Urination rate per day. Possible causes of violations. Diseases of the female genital organs

A person, on average, typically urinates four to eight times a day. When there is a need to do this more than 8 times a day and often wake up at night to go small, this is a serious problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. There is an exception for older people, at their age it is quite normal. In this article, we will describe the symptoms of urinary frequency, causes, and treatment options.

Often you want to go to the toilet in a small way: symptoms

To understand whether urination is frequent can be understood by several signs:

  • Frequency - The level of urination becomes abnormal if you do it 8 times a day and more often than once during the night.
  • Urine comes out badly - it seems to you that you want to do it yet, but in fact there is nothing left. There may also be pain and itching in the lower abdomen. Pressure - Some pressure will be felt in the bladder, making it feel like urinating.
  • Urinary incontinence is a condition characterized by a person's inability to control urination, thus, accidental urination may occur.
  • Dysuria - pain or burning during or after urination.
  • Hematuria - when blood is present in the urine.

Why you want to go to the toilet all the time in a small way: reasons

A constant need to urinate can be caused by various reasons, below we have listed the most common:

Urinary tract infection is the most common cause of frequent urination, affecting millions of women and men. It manifests itself when the infection is in any part of the urinary tract (bladder, urethra, kidneys, ureters). Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract. The bacteria can appear through intercourse or poor hygiene. Also, the person will experience pain or burning sensation while urinating. The urine will be cloudy and have an unpleasant odor, and there is a possibility of a rise in body temperature.

You drink too much- when you increase your fluid intake, there is nothing strange in the fact that you want to go small more often.

Prostate problems- An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra, interrupting the flow of urine, which causes frequent urination in men. This, in turn, irritates the bladder wall, causing it to contract more frequently.

Overactive bladder syndrome- when the bladder often contracts, as a result of which the patient often urinates, even if it is not completely full.

Interstitial cystitis- when the tissue of the bladder wall becomes inflamed. The cause of this condition is currently unknown.

Diabetes- the body tries to get rid of excess glucose. If frequent urination is caused by diabetes, there will be other hallmarks. These include fatigue, excessive thirst and hunger, unexplained weight loss or gain, nausea, and dry mouth.

Prostatitis- also includes swelling and irritation of the gland. Prostatitis is caused by bacteria that attack the glands. You will notice symptoms such as fever, chills, flushing of the skin, blood in the urine, burning sensation during urination, pain during ejaculation and / or bowel movement.

Treatment options

Below we provide several treatment options, the technique must be approved by a doctor:

  • Urinary tract infections - you will need to drink a course of antibiotics, their type and duration of treatment will vary according to the severity of the disease.
  • Diabetes - If you suspect you have diabetes, see your doctor as soon as possible. You will need to radically change your lifestyle and start eating right. If you have type 1 diabetes, you will also need insulin injections.
  • Overactive bladder syndrome. In this case, only a doctor should prescribe treatment.
  • Enlarged prostate. Modern medicine involves taking medications to relax the muscles inside the prostate. The most common treatment is surgery (transurethral resection of the prostate).
  • Prostatitis - A course of antibiotics is the usual treatment for this bacterial infection. The duration of treatment will depend on the severity of the infection, with acute prostatitis 4 to 6 weeks of antibiotic use, while chronic prostatitis may require up to 12 weeks of continuous treatment.

When to see a doctor

You should seek medical attention if frequent urination starts to interfere with your daily life and if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever, pain, vomiting, chills
  • Increased thirst or hunger, fatigue, or unexplained weight loss or gain
  • There is blood in the urine or it has become cloudy
  • Discharge from the genitals

In the section on the question How many times a day should we write? given by the author User deleted the best answer is on TV in the Health program, they said that women should write 5-6 times a day. And if this happens much more often, you need to see a doctor, maybe the bladder is cold, maybe diabetes wants to become attached ...

Answer from retrospective[guru]
If the question is about the urine-genital area, then let's count. The physiological volume of the bladder is 250 grams, the urge is felt when the fullness is 150 grams. Drinking liquids should be at least 2 liters. So it turns out at least 8 times, or even more. Depending on how much he drank.

