Abstracts of classes on non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group. Drawing up a summary of a lesson in drawing in non-traditional techniques. Drawing Ideas


teach children how to draw snowmen in hats and scarves;

show the techniques of decorative finishing of sets of winter clothes;

develop an eye, a sense of color, shape and proportions;

to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about winter entertainment;

develop creative imagination, memory, visual thinking;

promote the development of independence, neatness;

enrich the individual artistic and aesthetic experience of each child;

to cultivate an aesthetic perception of native nature, confidence, initiative, friendliness, interest in experimentation.

Material: sheets of paper in dark blue, purple, lilac, black for the background (optional); gouache; brushes; glasses with water; napkins sample drawings on the theme; snowman toy; material for the game "Make a snowman."

The course of the teacher's lesson in the middle group

I . Organizing time

Educator. Children, do you want to know who will come to visit us today? Guess the riddle

We will collect a lump from the snow.

Let's put a pot on top.

A carrot will replace his nose.

He holds a broom in his hands deftly.

We will put on a scarf for him

And he will not freeze in a blizzard.

He wasn't used to the heat at all.

After all, this is a miracle - (snowman)

A snowman appears in the group, greets the children.

Yes, this is our friend Snowman, with whom we played on the playground.

Poem for preschoolers "Snowman"

We made a snowman.

He is not dressed yet.

But let's tie a scarf around the neck -

He'll be warmer then.

Carrot will be instead of a nose.

Eyes - two big buttons.

And he will be very good.

With a broom that we will give in hand.

Educator. - Who is the poem about?

What did the children make the snowman from?

What is a snowman's nose and mouth made of?

What figures from the snow did we sculpt on a walk?

Yes, we sculpted figures of fairy-tale heroes from snow - a gnome, Cheburashka, animal figures - a bunny, a turtle, bears, various structures - houses, castles, fortresses.

Did you have fun building with snow?

Winter brings a lot of joy and entertainment.

Let's play with our friend the Snowman!

Game "Guess the riddle"

(riddles for preschoolers on the topic of winter and winter entertainment)

Download app

Speech game "Tender words about the harsh winter"

The teacher calls the words, and the children form affectionate forms from them (for example, winter - winter, etc.).

II. Motivation

Snowman. How much fun you have in kindergarten! I'm a little sad to leave you.

Educator. Children, let's draw the Snowman friends with whom he will be friends. What are the parts of a snowman? What if the snowballs are the same? What snowball is placed below? up? What are snowmen's hands made of?

Game "Make a snowman"

Children make up a picture of a snowman from paper pieces.

Let's go to our art workshop!

III. productive activity

Consideration of samples of drawings of snowmen.

What color do you think sheets of paper should be taken so that our snowmen can be seen? You can choose the color you like best - dark blue, lilac, purple, black. On a white background, our white snowmen will not be visible - they will be “lost”. How will we place the sheet of paper? (Vertical)

Stages of drawing a snowman

You should start drawing a snowman from a circle. A snowman can be molded from two or three snowballs, so you can draw two or three circles.

- “Put on” a hat and a scarf of the same color on the snowman to form a set of clothes. On the hat and scarf, you can draw tassels or fringes, patterns that you like.

Then take a thin brush and draw small details with the tip of the pile - eyes, nose-carrot, mouth, broom.

What will you draw first - large details or small ones? How will your snowman fit on the paper? So, it needs to be drawn in the middle of the sheet.

Get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics "Snowballs"

One, two, three, four - (Count fingers, starting with the big one.)

We made snow. (“Sculpt”, change the position of the palms.)

He is round and smooth, (They show a circle, stroking their palms.)

But not at all edible. (They threaten with a finger.)

Once - threw it up, (Look up.)

Two - threw, (Throw an imaginary snowball.)

Three - catch (Squat.)

And break. (Stomp their feet.)

Children work independently. The teacher shows individually the drawing technique on his sheet if necessary. He draws attention to how to carefully pick up paint, squeeze the excess on the edge of the palette, and brush only with a pile. Shows how to rinse the brush after painting with paint. Encourages verbal communication, supports creativity and initiative. Children draw to the calm musical accompaniment.

IV. Outcome. Reflection

What good snowmen you drew, “put on” interesting, bright sets of clothes for them - hats and gloves. I think our friend the Snowman will make friends with your snowmen.

Abstract of a lesson in non-traditional drawing for children of the middle group "Goldfish" .

