Suits for men with a tummy. Fashion for obese men

Men, just like women, want to look good, but the beautiful half of humanity has a lot of all sorts of tricks, means and tricks for this. Men are more vulnerable in this regard. Their wardrobe, as a rule, is limited to a few basic types of products, using which one must manage to create an original image. But we also have common problems that everyone solves in their own way. ? This question worries many representatives of the stronger sex.

Let's try to figure this out. According to the physiological parameters in women, this issue is much easier to solve, because there is a chest in the upper part of the figure. Due to it, the body is visually balanced. Men, on the other hand, do not have such an advantage, and the protruding belly stands out quite significantly against the general background.

The causes of this problem are different for everyone, but many want to solve it. Consider the options that are acceptable and which should be avoided.


- Do not wear shirts and T-shirts, and any shoulder clothing that has horizontal stripes. They contribute to the additional expansion of the figure.

- It is better to refuse things in warm shades. Visually, they only increase. In principle, all light-colored clothing enlarges a little.

- It is advisable not to wear too tight clothes, so as not to put on public display what you would like to disguise).

- If the clothes have a sporty direction, then you should not choose models with kangaroo pockets located on the stomach, which are so popular for this style.

- A double-breasted jacket will have to be abandoned, since a double overlay of fabric will only increase the volume in this area.

- The fit of the trousers should not be chosen too low, otherwise the stomach will fall out and not too high, because this will only emphasize its size.

- Shoulder clothing should not be short and end at the widest point of the figure. This will once again draw attention to this area.

- Do not choose models with bright prints on the chest or stomach.

- Many people think that too wide clothes hide the stomach, but this is not always the case. Since men do not have flared models, unlike women's), hoodies aggravate the situation and in it a man may look even larger and shapeless.

See how the figure looks visually depending on the chosen clothes.

As we see the result on the face. Horizontal stripes expand the figure, while vertical stripes stretch it. If a jacket or outerwear is put on a shirt or jacket, then when unbuttoned it creates two more vertical stripes and the figure looks much slimmer.


- You can use one of the main rules for stretching a figure in a vertical direction, namely the presence of vertical stripes on clothes. It can be shirts, t-shirts and even jackets.

- Preference is given to more neutral and dark tones. This does not mean that you have to wear black. It can be all colors of the achromatic range, blue, brown, burgundy, khaki.

– If you want to pick up shoulder clothes with a pattern, then it is desirable that it is not large and not bright, designed in the same color scheme. A small cell is allowed, but muted tones.

- If your figure in the upper part is not large, but the tummy is present, then you can choose a product in which the top will be in a horizontal strip, and the lower part is neutral. Likewise: light top and dark bottom. A diamond-shaped, oblique pattern will also be good.

- A jacket with a protruding belly should be single-breasted. A vertical strip and a row of buttons divides the figure in half and visually breaks the volume of this zone.

- The length of the shoulder items should be selected so that it is slightly lower than the widest point. This applies to T-shirts and shirts. If this is outerwear, then it should not be short either. Length to the hip or below, depending on the model.

- The fit of the trousers should be selected at an average height.

- If you wear ties, then choose them with a medium width.

- Clothing with slats and V-necks visually elongate the figure. The neck has no direct relation to the abdomen, but in general it will be a more advantageous option.

- If you like knitted sweaters, then it is desirable if the pattern is vertical and not very large. And certainly not from thick threads).

Well, in principle, we have analyzed the main points that are worth paying attention to. I hope these tips will come in handy for men, and women, having studied them, will be able to tell their companions how to draw up a more correct and harmonious image.

There are a lot of anecdotes and jokes about men's tummies, but everyone knows that it is impossible to completely hide the obvious. Therefore, in this regard, the recommendations for men and women are exactly the same. Regular exercise and proper nutrition will help everyone cope with this problem.

You should not constantly complain about the fact that they say everyone sews only for the thin and slender, and we cannot pick up anything for ourselves. It just so happens that really medium sizes in retail clothing are more popular. This is our reality. So maybe this is not perceived as a problem, but as an incentive to take care of your figure and have a huge choice to create your style?

And if women have read this article to the end and want to know how choosing clothes can help them to hide their tummy, then they can read the recommendations

I wish all men success in this easier. I am sure that all women will appreciate your efforts and aspirations!

Sincerely, .

