Korean style eye makeup. How to draw Asian eyes for girls with a European cut

A person often has a desire to have what belongs to another. Owners of an Asian cut of the eyes resort to plastic surgery or simply glue the overhanging upper eyelid to make the eye appear rounder. And big-eyed, on the contrary, often try to narrow the shape of the eyes, drawing long thin arrows towards the temple. Well, this has been the case at all times: the owners of curls dreamed of straight hair, and straight-haired ones slept in curlers.

There is one positive point in all this amazing contradiction of women's tastes: the cosmetic industry has offered us a thousand means so that we can change our image at least every day. For example, it will not be difficult for us to transform from a Slav into a Japanese for one evening. And, of course, competent makeup, styling products and hairpins will help us with this.

So, let's say we're going to a Japanese party, which means we'll have to reincarnate a bit. First you need to decide who we will be at this Japanese party: just a Japanese girl, an anime heroine or a geisha? To create any of these images, we will have to conjure over the shape of the eyes, making it close to Asian. Of course, we will not use any adhesives, scotch tapes and other tools - we will do with decorative cosmetics.

How to create an Asian eye shape?

First, very light (white, cream, etc.) shadows are applied to the upper and lower eyelids. Next, we take black eyeliner and draw a line on the upper movable eyelid. The eyeliner should be applied very thinly and directly along the lash line. At the inner corner of the eye, the line goes down, and at the outer corner, first slightly down, then up.

Do not confuse Japanese makeup with Arabic: in Arabic, the line from the center of the eye towards the outer corner gradually rises and eventually goes up - towards the temple. This technique will not help create Asian eyes. First, the line goes directly along the lash line to the outer corner of the eye, and only then it rises slightly (see image).

A very thin line is applied to the lower eyelid with a gray eyeliner or a light pencil. Here you need to focus on your eye shape. If the eyes are almond-shaped, then it will be enough to draw a line along the lash line. Round eyes need to be visually narrowed: for this, you need to start the lower line near the inner corner of the eye just below the lash line and gradually raise it - so that it goes to the outer corner of the eye at the level of the lash line.

The upper eyelashes need to be painted, but you should not focus on the eyelashes - this will visually enlarge the eyes, and we want to achieve the opposite effect. You don't need to dye your lower eyelashes.

The eyebrows should be straight. Any flirtatious bends are not allowed here. Only straight, crisp and, of course, black. The thickness of the eyebrows is not critical, but everything should be within the normal range. By the way, Japanese women have a large distance between the eyebrows, so if you wish, you can do the plucking of the inner edge of the eyebrows. Just don't do it if you want to be a geisha. So, we figured out the eyes. Now let's look at three different looks.

Just Japanese

The skin should be matte. Apply a very light tone under the eyes and on the cheekbones - so that these areas visually increase. On the rest of the areas we apply the usual tone that suits us. Draw the lips with a pencil and paint with lipstick. One condition is that the lips should not be plump. Therefore, if your lips are large, adjust their size with a pencil and a dark matte lipstick. No lip gloss.

Suitable hairstyle - smooth dark hair, you can use a wig. The ends of the hair should be straight and crisp - no wavy lines or splendor.

Anime Girl Makeup

The eye makeup described above needs to be slightly changed: the line on the lower eyelid should be rounded so that the eye on one side turns out to be slanting, and on the other - large (for some reason, the heroines of Japanese anime are all completely big-eyed). The small black line down at the inner corner of the eye can be removed by replacing it with a line drawn with very light shadows.

Eye makeup can also be supplemented with bright shadows up to the eyebrows, but they must be applied from the inner corner of the eye towards the outer edge of the eyebrow. You can bring the shadows further - to the temple. You can apply bright blush on the cheekbones, and make up the lips with ultra-colored lipstick. But the sponges need to be visually reduced.

