Organic shea butter. Shea butter as a natural UV filter. How to choose a quality

Shea butter is the main ingredient in the preparation of various creams, masks and balms. Combines with favorite essential oils, has a rejuvenating, healing, regenerating effect. It is absolutely safe to apply it to sensitive skin areas: lips, eyes, neck, décolleté. Nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, making it more elastic.

It is a creamy or yellowish solid mass, reminiscent of butter. It melts easily on contact with the human body. For thousands of years, this gift of nature has protected the skin and hair of the African population from the scorching heat.

Being an environmentally friendly product, it has a truly miraculous effect. The peoples of the hottest continent, using healing oil from generation to generation, practically do not face dermatological problems. From birth, mothers rub it into the skin of babies. Shea butter has unique properties.


African peoples use different parts of the tree in food, medicine, detergent. The women trade in seeds and finished oil all year round in local markets. This type of entrepreneurship allows the population to earn big money, which makes them independent of the rainy season.

The age of trees in the wild reaches 300 years, but they bear fruit no earlier than 25 years. The fruit of the "tree of life" looks like a small avocado. A valuable product is obtained from the bone pulp in the middle. The way in which the product was made is easily determined by its color:

Pure white - obtained industrially: by pressing, extracting the required substance with a special solvent.

With a yellowish tint
- obtained by hand. The pulp of the fruit is separated from the stone. The cleaned and dried kernel is ground in a mortar. Then the shell is fried and ground into a homogeneous paste.

The resulting mixture is poured with hot water and in the process of evaporation, the oil is on the surface. The containers filled with a liquid mass are placed in a cool place, where it takes on a solid form.


All varieties of shea butter are usually divided into five main classes:

  1. AClass- light yellow, unrefined, obtained without the use of reagents in a natural way (the most expensive).
  2. VClass- pale yellow or gray-yellow color, refined, also without reagents and synthetic impurities.
  3. WITHClass- white, subjected to deep purification, using a hexane solvent.
  4. D class- has a small amount of impurities.
  5. E class- contains impurities.

Important! Varieties of class A, B, C are allowed to be used for cosmetic and pharmacological purposes.

Shea butter or shea butter is unique. Its chemical composition is based on such active substances as:

  • fatty acids (triglycerides - 80%);
  • terpene alcohols;
  • unsaponifiable fats;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, E, F and D.

Beneficial elements, penetrating into tissues, are able to have a beneficial effect, moisturizing and protecting them from drying out.

Useful properties and application


Shea has established itself as an ointment with medicinal characteristics. This natural remedy is useful for various ailments. It has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect on sprains, muscles and joint pain. Has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on burns, wounds, dermatitis, ulcers and problem skin.

Able to protect from both frostbite and active sunlight. It has the ability to constrict blood vessels, so it is indispensable for a cold, as well as the first symptoms of colds, flu and viral infections. May replace a soothing remedy for redness or breakouts on baby's skin.


Shea butter is widely used in cosmetology. The fruits of this tree can do wonders for dry, flaky or rough skin. For a long time, it has been used by professional cosmetologists both in their original form and as part of cosmetics - the most competitive in the market.

In addition, an "overdose" of life-giving elements is impossible - the skin absorbs exactly as much as it needs, which allows it to be used sparingly. Shea butter for skin is a real panacea. Thanks to the ability to penetrate deeply into the epidermis and deliver useful elements to cells, shea prevents the first signs of aging.

The complexion is evened out, the depth of wrinkles is reduced, the skin becomes firmer and more dense. Acts as a component in products for sensitive and damaged skin, in masks, shampoos, balms for dry and split ends, sunscreens.

Face recipes

Cosmetologists use the gifts of the shea tree for the skin of the face as a base for make-up, instead of cream, create masks and refreshing balms. Its protective and regenerating properties make it possible to apply the mixture to the entire face area, even the most delicate and sensitive areas: the skin of the eyes, lips, neck, décolleté. The face mask is capable of:

  • nourish and moisturize;
  • protect vulnerable areas from ultraviolet radiation and cold;
  • heal cracks and scratches;
  • restore blood circulation.


Several recipes for mature skin with signs of aging and fading:

  • Ingredients: 2 teaspoons of shea butter and olive oil, 0.5 teaspoon of lemon zest, 1 chicken yolk. Apply to cleansed skin before bedtime for 25 minutes daily for a month.
  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of shea butter, sea buckthorn, almond, calendula. The heated mixture is applied to the face before going to bed. After 20 minutes, the residues are removed with a cotton pad.
  • Ingredients: shea, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, 2 drops of rosemary. Apply for 30 minutes, no more than 1 time within 3 days, rinse off with water.


The benefits of shea butter in this case: it has regenerating properties, rejuvenates the skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles, and refreshes the complexion. To prepare a cream for dry, sensitive skin, we need:

  • shea - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • jojoba extract - 1 teaspoon;
  • flower hydrolat - 0.5 teaspoon;

In a bain-marie, bring the shea butter until soft and stirring, add the rest. It is important that the mixture takes on a homogeneous mass and does not remain on the surface in the form of drops. The cream mask is applied to the face overnight.


Required Ingredients:

  • shea - 15 grams;
  • jojoba - 10 grams;
  • lemon ether - 3 drops;
  • rose water - 7 milliliters.

Add jojoba to the melted butter. After removing the container from the heat, without stopping stirring, add the remaining components. Let the product cool and place in the refrigerator.


Oil and honey relieve skin inflammation. We need to mix a tablespoon of each component, adding a few drops of walnut and salicylic acid. Use the mask at night, applying to the problem area for 20 minutes before bedtime. It is worth giving up washing and removing the remnants of the mixture with a clean dry napkin.