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Even overweight men try to dress with taste, but this is not always possible, because the stores do not have such a large selection of clothes of the right size. And yet, stylists have some tips to help you find the perfect look. Men's fashion 2017 for overweight men defines the rules for choosing fashionable clothes, because overweight men also want to dress beautifully, stylishly and tastefully, especially since behind their backs such people are often called fat or fat.

men's fashion 2017 for obese men

Men's fashion 2017 for obese men

The fashion trend for overweight men is the most important thing - you always need to choose clothes according to size. The opinion that loose-fitting jackets, sweaters and jackets hide figure flaws is nothing more than a delusion. In a baggy outfit, there is a risk of seeming untidy and ridiculous. Tight clothes are also unlikely to sit well. Rather, on the contrary, it will emphasize every crease and fullness of the body.

Men's clothing 2017 for obese men photo

Fashionable clothing style for a fat man

What does a fashionable full man look like

Fashionable shirt 2017 for overweight men

Green knitted vest, plaid shirt and beige jeans for obese men

Fashionable colors of clothes 2017 for obese men

In 2017, overweight men should avoid bright and catchy clothes with an abundance of decor in the form of patch pockets or patches. It is better to give preference to clothes of rich dark colors - black, coffee, dark gray, blue. If you choose light-colored clothes, then let it be in a small vertical stripe, this will allow you to visually stretch the silhouette.

Rules for choosing clothes for obese men

Fat men should not completely abandon accessories, sometimes they are appropriate and allow you to divert attention from figure flaws. But it should be noted that their abundance is unacceptable. It is worth abandoning massive jewelry and wide ties. Shoes are better to buy stable, comfortable sitting on the foot. To make your legs look longer, match your shoes with the color of your trousers.

In order not to add volume to the forms due to clothing, you need to forget about heavy fabrics - velvet, tweed or velor. Clothing made from light natural fabrics will look more advantageous, and the body will be more comfortable. Fat men must also constantly monitor and then they will recognize and like themselves and others. Read about that in 2018 - the rules of the fashionista's wardrobe.

Fashionable coats 2017 for overweight men

When choosing outerwear for fat women, you should pay attention to classic coats and lightweight sheepskin coats. But down jackets or voluminous jackets can only emphasize fullness and visually add extra weight.

Gray and black coat for obese men

Fashionable men's coats 2017 large sizes

Chic black coat for a full man

Fashionable suits 2017 for overweight men

For men with chic shapes, nothing goes as well as formal suits. But even with their choice, one must be careful. Let it be deuces from black, dark blue or dark gray fabric. The jacket should fit perfectly on the figure, try not to unfasten the buttons on it, so as not to visually increase the volume. The color of the trousers should not differ from the color of the jacket, and the legs should be without arrows. It is better to choose a light-colored shirt, without drawings. It is better to prefer a wide collar with sharp corners to a small turn-down collar.

Fashionable suit 2017 for obese men

Supporters of freer clothing styles can replace the jacket with a more democratic three-button blazer or sweater. By the way, every man should know. As for the sweater, several principles apply here: natural fabrics, no volumetric textures, only vertical patterns.

Fashion jeans 2017 for overweight men

When choosing jeans, overweight men should give preference to models with a low waist so as not to focus on the stomach. Give up the habit of tucking t-shirts, tank tops, or shirts into them. Sports pants should be in harmony with the color of the top.

Fashion jeans 2017 for overweight men

As for the top of the image (t-shirts, T-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, sweatshirts), then you should give up bright clothes made of synthetic fabrics. Cotton will keep you comfortable all day long. Also avoid bright colors and large patterns.
Remember that clothes should not restrict movement, be baggy or too tight.

Dedicated to all short men who want to look taller and dress properly!

Along with positioning yourself, your clothes can be an important factor in your success in life. Today I will share with you 10 tips on how to look taller for a short man, use clothes to enhance status and more importantly, self-confidence.

Immediately an important point in the visual increase in growth: when someone looks at you, his the gaze should move smoothly upwards over your body. A short man should direct people's eyes upwards and keep their gazes at the level of his face. If some detail of your image catches the eye and prevents it from moving up and down, then this will visually break your body into pieces. Avoid conspicuous accessories such as large and bulky watches and aim for simpler pieces. Sometimes, for example, too visible outer pockets on jackets or shirts (instead of inconspicuous slit pockets) can overload the image and visually make you look lower.

