An abstract classes on experimental activities in the preparatory group. Experiments and experiments (preparatory group) on the topic: An abstract exercise - experimentation in the preparatory group

MBDOU "Kindergarten №6" Fairy Tale "

Civil district of the Chuvash Republic

An abstract classes in experimental activities

in the preparatory group:

"His Majesty is electricity."

Civilian 2016.

An abstract of classes in experimental activities in the preparatory group "His Majesty is electricity."

Purpose: Expand the presentations of children about physical phenomena of the surrounding world through the organization of experimental activities

Tasks: Educational: to introduce children with the achievement of humanity with electricity; summarize the knowledge of children about electrical devices and their use by man; introduce static electricity with the concept; Fasten the rules of safe handling of electrical appliances.

Developing: promote the development of attention, memory, logical thinking; Develop cognitive interest, striving for research.

Educational: cause feelings of respect and pride to human achievements.

Travel course:

Greeting. Organizing time

Educator: I brought the clock today in a group so that we were comfortable to do, and we did not miss other important things. But, in my opinion, they do not work. Do not hear them to tick, and the arrow stands still. What is with them?

Children: The plant ended, no battery, battery sat

Consider hours and determine that they work from the battery.

Educator: Let's try to put the battery. Do you think, why did the arrows on the clock started moving? True, when we inserted the battery, the electric current passed through the clock, and the clock earned. Arrows move, clock tick. What is the power hiding in batteries? What do you think? (assumptions of children ) Well done, this is electricity. What is electricity? Electric current runs on wires and causes electrical devices to work. (Experience with lamp.) Let's listen that we will tell us about this aunt Owl from scientific vapla

(view a fragment of a cartoon about electricity from the series "Tetushka's lessons owls. School security. ")

Educator. Tetushka Owl said that electricity is in every home. Do you think there are electricity in our group? For what subjects can you guess about the presence of electricity? (Sockets, switch, wires, etc.) Where does electricity come from our homes? (Children's assumptions.) The current is produced on power plants and on the wires enters our homes. And now try the following riddles:

Pedagogue reads riddles, children guess. As the household appliance objects appear as it is gaped on the presentation slide.

We have a robot in the apartment:

He has a huge trunk.

Loves the robot clean

And buzzing as a liner "TU".

He willingly swallows dust,

Does not sick, does not sneeze. (A vacuum cleaner)

In the summer, our dad brought

In a white drawer, frost,

And now frost is gray

Houses in summer and winter

Seats products:

Meat, Fish, Fruits (Refrigerator)

This battery
We erase everything in a row ( Washer)

Then back, then go ahead

The steamer is walking.

Stop - Mountain:

Thrink the sea. (Iron)

House on legs, in the middle - window.

A window will light up - a movie will appear.


Educator: How can I call the items that we listed? (Children's responses.) These are household appliances, or electrical appliances. Why are these devices call electric? (Children's responses.) What do you think for what a person needs home appliances? (Children's responses.)

Didactic game "As subjects help a person"

The teacher offers children to divide into two teams using colors attached to their chairs. For the game you will need cards: on some - an image of an object, on others - an image that shows for which this item needs a person. Children need to find a couple and explain their choice.

Hair hairdryer.

Sleeping man - alarm clock.

Night - Lantern.

Cup - electric kettle.

Carpet - vacuum cleaner.

Written table - table lamp.

Photography - camera.

Dress - sewing machine.


Talk runs on the wires,

Light carries in the apartment to us.

So that the devices work,

Refrigerator, monitors,

Coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner,

The current brought the energy.

Continuation of work on the subject of classes

Educator: Have electrical appliances always existed? ( Responses of children.) Many years ago, a person did not know that he could use electricity. Let's go back to the past for a few minutes and see what people used instead of electrical appliances.

Didactic game "What is - what was"

Teacher reiterates children to divide the teams. For the game you will need cards: on some - an image of the subject of modern household appliances, on others - the subject that replaces it before the appearance of electricity. Children need to find a couple and explain the choice.

The cards constituting a pair are folded.

Vacuum cleaner - broom.

Iron - ironing stick (Valek).

Sewing machine - needle.

Electromamp - Candle.

Hourglass - electronic clock.

Stove - electric stove.

Spokes - knitting machine.

Educator: We have a lot of assistant instruments, but they need to be able to properly use. With incorrect circulation, our helpers and friends can turn into our enemies.

Educator: Do you think in nature you can meet electricity? ( Responses of children.) Who saw a lightning during a thunderstorm? The discharge of lightning is the discharge of electricity. Look at the photos. (Demonstration of the slide from the presentation or illustration.) Lightning has a very powerful electric discharge, it is dangerous for human life. Trees attract lightning, through them and through the earth a discharge can get into our body and cause great harm to health. Therefore, it is impossible to hide under the trees during thunderstorms.

