Who retires before retirement age. Preferential seniority for retirement. Preferential pension: who is entitled to, how to receive

The specified list of requirements is enshrined in the law "On insurance pensions", but they are being introduced gradually. To receive an old-age insurance pension, 15 years of insurance experience will be necessary for those leaving for retirement after 2024. For 2016, the insurance experience is 7 years, for 2017 - 8 years, for 2018 - 9 years and further until 2024 on an increasing basis.

In the absence of any length of service (or lack of service required for appointment), social pensions may be assigned instead of the insurance pension payment.

  • persons aged 65/60, as well as citizens of other states and stateless persons who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the above age;
  • citizens from among the peoples of the North at the age of 55/50 years, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equated to it on the date of establishment of the pension.

Is it possible to retire before retirement age?

Due to the peculiarities of performing some work, pension benefits may be assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Retirement opportunity ahead of schedule provided in such cases:

  • When working in industries with difficult or hazardous working conditions (for example, in hot workshops). The list of specialties that make it possible to classify production in this category is enshrined in law. Such citizens have every right to retire. for 5 years earlier, and in some situations - on 10.
  • If the employee worked on the territory Far north, preferential pension provision is established earlier for 5 years... And if the work was carried out in the specified areas in production with difficult or hazardous working conditions, then there is an opportunity to take advantage of a double benefit - to reduce the retirement age by two criteria at once.
  • For health reasons, citizens who have been established disability in the order determined by the legislation.
  • If a citizen is recognized unemployed provided that the employment service does not have the necessary vacancies and the opportunity to employ this applicant.

The right to early assignment of a retirement pension

Some persons, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to an early retirement pension. In particular, the following can count on it professional categories of citizens:

  • public transport drivers;
  • miners and other specialties of workers employed in the mining industry;
  • health workers;
  • women men who are part of the crew of different types of ships;
  • teaching staff;
  • persons engaged in creative activities.

The right to retire early is also granted to a number of categories of persons, regardless of their work activity, for example, mothers with many children, some categories of disabled people and citizens with certain diseases. Also, this opportunity exists for northerners, that is, for people who worked or lived for a certain period of time in the Far North.

Preferential hazard pension (List 1 and 2)

There are two fairly large lists, which list the industries, professions and positions that make it possible to retire early. List No. 1 includes 22 such industries, and List No. 2 - 32. But the difference is not only in quantitative data.

List No. 1 contains a list of industries with the most difficult and harmful working conditions. It:

  • All types of work underground(geological exploration, mining in mines and mines, laying of subways and tunnels, etc.).
  • Work in hot shops(glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, production of ceramic products by firing, etc.).
  • Works with very harmful to health and severe working conditions associated with oil refining, production of electrical equipment, production of ammunition, etc.

List No. 2 includes:

  • mining operations(construction of tunnels and subways, open pit mining, etc.);
  • work in difficult and hazardous conditions(food and light industry, production of medicines, gas, peat, oil, etc.);
  • work in transport(railway, city, sea, aviation).

Reducing the retirement age

For men who have worked in professions from List No. 1 for at least 10 years and whose insurance experience is 20 years, the age of retirement reduced to 50 years... Women on this List are eligible for early retirement 45 years, if there is a work experience of 7.5 years in a particularly hazardous production and 15 years of insurance experience. If workers worked in the above industries for less than half of the annual working time, then they are assigned a pension according to List No. 2.

According to List No. 2, an early pension is granted to men in 55 years(insurance experience - 25 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 12.5 years), and women - in 50 years(insurance experience - 20 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 10 years). Medical workers (30 years of experience - in the city and in the countryside - 25 years), teachers of municipal educational institutions (with 25 years of experience) also have the right to receive preferential pensions.

List of selected professions that qualify for early retirement

In addition to the above professions and positions, a preferential pension is available to:

  • pilots;
  • firefighters;
  • parachutists;
  • workers of logging and timber floating;
  • ballet, theater and circus artists;
  • rescuers of emergency services.

Another industry in which a huge number of people work, and which is worth noting separately - construction... List No. 537, approved by the Government of Russia on July 18, 2002, includes both management positions and working specialties.