10 tips on how to dress a short man to look taller:

1. Use monochrome style in clothes.

Just as minimalism reduces visual clutter, removing contrasting colors from your look helps streamline the way you look. By keeping everything in a consistent color scheme, especially black or gray, you will create the illusion of being taller.

When you wear different colors or different shades of the same color, try using darker colors towards the lower half of your body. Ideally, if the viewer's gaze starts at your feet and moves up. Dark trousers with a lighter shirt create a lengthening effect, while a dark shirt with light trousers reduces height.

2. Create a vertically oriented image.

Most of us know that vertical stripes on clothing lengthen while horizontal stripes expand. Horizontally directed stripes will make the man appear wider because the eye will want to follow them to the sides of your body. It happens naturally.

Using continuous vertical lines and stripes is one of the best ways to appear taller. Shirts should have alternating vertical lines that are narrow enough not to create wide and empty monochrome stripes, but also wide enough to be distinguishable from one another. Striped fabric with equal width alternations of white and colored stripes, sometimes called "candy stripes" is a good choice.

Thick or thin fabric with an "up-down direction" has the same effect as any other, so clothes made of thick corduroy or thin cambric fabric can be in your wardrobe. Opt for smooth fabrics, as rough, rough textures will add visual clutter that you'd better avoid.

3. Choose your clothing size.

Clothing that does not fit snugly enough to the body of a short man emphasizes his short stature and sends a signal to the people around him that in front of them is a person who is too small even to find clothes of his own size. Do not let this message be sent to the world!

When trying on clothes before buying, pay close attention to how they fit your body. Many men, who are used to wearing clothes 1-2 sizes larger than they need, create a lot of additional difficulties for their appearance.

Don't buy jackets that hang loose around the underarms, even if the sleeves are the right length for you. Also avoid any pants that have a lot of room in the crotch. Believe me, this will not make you more attractive. You will look like a kid in a daddy suit.

Remember that most menswear is deliberately oversized to fit as many body types as possible. Clothes marked Small are not made for one type of small man. She is often sewn, trying to please both low, and dense, and thin, and any other uncles.

Today, many popular designer brands have their own lines of different clothes for certain body types. It's better than clothes made for everyone. Good designer items tend to cost a bit more money, but by keeping a close eye on sales, you can save a lot of money and make buying quality items in your size more affordable.

Finally, trust the tailor to fit the purchased clothes to you. Make sure he's professional and understands body proportions and people's physiques. You will find that the adjustments he makes can make a big difference in your appearance. Shortening the length of a shirt or trousers is not so expensive, and more difficult work, for example, sewing in pants, or a jacket, again, many can afford. Having the right size jacket or t-shirt on the shoulders can turn a dull look into a lively and energetic one.

4. Correctly observe proportions when choosing clothes.

Keep in mind that short men need to adhere to slightly different clothing proportions than tall or average men. For example, many men wear a suit so that about 3 cm of the shirt cuffs peek out from under the jacket. Short men, however, need to wear a shirt with a jacket so that the shirt shows 0.5–1 cm. This width of the shirt strip around the wrist will look more proportional on short arms.

The pieces of clothing you wear over each other contribute a lot to your visual impact. The upper body, for example, is affected by the collar of a shirt and the lapels of a jacket. Try to choose both of these details narrower and be careful with the variety of lapels. If you wear a jacket with very loose or wide lapels, you risk looking bad.

A collar with elongated ends, pointing downwards, is well suited for visually increasing height. Stay away from clothing with collar angles greater than 120 degrees and collars greater than 6 cm high, especially when the collar ends are angled sharply outward.

Your tie should be fairly narrow, especially if you have a narrow torso. If your torso is very wide, then a narrow tie may look out of proportion to your body. However, it is better than wearing a tie that is too wide.

Reading this article, it may seem that tight cuffs, small buttons, miniature pockets, and so on need to be used all together, and immediately in your image. No, but when you start to combine all the usual elements of clothing in the right proportions, you can end up looking taller. A little change here, a little improvement there, and you'll have a much better look as a result.

Different designer brands create different types of clothing and its details in their own style. You don't need to buy it all. You also don't need very expensive clothes. Just be patient and find out which brands have quality small size clothing with vertical details that will work best for you.

