Vividly informational material for parents. Methodical recommendations for the design of the corner for parents

Family at all times is the main institution responsible for developing and upbringing the child. "Parents (legal representatives) are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development of the identity of the child" (paragraph 1 of Art. 44 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"). The most significant document focusing on the family and DOO is GEF to (standard). One of the important provisions of the Standard is to ensure the psychological and pedagogical support of the family and the increase in the competence of parents (legal representatives) in the development and education, protection and health promotion of children, the involvement of families in educational activities - requires revision of the organization of the interaction of the kindergarten with families of pupils.

The main tasks of organizing interaction with families of pupils - psychological - pedagogical education of parents, informing the activities of the DOO. Each family determines the process of education in its own way, but by virtue of different circumstances, in varying degrees there is a qualified pedagogical care. The task of the teacher is to attract parents to cooperate and bring to know and understand the pedagogical principles.

One of the most effective forms is visual information that allows teacher without direct contact with parents to organize informing and pedagogical enlightenment. Observing modern requirements for the design of information stands for parents (single style, colorful design, relevance, dynamism, "readability" of material content), I was fascinated by the design in a group and receiving stands, shirm using pictures, backgrounds and templates scored on the Internet. Attachment 1.

Work is interesting and painstaking. But as practice shows, only 45% of parents are interested in information on the stands. Most modern mothers and dads, due to their employment, do not even read information on the stands, and if they read, it runs, inattentively. In such a situation, it is difficult to talk about their pedagogical enlightenment. There was a need to search for other effective forms of visual informs.

The booklet is a simple and affordable form of interaction with families of pupils. It can be taken with you and in your free time to get acquainted with the content. The material in it is presented briefly, accessible, only the most important thing. By creating information booklets, you should guide the following requirements:

  • Relevance, novelty information.
  • The originality of the submission of the topic.
  • Unity style (frame, font, pictures, color gamut).
  • Link to publication, including authorship and year of publication.
  • Do not abuse decorative elements and pictures.
  • Rules and tips are made in the form of sections, theses.

Booklets can be prepared for the parent meeting, to study any topic with recommendations for parents. They are available for parents in the reception. Colorfully and unusually decorated place of their "stay", of course, attracts the attention of moms and dads. The subject of booklets may be the most diverse. For example: "Secrets of educating a polite child", "How to save a child from fears?", "Educational games from girlfriend", "Toy economy 2-3 year old children", "This complex age. Crisis for three years. " Appendix 2.

The release of the group newspaper is not a new, but very effective form of visual propaganda of pedagogical knowledge, informing parents about the activities of the kindergarten, about the life of children in the group. Starting work on creating the first issue, I doubted its effectiveness. But referring to parents with this idea, I found like-minded people. Now we have a whole creative group of parents, everyone has their own roles, we are actively involved in the plot-role-playing game "The editors of the newspaper" buttons ".

The name of the newspaper is "buttons". Comes out once a month. Members of the editorial board created the Group's emblem, decided on the design style of the newspaper. The content includes the permanent categories: "Novostok", "Gulyai Yes, look after", "in a family circle", "Family Academy", "ABC of Health", "Congratulations", "Thank you", "asked? Respond. " Appendix 3.

The motto of our newspaper "Good news to each house!" And we manage it, because the fresh release of newspapers parents receive by email and decide what to do with it. Most parents are satisfied, despite their employment, they are always aware of the events of the group, kindergarten, if necessary, can get an answer to the question of interest. The stitching of all newspaper issues is also placed in the reception and is available to everyone.

What is the effectiveness of such a form of cooperation with families of pupils?

  • Parents promptly receive objective information on DO activities, about children's life in the group. We do not impose our own opinion, parents themselves decide what to do with this information.
  • We do not limit parents in time. The newspaper is released in each family. With the content they can familiarize themselves at any time convenient for them.
  • Any parent can become a newspaper correspondent, discuss the exciting problems of developing children on its pages.
  • Modern parents, especially young, (in our group, 72% - parents under the age of 35) attracts communication by email. For them, it is simple, habitual, convenient. We go to meet them.

Of course, such forms of clearance of visual information for parents, like a booklet and group newspaper, contribute to the establishment of cooperation between the families of pupils and Do's teachers. Parents actively take part in the design of the newspaper, the necessary and interesting information about the activities of the DOW, about the upbringing and development of children are always at hand. With such cooperation, both parties are tuned to positive and efficient cooperation, conflict situations are excluded, misunderstanding and distrust.


  1. Messenova N.M. Adults about children. New approaches to the design and content of visual information for parents in preschool institutions. - Yaroslavl, LLC "IPK" Indigo ", 2011.
  2. Levshina. Cooperation with family in creating an objective and developmental environment for young children // Preschool pedagogy. - 2013 - №2.
  3. Meyer A.A., Davydova OI, Voronina N.V. 555 ideas for the involvement of parents in the life of a kindergarten. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011.

Wise teacher always uses any opportunity to communicate with parents. He regularly informs them even about the minor success of the child, informs about the content of classes, gives advice and recommendations for education. Helps parents learn to be attentive to developing their child makes it possible to understand the importance of the work of a kindergarten in the education and education of children and reveals the value of their own work.