Groups working in construction are legally entitled to receive early retirement benefits:

  • brigade stone cutters and bricklayers;
  • roofers and bitumen workers;
  • asphalt concrete paver operators;
  • foremen and foremen of construction and installation works.

Early retirement pension for various social categories of citizens

Above, the able-bodied category of the population was considered, but there is also a certain list of persons who have the opportunity to go on a well-deserved rest before the established age - the right of these citizens is determined by social circumstances. These include:

  • Mothers of many children who gave birth and raised 5 children up to eight years old, and at the same time they must have 15 years of work experience.
  • Parents of disabled children whom they raised until they were eight years old. An early retirement pension comes 5 years earlier if you have work experience (15 years - mother, 20 years - father).
  • Guardians of disabled children, whom they kept and raised up to 8 years old. They have the right to receive pension benefits 5 years earlier.
  • Of persons who have become disabled due to military injury and those who worked for 25 years - men, 20 years - women. They retire 5 years earlier.
  • Visually impaired group 1 with an experience of 15 years for men and 10 years for women. They leave for a well-deserved rest even earlier: at 50 years old - men, at 40 years old - women.
  • Citizens who are disproportionate dwarfs diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism with work experience of 20 years for men and 15 years for women: men become pensioners at 45, women at 40.

Pension in the Far North and equivalent areas

Citizens who live in the regions of the North, and persons who previously worked in these regions, independently from their current place of residence, are entitled to:

  1. on preferential old age insurance pension;
  2. on increase in fixed payment to one of the types of insurance pensions: old age, loss of breadwinner or disability.

Early retirement is granted:

  • Citizens who worked in the North 15 years or 17 years in areas that are equated to the north. They can retire 5 years earlier with a total seniority of 25 years for men and 20 years for women.
  • Root residents of the Far North who worked as commercial fishermen, hunters and reindeer herders for 25 years for men and 20 years for women. They go on a retirement vacation 10 years earlier than the general deadline.
  • Women who have given birth to 2 children or more and have worked for 12 years in the North or 17 years in an area equated to the North, with a total experience of 20 years.

The fixed payment to the insurance pension is increased by the regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the entire stay in these areas. When a citizen leaves their localities for another place of residence, the amount of pension provision is calculated without taking into account this coefficient.

Social pension for the small peoples of the North

There are certain conditions for establishing a social pension for these citizens:

  • age 55/50 for men and women, respectively;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the North.

On January 1, 2015, a new condition appeared - permanent residence in the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North.

To establish a social pension, a person must have a document that confirms belonging to the small peoples of the North. Such a document is a passport or a birth certificate, where it is indicated nationality... If this information is absent in the documents, it is confirmed by a certificate issued by the community of indigenous small peoples of the North.

When this category of persons leaves for a new place of residence in a locality that does not belong to the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North, the payment of the pension is suspended, because the right to this type of social pension is considered forfeited.

Early retirement pensions for unemployed citizens

Unemployed citizens can apply for a pension early if the a number of conditions:

  • in accordance with the established procedure, the employment center recognized the citizen as unemployed;
  • the employment service has no opportunity to employ a citizen;
  • the citizen was dismissed because the enterprise was liquidated or the sole proprietor's activities were terminated, the number or staff of workers was reduced;
  • availability of a proposal from the employment center for the early establishment of a pension for the unemployed;
  • insurance record of the unemployed: 20 and 25 years (for women and men, respectively) and, if necessary, the presence of seniority in relevant jobs;
  • the minimum number of pension points (in 2018 - 13.8 points);
  • reaching a certain age;
  • a person applying for an early retirement pension.

The PFR draws up an early pension for the unemployed at the request of the employment service and with the consent of the citizen no earlier than 2 years before the right to an insurance pension on preferential terms appears, including.

In the event of the above circumstances, the old-age insurance pension will be established:

  • men with 58 years old with an insurance experience of 25 years;
  • women with 53 years with 20 years of experience.

When to apply to the Pension Fund for an appointment?

Registration of an early retirement pension requires a careful approach from the pensioner. Timely preparation the necessary documents and certificates are the key to receiving a well-deserved pension without problems and delays.

