You can afford a guy like it. How gently call guy is unusual cute nicknames. Original and funny guy names

Scientists and lycari of antiquity noted the miraculous power of words. With their help, you can "kill" and "heal". If you know how to competently use the words, you can achieve the location of absolutely any person. And if women love ears, then men ears just adore. There is no man who would not like to listen to sweet speeches from the beloved. I want .UA decided to hold a master class on use.

What are the favorite men affectionately

When choosing a gentle nickname, avoid banalities and do not forget to adjust the preferences of a man. If a man does not like any seats there, bunnies, bunnies, kids, lapels - do not insist and go against the will. These frequently used nicknames are annoying because there is no 100% chance that the former man you did not call exactly as well.

The guy's age consider also worth it - if a 18-year-old boy will normally perceive gentle nickname in the style of "bunny", "Kisa", "baby", then a solid man will feel stupid.

Such men are better to call derivatives on behalf of, take into account his profession or association. Completely when choosing a cute nickname for a guy, a crucial role is played by a sharing of a film or a cartoon. There are cool, and most importantly, not banal nicknames that you perfectly fit. Why not call the guy with betden, superman, dam, stying, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tiger, etc.

Gently sounds tender animal derivatives: Hippo, Tigrenok, Bear, Lyenvnok, Olennok, Hedgehog, Elephant, Kitenok, Dolphinchik, Rabbit, Hedgehog, Hamster, Suslik, Eagle, Falcon. See that the guy is not offended, otherwise, innocuous at first glance, it is possible, since the young man does not push him correctly. If a man has, he can be offended by the elephant and anfection, if he has a nickname should not focus on this.

How can I call your loved ones

A wise woman who knows her man well, on the subconscious level feels when you need to praise when to focus on its superiority, and when the tenderness is diluted with a spoon of tar. But not every woman can quickly figure out and address the competent words to the beloved person. Any man will be pleased to hear such words as "My Lord", "My Hero", "My Knight", "My Sun", "Moon", "My Heart Man", "My Joy", etc. Single tenderness according to the type "Luche", "Favorite", "native", "sweet", "the only one", "dear", "special", "hot", "gentle", "beloved".

Please note that you need to use affectionate words, because their frequent use is depreciated and are already perceived as granted.

Not all gentle words are suitable for handling a guy with friends, relatives, colleagues, just familiar. For such cases, quit less intimate nicknames, and for home use and in bed you can use the most non-bored, funny and even vulgar words: fluffy, chade, pupsik, punch, donut, hair, insatiable, piggy, sexbub, barcuron, Lysenok, dandelion and etc.

You can make compliments with individual parts of its body, features of the figure. Men especially like when women admire their hands and shoulders.

How can I call a guy: GENERAL RULES

Take the following rules to not be mistaken in the choice of affectionate nickname:

  1. Do not use rated expressions, words and compliments. They often cause irritation than humation;
  2. To make an emphasis on a gentle word and make a man listening to you even more carefully, consuming in gentle words the prefix "My" and "I" - they strengthen the effect;
  3. Do not try to humiliate guy affectionate words. Even if he confident picker, do not focus on its shortcomings.. "Kozlik", "Baranoch", "Olenok", "Cockerel", "Relax", "soft-flower", etc. hints at his inconsistency, secret fears and weaknesses. This does not like anyone.

Even in antiquity, Lekari and scientists noted that the word possesses magical power. Not for nothing and now the people go to the "Word How to heal and kill the word".

And one who can correctly pick up the necessary words in time, achieves the location of any people. On such a way to conquer the minds and shower of women, mostly targets are focused. However, it is not necessary to be mistaken - sweet speeches in the soul and representatives of the strong half of humanity.

How is affectionately call a man?

"Affectionate word and kitty nice." And even more man. Affectionate words on them produce no less impression than on a woman. But here the most important thing to feel that when and how to say. It turns out a quiz. And the super prize in it will be the location, as well as the attention and tenderness of the beloved.

Or, for example, to spur your man to any action, it will help just some kind of tender word or a compliment. And here you need to know the chosen from different sides. Compliments - the thing is purely individual: what can like alone, completely will not like to taste another.

How can not be called a man?

Before you come up as gentlely call your favorite guy, it is worth looking at him. The second half needs to be explored. It happens that a man that is strong on the physique, who resembles the impenetrable mountain, in the soul of "flower", which is simply needed by caressing. Such a person is quite possible to give such nicknames as "Pupsik", "Kid", "Bunny", "Lapul" and the like. Be sure if you correctly picked up the word, then your beloved just will fly from such an appeal.