Hair recipes

What shea butter is good for hair is as it provides excellent protection against breakage and sun exposure. The oil improves blood circulation in the scalp, nourishes and moisturizes the roots, strengthens the hair follicles, preventing hair loss.

Regular use of oil-based masks will make hair more manageable, restore structure and give shine.

In its usual form, the oil should be used both before washing your hair, applying the melted product to slightly damp hair, and after, distributing a small amount with your palms along the entire length.

You can also prepare a special mask for enhanced hair nourishment. For this we need:

  • shea - 40 grams;
  • linseed oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • burdock oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • liquid vitamin E (A for accelerated growth) - 1 tablespoon.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp and hair for 3-4 hours.

Peculiarity! Applying oil before using a hair dryer or iron to style reduces the chance of split ends.

Useful properties of combination with coconut and cocoa butter

The most common oils for hair care are coconut and cocoa, which are valuable as carboxylic acids. Solid vegetable oils are easily absorbed by the scalp and are suitable even for hypersensitive tissues, helping in the fight against many diseases. Shea butter in cosmetics is successfully combined with coconut and cocoa butter.


For combination or oily hair. Improves the activity of the sebaceous glands, nourishes the hair, strengthens the roots. Cocoa contains a large amount of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and caffeine, which makes hair more delicate, strong, and gives a pleasant aroma.


An irreplaceable product for dry, split ends. It has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. Accelerates hair growth, nourishes and softens its structure.

Hand recipes

Perfectly softens and moisturizes. Unrefined oil can be rubbed into the skin in small amounts daily. It is especially helpful to apply the oil to your hands before going outside in cold weather.


It is necessary to mix all the ingredients in equal amounts and heat in a water bath. For dry skin, use a mixture of shea, calendula, walnut, or olive oil. The cream is rubbed into the skin, and after 10 minutes the residues are removed with a dry napkin.


To combat microcracks, shea butter is mixed with sea buckthorn in a 1: 1 ratio, heated in a water bath. This hand mask is used once a day.

Shea butter for massage

Depending on the purpose of the massage, the following esters can be combined:

  • geranium - helps to smooth the skin;
  • grapefruit - strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of fatty deposits;
  • orange - promotes blood circulation and skin elasticity;
  • juniper - remove excess fluid and toxins;

Anti-cellulite massage often combines shea butter with mandarin and geranium esters.

The nutritional value

The place where the trees grow, the method of production, the degree of purification - all this affects the taste of the oil, which is highly valued by the local population. In African countries, it is added to holiday dishes to add a unique taste.

European cuisine uses this product very rarely, except at an industrial level as an alternative oil in confectionery and desserts. The product has a high calorie content and contributes to:

  • stable hormonal balance;
  • strengthening the cell walls of the body;
  • saturation with energy;

How to choose and store at home

In fact, the composition of the oil cannot be faked - the presence of impurities turns it into ordinary fat. Natural shea butter has a light nutty aroma. The absence of odor indicates that the product has aged or was originally made with the addition of hexane or other components, which also suppresses the natural yellow tint and the expected properties.

There are also refractory and liquid shea butter on the market, which are a by-product and are therefore much cheaper. They do not pose a danger, but still do not have the healing characteristics of the first grade oils. If you purchase it as a component of a cosmetic product, you should pay attention to:

  • Is shea butter listed as one of the first?
  • the prominence of the manufacturing company;
  • whether the oil is the main component;

The oil can be perfectly stored for 3 years in a cool place, in a sealed package without moisture and direct sunlight. As part of homemade creams, no more than 3 months. It is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator.

Video lesson: properties and benefits of Shea butter.


Until recently, there were no bans on the use of karite. It turned out that it contains latex and nuts in small quantities, which can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Also, frequent use can clog pores.

Attention! A spoiled product should not be used - pay attention to the period and storage conditions of the oil.

Shea butter is a natural organic product that can heal the human body. The extract is widely used in such areas: cosmetology, medicine and cooking. Universal components have a positive effect on the body, both externally and internally. The presence of shea in a cosmetic product is a guarantee of young and healthy skin.

The topic of the article is shea butter. We will tell you about its properties, applications and types. You will find out in which cases the use of the product is undesirable, whether it is useful during pregnancy and where to buy it.

Shea butter (shea butter) is the most valuable cosmetic oil. It has an emollient, nourishing, regenerating and protective effect. Its main field of application is cosmetology. The product is used for skin, hair and body care.

Shea butter is made from the fruit pulp of the Shea tree, which has been growing for several centuries, maintaining high yields for a century. The tree grows in the countries of West and Central Africa.

Obtaining shea butter is a laborious process. The ripe and fallen fruits of the Shea tree are collected in baskets and then buried in the ground for 2 weeks. This procedure promotes rotting of the fruit, followed by obtaining seeds.

After 14 days, the inner seeds are boiled to prevent sprouting and then fried for 4 days. Thanks to this, the bones do not deteriorate for a long time.

The seeds then undergo a multi-stage processing process, after which they turn into a useful oil:

  1. The top shell is removed from the seeds, crushed, and fried for a long time.
  2. After roasting, they are pushed in mortars until they become a tough paste.
  3. At this stage, several women are involved in the process due to the fact that kneading the paste is a rather laborious task for one person. A small amount of water is constantly added to the paste, mixing it thoroughly.
  4. After kneading, rinsing and digestion of the paste occurs. To obtain pure oil, the thick mixture is boiled and the top layer is removed from it.

