Beautiful words about jewelry. Aphorisms, expressions, sayings, statuses, quotes, sayings, phrases about jewelry, about jewelry

The owner of the Kamion-Oil company and the Apricot jewelry salon, about the importance of jewelry in the life of every woman and the rules for choosing and wearing them.

1. When you are in jewelry, I know who you are.
2. The ring is a symbol of belonging to a certain faith, man, clan, clan, community ...
3. Earrings are sexy, with their help we give signs. What do we do when we like a man? We play with an earring, opening the back of the wrist. This is nature, it is stronger than us. And bracelets are generally pure sex.
4 ... You can wear two carat earrings given by a man to please him, but there is nothing about you in this jewelry. A diamond is a beautiful stone, but it is silent.
5 ... Expensive jewelry doesn't have to be flawless. After all, each of us is not perfect. Who said a pearl with a tubercle is bad? She's just special.
6. The beads just hanging and lying on the chest are different beads. A ring needs a hand, earrings need a neck. Always try on jewelry because they need a woman.
7. Jewelry, like underwear, must be chosen carefully, listening to the sensations. Although, of course, there are such masterpieces akin to high heels - uncomfortable, but chic.
8 ... Jewelry in sets is loved only by Slavs. Please assemble the kits yourself, do not wear the same.
9. Pearls have a cosmetic effect - they refresh any woman, at any age. And starting from 50 pearls must be worn.
10. Wear pretty jewelry every day. After all, maybe today you will go out into the street and meet Destiny.

11. Men always pay attention to extraordinary jewelry, because they speak for you. For many men, this is a good sign, they like women who represent something of themselves.
12 ... Men have taught us the urge to have jewelry whose cost is obvious - this is their way of demonstrating the size of love.
13. Jewelry, like money, loves reciprocity; they come to those who love them.
14. Don't be afraid to wear everything together - silver, gold, jewelry. If jewelry suits you, wear it however you like. There are no invalid combinations.
15. It is unacceptable to wear only what does not suit you. And the only limiting factor is the dress code.
16. Everyday jewelry and those that deserve to be heirlooms are different. There are things out of time. They are easy to recognize - you cannot tell when they were made.
17. Children's jewelry is a realization of a mother.
18. I am annoyed by the same things among girlfriends, the combination of shorts with diamonds and beautiful jewelry on women unworthy of these jewelry.
19. Jewelry should not be viewed as a good investment. In difficult times, you can sell them no more than half. The only advantage of such an investment is that you can always take it with you.
20. Teaching women to wear jewelry is a great joy, and I believe that it will count for me.

The bracelet cools your hand nicely,
I'm trying to make out the monogram,
Silver beckons with a cold shine,
I am trying to distract myself in vain.

March 8th brings us.
Will not leave without a gift
Both girls and adult ladies.
It's so hot outside the windows today.

What to gift? There is no better gift!
Everybody dreams of him once!
Like the lighting is bright and the light is streaming
It's not a pity to pay three thousand for a brooch!

You will not be mistaken in your choice,
And you can't take your eyes off the pebbles,
Either you admire gold, then silver ...
If only I would wear it on myself every day!

Now, if you gave it every day
I have rings, earrings and chains
I'm not too lazy to change jewelry,
I so want these gifts very much!

Men at the counters please
With interest they try their loved ones,
So that in the evening they have something to wear.
Excitement! Don't pass by!

"Which is better to take? A ring or a pendant?"
Magpies are also greedy for shiny things!
I feel like buying myself
I will have gifts for myself!

I'll buy myself today something
What I have secretly dreamed for a long time,
And everyone around will be surprised:
"How little a woman needs to be happy!"

100 best aphorisms and quotes by Coco Chanel

The famous Coco Chanel, whose real name is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, has been an idol and ideal for many generations. Over 87 years of her life, this French fashion designer has given the world an elegant style of clothing, brought trousers, a little black dress, a fitted jacket, jewelry, comfortable handbags to women's fashion, created her own branded perfume, founded the Chanel fashion house, and also left us invaluable tips that have already become aphorisms. We offer you the most famous quotes and sayings of Coco Chanel, which inspire and make you think.

Coco Chanel's statements about life, about love

1. If you want to have what you never had, you have to do what you never did.

2. Everything is in our hands, so they cannot be omitted.

3. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.