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Often, the parents of an autistic child face great difficulties in connection with its emergency election in food. It happens that the child refuses everything other than milk and cookies. Sometimes the reason lies in reluctance or fear to try a new product, or in an unpleasant impression (taste, smell, packaging, etc.), which turned out to be associated with a familiar food. In these cases, it is possible to wash the new food imperceptibly to your favorite child food, and gradually include a new product in the diet.

Girl L. saw only cranberry juice and water, refusing any other liquid. However, at some point, parents drew attention to L.'s desire to try red liquid. It turned out to be possible to give other types of red juice, and thus expand a little diet.

In some cases, an autistic child recognizes the presence of a unwanted product even in a very disguised form and refuses to eat. When the diet of the child is extremely limited and similar selectivity can harm its health, it is important to decide which products really need to try to add to its food. For example, if a child does not eat dairy products and fruits, but drinks fruit juice, then first of all, it is desirable to add something dairy to his diet, and otherwise temporarily not accepted attention.
First, the child is encouraged by her beloved delicacy whenever he eats a little bit of new food, even just lies a spoon. One girl who loved potato chips very much, taught to drink kefir as follows. At the sight of chips, she opened her mouth and at that moment it was possible to give her a spoonful of kefir and almost simultaneously - a piece of chipse.

Although during the first attempts, she first screamed and sought to spite the kefir, but after several spoons began to swallow. Gradually, it became possible to give chips after 2-3 spoons, and then do without them.
Interestingly, the same girl, despite the proposed chips, flatly refused to eat cottage cheese. Protest in this case was stronger, at the sight of a spoon with cottage cheese, she instantly squeezed his teeth and even deprivation of the promised chips did not affect her determination. Make a child in such a situation is most often impossible. Therefore, by learning the child, as in the example above, there is kefir and yogurt, you can not insist on one additional dairy product.
The food preferred by the child should give him at the table, clearly meaning the time of food, limiting its accessibility in the rest of the time. The habit of clutching can gain peace and grow into a serious problem at an older age when many children are gaining overweight.

Sometimes a successful attack of a child to try something new can precede a multiple collision with this product in gaming activities. When an adult draws or plays together with the child, he begins to fantasize, "What we treat your grandmother that we will buy for a brother, what berries will grow on a garden," trying to infect him with experiences from their sensations: "Oh, what a strawberry sweet and juicy." Thus, we make more attractive meals yet in an imaginary plan.

Developing and starting to actively explore the world around us, the child gradually begins to try and new food. The problem of selectivity in food is extremely difficult and requires a lot of patience from parents, but over time the diet of the child can expand.
Children who have the problem of selectivity in food is not so acute, it is necessary to start learning the rules of behavior at the table. To do this, first should be properly organized. Must be selected comfortable stool height. The child is put only a plate with food and put a spoon or fork, and all foreign objects, as well as common dishes with an attractive food for a child, are cleaned. It is important to follow the right position of a spoon in your hand, providing a child with the necessary help, desirable from behind. In the left hand (if the child is right-hander) you can attach a piece of bread, which is good to help getting food into a spoon.

If a child jumps out from behind the table with a piece in his hand, calmly, but firmly suck him into place, or make sure that he leaves food on the table before you leave. Do not forget to praise him when he is correctly sitting at the table, it can cost him great efforts that must be rewarded.

Boy I., 5 years old when he went to the kindergarten, did not eat there alone. About a month - one and a half, very gradually taught him (educator and nanny) so that he sam himself: first they fed him, then he kept his hand with her hand and so fed, then they were kept under the elbow, then only the finger was put under the elbow, then stood near And finally, complete independence.

Such a phased weakening of help requires a lot of patience from parents and teachers. Before them is the task, on the one hand, do not rush with the complication of the problem, and on the other hand, not to get stuck at the already developed stage.
Often, the child is experiencing difficulties while eating because of its high-grade. Even a drop of soup on the cheek or on clothes can become a source of unpleasant sensations. This problem can be mitigated if you teach the child to use a napkin.
The ability is neatly eating, sitting at the table with other people makes it easier for the other socialization of an autistic child, his participation in the life of the family and peers.

Autical child - problems in everyday life

Personal hygiene skills: teeth cleaning.

Often, an autistic child protests against attempts to brush his teeth and refuses to take a toothbrush in his mouth because of its hypersensitivity to touch, food selectivity, reluctance to stand in one place.

Therefore, the parents of autistic children are often not decided to start learning them to brush their teeth, not wanting to provoke an additional conflict.
At the same time, many autistic children are starting to quickly deteriously, and since the campaign to the dentist is often an even more severe problem, it is better to teach a child to clean your teeth as early as possible.
It is very important to make this procedure as attractive as attractive for a child - to buy a children's pasta and a small comfortable toothbrush that give it to wash and swell. Well, if a child could watch how to clean your teeth you yourself and get pleasure from it.
Some of the children can immediately like the pasta, which will make a more attractive and cleaning of the teeth, the other is easier to start using a blank brush and as you get used to add a paste to it.