Shea butter has a pleasant and light nutty aroma, in rare cases with notes of coconut. Its consistency remains firm at temperatures up to 27 degrees. If the temperature rises, then the oil begins to melt quickly. This feature makes it convenient to use in skin care. For example, you can move a piece of oil over a clean face and enrich the dermis with beneficial trace elements.

The product contains:

  • triglycerides;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • triterpene alcohols;
  • squalene;
  • xanthophyll;
  • phytosterols.

Now let's discuss the useful properties in more detail:

  • Shea butter is actively used for face, body and hair care. The product softens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, irritation and flaking. It can be used along with other plant and essential oils.
  • The tool has a wound healing effect. It effectively heals wounds, cracks and scratches without leaving scars. Many women use it in the treatment of inflammation in the dermis.
  • The oil does not cause irritation, so it can be used to care for the sensitive and delicate skin of newborns.
  • The product relieves pain from injuries and sprains, softens the dermis on the elbows, knees and heels.
  • The oil can be used to treat and treat sun and thermal burns.
  • The tool effectively copes with many dermatological diseases, acne and edema.
  • The product strengthens the nail plate, making nails strong, healthy, prevents and eliminates delamination.

Oil types

Shea butter is of several types:

  • Butter (literally translated “butter”) - the consistency resembles ghee. Has a creamy shade, melts quickly in the hands. Among the shortcomings, we can note the appearance of granules in the oil, which look unaesthetic.
  • Oil (literally "sunflower") - liquid shea butter. Most of the stearic acid, which is responsible for the thickness of the product, is removed from it. This type of product is the most effective, because it contains only the most useful vitamins and fats.

Shea butter is classified as follows:

  1. Unrefined (class A) - contains most of the beneficial trace elements, as it undergoes minimal processing.
  2. Refined (classes B-E) - cleaner than unrefined product, but at the same time it contains fewer useful components. Oils of class B and C are produced without chemical impurities, usually with the addition of cocoa butter (it is used in cosmetology). Class D and E products are intended for the production of household chemicals, they contain synthetic additives.

You can easily determine whether the oil is refined or unrefined in front of you. Unrefined ivory has a brown or green tint. It has a dense texture and a pleasant nutty flavor. The refined product is white but odorless.

There is also shea butter. It is transparent and has a light nutty aroma. It is used in aromatherapy, added to homemade cosmetic masks. Using pure ether helps to heal cracks, small scrapes and wounds in the skin.

Shea Butter Applications

Shea butter is allowed to be used in its pure form, added to home cosmetics for skin, hair and body care. In Africa, this product is used to protect against the scorching sun, eliminate dry skin.

For some people, a natural product is a source of dietary fat. It is added to various dishes instead of butter, used in lamps for lighting, repelling insects from housing.

In many European countries, shea butter is used as the main component of home and factory-made cosmetic products.

According to the reviews of people who have used shea butter, there is practically no difference between refined and unrefined products. When used regularly, they have the same effect.

To achieve the maximum benefit from using the oil, follow the rules in the instructions for use:

  1. If you plan to add shea butter to your homemade cosmetic mask, then melt it in a water bath beforehand. If you want to apply the product directly to the skin, you can do without melting.
  2. Before applying the mask, prepare your skin - cleanse it, steam it or massage it.
  3. To prevent swelling, apply a night cream a couple of hours before bed.
  4. Depending on the composition of the mask, rinse it off with warm water or remove with paper towels.

Shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is actively used in cosmetology. It is one of the most popular components of skin care, anti-aging and sunscreen cosmetics.

This product is suitable for all skin and hair types. Often, the agent is added to massage mixtures. Using shea butter can help treat stretch marks during pregnancy. Regular massage with oil helps to increase the elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

For face

Shea butter nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin. It can be used for the skin around the eyes, for wrinkles. It effectively fights wrinkles on the neck, gently cares for the décolleté area.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to use it together with essential and vegetable oils, for example, with. Shea butter is a good base for making homemade rejuvenating, rejuvenating and moisturizing creams. Before using the product as a base, be sure to melt it in a water bath.

The product is often used as a protective agent against the sun, frost and wind. To do this, it must be applied to the skin 40 minutes before going outside. Immediately before going outside, dab your face with a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Shea butter is useful as a nighttime nourishing and revitalizing agent. To do this, 2-3 hours before bedtime, lubricate your clean face with warm oil. Blot your face with a paper towel before going to bed to avoid clogging your pores.

Below are recipes for shea butter home care products.

Cream for aging skin


  • shea butter - 10 ml;
  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • chamomile ether - 3 drops;
  • lavender ether - 2 drops.

How to cook: Melt the main ingredient in a water bath. Add. Stir until completely cooled, gradually adding ethers. Take a jar from the old cream, pour the resulting composition into it and place in the refrigerator.

How to use: Apply the cream to clean skin twice a day. Store the product for no longer than 14 days.

Result: Nourishing dry skin, giving elasticity and firmness to the aging dermis.

Rejuvenating cream


  • macadamia oil - 10 ml;
  • avocado and jojoba oil - 1 tsp each;
  • rosemary ether - 2 drops;
  • rosewood ether - 3 drops;
  • shea butter - 10 ml.

Preparation: Melt the butter in a water bath and add the rest of the oils. Add ethers as it cools. Transfer the finished mixture to a glass container. Store the cream in the refrigerator for no longer than 14 days.

Usage: Apply the cream twice a day.

Result: Reducing wrinkles.

For body

The remedy has the following effects on the body:

  • protects from ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out skin color;
  • helps to heal minor injuries;
  • softens rough areas;
  • relieves mild inflammation.

