Speech therapist: How to teach a child to speak and when to start worrying. In the development of speech, it is important not to miss the golden time Help speech therapist child

speech therapy at home. An article about how parents can organize classes at home and what exercises you can do on your own to develop speech and improve sound pronunciation.

The role of speech cannot be underestimated. It allows a person to express his thoughts, communicate with other people. Speech is the basis of interaction in society. Speech disorders prevent the child from expressing his thoughts and holding a conversation, they can lead to the appearance of complexes and affect school performance.

If you find sounds in a child’s speech that are not in their native language, or if it seems to you that the child’s speech is not sufficiently developed for his age, you should immediately contact a speech therapist. The sooner a problem is found, the faster and more effectively it can be corrected. As a rule, they are held with children starting from 3 years of age. But now a new direction has appeared - “speech therapy of an early age”, focused on the prevention and correction of pre-speech and primary speech manifestations of deviant development in children under three years of age. In the Children's Center "LOGOS" there are speech therapists who work with children from 3 years old, as well as speech therapists who specialize in early childhood.

To achieve the maximum effect and help the child make his speech correct, competent and clear, it is not enough to send the child to a children's center where a speech therapist will work with him. An equally important role is played by the child's activities with parents at home. The joint work of a speech therapist in the classroom and parents at home will be most effective. It is important that the speech therapist explains and shows parents not only what exercise to do at home with the child, but also how to perform it. After all, only a specialist knows the nuances of performing a particular exercise and the secrets that will help make a task or exercise as effective as possible for a particular child. In addition, no one has canceled the main rule of all doctors and teachers “Do no harm”. And to harm out of ignorance is not so difficult, for example, by fixing an incorrectly delivered sound in a speech. This often happens when the parents try to make the sound themselves. Correcting such a sound will not be easy. Therefore, our Center welcomes the presence of parents in the classroom - this helps parents understand exactly how to continue to study at home. But there are simple exercises that moms and dads can easily do with the baby on their own. These exercises will not harm the baby in any way, but on the contrary, they will strengthen his speech apparatus, motor skills and auditory attention, preparing him to pronounce difficult sounds.

It is important that homework is not like lessons, but like a game. Come up with different stories to captivate the child. If you conduct classes in the form of games, then the baby will be more willing to learn to speak correctly, which, of course, will help to achieve great results in a short time.

In no case do not get angry if something does not work out for the child! Correcting pronunciation is not easy, it is impossible to teach a child to pronounce all sounds clearly and clearly in one lesson, as well as to use complex words. Time plays an important role in any activity. Mistakes are an integral part of the learning process.

Be patient, praise the child even for the smallest successes, support if something does not work out. If you break loose and scold the baby, then he will not speak better, but will only close in himself, which can aggravate speech problems.

Classes should be regular. It is better to exercise for 5 minutes a day than once a week for 1.5 hours. At the very beginning, you can start classes with 3-5 minutes a day, gradually increasing them to 15-20 minutes twice a day.

Articulation exercises play a huge role, because they contribute to the development of the speech apparatus, thanks to which children learn to control it and cope with the pronunciation of even complex sounds.

You need to do articulation exercises daily, 1-2 times a day for 3-5 minutes. All exercises should be performed without tension (the child sits calmly, the shoulders do not rise). Each exercise should be performed five times, each approach no longer than 5 seconds (according to the account that the adult leads). Add one new exercise per day, and if it is difficult to complete the exercise, you need to return to a simpler one.

Basic set of articulation exercises:

  • "Fence" - holding the lips in a smile, the front upper and lower teeth are exposed.
  • "Tube" - stretching the lips forward with a tube (teeth are closed).
  • "Fence-tube" - alternating the position of the lips in a smile and a tube.
  • "Scapula" - holding a wide tongue on the lower lip in a calm, relaxed state.
  • "Needle" - holding a narrow tongue between cuts.
  • "Shovel-needle" - alternation of the corresponding exercises.
  • "Barrier" - raising the tongue by the upper teeth (the mouth is open, but not too wide).
  • "Swing" - alternating tongue movements up and down with holding for five seconds in each position.
  • "Pancake" - holding the tongue behind the lower teeth in a calm, relaxed state.
  • "Pulls" - stick out your tongue and stretch it to your nose, to your chin, to the right corner of your mouth and to the left.

It is recommended to carry out articulation exercises in front of a mirror. Do exercises with your child. It is better to buy a large mirror in which not only the child, but also you will be visible. In this case, the baby will be able to repeat all the actions. Since the best option is to exercise while sitting, it is better to purchase a table mirror.

Exercises with special literature.

Currently, the range of teaching aids is huge. When choosing, you need to focus on publications with bright illustrations, they attract attention and maintain interest in the child.

If your baby pronounces all the sounds, but has difficulty in coordinating words and retelling, or has a poor vocabulary, then give preference to literature: N.V. Nishcheva "Teaching children storytelling based on pictures", N.E. Teremkova “I am learning to retell”, N.E. Teremkov "Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with ONR", O.A. Novikovskaya logopedic grammar.

