The cat sheds a lot. Shedding in cats from stress is possible or not. If the cat sheds after castration what to do

Hair loss in pets is familiar to every owner. Finding scraps in the farthest corners of the house that the cat could not even reach is a common thing for owners of furry predators. Shedding is normal for felines and there is no way to avoid it. However, it is important to remember that each cat has its own "portion" of wool, which she parted with every season. If you notice that the fur shed by a pet overflows the apartment, it makes sense to think about the health of the pet and take action. Why a cat sheds heavily and how to deal with it, we tell further.

The change of coat is a necessary "ritual" that allows cats to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Since the distant ancestors of the current homebodies spent most of their time outdoors, they had to adjust their coat to the current temperature.

In the spring, free cats threw off their warm winter “fur coat” and changed it to a lighter summer attire so as not to “melt” in the sun. In the fall, the felines again became overgrown with thick fur, which saved them from bad weather and cold weather.

Features of molting in domestic cats

According to common belief, cats shed heavily only twice a year - during the seasons described above. However, as already mentioned, molting is an element of adaptation. If the pet lives in a house whose temperature is stable, he has no need to change wool "outfits".

Does this mean that cats stop shedding altogether? Of course no. Experience suggests quite the opposite. It seems that pets shed almost every minute, which is natural. Each hair has its own time, after serving which, it falls out, becoming dead.

Despite the fact that in "greenhouse" conditions, cats molt in smaller volumes than their wild homeless relatives, it cannot be said that they are easier to care for. In any case, it is up to each owner to decide which is better - a radical renewal of the coat twice a year, or a slow but never-ending change of dead hair for new ones.

Shedding as a healthy phenomenon

Shedding accompanies felines all their lives and, as a rule, does not cause them any discomfort. The amount of hair falling out depends on the physiological state of the pet, its age and emotional experiences.

Causes and methods of struggle

Before you begin to understand the pathological prerequisites for increased molting, you should clearly understand those cases when hair loss is the norm and does not require concern.

  1. Baby molt. Many kittens differ in color from their parents. For example, newborn Siamese can hardly be recognized due to the fact that their coat is snow-white. Points appear only with age. Reaching six months, most kittens begin to gradually shed their "fluff", replacing it with a full-fledged adult coat. Such wool is harder and heavier than the soft and silky coat of kittens, and its color is more saturated. Baby molt lasts for two months, during which the owner is recommended to comb the pet daily to facilitate the process of hair loss.

  2. Seasonal molt. This type of molting is most clearly seen in felines that are often outdoors. Such animals begin to intensively shed their wool grown in autumn with the first rays of the sun in spring. The duration of the seasonal molt depends on the breed and can take from two weeks to two months. By combing the pet, it can be accelerated. The spring molt is more intense than the autumn molt, since it takes less time to shed the summer light coat.

  3. Home molt. Shedding of domestic animals continues constantly, but it is less pronounced than seasonal. However, even at home, there are some peculiarities. So, increased molting, which occurs in the spring months, can occur in a homebody in late autumn or even winter. The reason for this will be the earned heating, which increased the temperature in the apartment and gave the pet's body a signal to drop the fur. If your cat is sensitive to heating periods, consider getting a humidifier to help keep your cat's fur looking its best.

  4. Change in hormonal background. Hair loss in uncastrated animals sometimes coincides with periods of sexual hunting. In this case, the tufts of wool that overwhelm the house will be complemented by the behavior typical of a male or female during the mating period. Males can make loud cries and strive to escape from the apartment, and females can roll on the floor and obsessively fawn over people and inanimate objects. The only way to avoid this behavior is to spay your pet. It also happens that a hormonal surge is not the result of sexual arousal, but a malfunction of the internal organs, for example, the thyroid gland.

  5. Pregnancy. This item is a variation of the previous one, but has its own specifics. During the period of bearing kittens, a number of changes occur in the cat's body, including at the level of hormones. The restructuring of the body is completed shortly after the birth of the kittens, and the cat returns to her usual “calendar” of changing the coat.

