreign land to the other. These are, as a rule, international marriages, where someone is forced to leave their homeland in order to live in marriage with a spouse on the wrong side. So for those who are going to marry a foreigner or marry a foreigner, this is quite a suitable option.

    April weddings will bring both joy and sadness to the home of the young. They say that a wedding in April is similar to the mood of a bride: joyful days will be replaced by sad ones and vice versa, that is, April promises a rather colorful life. But it’s true, in family life there is both joy and grief, so April is a rather favorable month for marriage.

    May weddings are unsuccessful. “You will suffer all your life,” say the grandmothers. Weddings concluded in May will lead to inconsistency in the relationship and betrayal of one of the spouses. Therefore, it is better to choose another month for the wedding ceremony.

    Summer weddings

    What awaits in the summer

    June weddings are like a honeymoon that will last a lifetime. June - itself a warm and the first month of the long-awaited summer - promises a warm and loyal relationship between spouses. This month is favorable for weddings.

    July weddings are similar in most cases to April weddings. They also promise alternating happiness, but in July sadness outweighs the balance more than joy. Therefore, July is not considered a very good month for marriages.

    August weddings indicate that there will be a very strong, both loving and friendly union between the spouses. Relationships promise to be very strong and promise mutual assistance and mutual assistance in family relationships, fidelity between spouses. A great month for weddings.

    Weddings in the fall months

    September weddings are like the beginning of autumn: they predict a quiet family life. In nature, everything gradually freezes, prepares for winter, leaves fall, leaves rustle quietly underfoot, the warm sun shines: all the signs of peace are present. So it is in the family: peace and quiet for many years. A successful month for weddings.

    Weddings, concluded in October, promise a lot of disagreements, bickering between spouses, difficulties in family life, many obstacles. Therefore, if the newlyweds do not want such an unstable relationship all their lives, it is better to approach this issue of choosing a month seriously and choose another, most suitable month for the wedding.

    For those who do not want to need money and live in constant abundance, it is better to get married in November. This month promises financial stability and security, and this is far from the last aspect in the modern world. And the saying "With a sweetheart and heaven in a hut" does not always remain relevant. As a rule, most of the divorces occur precisely on domestic grounds due to financial problems. Therefore, November is the most successful month for those couples who want to live in abundance without financial difficulties.

    A wedding is almost always a very important, desired and long-awaited event. It requires careful preparation, because both - the bride and groom - want everything to go perfectly. And this is not just a desire for something beautiful. After all, a wedding is a kind of start for a newborn family and not only. It is not for nothing that our ancestors put it on a par with the two main events for a person - his birth and death. And it's not for nothing that the wedding day has been celebrated all their lives. Wedding anniversaries and anniversaries have been honored for a long time. Many such dates have their own, long-standing traditions and rituals, which are in a very definite way connected with the season, and often also with the month.

    Now young people who have decided to get married pay less and less attention to the choice of the month for this event. Here are some tips to help those who do not pay attention to signs with horoscopes, or to religious prohibitions and recommendations, to determine.

    Holiday Savings

    Weddings, banquets and so on are not a very cheap pleasure. The obligatory attributes alone, such as a dress, pigeons, produced by the newlyweds, the design of a solemn wedding procession, ordering a photo shoot and the price for the services of a videographer will cost quite a round sum. For those who want to make a big, beautiful holiday, but still save money, we can recommend not to arrange this celebration in the summer and autumn months... The fact is that it is at this time that there is a sharp surge in the organization of weddings. Accordingly, the demand for all services related to this is increasing - photography, video filming, services of wedding tailors, salons. It becomes difficult to find a suitable restaurant or banquet hall, order luxury cars for the motorcade, and so on. And the more demand for something, the more value it will have. Therefore, the best choice for pragmatists is the beginning of spring and winter, when the organization of marriage is not so popular.

    Beauty and perfection

    The most beautiful time for almost any special events, including the organization of marriage, is autumn. Of course, not all months, but September-October is just that time when nature is still full of strength, beauty, grace and bright colors.