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

The level of development of a child's speech is directly related to the development of fine motor skills. For her training, even ordinary plasticine will become an effective tool. It is enough for kids to crush this material and sculpt simple one-color figures. With older children, learn to make more complex multi-color figures, for example, different animals.

While playing with plasticine, study colors and shapes.

You can mold several figures and come up with a story for them, in this case the child will develop imagination and increase vocabulary. For example, a story about a trip to a vegetable store - you can mold fruits and vegetables, put them on the "counter" and play seller and buyer. Thanks to this game, the child will expand his vocabulary, remembering the names of vegetables and fruits, and will be able to repeat colors and shapes.

Here are a few more ideas and tricks for developing baby's motor skills:

* Buy a su-jok ball, which consists of two parts: a prickly ball and a spring. Put the spring on your fingers alternately, saying nursery rhymes or just calling your fingers, and roll the ball over the baby's palms and fingers.

* Compete in pulling ribbons, ropes, pencils, shoelaces with your fingers.

* Wrap small items in foil - let the baby unfold them.

* Let the child in the summer, on the way from the dacha, cut off one petal from a chamomile.

* Let it crush the bubbles on the air-bubble packaging film.

* Allow your child to fasten and unbutton buttons, unscrew and tighten the caps of plastic bottles.

* Give a bowl of mixed peas and beans or smaller grains for a challenge - have your child sort.

* Give your child small items and ask them to put them one by one into a plastic bottle through the neck. A variant of the game at sea is picking up small pebbles in a bottle. This game also teaches the baby to determine the size of objects by eye.

* Let the child wind the tape around a stick or finger.

* Play with clothespins! Let the child hang up the doll's clothes to dry. And if you attach clothespins to a yellow circle cut out of cardboard, you get the sun!

The game "Who eats what" should be in the arsenal of both specialists and mothers. In this game, a large number of pedagogical tasks are implemented, and most importantly, it is attractive and interesting for children (and for adults as well). You can work out grammar, vocabulary, automate naughty sound. And such a game is also useful for non-speaking babies: using the correct game instructions, an adult can stimulate the speech activity of a child.

* It is very useful to take up the application. The movements of the hand that are involved in cutting with scissors have a very good effect not only on fine motor skills, but also perfectly develop the brain. It will be useful to make an application and come up with a story about it. For example, when making a dragonfly application, invite the child to come up with a story about it. Help your child by asking him leading questions:

What is your dragonfly's name? What is she? What does she like doing? Where did she fly? Whom did you meet?

Here is an example of a story that might turn out:

"Dragonfly Fun"

There lived a dragonfly. Her name was Fun. She was multi-colored and her wings shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. One day, a dragonfly flew to hunt in a pond. She dreamed of catching a fatter mosquito. Over the pond, she saw a fat, fat mosquito that flew over the water and merrily sang a song: zu-zu-zuuuuu, zu-zu-zuuuuu, I'm not fighting a dragonfly!

The dragonfly, Fun, liked the song so much that she changed her mind about catching a mosquito and decided to make friends with him. She flew up to the mosquito and began to sing along to him: for-for-zaaaa, for-for-zaaaa - I'm a big dragonfly. Thus began the first ever friendship between a dragonfly and a mosquito.

Such an application will contribute not only to the development of motor skills, but also to fantasy, coherent speech, strengthen good relations with adults, cheer up, and also help to consolidate the sound [З] in speech if this sound is at the stage of automation.

Consolidation of individual sounds.

It often happens that a child can correctly pronounce a sound in isolation, but does not use it in speech. In this case, you need to automate a difficult sound.

It is important that sound automation be phased: first, sound is automated in syllables, then in words, in phrases, and only then in coherent speech. A specialist will help you choose the right material for automation (he will select words where the automated sound will be in the correct position, exclude words with mixed sounds or words with sounds that the child distorts).

To introduce sound into spontaneous speech, make the most of words in everyday communication with the child, where there is a sound that is difficult for him. For example, if the baby can’t cope with the sound “p”, then in the store, approaching the fish department, ask the child: “what is for sale here”? If you see something red, then ask the child to name this word: for example, “red roof”, “red ball”, etc. When opening the door, ask the child to say the action: “I turn the knob”, etc.

It will be useful to memorize verses with a difficult sound, for example, to differentiate (distinguish) and consolidate the sounds P, Pb and L, L in speech, it will be useful for a child to learn Samuil Marshak's poem "Mary":

Little Mary
Big loss:
Her right shoe is missing.
In one she jumps
And crying piteously
- It is impossible without another in any way!

But, dear Mary,
Don't cry for the loss.
Right foot boot
We'll sew you a new one
Or buy ready
But just watch out!

The role of parents in the education and upbringing of the child is enormous. Whether the parents will cope on their own with the difficulties of the baby will depend primarily on what kind of violation caused the speech disorder. For example, those associated with dyslalia can level out on their own, but dysarthria disorders need the involvement of a speech therapist and often a neurologist. But in any case, it is important to deal with the baby at home, then the child will be able to quickly cope with all speech difficulties and master communication skills.