Shedding as a result of illness

Hair loss is accompanied by a wide range of diseases, therefore, based on the fact of increased molting, it is impossible to make an unambiguous diagnosis. You should worry in cases where the pet's hair is not restored, and pink bald spots appear in its place, which the pet combs diligently. A veterinarian is also required when the constant change of coat is accompanied by changes in the behavior of the pet.

Causes and methods of struggle

Excessive hair loss in cats is typical for diseases that in one way or another affect the skin. Less commonly, we are talking about global pathologies affecting the entire body as a whole.

Table 1. Diseases leading to hair loss


The first sign of a fungus is the appearance of bald spots that itch and haunt the cat. If untreated, the fungus progresses, bald spots increase in size and turn into foci of inflammation. Scales and dark crusts form on the affected areas due to constant scratching. The disease requires a mandatory visit to the veterinarian and the appointment of a course of treatment. During the recovery period, it is necessary to limit contact with the animal, since the fungus is contagious

The culprit of the disease is the subcutaneous mite Demodex cati, which causes a violent reaction in the body. Demodicosis begins with the defeat of the muzzle of the animal - redness appears around the eyes, mouth and ears. In the absence of treatment, ticks move to the rest of the body, covering the body of the animal with small tubercles containing pus. Interestingly, a certain number of such mites are contained in the body of each animal, but only with weakened immunity does their activity become apparent.

The disease is quite rare and consists in dysfunction of the thyroid gland, as a result of which thyroid hormones are not produced in sufficient quantities. Hypothyroidism is also found in a congenital form - kittens are born with a missing coat, or completely lose it in the first months. In addition to hair loss, hypothyroidism has such unpleasant manifestations as a decrease in temperature, weakness, apathy, and prolonged constipation. Hypothyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine or surgery if a tumor is found

This type of dermatitis is a manifestation of an allergic reaction of an animal to some environmental factor. Atopic dermatitis is accompanied by severe itching, forcing the cat to literally tear out shreds of hair along with the skin, after which wounds of varying degrees of depth remain on her body. As a result of such activity, the body of the animal is covered with bald spots. If the source of the allergy cannot be identified, the pet is given broad-spectrum antibiotics and/or antihistamines, depending on the severity of the condition.

Since most diseases affecting the skin are associated with obsessive itching, during treatment, veterinarians are often advised to wear therapeutic "collars" on animals. They will keep the damaged areas of the skin intact and protect them from the bacteria that abound in cat claws.

Shedding as a result of improper care

If immoderate hair loss is not associated with living conditions or a painful condition, then the reason must be sought in the owner's approach to his pet. Even the most caring people can make fatal mistakes that lead to the weakening of the health of pets.

Causes and methods of struggle

The most common of these errors are:

  1. Incorrect use of shampoos. Many shampoos these days help keep a cat's coat in pristine condition, making it silky. However, the wrong brand can have the opposite effect. It is enough to remove the fat layer from the animal's skin to start the endless process of hair loss. To avoid such a result, when choosing a shampoo, strictly follow the instructions and dilute it exactly in the quantities indicated in the instructions.

  2. Prolonged stress. Protracted negative experiences weaken the body of the animal, which leads to a variety of painful consequences. In cats, constipation begins, hair falls out, appetite decreases, and sleep is disturbed. In a word, the emotional state is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. Some of the most common causes of stress include moving into a new apartment, having a new pet, or having experienced a trip. Moreover, pets subtly feel the state of their owners and sometimes perceive their tragedies as their own.

  3. Unbalanced diet. Violation of the rules of nutrition is probably the most common cause of ailments of varying severity in cats. If feeding does not allow the cat to restore the minimum amount of nutrients in the body, sooner or later it will begin to malfunction. Both a deficiency and an excess of vitamins can negatively affect the condition of the coat. Therefore, if you feed your pet with selected meat, do not be surprised that due to an excess of protein, he begins to have health problems, and hair loss is one of the first harmless symptoms. The best solution for pets with falling hair is to switch to ready-made foods designed specifically for such circumstances.