Which of you heard how crashes clothes when you take off? Sometimes, when we remove the clothes, you can see sparks. This is also electricity. Sometimes comb lippes to the hair, and the hair stands on end. These are things, hair, our body is electrified. Such electricity is called static. The subject that is charged with static electricity attracts other items. For example, like hair to comb.


Educator. We have already said that the electric current that flows on the wires is very dangerous. But static electricity is not hazardous, quiet, imperceptible. Therefore, we can experiment with it and check our knowledge.

Experience 1. The teacher shows paper butterflies laid down on a tray. It offers children to take plastic sticks and touch the butterflies. Asks children what is happening with butterflies? (Butterflies lie calmly.) What do you think, what can happen to butterflies, if we introduce them with static electricity? (Children's assumptions.) It offers to make these ordinary wands magic - electric, and they will help butterflies to take off.

Pedagogue with children rubs plastic sticks. Slowly brings sticks to butterflies and slowly raise them. Butterflies rise after chopsticks, because the wands received an electric charge.

Educator. For the next experience, we need balloons on long threads.

Experience 2. The teacher rubs the woolen marine balls hanging on threads, from the side that looks inside, and tries to bring them closer to each other. Balls are spilled in different directions, continuing to hang in the air. The educator draws the attention of children to the fact that two charged items are repelled, so the balls fly apart from each other.

Experience 3. We need a ball again. Pour the table on a teaspoon of salt and ground pepper

Pretty prevent. Now let's try to separate the pepper from salt. Does not work…

Now I will hide our ball about something woolen and bring to the table: all the pepper, as in magic, will be on the ball! The ball from friction about wool becomes negatively charged, and the pepperns have a positive charge and attract to the ball. But in salt, small particles - electrons - move badly, so it does not acquire charge from the ball, so does not stick to it.

Educator: Guys, you are great! Today you have learned to make items magic. In memory of our lesson, take balloons.


Educator. What are we talking about today? Who remember what? (Children's responses.)

Software tasks:

1. To educate interest in knowledge of the surrounding world, develop curiosity; cause joy from discoveries derived from experiments;

Educating the ability to work in the team.

2. Develop a desire for search and cognitive activity; contribute to mastering practical interaction with the surrounding objects; Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.

3. To summarize and expand the knowledge of children about the world around; To acquaint children with the cause of the occurrence and manifestation of static electricity, and the possibility of removing it from items. Show interaction of two electrified items; Clarify and expand the ideas of children, where "lives" dangerous electricity and how it helps a person.

Secure the rules for the use of electrical appliances, observing security measures.

Materials for the lesson:

1. Toy with a battery.

2. Cards for the game "Find a couple". (Carpet - vacuum cleaner, sewing machine - Ripped dress, washing machine - dirty apron, cake - mixer, sausage - refrigerator, hair - hair dryer, sun - fan).

3. Card schemes according to the rules of use of electrical appliances.

4. The hoop for the game "all together".

5. Equipment for experiments:

Ball balls by the number of children.

Combs in the number of children, paper strips.

Woolen scarf, silk apron, plastic balls, rules, feathers, foam.

On the plexiglass stand, under which there are multi-colored balls from foam, wool mitten.

Travel course:

Guys, your favorite toy came to visit you. Let's play. Why does the robot not move? What happened? (Children's statements)

You are right no battery.

Now let's try to put the battery (minus to minus, plus to the plus)

The toy earned! Why?

What is the power so hidden in batteries? (Children's responses).

When we put the battery, the electric current went through the toy, and she earned.

Guys, and in our group there are electricity?

How did you guess? (In the group there are sockets, switches, wires, light bulbs).

What works with electricity? (Electrical Appliances)

And they help a person? (Yes)

Prove it to me, using these cards, select the appropriate electrical appliances.

Game "Find a couple"

Why did you take these cards?

What cards you picked up?

Explain your choice.

Well done! I agree with you, the electrical appliances are our best assistants, without them a person would be difficult.

Electricity with which electrical appliances work are dangerous for a person? (Yes). Come on our "Corner of Security" and you will prove it.

Select Card-schemes that belong to electricity.

1) What does this card mean?

(Cannot use electrical appliances without adults).

2) What does this scheme warn about?

(Cannot touch the electrical appliances with wet hands).

3) What does this card say?

(You can not insert fingers and items into the outlet).

What poem we know about the outlet?

Carnation or finger

Not insert into the outlet

Electricity is dangerous

Everyone should know.

With the right handling, our helpers and friends can turn into our enemies. Be always careful and careful with electricity. It is dangerous.

Children read poems:

1. You remember, young friend:

The current does not like wet hands.

Before the device is included,

We must wipe your hands!

2. Know, any wires

Damaged - trouble!

After all, they are dangerous too -

Circuit like flash!

3. Give friends such advice

Just everyone can:

Leaving, extinguish light

And devices too!