Recently, more and more children need the help of a speech therapist. The sooner parents pay attention to certain violations, the easier it will be to correct them. Many experts advise starting this as early as the age of three. After five, some speech defects can be corrected much worse.

Does your child need a speech pathologist?

To determine whether a child needs a speech therapist, parents can use the following criteria:
  • at 1 year: the child has a small vocabulary, he understands simple phrases addressed to him;
  • at 2 years old: the baby can already compose phrases from several words, knows about 50 words;
  • at 3 years old: the child speaks in sentences, perhaps not always correct;
  • at 4 years old: can communicate with strangers, begins to pronounce hissing sounds, knows about 1700 words, uses conjunctions in speech;
  • at 5 years old: the baby already pronounces all sounds, knows about 2500 words, parts of speech, masters the sounds “r” and “l”.
If the baby has problems at some stage, you may need the help of a speech therapist. First, visit a specialist in a children's clinic and determine whether outside intervention is really required.

For minor speech disorders, parents may be advised to practice on their own. But as my experience has shown, this is not always possible. For example, in the process of completing tasks, I often had difficulty that I could not correctly explain and show something. The speech therapist repeated some exercises not only with the child, but also with me several times.

Of course, there are a number of deviations when you simply cannot do without the help of a professional. As a rule, the parents of such children themselves know that this is necessary. However, doctors are different, so if the baby has problems and you turn, for example, to a neurologist, it will not be out of place to find out if a speech therapist will also need to intervene.

I say this because I myself made a mistake in my time. After the first visit to a neurologist, my son was diagnosed with a slight delay in speech development and prescribed drugs. There was no talk of a speech therapist, and for some reason I decided that medication would help. So we missed some time.

Some parents believe that the help of a speech therapist is needed when the baby is already talking. This is not true. It is important for a specialist that the child at least understands the speech addressed to him. The sooner corrective action begins, the better.

How to choose a good speech therapist

Can't do without a specialist? Then you need to find a good speech therapist. There are many advertisements in newspapers, but no one guarantees that anyone offering their services in this area is a professional.

A good speech therapist can give a free ad on the Internet, and be found in a specialized center. The price of classes also does not always indicate professionalism.

Often, other doctors who refer a child to speech therapy can recommend one or more specialists. It might be worth asking their advice. A speech therapist in a clinic, specialists from a psychological and pedagogical center can recommend a colleague.

It is good when someone from your acquaintances advised you on the basis of his own experience. But even in this case, it is not necessarily suitable for working with your baby. For a speech therapist, it is important not only to be able to correctly explain and show the baby how to pronounce sounds, but also to establish contact with the child. Therefore, it is good if you immediately find several options.

What to look for when choosing a speech therapist

In order not to get confused during the first conversation with the future mentor of the child and to choose a good speech therapist, pay attention to the criteria by which you can first determine whether you are a professional.

1. Higher education.

A speech therapist, in my opinion, should be a specialist with a higher education, preferably full-time. In addition to the main specialization, university graduates also have an additional one, which is also worth paying attention to in case of serious violations.

So, a speech pathologist-defectologist is suitable for a baby who needs to develop intellectual functions, to help adapt in a group. In case of a hearing impairment in a child, it is good if a speech therapist-audiologist will deal with him. It is advisable to clarify with the help of reference literature whether a certain additional specialization is required in your case.

2. The experience of a speech therapist.

It is worth paying attention to the experience of a specialist. Of course, one can be a very gifted young man, but experience comes with time. This does not mean at all that a beginner speech therapist will be worse, but if a child does not communicate well or has serious problems, it will be easier for a person with experience to find an approach to him.

3. Time of corrective work.

A good specialist will never tell you exactly how much time it will take to correct a speech defect, but he will tell you the approximate time required for corrective work. Perhaps this will not happen immediately after the diagnosis, but during the first few sessions. Work with each child is individual, but a professional will not get off with vague phrases: "we'll see how it goes."

Parents should hear something like this: “I will work with the child for 3-5 lessons and tell you exactly how long it will take to correct it” or after several visits: “setting the sound will take a week or two, then we will start fixing the next sound.”

Even if the baby has serious speech impairments, during the first few lessons, a competent specialist will be able to outline intermediate stages and inform parents about them, and tell the approximate time for the first of them to pass.

4. Conclusion of a speech therapist.

In the presence of vivid speech disorders, a good speech therapist will never make a final diagnosis only on the basis of his own diagnosis. He will need the opinion of other specialists. The list may vary depending on the nature of the violation, but, as a rule, a visit to a neurologist and ENT is required for everyone.

5. Experience with a specific problem.

If your child has a specific problem, such as stuttering, it's worth checking in advance if the speech therapist has experience with it. A specialist who was recommended by friends may be well versed in one area, but not suitable for your baby. So, in the case of stuttering, a speech therapist should have experience in conducting speech therapy massage.

It may happen that the speech therapist simply refuses to work with the child. This does not mean that the problem is unsolvable, just a person honestly admits that he has no experience in helping children with a certain deviation. Do not despair - this is a chance to find exactly "your" specialist.

