Musical congratulations to the elder sister's wedding. Congratulations on the wedding to the elder sister in verse

Of course, the wedding of our beloved sister is a very solemn and exciting event for each of us. Therefore, I really want to congratulate her in a special way, with all my heart, putting maximum warmth and tenderness into her heartfelt speech. However, not everyone is eloquent enough to find the appropriate words for the occasion. And the excitement often plays a cruel joke with us. What to do in this situation? The answer is simple - to find a ready-made congratulations for your sister's wedding on the Internet.

Choosing the right option

Many specialized sites offer the attention of users of the World Wide Web a variety of poems and wishes for one reason or another. Here everyone can choose a suitable option for themselves. This article will contain copyright congratulations and toasts for the wedding from the sister, which will not be ashamed to say during the festive feast. With a high degree of probability, they will be able to touch not only the person close to you, but also the gathered guests.

My favourite sister,

A dear and close man,

Now my time has come

Say a few nice words.

You all sparkle with happiness and shine,

It is simply impossible to take the eye off.

And, like the sun, you warm with a smile -

Hurry to accept congratulations.

With a legal marriage for mutual love,

With a strong union that will last for many years.

May life be happy together

Let understanding always reign in the family.

Walk hand in hand through life

And take care of your precious union.

Through all the obstacles you will carry your feelings,

Keeping securely the strength of the marriage bond.

Of course, the sister's wedding toasts will certainly be received with a bang by both the newlyweds and the guests. After all, they often end with inviting cries of "bitter" and a tender kiss of the newly made spouses.

Toast congratulations on your wedding day to your sister

I look at you with delight and with affection,

You can't find a more beautiful bride in the Universe.

And, despite the mad excitement,

I will congratulate you, sister.

Your eyes shine with happiness

Love, tenderness, care, purity.

Let adversity, troubles and bad weather

Always bypass the house by your side.

Learn to live in harmony and understanding,

Although this science is not easy.

But, as you know, the main thing is desire,

And time will put everything in place.

Let the fire of love that unites you

Burning brighter day after day.

And one day it will become a great flame,

To incinerate everything in their path.

Well, for you, dear sister,

The family hearth is to be kept,

So that in spite of the problems

To live with a spouse in full understanding.

Let's raise our glasses

And a friendly chorus "Bitter!" let's shout.

The newlyweds cannot avoid the ritual -

We want to see a tender kiss.

Easy humorous wedding congratulations to sister

I want to congratulate you, dear sister

With such a wonderful, long-awaited day.

You were recently a naive girl

And she obeyed her parents in everything.

And now you are a gorgeous bride,

Such a beautiful bud in full bloom.

Beautiful, charming, adorable -

Your fiance is already smitten on the spot.

You will become a mistress surprisingly beautiful

An excellent cook and friend for the soul.

And if the mood is rainy -

Hurry to me to the light.

But it's better to let it live awesome

So that there is no reason to be sad.

Must spouses young by all means

To give each other a sea of ​​joy.

May every day be filled with happiness

Cloudless, magical, serene.

Forget about adversity and bad weather,

A boundless love ocean awaits you.

Live in understanding and peace,

Try to avoid conflicts.

Create a nest of love in your apartment

And start cutting the chicks!

And whatever congratulation you choose for your sister's wedding, the main thing is that it comes from the heart and is pronounced with sincere warmth. Such a speech will certainly evoke a response from your dear person.

For a girl, a wedding is the happiest day in her life. That is why it is important to choose the necessary and unforgettable words in order to congratulate her. If this girl is also your close relative, then it will not be difficult for your sister to find interesting and sincere congratulations for the wedding. Knowing the character and characteristics of a person, it will be easy to give her the most suitable words.

What should be the text?

A congratulatory text from a sister and brother should never be small. Wishes should be long and as sweet as a wedding. Moreover, they must convey all the warmth and love to the sister.

