Magic and therapeutic properties of fianita. Fianit - synthetic stone imitating the most expensive minerals

Stone Fioneite created artificially. It is a synthetic diamond substitute. Used in silver and gold jewelry. Small fianits are used as a supplement. Their task is to give an additional shine and a hue of the main insert. Colorless stone fioony is difficult to distinguish visual from a diamond. Inexpensive jewelry, decorated with fianits and gems are very popular.

It can have almost any color. It determines the amount and chemical composition of additives. In the color palette, the fianit can successfully compete with most precious and jewelry stones. It immobilizes the pink-red spinel, Kashmir Sapphire, saturated amethysts, aquamarins. Today, manufacturers of fianits have learned to give it shades that are not found from natural stones. This makes it possible to even more diversify the world of jewelry.

The fionate stone is processed by a machine, almost any kind, shape and type of cut. As a rule, it is a classic diamond rumble cut. Large inserts from fianita are extremely rare.

Fioneite is a stone, the value of which is quite difficult to describe.

It has a special character. When adding certain impurities, a completely unique stone is created. His color, shine and beauty are unique. Initially, the stone resembles a completely empty vessel. Each person who becomes his owner is able to fill him with something, deeply personal, which will make it completely invaluable. Desires and endow the stone with special properties that can only be characterized by this stone and no other.

Astrologers believe that since the fianit is created artificially, it cannot have some properties inherent in natural stones. As mentioned earlier, everyone who carries this stone gives it with certain properties. That is why the stone Fioneite can wear representatives of all signs of the zodiac. Gradually, he absorbs emotions, feelings, the impressions of the owner.

He is able to strengthen them several times. In this regard, the owner of the fianit should be controlled by its emotions in order not to suffer from them. All travelers, journalists and those who are sent to the long-range edges are recommended to wear fiings.

Stone, the zodiac sign is not defined, you can easily speak, giving it completely any properties. It should be done very carefully and only to those who know this thing well.

Some are called loneliness, due to the fact that it always performs a secondary role. Nevertheless, he is able to help and bring good luck in life. It will help to carry out the desired and give confidence on the trip. With him, you will rather return home and avoid many troubles. If your activity is associated with the movement, curiosity, the presence of many impressions, then you are recommended to wear fianit. He will give you strength and helps find what you have been looking for. In addition, looking at the thing decorated with these beautiful stones, the mood rises. What is also important.

Decorations with glittering pebbles are always specially popular with female. It just does not always have the opportunity to purchase a real diamond, so you have to be satisfied with the stones of the cheaper, which are not so bad look. One of these is the fianit, which in the jewelry world is called artificial diamond.

What is fianit

Stone Fianit was discovered by scientists when they wanted to get a material for laser equipment. As a result, after many numerous experiments, they received shiny crystals. The name was invented quickly: Fian (Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation is the abbreviation of the institute in which this new material invented). Over time, the stone began to be used to create jewelry and in industrial production, turning into fianit.

It is not precious because the crystals are grown by artificially. The process occurs with zirconium dioxide. After careful treatment, the stone acquires a beautiful shine, so it is really difficult to distinguish even from a diamond. At the same time, it is similar to not only appearance, but also some physical characteristics. In the USSR, a very long, artificial diamond was called Fianit, but the stone had other names:

  • jevalit;
  • zirconite;
  • daimonskay.

Decades, the technology of growing stone has practically not changed. Russian scientists still at the time of the USSR opened a methodology for obtaining this artificial mineral, which to this day is the best and allows you to raise crystals weighing up to 4 kg. Over time, it is just a little modified. The production of fianita on an industrial scale is engaged in many countries: Russia, USA, China, Switzerland, Thailand.


Fianit is actively used in the creation of jewelry. Thanks to the cut, it is difficult to distinguish this artificial stone from an expensive diamond. The most popular are bright, yellowish shades, but color crystals are also produced. The cost of jewelry with will be significantly lower, while it looks no less beautiful. Make sure that photos of jewelry can help you.

In addition to use in the jewelry industry, the fianit is actively used in various industries. Due to the fact that it has a high hardness and density, the stone is simply indispensable in radio electronics, optics and medicine. Mineral make high-quality glass cutters, high-precision medical scalpels, different optical devices. The grown stone is chemically resistant to the effects of an aggressive environment, which was useful in steel production.


Fianites have a cubic crystal lattice. Hardness 7.5-8.5, density 6.5-10 g / cm3. Although the stone of artificial origin, it still has magical and healing properties. The stone is able to influence the dark chakra, which helps to get a relationship with cosmic consciousness and improve their lives. Indian exercises repeatedly praised this stone as an amulet from negative events or bad people. It will help protect your house from evil spirits, so in some states of India in houses hang fianit crystal before entering.