5. Wear details that draw attention upwards.

You can hold your attention and move it from your feet to your head by wearing bright details on your upper body. A handkerchief in the breast pocket of a suit or a brightly colored tie will help move your interlocutor's eyes up. Just be careful not to add too many noises to your image at the same time. Bright little accessories and brooches are useful to wear with a handkerchief in your breast pocket, and with a tie. You can choose a jacket with epaulettes on the shoulders or shirts with a contrasting color on the inside of the collar for a more informal look.

Don't wear a hat to add a few extra inches to your height, as this can backfire on your appearance. Some argue with this statement, but in reality the hat acts as a "lid" for your body, which completely stops the viewer's eye. I have seen many times how it works and what the outcomes are. I think you do too. Of course, there are cases when a hat looks great on a short man, but to choose the right hat you need to have a little more knowledge and experience in choosing clothes than the average buyer has.

It shouldn't be complicated. Keep a vertically oriented image and wear 1 or 2 bright details to draw attention upwards.

6. Wear clothes that suit you.

Sports jackets and suits It is also worth including in the wardrobe of a man of short stature. You can wear a jacket with trousers in the same fabric and/or shade.

Trousers with high waist. It is important for short men to visually lengthen their legs and this can be achieved by wearing pants or trousers with a high waist. Don't wear your pants low on your hips, as this makes your legs look short. High-waisted trousers do not need to be tied tight with a belt, as we do when we wear them on our hips. For best results, wear pants without belt loops and use suspenders.

Avoid shorts and short sleeve shirts. Wearing clothing that draws attention to the arms or legs, especially when they look big and buff (ideally, the limbs should be proportionately more compact in relation to the torso), will make you look shorter. It is better to cover your arms and legs with clothes, but in practice this is not always possible, for example, in the summer, so in this case you can wear light linen trousers, as well as long-sleeved shirts rolled up on your forearms. You get a classic look that helps create a good look.

7. Add height physically.

By choosing the right pattern or size of clothing details, you can create an image that visually makes you look taller. But what if you really want to add a few extra inches of height? It's possible. But, as usual, the main thing is a reasonable approach.

It is useful for short men to wear shoes with heels. There are certain models of men's shoes that look good (mostly classic models with 2-3 cm heels), but there are those that look worse. In particular, special shoes for short men, designed to increase height by 5-10 cm and above, do not always look advantageous. Its manufacturers, in pursuit of height, often attach too massive a heel to their shoe models. In most cases, such a heel does not match the style of the shoe and as a result it attracts attention and looks tasteless. It is better to use quality men's shoes with a classic style for formal meetings, and shoes that increase height in more informal situations.

Shoe insoles to increase height. They add height well, but they don’t fit all shoes, and if you wear special half-insoles for growth in socks, then taking off your shoes in public places can be inconvenient. Definitely don't wear height insoles with shoes that already have heels that are 2-3 cm or higher, as you'll be leaning forward like a woman wearing overly high heels.

8. Buy clothes from foreign stores.

Many types of clothing are made for a specific region, taking into account the preferences and average size of a potential buyer. Japan and Italy are 2 countries where they mainly produce good clothes in small sizes for people of average and below average height.

The Internet has given us the opportunity to buy clothes abroad without leaving our own country. The downside is that international shipping is not always cheap and many good online stores in Italy or Japan don't even have a proper English version, let alone a Russian one. Google translate helps, but it's a shame it doesn't translate clothing sizes yet. Trying to figure out what inches and feet are in centimeters is not very convenient, especially when you are considering several different options at once. In any case, you can contact the support service on the store's website to help you choose the size. In good online stores, consultants usually sincerely try to help their customers with their purchases. Take your time. First, find a store with the size you need, buy some things to try, try them on and if everything is fine, then order a lot of clothes there at once, saving on shipping. Just do not buy a lot of the same clothes so that the customs does not consider your purchase as a commercial batch, otherwise it is not a fact that you will receive it at all.

Generally speaking, you need to travel more around the countries, get new emotions and at the same time look for something from clothes, then you will have a closet full of well-chosen things, and an unforgettable shopping experience.

9. Visit the children's and teens' clothing departments.

Good clothes for short men can be found in teen and children's stores. Some styles of such clothes are certainly not suitable for adults, but there are also many clothes from manufacturers who produce smaller versions of quite presentable outfits that are allowed to be worn by short men.

A big problem when choosing teen clothes for adults is that she has a narrow chest and stomach. See clothing size XL or L, it has recently been made looser and long enough for short adults.

The bonus is that clothes for children and teenagers are often much cheaper. If you are small enough to fit in it, then you should step over your pride and look for quality clothes in the children's departments of stores.

10. Buy in special stores for short people.

About a year ago, looking for specialized clothing stores for short men, I found Jimmy Au "s - Their website is English, the store itself is located in California and is considered very prestigious in America, so the prices are appropriate. They make clothes especially for short people and have many years of experience in this field. I know that in Russia some guys ordered Jimmy Au's jackets and praised their quality and appearance very much.

There is another similar store in New York - Peter Manning Five Eight The range and prices are almost the same as in Jimmy Au "s.

Study what they sell in these stores and find something similar in your city, in other online stores, and so on. In this way, you can save money and create a great wardrobe for yourself, whose clothes will not only help you look taller, but also contain complementary details and look like they were selected by a professional stylist.

In conclusion, I want to wish you to look natural. You should be comfortable in the clothes you wear. This article has a lot of tips for short men on how to look taller, more stylish... but again, do NOT use everything at once. Instead, take a few and apply them over the coming months. Then keep the ones that work and remove the ones that don't.

A stylishly dressed man evokes sympathy and confidence in himself. Know who you are and express your individuality with your personal style. Good luck!

Sincerely, Vadim Dmitriev

Today, there are quite a lot of people suffering from physical inactivity and overeating, as a result, every tenth inhabitant of our planet is concerned about being overweight. Among them, the number of men is not inferior to the number of women. What can be done to make life easier for a full man and make it more comfortable? We will talk about this in our review, and learn how to choose clothes for obese men.

It's hard for big guys to follow fashion. This is what most overweight people think. However, I can assure you that this is far from being the case. There are a lot of tricks that you can use to take your stylish look to the next level.

Don't be stingy when updating your wardrobe

Buy only quality items. Remember that being overweight is an additional test of strength for your clothes. Try to buy things that are not made in clandestine sewing shops, but rather well-known brands. Fortunately, many of them have in their arsenal copies of large-sized clothing.

Which style to prefer

If you think that a loose fit, a jacket or trousers that are one size larger will make you slimmer, then you are wrong. Of course, avoiding a too-tight silhouette in your case is reasonable, but hiding behind the folds of clothes that don’t fit is stupid and will only add comicality to your image. Everything should be in order. If you still can't find your size in a ready-to-wear store, you can go to a tailor and have a custom-made suit. In this case, you do not have to run around the boutiques and look for your size. It's expensive, but the suit should fit well; compromises are not appropriate. By the way, you can sew a classic suit, vest or coat from our partners Arthur Philips.

How to choose clothes for the full in the winter season? There is advice! We do not recommend using jackets filled with synthetic winterizer or holofiber as warm winter clothes; voluminous down jackets are also contraindicated. In the off-season, full men are perfect, and in winter, a thin sheepskin coat will come in handy.

How to combine clothes

There are little tricks to help obese people feel more comfortable and make them appear thinner than they really are. So, for example, to avoid excessive tightening of the protruding belly with a belt, we recommend or help. If you want to look slimmer, wear dress pants, but don't cut them too short. Thus, you visually lengthen the silhouette and acquire a more slender outline. Do not abuse bright colors, choose more calm colors of a monochromatic range. Refuse to print on clothes, it will only draw attention to your non-standard sizes.

For men who prefer classic-style clothing, vests are suitable and they are almost universal and will help hide a protruding tummy. For those who like to flaunt in sportswear, we advise you to choose loose t-shirts, knitted trousers or soft, non-fitting jeans. Be careful that the models you choose are not narrowed to the bottom.

If you are a fan of jeans, then you need to pick up models with a slightly low waist. Do not emphasize the waistline by tucking a T-shirt or shirt into trousers, wear it for graduation.

For overweight men, V-neck shirts and sweaters are perfect. This circumstance allows you to create the illusion of a thin neck and seem a little higher than it really is. High collars or sweaters and golfs "under the throat" should be avoided categorically. Thus, you will only emphasize the roundness of the face and the double chin that is taking place.