    There is no longer the exhausting summer heat, which is often very disturbing. After all, newlyweds and their guests spend most of their time on the street, outdoors. It is there that filming, holiday photo shoots, festivities and so on take place. In early autumn, somewhere in the middle of it, it is not too cold yet, but it is not hot at all. In September, in many regions, you can still wear summer clothes without fear of freezing (this is especially important for brides, because they want to choose the perfect open dress). In addition, at this time, nature is cleared of summer dust, dresses in bright colors. Then leaves fall begins, which will be an excellent background for a magnificent wedding album. Romantics and dreamers love autumn precisely for this beauty and charm of it, which is not yet going to fade. It is best for such couples to choose September, early October, until the leaves have completely fallen, but the rustling carpet under their feet makes the world softer, calmer and more beautiful.

    Western traditions

    In the west, they do not attach much importance to which month it is better to marry or get married. But there is one, almost unchanging tradition. The newlyweds right from the wedding, leaving the guests and relatives to celebrate further, go on a honeymoon trip. It is this journey - the honeymoon - that plays a big role in choosing the time to start a married life. Of course, the ideal time to travel is summer. But if there is an opportunity to travel to other countries where it is warm all year round, then the month does not matter at all. But we do not always have the opportunity to afford such a trip. Then summer is the best choice - sun, sea, a minimum of clothes and shoes and other advantages of this season. If the newlyweds love mountains more - skiing, hiking in difficult conditions and more - then, of course, winter will be the ideal time for a honeymoon.

    The main condition is that the timing of the wedding should suit both partners. Then he will become the most beautiful period in life and will be remembered with joy and warmth.

    We follow folk signs

    For many couples, the problem of choosing a month arises seriously. After all, you want not only beauty, but also a successful beginning of life together. It is not for nothing that so many popular signs, superstitions and advice are still heard, despite the fact that today's people believe more in technology and progress. Signs remain in demand, because they contain the wisdom of the common people, their entire history of leading observation of the life of people and nature. All this information was gradually accumulated, formed into specific instructions. It is they who can help you to choose the month for the wedding.

    Winter months


    • April... Look at the weather this month - it changes dramatically and very often. Likewise, in the future family - there will be either sunny tenderness, or bad weather and strife. The changeability of nature can also be passed on to newlyweds.


    • June... Of the twelve, this is the best month to organize a wedding. The richest and most varied dishes, the most beautiful outfits. In June, it is time for flowering, including those plants that are called melliferous. It was believed that such a wedding was a honeymoon, and a happy and sweet honeymoon would never pass for the family.
    • July... Our ancestors again compare family relationships with nature. At this time, there is everything - salty, sweet and sour. So in the family - everything will be, except for boredom and routine.
    • August... This blessed time creates happy and strong families, in which love, mutual respect and loyalty will be the main things.


    When is it better to do it according to the horoscope

    In this section, only favorable times for marriage will be indicated.

    • The most favorable period for marriage is considered from the twenties of April to the end of the second decade of May... At this time, Venus enters into force. She patronizes love, and the marriage will be happy, strong, bound by love and tenderness.
    • More difficult, but also good for a wedding next month - about from 20-21 May... The main thing that spouses should not forget is dialogue. All issues need to be resolved together, then the family will be happy and friendly.
    • Time from late June to late July promises lovers who are married now, mutual understanding and support.
    • The next period - from July 20 to August 20- a guarantee of a strong, fine and happy family for everyone. Getting married now is one of the best decisions.
    • Marriage made in the period from the second half of December to the end of January, promises to be calm, quiet, almost partner.

    Why is it worth paying attention to the Orthodox calendar? The fact is that those couples who want to get married must definitely choose a month with an eye to religious norms and dogmas... For the church, any months that do not fall under the strict prohibition of the Orthodox calendar will be favorable for lovers who decide to get married. These prohibitions include fasts and great holidays - the Annunciation, Presentation, Exaltation, Christmas, Intercession, Trinity.

    • Christmas, lasting from the end of November to the feast of the Nativity of Christ.
    • Great... It lasts seven weeks - until Easter from the Maslenitsa itself.
    • Petrovsky... Here the ban on weddings is valid until July 12, from the second Monday after Trinity.
    • Uspensky... Just two weeks starting from August 14th.

    When it is not advisable to get married

    According to popular beliefs, there are three most unfavorable months for marriage in a year - January, March and May.