4. There is a time to work and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.

5. The best thing about love is doing it.

6. If you were born without wings, do not prevent them from growing.

7. People don't know how to live. They are not taught this.

8. I don't care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all.

9. Genuine happiness is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is a fake.

10. A man capable of actions is doomed to be loved.

11. A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married.

12. I don't know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men.

13. Women tend to be much more careful in choosing their nightgown than their husbands.

14. Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants.

15. Restraining yourself when it is offensive, and not making scenes when it hurts - that's what an ideal woman is.

16. You pay for love in installments, and for the most part, alas, when love has already ended.

17. I have no warm feelings for anyone. I either love it or I don’t.

18. Fate has no reason, no reason to bring outsiders together.

19. Whatever one may say, there is only one woman in a man's life, all the others are her shadows ...

20. Women don't have friends. They are either loved or not!

21. Coquetry is the victory of reason over feelings.

22. To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time.

23. If a woman is cheating, there is no need to look for reasonable reasons here: the whole point is not in reason, but in feelings.

24. Real generosity is when ingratitude is forgiven.

25. Strength is based on failure, not success. I became strong when I swam against the current.

26. Don't waste time banging on the wall and hoping that it will turn into a door.

27. So that's what fame is: loneliness.

28. Except for material matters, we do not need advice, but approval.

29. You can still get used to ugliness, never to sloppiness!

30. There are times when you no longer need to touch a work of art - this is when you cannot make it even worse.

31. Falling in love, I have always completely surrendered to my feelings. But when I had to choose between a man and my dresses, I chose dresses. I have always been stronger than my passions; work was like a drug for me. But I doubt that Chanel would have become known to everyone without the help of men ...

32. Never dissolve. You must always be in shape. You cannot show yourself in bad condition. Especially to relatives and friends. They get scared. Enemies, on the other hand, experience happiness. Therefore, no matter what happens, you definitely need to think about how you look.

33. Do not forget that even if you find yourself at the very bottom of grief, if you have nothing left at all, not a single living soul around - you always have a door on which you can knock ... This is work!

34. You cannot have two fates at the same time - the fate of an unbridled fool and a moderate sage. You can't stand the nightlife and be able to create something during the day. You cannot afford food and alcohol that destroy the body, and yet hope to have a body that functions with minimal disruption. A candle that burns at both ends can, of course, spread the brightest light, but the darkness that follows will be long.

35. Food should be simple. Sleep well for seven to eight hours, if you want so much, sleep with the windows open. Get up early, work hard, very hard. It won't hurt anyone, because it will create pep, and the spirit, in turn, will take care of the body's fate. Don't stay up late. After all, what is so valuable about social life that you neglect the pillow to stay awake until the early morning hours!

36. Our homes are our prisons; but we will find freedom in them if we can decorate them at our discretion.

Aphorisms and quotes about fashion and clothing

37. Fashion passes, style remains.

38. Fashion is what goes out of fashion.

39. Fashion, which has not found recognition of the broad masses, is no longer fashion.

40. I love it when fashion goes out, but I don't allow it to come from there.

41. Fashion, like architecture, is a matter of proportions.

42. Fashion is always a reflection of the era, but if it is a silly fashion, they forget about it.

43. Youth fashion is pleonasm, there is no old fashion.

44. Beware of originality; in women's fashion, originality can lead to a masquerade.

45. People are not fond of fashion, but only those few who create it.

46. ​​Fashion no longer exists. It is being created for several hundred people.

47. Chanel is not fashion, Chanel is style.

48. I taught the whole world to wear what suited me.

49. It is impossible to be innovative all the time. I want to create classics!

50. I created clothes for women all over the world, and now they tend to go naked.

51. Nothing ages a woman like an oversized suit.

52. When you are dressed well, others notice you, when badly - your clothes.

53. If you were struck by the beauty of a woman, but you cannot remember what she was wearing, it means that she was dressed perfectly.

54. Be a caterpillar during the day and a butterfly in the evening. Nothing is more comfortable than a caterpillar, and no one is more suitable for love than a butterfly. A woman needs creeping dresses and flying dresses. The butterfly does not go to the market, and the caterpillar does not go to the ball.

55. The worse a girl is doing, the better she should look.

56. It is said that women dress for the sake of women, that they are inspired by the spirit of competition. This is true. But if there were no more men left in the world, they would stop dressing.