Answer from Caucasoid[guru]
Depending on the drink

Answer from User deleted[master]
It's really not clear what the author meant

Answer from Prettydoctor[guru]
How much he drank - about the same should leave the body. If you drink hot coffee or strong tea. then you will run to the toilet in 30-40 minutes. On a nervous basis, you can also go to the toilet more often ... But if you run every 10-20 minutes, and the effect is small, but there is a burning sensation when urinating, false urge (when there is no urine), etc. , then be sure to go to the urologist .... Good luck!

Answer from Luda[guru]
Plagued question. peeing once an hour will be enough

Answer from Elenka[active]
well, actually, the amount of liquid you drink should be equal to the amount of allocated

Answer from User deleted[master]
WRITE OR WRITE. If the first thing depends on what kind of activity you have. But I think you asked about the second, then depending on the amount of fluid consumed! Some run 3-4 times a day, and some run 10-15 times!

Answer from Boris Aizikovich[guru]
see DIUREZ not less often and not less than we drink

Answer from Ѐoma Romov[guru]
Well, if the question is not about letters,
then 4-6 times a day

Answer from AtsTeleCom[newbie]
How much you want. the body itself determines how much and when to do it.

People, especially those suffering from frequent urination, may ask questions - how many times a day an adult should write (urinate) and whether there is any norm or volume on this score. Let's try to answer these questions.

First, a little about the urine itself. It is a biologically active fluid that is produced by the kidneys, excreted, and travels down the ureter to the bladder and urethra. Together with urine, the body removes the end products of metabolism. If the body becomes ill, pathological metabolic products, as well as drugs and foreign substances, begin to be excreted in the urine.

The process of urination in a completely healthy person, it happens freely, painlessly and without any effort. After urination is complete, the person has a pleasant feeling of complete emptying of the bladder. If soreness appears during urination or the process proceeds with effort, these are signs of an inflammatory process in the urinary system. In this case, urgent treatment is required.

The rate of the amount of urine released

Fine per day in an adult can vary from 800 to 1500 ml, depending on age and other factors. The entire volume of urine excreted by a person per day is called daily urine output. A healthy adult urinates 4-7 times a day and no more than 1 time per night. Daytime and nighttime diuresis are correlated within 3 to 1 or 4 to 1. Each portion of urine averages 200-300 ml, sometimes up to 600 ml (usually the largest amount is in the portion of morning urine after waking up). If more than 2000 ml or less than 200 ml are released per day, this is already considered a pathological amount.

The total amount of urine per day depends on several factors.: age, liquids drunk, including soups, compotes, etc., from the presence of diarrhea, the amount of sweat excreted (urine flow decreases markedly with increased sweating of a person), from body temperature, from the loss of water by the lungs and other factors.

It is important for a sick person to know- what is the total amount of urine excreted in one day and what is its ratio with the liquid taken during this time. This is the water balance. If the amount of fluid consumed greatly exceeds the amount of urine excreted and is accompanied by an increase in the patient's weight, then there is reason to believe that the patient has. If a person excretes more urine than drinks liquids, then this means that there is a diuretic effect from the drugs or herbal infusions taken. In the first case, this is called negative diuresis, in the second - positive.

The process of urination is quite intimate, the frequency and volume of which are strictly individual. But not always everything goes in a physiological rhythm, very often women notice their frequent urination, which may be accompanied by discomfort and even pain.

In most cases, when such problems arise, ladies are very reluctant to go to the doctor with this complaint even when the corresponding symptomatology is already intolerable.

But the tactic of waiting, that everything will pass by itself, is wrong, because this problem, which many are ashamed to talk about out loud, has a certain reason, which the doctor must deal with. The causes of frequent urination in women, painful and painless, will be discussed in this article.

Frequent urination concept

In what cases do we have to talk about frequent urination? The fact is that there are no strict norms for the frequency of urination during the day, there are only certain conditional frames and averaged figures - 2-6 times a day. The frequency of physiological emptying of the bladder varies depending on a number of factors (physiological characteristics of the body, metabolic rate, diet, drinking regimen, etc.), on different days the frequency of urination is also different.

