Methods for calculating daily nutrition. Children's nutrition until year

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All young mothers are concerned with the same question: whether my baby is fought. Especially if a woman has the first child. Of course, on the subconscious level, we all understand that the instinct of self-preservation will not give a crumb to starve, and nevertheless, each mommy wants the child to eat well and develops correctly. To do this, you need to know about nutritionals. They differ depending on the type of feeding newborn - natural, artificial or mixed, the age of Karapus and its weight. Next, consider all the nuances of this important issue.

Features of nutrition kid on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding (GW) is a natural continuation of the communications of the mother and a child, which allows the baby easier to cope with the stress of appearance. But in the new world, the crumb need to learn everything, in the numbers and eat (for this you need to develop a sucking reflex). So it is not surprising that the new Mom is experiencing, whether her baby fishes.

First feeding

"Mososy" or the first portions of Mother's milk is a real treasury of nutrients for a child. Strong health and well-coordinated work of immunity of crumbs largely depends on the huge number of vitamins, well-digestible proteins and antioxidants contained in colostrum.

The first feedings are important for all the subsequent life of a small little man.

It is interesting. The volume of the stomach of the newborn is about 12 ml.

Make a colostrum is impossible.The first reception of Kroch food eats about 8 ml. Given that the amount of feedings per day is usually about 12 times, then in general the newborn will eat about 100 ml of fluid. Every day the daily rate will increase by 10 grams.

Table of power supply for a child 2-4 days of life

There is another option for calculating the number of eaten. It requires a mathematical solution of the equation x x 10 \u003d ml into one-time welcome, where X is age, that is, the days of the child's life. For example, a newborn on the 7th day after birth should eat about 70 ml of breast milk.

Table of power supply for a child from 2 weeks of life up to the year

Feeding norms are designed taking into account the introduction of lures of the semi-annual age

Please note that these figures are approximate, so the discrepancy of plus or minus 5-10 grams is not significant. But what is really important is the interval between feeding. At first, it should be no more than 2 hours. Then the intervals will increase, as Karapuz will suck intensively, that is, get more fluid. Improving the sucking reflex will lead to the fact that feeding time will decrease.

How to determine the amount of milk to eat (depending on the weight of the child)?

So, the numbers are good, but many moms will definitely have an absolutely logical question: how to find out how much a child ate?

The easiest way to find out how much the baby has eaten, it is to weigh the Karapus before and after receiving food

For this you can weigh the child before and after feeding. The difference and will be the desired magnitude. To calculate the daily rate, you need to add all the results of feeding results in 24 hours. This method is suitable for natural crops, and for artificials.

How much to keep the baby in the chest?

On average, the crumb's chest is every 2-3 hours.And how many food should continue? Breastfeeding experts argue that about 30-40 minutes, if the Karapuz does not release the chest earlier. By the way, feeding for 15-20 minutes is not a deviation from the norm, if the child is well gaining weight and does not capricious. But the stay "on the chest" more than 40 minutes says that the baby uses the nipple as a nipple, that is, played. In the future, it can create a lot of inconvenience and mom, and the baby, so it is better not to bring to such entertainment.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky: The best feeding mode for the newborn

Features of the child's child on artificial feeding

Artificial feeding (IV), in contrast to the GW, requires more accurate calculations, because the mixture is digested more difficult than breast milk, so the bust can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract of the child. But such a task is ranked for young mom.

Power Mode and Feeding Time

This most important component of the proper care of the baby-artificial.

For the right development of a child's child, you need to comply

A child up to 2 months should eat 8-9 times with a break of 2.5-3 hours, in 2-3 months - 7-8 times, at 4 months - 6-7 times, 5-6 months - 5-6 times And from 7 months to a year - from 4 to 6 times a day. At the same time, one feed will last no more than 15 minutes, because of the nipples to drink much easier than sucking the chest.

Power standards

As a rule, doses and norms of mixtures are indicated on the packages. But the average, indicative, the data know still does not hurt.

Table of food rate of children from 10 days to year

How many grams in the daily and single dose and how to calculate them?

On banks with a mixture necessarily indicated norms for children of different ages

It is interesting. The most popular estimated formula for the daily and single dose of the mixture for children on Yves is called the geibener and mobile method.