Pension security is established from the date when the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to receive security appeared. The day of circulation is the date of receipt by the FIU of all the necessary papers together with the application. When sending them by mail, the day of treatment is the date on the postage stamp.

The fact of acceptance of documents is confirmed by a receipt-notification issued to the person. In the event that the documents are sent by mail, a receipt is either handed over, or also sent by mail. Missing papers must be submitted within 3 months from the date of application.

Pension payments are assigned to persons upon reaching 55 for women and 60 for men. And for those who apply for social benefits, this age is 5 more years more. Before the time to obtain the status of a pensioner, not all people have. To do this, you need to comply with a whole list of conditions.

When can I retire early?

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, there is a certain list of conditions that allow you to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule, namely:

  • Officially unemployed status;
  • The insurance experience must not be less than 25 years for men and 20 years for women;
    no more than 2 years remain until retirement age;
  • Grounds for the last dismissal - reduction, liquidation of the company;
  • There is no opportunity for new employment;
  • The person himself agrees to receive the corresponding status.

It should be noted that the status of a pensioner is granted by employees of the employment service.

How to early retire an unemployed person?

The main reasons for premature retirement are related to how the ex-employee was fired from the last job. This status can only be obtained by those with whom they have terminated their employment due to the liquidation of the organization or the reduction of staff. To do this, apply to the employment center. Also, a list of documents is attached to it - confirming the identity and experience of a citizen.

Who is eligible for early retirement

In general, those who were fired due to the liquidation of the company or the layoff of the staff can become a pensioner. On preferential terms, this right is also granted to other persons. For example, it is also possible for the parents of a disabled child to take a well-deserved rest too early. For men, in this case, there are two requirements: 20 years of experience and 55 years of age. For women, both numbers are 5 liters. smaller. It is necessary to resolve this issue through the pension fund. The same age standards as for parents of disabled children are set for people working in the Far North. An additional requirement for them is 15 years of work experience in the Far North or 20 years in areas equated to them.

Also, Federal Laws and the Labor Code establish two groups of preferential professions with the right to obtain pensioner status earlier than the prescribed age. All of these professions are associated with stressful or harmful working conditions.

Early retirement for women in 2018

For women who have been laid off, 53 years of age are generally relevant. The rest of the rules are associated with special conditions. For example, if a representative of the weaker sex has worked underground for at least 5 years, she will be able to assign pension payments at the age of 50. According to the provisions of the law, there is a direct relationship between the age of a citizen and his experience.

Early retirement for men in 2018

Conditions for early retirement are more stringent for men than for women. On average, they leave 5 years later - in the general order, you can leave 58 liters ahead of time. However, here, too, the special conditions of the profession play a role. For example, 7 years of experience at nuclear energy enterprises is a sufficient reason to receive appropriate payments already in 53.

Early retirement when downsizing in 2018

With the reduction, women will be able to receive the right to payments as early as 53 years old, and men - at 58 years old. For this, the labor exchange must recognize them as unemployed and those who cannot find a job at the moment. The amount of the pension for early retirement in case of reduction of employees is calculated in the same way as in the general procedure, without any restrictions. The determinants are payments to the Pension Fund and the average salary of a citizen.

Retire early through the employment center

To retire early from the labor exchange, you need to write an application and get the desired pensioner status. In addition to the application, you should bring your passport and work record book. The first document will confirm the identity, and with the help of the second it will be possible to calculate the length of service. The offer to leave must come from the employees of the employment service, but the person himself must give his consent.

Documents for early retirement due to harm

In this case, an application for premature retirement in case of redundancy is submitted to the FIU. The package of documents looks like this:

  • Certificate of the harmfulness of production;
  • Identification;
  • Labor book, in which there is information not only about the general, but also about the "harmful" experience;
  • Documents on the amount of wages.

It takes about 2 months for the PFR specialists to check the documentation and assign payments.

Cancellation of early retirement

In Russia, news about the cancellation of the opportunity to receive the status of a pensioner for several categories ahead of time is being actively discussed. However, this new rule is typical only for representatives of the medical and educational professions. All other categories, such as: "northerners", people working in harmful conditions - will be able to go on a well-deserved rest as before.

