List of prescription drugs. Pharmacies operate under new rules

This document explains where medicines can be sold, how to select suppliers, screen pharmacists, and serve customers.

Pharmacies also stopped selling prescription drugs without a prescription. Previously, it was also impossible, but the severity of the laws was compensated by the optionality of execution. Now pharmacies are checked more often, severely fined, and may even be closed for three months.

As it was before?

The work of pharmacies is regulated by many laws and standards. They are difficult to understand even for a pharmacist, and even more so for customers. Now there are short rules in which the old norms have been collected and new requirements have been added.

And even earlier, you could go to a pharmacy and buy an antibiotic for yourself without a prescription, a medicine for pressure for your mother, and a cough syrup for a child. Even if they were prescription drugs, pharmacies sold them. The prescription was requested only for psychotropic, narcotic, drugs with a strict dosage and on order.

What about the new rules?

Among other things:

The pharmacist has no right to hide the fact that there are cheap analogues of the desired medicine. If the buyer came for an antispasmodic, they do not have the right to offer him "No-Shpu" for 250 rubles, as if the usual drotaverine for 25 rubles is not on sale. Instead of loperamide for 30 rubles, you can not impose "Imodium" for 350 rubles, and instead of "Xilen" for 20 rubles - "Otrivin" for 200.

Prescription drugs cannot be made public. Now, in a self-service pharmacy, the shelf on the sales floor may not have the right painkiller, syrup or antibiotic. It is better to ask pharmacists right away, and not look in the window.

There are many conditions for acceptance and control in the rules. Pharmacies should choose suppliers of medicines, dietary supplements and medical products not only by price and bonuses, but also by business reputation and quality of goods. You can expect that there will be no fakes and delays in baby food, disinfectants and cosmetics in pharmacies.

A pharmacist not only sells medicine, but also advises. For consultations, pharmacies equip special places with limiters for the queue. There you can discuss with the pharmacist the range of condoms and the dosage of the medicine for venereal disease without extra ears.

Pharmacies are required to present, upon request, all documents for the medicine: certificates, declarations, certificates. If there are doubts about the authenticity of an expensive drug, you can request such documents and make sure of the quality.

If the pharmacy breaks the rules, what will she do for it?

Employees are fined for violations and pharmacies are closed. For example, if a pharmacist hid that there is a cheap medicine, he can be fined 10 thousand rubles, and the entire network - 30 thousand.

For the sale of medicines without a prescription or improper storage, the pharmacy will be fined 200 thousand rubles or closed for 90 days.

Why used to sell drugs without a prescription, but now they stopped?

We never got it, to be honest.

There have always been penalties. Federal law and drug sales regulations prohibit the free sale of prescription drugs. Rumors of strict restrictions appeared at the end of February. The hype began in pharmacies, and outrage began on the forums.

We checked it. Of the seven pharmacies in three cities, the antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab in a children's dosage, painkillers Nise, Nimesil and Ketorol, pressure pills Kapoten and Enap without a prescription agreed to be sold in only one. And nowhere was it really explained why it was so from March 1. Pharmacists cite the new law on fines and say they are being tested more often now.

In fact, there is no new law on fines. There have always been fines for pharmacists and pharmacies. Close the entire network for three months for violation could last year. They just didn't check.

Perhaps there are some internal orders of Roszdravnadzor to strengthen control. Or maybe pharmacists just heard about the “Rules of Pharmacy Practice” from March 1 and the bill on fines up to 1 million rubles. They did not read either one or the other and decided, just in case, to strictly observe the laws. If so, the hype will pass and everything will be as before.

I regularly buy medicines. What should I do?

Go to the doctor for a prescription. For some drugs, a prescription is written for a year. Help parents and grandparents to complete the paperwork in time so that they are not suddenly left without medicines.

Buy medicines in one pharmacy. If the pharmacist knows you by sight, he will not be afraid of checking and can sell the medicine even without a prescription.

Ask your doctor to select over-the-counter alternatives.

I rarely buy medicines. Do I need to do something?

Find out what's happening with prescription drugs in your city.

Check the first aid kit to know which of the usual prescription drugs. It may turn out that ordinary pills for headaches, bowel disorders or drops for a runny nose are sold by prescription. Or you are taking a medicine that should not be missed - there is no prescription, and there are 3 tablets left.

Consider new circumstances. If a child gets sick, do not expect to buy the usual cough or ear medicine at the pharmacy. First you have to go to the doctor for a prescription. If you need it urgently, you will have to get a paid appointment.

Get ready to spend on paid doctors for yourself. If there is no time to go to clinics, you will have to write prescriptions in medical centers. Otherwise, you won’t be able to buy antibiotics and painkillers.

Get a prescription for medicines that are sometimes needed. For example, tablets for heartburn or hormonal ointment for allergies.