It is better that the child holds the brush from the very beginning, and the adult hand was over his hands. However, there may be individual solutions depending on what kind of help it is easier to transfers.
Touch the brush first should be quite easy. It is very important not to cause a child with negativism on this situation. As you get used to, you can begin to increase the duration of the process, brushing your teeth carefully and let go of your hand.
Very many children do not know how to rinse the mouth and spit water. Some helps if an adult at the same time as a child picks up water in her mouth and defiantly spitches. Sometimes it is necessary to tilt the baby's head down and touch the chin. It often takes a lot of time before it learn to spit water, and you need to be prepared that there will be a lot of pasta before it will be swallowed.

Therefore, it is better to squeeze a little paste on the brush.
As with the training of other skills, it is necessary to consider a clear sequence of actions and adhere to it until the child learns this activity. Below we offer a variant of such a scheme.

1. Include water
2. Open the paste
3. Take a toothbrush and moisten it
4. Squeeze the paste and put a tube on the edge of the shell
5. Clean your teeth on the left
6. Clean your teeth on the right
7. Clean your teeth in front
8. Put the brush
9. Take a glass with water and rinse your mouth
10. Put a glass into place
11. Wash the brush and put in a glass
12. Close toothpaste and remove into place
13. Wash
14. Close Crane
15. Winterle face and hands
16. Hang a towel in place

I would like to note that you need from an early age to avoid an autistic child to follow your appearance, be neat and clean. In this case, it will later be easier for him to adapt in society, to find an acceptable social niche, despite the preserved behavioral difficulties. "


Large "toilet training - how to solve this problem with autism?

Many children in preschool and adolescence are experiencing difficulties with the toilet feces. Such a delicate theme often becomes a serious problem for the child himself and his surrounding.
Some parents are trying to use various means to solve this problem on their own, and may not contact the specialists. A child can develop phobias and fears of the toilet, or purely unwanted behaviors, like raspberry feces, game with feces, etc. The surrounding child - peers, educators and teachers cannot build social and pleasant relationships with a child, if he walks "in a large" pants ", and this problem often becomes a serious obstacle to socialization and inclusion of the child.

As with the correction of any other behavioral problem, it should be perceived not as a symptom of autism or mental backwardness, but as a problematic behavior. Hence, the first steps in solving this problem will be the collection and analysis of data.

At the initial stage, data should be recorded for at least two weeks, on a daily basis. You should record:
1. date and accurate time of all feces (as well as the time of all meals).
2. The place in which the child is practiced
3. What a child was dressed.
4. Stool's consistency.

After the data was collected, the analysis should be carried out, and determine which causes this problem is as follows:

  1. 1. Medical reasons
  2. 2. Lack of skill (or the absence of a generalization of the already trained urination skill in the toilet)
  3. 3. Failure to cooperate
  4. 4. The presence of rituals and stereotypes associated with defecation.

In children who have problems with defecation in the toilet are associated with medical reasons, Usually there are atypical signs - too frequent and liquid stools, or vice versa, too rare and solid. IN this case You should contact the pediatrician, and if there is a problem, the pediatrician will give direction to the appropriate specialist. In this case, you should consistently follow the recommendations that will provide a person skilled in the art.

If the child "walks" in the big "pants" due to the fact that there is no skill in the toiletFrom data analysis it will be noticeable that there are no specific characteristics or stereotypes associated with this process. In this case, a correction procedure based on proactive and reactive methods should be applied.

First of all, you should make sure that the child knows how to sit for a long time on the toilet. If the child does not sit on the toilet, or is sitting very tense, just a few seconds - in this case there is no possibility that the child can be used to deteriorate in the toilet. In this case, you should build training for the toilet seating - as a separate exercise. For learning, you can use physical prompts and promotions or tokens.

In addition to learning to sit on the toilet, you should build a schedule for visits toilet. Based on the initial data, you should choose the time that is closest to the time when the child is usually determined. You should take a child at this time to the toilet and help him sit on the toilet for 5 minutes. If nothing happened - the child can get out of the toilet, but after that you will divert the child to the toilet every 10 minutes.

If the child succeeds to go "in large" in the toilet - you need to provide him as the most desirable and motivational prize.

If the child still managed to stain his pants - it is recommended to use a reactive procedure - either "over-correction" (for example, clean and wipe your clothes), or the "reaction cost" (deprivation of any privileges, for example, a ban on watching cartoons during Evenings).

Sometimes just one of the motivational promotion, but due to the fact that the feces do not occur as often as urination, in order to bring the learning process to promotion, it is sometimes necessary for additional reactive procedures.

If incidents occur because the child refuses to cooperate "It will become noticeable when the child will begin to clamp and actively hold the" chair "at your request to go to the toilet. Such behavior usually characterizes the child not only in what is associated with the toilet, but also in other areas of everyday requirements too.
In such cases, the use of medical devices as glycerin candles or enema is often effective. But it is advisable to resort to
as auxiliary methods, while the procedure of behavioral correction will be the main. In this case, encouraging for successful defecation in the toilet should be very significant. Sometimes you can use the following technique - to prevent access to all significant encouragements within two weeks before entering this program. This will increase the motivational value of encouragement, and determine this encouragement of the toilet in the toilet.