If there is redness or peeling on the dermis, then shea butter will effectively eliminate them. Thinned skin covered with stretch marks, with the help of oil-based products, will partially restore elasticity, make stretch marks lighter, and relieve pain when touched.

The use of shea butter immediately after the appearance of stretch marks and other skin imperfections allows you to completely restore the health and original appearance of the dermis.

For hair

The natural remedy helps to restore the hair structure, restore the health of the dermis of the head. Regular use of shea butter-based products will help make your hair strong, beautiful and manageable.

The product also helps:

  • protect hair from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • activate the growth of curls;
  • soothe the dermis of the head;
  • relieve dryness.

It is advisable to apply masks based on a natural product on the head for a long time, optimally at night. But be sure to use a shower cap and towel to avoid staining your clothes and bedding.

Shea butter has a beneficial effect on skin cells in many diseases. The active ingredients bring the same benefit to the hair follicle, shaft, split ends. The curls along the entire length receive a healing effect. Shea butter is especially effective for hair, which is often blow-dried or styled with a curling iron.

To obtain the maximum effect on the curls, it is necessary to achieve the consistency of the emulsion. To do this, solid oil is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven, then the necessary components are added to it, and mixed. After that, the composition is applied to the hair. The minimum exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Revitalizing and healing masks should be done twice a week. The oil can be easily washed off with shampoo.

Hair growth mask


  • thyme oil - 2 drops;
  • - 30 g each;
  • rosemary extract - 2 drops.

Preparation: Heat the main component in a water bath, add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix.

Usage: Apply the composition to the hair roots. After 40 minutes, wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Result: With regular use, hair growth is activated. The course of applying the mask is not less than 12 procedures.

For lips

The product helps to effectively cope with the problem of dry lips. In the cold season, the oil protects lips from wind, frost and other negative environmental influences.

The product can be applied neat to the lips. Or prepare a wonderful lip balm from it, designed to protect lips in autumn and winter.


  • jojoba oil - 10 g;
  • shea butter - 15 g;
  • lemon oil - 2 drops.

Preparation: Melt the mixture in a water bath, stirring constantly with a wooden stick. Pour the finished composition into a container from under the cream, refrigerate.

Usage: Apply a nourishing lip balm before going outside.

Result: Regular use of the nourishing balm helps prevent chapping, chapping and cold sores on the lips.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The use of oil during pregnancy prevents the formation of stretch marks on the body. The use of the product does not have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother and fetus. In addition, the remedy can be used even while breastfeeding.

The product is applied to the chest, abdomen, thighs to stimulate the growth of cell regeneration, increase elasticity, and skin turgor. The use of the product in the postpartum period helps to cope with the striae that have already appeared.

The only contraindication to using oil during pregnancy is if you are allergic to it.


The oil has some contraindications. In particular, it should not be used if you are allergic to latex. The product contains a small amount of latex, which can harm women who are sensitive to it.

Also, if you are allergic to the substances that make up the product, you should stop using it.

People with oily skin should not use the product often, as its oily composition can clog pores.

Where can I buy

You can buy shea butter in specialty stores, online stores and pharmacies.

The price in a pharmacy for cosmetic shea butter is about 200 rubles for a 75 ml jar. The cost of an unrefined product is about 400 rubles per 100 g.

Vitellaria is amazing, Shea tree, Shea - these are just a few names of the plant that feeds, heals, takes care of beauty. The tree is tall (up to 20 m), the crown is very spreading, the leaves are hard to the touch, leathery. Lives and bears fruit for several centuries. It blooms at the age of 15-20 years, the flowers are brown, with a pleasant smell. Fruiting begins gradually, increasing the number of fruits every year. The active phase of fruiting begins 30 years after the beginning of flowering, lasts more than a hundred years. Fruits are small, round-oblong, green. The pulp is fragrant, creamy. Inside the fruit is a bone from which shea butter is extracted. The birthplace of the tree is West Africa, the countries of natural growth Cameroon, Nigeria, Congo, Guinea, Sudan, Uganda.

Indigenous application

Benefit shea butter and its healing properties have long been appreciated by the inhabitants of African countries, in which its called "the gold of women"... Not only because female hands carry out the collection of fruits and the main process of creating oil, but to a greater extent because of its impact on health, the appearance of indigenous women. African women use unrefined oil to escape the sun and the scalding wind. It moisturizes and protects the skin of the face and hands from sunburn. Disinfects, regenerates damaged skin. For third countries living below the poverty line, unrefined shea butter is the only source of fat used for food and household needs.

Chemical composition, physical properties

Shea butter is prized primarily for the content of a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which are responsible for the formation of cell membranes, providing the body with substances involved in the process of tissue regeneration.

Saturated fatty acids are necessary for the body to assimilate vitamins, micro and macronutrients. They actively influence the production of testosterone and are indispensable for the health of men.


Shea butter, according to its chemical composition, is divided into unsaponifiable fats, triglycerides.

  1. Unsaponifiable fats (these include carysterols, carbohydrates) affect cell synthesis, collagen production, and have a softening and moisturizing effect. They are a protective barrier against ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Triglycerides (these include acids: stearic, oleic, arachic, linoleic, palmitic, myristic) are the main sources of vital energy. They activate the regenerating functions of the body.


Shea butter is different in appearance.