57. The principle of women is not to dress for the pleasure of their men. Freedom is always stylish.

58. A well-cut dress suits any woman. Point!

59. Look for a woman in a dress. If there is no woman, then there is no dress.

60. A beautiful dress may look beautiful on a hanger, but that doesn't mean anything. A dress should be judged when it is on a woman, when a woman moves her arms, legs, bends her waist.

61. Today you may have a meeting with destiny, and you should be beautifully dressed.

62. When choosing accessories, take off what you put on last.

63. Sometimes it is better to remove than to add.

64. The best fashion accessory for a woman is a handsome man!

65. I don't like long jackets - when talking to a man, I don't see how he treats me.

66. A woman should dress so that a man wants to undress her!

67. People with good taste wear costume jewelry. Everyone else has to wear gold.

68. It is impossible to wear a lot of real jewelry if there are no women around, hung with counterfeit ones.

69. A girl must be able to do two things: be fabulous and stylish.

70. Bad taste has limits, only good taste is endless.

71. Saint Laurent has amazing taste. The more he imitates me, the better he tastes.

Aphorisms and quotes about perfume and perfumery

72. Perfume speaks about a woman more than her handwriting.

73. Perfume is an invisible, but unforgettable, unsurpassed fashion accessory. He notifies of the appearance of a woman and continues to remind of her when she is gone ...

74. Perfume should be applied where you want a man to kiss you.

75. Women who do not use perfumes are very self-confident women, for the train of correctly selected perfume, which reaches after a beautiful lady, always accompanies the image she creates, playing not the last, and sometimes even the first role in creating this image.

Aphorisms about age and beauty

76. At 20 your face is given to you by nature, at 30 - life molds it, but at 50 you have to deserve it yourself ... Nothing ages so much as the desire to be young. After 50 no one is young anymore. But I know 50 year olds who are more attractive than three quarters of poorly groomed young women.

77. Age for a woman is not the most important thing: you can be delightful at 20, charming at 40 and remain irresistible until the end of your days.

Excerpt from the book "Jewelry Retail Craftsmanship"

You know, when I began to send individual chapters of the book to my colleagues, most of them answered me "don't try to sell it, this will become your most powerful competitive advantage."

But our mission is to lay down new service standards in local jewelry chains. Only due to the exclusive attitude and attention to each client will it be possible to resist the "resource" strategy of the largest market players.

From words to deeds - 30 ready-made phrases to start a dialogue

I present to your attention an excerpt (yes, there are more than 50 of them in the book) from our book. Print the list for your salespeople, I'm sure they'll find something new for their work!

  • Do you want to please yourself or someone close to you?
  • (HIT) Do you want to show something right away or take a little look around?
  • Are you visiting our salon for the first time?
  • Today is a gift for you in our salon!
  • Pick something specific, maybe earrings or a ring?
  • An interesting promotion is taking place in our salon ...
  • A good choice! This showcase features a handcrafted collection.
  • Let me tell you about our interesting discounts.
  • You're in good luck, we have a sale today.
  • We are glad to see you (if permanent)
  • Is it still raining outside?
  • (shifting goods next to each other)- Do you see the products well?
  • What are you interested in?
  • Pay attention, we have unique discounts today!
  • Looking for something specific?
  • Let me guide you through our large store. In this room ... in the back room ...
  • What do you want to pamper yourself with?
  • How would you like to please yourself?
  • Today for products with a green circle 50% discount
  • Special offer today for chains / bracelets. Discount 35%
  • Is everything also sunny?
  • Your little one speaks so well! Does he go to school already?
  • (to a young man) Cool haircut! Where did you make it?
  • Happy holiday to you! (With which?) Today is the day of our favorite customers / Today is the day of profitable purchases
  • Does the air conditioner bother you?
  • Our salon provides a children's area, your children can draw at the table
  • I remember you very well! We have selected insanely beautiful earrings with sapphires for you, right?
  • You have a very beautiful tan. Looking at you immediately wants to go on vacation. Where did you rest?
  • It looks like you came with the whole family. What is your special occasion?
  • It's very cold today, I'll pour you a cup of warming tea.
  • It's very hot today, I'll pour you some cool water.
  • A large selection of watches appeared in our salon this month