The legal term in question is translated from Latin as "payment". Officially pension- These are monthly payments in such a monetary equivalent, which is established and assigned by the state for specific categories of persons. And also the legislation provides for and (early). A reduction in the retirement age can be facilitated by work experience in especially harmful, difficult conditions, in established institutions, in certain professions.

Every year there is an increase in the number of preferential pensioners, two thirds of whom continue their labor activity.

Classification of factors negatively affecting human health

Special persons are entitled to a preferential pension. Their professions are formed into special lists. They are associated with the impact of factors negative for human health.

They can be classified as follows:

1. Psychophysiological(neuropsychic, physical overload):

  • mental fatigue;
  • overvoltage of analyzers;
  • monotony of work;
  • emotional overload.

2. Biological(harmful micro- and macroorganisms):

  • bacteria;
  • mushrooms;
  • viruses;
  • plants;
  • animals.

3. Physical:

  • dust;
  • vibration;
  • radiation;
  • drops in air humidity and temperatures;
  • insufficient illumination.

4. Chemical:

  • dyes;
  • refined products;
  • corrosive substances;
  • synthetic fluids.

Preferential professions give employees the right to retire a well-deserved early retirement pension, receive additional payments, vouchers at a reduced cost to special health institutions, go on long annual leave, and work on a reduced schedule.

List 1: formation criterion

It consists of industries, professions, jobs, positions with harmful, especially difficult labor conditions, employment in which gives the right to early retirement, in accordance with Russian law.

Professions with particularly hazardous working conditions are located in such industries as coal, chemical, mining, coke-chemical, electrical, porcelain and faience and glass, pulp and paper industry, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, ore preparation, production of gas (generator), dinas products, explosives , for the processing of gas, oil, shale, coal, as well as radio equipment, electronic equipment, building materials, synthetic and artificial fibers, etc.

Preferential pension: list 2

This includes industries, professions, jobs, positions with harmful, difficult working conditions, employment in which also gives the right to retire on an old age pension on special preferential terms prescribed in the relevant Resolution.

This list of preferential pensions consists of professions with less harmful working conditions in the following industries: refractories, hardware, non-ferrous metals, mercury conversion stations, chemical production, drilling, power plants, steam power facilities, metalworking, peat mining, light industry, food industry, medicine production , social security institutions, copying, printing production, transport, communications, agrochemical services, etc.

In addition, ordinary citizens can retire early (only two years before retirement age). The preferential pension (list 2) is calculated in accordance with the procedure established by Russian legislation.

Health workers as subjects of the right to receive early retirement benefits

These are employees of health care institutions who are constantly (directly) engaged in work with hazardous substances with an activity of more than 10 μcuries of radium 226 (equivalent in terms of the toxicity of a radioactive substance). These include personnel serving those contaminated with radioactive physical substances, employees of radiological departments, etc.

In this regard, it can be concluded that a preferential pension is presented to medical workers due to their direct contact with radioactive physical substances of established activity, according to list 1. In the case of working with the above substances, but already having a lower activity (at least 0.1 microcurie of radium 226 or equivalent for radioactive toxicity of a substance) this category is also eligible for an early pension, in accordance with list 2.

Here, a preferential pension to health workers (middle, junior medical staff) is provided due to their direct contact with patients in infectious diseases, psychiatric treatment-and-prophylactic, tuberculosis institutions, offices, departments (including children's homes), etc. This also includes doctors, middle, junior medical personnel , who is busy in offices, chemotherapy departments, hematological departments, purulent, burn departments.

Conditions for receiving early retirement pension for teachers

According to our legislation, this requires pedagogical activity in childcare facilities for 25 years (excluding maternity leave). But a preferential pension is provided to teachers if only their position, the institutions in which they work are included in one of the above lists.

There are several nuances here:

  1. The periods of labor activity in the positions (institutions) corresponding to the list until 09/01/2000 are counted in the total length of service without reference to the conditions for fulfilling the established work norm (educational, pedagogical load).
  2. From 01.09.2000, this activity will be taken into account only when fulfilling the work norm, which is the rate of wages (salary), which is summed up for all places of work.
  3. Primary school teachers in the following educational institutions: schools, lyceum, education center, gymnasium, SVU, cadet corps (including marine), cadet school, NVMU, as well as teachers of secondary schools that are located in rural areas (but not evening - shift, open general education schools) can count on their seniority to be taken into account, regardless of the volume of the academic load.
  4. Primary school teachers whose place of work is a primary school or kindergarten is recognized as an exception. A preferential pension for teachers of the above institutions is provided only if they fulfill the established work norm - 18 hours. In this case, only the period from 09/01/2000 is taken into account.