Video: draw spectacular anime eyes

Video: Japanese-style makeup from top make-up artist Elena Krygina

How to visually reduce lips? First of all, apply a white tone to them, completely masking the borders. Then draw a new outline with a pencil, giving the lips the shape of a neat and thin bow. It is better to use a matte lipstick. The same method should be used when making lip makeup for the image of a geisha, only you need to use a red pencil and red lipstick. But back to the anime girl. The face needs to be made pale, but with a slight blush. The hairstyle can be any - even in color. It can be two high tails above the ears, a long braid, loose hair with a pile. The ends of the hair are torn, bangs are almost obligatory. You can complement the image with fake ears a la elf, and decorate your face with rhinestones.

It will also be interesting:


A white tone is applied. The Japanese eye makeup described at the beginning is applied. If desired, you can supplement it with colored shadows - a triangle at the outer corner of the eye. The eyebrows are straight, well-defined, black, rather close to each other. The lips are visually reduced. On the cheekbones - peach blush.

Geisha's hairstyle is quite complicated, therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to repeat it yourself. You can buy a geisha wig. Or you can make a kind of geisha hairstyle:

  • black hair, slicked back, fixed at the back of the head with hairpins and bamboo sticks.
  • At the same time, the hair is not pulled tight, but remains free so that the hairstyle turns out to be voluminous. To do this, you can make a bouffant in advance.
  • Geisha's hair is almost always decorated with flowers.

We wish you to be the most beautiful Japanese woman at the most interesting party!

Asian makeup often attracts European-looking girls. Therefore, at present, many European girls are interested in the application of Asian-style cosmetics.

Asian eye makeup secrets

The beauty of oriental girls, which nature has endowed them with, is unique, but with the help of cosmetics, the female half of the East has learned to emphasize it, giving the image individuality and uniqueness. With the help of eye makeup, oriental girls manage to highlight their natural beauty, because their eyes are not necessarily narrow and small. Asian eyes can be large and deep.

The main feature of Asian eyes is drooping eyelids. This feature is not considered a negative feature. This is the highlight that distinguishes the eastern type of appearance from the western one. The important thing is that it is possible to recreate the image of an Asian girl with the help of cosmetics, but it is quite difficult to achieve this if you do not know some of the subtleties of makeup.

The peculiarity of high overhanging eyelids is explained by the fact that they contain a greater amount of fatty deposits. Therefore, first of all, unlike European and Arabian eye makeup, Asians begin to paint their eyes by trying to disguise fat deposits under the eyelids. Only after this does the main make-up begin.

Today, special adhesives are used in cosmetology, the use of which helps to fix and tighten the overhanging upper eyelid, as a result of which the eyes become wider, the look deeper and more attractive. However, such a procedure brings unpleasant sensations, and it is quite tedious to perform it. Some girls think about corrective eyelid surgery, but this is not an option, because the eyes can forever lose their oriental mystery and charm.

The question arises, why change the lovely features that nature itself has awarded. Indeed, in this case, drooping eyelids are a wonderful and piquant addition to makeup. If you design them well in the style of Asian makeup, no one can pass by without paying attention to such unique and luxurious eyes. To hide the effect of puffy eyes, visually enlarge their cut, and make the look unusually deep and at the same time light, you need to know just a few rules for applying Asian makeup.

Many European girls try to do Asian makeup, but before proceeding with the makeup, you should take into account the features of Asian facial features that are different from the European type:

  1. Yellowish tint of the skin. People of the European type have light skin.
  2. Pronounced cheekbones, in European women they stand out slightly less.
  3. The lip line is smooth, clearly defined.
  4. The upper eyelid hanging over the eyeball, which is impossible to see in any girl with pure features of the European type.
  5. All Asians have slanting eyes, but it is rarely found in European girls.

All these features must be taken into account if a decision is made to learn how to independently perform Asian makeup.

Changing your image

To look perfect every day, it is recommended to take care of your appearance, the beauty of your skin, and to do the right makeup. Asians are girls gifted with special beauty, but still want to look unusual, so make-up techniques are used. Due to the fact that girls of Asian type have a peculiar cut of the eyes, they need to be painted using special techniques.

