The best Botox effect cream. Cream with the effect of Botox: effectiveness, mechanism of action and indications for use

Women throw a lot of means and forces into the battle with age-related skin changes - make-up tricks, plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures, expensive cosmetics, Botox injections and other methods are created to facilitate this eternal battle. To combat aging at home, many cosmetic products have been developed. Face creams with the effect of Botox are gaining more and more popularity - are they as effective as the manufacturers promise and are they worth their rather big price? Can the cream compare to Botox injections that have proven themselves for more than 20 years?

The effect of Botox

With the subcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin, the active substance blocks the neural connections between the muscles and the brain. The anti-aging effect is achieved due to the fact that the muscle that forms wrinkles is in a relaxed state, allowing deformed skin to smooth out and recover naturally. , can be found in a separate article.

The result of the injection lasts from 5 to 12 months, it depends on the individual susceptibility to the drug and its dosage. Can a Botox cream guarantee such results?

How does Botox cream work?

The search for drugs similar to beauty injections that do not require surgical intervention began about 10 years ago and ended after scientists managed to synthesize peptides - active substances that replace amino acids that affect muscle contraction.

The most effective is considered to be a hexapeptide, a molecule that consists of six amino acids (in cosmetology it is called argiorelin) - this substance acts similarly to the work of botulinum toxin, i.e. blocks neural connections in local areas.

The use of creams, which include hexapeptide, does not cause side effects that may occur due to an unsuccessful injection, the adverse effects of Botox on the face. But it does not lead to such a pronounced result as after injections.

Along with the hexapeptide, scientists created an eight-amino acid molecule, octamioxyl, which also served as the basis for many Botox-effect creams.

Cosmetics based on peptides:

  • moisturize and smooth the skin,
  • stimulate collagen production.

Often, in beauty salons and beauty parlors, women are offered masks with the effect of Botox, but most often these masks do not contain active peptides, but hyaluronic acid, which does not affect the muscles and smoothes the skin due to surface moisturizing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the cream

Botox cream is less toxic than injections, it has no contraindications and side effects, but it does not give such a pronounced result. Botox contraindications.

The effect of Botox injections can be seen during the first 10-14 days after the injection of the drug. In the case of a cream, the effect will have to wait a month and a half.

Experts urge to apply a cream with a Botox effect twice a day for a month and a half, after which it is used twice a week. After stopping the use of such creams, the visual effect will last for six months, but this period depends on the individual susceptibility of the ingredients and the condition of the skin.

Cosmetic products with peptides rejuvenate the skin without affecting facial expressions and allowing it to remain natural. The composition of such funds acts not only on the muscles of the face, but also directly on the skin, which helps to significantly improve its condition.

The main drawback of Botox cream is its price, for a small jar you will have to pay as for a Botox injection in the forehead.

The main disadvantage of Botox cream is the high price.

Proper use of botox cream

Like any drug with chemical components, Botox cream has a number of contraindications, which are much less than for injections:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to edema;
  • individual intolerance to the components.

It is not recommended to use the cream daily for more than a month and a half, because. this can negatively affect lymphatic drainage. It is also contraindicated to use Botox cream simultaneously with products that contain fruit acids - their interaction neutralizes the effect of both products. Alternatively, you can try . They have proven themselves excellently.

How to apply botox cream?

  • nose bridge,
  • crow's feet area
  • nasolabial folds.

It is worth applying the cream twice a day daily for one to one and a half months until a visual effect appears, then switch to the maintenance mode and use the botox cream from one to three times a week. The cream will have the greatest effect on women aged 30 to 45 years.

From what age and how to use peptide creams with Botox effect, see this video:

The choice between a cream with the effect of Botox and injections of botulinum toxin is made by everyone for himself - both methods have both minuses and pluses at almost the same price. Whatever the choice, the main thing is to choose quality, not cheapness.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Cream Botomax (Botomax)- means for deep rejuvenating skin care of the face, neck and décolleté. The effect of Botox is achieved due to the unique active formula of the composition and the use of innovative technologies in the production, which ensure the penetration of beneficial substances into the deep layers of the epidermis. The spray neutralizes the effects of external factors on the skin: removes toxins, breaks down sebaceous formations, relieves dryness and flaking. It improves blood microcirculation, regeneration (renewal) of cells and stimulates the production of collagen - due to this, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

The drug is available in the form of a cream spray for easy use. With daily use twice a day, results will be noticeable in a week. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by cosmetologists and positive customer reviews.

Botomax with Botox effect - true or fake?