  4. Lack of care. The tasks of the owner should include weekly combing of the pet in order to rid it of dead hair. This procedure will help the animal not only change its coat faster, but also get rid of excess hair in the stomach that occurs with frequent licking. The duration of combing and their regularity depend on the breed of the pet. The Siberian cat will require more time than the Siamese. The less hair the animal's undercoat contains, the easier it is to process it. Slickers, massage brushes, furminators are used. The latter have the advantage of being able to effectively remove guard hair without damaging the cat's skin.

Video - We fight with molting in cats

During the molting period, cats often experience weakness due to beriberi, especially characteristic of spring. Vitamin supplements that normalize the metabolism and well-being of the pet will help to cope with this problem. It should be borne in mind that vitamins must be in harmony with the food consumed by the animal.

If you feed him dry food, which initially includes some groups of vitamins, then most likely there is no need for additional supplements. Vitamin complexes will be a useful addition to natural food that does not take into account the basic needs of the pet. However, do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe vitamins - an independent choice will not lead to anything good.


It is believed that it is the lack of biotin in the body of the animal that causes inflammation of the hairline and subsequent hair loss. Therefore, the owners of ever-shedding cats should pay attention to vitamin complexes that include this element.

With the exception of tablets, vitamin H is also found in raw yolk, but it is not recommended to give it to cats due to the risk of salmonellosis.

In addition to strengthening hair, biotin contributes to:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • decrease in embryonic mortality;
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • general strengthening of the immune system.

Together with biotin during the period of seasonal molting, it is recommended to give the cat:

  • fat supplements (especially on the eve of winter);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids.

A list of the most popular vitamin complexes for cats can be seen below. It includes foreign manufacturers, but if you wish, you can also search for Russian companies, such as Doctor ZOO and Agrovetzashchita.

The most non-shedding breeds

If you are thinking about what kind of cat to get, so as not to have to deal with hair, then the following is a list of breeds that do not have a tendency to profuse molting.

Table 2. Breeds that are not prone to molting


Even sphinxes have a woolen cover, its presence alone is almost invisible. In the Canadian Sphynx, the hair reaches a length of only a couple of millimeters, while the Don Sphynx is completely devoid of hair.

Six representatives of the breed is very short and resembles astrakhan to the touch. She is silky, but at the same time stubborn and resilient. The biggest concern when caring for the Devon Rex is its huge ears, which need weekly cleaning.

There are both completely hairless individuals of this breed, and those with a minimal coat that resembles bristles. Breeders note the low survival rate of "naked" Peterbalds and are advised to purchase brushed or flocked ones.

Representatives of the breed have much longer hair than previous cats - within 1 cm. Due to the small amount of outer hair, these cats practically do not shed, which greatly simplifies their care

Despite having a thick coat, a weekly brushing is enough for a Russian Blue cat to avoid leaving hair all over the house. To give silkiness to the coat of representatives of the breed, it is advised to rub it with a piece of suede or fur

Don't think that having less wool means less grooming time. The more unprotected the skin of cats, the more it is prone to mechanical damage and burns from ordinary sunlight. In addition, due to the lack of wool, such cats have their own characteristics of heat transfer and in cold seasons sometimes even need insulated overalls.

If the pet is healthy, then all processes are going on, as it should be for the life of a cat. Molting is a normal part of life for them, and therefore you should not worry about this. But there are also situations when wool falls out in excessively large quantities, and does not stop throughout the year. Then many cat lovers begin to worry about their pets. But, despite this, it is easy to deal with the problem, even if the owner brought the animal for the first time.

Healthy cats should shed several times a year. In the spring, this occurs before hot weather so that the thick coat does not become a burden. The second time they molt occurs in autumn, in order to shed all their hair and grow a new one - warm.

Cats living permanently in an apartment sometimes lose this rhythm. During the heating season, they begin to shed their wool. The air during heating is warm and dry, which adversely affects the coat of the animal. Due to such climate changes, cats often shed it. Wool often sticks to clothes, rugs and sofas. This problem makes it difficult to clean the house.


