Red sores on the face come and go. Types of sores on the face. How to get rid of sores. Small on hands, with liquid inside

Many women are worried about skin diseases on the face, which spoil the appearance and mood. For some diseases, a doctor's consultation and medications are necessary, others can be treated by cosmetologists in beauty salons.

Causes of skin diseases on the face

The causes of skin diseases that manifest themselves on the sensitive skin of the face in humans can be the following:

  • Illiterate or lack of care. The older a woman is, the more thoroughly she should take care of her skin.
  • Incorrect selection of cosmetics. It's important to choose the right products for your skin type.
  • Heredity.
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. This includes unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking too much alcohol and chronic fatigue.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and circulatory system can cause skin rashes and red spots on the face.

A good beautician will first of all determine why the problem has arisen, and only then will deal with its elimination.

About some varieties

In this section of the site, you will learn about the many types of skin diseases on the face and how to treat them. The most common problem is acne, which is manifested by inflammation of the sebaceous glands and blackheads. With age, rosacea, the manifestation of vascular networks on the skin, and chloasma, pigmentation, are increasingly common. Descriptions of other skin diseases on the face - papillomas, impetigo, vitiligo, seborrheic dermatitis and others - are also presented in this section.

Each type of disease requires its own treatment plan, and if you want to keep young and beautiful skin on your face, you should not start skin diseases or try to treat them yourself. Only a specialist will advise on suitable medications and folk remedies, as well as cosmetic preparations to solve the problem.

Skin lesions are a phenomenon that not only negatively affects the appearance, but also a sign that health problems are possible. Facial warts are a problem that can occur in anyone, at any age. Before starting the fight ...

Many women are faced with the appearance of meshes on the skin, which consist of small blood vessels. Their structure is such that they resemble stars, and in medicine this phenomenon is called rosacea. Removal of spider veins on the face has long been considered a task of cosmetology, equal ...

Pathogens of various skin diseases are present on the surface of the epithelium of all people. If a person's defense systems fail, they actively attack the body, causing a fungus on the face. This causes many inconveniences, and if left untreated, it can turn into a serious problem. Further …

Fat under the eye (lipoma) is a cosmetic defect that is a small lump on the skin, under which subcutaneous fat accumulates. There is no exit channel in this neoplasm, so the lump can gradually increase in size. Lipoma, as a rule, does not harm the patient's health, but ...

Our nose is a kind of indicator for cold, heat and certain malfunctions in the body. This is due to the fact that the skin on it is very thin and delicate. Redness of the nose as a reaction to weather conditions is referred to as a temporary cosmetic defect. And here …

Red acne on the face can ruin the beauty of any person. Not only does acne spoil the complexion, makes the skin loose and inflamed, it can also leave ugly marks even after complete recovery. There are several types of acne, but more often ...

Seborrheic dermatitis on the face is one of the most common manifestations of seborrhea and types of dermatitis. Many people experience this disease at some age or other in their lives. The most susceptible to this problem are adolescents, babies, men. The phenomenon is characterized by the appearance on the skin ...

Patients with psoriasis know how much this disease can worsen life, a person's well-being - both physical and psychological. This disease is accompanied by the appearance of lesions on the face that are clearly visible, and no cosmetic products will help to completely mask them. The skin here is characterized by increased ...

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious disease. The problem is characterized by a rash of pinkish-red color, which can appear on any part of the body. In addition to an aesthetic problem, the disease also provokes severe itching, and in general it significantly reduces the quality of life ...

Xanthoma on the skin is a formation that appears as a result of a violation of fat metabolism and contributes to the change in skin cells. These formations are formed from xanthoma cells, which are multinucleated phagocytes with fatty components. The name of these formations comes from the Greek language, where "xanthos" is translated ...

There are many types of allergic diseases, and neurodermatitis is one of the most common of them. This term means an inflammatory disease of an allergic nature and proceeding in a chronic form. The main manifestations of the disease are the appearance of rashes on the skin, ...

Skin problems, especially in adolescence, are a frequent problem of the modern generation. Acne vulgaris is a type of acne that affects both boys and girls. In the article we will figure out why this disease of the skin of the face occurs, how to get rid of it and the ways ...