Every woman after 30 years old notices the first signs of skin aging: dryness, tightness, mimic wrinkles. The main reasons for this process are dehydration, insufficient collagen production and slow cell regeneration. The active formula Botomax is an analogue of Botox, which is injected subcutaneously in beauty salons and replenishes the loss of moisture. But the consequences of injections can be unpleasant - asymmetry of the face, impaired facial expressions, atony (weakening of the muscles).

Using daily Botomax cream, you will heal your skin and give yourself youth without surgical injections. The effect of the cream is confirmed by studies conducted in European countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Finland): after the first application, the skin of owners of a dry type was noticeably moisturized, peeling and itching disappeared, after two weeks of use, 97% of women confirmed the smoothing of "crow's feet", after a month - 90 % got rid of deep wrinkles on the forehead and "nasolabial folds".

The process of exposure cream spray

  • Nutrition. Nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements. Suitable for the delicate skin of the eyelids (eliminates bags under the eyes and puffiness). Returns a healthy color to the face and gives a slight blush.
  • Smoothing out roughness. Eliminates traces of acne, making the skin velvety.
  • Hydration. Improves the texture of even severely dry skin. Due to the right level of water, the skin becomes elastic and elastic. Flews are tightened, the second chin is eliminated (if it is caused by sagging skin), wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Fast result. Within a week, you will replace the positive changes in your appearance, the skin will become pleasant to the touch.
  • Protection from external factors(ultraviolet rays, wind, frost, dust). The spray creates a thin film that prevents clogging of pores and overdrying of the dermis.
  • Ease of use. The product must be applied to the skin without rubbing, which injures the top layer and leads to the appearance of microcracks.

Organic composition of Botomax cream

Researchers confirm that daily use of the spray gives impressive results: the skin looks toned, as after expensive Botox injections. Please note that the composition of the drug does not contain this substance that blocks the work of the facial muscles.

A similar effect is achieved due to the unique natural composition.

  • Asian centella. Stimulates cell renewal.
  • silk proteins. They are able to be absorbed into the skin and improve regenerating processes at the cellular level.
  • Petit grain oil. Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis. Improves blood circulation, has a calming effect. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the spray after home peeling.
  • Ginseng extract. Restores water balance, retains moisture in cells.
  • Collagen. The skin begins to fade due to a lack of protein, so the epidermis needs to maintain the right level of collagen.
  • Sodium hyaluronate. Unique development of manufacturers. The component was obtained due to the synthesis of hyaluronic acid with sodium ions. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Therefore, if your skin is of a problem type, you often have inflammation and acne, Botomax cream will help get rid of the disease. Sodium hyaluronate heals wounds and prevents bacteria from multiplying. Creates a protective film.
  • natural oxygen. Replenishes the lack of oxygen in the cells of the epidermis.

Rules for use and precautions

  1. Before applying the product, cleanse the face, neck and décolleté of decorative cosmetics and natural pollution. You can use a soft scrub (if you do not have dry skin type).
  2. According to the manufacturer's instructions, it is recommended to spray the product at a distance of 15 centimeters from the skin surface, after closing the eyes.
  3. The researchers claim that the improvement in skin color will appear after the first application, and after a month, wrinkles will be smoothed by 27%.
  4. Botomax cream spray can be used several times a day. Definitely in the morning an hour before going out and in the evening before going to bed.
  5. The only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before use, apply a little on the elbow bend and observe the reaction of the body during the day. If itching or redness occurs, do not use the spray, you are allergic to some component that is part of the composition. According to the results of the study, there were no cases of individual intolerance among 200 subjects.

Where to buy Botomax spray cream with Botox effect

You can buy Botomax only on the official website of the manufacturer -. It is possible to order a cosmetic product in any regions of Russia, Ukraine. Delivery is carried out from 7 to 14 days, depending on the remoteness of your location and the method of delivery. Botomax price is five times lower than botulinum toxin injections!

Discounted prices and countries to which delivery is carried out:

Purchase the drug only on the official website, turning to the services of dubious distributors, you risk your health.

To check if the item sent is original, pay attention to the following points.

  • Package. The drug must be well packed, without traces of opening.
  • Expiry date and logo. Must be indicated on the packaging. The manufacturer's logo according to the rules is affixed to the front and back.
  • Instruction. It should be clear to the buyer, without spelling errors and typos.

The opinion of a professional cosmetologist

“As a professional and just a woman, I am constantly testing cosmetic novelties that inspire confidence. Among them was Botomax cream spray. The action is achieved thanks to a unique active formula - the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and sodium, nanoparticles penetrate the epidermis, saturate the cells with collagen and oxygen, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out after a week of regular skin care. My clients also noted that the effect of the spray resembles the effect of Botox. I recommend spraying as a daily moisturizer - it's a serious alternative to injectables. In addition, once a week, do a homemade peel with coffee grounds, honey or ground oatmeal, and after cleansing your face, apply a spray. Regular skin care is the key to youth and charm!”