  1. Long hair in the cat family. If by nature a cat's hair is long and thick, then you should not be surprised that the animal loses too much hair. These breeds include Angora, British, Scottish, Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon and others. If a cat lover decides to purchase a long-haired breed, then he should be prepared for frequent and heavy molts.
  2. Improper maintenance and care. Also, the cause of abundant molting can be non-physiological features of the cat family. Frequent hair loss may be due to improper care of the pet's coat. This may be the wrong shampoo for him, too frequent and abundant washing, or not brushing his coat. In addition to the above reasons, which are understandable to everyone and solvable, there are many others. These include diseases and poor living conditions for the animal.
  3. The main reason is an unbalanced pet diet. Due to the use of canned and dry food of poor quality by the owners, the cat has a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. And with a mono diet, a cat loses hair continuously. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed your pet exclusively with fish and meat food.
  4. Shedding during illness, age and pregnancy (or lactation). In addition to the problems that arise with nutrition, molting also occurs when the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys are disturbed. With allergic reactions, the cat partially loses its hair, and it quickly loses weight. When a cat is pregnant or if it has already dipped, the hormonal background is disturbed. You need to be prepared for tufts of hair coming out even when stroking.
  5. As a cat ages, it doesn't get healthier. She gradually weakens and fades. An elderly cat does not have the strength to care for its hair, to lick it. She lacks trace elements in her body. Therefore, in old animals, abundant molts are often observed.

There are many reasons for hair loss in cats. To help your pet, quickly and correctly find the cause of the problem. The right decision for the owner would be a trip to a specialist. A good veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause, and if it is a disease, they will be able to prescribe the right treatment that will make life easier.


The method of treatment will depend primarily on the cause of the molt. Some people select treatment with the help of errors and trials, but this method is not recommended. It is advisable to first find the root of the problem. Some ways to fix the problem will not take much time to eliminate all the causes. And others, on the contrary, will take more effort, and you will need to spend money.

Creation of suitable climatic conditions
If the reason is an unsuitable temperature climate, then the temperature in the house should be brought closer to natural conditions. Suitable temperature: in the summer, the apartment should be warm, and in winter, on the contrary, it should be cold.

To solve the problem with the temperature climate, it is recommended to settle the cat in a loggia or on a balcony - the climate there is more suitable for the natural one. To lure the cat to a new place, it is desirable to move the scratching post, sleeping place and favorite toys to there. The doors to the balcony should be constantly open, do not restrict the movement of the pet around the apartment.

Cat combing
In many cases, regular brushing can help to get rid of shedding. Cats should be taught such procedures from childhood, but if this has not been done, then when hair falls out, the pet should be combed well. To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase a special comb or slicker. They are sold in many pet stores.

If the cat has long hair, and it constantly rolls into shreds, then another tool will be required to comb it out. For this procedure, it is better to purchase a furminator. It is not sold in all stores, and its price is much more expensive. But it has more advantages, for example, the device allows you to comb out not only the top layer of wool, but also the undercoat, which the comb does not reach. After using such a tool, the pet looks well-groomed and feels much better.

Lack of vitamins and minerals
Often the problem arises from a lack of nutrients. Then you should contact a specialist to prescribe more suitable minerals for the cat. Such products can be in the form of drops, powder or tablets, which should be added to the feed. Vitamins allow you to replenish the entire balance of various trace elements, as a result of which the cat's coat will become better and more beautiful. Basically, veterinarians prescribe drugs such as Radostin, Shestevit, or Farmavit Neo. Thanks to the biotin contained in these medicines, cell regeneration improves, and the coat becomes thicker and shinier.

The cat should be fed a variety of foods. Various soups and cereals should be added to the diet. People who think that cats only like dairy products and fish are wrong. Such food will only harm the health of the pet.
And remember that clean water should be constantly poured into a separate bowl.

Folk methods against molting
Some cat problems can be solved with folk methods. No one can guarantee that hair loss will stop completely, but sometimes it is possible to get rid of the cause.

  1. To replenish biotin in the body of an animal, you should add egg yolk to food. But it is important to watch that protein does not get into the cat's food, as it can interfere with the absorption of the substance.
  2. You can also give your pet fish oil. It contains many vitamins. This method will help restore the cat's immune system, after which the coat will become healthy. It can be purchased at any pet store.

What are the normal times for shedding?