Rosacea is a complex chronic disease characterized by high levels of redness and red acne. Scientists have proven that women suffer from this ailment more often, about 60%. What are the ways to deal with this problem? Symptoms Faced with this ailment, it should be understood that ...

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease in which the sebaceous glands, hair follicles and the smallest vessels of the skin are affected. The disease is manifested by reddening of the face and the appearance of inflammatory rashes, which significantly worsen the appearance and quality of life of the patient. A dermatologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this pathologist. ...

Chickenpox is traditionally considered a childhood disease as it affects babies in most cases. But recently, chickenpox has been increasingly detected in adults, which is difficult and can leave behind serious consequences. Reasons for the development of the disease The disease is caused by the microorganism varicella ...

For the first time, the concept of "lentigo" can be encountered after a sunburn. As a result of exposure to sunlight, brown spots appear on the skin, which many call freckles, but this has nothing to do with them. Most often, lentigo appears on the face, since ...

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Streptoderma is a serious infectious skin disease caused by a pathogen such as streptococcus. The disease manifests itself in the form of skin lesions, sometimes other symptoms are also noted. The disease is quite unpleasant and it can be cured with high quality only after consulting a competent dermatologist. Per …

According to the observations of dermatologists, ten patients per month deal with the problem of age spots on the skin. One of these diseases is chloasma on the face. Why is there strong pigmentation? Chloasma is an excessive pigmentation of the skin on the body, which has its own boundaries. These stains can ...

If acne appears after 25 years, then you should not fight them yourself, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. He will examine you and prescribe a special treatment that is right for you. After all, as you know, the skin is a mirror of the soul and, ...

The beginning of the school year after such a long summer vacation is a very crucial moment not only for parents, but also for the schoolchildren or students themselves. In this article, we will not talk about buying new clothes or writing utensils, but about facial care. After …

While in the womb, the baby receives absolute protection and a sterile environment. In the first days of his life, a child he falls under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, the action of which is reflected in the form of rashes on the body or various diseases of the face. Baby rash on the face ...

A face disease such as acne can overtake a person at any age. It often happens that women go through dozens of creams and ointments in the hope of regaining clear skin, but to no avail. Therefore, it is very important to find the most effective remedy for acne on the face ...

Almost every person of any age has faced such a nuisance as a rash on the chin. Of course, the presence of small rashes does not look quite aesthetically pleasing, so there is an urgent need to eliminate the existing problem. It is important to understand the reasons for its occurrence, and only then ...

Women are always very sensitive to their own appearance. Therefore, such a disease of the face as a sudden rash on the face delivers many experiences. It is important to know about the causes of its occurrence in order to quickly eliminate such a nuisance and prevent its further occurrence. ...

A lump on the body, no matter where it is located (a bump under the chin is quite common), is a fairly frequent, not very pleasant phenomenon, the scientific name of a hygroma. A lump on the face under the skin can be triggered by various factors, and this will depend on ...

For any mother, there is nothing in the world more important than the health of her baby. Therefore, the slightest disturbance in his health or appearance does not escape her attentive gaze. Most often, mothers are worried about dark circles under the eyes of a child. Where do they come from? AND …

Since ancient times, in the popular perception, the image of an incredibly beautiful woman is inextricably linked with clean, healthy skin and with the selection of the right skin care procedures. And in our century, this idea has not changed, but only got stronger in the minds of representatives ...

Pregnancy for a woman is the brightest and most wonderful time. The skin during this period is especially sensitive and reacts to all hormonal changes in the body. Acne on the face during pregnancy, as well as the appearance of a "cold" on the lips of expectant mothers, is quite common. ...

Any inflammatory processes on the skin are an unpleasant symptom, but you can somehow put up with it and fight it. But what to do if there is a rather noticeable irritation on the face? It is with this question that we will deal with in our article. Irritation on the face: ...

For a long time people have attached sacred meaning to birthmarks. Many fatal beauties of the past had moles. And in the present century, women consider moles on their faces to be their special highlight. However, this phenomenon is still largely mysterious, therefore it requires ...

The appearance of rashes and inflammations on the skin of the face is an extremely unpleasant factor. Pimples on the nose and face spoil the appearance and mood very much, so you need to get rid of them. The causes of these rashes are very different, we will talk about this below. What are ...