If you have a fianit crystal in the house, then in the family will reign harmony, calm and mutual understanding, and there will be no quarrel between the sweethearts because of jealousy and change. Already at the wedding, newlyweds are best to wear wedding rings with this stone, and then, after a few years of receiving the experience of family life, you can change the pebbles in a ring on more expensive and magically strong.

If you have a gold ring with a crystal, you can not worry about your property because it will save from theft or loss. Thieves or fraudsters will go to the side. The cross with small pebbles enhances the interaction of its owner with the guardian angel, especially after consecration. Earrings with this stone attach confidence, bring good luck. For students and schoolchildren will be useful any silver product with this stone. His assured him, students will be able to realize themselves in life much faster and more successful.

Littered therapists have long studied the stone and still could not come to a single opinion: can the mineral help in the treatment of pathologies? For a very long time watching the owners of these gems, scientists finally concluded that the grown "diamond" is useful to wear people with cardiovascular diseases, he normalizes the work of the heart, helps to get rid of tachycardia, lowers pressure. Therapeutic properties of the stone prevent the development of tumors: For such purposes, it is best to wear a blue fianit framed in a silver frame.

Varieties and colors

Receiving crystals - the process is not the easiest. It requires modern expensive equipment, which will solve tasks with high accuracy. After complex chemical and thermal processes in the laboratory, a peculiar preparation is created. Just get a transparent crystal with a beautiful glitter. Next to the workpiece add different impurities that color the stone in the desired color. The chromium content will help get the green fianit, to create yellow, golden shades need copper, for pink - iron oxide.

Thanks to modern technologies, you can get fianits 20 shades. Many of them are used to replace more expensive minerals. So the blue crystals are successfully replaced by sapphires, yellow - citrines. Absolutely indistinguishable colored fianits from white, pink and black chalcedone, red rubies and pomegranates, lilac amethyst, blue topaz. Depending on the lighting, the stones acquire all new shades, thanks to which the fianit is replaced by expensive Alexandrit.

Fianit for zodiac signs

Like any other stone, the fianit helps to achieve success with one zodiac signs more than others. So, astrologists believe that the stone will become a real talisman for cancers, because he will add confidence, give the forces to achieve new affairs. Wear a decoration with this mineral can be completely any zodiac sign. If you choose a color talisman, then you can hope for the impact of special energy and the impact on your life:

  • signs of water elements (fish, scorpion, cancer) will help black or blue fianit if wearing suspension;
  • air signs (twins, aquarius, scales), a yellow crystal is suitable;
  • the signs of the earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are more suitable green pebbles.

How to distinguish fianit from diamond

Buying a product with grown stone does not represent anything difficult: the price for it is not so high to worry about the acquisition of fake. A different thing is, if you want to buy a diamond. Here you prepare for a thorough search for a quality product, because under the guise of expensive mineral they sell ordinary fianit. The difference between these two crystals in their composition:

  • the diamond is an allotropic form of carbon education;
  • fianit is zirconium dioxide.

To see these differences in the finished product will be able to only a real professional, and only if there are special equipment. An ordinary person to recognize the imitation and evaluate the quality of the product will be hard, so when buying expensive jewelry will be better if you refer to the help of the jeweler.

Here are a number of differences:

  1. The diamond has 57 faces, the artificial analogue has them much less. Although the wizard can create the necessary number of faces and on an artificial stone, there will be not enough natural light for the glow.
  2. The weight of an artificial stone is greater. The weight of the product depends on the density of two crystals.
  3. In an artificial pebble transparency more. Through it, you can even see objects, as if through the glass. Natural mineral does not have such transparency, it is rather muddy.
  4. You can independently check the authenticity of the natural mineral: apply fat to the jewelry and see what happens. The diamond will not give fat to spread, break up, and he will not hold back to the fan, immediately starts to drain and shake into small drops.
  5. The main difference is the price. Diamonds are sold very expensive, and fianits are sold in silver products from 500 rubles.

How to care for fianits

Any decorations over time lose their original appearance and they have to be cleaned. The same care requires this artificial stone. Over time, the mineral fades darkens. Care is available at home or contact the masters:

  • Trust the product of jewelers. In the workshop he will be returned with initial beauty and attractiveness.
  • Buy special means for cleaning jewelry. Pasta is sold in salons and shops.
  • Prepare a soap solution and soak the decoration for the night.
  • Vintage way - toothpaste or powder. Apply a small amount of paste on the brush and clean the product.
  • The ammonia alcohol is diluted in water, it is left for a crystal for 10-12 hours depending on the contamination, and then washed in clean water and dried.
  • The main enemies of Fianita remain cosmetics and soap.