Frequent urination is the excess of a woman's personal comfort threshold, when she herself notices that the body signals the need to cope with physiological need much more often, or rather, it is necessary to empty the bladder more often than usual.

In fairness, it should be noted that a short-term (day or two) symptomatology of such a plan should not cause much concern, but if the situation drags on and worsens, the only right solution would be to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate in women

With such an unpleasant symptom as frequent urination in women, the reasons can be very different, sometimes not related to health and disease (physiological). The main reasons for this phenomenon are divided into four large groups, the first place among which is occupied by pathological processes in the organs and structures of the urinary system.

Pathology of the urinary system

A common cause of frequent urination is an inflammatory urinary tract infection. The female sex has a natural, anatomical predisposition to these diseases, and they suffer from these problems 3 times more often than men.

  • Cystitis
  • Urethritis

Frequent urination, painful at the beginning of emptying the bladder, is characteristic of urethritis. The pain is burning and accompanied by itching. The general condition of women rarely suffers, which leads to a delay in the process and late visits to doctors. Treatment of urethritis includes antibiotics and probiotics to restore vaginal biocenosis (see).

  • Pyelonephritis

Increased urination may indicate the presence of chronic pyelonephritis. The disease is manifested by dull aching pains, localized in the lumbar region, which intensify in cold weather. With an exacerbation of the pathological process, it is noted:

- a sharp rise in body temperature, up to chills
- as well as weakness
- nausea
- impurities of blood and pus appear in the urine
- the progression of the disease leads to the development of arterial hypertension

Treatment of pyelonephritis is long-term and includes antibacterial therapy, antispasmodics, pain relievers and herbal remedies.

  • Urolithiasis disease

Frequent urination may indicate an existing urolithiasis with localization of calculi in the bladder. The urge to urinate appears unexpectedly, abruptly and is provoked by intense physical activity, occur when running or shaking in transport. When the bladder has not yet completely emptied during urination, the flow of urine may also be interrupted. There is soreness in the lower abdomen and the area above the pubis, both at rest and during urination. Treatment of pathology, depending on the severity of the disease and the nature of the stones, can be medication, physiotherapy or surgery, but always includes adherence to a diet.

  • Weakness of the muscle wall of the bladder

It is manifested by frequent urination with a small volume of urine discharge. The urge to urinate is always harsh and requires an immediate visit to the toilet. Since this pathology is congenital, therapy is aimed at strengthening the muscle tissue of the bladder with special exercises and drugs.

  • With an overactive bladder

In this case, the increase in nerve signals causes frequent urge to empty the bladder. The disease is of central origin, therefore, treatment is aimed at interrupting the pathological excitability of the nervous system, which regulates the process of urination (sedatives, muscle relaxants, etc.).

Frequent urination, as a secondary sign of various pathologies of the body
  • Gynecological diseases

Increased urination may be a sign of a neglected uterine fibroid, a benign tumor that compresses the bladder with its size. Since the disease develops gradually, dysuric disorders are preceded for a long time, and. Treatment is hormonal and surgical (see).

With the prolapse of the uterus, associated with the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, there is a displacement of organs and tissues of the small pelvis, including the bladder. Frequent urination with incontinence indicates a significant prolapse of the uterus. A woman has long been troubled by painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, heavy menstruation and bloody discharge from the vagina. Treatment is conservative (hormones, exercise therapy) or surgical.

  • Endocrine diseases

Frequent urge to urinate at night is often one of them. In addition, a woman is tormented by constant thirst, itching of the skin, weakness and fatigue. Treatment includes diet, drugs that lower sugar levels (if diet therapy is ineffective), insulin therapy (with an insulin-dependent form of the disease).

When associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, frequent urination occurs, the daily volume of urine excreted increases to 5 liters. Women are tormented by constant thirst, weight loss, dry skin and mucous membranes. Hormonal treatment, lifelong.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Frequent urination at night in women can be a sign of cardiovascular insufficiency. With cardiac insufficiency during active daytime life, latent edema occurs, which disappear at night and are expressed in frequent urination. Treatment is etiological, aimed at compensating for revealed cardiac insufficiency.