When avoiding defecation in the toilet is connected with routines and stereotypes (For example, the child is practiced only at home, and only in the diaper, and only standing behind the sofa) - this routine is very difficult to stop or interrupt. In this case, a more efficient method will begradual and slow formation of a new routinewhich will be close to the behavior of defecation in the toilet. When forming this routine, it is required to encourage each new approximate reaction form. It is important not to hurry and not move too quickly, otherwise it can lead to constipation and additional difficulties.
Provided that the child is always practiced in a diaper, standing behind the sofa can be built up the following steps:

  1. 1. Help the child stand in front of the sofa, and if he gets to go "in large" in the diaper, but in front of the sofa - he gets encouragement.
  2. 2. Help the child stand in the corridor in front of the toilet, and if he succeeds to go large in the diaper, but in the corridor before the toilet - he gets encouragement.
  3. 3. Help the child stand in the toilet, and if he gets to go "in large" in the diaper, but in the toilet - he gets encouragement.
  4. 4. Help the child to go "in large" in the diaper sitting on the toilet in the toilet, and if he gets to go "in large" in the diaper, but sitting on the toilet in the toilet - he gets encouragement.
  5. 5. Help the child to go "in large" sitting on the toilet in the toilet with a latched diaper to the knees, and if it succeeds to go "in large" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but with a laughing diaper to the knees - it gets encouragement.
  6. 6. Help the child go "in large" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, holding a diaper in his hands, and if he gets to go "in large" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but holding a diaper in his hands - he gets encouragement.
  7. 7. Help the child go "in large" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, without a diaper, and if he succeeds to go "in large" sitting on the toilet in the toilet, but without a diaper - he gets encouragement.

It should be remembered that choosing stages and steps for learning a child's defecation in the toilet shouldbased on its individual abilities and needs. For some children, a more gradual process will be needed, or another way to stop using the diaper (for example, do not fit the diaper, and leave the diaper on the child, but to cut the hole in it in advance, and gradually increase it until the diaper is needed in the diaper).

For the successful conduct of the "Big" toilet training procedure:

1. Fastening the skills of "small" toilet training - i.e. The child must already be able to urinate in the toilet.

2. Record data on an ongoing basis. Do not stop keeping records while the child does not fully win this skill.

3. Sequential use of procedures for learning - Requires at least 3 weeks of consistent application procedure to evaluate its effectiveness. Children who walk "in large" to the pants can not learn from this for two to three days.

Consequently, the process of learning and fixing alternative skill, i.e. Bedgers in the toilet may occur for a long time. Therefore, it is very important to apply the procedure to sequentially and record records in order to track the process dynamics.


Memo to parents from the child

This "memo" is not only a kind of monologue of a child who defends his rights, but also an open invitation of adults to dialogue and mutual understanding.

Listen to the advice of your children!

"What to listen to the preaching, I would be better to take a look,
And it is better to spend me than to point me the way.
Eyes smarter hearing - will understand everything without difficulty.
There are sometimes confused words, the example is never.
That is the best preacher who told faith in life.
Good see in action - here is the best of schools.
And if you all tell me, I'll learn lesson.
But I need a clear movement of hands than the fast word stream.
It should be, you can believe and smart literans,
But I really will see what you are doing myself.
Suddenly I misunderstand the wonderful advice,
But I will understand how you live: truth or not "

Eternal children's wisdom

  1. Do not indulge me, you spoil me with this. I know very well that it is not necessary to provide me with everything I request. I just feel you.
  2. Do not be afraid to be hard with me. I prefer this approach. This allows me to determine your place.
  3. Do not let my bad habits bring to me an excessive share of your attention. It will only inspire me to continue.
  4. Do not make me feel younger than I really. I will play on you for it, becoming "plax" and "whitewash".
  5. Do not do for me and for me what I am able to do for myself. I can continue to use you as a servant.
  6. Do not demand immediate explanations from me, why did I do this or that. I sometimes do not know why I do this, and not otherwise.
  7. Do not expose too much testing my honesty. Being intimidated, I easily turn into a liar.
  8. Do not be inconsistent. It confuses me and makes it hard to try to leave the last word in all cases.
  9. Do not paint to me and do not grumble at me. If you do this, then I will be forced to defend yourself, pretending to be deaf.
  10. Do not try to read me instructions and notations. You will be surprised by opening how great I know what is good and what is bad.
  11. Do not forget that I can not successfully develop without understanding and approval, but praised when it is honest deserved, sometimes still forgotten. And catchy, it seems never.
  12. Do not rely on force in relationships with me. It will teach me to what to be considered only with force. I respond with more readiness for your initiatives.
  13. Treat me the same way as you feel about your friends. Then I will become your friend. Remember that I study, more imitating examples, and not being criticized.
  14. It is important for me to know from you, which is right and what is not. But most importantly, it is important for me to see confirmation in your actions, do you understand what is right and what is not.

New approaches to the design and content of visual information for parents in preschool institutions.

Raising children is inextricably linked with pedagogical enlightenment of parents. It is the parents that the basis of the nature of the child is laid, the peculiarities of its relationship with the surrounding people are formed. Each family in its own way determines the process of education, but each, by virtue of different circumstances and albeit in varying degrees, needs qualified pedagogical care. Not every parent accepts this help. And the task of the teacher, directly observing the child and knowing his problem, attract a parent to cooperate. Or at least bring it to the knowledge and understanding of the pedagogical principles. Forms of work with family for pedagogical education are varied. In this brochure, we will talk about visual information. Visual information, in the form of stands and corners, is universal and has tremendous opportunities for illumination of the pedagogical process. At the same time, it does not provide direct contact of the teacher and parents, and therefore the form and method of its feed is not less important than its content. The parent must be attracted by her and interested. This offers new approaches to the design of visual information in kindergarten.