Who is entitled to a pension on preferential service has already become known. Now it is worth considering the issue with regards to the order of its accrual.

Pension on preferential terms

In accordance with our pension legislation, employees (regardless of the last place of work) who carry out work activities taking place in especially harmful, difficult working conditions, who are employed a full shift, have the right to it. According to list 1, the results of certification of the relevant workplaces, the appointment of a preferential pension is made on the basis of the following conditions:

1. For men:

2. For women:

  • upon reaching the age of 45;
  • work experience of at least 15 years;
  • directly on these jobs for at least 7.5 years.

Employees who have at least half of the established work experience in especially harmful, difficult working conditions are provided with preferential retirement with a decrease in the retirement age prescribed in the law: for a full year in especially difficult conditions for men, the retirement period is reduced by 12 months, for women - for 16 months.

In a situation where employees are engaged in work with harmful, difficult working conditions for a full shift, the conditions for early retirement are as follows:

1. For men:

  • upon reaching the age of 55;
  • work experience of at least 25 years;
  • directly in these jobs for at least 12.5 years.

2. For women:

  • upon reaching the age of 50;
  • work experience of at least 20 years;
  • directly in these jobs for at least 10 years.

Such workers are also provided with preferential retirement with a decrease in the retirement age: for a full 2.5 years in difficult conditions, the retirement period for men is reduced by 12 months, for women - the same way, but already after 2 years of work.

Conditions for early retirement for persons working before 01.01.92

In accordance with Russian pension legislation, the following employees are charged with preferential pensions:

  • those who have full work experience in established jobs, in accordance with previous legislation;
  • for those who do not have full work experience with harmful, difficult working conditions, the retirement age is reduced in proportion to the work experience, which is established by the previous law;
  • a full work shift in the conditions provided for by the lists is 80% of the working time specified for employees of a particular production, position, profession, taking into account preparatory, current, auxiliary repair work related to the performance of relevant duties.

Recent changes regarding the issue in question in the pedagogical sphere

In 2015, preferential pensions for teachers are established by the relevant regulatory legal acts. According to the latest changes, this category of employees can retire early only after having worked for 25 years, regardless of age.

The corresponding Resolution, passed last year, determined the list of positions that are granted preferential pensions. An important point - the full name of the position must be identical to that indicated in it.

So, it included:

  • specialists replacing managers;
  • teaching staff, starting with the most senior specialist;
  • teachers of all existing categories;
  • specialists organizing extracurricular activities;
  • trainers;
  • speech therapists;
  • directors of all educational institutions;
  • the heads of the educational department are specialists;
  • educational staff, starting with the most senior specialist;
  • specialists engaged in industrial training;
  • psychologists;
  • defectologists;
  • teachers of music, social orientation, physical education and additional education.

Also, a preferential pension is due for work in certain institutions, a complete list of which is presented there.

This includes:

  • orphanages;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • boarding schools;
  • special educational institutions of the correctional type;
  • nurseries, gymnasiums, lyceums, kindergartens, gymnasiums, schools;
  • technical schools;
  • institutions of additional education;
  • vocational education lyceums;
  • schools;
  • military schools (naval), cadet corps;
  • music and art schools;
  • centers for diagnostics, rehabilitation, education, correction.

According to the latest changes, preferential pensions in 2015 are planned to be calculated based on the increased salaries of teachers, due to an increase in special work experience. If this proposal of the Ministry of Labor is approved by the Government, this will lead to the fact that pensions for specialists in the educational sphere will be assigned on general terms only from 2030.

Recent Developments Regarding Early Retirement of Healthcare Workers

A preferential pension for this category of employees is assigned on condition that they achieve 30 years of work experience (in cities, urban settlements, villages). If we take only the countryside, then they must work for 25 years, and provided that the required deductions of the corresponding contributions to the FIU are made, their retirement age does not matter.

