Jojoba oil - properties and use for face, hair, body. The use of oil in cosmetology. How to use this means

Jojoba oil: composition, properties, benefits and features of application. Jojoba oil for body care, face skin, lips, eyelids, hair and nails.

Jojoba oil is a unique natural elixir, belonging to the basic oils or base oils, which in aromatherapy and cosmetology are used both to dissolve the oils of ethereal and as an independent caring and therapeutic agent. Jojoba oil is very valued for its unique properties and is deserved considered to be the most useful of all the vegetable fats known for today.

History opening

Jojoba oil is made from the Symonation of Chinese (other names - Chinese Buksus, Jojoba) - a perennial evergreen shrub growing in arid areas of Australia, North and South America, Israel and Egypt. The method of cold spin from plant fruits, similar to small nuts, is obtained by a liquid wax-like substance. Its unique protective and moisturizing properties were discovered by scientists in the 70s of the 20th century, but the history of this healing product has thousands of years. Its samples were found in Egyptian pyramids. And what is the most amazing, they completely saved their useful properties. It turned out that jojoba oil has a rare feature - an unlimited time can be stored, not oxidizing. Added to other natural fat (only 1-2%), it prolongs their storage. The useful properties of the Symonation of the Chinese were known to the ancient Indians. They used a plant for wound healing and burns.

The composition of Jojoba oil

Liquid wax, obtained from the Chinese Slimondnce, in its properties is close to spermacette - a unique substance, which is extracted from Cachelot's fat. Jojoba oil contains fatty acids, collagen and vitamin E. And the amino acids included in its composition in their structure are similar to the protein, which is produced by the skin and ensures its elasticity. Increase the value of Slimondcy oil using its enrichment with essential oils. So, when adding aromamasel of Mirra, Gerani or roses, his activity increases intensively 5 times!

Oil properties Jojoba

According to consistency, the Liquid Symmonistration oil has a neutral aroma with a bare odor of fat and bright yellow color with a golden tide. When stored at a minus temperature turns into wax, but does not lose its useful properties, and under normal conditions it returns to a liquid state.

Jojoba oil is universally and absolutely harmless, and the chemical composition has a person close with the composition of human skin, so suitable even for tender skin of babies. Simmonism oil is instantly absorbed, forming a protective film, which softens the skin and holds moisture inside the cells, does not create the effect of the fatty gloss, does not cause allergies. It is also very valuable that this liquid plant wax has a sunscreen filter, so it is often added to sunscreen, tanning facilities and lip balms.

The main properties of jojoba oil:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • softening;
  • high penetrating ability;
  • moisturizing action;
  • restoration of damaged cells;
  • air conditioning;
  • antioxidant action;
  • rejuvenating effect.

Use of Jojoba oil

Without exaggeration, it can be said that jojoba oil is a miraculous natural medicine. It helps with the following problems:

  • acne rash, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • keloid scars, stria (skin stretching);
  • drying, losing elasticity, aging skin;
  • uneven, dull, pale gray face;
  • dry, dehydrated, peeling skin;
  • sensitive, prone to skin irritation;
  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • brittle, dry, dull hair, dandruff;
  • weathered, dry, cracked lips;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • cutting leather on palms, elbows and heels.

Application of jojoba oil for beauty

1. Body Care

To preserve the skin elasticity, jojoba oil is used with essential oils of mandarin, lemon or orange, to reduce stretch marks - with clove, rosemary, lavender or mint (a pair of drops on 1 tablespoon of base oil). Slip the oil mixtures into problem areas with light massage movements. You can do it after the shower or 20 minutes to water procedures. You can also mix jojoba oil with other basic oils - germ wheat, apricot bones, olives or almonds (in a ratio of 1: 1). For anti-cellulite massage to the oil of symondsis, essential oils of lemon, rosemary, grapefruit, orange, cypress, juniper or geranium are added. And if you use jojoba oil after epilation, it will help to avoid irritation after shaving, make the skin gently and smooth.

2. Face Care

Jojoba oil helps to cope with the lack of vitamin D, in which our skin needs so much in winter, improves the complexion, reduces inflammation, moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity, removes small wrinkles. It works well in a pair with other natural oils - rosehip, grape bones, apricots, peach, almond or avocado. To prepare a nutritious evening balm, it must be half diluted with one of the above oils and put on clean skin in one or two hours before sleep, or add a silent oil into your favorite cream.

Chinese Simmonism Oil is an excellent antiseptic. For the recovery, it is mixed with tea tree aromaslas, cedar, carnations, chamomile, chamomile or lavender (1 drop to 1 tablespoon of the base) and shall be applied to problem zones 2 times a day. With fading skin, the oil of jojoba needs to be slightly warm, add a drop of essential oil patchouli, sandalwood or chamomile, moisten a piece of cotton fabric in the resulting mixture and lie down with such a compress 10-15 minutes.