    April, July and October are also questionable.

    Lovers should remember that the main thing in a future marriage and relations between spouses is love and mutual understanding, support and faith in each other, otherwise in what month to get married is the second question. With months we have decided. Now - let's watch a video with a small sociological survey and find out what people think about the age when it is advisable to get married / get married: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5g75NkXcik

    Wedding chores are one of the most pleasant, but at the same time, difficult worries for a young couple who decided to unite by marriage. But they start a little later. And first, young people planning to get married need to decide on the immediate date of the wedding.

    If only the celebration is not planned headlong, at least a few months in advance, then future newlyweds have the opportunity to choose the best month for the wedding to their taste and taking into account their wishes.

    When young people choose which month is best for a wedding, some are guided by their personal preferences (someone adores summer, and someone hates rainy autumn), others are guided by their wishes when choosing places and landscapes for photo and video shooting, choosing clothes and a venue wedding feast. Some people strongly believe in folk omens and superstitions, while others simply analyze weather reports for several months in advance.

    A good month for a wedding, the pros and cons of each:


    The first month of the year is usually great weather for a photo shoot. New Year will be a symbolic time for the birth of a young family. But when choosing this time, one should also take into account the possible cold on the street, the need to buy a winter wedding wardrobe, the impossibility of arranging outdoor walks. According to popular belief, a newly-made wife in January can become a widow early.


    This month is good for its holiday of love - Valentine's Day (February 14). If you combine the date of your wedding with him, then love will accompany your couple all the time. When choosing this month, one should also take into account frosty weather, as a rule, the lowest air temperature of the year, the presence of warm wedding clothes. An undoubted plus is the opportunity to go on a honeymoon trip to a ski resort or to Scandinavian countries. It is popularly believed that young people will live a long and happy life in understanding and harmony.


    A month of spring thaw, possible frost and unpredictable snowfalls. It is important not to forget about warm clothes, umbrellas in case of rain. A good holiday will be in Southeast Asia or the countries of the Caribbean region, where the weather is ideal at this time. By the way, the newly-made family will not get their own house very soon.


    Wonderful weather, the beginning of flowering and spring greenery. This beauty can be slightly spoiled by spring rains and light frosts. You can arrange a wonderful trip to Europe or visit Asian countries. According to legend, the betrothed in April will observe changeable weather in their entire life together.


    According to popular beliefs, it is considered not the most successful, because the couple will toil all their lives. But the newlyweds love him for the wonderful weather outside, the beauty of greenery and flowers, the opportunity to wear beautiful light outfits. This month opens the season for an overabundance of applications in all registry offices.


    Nice warm and sunny weather, the opportunity to spend a honeymoon in their native land, beautiful landscapes for photo and video chronicles. Popular beliefs claim that love sealed by marriage now lasts a lifetime.


    According to the predictions, everything in the life of the newlyweds will be equally divided - both joy and misfortune. After all, July can rightfully be called not only the middle of summer, but the whole year. This month is one of the most beloved for young couples.


    This month promises a mature husband who will become both a lover and a friend, support for his wife, whom he loves dearly. The basis of such a union will be mutual understanding. And everything is good in it - both the weather and a large selection of places to stay. It is only important to take into account that more than half a month is not suitable for a wedding because of fasting.


    The perfect month for any wedding, no matter the style, size or budget. And also, according to signs, this is the time for those who see their family life in regularity and tranquility, because the marriage promises to be stable.


    The autumn month is still quite warm, but there may be surprises from the weather such as rains and frosts. Couples who decide to unite themselves in family ties must be prepared for trials both from the outside and from the inside. Those who celebrate their wedding in October need to be patient.


    The ideal time, according to popular beliefs, for those who care most about family prosperity and well-being. After all, the newlyweds will be protected from financial problems. One has only to think about the possible bad weather and the difficulties of having an outdoor wedding.


    The last month promises, according to popular belief, that the feelings of a young family will grow stronger from year to year, and mutual understanding will only grow. Newlyweds are not in danger of habit and boredom. And the wedding this month is symbolic of the end of the bachelor life, like the past year.

    Regardless of the choice of the month for the wedding, the most important thing, of course, is love and understanding between the bride and groom.