For example, the kid weighs 4 850 gr. He is 2 months old, it means one day he should consume 1/6 weight. Accordingly, 4850/6, we get a daily dose - 808 ml. We divide this amount to the number of feedings, we obtain a single dose - 135 ml. Another example: a newborn weighs 4,000 grams, to eat 1/5 of its weight, it turns out that the daily dose is 800 ml, and one-time - 100 ml.

Methods for calculating the number of mixtures for children from 10 days to month

In the first month, the baby just begins to adapt to a new nutrition. Therefore, the calculation of the amount of the mixture is slightly different from the above described above. There are two ways.

  • Use the formula of the Zaitseva. 2% of the body weight at birth multiply on the days of age, which gives a daily dose. The result is divided by the number of feedings, which is equal to the volume of the one-time dose.
  • Use the formula of Finkelstein. If the kid at birth weighed less than 3,200 GR, then age in days multiply by 70, the resulting value will be a daily dose. If the birth weight was greater than 3,200 gr, then for the daily rate of age in the days you need to multiply by 80.

In both cases, to determine a single dose, the daily divide to the number of feedings should be divided.

How many feedings are enough 400 grams of the mixture banks?

Again, these calculations will be exemplary, since it all depends on how much your baby weighs, and how many times a day you feed it. In addition, the older child, the more he eats. On average, up to 2 months required 1 bank for 5-6 days, per month leaves 5 cans. In 3-4 months 1 banks will be enough for 3-4 days, it means that 7.5 cans will be required per month.

How many mixtures do you need a baby on mixed feeding (sv)?

In this case, mathematics will be very complex. We recommend using one of two methods of introducing a doctor.

With mixed feeding, breast milk is still considered the main

  • Mom introduces the mixture, starting with minimal quantity. For example, 30 ml 1-2 times a day. Once a week, the mother conducts control weighing and, with a set of less than 125 g / week, increases the volume of the doctoral per day to the minimum quantity: adds another 1-2 feedings of 30 ml. If there are 6-7 feedings in 30 ml, then the increase in the volume of one-time feeding is beginning: 6 feedings of 30 ml + 1 feeding 40 ml to all feedings of 40 ml, etc. An increase in the volume of detectoration should be stopped when the child begins to recruit 125g / week or more. You can spend another additional control weighing (the control is not something that is before meals and after, and the control - they scored 125 g or not) to make sure that such a volume is sufficient.
  • Mom considers the amount of the child's urination and adds approximately 30 ml of the discount for each missing time. For example, the baby per day pounded 8 times. Until the norm, it lacks 2-4 times, it means that the minimum volume of the doctoration can be installed in 2 feedings of 30 ml. After two or three days, the counting of urinals repeat. As soon as the amount of urination is installed slightly above the minimum standards (12-14), the increase in the doctorate is stopped. ATTENTION: This method requires confirmation of weight gain control! Those. After establishing the desired amount of urination, it is required to hold one or two weighing with a break of 7 days to ensure that the weight gain is 125 g / week or more.

3 Rules of the Decenmark of Children on St.

Compliance with these tips will allow you to register a baby without reducing lactation.

  • The mixture is not made of a bottle, but from the spoon. This will avoid the situation when the kid will be lazy to suck the chest, if there is a more easy option - drink through the nipple.
  • Doctors need to be dosed with minor portions, that is, the necessary daily volume should be divided several times.
  • The mixture must be given strictly by the hour. The rest of the time the need for food is to satisfy the breast.

How to determine that the baby was a milk?

There are 4 basic signs that the Karapus is fed:

  • he sleeps well, active during the time of wakefulness;
  • the baby has a stable chair that is not accompanied by bloating or hysterical;
  • kroch is withstanding the intervals between food acceptors, at night they are twice as much;
  • weekly, the child adds in weight by 150-200 gr.

Formulas for calculating the daily nutrition of children under 10 days

1) Formula Zaitseva: 2% of body weight at the birth of x P (where n is the number of days).

2) Finelstein formula: (if body weight at birth is 3200 or less) \u003d P x 70, if the body weight is greater than 3200 \u003d 80HP

3) Tour formula: PC10, where n - number of days

Formulas for calculating the daily nutrition of children under the age of 10 days

1) Volume method:

from 2 to 6 weeks 1/5 by body weight

from 6 weeks to 4 months 1/6 by body weight

from 4 to 6 months 1/7 body weight

from 6 to 9 months 1/8 body weight.