3. Care for centuries

Simmonism oil takes care of gentle and sensitive skin in the area around the eyes. To eliminate small wrinkles, it is mixed with an avocado oil or enriched roses with essential oil (1 drop to 1 tablespoon of the base) and the resulting mixture lubricate the eyelids. To remove deep wrinkles, a mixture of simmonation and almond oils (rosehip, avocado), taken in equal proportions, are used, or added to jojoba oil, meat, fennel, sandalwood, pine or neroli (one any choice, the proportions as well as In the previous recipe). Pail into the oily mixtures into the skin around the eye you need to be very neat, light spot movies of the pillow of your fingers.

4. Lip care

Jojoba oil can be an excellent alternative to lip balm, which sometimes contains components, clutching pores. Use it in an undelivered form or in combination with aromamaslas of peppermint, melissa, roses or limetic. Apply on the lips in the morning and before bedtime, slightly massaging the skin. Simmondnce oil heals the wounds, eliminates the peeling, has a moisturizing effect.

5. Removing Makeup

Jojoba oil can be useful and as a wonderful means to remove cosmetics, and it will not only delicately cleanse the face from the balance of shadows, carcasses, a tone cream, but also soften the skin and strengthen the eyelashes. A small amount of oil is applied to your cotton disk and carefully remove cosmetics, and its excess can be removed with a wet cloth.

6. Hair Care and Nails

To strengthen the nails, the undiluted jojoba oil or a mixture with rose, lemon aromamasters, lemon or fir is rubbed daily into nail plates and cuticles.

Very useful Slimond oil and hair. It accelerates their growth, prevents falling out and the appearance of dandruff. 20 minutes before the washing of the head is applied to the roots of the hair. And if you add a couple of droplets of jojoba oil to air conditioning or balm, the curls after rinsing them will be filled with force and healthy gloss. The Chinese Symonation Oil is used to prepare all sorts of masks, as well as cleaned them already washed hair: a small amount is applied to the ridge and gently spend them on strands (to enhance the effect enriched it with daisy, pine, sage, ylang-ylang, ginger, rosemary or Orange). Such a simple reception helps to cope with the fallout and hair liability. Jojoba oil envelops every hair with a protective film, invisible and permeable for air, while there is no effect of bidity and weightlifting of curls. Over time, the hair is filled with healthy radiance, become obedient, soft and elastic.

- This is a unique healing product, natural and safe. This is an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetics, because the effectiveness of this product is not subject to doubt. Try, and you yourself make sure.

From time immemorial, the greatest woman, immortalized in history as an extraordinary beauty, Queen Egypt Cleopatra knew the price of oils and actively used them to preserve youth and radiance. In the modern world, natural oils for the extension of beauty are at the peak of popularity. According to its exceptional properties of the improvement of the structure and among oils, the championship belongs to oil Jozoba.

Chemical composition of jojoba oil

For hair it is an indispensable natural growth accelerator, which will help if or. It effectively copes with the purification of hair follicles, while soothing and softening the scalp. Therefore, often manufacturers of shampoos, balms, masks and hair air conditioners include jojoba oil products.

Helps cope with:
Owners dry skin The following recipes can help:
A stunning effect has jojoba oil in oil creams for the skin around the eyes.

This mask allows you to get rid of the folds in the eye area. You need to mix 5 ml of symondism fruit oil and 10 ml of peach oil. Suitable from Apricot. Mix the constituents thoroughly and soda the wrinkles around the eyes.

For body skin

If you dream of a velvety skin, to which I want to touch, stroke, as if silk, try a rather simple recipe: to the already existing body lotion, which you are used to using, add a zozhoba wax at the rate of every 100 ml of means - approximately 1, 5 tablespoons of oil elixir. The effect will be amazing!

Did you know? In the wild, the shrub Symmonistration Chinese can live about two centuries. At the same time, during the season with a bush, up to five kilograms of nuts per year are removed.

For hair

Oil elixir creates magic not only with skin. Jojoba oil is very helpful and for hair, the main thing is to know how to use it correctly for various types or to eliminate hair defects.