4. If the guests came to you

Or visited you friend

Before playing with him

Do not forget to turn off the iron!

5. Everyone knows that iron -

Good, but serious friend.

He who with an iron sign

Does not play with an iron.

Well done boys! I see you can handle electrical appliances.

And there is electricity non-hazardous, quiet, invisible, it lives everywhere, in itself. And if you catch it, then you can be very interested to play

I invite you to the country of "magic items", where we will learn to catch good electricity.

What would you like to go on this journey? (for example, on rocket).

This is our rocket (on the floor of the hoop).

We need everyone together fit into it.

Who will first enter the rocket? Invite the following (the child invites: "Kohl, I would be glad to see you in the rocket", etc.).

Do you take me with me? Invite me. Let's go and fly (music sounds)

Here we are a magical country.

Look, the ball hangs on the wall and on the floor balls. And let's hang them on the wall (the children are trying to hang the ball on the wall).

Why is this ball hanging, and your fall? (Assumptions of children)

He is magical.

And let's make our balls, too, make magic. Look like! It is necessary to lose the ball about the hair and attach to the wall to the side that rubbed. All balls hang. So our balls have become magic.

How did you make them?

Conclusion: Electricity lives in our hair, we caught it when they began to rub the ball about the hair, he became electric, so he pulled to the wall.

And when can you still see electricity in the hair? (When combing).

What happens to hair? (They are electrified, become naughty, stick out in different directions). This once again proves that electricity lives in her hair.

And let's try other items to make magic.

Spice the strip of paper into small pieces. (Children perform)

Apply a comb to paper.

Something happens to paper? (not) .

How to make paper attracted a comb?

How did the balls attracted the wall? (rubbed hair, caught electricity in her hair).

What should be done so that the paper attracted a comb? (rub it about hair).

Catch the electricity, (paper stuck, pulled, stagger).

Why did the pieces of paper attracted? What combination has become? (electric, magical).

How did she become like that? (We raised about the hair, caught electricity in the hair).

Well done! You again caught electricity.

This game electricity lives not only in her hair. Girls take plastic balls, and Lineberry boys. Touch sticks.

What do you see? (Lying calmly).

Now try to make these ordinary items magic, electrical so that they can attract to themselves with the help of clothes that lies on the table. And how to do it? (Follow) Catch electricity. - Touch the balls to the foam, and Linebes to the puffs. What do you see? (Items pulled, stick).

What are the items? (Electric).

How are they electric?

Conclusion: Good electricity lives not only in the hair, but also in clothes.

And I also want to be a wizard, I will show you an interesting focus. (Children sit around the table).

What is under the glass? (Multicolored balls)

How to make balls move, jump? (grate the glass, make it electric).

What is more convenient to graze? (clothing)

I have an ordinary mitten, now I will make glass magic, electric.

What happens to balls? (They moved, jumped).

Why did they move?

How did the glass become magical?

Conclusion: When the glass was rubbed, it became electric, so the balls moved and pulled to the glass.

Did you like the focus? This is how it is interesting to play with this good electricity.

What are you great!

What did you learn today? (make items magic)

And why do we call them magic?

What happens to these items? (everything is attracted to them).

And how did we do the magic? (Called electricity in hair and clothing).

Did you like to play with this electricity?

Is this electricity dangerous? (No, it is good, non-hazardous).

It's time for us to say goodbye to the country of magical items. And let's in memory of the magic country, take balloons that hang on the wall. But you can only take them when they become ordinary non-electrical again.

How to remove electricity from balls? (WATCH WATER). (Children splash on balls water)

Relaxation pause.

And now take the balls, press them with yourself. They will help us return to kindergarten. Sit more comfortable, close your eyes. (Calm music sounds).

Imagine that you fly on a balloon. The sun shines brightly, blowing a light breeze, we breathe it clean, fresh air, we are good and nice. Open eyes. Here we are in kindergarten.

Did you like our journey?

Municipal preschool educational institution "Child Development Center Kindergarten №1 p. Male

A summary of classes on experimental activities in the preparatory group

"Amazing Salt"

Performed: Alexandrova E.G.

Ivanova I.M.

2017 year.

Purpose : Examine the features of salt, its properties, quality and application.


Railing tasks: to educate curiosity, the need to obtain information about salt and compliance with the rules of conduct when conducting experiments withsOLYU. By observing the necessary security measures

Developing tasks: Develop the ability to generalize, establish the causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.

Educational tasks: Promote accumulation of specific ideas about the properties, forms and types of salt and teachsalt as a means for creativity.

Material and equipment: Package with three types of salt, glasses with boiled water and tea spoons, magnifiers, 2 eggs, dirty glass, sponge, disposable cups, tubes, colored salt, decoration jars, trays with salt for drawing.

Preliminary work.

Conversation with children "What do we know about salt and its properties?"

View presentation ontopic: "Where and how to getsalt. "

Collection of salt samples(sea, cook, stone).