For normal seasonal hair loss, a duration of no more than four weeks is considered. Sometimes such terms are slightly delayed, but they should not exceed one and a half months.

If the cause lies in stress, pregnancy or poor nutrition, then the poor condition of the cat's coat will be much longer. To stop shedding, it is recommended to eliminate all factors that cause the process of hair loss.

If you follow the simple rules of keeping your beloved pet, you can easily get rid of the problem. Regular combing of wool, replenishment of the body with vitamins and rational nutrition will help solve all problems, and the cat will be well-groomed and beautiful.

Video: how to deal with molting in cats?

If your cat sheds, you should not leave this phenomenon unattended. Yes, periodic hair loss is typical for cats, but you need to make sure that such a process was not provoked by dangerous diseases of the animal. You should be especially careful with a pet if it sheds hair all year round.

What is a molt?

Shedding is the shedding of old dead hairs by a cat, which is a natural physiological process for almost all animals. In our area, where there is a change of winter and summer, cats usually change their coat twice a year: in spring they shed a thick undercoat and change it to a short summer one, and in autumn, on the contrary, they shed liquid wool and grow thick, warm.

You can understand that the cat has begun to shed intensively by the presence of wool on the furniture and carpets in the apartment, as well as on your clothes. Sometimes, trying to comb out their own hair, the animal may swallow it excessively and then burp painfully and loudly.

For what reasons does it happen?

Oddly enough, but molting can be provoked by various factors that are not always associated with the natural physiology of the animal:

seasonal molt

This is a physiological process of changing old wool to new one, taking into account the upcoming season. By the way, seasonal molting can cause severe itching and skin irritation in a cat, because of which he may try to comb himself with his claws and tongue. Keep an eye on your cat, as this brushing can lead to scratches on his skin.

The intensity of seasonal molting can be different and this factor largely depends on the health of the animal. It lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. If the seasonal molt is delayed - this may be the reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

Pregnancy and feeding kittens

Cats molt more often than cats, because in their life there are periods of bearing and feeding kittens. Like women, cats can endure them very hard: their body has a reduced supply of vitamins and minerals, and therefore, by the time of birth, hair can fall out a lot, even if this happens in winter.

It is very important that after giving birth, the cat eats well, otherwise it can become very bald.


Due to nervous experiences in cats, the skin tightens, and therefore the blood flow to the hair follicles decreases. As a result, pets begin to shed their coats.

What situations can a cat perceive as stressful? Frequent moving from one house to another, the appearance of other animals or a small child in the house, a change of owner. In such situations, pets may even lose their appetite.

Diseases, old age

Cats can also have skin diseases of a fungal and bacterial nature (for example, lichen), due to which the hair can literally fall out in balls. Also, some cats suffer from allergies and hormonal imbalances.

In old age, the cat is likely to shed more often and more intensively than in his youth. By extreme old age, the animal may even go bald.

Metabolic disorders, food change

This can happen if you constantly give the cat the same food (for example, exclusively meat or cereals). As a result, the animal's body gradually loses its reserves of vitamins and minerals, and over time, it may begin to lose hair.

A one-time molt can also occur if you suddenly decide to change your cat's food. For him, such a change can be stressful, or feeds can have different nutritional values.


If the air in your apartment is too dry and the temperature is high, the cat can also shed. Yes, cats love heat very much and can even sleep on a radiator. However, they should be able to walk outside regularly even in winter. If the cat does not have such an opportunity, his skin may dry out, and the coat will crumble regardless of the season.

Changing of the living place

If you and your cat spent the whole summer in the country, where he spent whole days on the street, and moved into an apartment with the onset of autumn, the animal may begin to shed its hair within a week after the move. Such a reaction should be perceived as a way of adapting to new living conditions (a kind of acclimatization).

Which cat breeds shed the most?