Information corners are drawn up by a single story: on one fairy tale or poem, in the form of a forest, flower cleaner, aquatic kingdom, a starry sky, a Russian room or a toy store.
- In the design, a variety of materials are used: paramolon, foam, bearers, vine, satin, fur, macrame, papier-mâché, plastic, sintepon, straw, ceramics, wood (thread, burning), as well as minor items necessary for decorating outfits And the attractiveness of the characters: buttons, beads, sequins, urine threads, wool; Natural material: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower, watermelons, eggs shell, walnuts, bumps, branches, acorns; Rotten material: coils from under the thread, plugs, plastic bottles, wire, foil, used markers.

Traditional stands and tablets are replaced by unusual forms, respectively, the plot: in the flower, on the crown, apron, in carrots, strawberries, bird feathers, train cars, etc.
- Text materials are placed in special plexiglass plexiglass, glossy paper, respectively, the forms of objects: in the strawberries - ovals, in the apron - semicircle, a trapezium.
- The information is given by a large print font on a light background so that it can be read from a distance of 2-3 meters. The topic is highlighted by color and more enlarged.
- The comfort and comfort needed for a favorable perception of the proposed material is created by using the color of the color of calm, neutral tones, tuna and curtains on the windows, napkins on the table, the presence of live flowers, greenery, ikebany and, of course, cleanliness and order.
- Strength and safety is one of the basic requirements for clearing visual agitation. All materials are thoroughly attached to a wooden basis. It is not recommended to glue paper sheets to the wall, as well as the use of buttons, clips and other acute items.
- Information materials are regularly updated depending on the heading: daily, weekly, but at least once a month.
- A place for registration of visual pedagogical information can serve as a group dressing room and other corners of a kindergarten, where parents are often available: corridors, the office of the head of the head, physicians, a psychologist, speech therapist and even plots of verandas, walls at the entrance to kindergarten.

Registration of visual information for parents

Below is a list and description of the main information corners (rubber), which can certainly be supplemented and expanded by the teachers themselves. Wall thematic information on pedagogical enlightenment

Desktop thematic information.
Corner short information.
For reading at home.
Music and poetic corner.
Medical Corner "On Health"
"Thank you"
"We are glad to inform you ..."
Lead from classes.
Corner of children's creativity.
Window - very short news.
Photo trips.
Mode, grid classes.
Exhibition: "Make together with children."
Photo trips: "Work with your children."
Corner of forgotten things.

Wall thematic information

Tips on one of the topicing of children are located in the most prominent place. The topic should attract the attention of parents not only by its relevance, but also the originality of its filing. Instead of the usual headlines, such as the "tips of parents", it is better to write: "Secrets of upbringing a polite child" or "What if the child is stubborn?", "How to save a child from fears." The title is located on one of the subjects of the plot and is highlighted by color, increased letters of foil letters, braids, straws, embroidery, etc. For example, if the locker room is decorated in the form of a forest, then the topic is on the sun or clouds. Rules and tips are not concentrated in one place, and
Through the wall: On one council, the proposal is given the characters, written on the subjects of the conceived plot. So, in geese-swans in the beaks - feathers, on feathers - tips. Beasts: hare, squirrel, the bear hold in the legs favorite treats: carrots, walnut, barrel with honey, on them - pockets with tips. Soviets should be no more than five. All rules and recommendations are written with printed letters on a light background (no writing on red, green and other dark tones of paper), and so that the tones are not merged, on which the text, with the wall, can be stolen the silhouette of the subject, the character with bright colors. An important role in the design of wall information is played by novelty and the unusual of materials. So Carlson, holding a jam with jam, made of pararal, a plastic propeller, a gate of silk, eyes from the butt, hair from woolen threads, pour out the jar of strawberries, which are placed on specific tips on the topic "If a baby lies". Another option: at the top on the wall - the moon, on which there is a topic, and on the Christmas tree, a fungus hat, a flower grip - tips on raising children. Wall information is updated monthly.

Desktop thematic information

Information on pedagogy, psychology, medicine is located on the table. It is desirable to cover with a beautiful napkin, put flowers or eggs, respectively, time of the year. The table - 1-2 chairs, nearby - hook for grids, bags. All this is aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere needed to create positive emotions, the perception of information that should cause parental interest. In the manufacture of toys, fabulous characters involved in desktop agitation, it is desirable to attract children who would pay the attention of parents to their work, and they themselves treated crafts. Board information can be represented by soft light toys made from a variety of material. The topic allocated by color and size is located on the main
Subjects, decorations of characters. Feeding tips, no more than three, beaten "characters.