Reading fiction, where it is about salt; Proverbs, sayings about salt, Russian folk fairy tale"Salt".

Creative workshop."Draw with salt",

Observation "How mom usessalt? " .

Travel course:


In the circle wide, I see

All my friends got up.

We will now go right away

Now let's go left

In the center of the circle, we gather,

And let's return to place

Smile, we will come aige.

We gathered together again together

To be more interesting!

We find out a lot of new

Well, guys start!

Educator . Guys, look, we have a box in the group. Let's see what's there.Some bags in it. Although your bag doesn't care. And now you smell, smells? So there is a substance without smell, petty to the touch, and someone has a large peas - what can it be?.. Detty, do you like to solve riddles? Then guess what hidden the bags?

The teacher comes outriddle:

Without her guys, cook, just like without hands,

And all the food becomes inedible suddenly!

If in the rink falls - you will experience pain.

Of course, you guessed. Well, of course, it is(salt)

Open the bags. What is there? (salt)

Pedagogue is pouredsalt in the container and setsquestion : "What is needed for whatsalt ? Where people usesalt? "

Salt - Useful fossil, naturalelement. Salt is stone, sea and cook.

Origin of the word"Salt" , according to some scientists, is associated withSun. : The old Slavic name of the sun - Solon.

Without salt, a person cannot live, it does not affect his health. Many years ago, salt mined a little, and she was more precious than gold. Salt was an expensive product. Who had salt on the table, he was considered a rich man. Served it with noble people, the rest were "unsaltedly blending." Salt was respectful. Hence the folk sign - Salt scattered - to a quarrel.

Therefore, people came up with proverbs about salt. Which of them do you know?

Without salt, it is not tasty, without bread is not satisfying.

Without salt and bread do not eat, without salt and table of the curve.

Without salt, without bread, the bad conversation.

Pone salt to eat together.

Without will - there is no strength, without salt - there is no taste.

Without money to trade, how without salt is bread.

Without Pop, that without salt. Without ass no coming.

Without salt - that without will: life will not live.

Without salt and curve table

Without salt and bread do not eat.

Without salt, it is not tasty, but without bread it will not be satisfied.

Without salt is not tasty, without bread not satisfying

Without salt tasteless, and without bread it will not be satisfied.

Without salt, the curve table.

Without salt, without bread - half lunch.

Without salt, without bread - Huda conversation

Without salt, without bread at the table do not sit down.

Without salt, without bread loud conversation.

Without salt, that without will: life will not live.

Salt It was known to humanity from ancient times, appreciated by the weight of gold, they always belonged to her carefully and respectful.

Show Presentation"How to get salt" - And you want to know how people began to getsalt?

Teacher demonstrates a presentation"Salt mining, its application". - Our planet is very rich in salty place of birth.

People learned how to minesalt different ways

Also Sol. Get mined in salt mines. Guys and what do you think likesalt got there? The stone salt deposits are high in the mountains. But a very long time on the site of the mountains was the ocean. Over time, in a hot climate, sea water evaporated, andsalt crystallized. And mountains were formed.

Another method of salt mining is to evaporate sea water until crystals are formed on its surface, which can be collected in the basket.

Do you think I needsalt of our body?

Yes, salt is needed by a person. The lack of salt may result in diseases of the heart, disruption of digestion, the destruction of bone and muscle tissue.

Without salt, a person cannot live, it does not affect his health.

Educator : - What do you think you can usesalt?

In the workings of salt mines create underground hospitals, sanatoriums.

There is very healing air and there are no harmful microorganisms.

Also Sol. Used in folk medicine (inhalation, washing the nose, salt compresses with bumps, rinse throat).

And the salt is also useful and animals.

In cooking: We are food with you every day. thereforesalt Used in cooking, in the preparation of various foods.

IN preservation of vegetables: Sol. In the life of people was an important product.

On the street : On the street for human security, wipers and special cars sprinklesalt tracks and ice. It is necessary for the man going along the path, did not slip, did not fall.

The game " Salt is useful forto .... " (with a bag in itsalt , pass and talk)

1. To preserve vegetables

2. To use in medicine

3. To salt soup

4. To sprinkle the tracks in winter

5. To add to roasted potatoes

6. To salt salad

7. To spit mushrooms

8 . Salt is needed for animals

Conclusion: Sol. Need to life and human health, it is used for cooking

"Today we all have

Lot of becoming scientists. In the laboratorylet's go to ,

And miracle experience with this bulk substance "

And now I invite you to our scientific laboratory.(Wear apron and pass by tables.)

Before starting our research, let's remember the rules for conducting experiments.(Slide) when working with salt:

1. Do not touch your eyes.

2- Observe silence

3- Do not push a neighbor during work

4- First look, and then repeat

5- performed and put in place

So much attention.

Experience number 1: "What a salt consists of".