If your cat sheds a lot, pay attention to what breed he belongs to. Perhaps year-round molting is one of the features of his breed, and therefore it should not scare you:

  • Breeds that shed a lot: Persian cats, British, huge Maine Coons. This feature of these cats is due to the presence of a very long and thick coat (especially the undercoat) and the need to change it more often.
  • Breeds that are characterized by moderate molting: American Curls, Turkish Angoras, Somali and Burmese cats. These breeds have a long coat, but rather thin and without undercoat. Therefore, during molting, they lose relatively little hair, which can be easily removed from furniture and clothing.
  • Breeds that do not shed: sphinxes, which do not have hair at all, rexes and the breed "laperm" (their skin is covered with hair, but molting occurs only a few times in a cat's life). All these breeds were artificially created by man.

If you choose a cat breed based on the presence of allergies in someone in the household, then be sure to consider the fact that allergies can manifest themselves not only on the cat's fur, but also on the scales of his skin or saliva. This means that allergy symptoms can be observed even if you get a hairless Sphynx (although this happens extremely rarely).

What to do if the cat sheds very intensively?

If your cat sheds all year round, it is worth considering why this is happening.

  1. Get tested for helminths. When visiting a veterinarian, you can also take a helminth test at the same time. If a cat has them, it means that the animal has a metabolic disorder and therefore there is nothing strange that balls of wool fall out of it. In addition, you or your children can become infected with helminths from a cat.
  2. Review his diet. Just like humans, cats need a varied diet. If she eats only purchased raw food from you, start feeding her meat, bread and cereals. Also try to always fill the saucer with water. On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can introduce vitamin supplements (such as fish oil) into your cat's diet.
  3. Brush hair regularly. For this purpose, veterinarians recommend purchasing a special comb - furminator. It has the most convenient density and length of the villi, which make combing comfortable for the animal. During molting, comb the cat daily, and if possible, even in the morning and evening.
  4. Bathe the cat using special shampoos. Just like humans, a cat's skin can get dry, so using special moisturizing shampoos for animals can help your pet regain its beautiful, thick coat.
  5. Let the cat living in the house walk outside or at least on a cool balcony. If you are afraid that your pet will run away from you, walk him on a special leash, and install special anti-cat nets on the balcony windows.

When should you take your cat to the vet?

You can try to cope with the problems of your pet on your own.

The veterinarian will not only help you find out the exact cause of intensive molting in the animal, but also tell you what to do with the detected problem. Take the veterinarian's instructions seriously, as shedding can also indicate very dangerous diseases in animals.

Video: causes of cat molting and how to survive it

In the life of cats, molting is an ordinary process, just like human hair falls out. However, cats or cats shed only in one period of the year. This usually happens in the spring season, as if cats are getting rid of their winter coat. But has molting become a frequent occurrence or does it not stop at all?

First aid

Cat on examination at the veterinarian

Treatment of this cause will naturally please both the owner of the animal and the pet. A person will be able to get rid of the ubiquitous wool: in the air, on a carpet, sofa, on tables, etc. And the cat will be able to continue to bask in your loving arms or sleep on his favorite armchair.

Another important fact is that a cat can be caused by itching on the background of irritation. Therefore, he will be nervous, itching even more, and may become aggressive.

A skin itch, as a rule, cause diseases, for example:

  • dermatophytosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • too fast hair change.

Dermatophytes- This is one of the varieties of fungus. Some of them affect the surface layer of the skin, other internal organs. Dermatophy is also popularly called lichen.

The photo shows lichen in a cat

Dermatitis- this is not a disease, but a reaction of the skin to some kind of ailment. Therefore, you need to look for hidden diseases. Usually it is manifested by skin itching, rash, purulent ulcers, swelling, scales, etc.
Too active coat change. When hair growth is disturbed, you need to find out the reasons and give a comprehensive treatment to your pet, for this you need to take him to the doctor.

Allergic dermatitis in a cat

Other Causes of Cat Shedding

The causes of active hair loss in a cat can be not only diseases. Of course, such causes are much less common in pets, however, they exist and can influence. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what can contribute to the off-season molting of cats.

Lack of quality animal care

The first thing on your cat's grooming list is regular brushing. In nature, cats themselves are responsible for shedding their fur. And there they do it much better and faster than at home. Feeling that the time has come, they begin to actively wipe themselves on bushes, trees, earth, stones in order to get rid of excess hair.