In the process of searching for a speech therapist for our son, two of us abandoned us after they saw the diagnosis of “motor alalia”. To be honest, I am more grateful to them for this than to those who took time for useless activities. To all parents who also faced a difficult diagnosis, I want to say that we found a speech therapist and the problem is solved, do not give up.

6. Methods that the speech therapist intends to apply.

Do not hesitate to ask the specialist how he intends to work with the child, what methods he will use, how the classes will be structured. The speech therapist must explain what he is going to do and in what order, in a language that you understand.

If parents are bombarded with just a list and names without explaining the essence of the methodology, most likely they are confusing you or trying to justify “their high price”. Of course, several unfamiliar names may sound in the dialogue, but the speech therapist will explain everything incomprehensible.

Little trick. Parents cannot understand everything, but if during the conversation a specialist calls some specific methods and names, it is better to write them down. Currently, a large amount of literature is available both in print and on the Internet and you can look in more detail if necessary. This is useful in case of consultation with another speech therapist.

How to evaluate the work of a speech therapist

Unfortunately, not all specialists are equally conscientious in their work. Some are just wasting time and money. Of course, it is good if the child immediately, after several classes, shows progress, but this does not always happen. Then by what criteria can you evaluate the work of a speech therapist?

1. A competent specialist understands that joint work with parents is necessary.

Such a person will never explain to you in a hurry what he is doing with the child, what difficulties arise, and will allocate additional time for the conversation in addition to classes. If the speech therapist is not against the presence of parents in the classroom - very good. Most likely, he has nothing to hide, and for you this is an opportunity to master the methodology of working with a child.

2. You will probably be required to complete certain tasks.

Correctional work cannot take 2 sessions per week for 30 minutes, it must be permanent. If a speech therapist does not advise exercises, does not give additional tasks, this is a reason to be wary, and not to rejoice. It is good if the activities that you do at home are fully consistent with what the baby did together with a specialist.

What should not be surprising is the nature of the assignments. In addition to the exercises themselves, the speech therapist may ask you to color or fold something.

3. The child should make contact with a speech therapist.

Ask the child, if they themselves were not present at the lesson, what he did, whether he liked it. Perhaps the baby will not like the first lessons of a speech therapist - you should also be prepared for this.

At first, the son was capricious and refused to go outright, but for the third visit to the speech therapist, he was waiting and walking with a smile. However, if after several classes the child does not want to study at all, this is a reason to find another specialist.

Everything depends on whether the young patient will "cooperate" or not. Therefore, the last word in choosing a speech therapist is his.

Help of a speech therapist for a non-speaking child

From the experience of organizing work with parents of non-speaking children.

The need for speech therapy classes with non-speaking children

early age

Today, speech therapists and parents face the problem of delaying the development of children's speech. Instead of the expected simple or complicated phrase at 2 years old, we have lowing, babble, and at best babble words and separate incomprehensible words. The question arises: to start special speech therapy classes immediately or is it worth the wait?

Parents usually compare their child's speech abilities with the speech development level of his peers. And of course, adults begin to worry about the fact that their child is lagging behind. However, at the everyday level, there are ideas that “boys generally start talking later” or “it happens that they are silent, silent, and then they will speak”, etc.

Why are we silent? The difficult ecological situation, low indicators of parents' health, frequent social neglect of children lead to a general regression. And this is clearly reflected in the development of children's speech. Let's look at the parents. They are often amimic, lethargic, tired, indifferent. The lips of some mothers hardly move, the voices are monotonous, weakly modulated. Such parents do not want or do not know how to play with children from the moment they are born.

As soon as the child came to the adaptation group, we conduct an examination and monitor the state of speech. We try to act proactively, namely, to pay great attention to preventive work. We focus on the fact that all children will come to us, which means that work with them and their parents should be started as early as possible. In private conversations, parents are advised to consult with specialists - an otolaryngologist, a neurologist, a psychologist. Sometimes autism spectrum disorders, emotional and neurological problems, hearing impairments can be detected. At meetings, conversations, consultations, seminars, we try to convey to parents the most important thing: they are obliged to deal with their child. Play, laugh, smile, sing songs and follow the recommendations of a speech therapist and specialists to start a speech development mechanism.

Classes with children 2-3 years old require a special approach. Not every specialist has the necessary knowledge, experience, and desire to deal with young children. It is much easier to conduct classes with a child of 4.5 - 5 years old, whose behavior is already quite arbitrary. This article describes the initial stage of speech therapy work - a system of classes aimed at developing understanding by a non-speaking child of the speech addressed to him. The games described below should be played individually or in small groups. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of early age - involuntary behavior, instability of attention, unformed communication with peers - we recommend introducing children to new material in the course of individual work. And in group classes it is useful to consolidate the material already known to children, using the knowledge gained during common games.

In the process of developing speech understanding, the main task of speech therapy influence is the accumulation of a passive vocabulary of children. For memorization, children are offered only those words that denote familiar objects, actions, phenomena and states that they constantly encounter in everyday life, what they can observe, what they can act with, what they feel. When working with non-speaking children, it is not recommended to overload their passive vocabulary with words with an abstract meaning or generalizing words.