With the onset of cold weather, the beautiful half of humanity often notes with horror a deterioration in appearance. In addition to the dull tone of the skin and peeling, such a nuisance as a cold on the face is added. In this regard, every woman needs to know how to quickly fix this problem. ...

We all strive for excellence. But how often such a nuisance as acne on the cheeks arises on the way to him, which sometimes even turns into a problem! Such a disease of the face as inflammation in the cheeks is the most difficult to hide, you need to start right away ...

Everyone dreams of perfect skin, and pimples on the chin and neck can spoil the impression, seemingly a trifle, but very noticeable. Sometimes good makeup cannot hide the imperfections of our skin. A problem such as acne, blackheads, rashes on the skin may appear ...

Many people are concerned about the condition of the facial skin. Perfect skin is the key to success. Acne is one of the most common problems. I will pay the most reverent attention to the area around the mouth, namely a pimple on the lip! When pimples appear on the face, it becomes very difficult to do this ...

Women have a long history of striving for excellence. The beautiful half of humanity is especially anxious about the topic of their appearance. But on the way to a magnificent appearance, the problem of inflammation on the face often arises. What becomes the trigger in an issue like acne ...

Women tend to strive for perfection. However, often on the way to this, such a nuisance as acne on the forehead arises as an obstacle. Of course, you can cover up sudden inflammation with bangs, but this will not solve the problem. This issue requires an integrated approach. ...

Smaller lesions, especially basal cell carcinoma, are often incidental findings on examination associated with a completely different problem.

Causes of ulcers and blisters on the face

Common reasons:

  • impetigo;
  • Herpes zoster;
  • basal cell carcinoma;
  • keratoacanthoma.

Possible reasons:

  • squamous cell carcinoma;
  • ulcerative form of melanoma and lentiginous melanoma (Hutchinson's malignant freckle);
  • medications (such as barbiturates);
  • neurotic acne;
  • ulceration of the dental canal.

Rare reasons:

  • neurotic excoriations;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pemphigus (pemphigus);
  • actinomycosis;
  • primary syphilitic chancre or tertiary syphilitic gum;
  • cutaneous leishmaniasis;
  • noma.

comparison table

Basal cell carcinoma Herpes zoster Keratoacanthoma Impetigo HSV
Fever and weakness No Yes No No Possible
Fast flow No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Persistent character Available No No Available Yes
Occurs in children No Perhaps No Yes Yes
Multiple damage type No Yes No Yes Yes

Diagnostics of the ulcers and blisters on the face

Survey methods

Acute lesions rarely require additional research, while chronic lesions present a more difficult diagnostic task. In such cases, a biopsy or excisional biopsy is the gold standard of diagnosis. Cytology taken by scraping from the surface of the lesion may be useful in the case of basal cell carcinoma. Serologic testing for syphilis is useful if primary or tertiary syphilis is suspected.

Remember that HSV can affect more than just the lip area. The characteristic lesion and the persistent nature of the disease will help make the diagnosis.

To avoid unnecessary anxiety on the part of the patient, especially in the case of a small lesion, the term "basal cell carcinoma" can be replaced by "corrosive ulcer". However, motivate the patient to see a specialist.

Patients with Herpes zoster may be concerned about a variety of "rumors" associated with herpes zoster. Clarify the patient's fears and conduct an explanatory conversation: tell about the disease, including the possibility of postherpetic neuralgia.

If your child has recurrent impetigo, consider having a predisposing condition, especially eczema.

If you have any doubts about the diagnosis, refer the patient for an urgent skin biopsy. And remember, chronic facial ulcers are rarely benign.

Ulceration at the site of an abnormally pigmented area of ​​the skin suggests the presence of a neglected malignant disease.

Use caution when performing an excisional biopsy unless you have a specialized training; important aesthetic areas are legal minefields for the physician.

Take an epidemic history: leishmaniasis is transmitted through the bites of Mediterranean or southern mosquitoes.

Be vigilant in the presence of Herpes zoster or HSV periorbital localization: serious complications can develop, so treat and observe the patient carefully. If necessary, refer the patient to an ophthalmologist consultation.

They continue to mercilessly scratch the skin, trying to extract the contents of the eel.