  • Take 5 ml of honey and scroll with one yolk. Add 2.5 ml of alcohol tincture to components and 5 ml of heated jojoba oil. This suspension is to continue in the roots of the hair and the skin of the head, and then rinse with warm water, holding the mask about half an hour.
  • To activate hair growth. Mix of mustard powder and liquid wax of jojoba is used. But be careful because it burns the skin and stops. You follow the powder of mustard in the amount of 20 ml to grind with an identical amount of sugar, add water and dilute the mixture to a creamy consistency. Before applying the composition in the mask, 20 ml of symondism fruit oil is poured. Cover your head with a cap for the shower and hand over a quarter of an hour. Then you need to abundantly rinse with water.
  • For oily hair. Jojoba wax is stirred with a cedar wax in an equal proportion. Oil lotion rubbed into the skin of the head, hold for an hour, and then wash their heads with shampoo.
  • For glowing hair. You will need a wax of jojoba and cocoa - on one tablespoon. Add 5 ml of brandy. Apply on the hair along the entire length and disperse for a more uniform distribution of the lotion. Cover your head with a film and hold 15 minutes, then wash your head. The procedure should be repeated twice a week.

For lips

So that your lips are not dilapidated and not crashed, there is one popular means for the lip with the addition of jojoba oil. Take one tablespoon of wax of symondism fruit and pour two drops of mint essential oil and melissa. Mix the components and spread the lips with a mixture before going to the street in the morning and in the evening.

For nails

Go to creating a complete image of a beauty with well-groomed. Jojoba oil is ideal for those who want to soften the cuticle and at the same time get long nails. For aesthetic appearance of the fingers, you should prepare components for a mask: 4 teaspoons of the fruit oil of symondism mixed with essential oils of the Ladan, and the Mirra (all components take 10 drops each). It is desirable to store this mixture in a dark glass container. You can use twice a week, rubbing an oily mask in the nail plates and cuticle.

For massage

Very popular oil infusion for massage is Macerat, Which is prepared using base oil and various spices. Wax jojoba will perfectly cope with the role of the main component. But for warming up all parts of the body, take some multicolored fragrant peas. The vanilla wand will help to overcome the depressive autumn Handra, which is also added to our oil infusion. The second emphasis will be a cinnamon stick, which in Matserat plays the role of a powerful Aphrodisiac. All components merge into a dark glass jar and put in the refrigerator for several days.

Before using the oil infusion you need to warm on a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then apply to the palm and rub into the skin with light massage movements. The magic of toning relaxes will make spices flavors, and the divine velvet leather will give the elixir of jojoba.

For Tan

It is amazing, but it is possible to achieve bronze color of the skin and without solarium, and without special tonal creams for. All secret - in proper preparation before entering the beach and after the solar procedures. To put on the skin exactly, before entering the sun, it is necessary to clean the skin with the help of peeling. With this perfectly cope with ground, added to your shower gel. Next, the skin is moistened. You can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to a pulverizer with water and distribute the composition on the surface of the skin. But after the tan, it is impossible to make a moisturizing mixture based on the wax of jojoba with the addition of vitamin E and

How to choose when buying

If you think about the acquisition of this elixir youth, you will have recommendations for the choice of the real natural wax of jojoba.

  • Carefully examine the composition on the back of the jar. Of course, the manufacturer can go to cunning and not specify the presence of some foreign flavor. It is better to open the bottle and listen to your sense of smell. Natural pure oil elixir jojoba slightly resembles the smell of fat. If you blurt out something fragrant, you are exactly trying to slip fake.
  • Pay attention to the color of the oil: it should be golden yellow. The consistency has a kind of melted wax.

Important! Jojoba wax at room temperature +20° C does not harden, but remains liquid wax. Consider this when buying a product.

  • Genuine jojoba oil from Northern Mexico, Southern California, Argentina, Arizona and Israel. Therefore, the cost of the product in our latitudes can not be too low.
  • It is best to acquire jojoba oil elixir in specialized cosmetology stores from proven manufacturers.

How to store jojoba oil at home

Jojoba wax has such a unique chemical composition that it can go, as in the case of Egyptian pyramids, in a dry dark place, 4 thousand years old and not lose their magic regenerating and rejuvenating properties. If you adhere to simple rules for the storage of this elixir youth, it will be a good cosmetologist for many years.

So, the storage capacity must be necessarily made of glass. No plastic! The storage location should not be covered with sunlight. If you put a jar with wax in the refrigerator, it thickens, but will save all its utility. If it is then to put a container with wax on the room temperature, it will warm up a little and will become liquid.

Contraindications and precautions

The only contraindication to the use of this oil can be individual supersensitivity to its components. It is worthwhile to use wovers of jojoba to women with elevated vegetation on the face, since this liquid elixir is characterized as a powerful hair growth activator that on the face is an extremely unwanted effect. Cosmetologists advise such women to use miracle wax in a divided form by adding a jojoba of nine servings of any other cosmetic oils to one portion of the oil elixir.

Nature took care that the beautiful half of humanity always looked stunningly. And it does not matter what an eyelid in the courtyard. Natural oils are always appreciated by women of any age and era. What can we talk about such a magic in your properties of oil, like jojoba?