Working with parents

A speech therapist not only works with a child, but also advises parents. The main task is to explain how to create a rich speech environment for the child. Parents should realize that if a child lags behind in speech development, it is necessary to change the system of his home education.

1. Creation of a speech environment. With a child, you need to constantly talk, repeatedly pronouncing all routine moments (dressing and undressing, washing, bathing, feeding, walking, getting ready for bed) and various everyday situations (laying toys in places, cooking, cleaning the table, washing dishes, etc.) The same work should be carried out during playing with toys, reading books. At the same time, an adult speaks in simple short sentences of 2-4 words, pauses, repeating the same phrases several times, changing intonations, voice strength. Words are pronounced clearly, with emphasis on the stressed syllable, for which the stressed syllable is slightly stretched. An adult often turns to the child, asks questions. But you should not demand an immediate response from the baby. Thus, the adult asks a question, pauses, then answers the question himself. After the child has heard the name of the object many times, took it, felt and examined it, acted with it, you can ask the baby to bring (show, find, give) a familiar object or perform some action with it. Let us give examples of various situations.

Washing. Let's go wash up. Let's open the faucet. No, not in that direction, in the other. Like this. Where is the soap? Here is the soap. Take soap and lather your hands. Put the soap in the soap dish. Let me help you. Three hands good. Now let's wash off the soap. Put your hands under the water - like this. Now let's wash the face - like this. Close the faucet. Now let's shake the water off the handles. Where is the towel? Take a towel, dry your face and hands. Well done! Look how clean it has become.

Walking fees. (All the necessary things are laid out on a chair) Now we will go for a walk. Find out where our panties are. Here they are. Let's put on panties first on one leg, then on the other. Now fasten the button. Show me where the button is. Bring a sweatshirt. Oh, what a beautiful, warm jacket! And what's with the blouse? Pocket. Find where the bear hid on the blouse. That's right, here he is. Where is the flower? Here. Let's put on a jacket.

On a walk. Look at the weather today. The rain is coming. Put on your hood, and I'll open the umbrella. Now you can walk. What's on the track? This is a puddle. Water in a puddle. The rain dripped and dripped and turned into a puddle. Here is the tree. See what's under the tree? The leaves have fallen. Here is the yellow sheet. What color is this one? Red leaf. Many leaves. Show how many leaves.

Cooking dinner. I'm making soup. Here is the saucepan. Pour some water into a saucepan and put it on the stove. Here is a potato, and this is a knife. It's sharp, you can't touch it. I cut the potatoes, look, they turned out to be pieces. Beware, the stove is hot! What is it? Carrot and onion. Now let's stir. How are we going to mix the soup? Now you need to salt.(etc.)

Let's build a house. Look what we have cubes. Show me where the red cube is. That's right, here he is. Where is yellow? Where is the blue cube? Right here. Let's build a house out of blocks. What will the house be big or small? Show me. Large? I put the cubes, now you put.(etc.)

2. Keeping a diary. In addition to creating a speech environment for the child, parents are encouraged to keep a diary of monitoring the development of the child's active vocabulary (write down all the words that the child uses in the form in which he pronounces them, as well as "decoding" the meaning). Passive vocabulary - those words, the meaning of which the child understands. Dates should be placed next to the words. If parents are attentive enough, then keeping a diary will help them see the dynamics of the child's speech development. It is good when different family members are involved with the child.

3. Fulfilling the tasks of a speech therapist. In addition to the above, relatives of the child should follow the recommendations of a speech therapist: purchase the necessary educational toys, manuals, books. Prepare photographs from the life of the child and the family that will be used in the classroom, regularly reinforce the material covered, etc.

Working with a child

The work of a speech therapist with a child includes a system of special classes. Parents develop an understanding of the speech addressed to the baby during regime moments and everyday situations, a speech therapist expands the child's passive vocabulary during special games, using various materials and toys, as well as special techniques.

1. Hide and Seek

Target. Refinement and expansion of the passive subject dictionary on the topic "Toys"

Materials. Toys - bear, bunny, car, ball, doll, bucket, etc.

Game progress. Before the start of the game, the toys are laid out in different places in the room - on a chair, under the table, on a shelf, on the floor and in other places. Toys must be clearly visible.

- Masha doll came to us. She is crying. Why is Masha doll crying? Because all the toys hid from her! Let's help Masha find toys. Vanya, find the bear. Well done, Vanechka, I found a bear. Look how Masha is happy. And you, Olya, please find a ball. Can't find? Look down on the floor. (etc.)

In this game, you can use not only various toys, but also pictures of toys. The number of toys and pictures is gradually increasing. In the future, you can give the child the task of finding and bringing a variety of items.

2. Who has the picture?

Target. Refinement and expansion of the passive thematic subject dictionary

Materials. Subject pictures on different topics (by the number of children)

Game progress. Before starting the game, choose a topic, then give the children one subject picture at a time.