Educator : Before you a plate with salt. Let us consider it

If we look at yousalt.

What can you say about her appearance?(salt looks like a powder)

Educator : Really what looks likesalt looks like a powder.

And now let'ssalt Consider in a magnifying glass.

What do you see? (salt consists of white crystals)

"Salt bulk, odorless"

Pop Tikonko onsalt through the tube.

Output : salt is scattered, it is bulk, white, does not smell, consists of small crystals

Experience number 2 "Salt crusts"

Guys, let's fall into a plate of 2 spoons of salt and put on it with a dry spoon, what did we hear?

Children's answers - we heard crispy sounds similar to walking in the snow in a frosty day.

Output :

Salt Like the snow consists of crystals. Therefore, when pressing a spoon onsalt Her crystals rub each other and we hear crunch.

Experience number 3: "Salt absorbs water"

Add a spoonful salt into a glass and pour a spoonful of water. What happened? Where do water?

Educator: So salt absorbs water.

Add more water, stir. What happened to the salt.? (salt dissolved in water)

Experience number 4. "Salt dissolves in warm water faster than in the cold"

Guys, before you glasses with water, take the glasses and tell me what you feel?(In one glass, the water is cold, and in a very warm)

Well done, right! In each glass, put two spoons of salt, mix and see what happens. Yes guyssalt dissolved in water.

What water salt dissolved faster in warm or cold?

(In warm water salt dissolved faster).

And let's in the glasses under №1 a large populationsalt , and in glasses under №2 - meltingsalt and stirring

And who noticed which samples of salts dissolved faster?

(In a cup under №2salt disappeared fastersince she is petty)

And the salt disappeared? (Not, salt dissolved) .

And how can you check thatsalt did not disappear , but dissolved?

Children's answers - taste

Well done, you are very attentive. What will we conclude?

Output : Salt dissolves in water; in warm water salt dissolves faster.

Experience number 5. "Floating Egg".

Guys, salt water looks like sea water. And in the usual river water is also salty?(No, in the river water fresh).

Educator : True, well done. And you know that in salty water it is easier to swim. Want to check it?(Yes) .

Will help us in this ordinary egg(or half of raw potatoes). Take the egg and put it into a glass with salty water. What do you see?

(Egg is not sinking).

Now let's take another egg and lower it into a glass with water, which remained on a tray, water in this glass is not salty. What do you see?(I drowned egg).

What conclusion will we do? (In salty water, an egg is not sinking, but in fresh water sinking. It knows, in salty water it is easier to swim).

Experience number 6. "Salt - cleaning agent".

It turns out that you can wash the dishes using salt.

Look at me a dirty glass. Skipped a little salt on the sponge and, now I have a glasses. Look, he became clean, even glittered into the light.

(Children are watching howsalt cleans the dishes) .

Let's take a little rest and play the game« Salted-unable»

Children are squatting, having heard the product that can be salted

(banana, cabbage, candy, soup, cucumber, raspberry, tomato, strawberry, pear, mushrooms, juice, orange, bread, cheese, mandarin, fish, egg,)

And now I want to invite you to my workshop, and I want to show more for what people usesalt . We will paint with yousalt With the help of ordinary color chalks, which I finely fined, grinding.

Creative work.

Pour in a plate of 2 tablespoons of shallow salt and colored powder. Gently spoon mix, and here in front of you - colorsalt.

And now we will split into two teams, and each team will fill out colorsalt your vessel. Make sure that your colors do not merge, beautifully combined.

Educator: And you know that you can draw on salts, now we will draw on salt on salt

Look, before you trays withsOLYU. . I will guess the riddles to you, and the deposits you draw on a tray withsalt. Listen carefully :

"It appeared in the yard he in the cold December.

Clumsy and funny roller stands with a broom.

To the wind of the winter used, our buddy(snowman)

(kids draw a snowman with fingers on salt) .

"The hedgehog on her is similar, the leaves do not find at all as the beauty is slight, and for the new year it is important(Christmas tree)

children draw a Christmas tree)

"From the sky, fall in winter and spin over the ground,

Light mushki, white(Snowflakes)

(children draw snowflakes)

How beautiful you do!

So, tell me, please what issalt? What salt? / Sol. - This is a useful food product that is necessary for human life and health. - Let's remember and say

Where does salt come from? (salt - People get from sea water, and help them mighty pumps)

What do you think guys

. Salt is useful or harmful? (Salt is useful)

Of course it is useful becausesalt Contains mineral substance- iodine

What new did you find out about salt? / We learned thatsalt You can scream out of salt water thatsalt It is necessary not only for cooking, but also to create a colorful beautiful pattern. What did you like most in our research? / Drawing on salts, painting salt /.

Do you agree with the statement thatsalt - an amazing substance of naturenecessary to people?

Oh, guys, and in the box, something else. Opens, and there is a treat for a good job.

You were good scientists.