The Giant is sickless, however, some, still do not understand where exactly such a nickname came from. And why they call it precisely. If the excitement is increasing, a man can be calmly tell why you call it anyway.

For example, if you feel a splash of emotions from his strength and power, you tack about it and feel protected as a small child who hugs her favorite toy. He, in turn, is also confident in a strong impression that he produces on others due to his appearance. With such men, as a rule, no problems arise.

But if your beloved, the so-called connoisseur of the "scientific and botanical" activities, then with diminutive-burning names it should be more inactive. In such men, self-esteem is not as high as in guys-giants. Such representatives of strong sex will be more pleasant to hear such nicknames as "lion", "my male", "my support" and something in such a spirit.

How to call your favorite guy?

Sometimes a cocktail from nicknames and compliments can be diluted with various tenderness. For example, sometimes his man can call "my treasure", "dear", "gentle", "good mine", "my boy". It is not remembered to play with the words, use the word "most" with the most diverse adjectives and nouns. "The most reliable, desired, gentle ...". Here it is better to spend a little time to write out all sorts of phrases that you will come to mind on paper. From the received list, select the most suitable, rewrite them to the cleanstik, and do not touch the rest and destroy! From the finite option, too, follow the most controversial options, and the remaining boldly use!

How to communicate with a man

And remember, little to come up with successful nicknames and diminutive names. The main thing to use them in the right place and at the right time. For example, if you call your chosen one. My Sunny is gently on the UCHO, then such an appeal can make the effect of the exploded bomb. After that, a man will forget about all his resentment and all the problems. This fact confirms the young people themselves.

However, sometimes some ladies and no need to break your head over a successful nickname. Sometimes men prefer to be simply "cute" or "loved one." But this, for example, at the official meeting. But alone should be called it not so trite. You can come up with such a name that does not call anyone else. For example, as a cute little animal or a fantastic hero.

By the way, the nickname man can perceive as a kind of compliment. A skillful compliment is already a subtle science from the field of human psychology. By making it, it is always worth remembering that a compliment is usually worth almost next to the flattery. Then the question is only in exaggeration. Flying often can cut the hearing and cause not positive, but on the contrary, negative emotions. Therefore, exaggeration should be insignificant and in no case should not "rush into the eyes." Such words are "swallowing" with great pleasure.

For example, if you tell your lover that he is the best specialist in the world on computers, it will immediately be fed. He will understand that you said an obvious lie, even if a man is far from corruption and behaves with a computer quite skillfully. Here immediately arises the idea that you do not think so at all, and you really need something from a man. Therefore, here you can do this in a different way, for example, to say that you are a full cornist and even at the notes he is not good, so you don't know what they would do without it. Only so you can make it voluntarily approach your computer and check the technique. Here he will believe your words, because all men are a bit self-confident in their capabilities.

What does a man want?

And remember that men, like you want to be "the most and most", or, at least, listen to it from your beloved. This gives a certain incentive for the further development of relationships. Here the compliment can be compared with regular taking of vitamins. But, like with pills, with gentle words do not need to overdo it. A man can be happy and for a long time not to perceive any manifestations of tenderness and compliments from a woman. In addition, an excess of sweet words can make you, in the eyes of a man, a girl from the discharge of "flattering foxes" and any further attempts to send admiration will be perceived in the bayonets.

The editorial board advises you to remember that before you call the one or another caressing word of your man, appreciate the situation, because sometimes, the "allowed" compliment can be akin to slaughter.
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How can a girl really affectionately and unusually call your beloved person to like it?

  1. PupSyushonok.
  2. Dandelion.
  3. Baby elephant.
  4. Shalun
  5. Lapievichka.
  6. Karapusik.
  7. Puzatic.
  8. Glass.
  9. Smiling.
  10. Bagel.
  11. Donkey.
  12. Bunny.
  13. Bubble.
  14. Iris.
  15. Baby.
  16. Bear.
  18. Ball - Smesharik.
  19. Domykens.
  20. Click.
  21. Cartoon.
  22. Dracoschka.
  23. Olennok.
  24. Almommick.
  25. Diamond.
  26. Kitty.
  27. Hood.
  28. Parachyuk.
  29. Fluffy.
  30. Donut.
  31. Flower.
  32. Lapulka.
  33. Oven.
  34. Dolphinenok.
  35. Loveman.
  36. Key