- Look at your beautiful pictures. They are all different. Let's play an interesting game. I will name the word, and you listen carefully: flower. Whoever has this picture raise their hand. Masha raised her hand. That's right, Masha, you have a flower in the picture. The next word is bird. Who has a bird?(etc.)

In this game, you can change themes. Pictures should be specific, easily recognizable, depict objects familiar to the child. Over time, you can increase the number of pictures used in the game (for example, distribute two pictures each).

3. Show the picture!

Target. Refinement and expansion of the passive thematic subject dictionary.

Materials. Subject pictures on different topics (by the number of children).

Game progress. The game is played on a carpet. Have the children sit in a circle on the floor. Lay the subject pictures face up in front of them. Ask the children to take turns finding and pointing to the correct picture.

- See how many beautiful pictures we have. All pictures are different. Vanya, show me the cube. Correctly. Lena, find and show the pyramid. Well done! Sasha, show me the plane.(etc.)

In this game, you can select pictures by topic, or you can mix pictures from different topics. Over time, you can increase the number of images used.

4. Guess the riddle - show me the answer!

Target. Refinement and expansion of the passive thematic subject dictionary; teach children to recognize objects by their purpose; develop thinking.

Materials. Thematic subject pictures.

Game progress. The game is played on a carpet. Lay the subject pictures face up in front of the children. You can give a general instruction for all or individual for each child.

- Now we will solve riddles. Let's see which one of you is the most attentive. Show how to eat soup(picture - "spoon"). Show me what's rolling(picture - "ball"). Show me what you wear on your head(picture - "hat"). Find and show what you can eat(pictures - “apple”, “candy”, “cheese”).

If children find it difficult to find the right picture, you can give a more detailed description of the item you are looking for. If they could not find the right picture, they should show them a real object, describe its properties, beat them.

5. Funny riddles.

Target. Refinement and expansion of the passive thematic subject dictionary; teach to recognize toys and objects by description.

Materials. Various toys and items.

Game progress. Have the children sit in a circle. Place several different toys or objects in front of them. First, a general instruction for all or individually for each child.

- I know a lot of interesting riddles. I will talk about some toy (object), and you guess what I'm talking about and show it. Let's see which one of you is the most attentive. It is round, blue, rolling (ball). He is white, fluffy, with long ears and a small tail (bunny). It is long, wooden, they draw with it (pencil).

6. Execute commands.

Target. Refinement and expansion of the passive verbal dictionary.

Game progress. The game is played on a carpet. Separate the children at a sufficient distance so that they do not interfere with each other's movements. Stand opposite.

- Let's play: I will give commands, and you follow the commands. Go! Stop! Raise your hands up! Put your hands down! Sit down! Get up! Jump! Run! Clap! Stomp! Put your hands on your belt!(etc.)

In this game, you need to use simple movements familiar to children that were worked out in an imitative game, when the teacher called and performed the movement, and the children repeated after him. The teacher monitors the performance of the movements and corrects mistakes.

7. What does the little man do?

Target. refinement and expansion of the passive verbal vocabulary.

Materials. A set of pictures depicting various activities.

Game progress. Distribute the pictures to the children before starting the game.

- Look, in your pictures, boys and girls are doing something. I will think of actions, listen carefully, whoever has a suitable picture raises his hand. Who is sitting? Who is standing? Who is lying? Who is riding? Who is eating? Who is jumping?(etc.)

If the kids find it difficult to answer, you can give a hint by expanding the instructions. To do this, add a description of the items that are in the picture. Who eats an apple? Who is on the swings? Who is sitting on the chair? (etc.)

8. A lot or a little?

Target. To teach children to correlate the words "one", "many", "few" with the corresponding number of objects.

Materials. In this game, you can use small toys - cubes, sticks, balls, etc.

Game progress. Forming the concepts of "one", "many", "few" it is useful to teach children to use the appropriate gestures: "one" - show the index finger; "a lot" - a wide outstretched hand gesture; "little" - a narrow gesture around the hand or fold your hands in a handful. To do this, the speech therapist himself constantly uses these gestures and encourages children to use them. The names of concepts should be highlighted in speech.

The game is played on a carpet. Lay out the cubes in front of the children: one pile has a lot of cubes, and the other has few.

- Look, there are a lot of cubes.(speech therapist shows with his hand), and there are few cubes(appropriate gesture). Show where there are few cubes. How do you show that there are not enough cubes?(speech therapist encourages children to show with a gesture). Where are the cubes? How do you show that there are many cubes? Here is one cube(speech therapist shows a gesture). Take one cube. Show that there is only one cube.

It is useful to repeat this game using different subject material.

9. Where is a lot and where is a little?

Target. teach children to distinguish between the grammatical forms of singular and plural nouns.

Materials. Subject pictures, which depict various objects in the amount of "one" and "many".

Game progress. Lay out the pictures in front of the children. Then give the task.

- Show me where the butterfly is. Where are the butterflies? Where is the ball? Where are the balls? Where is the flower? Where are the flowers?(etc.)