Get VHI at a paid clinic if you want to have access to doctors and prescriptions without queues.

How about in other countries?

All over the world, the sale of prescription drugs is strictly controlled. In the United States, pharmacists cannot advise customers - this must be done by a doctor. It would never occur to Americans to look for a pharmacy where a prescription drug will be sold without a prescription.

In Europe, only a pharmacist can be the owner of a pharmacy, and the state monitors the number of pharmacies. In the UK, a pharmacist has the right to prescribe a medicine to a buyer, but for this, specialists are trained for a long time and are monitored all the time.

No one knows that since January 1, pharmacies have been banned from the free distribution of prescription drugs, and since March 1, the government has banned the sale of antibiotics.

Nikolai D., a resident of Lipetsk, contacted the GOROD48 editorial office. He complained that yesterday he could not buy the Russian analogue of Tamiflu for his sick baby in several pharmacies in a row: they demanded a prescription from him everywhere.

As GOROD48 found out, it is no longer possible to buy medicines in pharmacies, on the packages of which it is indicated: “dispensed by prescription”. From January 1, pharmacies are prohibited from free dispensing of prescription drugs, which affected alcohol-containing tinctures, and from March 1, new rules for the sale of prescription drugs came into force. And this is the majority of painkillers, antibiotics, all injectable forms of drugs, drugs for pressure, diabetes, antipsychotics, psychotropic substances, hormonal contraceptives and others.

We have become enemies for people, - a girl pharmacist from a pharmacy, located not far from the editorial office of GOROD48, jokes sadly. - There have been so many scandals! We say that the rules for the sale of drugs have changed, and that we are not entitled to freely, as it was before, to sell drugs, in the annotation to which it is written: "Dispensed by prescription." But they do not understand us and scandalize us.

In another pharmacy, a chain one, they are also wary of freely selling “prescription” drugs under fear of a “test purchase” and a fine (for a violation, a pharmacy can be fined 10 thousand rubles, and a network - 30 thousand; for the sale of drugs without a prescription or their improper storage, a pharmacy a fine of 200 thousand rubles was imposed or closed for up to 90 days). True, the pharmacist says that the metropolitan administration of the network of pharmacies has not yet provided them with an exhaustive list of medicines that can be sold exclusively by prescription.

What justifies such draconian methods? We asked this question to Raisa Popova, head of the first therapeutic department of the Lipetsk City Polyclinic No. 2.

This is due to the fact that many began to examine and treat themselves on the Internet, - answered the doctor with 27 years of experience in her specialty.

The dangers of self-medication are obvious: runny nose and cough of any nature are treated with antibiotics. As a result of the uncontrolled use of these drugs, which doctors recommend resorting to in the most extreme cases, people suffer from immunity, which subsequently leads to a decrease in the effect of the drug treatment already prescribed by specialists. At the same time, “Internet doctors” very often confuse antiviral drugs with immunomodulators, they themselves undermine the body's defenses, they get allergies, tumors, and blood diseases. And it can be very difficult to help them after such self-treatment.

If we are asked to sell antibiotics without a prescription, we recommend that you go to a doctor for a prescription, or we recommend buying, depending on people's complaints, antimicrobial or antiviral drugs that are freely available, we were told in one of the pharmacies.

But the fact is that residents of Lipetsk are not in a hurry to get prescriptions at the polyclinic simply because, as a result of medical reforms, it has become difficult to get to the doctor on the day of treatment. For example, you need to get a coupon, for which you need to come to the still closed doors of the clinic in the early morning. Having received a coupon, it is difficult for a working person to rely on the fact that he will get to the doctor at the appointed time. But if you can get to the therapist at least through the pre-medical office or through the office of the head of the clinic, then you can wait a month or more to see a “narrow” specialist.

There is another problem: doctors often make prescriptions on pieces of paper, and not on prescription forms No. 107. And with such pieces of paper, patients in pharmacies are shown the way out.

We strongly demand that doctors prescribe medicines on a prescription form, which must have the personal seal of the doctor, the seal of the institution, the dosage and frequency of use are correctly indicated, ”says Raisa Popova, head of the first therapeutic department of the Lipetsk City Polyclinic No. 2. - At the same time, the validity of such prescriptions is up to 30 days.

On January 1, 2017, Vladivostok pharmacies began to work in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 785 “On the procedure for dispensing medicines”. It states that all medicines, with the exception of those included in the List of medicines dispensed without a doctor's prescription, should be dispensed by pharmacies (organizations) only by prescription. First of all, antibiotics, drugs for high blood pressure and drugs containing hormones got into it. It is no longer possible to buy them in Vladivostok pharmacies without a prescription.

ruble punishment

In fact, the resolution approving the list of over-the-counter drugs (the rest, respectively, prescription drugs) was issued in 2010. And the order of the Ministry of Health on the procedure for dispensing prescription drugs is dated even earlier - December 2005. It's just that the ban was not enforced before.

“At the end of August last year, pharmacies were reminded of their responsibility for violations, and the Ministry of Health has always opposed the practice of self-medication,” the ministry’s press service said. - Modern antibiotics throughout the civilized world are prescribed to patients only by doctors. Prescription drugs are prescribed by doctors because they have side effects, can cause allergic reactions, and can be incompatible with each other. First of all, we are trying to wean patients from the bad habit of self-medication.

We are talking about the fact that since January 1, 2017 fines for this violation have increased. If the amount of the fine for dispensing medicines of a certain range before January 1, for example, ranged from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles for a pharmacist, now he will pay from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. An official will pay already from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, against 5-10 thousand rubles in the past, legal entities - from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. The most serious punishment for pharmacies could be closing for three months.

“We do not yet have documentary evidence of the imposition of fines on Vladivostok pharmacies, but the fact that today the regional department of Roszdravnadzor and the prosecutor’s office have strengthened control over the release of prescription drugs is a fact,” she told correspondent President of the Association "Pharmaceutical Commonwealth" Natalia Nazarenko. - We are constantly monitoring the situation. But there are already specific complaints from residents that they cannot buy antibiotics without a prescription. But pharmacies are forced to comply with the requirements of the law, so as not to be subject to serious penalties. I also know that a number of pharmacy chains have issued internal orders to punish pharmacists who sell drugs without a prescription with a ruble, the management fines them 50,000 rubles. In general, the initiative of the Ministry of Health on the actual ban on the sale of medicines without prescriptions is correct. A prescription is a legally approved document that traces the history of prescribing and dispensing medicines, this form of communication between doctors, patients and pharmacists. But it is not entirely fair to shift all responsibility to the latter. There is another problem - the doctors themselves have long forgotten about the practice of issuing well-formed prescriptions on special forms. And I have reliable information that in the near future there should be a departmental order providing for fines for therapists for improper preparation of prescription forms.

Don't come without a prescription!

The prescription must contain the name of the drug, dose and method of administration, as well as the name, position and signature of the doctor. The validity period is from one to three months, but in case of a chronic disease - up to a year, for this you need to make a special note.

“Properly executed prescriptions in compliance with all necessary requirements are a rarity in recent years,” a pharmacist from one of the city pharmacies admitted. - Perhaps, only the release of codeine-containing drugs is strictly controlled. Doctors most often write the names of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics simply on small paper stickers. However, recently the situation has changed. From the beginning of the year, people began to bring normal recipes. But more often they quarrel, demanding that they sell this or that drug, which they previously purchased freely. I appeal to all buyers - do not come without a prescription, be sure to ask your doctor for it!”

The list of prescription drugs in Russia is wide and includes drugs from almost all drug groups. 70% of medicines registered in the Russian Federation must be dispensed by prescription. For example, all antibiotics are prescription.

Under the ban on free sale fell not only antibiotics, but also biseptol, groseptol, some antiviral drugs. Hypertensive patients will also have to visit polyclinics more often - almost all blood pressure medications now only available by prescription. The same fate befell hormone-containing medicines.

Indeed, the correspondent of was not able to purchase previously available antibiotics without a prescription form in Vladivostok pharmacies - today pharmacists are trying to comply with the requirements of the law in good faith, rightly fearing serious fines, up to license revocation. Although the question of how strictly pharmacies will comply with this order remains relevant - they are not interested in the inevitable loss of profits.

In any case, the inability to buy antibiotics without a prescription is already causing discontent among the residents of Vladivostok. They have to go to the local clinics and stand in line to get to the doctor and get a prescription. According to the latest Patient Advocates League survey, the average wait for a therapist appointment is 4-7 days. At present, an interdisciplinary commission has been created and is working, which includes representatives of various federal departments and medical organizations. In particular, its task is to develop an optimal algorithm for interaction between a doctor and a patient in order to promptly issue prescriptions.

“The pharmaceutical community, for its part, is open to dialogue with the medical community,” emphasizes Natalya Nazarova. - We are ready to talk about all the subtleties and nuances regarding the rules for writing prescriptions to facilitate the work of doctors, on whom the workload has increased significantly. We can also provide visual tables compiled on the basis of Order No. 1175 of December 20, 2012, which are convenient for the doctor to keep under glass.”

The official explanation for the tightening of requirements for dispensing drugs is as follows: the level of self-treatment of citizens is extremely high, and the uncontrolled intake of a number of drugs leads to sad consequences for health. The fact that “antimicrobial resistance is a growing threat to global public health and requires the special attention of all stakeholders,” Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova said in her speech at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly, held at the end of September 2016 in New York. York.

Information about doctors and medical institutions in Vladivostok in the "Doctors of Vladivostok" section on