Beautiful words for beloved, affectionate:

  1. Ideal.
  2. Best.
  3. Favorite.
  4. Courageous.
  5. Only.
  6. Unforgettable.
  7. Mysterious.
  8. Cute.
  9. Unusual.
  10. Great.
  11. Unusual.
  12. Wise.
  13. Understanding.
  14. Strong.
  15. My good.
  16. Thoughtful.
  17. Sincere.
  18. Soulful.
  19. Sexy.
  20. Present.
  21. Shining.
  22. Desired.
  23. Great.
  24. Long-awaited.
  25. Talented.
  26. Hot.
  27. Chocolate.
  28. Fairy.
  29. Honey.
  30. Elegant.
  31. Imposing.

Those gentle words and pleasant phrases, which rhymes with the name of his beloved person will be excellent

Name words:

  • Andrew:
  1. Andryushka - Dushka.
  2. Andrei - My dream love.
  3. Andryushka is my cute pig.
  • Konstantin:
  1. Konstantin - Vitamin.
  2. Kostik - tail.
  3. Konstantin is my magic serpentine.
  • Sergey:
  1. Sergey - the light of my eyes.
  2. Corgeon - handsome from the cover.
  3. Sergey - There is no you mile, kind.
  • Alexander:
  1. Sasha is a kiss.
  2. Sanёk - Moth.
  3. Sashok - Lopushkok.
  4. Sasha - Cute Cheburashka.
  5. Sanёk - Ogonok.
  6. Sasha is a beautiful face.
  • Maxim:
  1. Indispensable.
  2. We are necessary.
  3. Truly wound.
  • Matvey:
  1. The meaning of the life of my whole.
  2. There is no family in life.
  3. Come back quickly.

Men love

  • They are called by name. Name Try to use as much as possible in various options. Pronounce soft, gentle and quietly.
  • They are told various compliments.

Favorite compliments of men:

I have so smart!

No one can ever compare with you!

Such amazing people like you, I have never met.

You're in bed - fire !!!

You know how to drive your mind ...

What are you awesome and insightful!

Your body will not leave anyone indifferent!

You…. Magic….

I did not expect you so brave!

You have so many talents that I did not know anything about ....

You're even better than I thought.

You are an amazing little man.

You have excellent abilities.

You, my dear, shared taste!

I feel free to compare you with a raging volcano!

You are just a man - a dream!

I would really like to be like you ....

Woman knows how to express not only in prose, but also in verses. Rhydmented affectionate words - an amazing surprise for each romantic and in love with a man!

Favorite writes recognition and beautiful words dedicated to her boyfriend or man in completely unexpected places.

Where can I write affectionate words to your beloved:

In his diary. Do not hurry there to write any words and leave any traces, if we noticed that this diary is a very expensive thing.

On your body. In the form of a tattoo, for example ... True, it is not known how he will react to such a "feat." It is necessary to find out how it refers, in general, to tattoos.

On his desktop. The desktop is the table where it is working (business) paper and documents. If you immediately remembered the desktop, which decorates, so to speak, the side of the monitor .... Take the risk write something affectionate and there!

On the ceiling or on the floor. Origine! About such "Option" no one else thought! You will be the first ...

On lighters. Collect all his lighters (if he smokes or "indulges") and write the recognition of them and pleasant words.

On the mirror. Remember where the mirrors are in your apartment. Take the fact that then it will easily wash out, and write a few words (affectionate) on each mirror.

On the paper. And it's not scary that it is trite! Hide this banality with antibanal words!

On the remote Why not? Excellent decoration for the subject, which is so often in the hands of your beloved and which, for this reason, becomes your "enemy".

On the bench. It is not necessary to write something on all the benches of the city! Enough and the one that misses the entrance.

On the door of the refrigerator. He will definitely notice this inscription! We advise you to take a feltaster or pencil pound so that this inscription remains in his memory forever.

On the touchpad of his laptop. Get ready for his discontent! It will sorry to clean what you write there, but will have.

On its own (on his) underwear. Or on the dishes, from which he is constantly (most often) eats. By the way, you can help. There are such services, organizations, online stores that do neat inscriptions on things. They will "write" what you say!

What can write affectionate words and recognition:




Beautiful rods.



Slices of broken glass.

Egg shell.