Artemyeva Natalya Alekseevna, educator, MBDOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten No. 47", Staraya Kupavna, Noginsky District, Moscow Region.

Target: Create an image of a magic fish through the use of technology"wax crayons and watercolor".


    To acquaint children with non-traditional graphic material, to give an idea of ​​how to work in the "wax crayons and watercolor" technique.

    To teach children to draw in an unconventional way, with wax crayons and "soap bubbles".

    Learn to draw with stamps (plastic bag).

    Develop a sense of composition.

    To instill in children an interest in the world around them, love for nature, develop imagination.

Material: Watercolor paper sheets, wax crayons, watercolor, clean plastic bag, disposable plate, water, shampoo, cocktail straw, nvisual aids "Step by step drawing of fish".

preliminary work : Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", watching the animated film "Catch the Fish" from the series "Masha and the Bear", looking at the fish.

Lesson progress:

I Organizing time

Guys, we have guests today. Let's greet them.

Finger gymnastics

The fish swam and dived The straightened palms are pressed to each other. Fingers directed “away from you”) Turn closed palms to the right and left, imitating the movements of a fish with a tail

In clean warm waterWavy, smooth movements of relaxed hands

They will shrinkSqueeze your fingers very tightly

UnclenchSpread your fingers out to the side

They will bury themselves in the sand.Put your fingers together and alternately make movements with your hands, as if digging up sand.

Sit down please. (Children sit down.)

Guys, do you know how to solve riddles? (Yes.)

I'll check it out now.

Swimming under the bridge

And I wag my tail.

I don't walk on earth

I have a mouth, but I don’t say

I have eyes, I don't blink

I have wings - I can't fly. (Fish)

That's right, fish.

A fish appears from the sea.

Our fish is not simple, but golden.(The teacher shows the fish).

Why is it called golden?(Because she shines like gold)

Our fish is not only golden, it is also magical. Let's listen. I think she wants to say something.

(The teacher speaks on behalf of the fish )

I live in the blue sea, I love to swim and play. But now I'm so lonely. Guys, help me find girlfriends.

caregiver : - Guys, help the fish? How can we help her? (Let's draw some girlfriends for her.)

We will draw magical fish - the girlfriends of our goldfish, and since our fish is magical, unusual, then we will draw it in an unusual way.

The magic pencils that you see on your tables will also help us to draw.

I I Fish drawing show. (Sample educator)

Let's remember how to start drawing goldfish girlfriends? (Body, eyes, gills, tail, fins, scales)

Fish are of different sizes. But we must draw a fish of such a size that it occupies the center of our sheet.(The teacher shows the stages of drawing on the board)

The first girlfriend for a goldfish appeared. And now, guys, you draw fish - girlfriends for our goldfish.

Well done! And now you can take the magic sheet and start working. Let your fish swim in different directions.

I hope that the fish you draw will be fun and playful.

I II Independent work of children.

Well done guys, you are doing very well!

The teacher watches the children draw. Helps those who find it difficult to draw, encourages them.

What wonderful fish you have.You can draw a crown.

I V Fizkultminutka.

(Children stand near their chairs)

Where does the goldfish live?(In the sea)

What color is the sea most often?(blue)

When there is no wind, what is the sea like?(Calm)

Let's imagine that we are great wizards, standing on the seashore and want to raise high waves. Let's blow on sea water. At first a light breeze blows, then stronger and stronger, the sea broke out. Let's draw waves with our hands in the air.

Sit down please.

Guys, what is missing in our drawings?(That's right, water). - Fish cannot live without water, they are not afraid of the ocean and swim wherever they want. - We need to draw water for our fish. And we will draw in an unusual way, because our fish are not simple.

- But how are we going to draw, because we do not have a brush.

Take a plastic bag, make a ball out of it, dip it in watercolor diluted with water and stamp the sheet.

Oh, and my fish was left without water. Now I will fix it.

With a cocktail straw dispenser blows soap bubbles in a plate until you get a "slide".

To puts his sheet of paper on a plate with bubbles for a few seconds so that the paper does not get wet.

Removes, flips face up.

V Exhibition of works.

caregiver :

We will please our guest - a goldfish! Let's show how many fish - girlfriends we drew for her. And for this we will gather all the fish together.

Goldfish, I will release into the sea ...
I will give freedom, dear forever ...
Because the fish does not live in captivity ...
Even the blue wave knows this...