How much is fianit

You can buy decoration at all inexpensive, especially since today the market is simply filled with products of different quality with the spread of prices. The smallest pebbles are often inserted into silver rings or earrings. Girls like such products, especially since the price of them is pleasant. The larger the stone in the product, the higher the cost. In addition, they are distinguished by colors: painted pebbles will cost more. The average price for silver decoration with fianit in Moscow is 1500 rubles, but there are others:


Stone fianit can be safely called the invaluable creation of human hands. In this case, there is no romance for the birth of a mineral in diamond mines or in unpacrifted swamps or caves where topaz appears.

Everything is much simpler, but at the same time, looking at the result, I want to honor the head in front of the time-consuming process of origin and growing miracle gems.

What is fianit? This is an artificial mineral, which is grown in laboratory conditions with human hands. It is a transparent white crystal, which includes zirconium dioxide.

According to its properties and characteristics, artificially grown fianit is more practical from diamonds distinguished by natural origin. After all, this mineral can boast the presence of complex qualities and characteristics that are not inherent in the rest of the minerals grown in the laboratory.

Among the main properties of phyanite, such as refractory, refraction of light, cubic crystal lattice and high resistance to mechanical lesions are distinguished.

Colors of stone

A variety of color palette of artificial mineral can not be surprised. Most often there are white fianits, or transparent with a special cut, with rounded edges, deep bottom and high platform.

But it is worth only to add chrome to the pebble, and we will get the fianit of the properties of which are very similar to the green emerald and is perfectly replaced by it in jewelry. With the help of neodymium, a red palette is created, which varies from gently red to blood-red, reminding ruby \u200b\u200bor grenade.

Following this technology, you can get a cerium - yellow, erbium - pink, titanium - gold color. Adding chromium will make gem with green or olive. There are also orange, brown and even black fianits, the technology of creating their color is thermal processing.

Blue and blue minerals are born as a result of thermal spraying of the cobalt-aluminum mixture in vacuo, they are perfectly imitated to topaz, aquamarine ,. The fianit-amethyst is a purple-lilac mineral, which is not inferior to his eminent relative.


The emergence of fianits accounts for the second half of the twentieth century, then jewelry with stones of similar diamonds, topazam and diamonds began to appear in the markets, but much cheaper than their market prices.

The history of the creation of a miracle of mineral began quite recently in 1968. The birthplace of the stone is considered the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. P.I Lebedev (Fian), from there, and the name of the first grown mineral happened, that is, "fianit", and not "foaming", as many have accustomed to count. Abroad, this pseudo diamond is called Daimonskay, zirkonite or jaws.

Soviet scientists have developed an accurate methodology for growing fianits in the laboratory, which colleagues of China, USA, Switzerland and Thailand still use. It is worth noting that the process of the birth of the stone is very complex and time-consuming.

Zirconium dioxide powder is placed in a high-frequency generator and affect the energy flow. Then, after a gradual decrease in temperature, the molten substance crystallizes, turning into the fianit jewelry. Next, the process of grinding and legends of the color of the color.

Magic properties

Fianit, like any other gem, has magical properties, even though it is an artificial mineral. Many scientists call him a certain vessel who a person must fill out with positive emotions, a good mood and the most bright dreams and plans.

It is the opinion that Fianit-mystic is a patron of family relations and strong murrants, so the wedding rings are preferably acquired with this gem specifically.

Wear a cross with a fianitovy osyper means to draw and strengthen the connection with your guardian angel. Gem has favorably affecting tourists who love to travel, helps to keep the bright reason to people who process large amounts of information, brings good luck to people of creative professions. Therefore, proceeding only from the artificial origin of the stone, in no case can it be impressed by his magic meaning.


The influence of the phyanite on the signs of the zodiac is very controversial. Many astrologers believe that the fianit cannot be specifically attributed to some one sign of the zodiac. Others, on the contrary, consider it a versatile stone, which is ideal for the horoscope to everyone without exception.

For example, Aries, Lions, the Silver Red Fianit will help to doubt their fireproof and impulsive nature. Representatives of the water element, scorpions, fish, cancer, more impressed minerals of gentle blue and blue.

Signs of air element, twins, weights, waterwords, quiet yellow stones are suitable. Earth signs, Capricorn, Taurians, devans will betray confidence and strengthen the faith in tomorrow Black Fianits. Consequently, in its zodiacal value, artificial mineral is not very inferior to noble and precious diamonds, topazam and amethystam.

How to distinguish fianit from diamond

It is believed that the fianit is a substitute for a diamond, and all because the properties of the fianit are very similar to a diamond, and to determine between them the differences in a simple person are not under power. But still there is a characteristic that distinguishes these two stones, and it consists in the description of the chemical composition and hardness of minerals.

Consider how to distinguish a diamond from Fianit. After mechanical damage, the diamond will not remain scratches, while the fianit may be damaged. And the artificial mineral weighs more, due to its dense structure and is more transparent.

The royal diamond has 57 faces, while the fianit cannot boast of the superiority, although with a large skill you can and Fianit add so much faces as you wish. Therefore, just to determine in this case "who is who" will help only an experienced jeweler.

Very often in its ignorance, people mineral are confused with zirconia, or vice versa. How to make the right choice in the case of zirconium or fianit, since the first is a natural precious mineral, and the second is artificial.

The main feature that the zircon differs is the presence of small enclosures and absolute transparency of the crystal, while the fianit does not have foreign inclusions and much harder of the natural stone. The beauty and uniqueness of such a gentle resembles a diamond, more often to topaz.

How much is

Since this is an artificially grown mineral, prices for it in jewelry markets remain available. On average, they range from $ 50 per kilogram, a set of hundreds of blessed stones can be purchased for about 10 dollars.

In general, the price depends on the decoration decoration: whether gold earrings that decorate the dancing fianit, a silver cross, or a decoration with a composition of green fianitic stones.

Unfortunately, all the jewelry fraudsters enjoy this and skillfully dilute the expensive diamond jewelry of the fianitovy smelting, thereby significantly understating the cost of the product.

How to care

To ensure that the jewels do not lose their former beauty and shine, you need a suitable and regular care. Of course, you can entrust this procedure to experienced jewelers, and it is possible at home to bring decorations in order.

This will require a special paste and flannel fabric or wool, it is enough to apply a paste on the surface of the stone and then very carefully wipe with cotton wool or soft cloth.

It is important to remember that fianits, like any other stones: topaz, diamonds, or diamonds, do not like soap and cosmetics, so it is worth protecting your jewelry from this neighborhood and then they will serve you for a long time, gladly by seductive brilliance.

Despite its origin, a stone, truly, is a gorgeous gem that will always make real connoisseurs of beauty and uniqueness. The properties of the stone allow this amazing gem of occupying the place next to the royal diamonds, emeralds, rubies, diamonds and topazami.

Nowadays, on the shelves of jewelry stores, you can find many precious stones, including fianits about the properties of which will be more popular. These are very gentle stones, which are most often accompanied by the central, that is, the main element of the decoration, as they give the overflowing effect, as well as the radiance of any jewelry.

Many are surprised that the fianit (fioney) is a synthetic stone received by Soviet scientists who initially tried to develop special crystals for the laser operation. This stone shines perfectly, and their abundance is always pleased with the eye.

As for the properties and values \u200b\u200bof Fianit (Fiona), then this well-known stone is completely different shades, and not just colorless, as we used to see it. The color depends on the impurities added to it. Pink, bright red, pink-violet and green fianits are made. All of them are very beautiful, as if natural stones.

Scientists, playing with the addition of all the impurities, can create unsurpassed optical properties of fianits, for example, some fianits have a property of changing their color, depending on the lighting. Similar effect is endowed with natural alexandrite.

For the first time, the stone was created in the seventies of the twentieth century. The event is so significant for the jewelry industry in the Physical Institute of Lebedev. As for the name itself, it comes from the Abbreviation "Fian" - Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences.

It is worth noting that fianitic stones whose properties are used not only in the jewelry industry, but also in optical technique, for example, for the manufacture of lenses for optics. In addition, it is often used in the chemical industry and only due to its numerous properties, this stone does not oxidize and is refractory.

Fianit is the main imitator of precious stones, but even it can, sometimes, can fake. Everything lies in the time-consuming of the technology of manufacturing stone, as a result of which excellent crystals are obtained with numerous useful physical properties. Unfortunately, when applying, they are all lost.

Therapeutic and magical properties of fianit

As for some magic properties of Fianita, It is often referred to as a stone of loneliness, due to his minor role. The second name of Fione is a dominant of a diamond, that is, a real fake. We assure you that this fianit is endowed with many properties that help and accompany in life. For example, fianit can be used when traveling abroad, in particular, it concerns those who need to be in many places for the minimum term. It is also suitable for wearing employees of the journalistic field of activity, whose work requires mobility and curiosity, as well as those who strive to score as much impressions as possible in a short period of time.

Fianites have the properties of increasing the tone and generally heal the human body. This stone is an empty vessel that you can fill in with your energy and positive emotions. He symbolizes the key to happiness and success.