Asian makeup options:

  • preservation of the visual size of the eyes, while the upper eyelid is painted with light shadows, and a piercing and deep look is achieved by applying black shadows in the upper corner of the eye;
  • visual enlargement of the eyes is possible if you draw a small fold on the upper eyelid.

These make-up techniques will allow you to highlight the eyes and emphasize the look. Asians tend to boast dark hair paired with hazel eyes. Therefore, there is a classic makeup scheme.

How to properly apply Asian makeup

At the heart of all makeup, like European girls, is a properly selected foundation. It is used for the same purposes as in all types of makeup, to mask possible imperfections in the skin of the face. These can be small inflammatory processes on the skin, age spots, circles under the eyes from fatigue and lack of sleep.

The main difference when choosing a foundation is the exclusion of pink tones from the assortment. To apply Asian makeup, you need to opt for golden, beige, and in some cases creamy shades of foundation.

When choosing a blush, you should exclude pink shades. As for the shadows, it all depends on the type of makeup: for everyday use, only light colors should be used, and for evening makeup, shades of brown are suitable, from beige to light brown. Shadows of golden and silver shades are quite appropriate in evening make-up.

Cold tones are generally not used by Asians. The fact is that blue, blue and purple eyeshadow colors are not suitable for dark hair and brown eyes, therefore they are not in demand when applying Asian makeup, while they are suitable for a European type of face.

The main and crucial moment when performing Asian makeup on a European face is the choice and correct application of eyeliner. Attention is focused on the eyes, they are the highlight of the whole image.

When applying eyeliner, you need to try to visually increase the length of the eyes as much as possible, as if to stretch them. In this case, you need to draw long arrows in the outer corner of the eye. This is achieved by lengthening the incision of the eyes. As for the inner corner, there is a more difficult task here. It is necessary to start drawing an arrow in the very corner of the eye, while above the lacrimal tubercle the strip should have the greatest thickness, and by the middle of the upper eyelid it should narrow and turn into a very thin strip. With the help of this technique, a visual masking of a wide cut in the eyes of European women is obtained.

It is advisable to take lengthening mascara, especially if the eyelashes are short. Although, in reality, Asian girls cannot boast of long eyelashes, so using all kinds of eyelash lengthening products is quite appropriate.

As for the lips, here you can use light lipstick tones and even pink. In evening make-up, red and scarlet lipstick is quite appropriate. The Asian type of makeup is just the case when you should not, while following the rules of makeup, focus on the lips or eyes. In Asian makeup, the eyes shine with depth, and the lips glow with bright colors.

So, it is not that difficult to do a spectacular Asian-style makeup.

The main thing is to choose the right color scheme for cosmetics and follow the recommendations for making up.

In this case, you can be sure that the result will be mesmerizing. It is recommended that you experiment with your appearance and do an Asian make-up.

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Asian eyebrows

Asian eyebrows also have the main three classical shapes - a circle, a square and a triangle. Tk among the peoples of Asia, the bridge of the nose is wide, it is customary to correct it somewhat narrowing the shape on the bridge of the nose. The only exceptions are Japanese women, where the traditionally round face shape is considered ideal.

Asian form - Korea- a more square shape, closer to the European shape. Koreans have the lightest skin among the Asian peoples, which they are indisputably proud of and in every possible way cultivate their involvement in the European race.

Asian form - China- samurai. Ponytails belligerently rush up.

Asian form - Japan- semicircular - in the shape of the growing moon, in every possible way emphasize the aristocratic lunar oval of the face of their owner. They can be rounder or straighter, but always feminine and flowing. The Japanese form is an exception when round eyebrows are chosen for a round face) Tk the round shape of the eyebrows emphasizes the round shape of the face. For moon-faced Japanese women (in whose culture a woman's face should look like a full moon), this is just what you need)