2) Calculation of the Waterboard: 8 weeks The child receives 800ml; For each week, the missing up to 8 by 50 ml is less, for each subsequent month by 50 ml more.

3) Calculation Calculation:

Anchoring 120 kcal

Stiffness 115 kcal

II fighter 110 kcal

Issue 100 kcal

6. Tasks to clarify the subject of classes (tests, tasks).

Input test control

Option 1

1. Name the amount of protein in ripe breast female milk.

2. The child was born mass 3400g., Is on breastfeeding. He is 8 days old. Calculate a one-time feeding.

3. The child of 8 months is on artificial feeding with non-adaptive mixtures. What mixtures can be assigned.

a) mixture a

b) the mixture in

c) mix №5

d) blend b

4. Child 6 months, on artificial feeding. day. What is the need for protein on kg body weight?

5. Child 2 months. In the control weighing, 60.0 breast milk sucked. Calculate the volume of the doctoct and choose the mixture.

a) 50 ml. "Kid"

b) 100 ml. Blend No. 5.

c) 70 ml. Blend "Nutrilon-1"

d) 20 ml mixture "Baby"

6. At what age, a non-adapted mixture No. 5 is applied

a) up to 3 months

b) from 3 months

c) from 4 months

d) from 6 months

7. The mass of the child at birth is 3500 gr., His age is 4 months, on natural feeding. Calculate one-time feed

8. Child 6 months, on breastfeeding. What is its need for fats?

9. Name the testimony for mixed feeding.

a) child refusal from breast

b) mastitis

c) hygogalactium

d) mental diseases in mothers

10. What is the physiological volume of the stomach in a child at birth?

11. What physiological volume of the stomach in a child to 10 days of life.

12. What is the physiological volume of the stomach in a child by the end of 1 year of life?

13. What is the physiological volume of the stomach in a child by 3 years?

14. Child 1 month. on artificial feeding. What is its need for proteins on feeding an adapted mixture?

15. The mass of the child is 3500 gr., On artificial feeding. Age 2 months . What is the need for carbohydrates?

16. Child 2 months. In the control weighing sucked 60 gr. Breast milk. Calculate the amount of necessary doctoctance.

17. The age of introducing the first feeding on natural feeding

a) 5 months

b) 6 months

c) 4 months

d) 3 months

18. The breeding of cow milk with water when preparing non-adapted mixtures is indicated:

a) letters

b) numbers

c) letters and numbers

19. Breeding cow's milk by cereal champs when preparing unadapted mixtures is designated

a) letters

b) numbers

c) letters and numbers

d) has an industrial name

20. The child is 8 months old, on breastfeeding. What is his need for proteins

21. The child is 2 months old, born with a mass of 4 kg, on mixed feeding, on one feeding of 80.0 ml. Breast milk. Assign a report.

22. Child 2 months, on artificial feeding, select a highly adapted mixture:

a) "Baby"

b) "kid"

c) "Killing"

23. A child weighing 3600 gr., Him 4.5 months, on natural feeding. Calculate the daily feed.

24. The purpose of introducing adhesive in nutrition of children of the first year of life.

a) correction of vitamins

b) protein correction

c) transition to another type of food

d) volume correction

25. Child 6 months, on breastfeeding. The number of lures in the diet?

a) 1 lucky

b) 2 dust

c) not introduced

  • One-time nutrition It is calculated according to the following formula: n (number of days of life) x 10 \u003d one-time supply. This is the easiest way to determine a single amount of milk for the baby in the first ten days.

Days of life kid

1st 10ml

2nd 20ml

3rd 30ml

4th 40ml

5th 50ml

6th 60ml

7th 70ml

8th 80ml

9th 80-90ml

10th 90-100ml

  • Daily nutrition It is calculated by the mass of the body of the kid in two versions (depending on the weight of the baby) as follows:

1. PI of the mass of the body 3200 gr. and below the daily volume of milk \u003d age in days (n) × 70

Example: Baby 5 days, body weight 3100. Daily volume of milk Will \u003d 70 x 5 \u003d 350ml.

To calculate a one-time volume, the daily volume should be divided into the amount of feedings (at this age they are 8 for the baby on artificial feeding). That is, for this child, a one-time volume will be 350 ÷ 8 \u003d 43.75 ml (round up to 45).

2. PI of the body weight above 3200 gr. Daily milk volume \u003d age in days (n) × 80

Example: Child 7 days, body weight 3800. Daily volume of milk Will \u003d 7 × 80 \u003d 560 ml. One-time volume will be 70 ml.