You can congratulate with a postcard, toast, verse, and so on. You can clarify about the most pleasant and fun moments that happened between the sister and her chosen one. It would not hurt to give a souvenir. He will always remind you of caring relatives and your wedding day.

Brother and sister text should be vibrant and unique. Therefore, you need to prepare it in advance, putting all the warmth and care into it.

First congratulations (in prose)

Dear sister! Today we celebrate an important event that you have been waiting for all your life - your marriage. Now you have your own family. Do you remember that earlier you and I went to school, to additional classes, we went to college together. I have always rejoiced at your success and kept in touch with my future husband. You are now husband and wife. I want to sincerely congratulate you on the fact that you have finally found a loved one for yourself. I really want to believe that you will live a long and happy life together. I wish you to become a good wife, a great mother. Live every day with a smile. I love you, dear sister. Happy wedding!

It is worth noting that congratulations can be both in prose and in poetry. The last option is more soulful.

Second congratulations

On this day, my sister is the most beautiful, gentle and feminine. I really want you to always smile and remain just as beautiful. I hope that even with the passage of time, many years later, you will still delight us with your smile and beauty. Love your husband, respect him, because he really deserves it. In your own words, you have chosen a great man. Live with him in complete trust. I hope that you will be not only husband and wife for each other, but also ordinary friends who are able to entrust the most intimate. I wish you to be happy, to enjoy everything. Give birth to many children who will be so similar to you. You are very beautiful today, little sister. I love you to tears, you are the best!

Third congratulations

Today is my sister's happiest day. You are marrying that person, without whom it is already difficult to imagine your life. Today, fun, kindness and just an amazing atmosphere reign around. Of course, we, your loved ones, are a little sad, because you are creating your own family. But we know and remember that all changes are only for the better. We love you very much and are glad, because now there is a real man next to you. He loves you and will move mountains just for your smile. I would like to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony. May your family be strong. Take care of each other, be happy.

Fourth congratulations

Today you finally connect your life with a person who will give you a new family. You deserve great happiness, and I believe that your union will be strong and long. You are connected by touching moments, mutual understanding, love, kindness and honesty to each other. What could be better? I hope that your ardor will not fade away over the years of life together, that you will go through all the obstacles that fate has prepared and carry your love to old age. I wish you more children you are looking forward to. I know for sure that you, sister, will be the best mom. Be happy.

Fifth congratulations

It is today, my girl, that you are finding a new family. I see happiness in my eyes, and on my face - a beautiful smile that does not leave you all evening. I want to wish my younger sister a strong union and fewer obstacles in your path. You are the most beautiful and feminine. Always be happy. Today you, together with your chosen one, are creating a new cell. You are united by love, which, I am sure, will not leave you for a minute. You are just a wonderful couple. You should not take offense at each other in quarrels or discussions, because without them there is no relationship. My parents and I love you very much and hope for your long and happy life. You are the best, let's sing songs as congratulations!

Sixth congratulations

Sister! I really want to express my congratulations to you on this beautiful day. Today you officially left your parent's nest and started your own family. I am very happy for you, because your chosen one has proven his love. He is smart, handsome and ready to protect you from any problem. I want to express my excessive gratitude to him for the fact that he was able to make my sister the happiest woman. Wass has different funny moments. I believe that every day will be better for you than before. I wish you a happy and strong marriage. Your love will never fade away. Be beautiful, kind and gentle as today. Do not delay the birth of babies, because they will become the most wonderful result of your love. I know that you will be the best mom and dad. Bitterly!