Physiological causes

In the presence of certain physiological reasons, a woman is worried about frequent urination during the day, the most frequent of which are:

  • dietary features associated with an abundant intake of fluids (coffee, soda, alcohol) and products with diuretic properties (watermelon, cranberry, melon, lingonberry, cucumber, etc.)
  • stress and anxiety, in which oxygen starvation of cells leads to frequent urination
  • the first and third trimester of pregnancy, when increased urination is associated with uterine growth and bladder compression
  • hypothermia of the body, in which there is a compensatory increase in urination;

When the underlying cause is physiological factors that cause frequent urination in women, treatment is not required. Self-elimination of a provoking situation leads to the normalization of urination.

Taking medicines

An increase in urinary excretion, leading to frequent visits to the toilet, is also provoked by drugs from the group of diuretics, which have a therapeutic diuretic effect. These drugs are prescribed for edema, hypertension, for the treatment of gestosis in pregnant women.

Causes of frequent and painful urination

If a duo of symptoms is found - frequent urination in women and pain during urination, there is a high probability of an inflammatory process of the urinary organs or genitals against the background of infection. Some sexually transmitted infections are also characterized by painful and frequent urination (more in our articles):

  • gonorrhea in women - symptoms, treatment
  • trichomoniasis in women - symptoms, treatment

Abundant frequent painless urination in women most often indicates an advanced course of a certain disease from the above groups. The fact is that the female genitourinary system, in fact, is a single whole, and an infection that has arisen in the urinary organs easily switches to the genitals.

Very often, for example, urethritis and vaginitis are diagnosed. The structure of the female genitourinary organs explains the ease of spread of infection, a particularly dangerous variant of which is an ascending infection - from the vagina to the uterus and appendages, from the urethra to the bladder and kidneys. Pathologies such as cystitis, urolithiasis, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis of various etiologies are manifested by painful urination.

Painful and frequent urination may be due to irritation of the vaginal tissues:

  • if the tampon is used incorrectly
  • after intercourse

In this case, the symptoms are passing - discomfort and frequent urge to urinate pass within 24 hours. But this day is a dangerous period, since the damaged mucous membrane is an excellent entrance gate for various infectious agents.

Frequent urination, which bothers a woman for two or more days, should not remain without diagnosis and treatment. Any pathology of the genitourinary system is a threat to the normal realization of reproductive function. Therefore, women's health should be not only the main concern of the nation, but also the priority of each individual woman, and the symptoms for this are the symptoms to be presented to the doctor.

Watch your body and listen to its signals!

Frequent urination in women is common. It may be associated with any pathology or manifestation of a special physiological condition. Frequent urge to urinate is denoted by the term "pollakiuria".

Quite a lot of women are faced with such a delicate problem in the modern world. The reasons for frequent urination in women without pain can be very different, and therefore there is no need to compare your case with that of a friend. This condition does not cause any particular inconvenience, so women are not always in a hurry to visit the doctor, which is a mistake.

Normally, a woman visits the toilet for small needs 10-13 times per day. If this figure is much higher, then this is the first signal for concern. You should especially be on your guard when urination is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

In this article, we will look at why there are frequent urge to urinate in women, the causes of this condition, as well as modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Are there norms?

Each female body has its own norms, so it is impossible to say unequivocally how much each person should walk on the little one every day. There are many factors. How much fluid you consume during the day, as many hikes and increases or decreases the rate of urination.

As a rule, if frequent urination is pathological in nature, it is accompanied by one or more symptoms:

  • burning, pain, or itching in the urethra when emptying the bladder;
  • an insignificant volume of urine secreted during urination (normally 200-300 ml);
  • if the frequency of urination disrupts the normal rhythm of life (creates discomfort at work or at night).

If you use the toilet up to 10 times a day and 1-2 times at night, and also do not experience other unusual symptoms, then there is nothing to worry about.

Causes of frequent urination in women

Women have frequent urination without pain, often in situations that are associated with natural processes in the body. In particular, these are factors:

  • drinking a lot of fluids;
  • Taking certain medications, such as diuretics
  • the use of infusions or decoctions of herbs with a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • carrying a child;
  • hypothermia;
  • stressful situations or intense excitement;
  • in older women.