Exemplary scene options.
"The turtle made from the shell of walnuts holds a poster with the name of the topic:" If the child is lying. " On the embroidered napkin blue color - lily. They are connected from the threads, leaves with tips look out of their cores.
- On the tree (from paper), in the nest (from the wool), a bird is sitting (from starchy threads), in the beak - the topic: "Pissing the child, you need to remember ..." Next to the tree - the toys of animals, in whose legs - tips.
- On hemp - a bunker, stitched from the fabric, in beret. At the tissue of Berth - the topic "to prevent injuries can be, if ...", and the tips are in a fungus hat, on the berry, in the heart of the flower located near the table.
- Torshore (from the coils of thread and fabric) is a grandmother (from papier-mâché, beads from Ryabina, the skirt is decorated with a cloth applique) and knit a scarf of three tangles. On the flooring - theme: "Tips for the upbringing of grandchildren", and in the gloms - tips in the form of circles.
- Dr. Aibolit holds a telegram with the theme: "take care of the eye, like a diamond" and a syringe or a pencil of large sizes, on the edges of which - tips.
- On the samovar, painted Gzhel, - the topic, on sauces - cups with tips.
- Olympic teddy bear (from fur), on whose chest is a medal with the theme, holds hoops, rings, in them - tips.
- The rooster in the beak bears the name of the topic, in his tail - tips.
- The locomotive, made of cardboard and fabric, is lucky of passengers: hare, cat, frog, protein (their fur). In pairs of smoking smoke - the topic: "How to love a child", and in the paws of animals looking out of the windows of cars, - tips. The locomotive runs fox with a suitcase, on which the inscription: "Successes to you."

Corner of brief information

This heading introduces parents with the short statements of great people, the bright rows of poems, by folk proverbs and sayings on education and training. This corner is located on the walls of the corridors, at the entrance to the kindergarten, the locker room or in the span between the transitions. Like the previous ones, the rubric is made unconventional.
For example, in the form of a radio, on which lines M.Yu. Lermontova:
"Believe me, happiness only there,
Where love us, where we believe us. "

In the form of a TV screen on which the proverb is written:
"We teach my wife without children,
And children - without people. "

In the form of a star from foil, in which the words of Shakespeare are placed:
"The evil word carries the trouble to the mouth, he said."

In the form of a sun sheltered by the statement of Ushinsky:
"Never promise to a child, which cannot be done, and never deceive it."

In the form of a flower with the words J.Zh. Rousseau:
"Do you know what the surest way to make your child is unhappy - it is to teach him not to meet anything."

In this corner there must be only one statement, proverb or poem, and printed in large, on a light background.

Corner "For reading at home"

Materials of this corner are preferably located low on the wall above the table so that its design has become a continuation of the plot of desktop agitation. So, if the topic and tips are lit on the subject of serving, then on the wall - a tray, on it appliques of plates, samovarov, napkins (from what is not on the table), by the number of tips.
If on the table - a doll in a national costume, then on the wall, in the corner "for reading the house" - the painted rocker with buckets. The rocker is given the topic: "The rules of good tone during the conversation", and on buckets - tips.
If on the table is a rush chicken with the theme and tips on eggs, then on the wall - the lawn, on which children's work on appliqués are chickens.
If the city is depicted on the table: cars, houses, then on the wall - traffic lights with tips for parents.

Corner of poetry and music

Poems and songs who teach children in the classroom in music, speech development and in their free time, as well as poems that contribute to the adjustment of adult behavior are colorfully drawn up in albums, small-scale notebooks so that parents can take them home and rewrite, especially those whose children have difficulty memorizing, expressive reading. Sometimes you can give to the house "cunning" tasks to all parents, such as: "Draw pictures to
Loading songs, lines of poem ". These tasks are recommended to write for each family.

Corner of children's creativity

In this corner - the works of children on drawing and appliqués, modeling and designing. The topic of classes and software content are placed in a specially designated pocket, which is located in the roof of the house, in the hands of a cheerful pencil. Working on drawing and appliqués can be exhibited all or partially, and they are hidden "fence", "grass" so that parents do not have the opportunity to compare the drawing of their child with others. Exhibitions with children's work should be well fastened by fishing racks, openwork specks from below. Not only exhibitions can be used for displaying drawings and applications, but also ass with envelopes for each child. The works of children on the modeling and design can be placed on the shelves of a fabulous house, the ladder of the hut, Fox-Patrikeevna apron, decorated with carvings, weaving. Surnames and names of children can be written on the side of the shelter.

Medical corner

With this heading, parents are given the opportunity to receive data on the growth, weight of the child, about the diet, day mode, to get answers to exciting questions on the prevention of certain diseases.


Announcements are postponed according to the form of a tablet. They should be printed on sheets and edged with colored paper, with braid, natural material, attracting attention not only to content, but also aesthetic unconventional design. If this is, for example, an invitation to the New Year's matinee, the text is placed in a beard of Santa Claus or on a bag with gifts.

On the colorful scroll, in the form of a telegram, the decidive scroll writes the words of gratitude to those parents who assist in the improvement of sites, groups of kindergarten, the acquisition of materials, manufacturing and repairing toys, are engaged in children, participate in other events. It is not recommended to list a lot of surnames right away, better one and indicating a particular contribution.

"We thank Petrov Anna Pavlovna, for organizing the theater mug."
The poetic lines with the words praise also serve as a moral incentive:
He is a cool master - golden hands!
We respect it for this.
He maters beautiful toys,
At this time, I do not regret your.

Sometimes it is necessary to write words of gratitude to all parents for participating in the competition toys, poems, in preparing for the parental meeting, in clearing snow and build buildings. And even if for some this gratitude will be addressed to advance, it will contribute to the intensification of their activities. The main thing in the design of this heading is timely praise, warm words and its frequent update.