My dear sister, I want to wish your family to always be friendly, not pay attention to trifles and in any situations remember that you are connected by something that is inaccessible to many - this is pure and sincere love! I wish you peace, warmth, goodness to your family! Be always happy and enjoy every minute spent with each other, because these moments are priceless! Harmony in your family life, great love! Be always together, staying the happiest, most positive and joyful! rating: 39 ↓

Sweet little sister! Your wedding day has come. Be happy with your husband, because you are connected by the most important thing in the world - strong love. I wish you, my dear, that your love, in spite of everything, becomes stronger every day! Always try to understand each other - after all, understanding is the most important thing in a relationship. And I wish your family a speedy happy addition - after all, I know that you will make the best parents in the world! Be happy, my beloved! Bitterly! 40 ↓

On the day of the wedding
Accept my sister congratulations
May everything be fine with you
Life is enjoyable.
Always stay in love
Try to cherish your feelings
So that the newlyweds are around
They called you all my life! 43 ↓

Let the heart beat loudly with happiness
Cherished dreams will come true
I congratulate you on your wedding, little sister,
I want you to be happy! 41 ↓

I wish my beloved sister
The one and only
Always be the same beautiful
How happy this day.
For your spouse to love you
I wore it on my hands, appreciated it!
I wish you happiness with all my heart,
May joy be with you! 43 ↓

My incredible little sister! Today is your wedding day, one of the most beautiful days in your life. You got married and now you have your own family. I congratulate you on the fact that you have really found the person you love and who has become the most dear to you! I wish you every day to be the happiest for you! I wish your young family strong love, prosperity, joy and positive! Advice to you and love! 39 ↓

Congratulations from your brother,
May life bring inspiration
Every day will turn into a holiday
Often a bird of happiness arrives! 39 ↓

My most beautiful little sister, today you are happy, and a smile never leaves your face. I sincerely want to wish you to always remain as beautiful as this day! I congratulate you, I wish you and your husband as much family happiness, love and warmth as possible! May your life together bring you only joy, and all bad things pass you by! You are very suitable for each other, take care of your feelings, do not pay attention to the little things and always remain the same beautiful couple! 39 ↓

I am so happy for you, sister, you just shine all over with happiness, from the fact that your beloved is next to you and holds your hand. Now you are a wife - that sounds solid and very convincing. Today you have become a family and I wish your feelings to grow stronger over time. I am sure that you will live a long and happy life together, filled with the feelings, love and laughter of your children. May all dreams come true, take care of each other, take care of relationships and love. May your family be the happiest. Bitterly! 35 ↓

My favorite sister,
On the wedding day, I wish that love
Over the years it has not become a habit
And how hot the blood was today!
You value each other endlessly,
Let the little things not touch at all
May you live easily and carelessly,
I am very happy for you today. Bitterly! 41 ↓

My dear sister, I can't believe
That you are married now, and everything will change.
I so want you to be always happy
Smiling and cheerful.

Of course, you will have more worries now,
But you are capable, which means you can cope.
Be the most gentle, kind, understanding
And sometimes silenced in time.

And remember, my girl, that you are a beauty
So, you can and should like men.
Let your husband not be offended by my words,
How else? Don't let it relax!

Seriously now my dear sister
Your marriage is, of course, made in heaven.
May God keep you from resentment, want and lies,
I wish you faithful, just fabulous love.

My sister, my dear friend,
The day came when we were lucky.
Of course, I am a little sad, but I do not suffer,
And my soul is so sweet and warm.

I admire your chosen one.
After all, how much courage and strength is needed,
To survive without killing you.
He's strong, smart and sweet.

Appreciate him like eight dollars
Love him always and help.
In the hour when everyone has autumn,
May it be warm in your family.

(To the groom)
Well, I believe in you that you can
You yourself will solve her riddle.
Be smarter if necessary
And understand when it's time to caress.

She will quickly accept your orders,
If you take it all to the end.
Together you are beautiful, unique,
As the highest creation of the Creator.

You, dear ones, take care of each other.
Don't listen to your parents, friends.
The bottom line to everything - as soon as you decide
So be bold in your dreams.

Together without difficulty, transform
Raw water into sweet wine.
In marriage, you will soar to dreams,
Find the light when it's dark everywhere.

Dear sister, I congratulate you and your spouse on this wonderful event. From now on, you are a happy husband and wife. I wish you family well-being, eternal romance, sincere feelings, strong love, good health, respect for each other, understanding, joy, home warmth and prosperity.

May this day be in your life
Will be the beginning of the beautiful.
Well, let fate give
Everything that is called happiness in the world.

The best groom will be a husband
Everything in life will be what you need.
You will become a better wife
Together - a wonderful family.

Sweet little sister, dear,
With all my heart I wish
You will live for many years in love,
Not knowing sorrow and troubles.

Magic dress, well, like a princess ...
Hairstyle ... Your eyes are full of happiness!
Today, little sister, you became a bride,
I wish you a happy wave.

Let life be filled with light and caress
More smiles, more likely a baby.
So that your husband turns your life into a fairy tale right away!
And so that your soul always sang.

There is no bride in the whole world
That would be compared to you.
My dear sister
You are so beautiful!

I congratulate you from my heart
With your most important day.
I wish you to live in love
Every day next to Him!

Let desires bloom
It only needs a soul
Let it happen in your life
Only the white stripe!

My dear sister is now a wife:
You have a beloved husband and a friend.
Beautiful and very young
And kind, and so gentle!

May there be a spoonful of happiness every day
Experience all the bad weather together,
Treasure attention and love,
You will live in the world for up to a hundred years!

Give birth to us boys and girls,
So that your house is from the voices of their call.
Love and wisdom and long patience,
And God's blessing for you!

My best sister in the world
I congratulate you on this day!
Let happiness become a habit
And love will be the key to happiness!

I wish you peace forever
So that they do not know sorrow and needs,
And so that the dearest person
There was, little sister, your beloved husband!

Today you are my sister
The consummate bride!
How long have you been a child?
And so, your childhood rushed away.

But this day is so beautiful
I want to wish you
May your life be filled with happiness
So that you do not know the bitter troubles at all.

May your family become friendly
Do not swear over trifles.
You respect your husband.
Groom, do not offend your wife.

Love each other dearly
You can't get parting with her,
Let her threads be strong.
And I would ... rather become an uncle (aunt).

My beloved sister,
Happy wedding day, I sincerely congratulate you!
For the family to be strong,
I raise the champagne glass.

Live happily, respect each other,
And if there are difficulties along the way -
Overcome them together.
Now go through life next to you!

Let children's laughter fill the house
The house is rich in love,
Let prosperity be in it
Until the wedding itself, golden!

Now you have become a spouse
But for me it's always a girl.
I send congratulations to you
My lovely sister!

After all, living life is not an easy job,
Family is a big responsibility.
As an adult you enter the path
I congratulate you on this.

Live happily always
Suddenly helping a friend in everything.
Let the trouble pass your house.
With a legal marriage, dear!

Is your sister having a wedding? What a joyful occasion for your whole family. Selection of a wedding dress, selection of a restaurant, a photographer, ordering a limousine. A bunch of pre-wedding chores and everything needs to be done, and your help is so necessary for your sister. And you are also responsible for choosing a good toastmaster. Oh, this toastmaster. Be prepared that at the most unexpected moment for you, he will stick a microphone in your face and say, and now wedding greetings from your sister. And you have not prepared? And don't know what to say? In order not to mumble in front of the guests, pick up a beautiful congratulation for your beloved sister in advance and learn it or write it on a piece of paper.

Congratulations on your sister's wedding from sister

The whole world froze in happy anticipation:
Half joined forever
Two hearts, two destinies and two breaths!
Today is the wedding of (name of the groom) and (name of the bride)!

Our middle sister, (name of the bride)!
Finally, you became a wife!
To each other with (name of the groom) all relatives and closer:
Seven years together, that's a lot!

You are so kind, responsive, welcoming,
You love our kids, and of course,
You will give your whole soul to your family
And you will be an anxious and gentle mother!

Beloved, relatives (name of the groom) with (name of the bride)!
We want to wish you a lot of happiness!
And you will give us an addition -
We are waiting for your nephews, don't forget!

You love each other endlessly,
Look at life with joyful delight!
Let it be easy for you, carelessly!
Our toasts to you today! Bitterly!

Sister (name), (groom's name) dear,
The sun shines on your wedding day!
They glow both in winter and in summer!

I wish you warmth and light
Love, smiles and kindness,
Flowers, rain and sun - in summer,
In winter - silver snowflakes.

Don't sleep a minute at night
You will find, we know, entertainment! ..
Let jokes help you

And slowly leafing through the years,
Help each other live.
It will become much easier together

This day is like a fairy tale!
My sister's heart
Full of kindness, warmth and affection,
like a wedding ring!

With all my heart I wish you
To live my whole life in one love,
After all, she is in the air
And you will be happy to create!
Two beloved hearts
Live for many years!

My dear sister, what a happiness!
Today is the day of joining two hearts.
Dreams come true, and like a princess in a white dress
(The name of the groom) leads you down the aisle.

He, of course, was very lucky with you,
There are probably no more people like you in the world.
You are so smart, you are so kind, you are so beautiful
And if you dance, you will enchant the whole world!

And although you often quarreled with him, it happened
But your feeling was able to overcome everything,
And from adversity it only became brighter
Burn in the hearts of your lovers.

We are far away now, our dear (name),
But with all my heart with you at the wedding feast,
And he looks at you with love from the sky (name),
Blessing my beloved sister.

We give you sister
For her husband - now, a handsome knight! ..
Live happily together
And multiply and be fruitful!

Yes, my husband, as now, wrapped around,
And remembering these kisses
The same hot love for you
And in five decades!

We wish you, son-in-law,
In life, not rich, viscous
Take your sister - your bride
And surround with warmth and affection.

Yes, how long will you wait: a bed awaits you ...
We drink, and you kiss: Bitter!

(Name of the bride), my dear sister!
Today is a holiday, you became a wife!
And a curious mischievous child
Was you, our sun, how long ago?

Do you remember, you knew perfectly well from childhood
How to deal with longing and boredom:
Then you called me a dildo,
She was eating my mother's lipstick.

Like a stubborn and serious detective
She loved to find our gifts.
After all, a gift for that, friends, was created,
To find him as early as possible.

I loved to walk more often where it was not necessary,
Sometimes it even fell into the hatches,
And then they were looking for you together ...
With you, I confess, there was no time for boredom.

Now you have become a serious clever,
As beautiful as the sun at dawn!
You are an amazing couple with (Groom's name)
Children will be born to you as angels.

I am very glad to become related with (Name of the groom),
Now he will become my little brother!
I wish your home to be a full cup,
Let the kids surround you as soon as possible!

My dear, you are known
It's like a second mother to me
And I'm glad today, of course,
That you are like this again today

As in the past life - with a smile,
The beauty and figure of the model,
I'll tell you a secret - there, in the smoking room
In the registry office, all the men were stunned.

Young, from sister
Listen to you toast!
Take care of your love together!
And respect each other better,

If anything happens, do not offend!
Keep faithfulness for years
Be happy always, always!
We drink now rather to the bottom!

You went out into the circle of friends under the veil,
Blinded the dress with whiteness,
Like a tender cherry blossom
Showered on you in the spring.

The walls of the house shine from you
How good is your wedding attire!
How are you dancing, as if weightless
You swim like a white-winged swan.

A day, just one day will serve you
This dress is your white ...
The foam of the wash will replace the foam of the lace -
Undershirts, tablecloths, linen ..

Just don't be sad about it, remember
That before the onset of gray hair
There will be a flood of winters and lightning,
White seagulls and steep waves ...

You need to lean heart to heart,
Life so that happiness is not poor
To the conscience of your page
Remained clean, without stain.

So that they come true in both big and small
All your hopes and dreams
So that HE accompanies you all your life,
White is the color of today's veil!

Glad, dear sister,
Now your time has come
And today you are a bride
And to the music of the orchestra

You are dancing with the groom!
Be happy together!
Congratulations heartily
I wish you to live in love for a hundred years!

May the wedding be beautiful and bright
Let our gifts please you!
Accept congratulations from your brother,
Keep your family happiness forever!

Sis, are you getting married
We have been waiting for your wedding for a long time.
You, dear sister,
We give it to men's hands.

You will be happy, believe me:
Your husband is a good man.
May it tirelessly in your home
Love beautiful light burns.

Wish You happiness and health,
To avoid quarrels, troubles.
Let it light up your years
A love star for many years!

Your wonderful holiday has come, and not for nothing
The ocean sounds for you congratulations.
Now you are a strong married couple,
I admire you, (Name of the groom) and (Name of the bride).

You guys have been together since grade 9,
Not everyone has such a feeling!
(Name of the bride) we are very happy to accept into the family,
We have already loved her for a long time!

(Groom's name) will be a kind and sensitive spouse,
I can, as a sister, confirm it!
We loved each other from early childhood,
He will be able to protect the family from problems!

Do not forget your sister and parents,
Bathe in streams of love, warmth.
Give birth to healthy and strong children,
And may your dreams come true.

Sis, I wish you on your wedding day
You only light, good,
Congratulations on your triumph
I wish you love without end!
Glass with a fragrant drink
For happiness I will drink to the bottom,
May there be no mistakes in life
I love you with all my heart!

Little sister Galya, Yura is dear,
Although the days are frosty in January,
Let your feelings not cool down
Let them grow stronger over the years.

We wish you warmth and light
Love, smiles and kindness,
Flowers, rain and sun - in summer,
In winter - silver snowflakes.

Don't sleep a minute at night
You will find, we know, entertainment! ..
Let jokes help you
Solve all the equations in the family.

And slowly "leafing through" the years,
Help each other live.
It will become much easier together
You turn everyday life into a fairy tale!

Cool congratulations on the wedding

I will now congratulate you on your wedding
Your beloved sister.
I'll make her today
So that you get coffee in the morning

To bed. You deserve it.
And so that she was always calm.
I received a stack of gifts
And so that a path was laid out of violets

You. So beautiful, not ordinary
Cheerful, honest, energetic.
And we don't need any algorithms,
Today you are spinning in a waltz rhythm.
In such a beautiful white dress
In such a chic, awesome.

Sister! Dating as long as you are
In the heat, in the blizzard and in the rain?
You are marrying the groom!
Mom and I are waiting for your wedding.

You will be happy, dear:
Your husband is a wonderful person.
And parents have one me
I will stay to live out my life.

I wish you happiness - a full cup,
And - to avoid quarrels, troubles! ..
Let your smiles light up
Our sky for a thousand years!

Congratulations to your sister's wedding in prose

Dear sister, today you became your husband's wife!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on this wonderful event.
You have ignited the hearth of the family, and try to keep it warm for years to come!

As a child, my father told my sister and me a story that when he and his mother went on their journey after the wedding, his sister, our own aunt, ran after their train right to Karaganda! And this is the tradition of our family! Now if one sister gets married, then the other must run after her train. Therefore, in my congratulations to the wedding from my sister, I want to wish that I ran along this path only once! To the health of the young!

Beloved sister, you understand how magical it is: to always be close to your beloved and the only one you have chosen for life, with whom you want to live together every new day. And only love is able to unite two, before that completely different, lives together! Dear newlyweds, today you have discovered a great family book, on the first page of which there is a positive inscription: "Merry wedding"! I wish you that the rest of the pages of this book will be as joyful and memorable as your wedding day. And may each subsequent page bring you one step closer to wisdom, give you invaluable experience and great family happiness!

Dear sister and (groom's name)! Today you have entered into a family union with each other, the basis of which is love and fidelity. Of course, I congratulate you on this wonderful event! Keep in your hearts those feelings of love and tenderness that fill them today and carry them through all the years of your life together! And may respect, mutual understanding and trust in each other never leave you. This will help your family stay strong and happy for years to come! And do not forget that the keys to your happiness are kept only by you, so take care of them and do not lose them. Appreciate each other, only then your family and love will be eternal! Bitterly!