Many men are very glad when their beloved calls him this way:

What if absolutely not enough fantasy?

Affectionate words can be taken from famous songs and poems. It will be great if the lyrics are unknown or completely forgotten. Here the meaning itself is important and its transfer through the beauty of phrases.

When is it better to say affectionate words to your loved one? Better - every day. If you, of course, see that his mood has it.

Where is it better to say the affectionate words to someone who love?

Everywhere! The place does not matter if there is one hundred percent meaning in affectionate words and there is no wrong.

Laskovo tell him about love. -

Do not miss your love ...!

If you are seriously thinking about how gently call your favorite guy, then it means that it means a lot for you and you try to make him pleasant. In fact, almost all girls think at the beginning of relations about how to call a guy gently and unusual. Showing your fantasy, be adequate. The nickname should be cute, romantic, but not insulting. It is unlikely that you want to put your man on the laugh in front of friends and girlfriends. By the way, remember that if the nickname, though it will be affectionate, but stupid - it does not accrue you glasses in the eyes of the guy, but only show you the lack of fantasy.

Girls I want not to just express your feelings with the help of actions, but also. Therefore, to call a beloved person just by name, they do not like, in connection with this, various nicknames arise. Lovers of men in relation to women behave in a similar way. What kind of gentle words to call a guy - to solve only you. An important point is the fact that this nickname should like both and be unique, while approaching a person.

How to name the guy's affectionate word?

Rule number one is the lack of banality. As a rule, most men are annoyed when they are called bunches, quotes, sun, rusts, bunny, babies, kids or lapes. How do they know that you did not call the previous man just? By the way, when choosing a nickname, consider the age of your man. It is possible that the 17-year-old guy will have to do, when you call it a "kitten" or "bunny", while a solid man will feel at the same time at least, stupid. About derivatives on behalf, we will not say now, as we suggest you think about the original versions.

Very often, the "decisive moment" can be a joint view of a film or cartoon. Why not call each other Kuzey and Nafan? Pinky and Brene? Lilo and Stitch? Winnie and Pooh? You can use the names of the Heroes of Comics: Superman, Betman Laskovo Some "Animals" Nicknames: Tiger or Tiger, Tiger, Bee, Fish, Lion and Hedgehog, Orel, Orel, Falcon. Even the "hippo can sometimes be appropriate, the main thing is not to call your chosen one in society - if it sounds good and gently between you, then with people you can put a man on the laugh.

You can call a man "Favorite", "native", "dear", "beloved", "dear", "golden mine", "sweet", "precious", "the only one", "gentle", "gentle". All this sounds nice and romantic. Especially if you say all this with a soul. You can come up with something original, associated with the profession or hobbies of a man.

Why not come up with a "decent answer" to your beloved person and come up with a gentle nickname, which is combined with what you call him?

Any man will be enjoyable words as "My Prince", "My King", "My Hero", "My Defender", "Knight of My Heart", "My Fighter", "My Wall", "My Angel", " my God". My "My Sun", "Almommik", "Star", "Wind" or "Breeze" sounds pleasantly. If a man has a noble gray, he may be nicknamed "Moon". By the way, when you tell "my man" or "My boy" - it will sound too worthy and gently. You can call a man "My joy", "Luche", "Cork".

Do not be afraid to show your own and originality when choosing a nickname for your beloved person. Perhaps you will use our advice, and maybe think of something your own, more sincere and gentle.

All couples call each other with diminutive words, thus giving relationships some individuality and proximity, but it must be remembered that not all guys want to wear this or that nickname and do not always want to be a "bunny", "Sun" either "Pinsik".

According to the well-known folk wisdom, "women love ears." However, this does not mean that the male part of the population of our planet is not averse to hear compliments addressed to them.

If your favorite man is not against, It is worth thinking about how to make him pleasantly, inventing some kind of cute and funny nickname.

Any couple of lovers are unique and is unique as unique to their relationship. And if the girl is in love with his chosen one, she is trying to come up with any nickname. And all the fair sex representatives are trying to invent such an association from giving, which would be the most exclusive, affectionate and pleasant for rumor.