The information you received does not mean that after asking the nationality of the client, you should start modeling the form with words - I know everything. Be sure to discuss with the client the most comfortable eyebrow shape for him. Perhaps a Chinese woman is deep in her soul, a Japanese woman, and a stern Arab woman dreams of becoming a gentle Indian))) But knowing the oriental traditions of building will definitely help you in your work, as it has helped me more than once. I really love working with Asians, they feel it and love me too, and come to me) And they are in Russia, and even a lot) “Our” eastern women living in the post-Soviet space (both Asians and the Caucasus) successfully get into one of the above groups. Moreover, they know their shape and are sincerely upset when the masters skillfully transform exquisite oriental eyebrows into a classic average European shape that does not at all emphasize the oriental charm)

Pay attention to the heads in the Chinese and Japanese forms - it is this shape that narrows the bridge of the nose too wide.

We will paint a portrait of an Asian girl in a landscape. I will not dwell on construction and anatomy. In this tutorial, I'll share the basics of writing a portrait in pencil.

This story began with the fact that I came across a ref - photo of the Chinese actress Li Gong.

An image of a sad heroine immediately appeared in my head, against the background of some landscape, falling leaves (or petals blooming), broken hopes, sad memories and the like. With the character, everything is clear. We also needed a background. Here I had to work hard. Finally, the required (that is, the most similar to the one that was born in the head) landscape was found. Here it is. Unfortunately, I don’t know the author of this wonderful photo.

I was lucky, in this case one reference was enough for me. Sometimes there are a lot of them. Piece there, piece here ... Now you can get to work =)

I made some sketches from various photos of the actress. I wanted to better study the "model", in particular the features of the Asian type of appearance. This option turned out to be the most successful, based on it and the photo reference we will create our image.

In my work I use:
1.Regular sketchbook for Hatber company A3 format
2.Pencils. Basically it is a 0.5mm 2B mechanical pencil. I have it for all occasions))) Also in the "arsenal" are simple pencils Kooh-I-Noor 3H - 7B.
3. Ordinary stationery sharpener.
4. Ordinary soft rubber band. Naturally a nag, without it anywhere. An elastic band, quite dense, in the form of a pencil with a brush. It is convenient to brush away any waste from erasing with an eraser with a brush without damaging the drawing. The rubber part is very handy when adjusting small details (Fig. a) and this one, in a plastic case ( b) if you don't have one, I highly recommend buying it (sorry for the quality, I had to scan for lack of photographic equipment))).

We transfer our sketch to a blank sheet of paper. This can be done in any convenient way: through tracing paper, carbon paper, glass, cell by cell ... whatever you like. I transfer by hand, by construction. I draw the lines with an H or HB pencil, light lines. At this stage, everything is very sloppy, and there are errors that we will correct in the next steps as much as possible.

I will work in layers, starting with hard and semi-hard pencils and ending with the softest of my "collection" - 7B.
I start hatching from the top right corner. I am left-handed, so I move from right to left, so that later I do not smear already prepared areas with my hand. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to "return", I put a blank sheet of paper under my arm, it does not allow the hand to grease the work.
The girl's hair is dark, so for the hair at this stage I take a softer pencil - 2B. I paint over the bulk of the hair with oblique strokes.

The next layer is narrower in the direction of hair growth, slightly increasing the pressure, but not much. The arrows show the direction of the stroke. Don't forget about hair volume and hairstyle. I highlight individual strands with a mechanical pencil, with it I also draw individual hairs and thin strands that are knocked out of the hairstyle. At this stage, I am not using strokes across, only along the hair growth.

Moving on to the face. Apply the first layer of skin tone with a 3H pencil. It is solid and does not give a rich tone, which is what we need. Lightly, without pressing the pencil, so as not to scratch the paper, shade the skin around the eyes.

Very important! We stroke while holding the pencil at an angle, and not as if we are going to write to them - the tip of the pencil will scratch the paper!

Eyes. The most expressive part of the face, they define the character of the character, set the tone for the whole portrait. If the eyes turn out to be expressionless (of course, if there was no such idea), the portrait can be thrown out. In this case, the girl's eyes are the defining moment. They should be sad, thoughtful, detached, as if she is immersed in her thoughts or memories.