In ancient times, this wax boldly could be exchanged for precious stones or gold. So why do we, modern women, do not adhere to this elixir youth and not start using his gifts? The main rule is a systematic in use, and the rest of the miracle will create jojoba oil!


What is Jojoba

What is the essential oil of jojoba, properties and use of this oil, how to take this oil, as well as what useful oil jojoba oil for human health? These issues often arise from those who take care of their health and is of interest in popular treatment methods, in particular to treatment with essential oils. And this interest is clear. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

SIMMONDSIA Chinénsis (SIMMóndsia Chinénsis), better known under the names of Jojoba and Khokhoba (Jojoba) - this is the type of branching evergreen shrubs, in the wild, found in the North American deserts and chapara. This is the only kind of kind of SIMMONDSIA (SIMMONDSIA), which was highlighted in a separate monotypan family Simmondsiaceae.

The oil obtained from plant fruits is actively used in the manufacture of cosmetics, in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as in the production of lubricants.

Jojoba oil is a liquid wax resulting with a cold pressing method from nuts grown on plantations in both North America and other countries. The properties of jojoba oil are caused by the composition of the amino acids in the composition of proteins, which according to the structure resemble collagen - the substance responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Oil is steadily on the barn (oxidation). Similar properties have spermacetter oil. At the same time, such substances are very difficult to synthesize.


Oil properties Jojoba

Natural natural substances today have become in demand, as never before. Probably, it happens because people are increasingly realizing - we simply will simply in bulk, or gradually turn into the appendages of cars, as in science fiction novels.

Natural materials and substances are in demand in all spheres of life: we want to wear natural clothes, feed on products grown in environmentally friendly zones, living in houses from natural materials and use the same life objects - for example, natural wood furniture. It is not surprising that the same trends in recent years have been brighter in cosmetology brighter. A couple of decades ago, much less women thought about the composition of cosmetics, and today cosmetic companies spend huge funds to implement 100% natural ingredients in their production.

Natural components are more difficult to extract, and they cost expensive. For example, spermacet is a substance extracted from the cavities of the cranium cranium box, often used in the manufacture of therapeutic and other cosmetics.

However, to exterminate coushlots were banned, and this can only be rejoiced - but what now add to cosmetics? Are artificial components? Fortunately, cosmetologists found a decent replacement spermacet - jojoba oil extracted from the seeds of the American shrub.

Liquid wax, obtained from the Chinese Slimondnce, in its properties is close to spermacette - a unique substance, which is extracted from Cachelot's fat. Jojoba oil contains fatty acids, collagen and vitamin E. And the amino acids included in its composition in their structure are similar to the protein, which is produced by the skin and ensures its elasticity. Increase the value of Slimondcy oil using its enrichment with essential oils. So, when adding aromamasel of Mirra, Gerani or roses, his activity increases intensively 5 times!

Jojoba oil is obtained by a cold pressing method, and it is characterized by a very rich composition - they say that such a chemical composition is no longer in the world of plants. Indeed, among thousands of plants containing different oils, Jojoba turned out to be the best - so showed careful and long-term research. By the way, the spermacet, which is mentioned above, is also inferior to the oil of jojoba in its properties, so to exterminate whales really nothing ...

Jojoba oil for face

For skin care, fresh and clean oil, squeezing during seed cooling; In preservatives it does not need, and the fragrances and dyes are not added to it, so the jojoba is hypoallergenically, and can be successfully used for any type of skin.

The composition of jojoba includes amino acids and proteins, as well as vitamin E, which is so much that the product is characterized by severe anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating properties. Jojoba oil can be stored for a long time, and does not get bitter, and if it is added to other oils of plant origin, they will also be saved much longer. It seems incredible, but in the pyramids of ancient Egypt, a jojoba was found, which preserved its qualities almost completely.

Jojoba oil has a thick consistency, but penetrates the skin and hair deep and quickly, without leaving the bold shine and creating a protective layer. Due to the excellent moisturizing and softening properties, resistance to oxidation and temperature drops, jojoba oil is one of the best fat components used in modern cosmetics.

However, chemists believe that in their structure of jojoba is liquid wax, and not oil. But it is not important for us, but the fact that it is effective in redness and inflammation of the skin, inflammation of the joints, acne, dermatitis, neurodim, eczema, psoriasis.

While in cosmetics, jojoba is perfectly caring for the skin: moisturizes and nourishes it, penetrating deep into the pores. Most often it is used as the basis in which other essential oils are added, which, when mixed with jojoba, do not lose their fragrance, as it does not have its own odor.

Jojoba oil can be used to improve the condition of any type of skin, but its use is particularly efficient with dry and flakes, as well as with already fading, which has lost elasticity, leather, with obvious signs of aging (wrinkles, etc.).