(Music turns on) Children's drawings are hung on the board.

Oh, what a miracle we've got(Answers of children).

I see that the sea is slightly raging, and goldfish are merrily frolicking in the sea.

Did you enjoy doing the job?

VI Reflection.

And now silence. What will the goldfish say now?

They drew wonderful girlfriends for me.

I liked them all very much. Now I won't be bored!

I have a present for you too. (Transmits the cassette "World of Fish").

Goodbye! See you soon!

inna kolosnikova
Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Abstract of an open lesson in the middle group

Synopsis of an open lesson in drawing in the middle group with an unconventional poke method


teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour and inside the contour;


Teach children to draw animals using the poke method. Strengthen the ability to draw with a brush in different ways.


to form the ability to draw with gouache using a poke; apply a pattern over the entire surface; convey in the drawing the features of the appearance of a bear


develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Encourage the development of curiosity. Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme for the image


cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife. Cultivate accuracy at work.

Preliminary work.

Looking at pictures of animals. Reading the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".


landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a bear; brushes (hard, gouache, a glass of water, a brush stand, napkins). Two samples: on one is the outline of a bear, on the other is a bear drawn using the poke method.

The course of directly educational activities

I give the children a riddle:

“In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter, he rests in a den. (Bear)

Educator: - Right! What does a bear look like? He is fluffy, he has four paws, a small tail, and he himself is big. I will now read the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Tell me how Mishka did with Masha, good or bad!

Children: It's bad, he didn't let Masha go home.

Educator: Yes, Misha did not let Masha go home, and what did Masha do?

Children: She tricked him.

Educator: Yes, she outwitted him, and thus got home to her grandparents.

Educator: And now we need to carefully consider the bear. What shape is the body of a bear?

Children: The body is oval.

Teacher: And the head?

Children: Round.

Educator: - And who knows how to draw a fluffy bear? What method will we use?

Children: Poke

Educator: - Right. Poke. Let me show you how to draw.

/ Demonstration / - Poke first along the contour of the bear - head, torso, tail, paws, and then inside.

Educator: - That's what a fluffy bear turned out to be. What else did I forget to draw for the bear?

Children: Eyes and nose.

Educator: - That's right, eyes and nose. I don't draw them, I glue them. Look how wonderful the bear turned out!

Remember how to draw? We must try not to go beyond the contour line.

You guys, try to make the teddy bear beautiful and fluffy.

/Independent work of children, individual assistance/

Now sit down at the tables and start drawing.

As the children complete the work, I conduct an analysis, noting the most successful work and noting the mistakes that the children made.

Synopsis of an open integrated GCD on non-traditional drawing methods in the middle group "Sun".

Program content:

    To cultivate love for the beauty of native nature, respect for each other and mutual assistance.

    Improve skills and abilities in free experimentation with materials.

    Arouse interest in creating the image of snow lace with various non-traditional techniques.

    Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

Equipment and materials: Projector , colored cardboard in dark tones, PVA glue, table salt, a snowflake with a riddle, a parcel, a letter from Santa Claus.

Preliminary work.

Introduction to lace. Observation on a walk of the shape and structure of snowflakes with a magnifying glass. Comparison of Vologda lace with frosty patterns and snowflakes.

Lesson progress:

1.Org. moment. (Children enter the group, stand in a circle)

caregiver : Hello guys. Today we have an unusual drawing. Also, we have guests. Let's all look at our guests and smile at them, and let's not be distracted anymore. (Children turn to the guests and smile). Now look at each other and smile too.

Psycho-gymnastics: "Ray"

Reached for the sun

They took the ray

Pressed to the heart

And they gave it to each other. (Children perform actions according to the text) Children sit on chairs.

2. Surprise moment.

The teacher asks the children what time of year it is. (Listen to the children's answers)

caregiver : Now the last days of late autumn, but already on Sunday Winter will come. Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package. Who sent it to us? Let's see what lies in it, maybe we will find out from whom it is.

(Reads the attached piece of paper to the parcel). It can not be opened, it says here ...."You can open when you read 3 poems about winter." (Children read poems).

(The teacher opens the package)

Educator: - Well done, guys!..... Guys, and here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem. Listen carefully to guess it. Whoever guesses will raise their hand:

Invisible, carefully He comes to me,

And draws like an artist, He designs on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow, Here is a palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he paints with white paint alone!

caregiver :- Guys, who is this artist?