  1. Unrefined can be ivory, brownish or very light green. It depends on the variety, the place of collection. The smell is pleasant, nutty. The consistency is dense, slightly softens at room temperature, but does not melt. At 100% fat, it is well absorbed and leaves no greasy residue.
  2. Refined has a pure white color, softer and softer in consistency. Odorless. It is believed that refined oil loses some of its nutrients during processing, but it is preferable for use in the cosmetic industry.
  3. Essential transparent, light nutty smell. Does not leave a greasy shine, is well absorbed. Used for aromatherapy, added to masks. In its pure form, small cracks heals well.


Shea butter is produced in two ways - manual and industrial.

Manual production is a laborious, complex process... It is carried out in several stages.

  1. Collection and preparation. For the preparation of raw materials, ripe fruits that have fallen from the tree are used. They are collected in baskets and buried for two weeks. During this time, the process of rotting of the pulp begins, which facilitates the cleaning of the fruits, the extraction of seeds. The peeled seeds are boiled (so that they do not have time to germinate), then they are fried in large vats for four days, stirring constantly. The seeds prepared in this way are laid for storage or sold to dealers. The seeds are stored for 9 months and are gradually used for nutrition, treatment and domestic needs.
  2. If the seeds are not intended for storage, they are broken, removing the peel, and fried for a day. After that, it is crushed in a mortar, and water is added to the resulting mixture. A creamy mass floats to the surface of the water.
  3. The rinsing process starts. Several women, replacing each other, wash the resulting mass. The water is constantly being changed. After the mass changes from brown to light beige, the next stage begins.
  4. Boiling. The fat mixture must be boiled for several hours, until it is completely clarified. After cooling, the top layer is removed, the product is ready. In this way, unrefined natural shea butter is obtained.

Recently, more and more often shea butter began to be produced by the "cold pressing" method. With the help of presses, seed kernels are crushed. This method makes the process easier and saves time.

In industrial production manufacturers use more reliable and cheap mechanized technology for the extraction of fatty mass from seeds and its further processing.

The refining process takes place in the following ways:

  • settling and filtration;
  • purification using hexane;
  • hydration.

Thus, a refined oil is obtained. The more the cleaning, the whiter its color.

Shea butter has its own classification depending on the production and purification.

  1. Class A includes unrefined, natural oil.
  2. Classes B, C, D, E include refined oils of varying degrees of purification. The more the cleaning, the higher the class. Also, the class depends on the use of natural or chemical substances during cleaning. Oils of classes B and C are made with minimal use of chemistry, are used as a substitute for cocoa butter, in the cosmetic industry, and are organic. Class D, E is assigned at low cleaning with the use of chemicals, a large presence of harmful impurities. The products are considered chemical and are used for domestic needs.


In cosmetology

According to historical data, the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra used the healing and caring properties of shea butter in her cosmetic procedures. Modern cosmetology despite the past millennia, continues to widely practice the use of this oil, making on its basis balms, masks, creams for skin and hair care.


  • It has long been proven that shea butter moisturizes hair well, nourishes it and heals it. Copes quickly with split ends and stops hair loss.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the cell membrane, strengthens the hair follicle, activates the hair growth process.


  • The use of shea butter in pure form or as one of the components for cosmetics is widely used for skin care, because saves her from harmful ultraviolet rays. That is why it is included in almost all tanning products.
  • It helps with stretch marks during pregnancy.
  • Nourishes, softens rough, chapped skin.
  • Due to its regenerative properties and the ability to improve collagen production, it is used for the manufacture of anti-aging products (care for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté).
  • Moisturizes the skin, increasing its elasticity, smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Useful for moisturizing lips, delicate skin around the eyes.

In medicine

The inhabitants of the African republics have known for a long time how to use shea butter in folk medicine. Its properties are encountered for the first time at birth, when the umbilical cord is processed and is not parted throughout life.

Most often, unrefined oil is used as:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • decongestant
  • antioxidant
  • antiseptic.

Children. Newborn children, as an antiseptic, lubricate the cut of the umbilical cord. Use oil for skin care, lubricating groin and skin folds, armpits. This protects the delicate skin from diaper rash. Preheat the oil slightly, you can use a water bath.

Joint pain. Rub a little butter into the sore joint in a circular motion for 3-5 minutes. Then apply a warming bandage for 1.5-2 hours during the day and overnight in the evening. It is advisable to do the procedure 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 20 days. It has a significant anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect.

With sprains, pain in the muscles. Melt the required amount, apply in a circular motion to the affected area, massage until absorbed, apply a tight bandage. The use of oil in this case will relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Positive result after 2-3 treatments.

Dermatitis, psoriasis. Emollient and moisturizing properties are used in the manufacture of preparations for the treatment of skin diseases. "Despakan Plus" is one of such means. The cream has a soothing effect, relieves itching and soreness, and promotes rapid healing. It is applied in a thin layer on the affected surface, 2 times a day, 10 days.

Intimate hygiene. Balm "Intamis" does not contain synthetic substances, it is recommended for the prevention and treatment of the genitourinary system. Shea butter softens and soothes the skin. Due to the property of rapid cell regeneration, it has an aniseptic, bactericidal effect. Helps to preserve the microflora of intimate places. Before applying, rinse well the intimate parts of the body with a detergent, apply a thin layer of balm. It is applied once a day before bedtime. Can be used to massage the perineum during pregnancy. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Sunburn. In case of sunburn, melt a piece of oil, preferably unrefined, in the palms of your hands and apply it to the affected skin with light, tangential movements. 1-2 times is enough to relieve pain.

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Learn how to use cocoa butter for a cough in this article.

In cooking

In cooking, the indigenous people use unrefined oil to prepare various dishes. Researchers in Africa who first tasted it noted a delicate taste similar to creamy. Chocolate makers buy shea butter instead of cocoa beans.