Signatures for slides:

"Amazing Salt"

Without her, guys, cook, just like without hands, and the whole food becomes inedible suddenly! If in the rink falls - you will experience pain. Of course, you guessed. Well, of course, it (salt)

Stone salt is mined in deep mines. How did she get there? Everything is very simple - the stone salt deposit is high in the mountains. In antiquity, there was an ocean on the spot of these mountains.

Salt of sea water.

In the workings of salt mines create underground hospitals, sanatoriums. There is very healing air and there are no harmful microorganisms.

Salt for animals.

Rules of behavior in the laboratory. 1. Do not touch your eyes. 2- Observe the silence of 3- not to push a neighbor during operation 5- performed and put in place 4. First look, and then repeat

EXPERIENCE № 2.SOL crousts. Take salt and press it with a spoon. What do we hear? (We hear crispy sounds). What can I compare with? (walking around the snow in a frosty day)

Color: White taste: Salty consists of crystals. Dissolves in water. It has a creak of creaking. Salt looks like snow. Like the snow it consists of crystals. Snow in winter creaks under his feet. If you pour salt in a plate and press it, then the crunch is heard. Salt properties.

Experience number 3 "Salt absorbs water." Oloe absorbs water. Add more water, stir. What happened to the salt.? (salt dissolved in water)

Experience number 2 Waterfowl egg. 1. Web two glasses with water and one raw egg. We pour into each of the 200 ml of water into one of the glasses add 3t. Salt tanks. 2. Powered in fresh water raw egg - it is lowered to the bottom. 3. The food egg in salty water. Oh, Miracle! Egg is not sinking! . Conclusion: Now we can say why the egg, it was swimming on the surface of the water, then tone. Salted water is harder and densely fresh. So, it will be easier to swim in the sea than in the pool.

Experience number 6. "Salt is a cleaning agent." Conclusion: With salt, you can wash the dishes.

Pray salt.

Conclusions: 1. The study of the properties of salt helped us more to learn about the simple subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world. After all, the salt is on every table, in every house, but it turned out that she is so unknown! It is just necessary for life! 2. Thanks to research work, we learned that the salt is indeed not only the necessary product, but also an interesting material for experiences and creativity.


The abstract of directly - educational activities in cognitive development in the preparatory to school group "Save water".

Software tasks: Improve the knowledge of children about the meaning of water in the life of people: water source of life is necessary to maintain life and human health; On the properties of water: transparent, without color and odor, solvent, has three aggregate states - solid (snow, ice), liquid, gaseous (pairs).
To give children an idea that water sometimes needs cleaning (filtering process).
Develop cognitive interest, desire to experiment, ability to analyze, compare facts, to conclude.
Relieve careful attitude towards water.
Preliminary work: viewing the globe, pictures with the image of rivers, lakes, seas, deserts, water cycle schemes in nature, with plots of water use, reading the story "What is sour rain", tales of A. Tolstoy "Golden Key or Adventure of Pinocchio", G. . Odersen "Thumbelina", acquaintance with water animals and plants, contest of drawings "Take care of water".
Wordwork: World ocean, blue planet, aggregate condition of water, laboratory, filtering, research.
Material to node: Pictures on the theme "Water", "Water in the human body", water cycle circuit in nature, wide and long strip of blue fabric, many narrow blue ribbons, crossword, disposable cups, funnels, cotton discs for filtration, vegetable oil, salt, Sugar, milk, sand, gouache, a slice of ice, tea spoons, a thermos with hot water, the poster "washed hands - do not forget to close the crane tightly."

Guys, I want to invite you to the laboratory, today we will be young scientists. But first let's solve this crossword, which will tell the topic of our research.
1. The first cell lives the letter that hid in the word scoop and stands in it in third place (B).
2. In the second cell, the letter lives, which hid in the word thunder and stands in it in third place (o).
3. In the third cell is the letter from which the word road begins (e).
4. In the fourth cell, the second letter from the word frame (a).
What word did we do? That's right, water. Today we will talk about the water, its meaning in the life of a person, we learn some of the secrets associated with water.
Why do you need water to man? (Drink, wash, cook yourself food, wash lingerie, watering plants, drink your animals).
Guys, what else do you know about the water? (A man without food can live to 50 days, and without water 4 days, after that, death comes). Look at this scheme, a person of 80% consists of water.
And now imagine that on the planet suddenly there was not a single drop of water, what would happen then? Why? (All living on Earth will die, the planet will remain without living beings).
The game "Spell".
Close your eyes and imagine that we came with a wonderful forest cleaner. Tired? Look, someone took care of us, prepared the water to us. Let's come down, rest. Close your eyes and imagine you to do if you became kind wizards. Now open your eyes and imagine that you are wizards. Let's turn our water into magic so that it takes off our fatigue and adds us health.