Pathological disorders in a woman's body can also cause frequent urge to urinate, which may or may not be accompanied by pain:

  1. ... Signs of frequent urination in women without pain may appear with diabetes mellitus, when blood sugar remains elevated for a long time. The thirst that arises in this case, leads to the fact that the woman consumes a large amount of liquid, as a result of which abundantly and often goes to the toilet "in a small way."
  2. ... Acute cystitis is characterized by frequent and painful urination, the appearance of blood in the urine, pain in the bladder and perineum. These symptoms are also observed in the chronic form of the disease during periods of exacerbation. The most common causative agent is Escherichia coli. The bacterium enters the bladder through the urethra, attaches itself to the walls of the bladder and begins to eat away at the mucous membrane.
  3. ... Frequent urination and lingering aching pains are symptoms of pyelonephritis. With an exacerbation, weakness, chills, nausea, and a sharp rise in temperature are observed. Pyelonephritis is treated for a long time. Pain relievers, antispasmodics, antibiotic therapy are prescribed.
  4. Dysfunctions of the pelvic muscles of a neurological nature... With neurological disorders, there are problems with the innervation of the muscles responsible for emptying the bladder, because of this, the regularity of urination changes.
  5. ... As the salt conglomerates increase, painless frequent urination is gradually complicated by increasing pain.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels... Frequent urination causes vascular problems and heart failure. The process is aggravated at night. Vigorous activity during the day can lead to swelling. They disappear at night and are expressed in increased urination. Therapeutic measures are etiological in nature, they must compensate.
  7. Gynecological diseases. One of the common pathologies that cause this symptom after 35 years is a neglected uterine myoma. It is a benign tumor that presses on the bladder. In younger girls, the cause of frequent urination can be STDs, as well as vaginitis of various etiologies, etc. Sometimes the problem becomes a consequence of the prolapse of the uterus.
  8. Chronic renal failure. It can develop due to some chronic ailments of the excretory system. The most common cause is glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, renal amyloidosis, polycystic disease and other defects in the development of this organ. One of the early manifestations of kidney failure is frequent nocturnal urination and increased urge during the day.
  9. Spinal cord injury... The fact of any mechanical impact on the spine cannot be ignored.
  10. Genital infections... They lead to inflammation of the urethra, and its irritation provokes the appearance of frequent urge to urinate. Even a banal thrush can lead to the need to visit the toilet more often than usual.

It is important to understand that without proper treatment of frequent urination in women, the symptoms of a possible disease can develop into a chronic form, and in the future, negatively affect the reproductive system, or lead to dire consequences for all health.

How to treat urinary frequency in women?

It is possible to talk about the treatment of frequent urination in women only after the disease that caused it is discovered. After all, the schemes for dealing with various pathologies are significantly, and sometimes even radically different from each other.

Therefore, when the frequent urge to urinate began, it is first necessary exclude the physiological causes of this phenomenon:

  • a diet that is enriched with foods or drinks with a diuretic effect, abuse of coffee, alcoholic beverages;
  • stressful situations;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics.

The main indications for going to the doctor are as follows:

  • general weakness in the body;
  • retention or incontinence of urine;
  • discharge (bloody) from the genitals;
  • lack of appetite.

Depending on the identified cause, after passing the examination, a woman may be prescribed:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • pre- and;
  • antispasmodics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • uroantiseptics;
  • sedatives;
  • physiotherapy, including UHF, iontophoresis, electrophoresis, inductothermy, etc.;
  • Exercise therapy, including Kegel exercises;
  • herbal medicine.

Nevertheless, even frequent urination without pain, which bothers for a long time, should not be ignored. There is no need to neglect your health, because only a timely visit to the doctor will help you find out the real causes of the problem and prescribe an effective therapy.

Which doctor to contact

With frequent urination, you need to contact a therapist and undergo an initial examination: take blood and urine tests, undergo an ultrasound of the urinary tract. In case of kidney disease, it should be treated by a nephrologist, in case of pathology of the bladder, by a urologist. Diabetes (sugar and sugarless) is treated by an endocrinologist.