Jojoba oil apparently nourishes, softens, and for a long time moisturizes the skin, removes its peeling, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, smoothes on the face of wrinkles;

No less effectively applying an oil jojoba oil when leaving for sensitive skin, prone to constant irritation and redness (has a soothing effect);

Just as already written above, jojoba oil is well used with a problematic skin, affected by acne and acne (prevents the appearance of new acne, and helps to get rid of existing one), as well as with other inflammation and skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis , psoriasis).

Mask with jojoba oil from wrinkles

Need 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil and as many avocado oil. Mix, apply on face. Suppose 20 minutes. Next, what skin did not have time to soak - you need to remove. Such a mask instead of a face cream can be applied twice a week. And before an important event, if you want to look at a dozen years younger, make yourself an intense course - every night for two weeks.

Application of oil jojoba oil

The protective properties of jojoba are much higher than that of other vegetable oils, so it is difficult to find the best tool for care for gentle skin of newborn children. The protective film formed on the skin of the child gives the skin to breathe, however, perfectly prevents overvailing, which can be caused by the use of diapers.

The skin of any type becomes better and younger under the action of jojoba oil - especially the beneficial it affects the inflamed, ridiculous and peeling skin. Tired, fading and flawless skin also needs this oil, helps get rid of wrinkles and small cracks.

Jojoba essential oil treats acne and minor injuries, eliminates acne; makes weathered lips soft and gentle; cares for the skin after shaving, tanning and bathing; softens scars and scars; Eliminates stretch marks and fights cellulite.

At home, jojoba can be added to lotions, creams, shampoos and balms, to make a mixture for masks and massages based on it.

For example, after daily washing, shaving or tanning, a mixture of jojoba oil with almond or avocado can be applied to the skin. Wrinkles around the eyes can be in the morning and evening to lubricate pure jojoba, adding 1-2 drops of fennel essential oil or mint to the tablespoon.

A mixture of jojoba oil with cloves and lavender essential oil, or with cedar oil and empty helps with many skin problems. Essential oils are added to 1-2 tablespoons of jojoba - 1-2 drops, and 2 times a day they apply this mixture to problem areas of the skin.

If you add to the tablespoon of jojoba a couple of droplets of oil melissa, pink or mint, then it will be a wonderful way to care for lips. Every day, in the morning and in the evening, apply this mixture on the lips, easily massaging them, and they will become gentle and attractive.

Cellulite and stretch marks deliver the trouble to most women, and this does not depend on the age and body weight. In the first case, pure oil of jojoba will help, although the addition of essential oils does not hurt at all: lavender, patchouli, lemon, fennel, juniper and geranium, cypress and rosemary.

The appearance of stretch marks can be prevented using a mixture of jojoba, mandarin and lemon oils - on 2 tablespoons of 1-2 drops of aromamacel. With this mixture you need to make a massage of problem areas, or simply rub it into the skin.

Halked leather stop, knees and elbows will become well-groomed and soft, if after a warm bath to rub jojoba oil into these sections. If the skin on the soles drove hard, raise his feet, and after a pedicure, rub the jojoba into the skin, and as much as possible, and its mitigating properties will be eliminated by this problem for a long time.

Application of oil jojoba

Hair jojoba oil needs no less than skin. Dry, brittle and painted hair come to life after its use, as the wax protects them, makes strong and shiny. Jojoba oil must be applied to the skin in different ways. Clean oil can be applied to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, and a 10% solution can be reduced into large areas, which can be enhanced by adding essential oils.

When caring for hair, jojoba is not only added to the shampoos and balms, but also rubbed into the skin of the head before washing, by about 15-20 minutes. Dry and brittle hair will become softer and obedient if several times a day are combined with rare teeth, applying several drops of jojobas.

If the hair falls out, then there is a few drops of cedar oil, pine, eucalyptus, ginger or sage; This mixture can also not only lubricate the calcination, but also make appliques of the scalp before washing.

Recipe number 1.

Mask, which instantly give the chapelur beautiful glitter, is prepared very easily. Jojoba oil with cocoa oil (each of 1 tbsp) is slightly warmed up. They are added cognac (1 tsp). Everything is thoroughly mixed. The mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair and is distributed over all of their length. After 15 minutes, the mask washed off with a shampoo and warm water.

Recipe number 2.

Mixed jojoba oil with Aloe Vera gel (every 50 ml) copes with an impressive list of various problems. This hair mask effectively eliminates the skin of the skin, defeats dandruff, the performance of the sebaceous glands arranged on the hair part of the head, gives the volume and dazzling gloss hair. The procedure lasts an hour and a half, and the result is a long time pleases you and others.