Calculation of daily meal for a child from 10 days of life up to the year:

Aged 10 days to 6 weeks - 1/5 body weight;

From 6 weeks to 4 months - 1/6 body weight;

From 4 months to 6 months - 1/7 body weight;

From 6 months to 8 months -1/8 body weight;

From 8 months to 12 months -1/9 body weight.

Example №1: Child 1 month, Weight 4100 gr. The daily volume of milk for it \u003d 4100 ÷ 5 \u003d 820 ml.

Example number 2: child 3 months, weight 5700. Daily milk volume for it \u003d 5700 ÷ 6 \u003d 950 ml.

The amount of food for a day for children up to 1 year should not exceed 1200ml !!!

All young mothers are concerned with the same question: whether my baby is fought. Especially if a woman has the first child. Of course, on the subconscious level, we all understand that the instinct of self-preservation will not give a crumb to starve, and nevertheless, each mommy wants the child to eat well and develops correctly. To do this, you need to know about nutritionals. They differ depending on the type of feeding newborn - natural, artificial or mixed, the age of Karapus and its weight. Next, consider all the nuances of this important issue.

Features of nutrition kid on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding (GW) is a natural continuation of the communications of the mother and a child, which allows the baby easier to cope with the stress of appearance. But in the new world, the crumb need to learn everything, in the numbers and eat (for this you need to develop a sucking reflex). So it is not surprising that the new Mom is experiencing, whether her baby fishes.

First feeding

"Mososy" or the first portions of Mother's milk is a real treasury of nutrients for a child. Strong health and well-coordinated work of immunity of crumbs largely depends on the huge number of vitamins, well-digestible proteins and antioxidants contained in colostrum.

The first feedings are important for all the subsequent life of a small little man.

It is interesting. The volume of the stomach of the newborn is about 12 ml.

Make a colostrum is impossible.The first reception of Kroch food eats about 8 ml. Given that the amount of feedings per day is usually about 12 times, then in general the newborn will eat about 100 ml of fluid. Every day the daily rate will increase by 10 grams.

Table of power supply for a child 2-4 days of life

There is another option for calculating the number of eaten. It requires a mathematical solution of the equation x x 10 \u003d ml into one-time welcome, where X is age, that is, the days of the child's life. For example, a newborn on the 7th day after birth should eat about 70 ml of breast milk.

Table of power supply for a child from 2 weeks of life up to the year

Feeding norms are designed taking into account the introduction of lures of the semi-annual age

Please note that these figures are approximate, so the discrepancy of plus or minus 5-10 grams is not significant. But what is really important is the interval between feeding. At first, it should be no more than 2 hours. Then the intervals will increase, as Karapuz will suck intensively, that is, get more fluid. Improving the sucking reflex will lead to the fact that feeding time will decrease.

How to determine the amount of milk to eat (depending on the weight of the child)?

So, the numbers are good, but many moms will definitely have an absolutely logical question: how to find out how much a child ate?

The easiest way to find out how much the baby has eaten, it is to weigh the Karapus before and after receiving food

For this you can weigh the child before and after feeding. The difference and will be the desired magnitude. To calculate the daily rate, you need to add all the results of feeding results in 24 hours. This method is suitable for natural crops, and for artificials.

How much to keep the baby in the chest?

On average, the crumb's chest is every 2-3 hours.And how many food should continue? Breastfeeding experts argue that about 30-40 minutes, if the Karapuz does not release the chest earlier. By the way, feeding for 15-20 minutes is not a deviation from the norm, if the child is well gaining weight and does not capricious. But the stay "on the chest" more than 40 minutes says that the baby uses the nipple as a nipple, that is, played. In the future, it can create a lot of inconvenience and mom, and the baby, so it is better not to bring to such entertainment.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky: The best feeding mode for the newborn

Features of the child's child on artificial feeding

Artificial feeding (IV), in contrast to the GW, requires more accurate calculations, because the mixture is digested more difficult than breast milk, so the bust can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract of the child. But such a task is ranked for young mom.

Power Mode and Feeding Time

This most important component of the proper care of the baby-artificial.

For the right development of a child's child, you need to comply

A child up to 2 months should eat 8-9 times with a break of 2.5-3 hours, in 2-3 months - 7-8 times, at 4 months - 6-7 times, 5-6 months - 5-6 times And from 7 months to a year - from 4 to 6 times a day. At the same time, one feed will last no more than 15 minutes, because of the nipples to drink much easier than sucking the chest.