– Cosmetologist M.N. Alexandrova


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Verified Information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

It is impossible to imagine life without emotions. We get angry, we laugh, we cry, we frown. All this is reflected on the face and, over time, hateful wrinkles appear. Some women go for drastic measures by going under the knife of a plastic surgeon, others agree to Botox injections, others (including me) prefer more conservative methods and buy special cosmetics, in particular, Botox effect cream.

Botox injection is especially popular among American stars and celebrities. Not so long ago, this procedure became available in our beauty salons. Botox effectively helps fight wrinkles. You can't argue with that! The principle of the injection is simple. Botulinum toxin is injected under the skin, which relaxes the muscles, which leads to smoothing of mimic wrinkles. The first time the effect lasts six months, subsequent injections last for 2-3 months. The disadvantage of the injection are many contraindications and serious side effects. And, to be honest, not everyone will like the idea of ​​piercing the skin on the face with a huge needle.

Surprisingly, Botox-effect face creams do not contain botulinum toxins. Therefore, you should not expect an instant and pronounced effect! But at the same time, Botox cream, unlike injections, has no side effects and contraindications. And this is a big plus.

How Botox Wrinkle Cream Works

How does Botox cream work if it does not contain botulinum toxins? Everything is simple! The active ingredients in such cosmetics are muscle relaxant peptides, which slow down the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, which leads to their relaxation and smoothing of wrinkles. These peptides mimic the action of the famous botulinum toxin, as if temporarily paralyzing the muscles.

Most Botox creams and serums include peptides such as Matrixyl and Argireline, which have a relaxing and rejuvenating effect. For instance,

Pros and Cons of Botox Creams

The first and biggest advantage, in my opinion, is non-invasiveness, that is, there is no need to pierce the skin. In addition, Botox cream has a number of other advantages, including:

  • natural look without the effect of a doll face;
  • no side effects (I talked about this before);
  • regenerating effect - peptides make skin cells work, unlike botulinum toxins, which paralyze them;
  • affordable and reasonable cost.

The main disadvantage is not such a rapid effect as after the injection. Peptides have a cumulative effect. To see the first results, you must regularly use Botox face cream for at least one month. But, as for me, you can wait, given the huge list of side effects from injections.

What problems can Botox face cream cope with?

Botox cream is effective in the fight against transverse and longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead, bridge of the nose, as well as near the eyes (known as "crow's feet").

Alas, muscle relaxants do not cope with such problems as:

  • nasolabial folds (these are deep age-related changes that are formed as a result of sagging skin);
  • small nets of wrinkles (the reason for their appearance is dehydration, so it is better to choose a moisturizing and nourishing cream);
  • folds and bags under the eyes (you should pay attention to the means that relieve swelling).

Choosing the best Botox cream

Means with Botox effect can be conditionally divided into two huge groups: creams and serums. Both groups really help get rid of wrinkles. But serums, due to their concentrated formula, are more effective.

The best serums with Botox effect

The best botox creams

  • . This product contains Argireline, which effectively copes with mimic wrinkles, Tripeptide (Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5), which enhances collagen production, as well as hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The unique composition of the cream allows you to effectively cope with age-related changes, moisturize the skin and saturate it with useful substances. Suitable for all skin types, day or night. Apply twice a day.

  • . This product is easy to apply. It contains Matrixyl, hyaluronic acid, plant stem cells and amino acids, which together effectively cope with the early signs of aging, relieve crow's feet and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Apply twice a day. Avoid hitting the eyelid line.

  • . Contains peptides Matrixyl and Argireline. Use twice a day, morning and evening. To achieve maximum effect, you need to use in combination with the serum of this brand.

  • . This is an innovative Botox cream, which has a rich composition. Contains four types of peptides. Effectively helps to get rid of wrinkles, even deep ones. Apply morning and evening.

How to use botox cream correctly

An important feature of the means with the effect of Botox is the application directly to the problem area. That is, peptides work pointwise! Therefore, do not apply cream or serum all over the face. Besides, it will be costly!

Also, do not use Botox cream for more than one month. It is imperative to take breaks. Apply the product only on clean and dry skin. By following these simple rules, Botox face cream will be as effective as possible and you will see the desired result faster.

Where to buy face cream with Botox effect

Today, you can buy a cream with a Botox effect in almost any specialized store. But be careful! Unfortunately, due to demand, the number of counterfeit products is also growing. If you want an effective Botox cream from a reliable brand, then be sure to visit the legendary American site. The range of funds and reasonable prices pleasantly surprise.