Children: - Of course, Frost.

3.Introduction to the topic .

caregiver :- Let's see what else is in the package?

(The teacher takes out pictures from the parcel - depicting frosty patterns) The children, together with the teacher, examine them.

Educator:- Guys, please tell me how such beautiful lace patterns are obtained on the glasses? (children's answers)

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion that frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. Ice floes are grouped on irregularities, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

caregiver :- Guys, unfortunately, we can admire such snowy laces only in winter. But in order for a piece of winter to always be with us, we will create snow lace on paper.

caregiver : I prepared paints on this table…… But where are they? Guys, did you remove them? Where did they go? Well, okay, then let's take paints from our corner of the ART studio. Are they not there either? How are we going to draw then?

Educator: Wait a minute, there's something else in our package, we'll have to see what's in there. (Takes out PVA glue with a dispenser, and salt).

caregiver : Guys, will we need salt for drawing? What about glue? .... Then - (Looks surprised) .... I came up with something ....

caregiver : In the meantime, I suggest you look - what are the patterns on the winter window. Sit comfortably on the mat. And look closely.

The projector turns on, the presentation "Winter Patterns" is shown

4. The main part. (Stand up in a circle)

Before starting work, finger gymnastics is carried out: “Here are my helpers.”

Here are my helpers, turn them as you like:

And like this, and like this, they will not be offended in any way.

One, two, three, four, five.

They don't fit again.

Work a little

We will let them rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

Educator: - And now, I suggest you sit down at the tables. Salt and glue are on the tables. Do you think they can be useful for drawing? (Listen to children's answers)

caregiver : Since we have no paints left, we will try to draw with what we have. It turns out that with the help of glue and salt you can also draw. And now we will find out how, and we will try together.

The teacher introduces the children to the technique of "salt" drawing and invites the children to independently decorate sheets of dark colored paper with arbitrary lace patterns. Children choose their own material. Drawing with semolina and flour is done according to the type of salt drawing. On the sheet with an adhesive pencil, a drawing of a “frosty pattern” is applied, then it is covered with different materials from above. Salt particles stick to the glue and form “frost patterns.

Educator: - Well done! What beautiful frosty lace you have. It takes some time for the glue to dry. And we will rest with you.

Physical education "Snowflake"

We are funny snowflakes

We spin in the air.

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And he raised all the snowflakes.

Twirled, flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

5. Summing up.

Guys, now your patterns are ready. It is necessary to gently brush the salt off them into plates, see how I do it.

caregiver : And I have a surprise for you! (the teacher opens the parcel) This is a letter! Who do you think it's from? (from Santa Claus) Santa Claus reminds you that he is waiting for your letters with applications for New Year's gifts from him. He does not know who wants to get what for the holiday. And also, he reminds you that you always behave well, obey adults and do not offend other guys ... .. Did you guys guess who our package was from? (From Santa Claus)

Reflection: What did you learn new today? What did you like the most? What will you talk about at home? And teach your parents to paint with salt too?

Elena Druzina
Abstract of a lesson in drawing in non-traditional techniques in the middle group.

Program tasks:

Continue to teach children to independently convey the plot of the winter landscape using unconventional drawing techniques;

Learn draw landscape using different visual materials in one drawing and non-traditional drawing techniques(impression of a cabbage leaf)- expand and clarify children's ideas about the season - winter;

Develop aesthetic and emotional feelings in the perception of the artistic word, musical works;

To educate in children a sense of beauty, love for nature, for their native land through fine arts, music, poetry.

Raise interest in reflecting your impressions in visual activity.

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints. METHODOLOGICAL RECEPTIONS:

Information-receptive (consideration; conversation; listening to musical works; reading fiction; showing the educator)

reproductive (consolidating the knowledge and skills of children)

Research (development of cognitive activity in children and the ability to experiment with artistic material and technicians in visual arts)

Heuristic (independence in drawing, manifestation of creativity, fantasy in artistic activity)

Materials and equipment: white gouache, glasses with water. Brushes, napkins, brush holders, A4 tinted sheet, Beijing cabbage leaves, cotton buds, musical accompaniment, multimedia presentation.

vocabulary work: landscape, imprint.

Course progress.

Hello guys! Hello, friends! I'm glad to see you all!

Guys, do you like to solve riddles? Let me guess for you riddle:

Who, guess

Sedentary mistress?