And if pus does not come out of the inner lump, they pierce it with a needle, getting to the meat itself.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT ARE a guide to action!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Agree, who has not happened to that you have picked out a pimple to a deep wound, which has become inflamed again and does not heal for a long time?

But this situation is fraught with consequences - secondary infection, the formation of deep scars and scars.

To prevent this, let's look at ways to heal acne sores without complications.

What is a pimple

A pimple is a duct of the sebaceous gland clogged with fatty secretions and horny scales of the epithelium, into which pathogenic bacteria have penetrated, provoking inflammation.

It all starts with the formation of open and closed comedones - or millets. Didn't you press the enlarged pores with your nails at least once, from which white thick grease stood out?

It is for this reason that papules, pustules, nodules and purulent cysts are formed. And it affects not only the entire face, but also spreads to the body.

A subcutaneous pimple looks large on the surface, and the pus is deep in the dermis.

It often happens that I pressed and pressed on the tubercle, but did not squeeze anything out. And now she has appeared torn apart, and the girl does not know at all what to do with her.

But the pathological contents may not leak out, but inward, which will lead to the appearance of new rashes.

But not everyone realistically imagines all the consequences of such an initiative, which often turn out to be much more serious.

Varieties of sores

After tearing up acne, a wide variety of defects appear on the skin:

  • abscess- a relatively mild sore, when the duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked by fat and becomes inflamed. It is enough to anoint the focus with an antiseptic a couple of times to prevent further spread of the infection;

  • - more serious pathology. Not only is the mouth of the sebaceous duct affected by bacteria, but also necrosis of the surrounding tissues and the gland itself begins. The disease, when several such formations pop up, is called furunculosis.

  • also the lesions can merge into one which hurts unbearably and boils. Often, the body temperature rises and the general well-being worsens. Unfortunately, the disease cannot be quickly cured. A long-term admission is shown, and in advanced cases, surgical intervention is required;

Photo: hydradenitis in the armpit

  • hydradenitis- inflammation in the sweat glands deep under the skin, often occurring in the perineum or in the armpits. These bumps are very painful and filled with pus. The main reason is the penetration of microbes through scratches, abrasions and other injuries;
  • folliculitis Is an infectious process of hair follicles or follicles. The problem is localized in the hairy areas and the body. As in the case of hydradenitis, surgical opening of the lesions and thorough debridement of the internal cavities are required.

Photo: folliculitis of the scalp

How to get rid of them

If any unknown sores appear on the integument, you need to visit a doctor.

Emergency care is required for large lumps, and purulent foci, accompanied by a high body temperature.

In no case should you self-medicate and apply. Only a doctor is able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

If the sore is small or the wound is shallow and harmless, then you can take action at home:

Photo: for small wounds, applications with aloe leaf will help

  • wipe with a sterile bandage soaked in a solution of hydrogen 3%;
  • attach a leaf to the damaged area and seal it with a plaster. Change the dressing every 5-6 hours. After the first procedure, the sore will begin to noticeably tighten;
  • injured areas from acne can be smeared with spruce resin. If you do this 3-4 times a day, you will be able to heal the damage in a few days.

But you can try to speed up the regeneration process with the help of an anesthetic aerosol Olazol with sea buckthorn oil or Algofin ointment. The latter is also applied under the bandage if the affected area has a large area.

Why is self-deletion dangerous?

There are stories of deaths after such manipulations, when death occurs in just a few days as a result of sepsis.

How to get rid of the acne habit

The easiest way is to imagine the dire effects of acne.

Better yet, look at pictures and videos on this topic on the Internet. If this method does not help, then you need to occupy your hands with something as soon as they reach for the next one.

For example, you can pick through the bubble wrap, which is very distracting and soothing to the nerves.

Girls who have stopped squeezing acne give the following recommendations:

  • less often you look in the mirror, unless you need to fix your hair or makeup, try not to touch the rashes with your hands;
  • play sports or find a hobby that will take up all your free time. Watch movies, read books, listen to music, go to a beauty salon and concerts, spend more time outside the home;
  • If you think people are constantly paying attention to your pimple, focus on the merits. A beautiful hairstyle, a new lipstick, a tight-fitting dress, high-heeled shoes, a bold manicure - all these distracting maneuvers will help you and others to forget about rashes;
  • love yourself for who you are with all the flaws, because no one is perfect. But when a real inferiority complex has already developed, seek help from a psychologist;
  • if you have a severe form, then it is better to go to a beautician and start treatment in a timely manner;
  • watch out, consume more vitamins, drink purified water, green tea, natural juices and yoghurts, give up bad habits;
  • observe hygiene, cleanse your face correctly, apply periodically and moisturize the covers regularly.