This rubric can also have others similar by meaning, names: "pleasant news", "our successes", but its main goal is the message to parents about the success of children in labor, culture of behavior, in good deeds. This can be given short information as the successes of individual children and the whole group. The rubric will help me to acquaint parents with the issues of education that are relevant for children of this group at the moment. Praise needed to children in order to arouse their desire to follow the graceful rules, and parents - faith in their children.

This rubric introduces parents with themes, goals and objectives of basic classes, so that parents are aware of what they explore children, what knowledge, skills and skills are getting. This contributes to the fact that parents will be able to participate in teaching the child, give them their own help. In this category, the appeal of teachers, children to parents in the form of a request to assist in solving rebs, crosswords, in response to a difficult question, in drawing up a fairy tale, poem or take part in the role of reading the fairy tale and its theatricalization, making scenery, in joint drawing , appliqués, design on a given topic.


The sign with the menu is the same as all others should be non-pie. For example, a cook with a cook indicates a menu that is written on the cap, the chef's eye winks fun, and they say:
"Bon Appetit". Or: the bonfire is depicted in the foil furnace, and the menu is posted above it. It is not necessary to post the menu in the locker room, it is better at the entrance to the kindergarten or in a specially designated place. A large printing font makes it possible to get acquainted with the proposed menu.

Rubric: Window
- Very short news.
The name may be different. For example, "Do you know ...", but unlike a brief information corner here contains short reports of new studies in the field of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, this rubric introduces articles from periodic press and novelties of literature. It is possible to arrange panels in the form of a revealed book (from Berriest in the hands of Mary Popins, Archimedes or telegrams, which is holding forty, in front of which glasses, in the beak leaf with the text.

Photo trips "Good morning, kid"

The corner is placed in the locker room or in the group and serves as a business card. Children who came in the morning showing, turning over the opposite side to the front, as if stating themselves. "Hello, I'm here."
On the reverse side, you can write the surname, the name of the child.

Mode and grid classes

This information on the discretion of teachers can be located in specially designated corners of a kindergarten or a dressing room. It is preferably in the first meeting to inform parents with this information or distribute to the parents of the memo, as it is unchanged during the year.

Exhibition "Make together with children"

This exhibition should encourage parents to collaborate with children in the family. Special shelves are set toys from a slot natural material, dolls for theatricalization of stories fairy tales, garlands, and frozen branches, maple leaves, festive table setting of shoe boxes for Barbie dolls, dry herbs dolls, appliqués from leaves, seeds and much Other. Parents should be able to take home samples and, if possible, the materials necessary for the manufacture of crafts, which are offered right there in the boxes: clay, patchwork fabric, leather, foil, colored paper, beads, natural and leaving material. For more interests of the parents, the competition for the best work should be announced with the subsequent exhibition of crafts.

Photo trips "with your children work"

At this corner, an original solid, flower cleaner, in the spark of salute, placed photos with names, patronymic names, the names of those leaders, teachers, specialists, medical and kindergarten employees who work with the children of this group. Additional photos can be information about education, the interests of these people. It will help parents to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthose who work with their children, and this makes it easy to communicate parents with teachers.

Corner of forgotten things

To draw the attention of parents to the fact that it is here that there are lost things of children, you will help bright toys of large sizes, attached low to the wall or on the floor. Cheburashka's pocket, jug of crane, Fox apron, train cars can serve as a place of storage of these things, on toys - appeals or requests to look into their pockets. The inscriptions should be harmless. Unwanted, such names like the "Corner of Masha - Crash". Make it need tactful. For example, on a mushroom-mumor, the hat of which is lifted, it is written:
Whose handkerchings
Whose sock?
On the chest at the rooster of pockets with the inscription:
Ka-ka-re-ku! Whose handkerchings?
Ka-ka-re-ku! Whose sock?
Hey guys do not yaw
Your things are dealing.

From the basket that the bear bears, Masha peeps and indicates the inscription:
Highly sit
Far loose.
All lost estates
In the box I grade.

In the corners of the nursery groups, it is desirable for not one pocket, and several: for handkerchiefs, socks, mobs ... for example, in the form of caterpillars with several circles-departments for forgotten things and indicator patterns. On the caterpillar crown - the inscription:
"Who is looking,
That will always find. "

The use of a variety of materials and items necessary for the revival of characters - the eyes wink, the mouth opens, legs and hands move, ears move, "will be of particular interest from the side of children and adults and will help in playing the speech of these toys in order to attach and consolidate the rules of careful attitude towards To your things. So, a red hat will tell children how to preserve things and give flowers to those children who have always in their place. Pinocchio his magic key can treat children from scattered and forgetfulness. The hare stirres ears, and the cat is a mustache, as they noticed scattered things in the locker room. Cheburashka, winks and asks at the end of each day to look at him in his pocket.


The colorful panel with such a name is not difficult to arrange in the corridors of a kindergarten, and in the dressing room, the congratulatory texts can be placed on the bulletin board. It should be remembered that congratulation of parents with holidays, events not only contribute to the creation of a good mood, serves as a sign of attention and respect, but also pursues educational purposes.