With a mechanical pencil, I begin to refine the shape of the eyes, based on the reference. I shade the pupil, leaving room for the highlight. Again, I do not press on the pencil with all my strength, I apply a minimum of effort, I achieve contrast by overlaying layers of graphite.

Continuing to work on the right side of the face and the landscape behind the girl. For the skin, I use pencils 2B and 4B for the eyeshadow. I apply graphite with light oblique movements, crosswise. First one way, then the other. Layer by layer. Like that.

The darker the area, the more layers. Try to keep the stroke evenly, without gaps, then you get an even tone, and you don't need any shading. Of course, this method is more laborious, but the result will be much better, moreover, it will avoid dirty spots. Do not press down hard on the pencil to get a darker tone, never! Layers only! I draw eyebrows with a mechanical pencil, in the direction of hair growth.

We work on the background the same way: apply cross-strokes to the "mountains" and hills. Draw trees and shrubs in a circular motion, creating "curls". We make thin "streaks" on the hills with a corner of the nag. We also make the relief of the hills with a nag, slightly “patting” it on the paper, as if stamping. Spots will remain, barely lighter than the main tone. Do not overdo it, otherwise you can simply erase all the fruits of labor.

I continue to work on the face, body, sketch out the pattern on the clothes and continue detailing the background. Here I notice that the eyes turned out to be slightly squinted, which gives the impression that the girl is about to laugh. You can not do it this way. I take an elastic band with a brush and soften the fold of the lower eyelid. It is she who spoils all the raspberries for us.

Final touches. Lips. In the previous steps, you can see that the highlight slid down, the shape of the lips was lost. I returned it to its rightful place.

Finally, go through pencils 6B and 7B making it even darker what it should be - hair, eyes, shadows of clothes and background.

That's all. I achieved what I wanted. A sad girl against the backdrop of a landscape that seems to elude her. Torn beads, crumbling flowers as a symbol of what cannot be returned. Her world crumbles, melts and fades away. Or maybe these are her memories, which are beginning to fade and she is sad. This picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.

Asian girls look exotic and always attract the attention of others. Their brown eyes are called mysterious and inviting. But if a Russian girl sometimes just needs to go through the centuries with shadows and make up her eyelashes, makeup for Asian eyes has a number of differences.

Makeup features

The main difference between the face of Asian women is the shape of the eyes. Their shape is narrow, somewhat slanting, the movable eyelid almost always overhangs and does not have a fold. Eyelashes are rarely long and fluffy, which is why Asian girls have a harder time adjusting the severity of their gaze. But in most cases, the cheekbones of such a face are very expressive, and the lips are small, but plump. To the disadvantages of the general background, a yellowish undertone of the face and porous skin are added.

Despite such features, the basis of the makeup of Asian women (Chinese women, Japanese women, Korean women, Uzbek, Kazakh girls, etc.) is an emphasis on the flawlessness of the skin and a light, alluring look. To highlight your eyes, you need to bring your skin to perfect condition. This is a necessary condition, without which beautiful makeup will not work.

The task of the make-up of Asian eyes is the correction of the shape: you need to visually enlarge them in size, open the look, make it expressive.

All the subtleties of the "open eye" make-up imply the use of special cosmetics... They are based on the culture and traditions of the countries. This is not only eye makeup: harmony of all facial features is needed to create the right image. When correcting the shape of the eyes, it is important not to lose their individuality.

A distinctive feature of Asian makeup is naturalness. What is permissible in our country is not always welcomed by them. Each make-up is subject to a specific case and should look natural, as if all facial features are ideal by nature. The main thing is to demonstrate feminine beauty, not cosmetics.

In special cases (ceremonial event, national holiday, wedding, etc.), some freedom is allowed, but taking into account the traditions of the country. Asian makeup is thought out to the smallest detail: every touch in it has its own meaning. Even worshiping fashion trends (anime style, idols) can affect eye makeup, as the use of a special glue that lifts the eyelids eloquently testifies.