What to do after an unsuccessful extrusion

You need to think a hundred times before squeezing a pimple.

After all, the film surrounding the pus is so thin that it breaks easily. And the pathological content flows not only outward, but also inward.

After unsuccessful manipulations, it is necessary to prevent the spread of infection:

Photo: the focus of inflammation must be cauterized with salicylic alcohol

  • cauterize the damage first salicylic acid or peroxide. You do not need to do this with iodine or alcohol, so as not to get a serious burn;

  • if the wound is purulent, then apply a cotton pad with Vishnevsky's ointment to the focus at night;
  • then lubricate every day with zinc ointment, to relieve swelling and dry.

Photo: zinc ointment will remove swelling and dry the element

Until complete healing, do not use decorative cosmetics, especially foundation and powder.

How to remove redness

It also happens: a girl picks out a pimple and does not know how to remove redness.

The main thing is to do it correctly so that secondary infection does not occur, and a large boil does not form.

You can cope with the problem quickly if you use one of the proven methods:

  • apply Vizin to the hearth;
  • treat a cotton pad with vasoconstrictor nasal drops and place in the freezer for 10 minutes. And then apply to the reddened area for a while;

Photo: the use of cosmetic ice with chamomile will relieve redness

  • freeze a decoction of chamomile, calendula or parsley in ice molds, and wipe the covers with cubes several times a day;
  • dry and chop walnut leaves, calendula inflorescences, willow bark and pour vodka. Insist for at least a week in a dark place, occasionally shaking the jar. The lotion is applied pointwise with a cotton swab 2-3 times per evening.

How to relieve inflammation

The following remedies have a beneficial effect on the skin, heal, disinfect and relieve inflammation:

  • Depantol cream (Dexpanthenol and Chlorhexidine)- perfectly absorbed, penetrating deep into the dermis, stimulates cell renewal;
  • ointment Pantoderm (Dexpanthenol)- increases elasticity and accelerates regeneration;

  • liniment Syntomycin- suppresses inflammation and fights infection, cleanses and tightens wounds;
  • Metrogyl (Metronidazole)- destroys pathogenic flora and prevents its further reproduction;

Photo: gel with metronidazole will destroy pathogenic microflora

  • cream-gel Bee celandine(essential oils of sandalwood, tea tree, celandine and others) - disinfects, restores damaged tissues, relieves itching and redness;
  • ointment Sledocid(zinc oxide and hyaluronic acid) - removes pigmentation and stops the inflammatory process, moisturizes, dissolves scars, prevents the appearance of new acne;

Photo: Contractubex will make scars less noticeable

  • gel Contractubex(heparin, allantoin and onion extract) - removes scars, restores the epithelium, reduces itching.
  1. If, after tearing apart the pimple, a swelling has begun that does not decrease in size, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a furuncle forming.
  2. It is allowed to crush only fully ripe elements that do not hurt, have a cone-shaped shape with a white head on the surface. You should never forget about the cleanliness and disinfection of the skin and hands. The process of extracting pus is over only when scarlet blood begins to stand out. It is imperative to treat the wound after the completion of the operation (with Chlorhexidine, calendula tincture, hydrogen peroxide).
  3. It is important to avoid stressful situations, as negative emotions contribute to an increase in the number of acne.

Girls, do not get upset about another pimple and immediately squeeze and pick it out.

After all, rarely does anyone have a truly perfect face without a single flaw. And you don't have to compare yourself to Hollywood actresses on magazine covers or artists in music videos. Believe me, it was not without photoshop and tons of cosmetics.

In fact, celebrities are people too, and many of them have naturally oily skin with enlarged pores.

Video: "How to get rid of acne on the face"

An unhealing sore on the skin, what is it?