At home you can cook a wonderful shampoo that can give a healthy and well-kept view of your hair. It is necessary to take a neutral liquid soap (1 cup), add jojoba oil (1 tbsp.), Mint oil and lavender (five drops). The resulting mixture is pouring into a bottle and shake it pretty. This useful shampoo cannot be compared with any of the products of the modern market of cosmetics.

Today, jojoba oil is becoming widely used in cosmetology, and in many recipes it replaces triglycerides, mineral oils, squalene and lanolin, working much more efficiently and safer these ingredients. It is only possible to thank nature for this wonderful gift that people have been enjoyed for more than 2000, while maintaining youth, health and beauty with it.

  • Structure
  • Beneficial features
  • Impact on the skin
  • Application of Jojoba oil
  • Restrictions to use
  • Review of funds

Jojoba oil is not really oil, but a special liquid wax (according to other data, ether). This substance is obtained from the seeds of a South American shrub with the exotic name "Symmonation of Chinese" (yes, the incompatibility of the birthplace of the plant and its names is another strange discrepancy, no way, but not detract from its useful properties).

Jojoba oil practically does not smell, and the consistency changes depending on the temperature: in heat it is a thick viscous liquid; When cooled is a substance similar to wax. "

In aromatherapy, jojoba oil belongs to basic oils. This means that it can be used both in pure form and as a base for mixing more active oils - for example, essential or germ wheat. As the ingredient, it actively uses in the manufacture of moisturizing creams for skin and hair products.

Get jojoba oil from the seeds of the shrub of Symonation Chinese.

Beneficial features

On the use of jojoba oil for leather, American Indians knew. They used it for the treatment of wounds and burns. In the healing abilities of this product, there is nothing surprising, given the proximity of its composition to substances that synthesize the sebaceous glands of our skin.

Therapeutic properties of jojoba oil are associated with a high concentration of amino acids - 33%, which according to the composition resemble collagen and contribute to the healing of the skin and increase its elasticity.

    Rich in fatty acids Jojoba oil is often found in the composition nutrient creams. Thanks to this oil, the consistency of the means is light and low-fat. Creams quickly absorb, saturated with lipids. Another scope of application - nutrient lip balms.


    One of the most popular makeup remover - hydrophilic oil. It is applied by palms on dry skin of the face and distribute light massaging movements to dissolve pollution and decorative cosmetics. Then wash away, and when in contact with water, the oil turns into an emulsion. A couple of minutes - and even from the most resistant makeup there is no trace. The composition of such means often includes jojoba oil.


    No, jojoba oil is not a source of life-giving moisture. But it is able to form a moisture-hold barrier on the surface of the skin and prevent the evaporation of water molecules. This property of jojoba oil is used in formulas. moisturizing cosmetics.

Jojoba oil has long been kept in opaque jugs.

Impact on the skin

Due to the unique composition, jojoba oil has a beneficial effect on different types of skin.

Dry skin

Since Jojoba oil perfectly keeps moisture on the surface of the skin, it is actively used in moisturizing and nutritious formulas.

Oily skin

In cosmetics for oily skin, the jojoba oil began to add relatively recently, since it was previously thought that it could climb the pores. But the truth is that it is not commemmed. Moreover, it has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Age-class skin

The oil has good antioxidant activity, therefore is widely used in anti-aging means and in cosmetics for the prevention of premature signs of aging due to the composition of the amino acids.

Application of Jojoba oil

The use of jojoba oil in the beauty industry is not limited to the inclusion of it in the face care formula. He has an incredibly wide range of applications.

Decorative cosmetics

Thanks to nutritional properties, this oil is included in lipstick, balms, lip gloss, cream brumes.

In aromatherapy, jojoba oil is used as basic.

Body skin

In various Internet sources, you can find information that there is collagen in the composition of jojoba oil. In fact, this is not so, more precisely, not quite like this: it is not collagen, but a complex of amino acids, similar to it in structure. That is why jojoba oil is often included in body product formulas, such as:

    funds for zone neckline;

    means against cellulite;

    modeling creams.

Jojoba oil can be used not only in the composition of cosmetics, but in its pure form - to eliminate the peeling of the skin, for example, on elbows and heels.

Means for hair

Jojoba oil is often found among the components of hair care products, mostly dry and brittle. As part of air conditioners, masks, indelible sprays and hair creams, it helps to make strand smooth and shiny, prevent "fluffiness" in wet weather.

Means for cuticle

It is necessary to care for the cuticle daily. Ideally, the oil or cream for the cuticle should be applied after each hand washing, so that the fingers look well-groomed and burrs did not appear. By the way, jojoba oil in the list of ingredients of nail care products - in the third or fourth place.


Massage with fragrant oils helps to calm the nerves and bring the body into the tone. In the preparation of aromatherapy compositions and massage products, jojoba oil is used as basic.