Is it possible to prolong the youthfulness of the skin? How to get rid of wrinkles or prevent their appearance? Almost every woman begins to look for answers to these questions at a certain age.

Get rid of wrinkles really. Cosmetology offers several ways to solve the problem. You can do a facelift, but this is an operation and not every woman agrees to voluntarily go under the knife. There are injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid - effective, but very unpleasant procedures.

Is there a painless and safe alternative? Yes, it appeared not too long ago. This is a Botox cream.

We express our emotions through facial expressions. Joy, anger, disappointment - all these feelings can be read on the face. Mimic muscles are constantly working and wrinkles begin to appear over time.

Botox, more precisely, the botulinum toxin contained in it, blocks the work of these muscles, causing them to become paralyzed. As a result, they relax and wrinkles are smoothed out. This is how Botox injections work.

Botox cream, as such, does not exist. This is impossible in principle: botulinum toxin is destroyed by oxygen.

But there are creams with the effect of Botox, which act similarly to injections. The difference is that peptides are used to immobilize facial muscles. These are organic substances synthesized from amino acids and have muscle relaxation properties. They are part of any Botox cream.

Peptides do not cause complete muscle paralysis, but they act in a similar way, blocking the passage of nerve impulses that cause them to contract. It is thanks to this property of the peptides that the mimic muscles remain relaxed, and the wrinkles on the face are smoothed out.

When to expect the result?

After injections, it begins to appear after a few days. When using Botox cream, you should not expect such a quick effect.

A stable result from its impact is noticeable on the face after at least one, or even a month and a half of regular use.

This is because most external cosmetics are not able to penetrate deep under the skin. This is one of the main problems in cosmetology.

In order for the effect of Botox to occur, the peptides must penetrate the muscle tissue and already there exert their blocking effect. Part of the active substances are absorbed by the lymphatic system before reaching the destination, so it takes so much time to saturate muscle tissue with peptides.

Botox cream or injection - which is better?

The use of Botox cream and injection with botulinum toxin are completely different ways to achieve what you want. Their goal is to fight mimic wrinkles.

Botox cream has the following advantages to achieve the desired result:

  1. Consists of substances completely harmless to the body. And botulinum toxin, which is part of Botox, is still a poison, and a very strong one.
  2. Many people have a fear of injections, and the cream is applied easily and painlessly.
  3. The composition of the product, in addition to peptides, includes various nutrients and moisturizing substances. They provide additional skin care.
  4. More natural result. The mimic muscles of the face are not paralyzed, it will not look "stone".
  5. It can be used for those areas of the face where Botox injections are highly discouraged - this is the entire lower part of the face. The cream can be applied on any part of the skin: both under the eyes and around the mouth.

Cons of using cream

Despite the fact that the cream with the effect of Botox and injections with botulinum toxin work on a similar principle (blocking the work of facial muscles), the result of their action is noticeably different. In the cream, it is less pronounced, with its help it will not be possible to smooth out deep wrinkles. It will not get rid of age-related skin changes and swelling.

Therefore, Botox cream is more suitable for women 30–35 years old, in whom wrinkles are just beginning to appear. After fifty, it can be used to smooth out shallow facial wrinkles and prolong the result after Botox injections.

Its other disadvantages include:

  • long wait for the result;
  • high price;
  • the need for regular use throughout the course.


Not everyone and not always can use any remedy with a Botox effect. You should not use it:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • if blood clotting is impaired;
  • there is a tendency to edema.

It is not recommended to use Botox cream for more than three months without a break. With longer use, lymph drainage may slow down, which will impair cell self-regulation, leading to the appearance of puffiness of the face.

Cosmetic products containing hydroxyl acids (fruit, glycolic, etc.) should not be used simultaneously with Botox cream, as they neutralize each other. As a rule, these acids are included in the composition of chemical skin peels.

How to use?

In order for the result of this magical remedy to be fully manifested, you need to know how to use it. The main rule is to apply it regularly, without interruption, for one or one and a half months twice a day, but not more often.

Then, the tool can be used to maintain the results. To do this, it is applied to the skin 2-3 times a week for another one and a half or two months.

The total exposure period (active application and maintenance regimen) should not exceed 3 months.

After such a course, the effect of Botox cream lasts for several months (usually this period is six months). The duration depends on individual characteristics: age, mimic activity and other factors. The course can be repeated after a break, allowing the skin to rest for at least three months.

Before applying the product, the surface of the face is cleaned. To do this, carry out a light peeling of the skin with the help of scrubs containing abrasive particles. You can do an ultrasonic cleaning procedure in the cabin.