It may be skin basal cell carcinoma. It looks like a burgundy, reddish, or pink sore on the skin that sometimes flakes or hurts. The sore does not heal with conventional treatment and gets worse over time. Rounded formation with a reddish tinge, sometimes there is a depression in the center. This sore belongs to cancer.

As an oncologist, I am treated by patients with formations of the skin of the face, trunk, extremities.

So what is basalioma?

Basal cell carcinoma of the face is a tumor arising from the basal layer of the skin. This disease is cancerous. It differs from tumor cancer:

  • Slow growth
  • Lack of metastases.
  • Why is it dangerous?
If a patient does not pay attention to a wound that does not heal for a long time, it can capture more cells of healthy skin, destroying it. In this case, the function of the skin is impaired.

Malignant cells cannot protect the body from the negative effects of the external environment.

How does basalioma proceed?

The patient is not even aware that he is sick. There is redness, unevenness of the skin, most often the face. Pick off the crust, grease with all kinds of creams and ointments. But there is no change. Basalioma begins to invade more and more tissues. If you do not touch it, then its growth occurs slowly. But, if injured, rapid growth begins, ulcers are formed, with bleeding and suppuration.

What does a sore on the skin look like?


  • Skin lesion with a dense and uniform film
  • Spherical shape (shape - half a ball)
  • Along the edges of the thickening
  • In the center is a depression
  • Clear boundaries
  • In the center is a dense film with small scales
Why do sores appear on the head?

The disease occurs when:

  • Sun abuse
  • Elderly persons (skin aging)
  • Immunity impairment
  • Cosmetic radiation exposure
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Harmful working conditions (tobacco tar, oil products)
  • Residents of hot countries.
  • How to treat basalioma-like sores?
Two methods of treatment are most commonly used:

The first option is surgical removal in small sizes up to two centimeters, it is possible to remove it on an outpatient basis. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and is excised by radio frequency (RF) excision. Further treatment is dynamic observation.

The second treatment option is X-ray therapy. This treatment is carried out at the Oncology Center. For treatment in the RKOD, an examination of the UAC, OAM, b / x analysis, etc. is necessary. (as for the operation). Daily procedures from 15 to 17 sessions.

So, don't start your growths. See your oncologist on time. It will save you time, money and return your health!

What is the difference between basalioma and melanoma?

Melanoma, like basalioma, is a tumor that appears on the human skin. As mentioned earlier, the most important difference is that basal cell carcinoma does not metastasize, but melanoma is of a malignant nature, in which metastases form very quickly, therefore it is considered the most dangerous form of skin cancer. But, at the same time, melanoma is considered the most serious disease, develops faster, locally more extensive, and is practically incurable (except in very rare cases).

In order to notice progressive melanoma, it is necessary to carry out regular careful self-monitoring of all skin lesions. If you have moles on your body, spots of various etiologies, you need to pay close attention to changes in the color, size and texture of the formation. This is especially true for people who often sunbathe in the sun, have moles and freckles. Oncologists say that melanoma usually appears in young people and, according to statistics, it is more often young women.

Melanoma is an insidious tumor! Metastases can appear even from microscopic formation. Difficult to diagnose in such a short time interval. The disease grows from cells that form skin pigments (sunburn, birthmark, ephelium (freckles).

What does melanoma look like? And how can you spot it?

  • Uneven lumpy contour of a mole
  • An existing mole has sharply increased in size, or a new one has appeared
  • Uneven color of the formation, the appearance of a red inflamed rim on the edges (usually pigment and birthmarks have a single color)
  • Blood and / or itching may appear
It's important to know! A birthmark in a normal state: it does not change color, size and structure, has clear rounded contours and does not bring any discomfort. This also applies to age spots.

According to an oncologist, melanoma in men is localized on the back, in women - on the leg (in particular, on the lower leg).

Melanoma occurs if you often and for a long time to be in the sun, especially for people with fair skin, and more especially for people with age spots and pigment spots on the body. It is strongly recommended that people with these skin conditions do not sunbathe in direct sunlight. While being outdoors in the shade in the morning or evening hours (in summer), a person receives enough ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D for normal life.

Effective treatment of melanoma consists in timely detection of the formation and immediate surgical removal.

As with basiloma, if you suspect melanoma, you should immediately consult an oncologist, since, as has already been said, the disease is rapidly progressing.