It is especially clearly visible how the wool scatters, it is standing in front of the sun

Of course, those indoor cats that walk outside are better able to cope with this problem. But do not conclude that if you take her out a couple of times, the molting process will accelerate. For such a reception, animals must be taken outside regularly. In addition to all this, on the street, the cats themselves find the grass they need, which has a good effect on the coat. Therefore, in nature, in cats, molting takes place in a week or a little more, and at home, it drags on for a month or many times longer.

Therefore, it is worth considering how often and how long ago you combed your pets! Ideally, this should be done at least twice a week. To do this, choose the right and comfortable brush. A furminator brush with small teeth is well suited, they help to comb through the undercoat, which is most often responsible for delaying hair that has already fallen out. Or with a brush, but it should not be very hard!

Furminator for combing a cat

Temperature changes

If it is winter outside and the house is too hot, then cats confuse the seasons. The body feels that since it is hot, it means that it is necessary to take off the “winter coat”. Moreover, if your pet goes out for a walk, then sudden changes naturally affect his body. And also those who like to sleep on a heating battery will more often encounter off-season molting. Therefore, the owners need to ventilate the room more often, or for whom it is possible - to reduce the degree of heating.

Daylight hours

If the daylight becomes longer due to artificial lighting, then this can cause the cat to shed. The organism of animals is very interesting - it constantly adapts to the environment. Therefore, if it seems to the animal that spring has come - meet the molt!

Inheritance from parents

This is how British cats shed

Therefore, if you have exactly such breeds or in family ties there were such, then it is not surprising that your pet can shed all year round. In this case, the only thing that will help at least slightly reduce the ubiquitous hair is enhanced and regular combing. Make it a rule to brush your pet's hair every 4 days. Agree that it is better to comb out the ball than to collect it throughout the apartment?

Vitamin deficiency

Hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis can be affected by many facts, for example:

  • abrupt climate change;
  • special intolerance;
  • change in diet or unbalanced food;
  • pregnancy.

If a cat or a cat eats too much or too often foods that contain vitamin A, then this can provoke hair loss. And also insufficiently saturated or oversaturated food will cause this. Usually in such cases, choosing a balanced diet for your animal helps.

Video: How to deal with molting in a cat

But, in all cases, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. He will tell you the diet and good food, and if necessary, additional vitamins.

My cat is constantly shedding heavily. What to do?- similar questions are very common on.

Take a closer look at the cat, perhaps he began to itch and lick more than usual? Does the hair fall out not diffusely over the entire surface of the body, but are there certain areas of alopecia (skin devoid of hair)?

Have you and your family members been suffering from skin problems since the cat began to shed actively, for example, itching, red spots, rashes on the inside of the arms, legs, face?

If you answered “Yes” to one of these questions, then urgently show the cat to a veterinary dermatologist.

If you answered negatively to all the questions and the wool climbs diffusely and for a long time, then you can really say that your cat has a pathological molt.

What is the reason?

There are several "speculations" as to why animals might have increased out-of-season molting. "Assumptions", because it is impossible to accurately identify and prove the causes of pathological molting in cats and dogs.

It is clear that hair growth processes are disturbed, renewal occurs too quickly, therefore hair loss increases.

What reasons can influence this?

First, in cats, there are breeds predisposed to year-round molting. These are cats with thick short hair, with a well-developed undercoat, such breeds include, for example, "British".

Secondly, pay attention to the environmental conditions of your pet. Perhaps it is too hot and dry in your apartment during the cold season? Does your cat like to sit on the battery? But it’s cold outside and the conditions of detention should be a little closer to natural. Create more humidity in the apartment due to humidifiers, flowers. Forbid the cat to lie on the battery, make (if possible) the battery temperature lower.

Thirdly (according to some sources), the process of hair renewal is affected by the day lengthened due to artificial light sources. That is, ideally, if it got dark outside the window, then it should be dark in the apartment. In an apartment setting, this is difficult to do.

How can we help our pets with increased molting besides changing the conditions of detention?

As a rule, with a strong molt, hair combing, washing with medicated shampoos, and adding essential fatty acids to the diet are prescribed.