At home

Shea butter is used in various household occasions:

  • It is the basis for the manufacture of moisturizing, antiseptic soap.
  • It is used as a fuel for lighting lamps.
  • A protective layer is made of it, which is coated with dwellings, protecting them from insects and winds.


When studying various positive and negative properties no contraindications or side effects were identified... Application in cooking, cosmetics, folk medicine gives only positive results. Due to its beneficial properties, it is recommended for use by babies and pregnant women.

When you make your own skin and hair care products, reactions to related components are possible.

Storage conditions

Manufacturers and prices

If you buy unrefined shea butter from the local population, you will have no doubt that it is natural. Unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity.

      The Iherb website offers a wide range of products from various manufacturers:
    • Pacifica offers to buy its products for 973 rubles,
    • SouthofFrance recommends organic oil-based French soap for RUB 266,
    • SheaMoisture remedy for the treatment of eczema in children worth 549 rubles,
    • SierraBees liquid lip oil, 321 rubles,

  • LifeFloHealth pure oil for skin care 770 rubles.
  • Oils from Botanica are packaged in containers from 50 ml, cost about 400 rubles. There are also products on sale with vitamins and other components (ylang-ylang, aloe vera, argan oils, etc.).
  • Unrefined oil from Spivak worth 140 rubles per 100 grams is the cheapest. But buying it is more difficult (according to reviews). The oil is 100% natural, no additives.

In addition to pure oils, manufacturers offer products with added vitamins. The average product price ranges from 480 to 550 rubles.

Comparing prices from different manufacturers, we can conclude that natural refined oil cannot cost less than 350-400 rubles per 100 grams, unrefined oil is cheaper, on average 200 rubles per 100 grams.

Shea extract (shea) is one of the most valuable, it softens and moisturizes the skin well, as well as protects and regenerates it. It is widely used in cosmetology as the main ingredient in many skin care products.

What is it made of and how is it made

The oil is extracted from the fruit of the shea tree. This is an amazing plant that can live for several hundred years and maintain a consistently high yield. It grows in hot countries, mainly in Africa: Cameroon, Ghana, Mali.

The extract has a pleasant aroma with hints of walnut and sometimes coconut. The extract is solid, softens at a temperature of twenty-seven degrees and begins to melt. This property makes it great for skin care, and can be gently smeared over the skin before it melts and is completely absorbed into it. However, only pure unrefined extract, not of chemical origin, is suitable. It is this oil that has all the useful qualities.

In European countries and America, it is used as a cosmetic product, and in African countries as edible fat and for the preparation of medicines.

Useful qualities

It has excellent softening properties, takes good care of dry, rough skin of the hands, elbows, knees, feet, where the dermis has a special load. The oil will smooth out unevenness and roughness on the skin. The special regenerating and rejuvenating properties of Shea fight against aging and fading of the skin, make it firm and elastic, smooth out wrinkles. The oil can also relieve stretch marks if it is used immediately after they occur.

Also, his protective abilities effectively cope with the negative influence of sunlight and other aggressive environmental factors. Thanks to its mild action and nourishing and moisturizing properties, it is suitable for any type of dermis, including the most sensitive skin of a baby.

It has medicinal properties, is able to cope with many skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or dermatitis. Of course, it heals cuts, cracks and other wounds very well. It can also be applied to stretched ligaments and muscles, because it has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. Just rub the oil gently into the affected area.

More on the health benefits of shea butter in the next video.

Harm and contraindications

Remember that any product, including natural products, can cause allergies. Therefore, when using for the first time, apply a drop of oil to the skin and monitor the reaction. Many women are also worried that with a lot of reviews, there are still no clinical studies that would actually confirm its positive effect on the body. Perhaps such studies will be carried out in the near future.

Shea butter as a cosmetic

As we said, this wonderful extract has found wide application in cosmetology, it is used in skin care products, in products to combat early skin aging and in cosmetics to protect skin and hair from the sun. It is also added to massage products. Its daily use will make the dermis more elastic, soft and firm. This versatile remedy is suitable for every person.

Face care

Shea has an excellent effect on the skin and is easily absorbed, softening and moisturizing it. It is also suitable for especially sensitive skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes, chapped skin of the lips, rough skin of the neck.

To enhance the beneficial qualities of this product, it can be combined with ethers and other beneficial substances and used as protective masks. Shea butter in this case will be an excellent base for any mask with a regenerating, nourishing and rejuvenating effect. To begin with, it should be melted with steam, using a water bath.

To do this, put a saucepan on the stove, pour water into it. Put the dishes in there, in which you will melt the butter. The water should brush against the bottom of this pan. Turn on the stove and begin to gently melt the butter, remember that it starts to melt at twenty-seven degrees, so be careful not to overdo it.

Also, this tool is perfect as protection against the aggressive effects of climatic conditions. It will protect both from the hot sun in summer and from cold air and wind in winter. Just apply it on your face one hour before leaving the house. After it is absorbed, blot the skin with a tissue to remove the remaining oil.

You can also use it as a restorative and apply it to your skin before bed. Warm up the oil and apply it to your skin.

Homemade recipes for masks and creams

Repairing dry skin

Take 2 teaspoons of melted shea butter and add 4 tablespoons of almond. Stir the composition until it cools completely and add a few drops of lavender ether and chamomile ether (2-3 drops are enough).

Pour the resulting composition into a clean glass container in which you will store the cream and put it in the refrigerator. Use it twice a day and store it for no more than 2 weeks.

For aging, aging skin

Melt 2 teaspoons of shea extract in a water bath, add 2 tablespoons of macadamia oil, 1 teaspoon of avocado and jojoba. Mix thoroughly. As the mixture cools, add 2 drops of rosemary ether and 3 drops of rosewood. Transfer the mixture to a convenient container with a lid and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

For aging, sagging, sensitive skin

Take Art. a spoonful of rose water and a teaspoon of aloe vera. Take 1 teaspoon melted beeswax, 2 teaspoons of shea extract, and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil such as olive oil. Stir thoroughly until the oils are completely melted. Add vitamin E and a small amount of lycithin to the mixture. Then stir well and pour in the aloe and rose water. Remove the mixture from the water bath and stir with a mixer. Place the resulting cream in a convenient jar and store in the refrigerator.

For dry dermis care

The following mixture can be prepared as a tonic and nourishing agent for dry and flaccid skin. Grind the dried lemon peel in a coffee grinder. Take 1 tbsp. spoon the resulting lemon powder, add the egg yolk, cover with cling film and set aside for 20 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of melted shea extract and the same amount of walnut extract. Stir everything thoroughly and apply to face, then rinse off with water.

For problematic dry dermis

Crush the avocado or banana pulp, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of pulp and add 1 teaspoon of melted shea extract. Add 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil and melted honey. Apply to skin and hold for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

For lip care

Melt 1 teaspoon of beeswax and shea extract and add 1 teaspoon each of cocoa butter and honey. Stir everything until liquid, remove from heat and add one drop of cinnamon oil and 2 peppermint or lemon balm oil. Store the product in a handy jar. Apply it to chapped lips, it is a very good softening and crack treatment that will help you in the winter.

For softening hands

Take one teaspoon of shea butter, melted, and add the same amount of walnut and calendula oils. Massage your hands with this mixture. Residues can be removed with a napkin.

To get rid of acne

Take one hundred milliliters of shea extract previously melted in a water bath and add melted honey to it, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of walnut extract and one milliliter of salicylic acid. Apply the mixture to the skin, without touching the eye area, and hold it for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Shea butter is an amazing substance, the properties of its composition are unique, they make it justified to use it for the face in its pure form and in the composition of masks. The presence of minerals and vitamins makes it a curative remedy for restoring the health of the face, with all skin types.

Shea butter is obtained from a plant called shea, which is native to the African continent. Karite has lived for more than one century and during this time reaches a height of 20 meters. At 20, it blooms, and at 50 it begins to bear fruit. Interestingly, only the fair sex is allowed to remove shea fruits, due to the fact that their hands will cope with this work carefully and accurately.

It is the fruits that are used to extract the healing oil.

Shea butter has a fragrant, nutty-like scent.

It is classified into several types:

  1. A - raw;
  2. B - refined;
  3. C - has a high degree of purification;
  4. D - has a minimum amount of impurities;
  5. E - contains impurities.

The oil contains more than 80% triglycerides and only 20% unsaponifiable fats.

Unsaponifiable fats are:

  • caristerols;
  • carbohydrates.

Triglycerides contain acids of different types:

  • oleic and linoleic;
  • stearic and palmitic;
  • arachidic, linolenic and myristic.

The oil contains a huge number of vitamins that have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Effects of Shea Butter on Skin

Shea has a general softening effect on the skin, allowing you to achieve the following goals:

Are there any contraindications?

Shea butter properties and application for the face in its pure form is almost completely safe, it can be used even in newborns.

However, it is important to pay attention to the following features of its application:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product can provoke the development of an allergic reaction, so the first use should be minimal;
  • the oil has many properties, some of them have not been fully investigated, so it is better for people with sensitive skin type to use it carefully;
  • if stored improperly (at room temperature or under the influence of sunlight), the product can deteriorate and not only not provide any benefit, but also cause harm. The same applies to substances that have already expired.

In order not to harm your own health, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction during the first use. It is necessary to apply a small part of the composition to the inside of the hand and wait half an hour, in the absence of burning, redness and itching, the oil can be safely used for its intended purpose.

An important point: pure oil is not stored for more than 2 years, and in the composition of creams - 3 months.

How to choose a quality product?

In order for the product to actually benefit, it is important to choose a product in the store that will be of high quality.

For this, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • purchasing a product only at specialized points of sale;
  • the qualitative composition has only a light nut aroma, without admixture of other strong odors;
  • if the butter is heated to room temperature, it will look like butter, become just as soft and pliable;
  • upon contact with the body, high-quality carite begins to melt.

Application for the face depending on the skin type

If you apply shea butter, in accordance with the characteristics of the skin of the face, on a regular basis, you can achieve an improvement in its condition, both external and internal.

Masks should be applied to previously cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes:

Shea has a dense structure, so it is better to use it as part of a cream applied in the evening, and not in the morning. It is best to apply it a couple of hours before bedtime, otherwise there is a high likelihood of swelling. It is important to apply the composition to the face and neck area only after cleansing, and then remove the excess with a paper towel.

For normal skin types: mix a teaspoon of shea butter with a drop of essential oil (any: verbena has a rejuvenating effect, cloves will tone up, almonds whiten, jasmine moisturizes, rosewood soothes);

For the bold type: mix 2 tsp. olive oil, jojoba and shea, add peppermint and lemon oils drop by drop. This composition must be preheated with a water bath and applied to the skin: the texture of the cream will be airy, it will perfectly whiten, remove shine and relieve inflammation.

Correct use in pure form

The properties of shea butter allow its active use for the face as creams and in its pure form:

Applying Shea Butter to the Eyelid Area

The properties and possibilities of using shea butter in its pure form for the face can significantly moisturize and nourish the skin. Shea has a special effect on the delicate skin of the eyelids, which requires mandatory and delicate protection. You can use this substance both independently and by combining it with other means. For example, with jojoba oil.

Application: you need to take a pea of ​​the product, melt it with the warmth of your hands and gently drive it into the skin of the eyelids (you need to act very carefully so as not to overstretch the skin). Especially carefully apply the oil to the area where mimic wrinkles form during squinting.

Shea butter for lips

In order to prevent overdrying and cracking of the delicate skin of the lips, you need to timely and regularly use this product to protect and moisturize them.

The healing properties of the oil will quickly restore the natural beauty of the lips, return them shine, rich color and moisturize, protecting them from moisture loss.

You can make a cream like this:

  • melt the wax by using a bowl that is in a pot of water;
  • pour pre-melted shea butter to it;
  • add such oils to this mixture: oil, mint, chamomile;
  • now it is enough to add honey to the cinnamon oil.

The finished balm must be poured into a glass container, allowed to thicken and used daily, especially before going outside in frosty weather.

All ingredients will help improve the appearance of the lips:

  • cinnamon gives a rush of blood, due to which the color improves;
  • mint cools the skin, relieving irritation;
  • chamomile with lemon balm heals microcracks and wounds.

In addition to this recipe, there is another, no less effective:

  • mix caride with jojoba;
  • dilute the mixture with lemon oil and rose water (you need to take 10-15 grams of each ingredient);
  • after cooling down, the balm can be applied to the lips.

Shea butter for aging skin

In order to stop the process of withering of the skin of the face and restore its lost elasticity, you need to use shea. The main condition: the frequency of application of the product.

To increase the elasticity of the skin, you can apply the following mask:

  • mix starch (18 gr.) with 5-7 gr. shea;
  • stir them until viscous;
  • add dill oil;
  • if necessary, you can add some distilled water.

It is necessary to apply such a mask only after preliminary steaming of the skin.... During application, you need to distribute the mass over the massage points, gently driving it into the pores. You need to keep this mask for no more than 20 minutes, and rinse it off with chamomile infusion.

Shea butter for acne

This substance has a good effect when used on skin damaged by acne, acne or acne. The natural properties of the oil not only soothe inflammation, but also reduce itching and also improve complexion. To prepare such a mask, you need to mix 5 g of shea butter. from 7 gr. honey melted in a steam bath.

Then add 12 drops of nut butter (ideally cashews) and no more than 5 drops of salicylate to this composition. It is better to apply the mask in the evening, the skin must first be cleaned of impurities and residues of decorative cosmetics. After half an hour, the mass is washed off using a previously prepared calendula broth.

Using Shea Butter Against Flaking

In order to soften skin that is prone to flaking, you can use this recipe:

  • 2 tsp mix shea butter with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (you can replace it with almond, grape, sesame or corn);
  • add 3 drops of chamomile oil, or lemon balm, or rosewood;
  • mash half a banana with a fork and add the oil mixture to it;
  • you need to apply this mask twice a week, the exposure time is half an hour.

Sensitive skin care application

Shea butter is actively used for face care in its pure form, its properties and use can soothe such skin and prevent irritation. This skin type is highly sensitive to environmental changes and cosmetic products.

Shea butter is not capable of causing these reactions and therefore is often used in masks:

  • you need to mix a tablespoon of this oil with 2 tablespoons of almond oil;
  • add a few drops of lavender or chamomile oil;
  • you can apply this mask in the morning and in the evening, using it instead of another nutrient.

The valuable components contained in shea can raise the level of skin elasticity and increase its resistance to external factors.

Tanning application

Shea can be used to obtain an even tan. An important feature of this product is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of harmful ultraviolet rays.

Shea butter functions:

Application of the product before sunburn:

  1. Be sure to peel the body to exfoliate dead skin particles.
  2. Apply the product evenly over the entire surface of the body.
  3. After sun exposure, you need to shower and reapply the oil on the body, which will soothe and moisturize the skin.

Shea butter anti-wrinkle

To compensate for the lack of nutrients in the skin of the face that are responsible for its elasticity, the use of shea butter helps well, the properties of which perform this function both in pure form and in creams. Shea perfectly smoothes existing wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones.

For this purpose, you can apply the following mask:

  • grind 20 gr. cottage cheese with 2 quail eggs;
  • add 3 g to the resulting mass. shea butter;
  • steam out the skin of the face;
  • apply a dense layer of the mask and hold it for 20 minutes;
  • wash off with a damp cloth.

Wound Healing Ointment for Chapped Lips

In order to heal the smallest but very painful wounds that form on the delicate skin of the lips, you can use the following ointment:

Applying Shea Butter for Oily Skin

Experts advise to use shea for every skin type.

However, in the case of oily skin, it is important to follow 2 rules:

  1. The oil can be used occasionally, its regular use can negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  2. Do not use shea butter unchanged so as not to clog your pores.

Owners of oily skin can make themselves such a mask:

  • mix a teaspoon of shea with white powder;
  • drip tea tree oil and pour 2 tbsp. boiled water;
  • after thorough mixing, apply to the skin and hold for 15 minutes.

Shea butter to moisturize the skin

Shea can also be used to tackle the problem of hardened skin on the heels or knees. The best effect is provided by a moisturizer, which will eliminate dryness, flaking and soften the skin.

You can prepare it this way:

  • melt shea butter (50 gr.), then add lemon, ylang-ylang, geranium and tamana oils to it (3 drops each);
  • remove from the stove;
  • cool and pour into a glass container;
  • apply 2 times a day (but not more often), on damaged skin areas, slowly rubbing it in with massage movements.