Varieties of male nicknames

It is necessary to rush to talk affectionate words to your loved ones. While someone else did not tell them Nelskovo about you. © ©

All fictional diminutive-burning can be classified by several features. Here is some of them:

  • First Name Last Name). The easiest way to choose the nickname can be called its association with the name or surname of the beloved. For example, "Baranchik" with the name of Baranov or Petjunka if the guy is called Peter.
  • Character. Here are repelled from certain characteristics of character. People with hot-tempered and aggressive character are often called "Tiranushka", and people are not particularly demanding to themselves and their actions - "Liviva".
  • Age. Prestige is very important for a man, so not to drop it, it is very important to pay attention to age. If a couple have a difference in 10 years or more, men are often called a "daddy" or "papule", but do not use the cynical and vulgar "papik".
  • Traditions. There are many common nicknames, and many girls do not seek at all in the originality when choosing a nice nickname. Especially strengthening the effect for such "handsome", "peaches" and "bupsiks" can the word "mine".
  • Love. In addition, the use of the above-mentioned word "mine" can level the negative effect of any nickname, since it serves as an expression of love. The guy's delight will not be borders if he knows that he is only your "cat," and only it is different.
  • Dignity. The use of the word "most" in relation to any nickname will significantly increase the self-esteem of the man and give him confidence in himself. Therefore, calling it "the strongest" or "coherent", you will be pleasantly surprised by what miracles can occur with a guy when using one word only.

Top 15 pleasant phrases for a man (list)

There is a stereotype that men love only delicious food, passionate sex, exciting sports, and, of course, women. But everything is not as primitive and standard, as it seems to many. If you look more attentively to the chosen one, you can be very pleasantly surprised and fall in love with it even more, and at the same time, surprise him in your own words.

The calas almost always will achieve more than coarse force. © ©
  1. Native.
  2. Gentle.
  3. Sun.
  4. Wonderful.
  5. Dear.
  6. Favorite.
  7. My good.
  8. Only.
  9. My angel.
  10. Tender.
  11. Sexual.
  12. Beautiful
  13. Best.
  14. Great.

Unusual words for a man

Ideal. Long-awaited. Talented. Hot. Chocolate. Courageous. Unforgettable. Unusual. Wise. Understanding. Strong. Thoughtful. Sincere. Soulful. Sexy. Present. Shining. Desired. Great. Fairy. Honey. Mysterious. Cute. Unusual. Great. Elegant. Imposing.

Affectionate words that love men

Harmful. King. Macho. Temperamental. Brave. The best (lover). My prince. My Lord. My owner. My Lord. My divine. My inspiration.

Beautiful words man in prose: about love, at night, miss ...

The above words are also used to build phrases, then from such a man will simply be delighted.

It is possible to bring an example a huge number of similar expressions, the best of men:

  • My favorite kitten, I am so lonely and bad without you, that I always want to be with you always.
  • I want to purr to your eye about how I love you and never get tired of it.
  • The best day for me is the one at the end of which you will return home and get to my hugs.
  • The most beautiful evenings and nights for me will be those during which we will chat with you about everything in the world, looking at the moon and a magnificent marine surf.
  • Today I am the happiest, because you are next to me. One that is gentful to the clouds and the warmer of the sun.
  • I will reflect on the asphalt, sand and walls all my delight from you. And if suddenly these inscriptions will disappear, I will write them again.
  • Remember, my love for you is eternal and not dried.
  • You have a dream for me, who finally came true thanks to our meeting, I am glad that we found each other and now we will always be together. I really need me.
  • You are an angel, descended from heaven. You gave me your heart and wings. It is invaluable for me, and in return I will give you all myself.
  • You are so sexy that my body burns from passion and desire. Help me, pay off this fire. Touch me, hug, kiss, let me enjoy you.
  • My hero, I am ready to die for your love, but why, because I want to live and enjoy you, your emotions and feelings. And I also want to change them, give me my own, and I will give you mine ... we will like it.
  • You are the most native and dear person for me all over the world. Thank you, that in all this huge world you are next to me.
  • There is a huge joy in my life. And that's you. Apparently, I deserved it with my love that serves as your guard and amulet, she will heal you from wounds and protects from all troubles.
  • For my life I gave me a lot of gifts, but your gifts are the most beautiful, and the best gift for me is you.
  • I never in life do not deceive you, because you are worthy of only clean and bright truth. Even if this truth is bitter taste, I still never hide anything from you, just because you deserve it. And the bitterness of this truth I absneu it with my kisses and hugs.
  • The best morning is the one that begins with your kiss.

Compliments and affectionate words about the hobby of your loved one

Men most of their romance. But they will always be assessed if you are in your compliments to reflect their addictions or hobbies, divide his hobbies in conversation with him, give this special attention. Here are examples of such situations.