Skin preparation

Asian woman's style - natural charm and health... First, you need to tidy up the skin: this will accentuate the beauty of the eyes. Before applying cosmetics, you should cleanse the skin and rinse it with cold water to tighten the pores.

The skin tone is evened out with the help of a foundation, and due to the peculiarities of the natural skin color, pink shades of the product are unacceptable. The shade of the tone should perfectly match the complexion.

An important nuance is getting rid of dark circles around the eyes: they are unacceptable, as they make the eyes dull and sore. To eliminate these shortcomings, you need to use a concealer or foundation one tone lighter than your natural skin color.

The finishing touch to create a flawless dermis is a light layer of loose powder. Flawless skin should glow, say Asians.

They use a highlighter and a little blush accent to give the skin a healthy glow.

Color solutions

Asian-style eye makeup sticks to natural shades... At the same time, the palette can be varied: the base of the color is pleasant and natural, but it allows adding soft contrasts to the main tone. The main thing is to look natural and harmonious. Such makeup will be appropriate in any look and is suitable for a different style direction.

Unlike European women, who often show their eyes with aggressive colors, the Asian puts emphasis on natural beauty. An excellent result is achieved by combining smooth contrasts and shading of several natural tones close to skin color (ombre technique). There can be no coincidence in choosing the color of the shadows: you need to give the eyes visual depth.

The eyeshadow palette for special occasions allows for darker and more saturated shades. It often contains dark gray and black tones. Cosmetics for national events are special. It can include bright and unusual colors up to bright pink, blue, purple, silver.

Red shadows are taboo: they make the eyes sore, swollen and tear-stained, ideal ones are those whose color is close to the natural blush, but a little darker.

Types of make-up

Asian makeup is multifaceted and national. Regardless of the chosen image, it turns out to be rich and harmonious. Brown-eyed beauties know a lot about applying cosmetics, so their eyes are always beautiful, and the image is distinguished by a delicate taste and some aristocracy.

Asian make-up can be:

  • everyday(daytime), made in the style of minimalism;
  • evening marked by brighter contrasts;
  • national demonstrating the peculiarities of the culture of a particular country;
  • scenic(variety), representing the artist in the best possible light.

Depending on the specific case, the methods of applying cosmetics may differ.... Makeup options vary according to the girl's country of residence. Great interest in the peculiarities of applying cosmetics in order to change the shape of the eyes makes Asian makeup in demand. Trying on this style, European girls are looking for a new way of self-expression, tired of massive makeup.

It is worth noting that Asian make-up does not imply face sculpting. It is important to be yourself, so a visual change in facial features is not encouraged. In addition, this approach does not fit in any way with the light and mysterious image of an Asian woman.

How to apply correctly?

Beautiful makeup is the dream of many girls. And if the national make-up differs, the classic remains unchanged: it doesn't matter which country the girl lives in (China, Korea, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia).

Asian eye makeup is actually not as difficult as it might seem.... If you follow each step step by step, you can quickly master the technique of an expressive and inviting gaze.

The job of creating beautiful eyes begins with applying a base under the eyeshadow. If you ignore this step, your makeup can look messy within a couple of hours after application.


Discreet and everyday make-up is a universal solution. To create it, you don't need a whole artillery of cosmetics: a standard set of cosmetics is enough:

  • forever apply light shadows, creating the effect of large eyes and depth;
  • upper eyelid tinted with a dark tone of cosmetics, not forgetting about the outer corner;
  • at the base of the lash line the contour of the movable eyelid is drawn with a liquid eyeliner;
  • center of the upper eyelid emphasize with white shadows, creating the effect of volume;
  • draw a couple of strokes in the same color along the lower border of the eyelashes and at the outer corner;
  • it's time for mascara: it is applied in two layers on top and quite a bit on the lower eyelashes, remembering to comb them thoroughly, excluding the stickiness effect;
  • it remains to emphasize eyebrow line the natural color of the shadows, correct the tone of the face, make up the lips with light lipstick or transparent gloss.