The general rule determines the correspondence of a year of work experience to a specific calendar equivalent. Unlike teachers, the workload of the medical staff (hours worked) does not affect the enrollment of seniority. However, there are a number of exceptions, namely:

  • for rural medical staff, a year of work is equivalent to 15 months of experience;
  • for the medical staff of scientific institutions, naval hospitals, medical universities, ambulance (emergency) teams, a year of work is equivalent to 18 months of experience.

The corresponding Resolution defines the list of positions held by medical workers from municipal, private, government institutions who can retire early. These include:

It also lists the types of institutions in which the working medical staff forms their experience for calculating a preferential pension, namely:

  • institutions of social services, rehabilitation;
  • all hospitals, clinics, outpatient clinics, clinics, laboratories, hospitals, dispensaries;
  • medical detachments, hospitals, companies;
  • maternity hospitals, nursing departments, obstetric points, antenatal clinics;
  • sanatoriums, dispensaries, health resorts;
  • anti-plague centers, medical units, disinfection stations;
  • ambulance stations, blood transfusions, hospices.

In addition to working hours, days of temporary disability, training for advanced training, annual, maternity leave (except for parental leave) are included in the preferential work experience for the category of employees in question.

Special assessment of working conditions

It replaced the certification of workplaces, starting from this year, all companies, without exception, are obliged to carry it out. However, in some situations, a delay is acceptable. This special assessment has its own methodology, approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor. For the time being, it may not be carried out by enterprises that have valid results of past certification. This is permissible in the absence of new jobs or a new technical process.

Another reason for conducting a special assessment is working employees who have the right to early retirement. According to its results, the admissibility and optimality of working conditions are determined. If everything is within the normal range, there will be no need to pay additional insurance premiums.

A special assessment is required to be carried out 1 time in 5 years (at least). This period is counted from the end of the previous certification. If, for example, it was carried out before 2014, then five years are counted from the date of its completion. In a situation where the company has never previously carried out this assessment, and in 2014 it was released, then this year it is necessary.

Rostrud recommends that all companies that do not have valid results of workplace certification not to delay this. Otherwise, from 2016, the maximum fine for the lack of a special assessment (certification) will increase to 80 thousand rubles. in case of a primary violation and 200 thousand rubles. - when repeated.

It is worth hurrying to check in places with harmful, hazardous working conditions. As for the rest, for example, office places, the special assessment can be carried out in stages, but it will have to be completed before 12/31/2018.

Algorithm for conducting a special assessment of labor conditions

It includes 4 stages:

  1. Creation of a commission and approval of the schedule. First, a directive order is issued, which approves the assessment schedule and the composition of the commission. It includes: an occupational safety specialist (instead of him there may be the director himself), a representative of the trade union and other workers. A prerequisite is an odd number of commission members (3, 5, etc.). The head of the company is its chairman. The activities of each member of the commission and the terms must be spelled out. For example, an employee who previously performed certification may be involved in compiling a list of jobs. Before the start, you only need to write down the timing of the preparation of the required materials necessary for the special assessment, the general timing of the entire event. The certification schedule for certain jobs will be known only after the conclusion of the corresponding agreement with the company conducting the assessment.
  2. Making a list of jobs. This commission forms a list of those jobs that need to be assessed, and a list of similar ones (where employees of an identical profession, positions are employed, and also where offices of the same type: with the same heating, air conditioning, lighting, etc.). Their number should not exceed 20% of the total. For example, out of 10 places it is required to evaluate only 2 similar ones. The main difference between the previously carried out certification from the special assessment is that office workplaces are also objects (for example, if the staff works only at computers, office equipment). Only the workplaces of telecommuters do not require assessment.
  3. Conclusion of an agreement and transfer of documents. All jobs from the list are evaluated by experts of a special organization. Next, you need to collect, then transfer them job descriptions, equipment certificates, technical documentation, and so on. At the end of the procedure, the appraisal company generates an appropriate report, which is endorsed by experts and members of the commission. In a situation where there are those who disagree with the results, they have the right to write their exclusive opinion, which is subsequently attached to the report.
  4. Submission of a declaration of conformity. It is drawn up regarding workplaces corresponding to normal indicators of hazard, hazard, and then submitted to the labor inspectorate no later than 30 days, starting from the date of the approval of the report on the special assessment carried out by the chairman of the commission. The declaration is valid for 5 years. While maintaining normal occupational safety indicators, its validity period is automatically extended.

The firm has the right to take into account all expenses related to the special assessment, according to the official data of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. They must be justified and documented.

As for the validity, it is safe to say that the company cannot avoid such expenses, since the event in question is mandatory. You can easily order this type of service from accredited companies, which set their cost themselves, so that the employer will not be able to influence the price in any way. In this regard, if the company has an act of completed work, an appraiser's report, it has the right to write off the entire cost of this event.

Discussions about raising the retirement age have not subsided. Representatives of different social groups argue and cannot come to a common opinion. Now the retirement age in Russia for men is 60 years, for women 55. Some citizens have the right to reduce this time limit and to early retirement. The list of professions, positions, specialties, whose representatives can take advantage of the privilege, is approved by the Government of the country.

Basic concepts

Let's start with what a preferential pension is. This is an early exit to a well-deserved rest, which is assigned before reaching the generally accepted retirement age:

The concepts of “preferential pension” and “preferential length of service” are commonly used. Correctly speaking - early retirement pension, early retirement.

The next concept is the total length of service

This is the total duration of activity (labor, socially useful). It is established on the basis of documentation, which is issued by enterprises in accordance with the established procedure.

Another definition is special experience

This is a period of work in special conditions, which is the basis for an early, well-deserved rest.

What it is

Based on the calculations of economists, every seventh pension in Russia is assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Early retirement is a fairly common phenomenon.

It has a number of general and specific parameters. So, generalizing characteristics are:

  • the frequency of payments that are made from the Pension Fund budget;
  • their legal basis.

Specific features include:

  • availability of special and insurance work experience;
  • its duration;
  • the life-long nature of the pension;
  • payments in addition to wages or instead of them.

The main reason for the appointment of an early retirement pension is work in special conditions.

Who is supposed to

  1. Performing work duties for a certain period.
  2. Special social status.

The first point will be considered in detail in the future, as for the second, this category includes:

  • mothers who have raised 5 or more children are expected to retire at 50;
  • citizens who have I group of visual disability;
  • persons who are guardians of persons with disabilities since childhood;
  • people who have become disabled as a result of military trauma.

As well as citizens who have worked for at least 20 years in remote areas or worked in the Far North for 15 years. If they have such experience, then they have the right to a well-deserved rest:

In addition to the noted positions, citizens of pre-retirement age who were dismissed due to the termination of an individual entrepreneur's activities or the liquidation of an enterprise have the right to an early pension.

List of preferential professions for early retirement

Based on the current article No. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, a preferential pension is assigned to citizens whose labor activity meets several conditions:

  1. The availability of funds that are required for the funded part of the pension.
  2. I have Russian citizenship.
  3. The person permanently resides in the country.
  4. The citizen is insured in the state pension system.

If these conditions are met, as well as the achievement of a certain age, the presence of an insurance period and experience in special working conditions, an early pension is assigned.

Representatives of 24 groups of professions have the right to retire earlier. It is worth considering the lists adopted by the Russian Government in detail.

The first broad group is citizens who are employed in production with harmful and difficult working conditions:

  • works underground (mines, mines, laying of subways, tunnels);
  • work in oil refining, production of ammunition, electrical devices, etc.;
  • work in "hot" shops (for example, glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy);
  • work in the nuclear power industry.

Citizens who worked in one of the following categories have the right to retire earlier than the generally accepted deadline:

Work experience in one of the marked industries must be:

Another list provides for early retirement pension for citizens. In one of the categories noted below, must be

This list includes:

  1. Works on one of the types of transport (sea, rail, aviation, city).
  2. Labor in the food or light industry, the production of pharmaceuticals.
  3. Open pit mining operations.
  4. Geological exploration work.

Also, a preferential pension has the right to receive:

  • medical staff;
  • pilots;
  • parachutists;
  • firefighters;
  • rescuers of emergency services;
  • theater, ballet and circus artists;
  • timber rafting and logging workers.

Separately, it is worth noting the list of positions of teaching staff for preferential pensions. They also have the right to retire early.

This is indicated in the law No. 173-ФЗ dated 17.12.2001. Applicants for a preferential pension are:

  1. Directors.
  2. Teachers.
  3. Teachers.
  4. Speech therapists.
  5. Defectologists.
  6. Music directors and psychologists.

Basic rules - work should be associated with increased psychophysiological stress, with the educational process. These are the features of receiving a preferential pension in education.

Another industry employing hundreds of thousands of people is construction. Workers in this industry are also eligible for early retirement benefits.

The list., Includes both the positions of the management team and representatives of working specialties.

Groups of construction workers can legally receive a preferential pension:

  • asphalt concrete paver operators;
  • brigade masons and stone cutters;
  • bitumen and roofers;
  • foremen and masters of assembly and construction works.

Who is eligible

Any citizen whose work is associated with special conditions has the right to apply for a preferential pension. First, you should check the presence of your specialty in the lists that are noted above.

The best option is to carefully study Articles 30 and 31 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions". These statutes contain detailed information on all specialties.

It is worth noting that the benefit is provided only in the case of full compliance with all the conditions (especially with regard to seniority).

Where to contact

If all the data of a citizen are suitable for preferential pension benefits, then there is a direct road to the Pension Fund. It is this structure that makes a positive or negative decision.

Fund specialists are studying the citizen's work book.

If the document contains inaccuracies or errors in the records, then you will need to provide other documentation:

  • work sheet;
  • HR department record card;
  • employee, etc.

Taking into account such difficulties, it is better to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in advance, optimally 1.5-2 years before retirement. The specialists of the institution will qualitatively and promptly review the submitted documents, give detailed consultations.

The standard set of documentation includes:

  1. Passport.
  2. Employment history.
  3. SNILS.

They may also require:

  1. , which will be a confirmation of the harmfulness of production.
  2. about the presence of a disability, etc.

Important! A citizen must submit a package of documents in advance. In this case, the pension will be accrued to him from the moment he reaches a certain age.

If an individual provides documentation after the onset of retirement age, then the due payments will be credited only from the moment the corresponding application is submitted.

Video: what documents are needed to apply for a preferential pension

List of works that give the right to preferential exit

There are many categories of such works. All of them are marked in the corresponding lists, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Such work includes:

  • work in hot shops, with harmful or difficult conditions;
  • underground work;
  • labor of women as tractor drivers in the agricultural sector, etc.

You can view the full list in Articles 27 and 28 of Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in Russia”.


The most common question among citizens is related to the reasons for the refusal to grant a preferential pension.

There are several such reasons:

  1. The length of service cannot be verified.
  2. The position, which is marked in the work book, does not correspond to the name found in the legislative acts.
  3. It is impossible to establish the fact of work at a specific enterprise.

If the employee does not agree with the decision of the PF, then he has the right to appeal it.

Is the employee of the printing house (printer) entitled to exit?

Employees working in the printing industry can apply to the Pension Fund for the appointment of a preferential pension. Such a right is granted for both men and women working in this industry.

Is the profession of a radio installer preferential for a preferential pension?

No. This specialty does not qualify for early retirement benefits. The woman retires at the age of 55.

Who is appointed in the oil industry?

Drilling, production of petroleum products, their processing are included in list 2, section No. 12. Therefore, drillers who carry out exploration and development of deposits have the right to retire early.

As well as the operators of drilling rigs, operators who carry out oil production. If certain requirements are met, benefits are also provided for the management team.

It is necessary to study the current legislation. In this case, employees and employees will know not only their responsibilities, but also the rights to use the provided benefits.

There are many nuances and peculiarities associated with registration and receipt of preferential (early) pension.

All information is owned by specialists of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If you have any questions, you should contact this structure.

It is worth noting that every citizen has the right to receive information about his personal account. It is enough to write an application, which will be considered within 10 days.

After this period, the Pension Fund specialists will calculate the amount of the pension and notify about the decision. Now there is the possibility of submitting an application via e-mail.