Children make passages over water and say "spell":

The water is delicious and pleasant, I will never hurt, I will be cheerful and strong

Here is a magic womb
In the sun rays sparkles,

She is sweet like honey
Health, strength to us

Educator: What was the water? (Magic, delicious, useful).

Educator: Now drink this water to never hurt.
(Children drink water).

Yes, guys, on earth a lot of water, it is everywhere.
Poem N. Zhazhova:
Did you hear about the water?
They say it everywhere!
In the pool, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap,
How icicle freezes.
In the forest fog crashes,
On the plate we boil,
Ferry kettle hits.
Without her we do not wash
Do not get up, do not get drunk!
I dare you to report:
Without it, we can not live!
Tell me, what model of the earth we have a group? (The globe).
What kind of astronauts see our land from space? (Sea and oceans paint our planet in blue, so it is also called the blue planet, all seas and oceans on Earth make up a single world ocean).
What kind of water is needed? (A person needs only fresh water, which flows in the streams, rivers, lakes).
But how is the river born? Do you want to know? (Invites children to approach, puts a wide and long strip of blue fabric in front of them). On earth, many different rivers are big and small, they all run somewhere. A large river is formed from a variety of small rivers and streams. Want to make your big river? This wide and long fabric strip is the main river, and the narrow blue ribbons - the streams. Position them so that the streams fall into the big river. I wonder how water gets into the river? Let's look at the circuit of the water cycle in nature, like droplets of water in nature "go", move in a circle.
The moving game "go droplets in a circle."
The teacher says she is Mom Tuchka, and the guys are her kids droplets, and it's time for them to go on the road. (Music sounds, reminiscent of rain sounds). Droplets jump, scatter, dancing. Mom Tuchka tells what to do. Fly droplets on the ground ... we jump, play. Bored them became a single way to jump. They gathered together and flowed with merry small streams. (Droplets make up the streams, holding hands). They met the streams and became a large river (the streams are connected in one chain). Droplets float in a big river, travel. Tekla - the river flowed and got into the big ocean (the children are rebuilt into the dance and move in a circle). The droplets were swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mom Tuchka punished them home to return. And here just a sun hardened. Steel droplets lightly, stretched up (cropped droplets rise, then pull the hands up). They evaporated under the rays of the sun, returned to Mom Tuchka. Well done, droplets, behaved well, passersby for the collars did not climb, did not splash. Now with my mother, you have, she missed you without you.
And now we will go to the laboratory to continue the conversation about the water, and with the help of experiments find out what water happens.
Experience # 1. Water transparent.
Before children there are two cups: one with water, another with milk. In both cups put spoons. In which of the cups they are visible, and in what - no? Why? (In the water you can see).
Conclusion: the water is transparent, and there is no milk.
Experience number 2. The water has no smell.
Children sniff water. What does it smell? (Does not smell at all). Water does not smell if it is clean. Water from a water tap can be smell (chlorine), because It is cleaned with special substances to be safe.
Conclusion: Clean water does not smell.
Experience number 3. Water solvent.
Suggest children to one glass with water to put a sugar spoon, and in the other - salt and stir good, try to taste. (In one glass, the water became sweet, and in another glass - salty. Sugar and salt dissolved in water, but at the same time it remained transparent).
Children in a glass with water add a droplet of gouache any color and stirred. Gouache dissolves in water, while changes its color.
Next, in one of the glasses with water, the children pour river sand and thoroughly stirred by a spoon. (The water is slightly cloudy, and the sand settles on the bottom of the glass).
In a glass with water, children add a few drops of vegetable oil and again interfere with the spoon. (The oil floats on the surface of the water in the form of yellow droplets or spreads with a film).
Conclusion: water solvent, but not all substances dissolve in it.
Experience number 4. The aggregate state of water.
Children put a piece of ice on the saucer and put it on a bowl of a smaller diameter with hot water. Ice melts, turning into water. Watch out the ferry rising above the hot water.
Conclusion: ice (snow) - a solid aggregate state of water, in heat turns into a liquid state, if he heat the ferry.
Experience number 5. Filtering water.
Water with gouache, butter, muddy water kids are passed through cotton wheels. Gouache, oil, dirt, sandstones remain on the filter.
Output: After filtration, water becomes clean and transparent.
Guys, how should we treat the water? (Bearing, save water, do not pollute rivers and lakes).
There are many water, but for washing, cooking only purified water is needed. And in order to get clean water, people spend a lot of strength. That is why the water should be preserved, close the crane tightly. Let's hang in her wash room here's such a memo (we look at the poster "I washed hands - do not forget to close the crane tightly."

Purpose: Familiarization of children with flour properties through child experimentation.

Educational tasks:
Expand and clarify the knowledge of children about bread grain crops. Maxue with the properties of flour.
Continue to form in children the ability to foresee the consequences of actions.

Developing tasks:
Develop a cognitive interest in experimenting, the ability to conclude.
develop auditory, visual, tactile analyzers
Develop attention, thinking, memory.