Power standards

As a rule, doses and norms of mixtures are indicated on the packages. But the average, indicative, the data know still does not hurt.

Table of food rate of children from 10 days to year

How many grams in the daily and single dose and how to calculate them?

On banks with a mixture necessarily indicated norms for children of different ages

It is interesting. The most popular estimated formula for the daily and single dose of the mixture for children on Yves is called the geibener and mobile method.

For example, the kid weighs 4 850 gr. He is 2 months old, it means one day he should consume 1/6 weight. Accordingly, 4850/6, we get a daily dose - 808 ml. We divide this amount to the number of feedings, we obtain a single dose - 135 ml. Another example: a newborn weighs 4,000 grams, to eat 1/5 of its weight, it turns out that the daily dose is 800 ml, and one-time - 100 ml.

Methods for calculating the number of mixtures for children from 10 days to month

In the first month, the baby just begins to adapt to a new nutrition. Therefore, the calculation of the amount of the mixture is slightly different from the above described above. There are two ways.

  • Use the formula of the Zaitseva. 2% of the body weight at birth multiply on the days of age, which gives a daily dose. The result is divided by the number of feedings, which is equal to the volume of the one-time dose.
  • Use the formula of Finkelstein. If the kid at birth weighed less than 3,200 GR, then age in days multiply by 70, the resulting value will be a daily dose. If the birth weight was greater than 3,200 gr, then for the daily rate of age in the days you need to multiply by 80.

In both cases, to determine a single dose, the daily divide to the number of feedings should be divided.

How many feedings are enough 400 grams of the mixture banks?

Again, these calculations will be exemplary, since it all depends on how much your baby weighs, and how many times a day you feed it. In addition, the older child, the more he eats. On average, up to 2 months required 1 bank for 5-6 days, per month leaves 5 cans. In 3-4 months 1 banks will be enough for 3-4 days, it means that 7.5 cans will be required per month.

How many mixtures do you need a baby on mixed feeding (sv)?

In this case, mathematics will be very complex. We recommend using one of two methods of introducing a doctor.

With mixed feeding, breast milk is still considered the main

  • Mom introduces the mixture, starting with minimal quantity. For example, 30 ml 1-2 times a day. Once a week, the mother conducts control weighing and, with a set of less than 125 g / week, increases the volume of the doctoral per day to the minimum quantity: adds another 1-2 feedings of 30 ml. If there are 6-7 feedings in 30 ml, then the increase in the volume of one-time feeding is beginning: 6 feedings of 30 ml + 1 feeding 40 ml to all feedings of 40 ml, etc. An increase in the volume of detectoration should be stopped when the child begins to recruit 125g / week or more. You can spend another additional control weighing (the control is not something that is before meals and after, and the control - they scored 125 g or not) to make sure that such a volume is sufficient.
  • Mom considers the amount of the child's urination and adds approximately 30 ml of the discount for each missing time. For example, the baby per day pounded 8 times. Until the norm, it lacks 2-4 times, it means that the minimum volume of the doctoration can be installed in 2 feedings of 30 ml. After two or three days, the counting of urinals repeat. As soon as the amount of urination is installed slightly above the minimum standards (12-14), the increase in the doctorate is stopped. ATTENTION: This method requires confirmation of weight gain control! Those. After establishing the desired amount of urination, it is required to hold one or two weighing with a break of 7 days to ensure that the weight gain is 125 g / week or more.

3 Rules of the Decenmark of Children on St.

Compliance with these tips will allow you to register a baby without reducing lactation.

  • The mixture is not made of a bottle, but from the spoon. This will avoid the situation when the kid will be lazy to suck the chest, if there is a more easy option - drink through the nipple.
  • Doctors need to be dosed with minor portions, that is, the necessary daily volume should be divided several times.
  • The mixture must be given strictly by the hour. The rest of the time the need for food is to satisfy the breast.

How to determine that the baby was a milk?

There are 4 basic signs that the Karapus is fed:

  • he sleeps well, active during the time of wakefulness;
  • the baby has a stable chair that is not accompanied by bloating or hysterical;
  • kroch is withstanding the intervals between food acceptors, at night they are twice as much;
  • weekly, the child adds in weight by 150-200 gr.