Due to the natural colors of the eyeshadows, such makeup will not look bright, even if the eyes are accented with eyeliner.


Evening makeup can be brighter than daytime. It allows the use of a wide strip of eyeliner and multiple layers of mascara. One of the most popular eye shadow application techniques is ombre. Its principle adheres to the rule: the closer the shadows are applied to the lash line, the darker their color. With the help of this technique, it is possible to make the look expressive and the eyes large.

The technique itself is no more complicated than the previous one:

  • before applying make-up the eyelid is prepared using a base;
  • then light shadows create the appearance of depth at the outer corner from the eyelid to the eyebrow line, applying shadows along the upper and lower eyelids;
  • thorough shading- an obligatory technique that allows you to look beautiful and natural even in dark shades;
  • shadows of dark tone the lower and upper eyelids are brought down, smoothly stretching the tone;

  • ombre effect fixed with a brush;
  • balances of funds on the brush, you can walk along the line of growth of the eyebrows (just a couple of strokes);
  • for eye enlargement you can use eyeliner: first, draw a thin line from the inner corner (at the very line of eyelash growth);
  • without touching the inner corner, add thickness to the eyeliner line;
  • it remains to make up eyelashes and make your eyes wide open with the eyelash curler.

Korean style

The technique of Korean idols does not leave many girls indifferent. This is a unique puppet image, which, despite its unusualness, looks natural and beautiful. The basic rule remains the same: perfect skin is the basis for the success and expressiveness of the eyes.

The method of applying cosmetics allows the use of a pencil and work with the lower eyelid:

  • on the upper eyelid area apply the base;
  • after the basics the eyelid is set off with cosmetics of light brown color, slightly darker than the skin tone;
  • the closer to the border of eyelash growth, the darker the shade of shadows is chosen, not forgetting to stretch it up;
  • along the border a barely noticeable stroke is applied to the lower eyelid with light shadows: this will enlarge the eyes;

  • dark shadows are needed to accent the outer corner: they are applied in the direction from the outer corner to the middle, not forgetting to add a drop of the product to the lower eyelid;
  • no eyeliner needed: Draw a line with a brown pencil along the lash line;
  • eye accent should be soft: the line should be shaded gently;
  • after shadows it is the turn of mascara: it is applied in two layers not the upper eyelashes and barely combing the lower ones;
  • it remains to add blush- and the image of the Korean woman is ready!

How to choose cosmetics?

Choosing the right makeup is not an easy task. The difference between Asian eye makeup is the use of special cosmetics, most of which are made specifically for this type of skin and eyes. European counterparts do not always give the desired effect, since their purpose as a whole is a decorative function. In addition, you need to select cosmetics based on the type of skin on your face.

Products of a special plan are developed taking into account the additional effect and are intended not only for adjustments or care, but also for protecting the face from ultraviolet radiation, as well as other negative environmental factors. These are long-lasting cosmetics that do not slip or smudge during the day.

Eyeliner is one of the favorite techniques of Uzbek, Chinese and Korean makeup. Its consistency should be liquid and its color should be exclusively black. The shade of the pencil can be black or brown. Some girls add a white pencil to their cosmetic bag.

A standard makeup kit should include foundation, concealer, eyeliner, pencil, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, translucent gloss, and lipstick. Advanced women of fashion use special cosmetics: cushion and tints. Cushion (a special pad with tonal impregnation) is a good substitute for a foundation, it is applied in a thin, natural layer. Tints - cosmetics for eyebrows, eyes and cheeks. By choosing such products, you can be sure of the durability of your makeup.

When buying Asian-style cosmetics, you need to consider a number of nuances:

  • perfect shadows- matte and similar in tone in the palette;
  • flawless foundation- one whose texture is light and uniform;
  • good mascara- medium texture with a lengthening effect and a comfortable brush;
  • ink color for daytime make-up dark brown, for evening out - black;
  • day lipstick should be almost imperceptible, evening allows a hint of saturation.

In addition, when buying cosmetics, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. You can not paint with expired drugs, so as not to harm the health of the skin.