Review of funds

    Face Oil "Luxury Food", L "Oréal Paris

    Jojoba oil works here in the company of eight essential oils, among which oil lavender, roses and chamomile. Multiple drops of funds are enough for applying and on the skin of the face, and on the skin of the neck. Easy texture allows the tool instantly to absorb to apply a powerful anti-kidd. The result is the radiance and smoothness of the skin.

    Face Cream "Magic Cream Sleep" against fatigue traces, Garnier

    While you sleep, cream, as a consistency, resembling a mask, is engaged in the restoration of damaged skin cells. The next morning you will notice that the skin is more dense and shining.

    Cream Care To protect Very dry skin Nutrilogie 2, Vichy

    Two basic objectives of the formula - how to moisten the skin and help it synthesize its own lipids. Immediately after applying the cream, the owner of dry and peeling skin will feel that the feeling of the depths disappeared. And over time, the accumulative effect will also appear - the skin will become more elastic.

The face skin is regularly subject to external factors. Protect the deterioration of its state weather conditions, daily use of decorative cosmetics, improper selection of cosmetics, frequent change of emotions. All this and much more leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness or, on the contrary, excessive fatty, inflammation on the skin of the face. Testing various means of the cosmetology industry to solve such problems cost considerable means, time and not always successful experiments. While the true secret of the beauty and health of the skin of the face lies in nature itself.

Jojoba oil will help to cope with various cosmetology problems. Description, Composition, Useful properties of natural "beauty elixir" you will find in this article.

Plant Jojoba

The plant from which the jojoba oil is made by cold pressing, is called Chinese Slimond, although it has nothing to do with this Asian country. A bush grows in America in a wild form. Cultivated in Mexico, Egypt.

Back in the XVIII century, the oil jojoba was added to food, they treated them wounds, gastric pains, insect bites, poisoning, painted birth. Indians made from it tool to strengthen hair.

Travelers brought recipes for medicinal and cosmetics to Europe. After that, jojoba oil began to add well-known manufacturers of cosmetic products to its products. In folk medicine, such a tool has also become popular thanks to the healing composition. Recently, jojoba oil is often used from wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews are talking about the high efficiency of such a fund.

Unique composition

In terms of composition and structure, the oil of jojoba is similar to a whale spermacet - a wax substance that is in some of some of it widely used as the basis for cream and other cosmetics. But after the entry into force of the ban on whales, manufacturers of cosmetics began to actively look for an alternative to spermacet and found it in the form of jojoba oil.

Today, this natural substance is used in many cosmetic products, since the oil has a unique healing composition. Thus, it contains fatty acids, esters, amino acids, protein (reminding collagen), vitamins, including those who contribute to the regenerative processes Vitamin E. All of the above substances favorably affect processes In addition, the oil is easily absorbed, penetrates the lower layers of the skin, does not forms On the surface of the fatty film. That is why it is believed that the best oil from wrinkles around the eyes is precisely obtained from the seed of the bush of Symmonation.

Beneficial features

Due to its unique composition, oil can work wonders and cope with the most different skin problems. So, the regular use of funds with the addition of a natural component contributes to:

  • softening and humidifying the skin;
  • eliminate peeling and inflamed plots;
  • decrease in acne and acne;
  • removing the symptoms of various dermatological diseases - psoriasis, dermatosis, eczema;
  • tightening an oval face;
  • protection against ultraviolet rays, as well as other unfavorable external factors - frost, wind, low-quality cosmetics.

Regular use of oil jojoba oil improves skin color and removes pigmentation.

Indications for use

Given the properties of jojoba oil, it is used in the following cases:

  • when dry skin;
  • excessive fatty, acne rash;
  • reducing the turgore;
  • apply jojoba oil from wrinkles around the eyes;
  • in the treatment;
  • after removing excess hair on the face to prevent the occurrence of irritation and inflammation;
  • to protect against external irritating factors;
  • to rejuvenate the skin and its moisturizing, reducing mimic wrinkles.

Advantages of funds

In addition, the jojoba oil contains a lot of useful substances, it possesses other advantages:

  1. The oil made from the fruits of the Symmonistration bush, hypoallergenic. The likelihood of any allergic reactions after using a cosmetic agent containing jojoba oil is minimized. Such a means is often the basis of cosmetics for newborns. Although it is still not recommended to apply it in its pure form on a large area of \u200b\u200bskin.
  2. Easily absorbed, penetrating the lower layers of the skin. Thus, the useful substances nourish various layers, reinforcing the positive effect of using such a product.
  3. Oil is resistant to oxidation, as in its essence is rather waxing or fat. Therefore, it does not deteriorate for a long time. When adding oil into cosmetics, the latter storage is significantly increased.
  4. No contraindications. As mentioned above, it is often used in children's creams and shampoos. In addition, cosmetic oil jojoba is used in cosmetics for pregnant and nursing mothers. Consumer feedback confirm the high level of safety of such a natural agent.