The most sincere emotions are caused by compliments on hobbies and hobbies!
  • Favorite, I know today begins the World Cup, which you waited for so long. I promise you that I will not interfere with enjoy the spectacle. I also bought you beer and chips and I will not be angry when you shout loudly and applaud. I want you to rest!
  • Want, I will prepare you your favorite dishes. I am ready to fulfill all your culinary desires and addictions. I promise to make that you remember this dinner for a long time.
  • I want to make you a gift! I will buy you a new fishing rod in a new store that I looked recently. I want to make a pleasant thing that you felt happy.

List of gentle and sexy phrases for SMS beloved guy

When I get bored, I send a message to the random number "I hid the body ... What's next?"
  • You are brighter than the light, sweeter candy, you are the best, I know it and I adore you.
  • My sweetest little man, I love you insanely, you are the most native for me. You for me, like a bright sun, which shines and warms me with its warmth every day.
  • I just have a soul. My skin caresses transparent drops of water, and I am very sorry that you can't caress me.
  • For me, you like a drop of moonlight in the middle of the dark night.
  • I love you all, all entirely: eyes, words, sweet lips, thoughts. I reflect your tenderness, your kisses, bringing me crazy, the fragrance of your body, look causing me in which I see warmth and fire that make me just happy.
  • I am immensely glad each of our meetings, each call and message.
  • I like the ice cream, melting in your strengths and strong arms. And I adore my most valuable treasure - you!
  • Message from cellular operator: If you do not send a message to your beloved, we will have to turn off the subscriber.
  • You are not constant and I know it. But let it be better, I will doubt that you love me than to stay in confidence that there is no.
  • In this dark night wilderness I want only one thing - to be with you, my dear!
  • All 61 seconds per minute and all 25 hours a day I think only about you. ... and in time it was confused.
  • On our planet there are billions of a person, but I think only about you. And I know why. Because no one can lure you.
  • Hi, loved. I literally just from the soul. And you have exactly 5 minutes so that I do not have time to get dressed.
  • If I'm tired of you - call the police, if you are bad from me, then in the ambulance, and if you are burning from my species, then you are accurate to firefighters.
  • You are worried about the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. We have information that if you do not kiss your girlfriend in returning home, then you explode like a bomb.
  • Touch the lips to my heart and feel all the warmth, the love and tenderness that I feel, seeing you.
  • As soon as you were born, I went raining. Probably, this sky cried, it knew that the wonderful angel was going to the ground to find her love later.
  • And we girls like phones. We take us with you, talk to us, but it is randomly not going there, as you will be turned off immediately.
  • But I'll call you now, and I will say that you are just the best!
  • When the world is sweet and beautiful, it becomes clear that it is more beautiful than you.
  • If you are in a bad mood, I want to turn into your guardian angel and give you a smile.
  • You remind me of an unbridled wild cowboy, Macho, Toreodor. I can not be very good and otherwise to be.
  • Call me back. I want to hear your voice and remember how it is beautiful.
  • You just hard to imagine how I want to hug your long hairy, slender legs.
  • Attention wanted! The world's most beautiful in the world committed an illegal crossing of the border of friendship and love and made the steal of my heart. If you find, immediately call me.
  • We are familiar quite a little, but I know you already well. Especially your eyes, lips and smile. I never exchange them for anything.
  • Love with all the soul and heart. This is a great happiness and a cherished dream - to be near you.
  • But you know that I decided today: 1. I will not talk for more hours by phone; 2. Brooch smoking; 3. Remost to fall in love with guys like you, because I do not want to depend on your whims.
  • You like the south breeze, nectar of exotic fruits, gentle wind of the tropical sea, carrying far away, the loudly, paradise bird, the aroma of the summer meadow, drunk to madness. I love you more than life!
  • When the distance between us, I am going crazy, I feel so bad and sad, but the sweeter and the meeting will be happy. I love you my cute boy.
  • My thoughts fly in the darkness when you are not there, come back soon for me, I'm waiting for you!
  • You are sweet nectar of paradise fruits, gentle warm and cheerful southern wind, affectionate breeze of the tropical sea, the sweet-haired bird of the bird, you are a head-of aroma of the summer meadow. Love you madly!

The surprisingly accurate selection of affectionate words and councils for the selection of nicknames beloved, associated with his zodiac sign: