Cowboys. New Year's costume cowboy for the boy do it yourself (photo) suit cowboy for children with their own hands at home

What is a western small hooligans, maybe they do not know, but they are well known who are such cowboys. Where are they, there are adventures and shooters. From such an adventure boys will not refuse. Let even one New Year's Masquerade or the thematic matinee last last.

Cowboy costume with their own hands consists of several basic details. Material for most of them serves coarse skin, suede, jeans. Only at first glance it seems to embody the image not easy. In fact, this is not at all. You can make a suit with your own hands from different materials.

Cowboy Suits for Boy

In order to make a cowboy costume, peel in the closet and get out:

  • jeans;
  • bundan;
  • shirt in a cage;
  • belt with big buckle.

Well, if there is a piece of suede or artificial leather. If not, then without them you can do.

Tip: If you do not have a shirt in a cage, any other color shirt will suit. Be sure to refuel it into jeans.

But without a cowboy hat. It will have to do or make out of paper, or take someone from familiar, or buy in the department of masquerade costumes. Almost everything you need for a cowboy costume is ready. It remains to carve out and sew from a suede slices or leatherette vest. From the long strip of material you need to make a fringe and sew it to the lower edge of the vest.

Tip: If there is no leatherette, a denim vest is suitable. And the more shabby material, the better.

From the pieces of the leatherette, cut the patchwork and sew them to jeans. If a boy does not have a sheriff icon in toys, then cut the star from the cardboard and enclose the foil. Take the dad belt with a big buckle.

We put on a carnival cowboy costume on our boy. From clothes Basic details - shirt, vest with fringe, jeans with poppipes. From accessories and additional parts - sheriff icon, belt with buckle. Toy gun over the belt, contrasting bandana on the neck, cowboy hat, lasso. From the shoes, choose coarse boots or boots.

Tip: Frostably, you can decorate not only the vest, but also sleeves, jeans on sides or boots.

If you have time and desire, you can make a horse for a boy. You can make a paper head or foam rubber, paint and attach to a stick. Perhaps at home there is already such a horse-horse toy.

Cowboy Cup for Girl

Not all girls dream of being princesses for the New Year. If your daughter Fidget, then she will like the Cowboy outfit. He is not particularly different from the cowboy suit for the boy.

Jeans will successfully replace skirt or denim dress, which can also wear with a vest. It is worth paying attention to the hairstyle. It will be good to look in the cowboy image slightly disheveled pigtails or wavy loaf hair.

Adult cowboy costume

Not only children, but adults do not mind trying a cowboy robe at a costume party. The set of clothes are not particularly different from the children. Only weapons will have to choose more or replace it with a carved knob. The suit for the girl includes the same details of the wardrobe.

Adults easier to find suitable shoes. These are leather or suede boots with slightly tinned socks. Modern models can be decorated with spurs. Cowboy boot should not fit tightly to the leg. Sit down slightly loss shoes. Also concerns the denim details of clothing. Cowboy is always in search of adventure. His clothes have long been painful, and the shoes were isolated.

Now you know how to make cowboy costumes for a boy and a girl, for a girl or a guy. Do not forget about the mood that corresponds to the image. Cowboys are real crisps that are not afraid of risk and adventure. To behave confident and then everyone will believe that you are a real hero Western.

The film industry offers us an image of a cowboy, as a kind of steep macho, riding a horse, with a three-day bristle, tanned under the sun of the Prairie and an indispensable amateur whiskey. And the most interesting thing is, from everything imposed by cinema, only tan and bristles will be faithful, even whiskey they did not use, but preferred beer. After all, cowboys are the same shepherds, the English "Cowboy" is like Cow - Cow and Boy - a guy. And these guys were never especially rich to pay for whiskey. Yes, they worked only in the warm season, passing the livestock, the detour of the territories, the small repair of the camp of animals, the branding of the young and the search of the cows behind the herd. In winter, they had to just work on the ranch for bread and shelter over her head. The guys-cowboys were distinguished by not very exemplary behavior - cheap drinking lovers, returning from earnings, prevained fear and horror on the inhabitants of those towns, for which their route traveled. The state authorities sometimes had to even hire local bandits to protect against launched cowboys. But what cowboys were masters, so it is in Rodeo - the ability to manage with wild horses and bulls, throw Lasso and demonstrate the liction of their four-legged friends, that is, horses.

Rodeo competitions have been preserved to this day. And although modern American shepherds look no longer as picturesque, and they behave much more modest, interest in them is still present thanks to Westerns, advertising and music of Country.

How to make a cowboy costume with your own hands?

Cowboy costume on the carnival - one of the most simple in the manufacture and will not require a lot of time for its preparation. Almost all his elements are in every home. Consider from what details a suit consists of:

  • cowboy leather pants or jeans
  • cowboy hat called "Stetson"
  • cowboy checkered shirt
  • vest with fringe and cervical scarf
  • cowboy acute boots
  • holster with revolvers and leather belt.

You can add a lasso image with a rope from the loop at the end and even make a cowboy horse, but also that is listed, it is enough to create the image of the present conqueror of wild prairies.

Cowboy's pants can have leather inserts, and on the sides - fringe. The same fringe can be decorated with a vest. Cowboys shirts were carried into the cage and on the buttons, but the usual cellular with buttons will be just right. A wide belt can be taken from Dad, but it is better to make a holster with revolvers themselves from the suede sliced. For this, we make two triangular pockets from the material. Revolvers will be in them in such a way that the handle look out out. Fresh these pockets on the belt using special linings.

Cowboy boots will require some work - their heels need to be sweeping and make metal slats. You can decorate them with a fringe on the sides.

But if at home you can not find a hat with wide fields, do not be diluted, it's easy to do it yourself.

The figure shows how to make a pattern for such a tight paper hat.

Our cowboy is ready! You can go to the carnival.

And finally, an interesting fact from cowboy life. In the history of America there was a president whose profession was a cowboy. His name was Theodore Roosevelt. At the very beginning of his career, he worked as a shepherd.

Photo of cowboy costumes

You can be a steep and rigid classic-modern cowboy, dexterous and vertical cowboy from the Old West or Cowboy in Hollywood style, but remember: a real broad-water cowboy hat (Stencon) is the best friend of any cowboy. Such things can be bought or renting again in the shops with costumes, in the branded jeans stores, in souvenir shops or in sign places (for example, something similar could be found on the old Arbat). There are also a lot of proposals in RuNet.

Follow multiple easy steps below, they will help you to achieve a conceived cowboy image, ideal for Halloween or for any other costume party. One "but": all the details of this costume are mainly bought or clothe, you can create only the style for mostly. For the cowboy from the Old West, you will need dark or beige pants, similar tones shirt, leather (or from leatherette) vest, leather holster, long - to the floor, simple raincoat of direct cutting (last optional). Some see below.

Difficulty: Easy.

You will need:
- several gangs;
- cowboy boots;
- cowboy hat;
- Country style shirt (usually it is the most diverse cell - any, except stylish restrained city);
- Training video to find out how to dance cowboy;
- jeans (usually blue, or black, or brown);
- A powerful leather belt with a suitable cowboy buckle (for a Hollywood cowboy - healthy, powerful, brilliant and clearly noticeable; for the "real" cowboy - not miniature, but not huge, strong buckle).

1. Look at the largest of the available stepson hats (big, but before size, how it starts look like a clown). White hat will mean that you are of good guys; Black - that you are of cruel / gloomy villains; Not dark tones, but different from white and any bright - what you are on my mind.

2. Strip the hair back with the gel, and possibly draw with a mustache eyeliner.

3. Take a blue-blue or red gang, or a checkered nasal handkerchief around the neck. Or make a tie "Bolo" from shoelaces for shoes (more often bright, but not bright).

4. Semide a shirt from denim on the buttons, either white or blue (not bright) or one of the cell variants. If you create the image of the Hollywood Cowboy, especially bright colors (except Bordeaux cell) and brilliant material will be suitable for you just right. In the latter case, if desired, also look for a fringe and embroidery, which will give you a kind of boastful image.
But, in any case, the shirt should not be cramped and tight.

5. Optionally, one vest (leather, or "duty", or intricate), and do not worry about the mismatch in color and texture. The concept of "Wild West" sounds specifically and means that.

6. Fasten this healthy, "Texas size" buckle on the belt. If necessary, make this buckle of cardboard, draw gray-silver tones and write its stylized name in the middle.

7. Together with all the rest of the jeans, or black or brown pants.

8. Optionally, make cowboy natives (covers on your feet): take a tight brown paper, or suede, or an old pair of loose brown / black (any shade of them) trousers, leave the belt, pants and strip the fabric on the sides, but cut everything From the fifth point, between the stunner and in front. Dress it right on jeans.

9. Optionally, make a paper fringe or fabric (or from leather / leatherette) on all seams, or, if you prefer, only along the entire length of the side seams on trousers and sleeves.

10. Pull out old powerful boots or shoes (or find cowboy boots) - the list of options here is large, including Bizonia Kyzyaki.

11. Cobur will not be so difficult to find in the store of toys, and they will refer to suitable guns, whip, Lasso, Sheriff's star - at will.

12. We go to the rotational and so that you have the curves of the legs from the permanent ride riding.

Additions and warnings:

- Second ingredients are able to help you here, providing the opportunity to buy most of the costume or at least its foundation - jeans, scarves, pants for our natives, shirts, for a penny;

- in major cities there are also branded shops of jeans or costumes, where you can, however, for a considerable price, buy uniforms for the costume almost completely;

- In nature, there are not only cowboys, but also cowboys. Suits, in fact, almost do not distinguish: the same jeans, the same shirt, the same handkerchief and hat. Alternatively, you can use a long skirt, a magnificent skirt for dancing or a trousers strongly scattered from the belt. Either the dress is dark - until the middle of the tibia and a slim belt. Either, finally, as an erotic version - short denim shorts (from dark blue jeans);

- Walking in cowboy boots you need to get used to in advance! This is important - why, understand, pushing them at least 40 minutes.

New Year's holiday for kids is associated with a fairy tale. And on this day, children want and can be fabulous heroes. In this article, I want to tell about how a cowboy costume may be for a boy.

Component elements

It is worth saying that this outfit can be completely different. So, if the budget is very limited, the child can simply wear denim pants, a checkered shirt, boots and a hat. Well, if it is also possible to choose a vest to the color of pants. As an accessory, you can tie a cowboat on the neck. But still a good cowboy costume should consist of the following details:

  1. Leather pants and leather vest. Alternative: leather vest, jeans and lining on leather pants.
  2. Plaid shirt.
  3. Hat with fields.
  4. Cervical scarf.
  5. Boots.
  6. Accessories: Pistol, holster, belt.


So, create a cowboy costume with your own hands. Work should be started with the selection of material. So, ideally, if you can get the skin. Well, if it is brown, light brown or red-colored. Alternatively, you can take leathesum or suede. However, the costume can also be completely denim. In this case, the old denim pants of an adult are needed, from which you can make a vest and cowboy pants to a small hero.


We start sewing a cowboy costume. Work can start with the preparation of pants. So, they are reproduced as ordinary pants. We need two details, of which you will need to do four, cutting on the sides along the entire length. It is necessary in order to insert a fringe in the sides, which will decorate a child's suit. It is done very simple. You need to take a strip of about 7-8 cm wide from the corresponding tissue and a length equal to the length of the pants. The fringe is cut to the end, you need to leave the place to sew it in the sidewalls. When she is sewn, the details of the pants are stitched. The belt is sewn from above. More simply make the lining on ordinary denim pants. They will be put on the cowboy belt. They look these overlays like two separate pants, they are attached to the exterior sides to the belt. Just as in ordinary pants, it is pre-sewn along the Bokhroma side. The bottom of the pantian can be made rounded so that everything looks more beautiful.


Cowboy costume also consists of a shirt in a cage and vest. And if there will be no problems with the first element of clothing, it will not be difficult to buy such a shirt, then the vest will still have to sew alone. Make it easy. The easiest way, as a sample, you need to take a suitable vest to the size of the baby and on its basis to cut the fabric. It will consist of three main parts: the backrest (one part) and two front parts (they will be the same, but mirror-shown). If there is a desire, on the back of the vest, you can start the fringe: cut the part on the part and just sew it. You can also do with the front parts: the fringe is sewn at the level of chest pockets. As a decoration of a vest, you can sew a sheriff star (made of golden fabric).