10. Big or small.

Target. Learn to correlate the words "big" and "small" with the size of objects.

Materials. In this game, you can compare any toys and objects; in the future - use pictures.

Game progress. Forming the concepts of "big" and "small", it is useful to teach children to use expressive gestures: "big" - spread your arms to the sides (or simultaneously up and to the sides), "small" - bring your palms closer to each other (or bring your index fingers closer to each other). and thumbs). The speech therapist himself uses sign language and teaches children this. The names of concepts should be emphasized in speech.

Show the children large and small balls.

- Look, here are the balls, are they the same? No, the balls are different. This ball is big.(appropriate gesture) this ball is small(appropriate gesture). What kind of ball is this - show me. That's right, small. What is this ball? Show.(Children use gestures)

It is useful to repeat this game using a variety of subject material.

11. Where is what lies?

Target. To teach children to understand the spatial relationship of two objects, expressed by prepositions on, under, in, about.

Materials. Box, several small toys.

Game progress. Place a box with a lid on the table, and a few small toys nearby. Put one toy in the box, another under the box, a third on the box, and a fourth near the box. Accompany your actions with appropriate words. The names of prepositions should be emphasized in the sentence.

- Here's a pencil. I put the pencil in the box. Where is the pencil now? In the box. And here is the picture. I put the picture under the box. Where is the picture now? Under the box.(etc.)

After explaining and demonstrating actions with objects, invite the children to act according to the instructions.

- Lena, put the pencil under the box. Sasha put the cube on the box.(etc.)

This game can be played in another way. Before the game begins, children are given toys. Then they give you assignments.

- Vitya, here's a bear for you. Put the bear on the chair. Lena, here's a ball for you - hide the ball under the table. Katya, put the book in the cupboard.(etc.)


    Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

    Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games and exercises in teaching mentally retarded preschoolers. – M.: Book-master, 1993.

    Kozak O.N. Games and activities for children from birth to three years. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1998.

When does a child need speech therapy?

The richer and more correct the child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his possibilities in cognizing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults. However, parents often face the problem of underdevelopment of the child's speech. In this regard, many questions arise. We provide answers to the most relevant of them.

When should you seek help from a speech therapist?

With normal speech development, by the age of five, children freely use detailed phrasal speech, complex sentences, have a sufficient vocabulary, and possess the skills of word formation and inflection. By this time, the correct sound pronunciation is finally formed, the ability to isolate and find the place of a given sound in a word. If by the age of five the child’s speech is not sufficiently formed, it is imperative to seek speech therapy help. Although it should be noted that it is better to eliminate speech defects as early as possible.

With what speech disorders can a child be assigned to a specialized group?

Currently, for the purpose of differentiated education of children with various speech disorders in preschool institutions, the following specialized groups are completed:

1) for children with phonemic underdevelopment (with a sufficient set of them);

2) for children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech;

3) for children with general underdevelopment of speech;

4) for stuttering children.

What is typical for these speech disorders?

Phonetic underdevelopment involves a violation of the pronunciation of individual sounds, one or more groups of sounds with normal physical hearing. With phonetic - phonemic underdevelopment of speech, not only sound pronunciation is impaired, but there are still significant difficulties in perceiving sounds, replacing some sounds with others (simpler ones), the same sound can serve as a substitute for two or even three sounds for a child, sometimes these children have some lexical and grammatical lack of formation.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech, there is always a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure. General underdevelopment of speech can manifest itself in varying degrees (three levels are distinguished).

Stuttering - one of the most severe speech disorders. Outwardly, stuttering manifests itself in involuntary stops, forced repetitions of individual sounds and syllables during utterance, which is caused by muscle spasms of the organs of speech.

What are the causes of speech disorders?

Among the causes of speech disorders are the following:

  • insufficient formation of the speech apparatus;
  • pedagogical neglect;
  • various effects both in the prenatal period (toxicosis, infection, intoxication of mothers), and during childbirth (birth trauma, suffocation), as well as in the first years of a child's life (diseases of the central nervous system, brain injury).

Early speech therapy classes include various brain systems in vigorous activity and thereby accelerate their maturation and contribute to the most complete compensation of certain speech disorders.

How to identify a child in a specialized group?

The selection of children in specialized institutions and the recruitment of groups are carried out by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, which accepts those who wish at the address: Mira, 105.

Parents need to prepare certificates from doctors (Laura, ophthalmologist, neurologist, psychiatrist), an extract from the history of the child's development and a statement.

During the transition, the child will have to adapt to the new environment. Isn't it better to just get by with the help of a speech therapist in a polyclinic or a private speech therapist?

It is better to contact the speech therapist of the polyclinic in case of a violation of sound pronunciation. With complex underdevelopment of speech, a child can receive effective help only in a specialized group.

Employees of specialized groups do their best to make the adaptation period easy for children. As a rule, psychologists work with specialized groups in kindergartens to help children quickly integrate into a new team. In addition, the occupancy of specialized groups (two times less than in ordinary groups) allows more attention to be paid to each pupil.

Parents have to take care of the positive attitude of the child.