It will be useful before applying Botox cream and a steam bath. It expands the pores, allowing peptides to penetrate faster and deeper under the skin.

Popular creams with Botox effect and their characteristics

Anti-aging products are in demand, so many well-known manufacturers of cosmetics (both foreign and domestic) produce creams with the Botox effect. They can be purchased at a pharmacy, specialty store or ordered online.

When choosing funds, be careful and give preference to trusted brands.

There are plenty of creams with the effect of Botox. Consider the most popular of them.

Cream Bioven (BioVen)

This is a Botox effect from the well-known American manufacturer BioLogic Solutions. This company specializes in anti-aging cosmetics. The composition of the cream includes:

  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • retinoids;
  • peptides of animal and vegetable origin;
  • antioxidants.

The Botox effect is caused by the processed venom of the Malayan snake, which is part of the cream. The active substances of the product are aimed at restoring skin cells, improving blood circulation and lifting. Regular use provides a rejuvenating effect.


The product is a whole complex of substances intended for facial skin care after 35 years. It is produced by the Belarusian company Belita-Viteks. The set includes: serum, mask, day and night cream.

The Belarusian BOTOX cream has a deep effect on mimic wrinkles and smoothes the skin well, thanks to its peptides. After its application, the surface of the face becomes soft and velvety.

Botu Like

Botu-Like serum from the French company Ericson Laboratoire is another Botox-effect product. Peptides of plant origin, which are part of it, block muscle fibers and smooth mimic wrinkles.

The tool belongs to professional cosmetics. After using it, the skin becomes radiant, toned and velvety.

Lifting cream KORA

KORA is a well-known domestic manufacturer of cosmetics. The company has also developed an anti-aging series. KORA cream with Botox effect is one of the products included in it. It is a local muscle relaxant. Unlike foreign brands, KORA offers cosmetics at quite affordable prices.

Before buying, always study the composition of the cosmetic product.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to pass off cosmetics with hyaluronic acid as a cream with a Botox effect, which must necessarily include peptides of plant or animal origin.

Both of these substances are used to get rid of wrinkles. But their principle of action is completely different: peptides immobilize muscles, and hyaluronic acid maintains a moisture balance in the skin.

Any of these remedies will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. And the choice of a particular product should depend on the desired result and the recommendations of your beautician.

Useful video: how does Botox effect cream work?

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Elimination of deep wrinkles and wrinkles due to Botox, which is part of the composition, improvement of skin color, giving the skin elasticity and elasticity, stimulation of the formation of collagen fibers.

Boxtlak-BL Cream is the latest non-surgical method for correcting age-related skin changes. Boxtlak-BL Cream is a Botox-based anti-aging cream fortified with peptides and enriched with nutrients to eliminate deep static and mimic wrinkles, restoring the skin's elasticity and smoothness characteristic of young skin. Boxtlak-BL anti-aging cream restores the skin, improves its color, effectively moisturizes and heals the skin.

Composition of Boxtlak-BL Cream:

  • hexadecine hexapeptide (BoNT-L) based on Clostridium botulinum with BOTOX activity;
  • alpha lipoic acid;
  • olive leaf extract;
  • extract of centella asiatica;
  • allantoin.

Botox Effect Cream is a healthy alternative to Botox. The cream gives a more natural result - wrinkles disappear, but facial expressions remain free and natural. In addition, the anti-aging cream is enriched with additional nourishing and moisturizing ingredients, which contributes to complex skin rejuvenation through deep nutrition.

Hexadecin hexapeptide (BoNT-L) in the cream helps to care for the skin, improves the synthesis of collagen fibers, and activates fibroblasts. Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant, neutralizes the action of free radicals, delays the aging process, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improves blood circulation, helps to eliminate edema, improves the overall condition of the skin and restores its healthy color.

Olive leaf extract is a valuable natural ingredient. This plant component in Boxtlak-BL Cream promotes skin renewal, eliminates flaking and dry skin, protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals, improves skin tone and stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin in skin cells.

Centella asiatica extract has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and tonic effects. Promotes the regeneration of skin cells and normalizes the water-salt and fat balance. Allantoin has a softening effect on the skin, and also stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells.

Thanks to herbal ingredients, antioxidants and peptides, Boxtlak-BL Cream allows you to keep your skin beautiful, young and healthy, completely eliminating the side effects associated with traditional Botox therapy (botulinum therapy). Anti-aging cream with the effect of Botox improves the condition of the skin, eliminating deep wrinkles, and protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment. Unlike Botox therapy, regular use of Boxtlak-BL cream is not addictive and gives a long-lasting rejuvenation effect with regular use.