How to use it for a face?

In cosmetology, jojoba oil is widely used as an additive to creams and other facial care products. Just add a few drops of oil into your favorite cosmetics and get the maximum effect. So, on 10 g of cream will be needed 15 ml of oil.

With inflammation or appearance of peeling on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, you can be sponed or a cotton wand directly on the damaged section of the undiluted jojoba oil.

Is the jojoba oil effectively from wrinkles on the face? Most reviews are talking about the high performance of such daily care: in jojoba oil, pre-melted on a water bath, in a ratio of 1: 1 with almond, olive or peach, interfer 2 drops of chamomile, sandalwood. Such a bouquet of ethers can be used as a daily lotion or face appliqué.

But most often jojoba oil is used in the manufacture of household masks, compresses and face lotions. Recipes such cosmetics can be found below.

In order to solve this or that problem with the skin of the face with the help of jojoba oil, you need to enrich this main ingredient with other essential oils or nutritional vitamin products. We offer several recipes, the reviews about which in most cases are positive. The only contraindication to such care products is the individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Toning Mask of Cucumber, Avocado and Jojoba Oil

To prepare a refreshing mask, you need to thoroughly mix in the dishes of a teaspoon of oil, crushed cucumber and flesh avocado. Apply as any other cosmetic mask. Such a procedure will perfectly moisturize the skin, enriches it with vitamins, the pores narrows and remove excessive fat, refreshing the face.

Mask from wrinkles

To reduce deep wrinkles on the forehead, a mask of sour cream, cosmetic clay and jojoba oil is suitable. For its manufacture, you need to mix a third of a glass of sour cream, a tablespoon of clay and a teaspoon of oil. Keep on face to frozen.

Milk Mask for Oily Skin

In two large spoons of warm milk, it is necessary to add 15 ml of jojoba oil. It is necessary to enrich the mixture by adding 2 drops of cloves, tea tree or geranium oil. Pre-cut out of gauze face mask with openings for eyes, nose and mouth. Mocked the prepared fabric base to impose on the face. This tool will help to remove inflammation, clean and narrow the pores, reduce the fatty skin.

In the same way apply oil jojoba from wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews of the dairy compress are simply enthusiastic: the amount of small wrinkles decreases, circles and bags under the eyes disappear. You need to dip the sponge in the dairy mixture and put on the eyelids. You do not need to flush. Just wet the remnants with a napkin.

Lifting Effect Mask

It will noticeably increase the elasticity of the skin, faces face, will reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, improve the complexion of the honey mask with jojoba oil. For her manufacture, you need to melt a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of oil. Then in the cooled mass intervene 1 whipped chicken yolk and a large spoon of lemon juice.

Jojoba oil for daily care

Recipes Masks made of jojoba oil for the skin around the eyes there are a variety of. Some are used for daily care, others have a pronounced intensive effect, so they need to be used no more than once a week. Such means help cope with facial wrinkles, improve the condition of sensitive thin skin on this site, eliminate swelling, swelling and eye fatigue.

For daily skin care around the eyes, oil jojoba oil is used, diluted 1: 2 with any bone almond, grape, apricot. The mixture must be mixed with the tip of a ring finger and drive it around the eyes.

Such a means is the effective prevention of the appearance of mimic wrinkles and "goose paws", as well as dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Intensive skin care around the eyes

Successfully apply jojoba oil from wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews of industrial cosmetics, as well as domestic masks and applications containing a natural component, indicate that the oil effectively copes with small wrinkles, "goose paws".

Reduce already available small wrinkles in the corners of the eye will help such a recipe: to the teaspoon of oil you need to add one drop of such sandals, mint, lavender into the teaspoon. It is necessary to apply the tool to the necessary area massage movements once a week.

Hygienic natural lipstick

With sultry dry weather, in the frost and strong wind suffers not only to the skin of the face, but also the lips. They crack, peel. Such a state is not only inestic, but also extremely painful. With the help of genuine hygienic lipstick based on jojoba oil, it is easily able to cope with this problem, as well as prevent its appearance.

For the manufacture of such a means you need to melt 2 teaspoons of bee wax and as many jojoba oil. In the resulting composition you need to add 5 drops of different essential oils, such as chamomile or lavender. Mix the mixture into the form. At home, you can use, for example, a wide cocktail tube or a lip cover, pre-blurred by any oil. Leave in the refrigerator until it is frozen. Natural tool for the care of lips is ready!