Where do children go to study after specialized groups?

As a rule, in an ordinary comprehensive school, where they study successfully.

Is correctional assistance provided only to children with speech impairments?

There are also specialized groups for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, visual impairment, mental and intellectual retardation. The mechanism for determining them is the same, but for referral to a group with a violation of the musculoskeletal system, an additional certificate from an orthopedist is needed.

Parents need to remember that preschool age is a period of optimal opportunities for development. Therefore, the elimination of many disorders in children at preschool age occurs with greater efficiency.

Advice for parents. How and where can I get help from a speech therapist?

Violations in the speech of a child are a fairly common fact. And although speech can be corrected at any age, the most favorable period for solving this problem is preschool age.
If the parents have identified the problem of speech impairment of the child, but there is no speech therapist in the kindergarten or the child does not attend kindergarten at all, it is necessary to start solving it by visiting a speech therapist at the clinic at the place of residence. It is he who must assess the depth of this problem and decide on its elimination. In some cases, the best option for solving it is to send the child to a specialized speech therapy kindergarten. But this decision is no longer made personally by a speech therapist, but by a commission for the admission of children to speech therapy groups. This commission is a collegiate body, it includes a speech therapist, a psychologist, and sometimes a neuropsychiatrist. The examination by the commission is carried out in the presence of a certificate from a neurologist, a medical record of the child and a number of other documents. The task of the commission is to confirm the presence or absence of a speech development problem or speech impairment of the child and, according to existing deviations, determine the type of group and kindergarten in which the child should be enrolled.
Different diagnoses require different approaches to correction. So, for example, if a child of four years of age is diagnosed with "General underdevelopment of speech", then he will be sent to the speech therapy group of his peers with a similar diagnosis, and a child of 6 years old with problems with sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing, sonorous sounds) - to the preparatory group, where classes will be organized with him according to a different program. Classes with stuttering children are conducted by specialists in separate programs using special methods and means in kindergartens of this particular specialization. Nowadays, not only narrowly focused speech therapy kindergartens are functioning, there are also preschool institutions of a combined type, in which, along with ordinary groups, there are also speech therapy groups, directions to which, unlike ordinary groups, are also issued by the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) .
There is no need to talk about the priorities of this or that type of kindergarten. Both speech therapy kindergartens and kindergartens of the combined type perform speech therapy work properly, and, as a rule, the results are more than positive. There are cases when parents may be refused to enroll a child in a speech therapy group, the reasons for this may be the absence of a systemic speech disorder, but several sounds are violated, in which case a speech therapist working in a speech therapy center at a general education kindergarten can provide speech therapy assistance to the child.
The task of parents is to find a kindergarten in your area that has a speech center. And be sure to tell the head and the speech therapist about your desire to get into speech therapy classes.
What is LOGOPUNKT? A logopedic center (abbreviated as "logopoint") is a place where assistance is provided to children with speech disorders without transferring the child to another (specialized) group. The main task of preschool educational institutions of a general developmental type (that is, ordinary kindergartens) is the implementation of a general educational program. And, as you know, such a program does not specifically provide time for classes with a speech therapist teacher. In other words, speech therapy classes are an additional service. Therefore, the schedule of classes in the preschool educational institution is compiled in such a way that the speech therapist teacher can deal with children only during their free activities, without prejudice to general education classes.
What kind of children are taken to the logopoint?
Children from the age of 5 with simple (compared to diagnoses for speech therapy gardens) speech disorders are enrolled at the speech therapy center. Not all children of an ordinary kindergarten are taken to speech therapy centers, but only the most in need of help. There is a sequence depending on the severity of speech impairment. First of all, children of 6 years old are enrolled, who will go to school in a year. That is, the guys from the preparatory group. As well as those who did not complete classes with a speech therapist last year. Some of the children of the older group are enrolled in the remaining places. Everyone else who needs the help of a speech therapist is put on a waiting list. Younger children from the middle group can receive speech therapy help only if not one speech therapist works at the speech center, but two.
With what diagnosis (logopedic conclusion) can one get to a speech center? Most often, children are accepted with such speech therapy conclusions: impaired pronunciation of individual sounds (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria) - FNR phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (in children with dyslalia, dysarthria or an erased form of dysarthria), or NVONR - mildly pronounced general underdevelopment of speech. The purpose of individual speech therapy classes is the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of phonemic processes.
So, in a preschool state educational institution, a speech therapist can work:
- at the logopoint at the general educational DS (kindergarten);
- in the logopedic group of the DS of the combined type;
- in the speech therapy group DS of the corrective type.
In whatever place and under what conditions your child would not receive speech therapy assistance, you will need maximum participation in this process. It is very difficult for a speech therapist to solve the problem of complete correction of children's speech alone. Therefore, he intensively attracts both parents and kindergarten specialists to work. To successfully correct the speech of children, the help of parents is simply necessary! They must follow all the recommendations of a speech therapist, regularly attend consultations with a specialist, and do homework that is given out once a week. And, of course, on the part of parents, close monitoring of the speech of the baby is necessary.