Shakes feather beds -

And snowflakes will fly over the world.

And let's remember what winter is like? What words can you use to describe her?

(Winter is white, snowy, snow-white, cold, beautiful, frosty, fluffy, shiny, fierce).

How can you play in winter? (Sledding, skating, skiing)

But we also love winter for its beauty. Artists have painted many pictures about winter, poets sing of the sorceress - winter in verse. Now we will look at several landscape paintings about winter.

(Music sounds (an example of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. "January", a multimedia presentation with reproductions of paintings by artists about winter is shown).

Guys, do you know what a landscape is?

It is true that a landscape is an image of nature. This is a picture that depicts a forest, a field, a river, lakes.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen!

Look how beautiful she is. On it is written - "Guys middle group of kindergarten"Sun". It is you? (Yes.) I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Sasha M., White snow us covered:

And trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello winter winter!

An intricate trace winds

From meadow to hill.

This is a hare printed -

Hello winter winter!

Knock on the door.

(A hare appears).

Hare: Hello guys!

Hare: Is there a fox here?

V-l: What happened, bunny?

Hare: Is there a wolf?

V-l: Not.

Hare: Wu-u-u I'll at least translate the spirit!

V-l: And where are you in a hurry, where are you in a hurry?

Hare: I'm coming home.

Yes, I got lost!

V-l: Are you walking alone in the forest?

Guys, can I walk through the forest alone? (Not)

Hare: I wanted the guys from d / s with a holiday

Happy New Year, give a gift.

I left the gift, but I lost the road.

V-l: Don't be upset, little white.

We will help you. We have received your message. Thank you.

We just can't open it.

Hare: I'll help you! Once and done!

V-l: What is it guys?

Hare: It's a delicious cabbage leaf!

V-l: Thank you, bunny. And we guys decided to draw.

Hare: No, no, I have to go, I need to hurry home.

V-l: We'll show you the way. The shortest path, you will reach the house in an instant. GOING OUT.

-V-l: Here is a hare and ran away to his forest. Guys, how beautiful it is in the winter forest!

I suggest you become landscape painters and draw winter fairy forest. Do you agree?

- Guys: Yes! Then take your seats.

Here we have cabbage leaves on our tables, now we will turn into wizards ... and draw a winter landscape with these sheets, we will not just paint, we will apply an imprint of a cabbage leaf on a sheet of paper.

Let's repeat the "imprint".

We need to apply a thick layer of white paint on the cabbage leaves with a brush. To begin with, dip the brushes into cups of water, gently squeeze the bristle of the brush against the edge of the glass, then dip the brush into the paint and apply a thick layer on a leaf of Beijing cabbage. We no longer need the brush, let's wash it in a glass of water and put it on a stand. Now we carefully take a cabbage leaf and apply it to the leaf, press it with our hand, then, carefully, with both hands, remove the cabbage leaf, we have an imprint, what does it look like?

That's right, it looks like a tree strewn with snow. And so, everyone understands how we will be draw trees? Ready?

(Independent activity of children. Children draw to music (O. Gazmanov "White snow". The teacher conducts individual work, helps as needed).

You must be tired children, let's play a little? Get in a circle.

The game: "SNOWMAN"

Well, we rested, and let's look at our trees, they just dried up during this time, we will continue our work. Guys, look, it seems to me that something is missing in our works, because we are painting a winter landscape. (Children's answers.)

That's right, there is no snow on the landscapes. The wind brought snow clouds, and it began to snow. - And snowflakes can be draw with a cotton swab, then they will turn out small and light. To draw snowflakes, we will take cotton buds, dip them into a jar of white paint and apply dots. We work by poking.

(Independent work of children)

Snowflakes fall to the ground and snowdrifts are obtained ... we will draw them under the trees.

(Children finish painting the landscape, the teacher helps them as needed)

Well done guys, that's what we got a winter landscape. Guys, stand up, we'll take a photo as a keepsake and send the bunny into the forest.

Work analysis.

Let's look at our picture. Than we painted?

What time of year is reflected in our work?

What do you think about our winter landscape?

What did you like the most paint?

Guys, it's time for us to return to the kindergarten from the fabulous magical forest.

Outcome lessons.

So our trip to the winter forest ended. Were you interested?

What do you remember from our trip?

Thank you guys for being my faithful and smart assistants on this journey! Lesson is over!

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