Cowboy costume also assumes the presence of shoes. Here again there are many options. If the child is completely small, you can take ordinary black flames as shoes (kids costume should be as comfortable as possible). If the child is already extremely adult, you will need boots. Ideal if they are with sharp socks. If there is nothing suitable, you can wear black rubber boots, pre-decorating them with leather overlays. Creating a cowboy costume for the boy yourself, you can also make boots from old sneakers, which are comfortable in the sock for the child. So, for this it will be necessary to sew a boot, which is completely put on shoes. To do this, it is best to take suede. The boot itself will consist of two parts: the main (which covers most of the leg) and the front. Details are sewn from the middle of the foot to the lift line. The shoes can be decorated with special paints by drawing a sheriff star on them.


Preparing a cowboy costume with your own hands, be sure to take care and that the child has a cowboy hat, well, if black. It should be with the fields. It can be bought in the store and do it yourself from cardboard or papier-mache. Cap details:

  1. Fields.
  2. The main thing that is put on the baby's head (must be created strictly in the size of the child's head).

Create further a New Year Cupboy costume. A cap is glued at the place of the joint of two parts. The basis is ready. Next, the fabric passes on top. You can also decorate the cap using special paints, drawing there again the usual five-pointed star.


What could be a cowboy costume? Photo of kids in similar dresses are different. After all, there is a place for fantasy. So, special attention should be paid to the accessories of crumbs. It is thanks to them a suit may look original.

  1. Cervical scarf. It can be anyhow: monochromatic or painted, into a cage or strip. The main thing is to harmonize with the costume. It should also show that the scarf can and stand out on the background of the costume, being a bright detail that will attract attention to the child.
  2. New Year's Cupboy Suit also assumes the presence of a gun and a holster. If everything is clear with the toy weapon, it is easy to find and buy, then the holster is most likely to be sewed independently. So, for this you need to take black skin. Holster is simple pistol pistol, which may even have a bottom. It is necessary to sew fabric on the sides so that weapons are conveniently located in it. This detail is attached to the baby's belt specially made for this straps.
  3. It is also necessary to put the baby in the pants leather belt. It will be not only detail of clothes, but also an element of a suit decoration.


As already mentioned above, the cowboy costume can be most different (photos of children in such outfits - confirmation). However, if you need an outfit for New Year's holiday, you need to think about how to decorate it with a rain. So, it is worth saying that the costume is not to overload. To match the holiday, you can buy a thin golden rain and entertain them a vest. If the child does not have a belt, it can be rained. More decorating this New Year's suit of the boy is not worth it.

Choosing a costume for a New Year's holiday or for a costume event, the boys most often want to be pirates, cowboy, indians, musketeers and other characters who are associated with adventures and courageity.

In this article, you will meet the new year cowboy costume for the boy and how to make it with your own hands.

Unlike the costumes of fabulous characters, the cowboy costume can be collected from clothing, which is available in almost every wardrobe, while only you need to adhere to certain elements.

Master class: how to sew a cowboy costume with her own hands?

It will take:

  • 1 m artificial suede;
  • star pattern;
  • sewing machine, scissors, threads.

After folding the fabric 4 times, we draw a part of the sidel on it, for this, retreat from the pants of a child of 5 cm as shown in the figure.

The bottom of the detail is spinning.

At the top of the details, mark the line of the belt and the point start in the inner seam of pants.

Then, from the line of the belt, we draw a strip with a width of 5-7cm (for loops), we combine their beginning with a point of origin of the inner seam, as shown in the figure. Then cut out.

With the help of a stencil, we cut the sprocket 5 pcs, and from a strip of 7cm wide - fringe.

All details are stunted on the two outer side of the tissue to each other, according to the external seam, the stanner insert the fringe and stitching on the sides.

To each panta, we attach a star as an applique.

To make the pattern of vests for a cowboy costume, take a shirt of a child and outlines her shoulders, side seams and bottom. The premium and the neck is already drawing on your own.

To the second detail we rush the star and determine the line of the fringe.

We fold all the vest parts of the facial side of the fabric to each other and stitch on the sides and the shoulder line.

Soak and our cowboy costume is ready!


But without below the listed accessories, the cowboy costume will look unfinished:

The neck shawl - the bright color shawl is usually taken, combined with the main costume. Since in the Wild West, such scarves were used more as a means of protection than as an ornament, they usually did not have a picture.

There is several ways to make such a handkerchief.

Instead of a scarf, you can still use a cervical lace, which is very easy to fasten.

Belt - You should take black or brown colors, with necessarily a large buckle of any form.