When choosing clothes, you must remember that they must be made from natural fabrics. Fat people, due to metabolic disorders, tend to sweat profusely. Synthetic materials will only exacerbate this effect. If you don't want to sweat, invest in suits made from viscose and wool.

Accessories for obese

If you are limited in the choice of clothes by impressive sizes, then when buying accessories you are free to do as you please. We offer to compensate for the lack of fashionable elements in clothes with a stylish watch, wallet, tie, bow tie or a portfolio of well-known brands. Your task is to look respectable, then your fullness will be perceived as a symbol of solidity.

Shoes for obese

Now a little about shoes. We have already mentioned that you should not waste time on trifles when choosing accessories. The same applies to shoes. In addition to the fact that it must be strong and durable, there are a few more requirements, following which you can appear slimmer.

  • choose models with a sufficiently high and stable heel - this will slim you;
  • try to match the color of the shoes and trousers. This circumstance will visually lengthen your legs and the whole figure, respectively.


Taking care of our wardrobe, we pay close attention to how we will look at work or at a party, and completely forget about everyday home clothes. And absolutely in vain! After all, a real man should even look elegant at home, regardless of how much he weighs. So, let's start discussing home clothes.

First of all, we advise you to get rid of old things and the stereotype that at home they wear something that has long gone out of fashion and worn out. We offer you to purchase a high-quality sports suit made of soft knitted fabric. Such an outfit will not constrain movements and will make you feel comfortable. If you are not a fan of sports style, you can purchase a dressing gown. As a rule, men's dressing gowns do not have buttons and are worn with a smell, which makes this type of clothing comfortable even for people with a fairly voluminous figure.

In order to sleep comfortably, we suggest buying pajamas. In summer, it can be light cotton models, and in winter, flannelette insulated pajamas. We have a whole article on the topic, I recommend reading it.


As you can see, it is not difficult to follow at least some of the tips, but even this part will change your style for the better. Try to find clothes that make you look taller (like vertical stripes), while avoiding clothes that make you look wider (horizontal stripes on clothes, too much pleats on trousers, etc.). We hope our tips will help you further hone your own style!

It is not always easy for large men to choose clothes, and to cope with this problem offers fashion for obese men, recommending that you follow some selection rules, thanks to which the representatives of the stronger sex, with large sizes, will look elegant, and not resemble a big gray spot. Contrary to the generally accepted belief that men do not care what they are wearing, they also think about what impression their appearance causes on others, and, of course, women who are more versed in trends should help them dress in accordance with the characteristics of their figure. modern fashion.

When composing a wardrobe for your man, follow some recommendations:

  • A mandatory requirement is that clothes must be chosen exactly in size, only in this case they will fit perfectly, and not hang in a shapeless bag, creating a sloppy look.
  • If you look at photos of overweight men in dark suits, then their figure seems to be somewhat slimmer than it really is. Fashion for overweight men 2013 offers business suits that form the basis of the men's wardrobe, a strict silhouette in black, dark gray and dark blue. Fully tall men are more suited to single-breasted suits with low buttons.
  • Use ties more actively, visually making the man's figure more slender. As you can see in the photo, the tie draws attention away from the protruding belly and adds elegance to the look. Fashion for obese men recommends that men of non-standard sizes choose dark-colored ties.
  • Pants are better to choose a semi-adjacent silhouette without arrows with moderately wide legs. The arrows visually increase the volume of the front of the trousers, making the figure even larger, and the wide legs visually make the figure heavier.
  • For men who prefer a sporty style of clothing, dark-colored jackets and sweaters are suitable, this can be clearly seen in the photo. When choosing T-shirts and polos, opt for wide, straight models that do not taper towards the bottom, but it is better to abandon them altogether in favor of shirts that can be worn outside. They hide the fullness and sit well on the figure of overweight men.

Fashion for obese men 2013-2014

Plus size men are not as spoiled for new fashion trends as regular size men, but still, plus size men's fashion 2013 outlines some trends that you should follow if you want to look stylish and elegant. Stylists advise in the cold season to replace thick wool pullovers with soft, thin cashmere items that retain heat no less, but do not add extra volume, as you can see in the photo. It is better to choose suits from thin soft woolen fabric, which fit perfectly on the figure.

In the new season, three-button blazers will be relevant. This is a classic technique that allows you to look taller and slimmer. In addition, blazers with three buttons will not form a crease in the abdomen, which is highly undesirable for obese men.