Railing tasks.
Rail partnerships in children when working in pairs.
Educating respect for the work of adults, careful attitude to bread.

Preliminary work:
View the presentation "Grain Cultures"
Excursion to the bread shop, kneading salted dough .

Water work: bakery products, confectionery. Indiigridients, grain crops sieve ..

Demonstration material: Billet for crossword. Pictures of fields with grain crops. Exhibition of flour products sugar, yeast. Wheat, oats-peeled and not purified

Handout:Flat plate, magnifier, spoon, jug with water, 2 napkins. Deep bowls -Complek for 2 children

Equipment: Coffee grinders (hand and electric)

Methods and techniques:
Wonderful:conversations with children, story, explanations, questions, explanations, pedagogical assessment, instruction.
Visual for viewing spikelets. Eggs grain crops (wheat grain, barley. Rice, oats, corn, rye), pictures.

Practical: Elementary experiments

Travel course.
Organizing time.

I got a strange letter. In a letter, four empty cells are encrypted word. And only by completing certain tasks, you will help me know what is written in it.

The first cell lives the letter that hid in the word pasta, and stands in the first place. (M)
In the second cell, the letter lives, which hid in the word Bulka, and stands in second place. (Y)
The third cell lives the letter that hid in the word Bagel, and stands in the end of the word. (TO)
In the fourth cage, the letter lives, which hid in the word Baton, and stands in it in second place. (BUT)
- Let's read what word we did!

Also an interesting experimental exercise for the preparatory group:

- And why do you need flour?
Answers: - Tell bake bread, loaf, bread, cookies
- Well done! You all answered correctly. Flour is needed to bake bakery, confectionery, pasta.

Practical part
- I suggest learning the properties of flour.

Carefully learn flour. Flour has the smell? (Yes, flour there is a smell, but it is some kind of special) - the flour has the smell.

From the glass through the siete, pour flour into a plate. What happens to flour? (Running) - bulk flour.

Take a pinch of flour and tell me what you felt? What flour? (Easy, soft, lush, air) - flour - soft, fluffy.

Cross flour in a plate, slightly moving the tray to the sides. Try to draw something on flour with your finger. - It turns out on the flour you can write and draw.

Put flour spoon in a glass with water and gently stir. What happened to flour? (Dissolved) - add two more spoons. Stir and define what happened? (It turned out liquid dough) - the mixture began to be dragging, sticky, dense, thick.
Thus, mix the dough for baking.

In order to bake lush breads, different in the dough add different ingredients : Oil, salt, sugar, eggs, yeast.
- Now, in one of your cups add a little sugar and yeast. And put one cup with yeast and sugar on the battery, and the second is only with flour. And wait a little.

Fizkultminutka. Didactic exercise with the ball.
(Presenter, asking a question, throws the ball to the child, he returns the ball with the answer, etc.)

Where did the bread come from? - from the store.
And how did you get into the store? - Bakery.
What do in the bakery? - Bread bake.
Of what? - From flour.
What flour from? - From the grain.
Where is the grain? - From the chase of wheat.
Where does Wheat come from? - rose in the field.
Who sowed her? - Harboards.

- Guys, and what do you think, what makes the flour? (from grain)
- What grain make flour? (Wheat. OVES. Barley. Fig. Corn. Rye. Buckwheat)
- That's right, guys! Grow a lot grain crops And of them bake various products. Name what kind of bakery products you know. (Bread, Baton, etc.), Confectionery ..., pasta ...

- You have different grains in your plates. Let's look at them with a magnifying glass and determine how they are called. (Oats, wheat, rice, corn, buckwheat).
- Let's try to make flour from oats and wheat, with a manual and electrical coffee grinder.
- Let's see what flour from us turned out. (Children's responses)
- And let's compare with shop flour. (Children's responses)

- Why is it not white?
Before making white flour, the grains pass several stages of sorting and cleansing; And only after that, a clean white fluffy flour is obtained from the grains, which we buy in stores.

In our country, the most common bread is wheat and rye. Especially useful rusty bread of coarse grinding, it contains many trace elements necessary for our body.

No wonder they say:
Bread - all head
Bread Yes Water - Healthy food.
Lucky lunch, if there is no bread.

So that the bread came to us on the table, many people work on it. These are tractor drivers, combiners, gravifies, militants, bakers, drivers, sellers, etc.

Our bread - take care
Do not touch bread!
Our bread respect
Do not play with bread.
It is impossible to throw bread!
Take care of bread, friends!

- And now let's all make a spikelet from a salt dough. (Prepared)

Nomination: kindergarten, abstract classes, nodes, pilot experimental activities
Name: An abstract classes on experimental activities in the preparatory group "Experiments with flour"

Position: Educator
Place of work: MBDOU "Golden Fish"
Location: Noyabrsk Yanao