Due to the fact that the fianit synthetic, and not a natural stone, astrologists decided not to attract it to any of the signs of the zodiac, but he makes his owners a little lucky.

A person, distant from the "stone" world, is known about the stone fianit. The mineral differs from the rest - it is actively producing artificially and not produced in nature. Hence the name, duplicate the abbreviation of the first place of creation - the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences or Fian. From this article, you will learn about the physical and magical properties of the fianit, its composition, as well as material value in the jewelry market.


Fianit - mineral of artificial origin. It does not occur in a natural environment. The basis of its chemical composition is ZRO 2 zirconium dioxide. Stone hardness according to the MOOS scale - 7.5-8 units.

The range of color variations is incredibly wide. Depending on the impurities used in production, there are crystals of pink, blue, green, blue, black, blue and other colors.

In fact, fianit is imitation of natural stone. The shade is chosen on the basis of which mineral is supposed to be copied. For example, to obtain an emerald effect, a chrome is added to the base, the erbium is used for pink, for purple - neodymium, for yellow, bloody-ruby or orange - cerium.

Get the fianit is not easy even in a high-level laboratory. But at the same time, the cost of production is incomparably lower than the production of natural and rare stones.

Fianit is a gem or no

The shine and radiance of fianitic decorations are raised no less than natural. Externally, crystal without impurities resembles a diamond. In this case, the cost of two stones is significantly different. In this regard, there is a completely natural question about the status of fianit. Artificial stone does not apply to any precious, nor to semiprecious minerals. This is just a synthetic imitation.

Nevertheless, jewelers appreciated his physical and chemical properties. Due to the high degree of hardness in combination with a spectacular fracture of the beams of light inside the stone, it was widespread in the jewelry industry. Fianit is framed by precious metals, draw up according to the latest fashion trends. The product obtained externally will compete with many noble stones.

Cost on the jewelry market and the main signs

The price of fianitis compared to precious crystals is much lower. If we talk about specific figures, for a hundred mining crystals, the wholesale buyer will pay only 10 dollars.

Without the participation of the jeweler, it is not easy to distinguish the original from imitation. This requires special tools and a professional look. However, there are a number of signs that indicate that you are not a precious mineral, and a stone grown in artificial conditions:

  • the transparency of imitation is higher, because looking through it, surrounding items are viewed;
  • if a little oil drops on the surface of the diamond, the drop will hold back, and in the case of imitation - vague;
  • big difference in price.

Other differences

Distinguish an artificial mineral from precious you can in the process of socks. Since the chemical composition and the properties of stones differ, during operation they will behave differently.

With a diamond sock, his owner may not worry about the fact that the product scratches and loses its shine. It is known that this is the hardest mineral in the world. As for the fianit, he markedly loses his precious conifer. After some time, scratches and other defects will appear on it.

Stones are still distinguished by weight. Due to the density of the fianit weighs more diamond similar size. In addition, you will not find imitation with 57 faces. This is characteristic only for the precious mineral.

These are not universal ways to determine authenticity. The full guarantee will give only the result of professional examination.

Fianit and other spectacular crystals

Decorations from Fianita have already conquered lovers of jewelry worldwide. Analogue of this material is equally popular crystals of the Swarovski brand. Although it is the jewelry, the cost of the original is relatively high. These brilliant stones are preferred due to a mirror substrate that creates the effect of a mirror-rainbow glow. Unlike the phianita, Swarovski stones include sulfur oxide.

Not so long ago, the jewelry market presented to consumers a new invention - color photosensitive fianit. His feature is that it loses its color when the sunlight falls on its surface. With their absence, the color is restored again.

Artificial mineral Jewelers encrusted in white, yellow gold, as well as platinum and silver. It is allowed to combine with pearls, white agate, topaz and other precious and semi-precious minerals. The fianit property is to enhance the action of other crystals that are suitable for its owner.

To care for jewelry from Fianit is easy. It is enough to store them in a cascade with a cloth bottom and shoot, if you have a physical work. So you will save the decoration from premature aging and avoid the appearance of scratches and deformations on the surface of artificial stone.

Medical and magical properties

Stone is recommended for wearing people whose professional activities are associated with communication: employees of service sector, in the field of trade or media. Wearing jewelry from this crystal increases moral and physical tone, gives confidence and good luck. Some believe that he prevents the development of tumors.

As for the signs of the zodiac, the stone is recommended to all representatives of the element of water. These are their perfect option in any colors and shapes. For air signs, light stones with sun shades are recommended. Earth representatives will have the effect of wearing green fianits. And for the signs of the fire, both blue and blue colors are suitable.