Surprisingly, even an ordinary mirror, which occupies a place on the wall, respectively, the growth of children is a means of raising children and adults. It is possible to work out a habit in a mirror in the event that it is funny: in the form of an elegant opener, princess, cosmonaut, parsley, Cheburashka, squirrels. Well, when these characters appeal to everyone with good wishes:
"Be polite",
"You are very beautiful",
"I love you".

Svetlana Parhomenko
Consultation "Registration of visual information for parents"

Consultation« Registration of visual information for parents»

One of the forms of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is the organization of corners for parents. Raising children is inextricably linked with pedagogical enlightenment parents. Each family in its own way determines the process of upbringing, but, by virtue of different circumstances, albeit in varying degrees, needs qualified pedagogical care. Not everyone parent Takes this help. The teacher directly observing the child and knowing his problems is obliged to attract parent To cooperate or bring it to an understanding of the need for pedagogical enlightenment.

The main task of pedagogical propaganda is a targeted systematic application vividly informational funds in order to familiarize parents with tasks, content and methods of raising children, to provide practical assistance.

Visual information in the form of stands and corners, illuminating the pedagogical process, does not provide direct contact of the teacher and parentsTherefore, the form and method of its feed is not less value than its content. Parent Must be brought by her and interested.

Place for visual pedagogical information best serves the locker room, as there are every day there parents.

For design visual material must adhere to the following rules:

- information Dana is given a large print font on a light background so that it can be read from a distance of 2 - 3 meters; The topic is highlighted in bright color and increased font size;

Stands are installed firmly and safely.

Main corners for pedagogical enlightenment:

Constant information stand"For you, parents» ;

Business card group;

Characteristics of the age psychological characteristics of the children of the group;

Schedule students (pupils);

Group mode;

Folders - mobile;

Stand "Seasons";

Exhibition "Make together with children";

Corner of children's creativity;

"Group Mood Barometer";

Card file of good deed parents;

Medical corner "On health seriously";

Bulletin board;

Photo trips;

Corner of forgotten things.

Work with the parents In kindergarten conditions are extremely important. Such interaction promotes the development of pedagogical education parents and their cooperation with teachers in the process of education and teaching children.

Publications on the topic:

Preschooler and affordable information Information plays an important role in human life. Using different sources, we find interesting facts, we plan your rest, route to.

Abstract Node in mathematics in the senior group "Comparison of groups of objects by the number on a visual basis" The NOD abstract in the older group on the topic "Comparison of groups of objects by the amount on a visual basis. Designation of relationships: more - less. "

Consultation for parents "Four parent mistakes when adapting a child in kindergarten" 4 parents errors when adapting a child in kindergarten and your baby goes this fall in kindergarten? If so, you probably want to.

Consultation for parents "Basic rules for the interaction of parents with a child" Consultation for the parents of the younger group on the topic: "The basic rules for the interaction of parents with a child" when the child will wake up: -Article.

Pedagogical workshop. Topic: "Feeling and perception is the source of information, or a few words about the sensory development of the baby" with a master class.

Psychological recommendations of parents of the right perception of information about their child Hello dear parents! I again want to recommend you how to react information about your child. Let's start with myself.

Differences of children by the types of perception, processing and storage of information Differences of children by the types of perception, processing and storage of information The visually oriented child (visual) is usually quiet,.

Work with parents

Our corner is addressed to caring parents - Mama and Daddy, Grandparents, whose children visit our pre-school institution. After all, it is here, in kindergarten, the mechanisms of communication of the baby with peers and adults are laid, and therefore priceless, steps on the way of becoming a person.

Our corner is designed to maintain childhood children and help parents to raise them.

We are glad that our meetings occur not only in kindergarten.

In our kindergarten adopted the following rules for parents.


1. To take the children on time so that they are not late for the morning gymnastics and classes.

2. Prepare children comfortable shift shoes; sports shoes for joint ventures on physical education; "Czech", for music classes and holidays; Spare set of linen.

3. Select for the sports form of children, was not less than 1 time per week.

4. Attend kindergarten daily.

5. In the event of a child's illness, report this in a timely manner.

Do not:

1. To give dangerous toys with them to kindergarten (not appropriate age, various sharp objects, toy weapons, coins, and so on).

2. Saving hotels, vitamins, medicines, (after having without informing the educator).

3. On the birthday of the child as a treat to kindergarten chips, ice cream, crunchy and any products that can cause poisoning and allergic reactions in children.

Reception of children is carried out from 7.30 to 8.10 daily, except weekends and holidays. Timely arrival in kindergarten is a necessary condition for the right organization of the educational process.
Teachers are ready to communicate with you in the morning until 8.10 and in the evening from 17.00 to 18.00. At another time, the teacher works with a group of children, and it is not recommended to distract it.
To group teachers, regardless of their age, you need to contact you, by name and patronymic. Conflict controversial situations must be resolved in the absence of children. If you could not solve any question with group teachers, refer to the deputy head or head.

We ask you not to give a child with you in kindergarten chewing gum, sucking candies, chips and crackers.
We strongly do not recommend to wear gold and silver jewelry, to give costly toys.

Requirements for the appearance of children

Tidy look, fastened on all buttons clothes and shoes;
Washed face;
Clean nose, trimmed nails;
Trimmed and thoroughly cleaned hair;
Pure underwear;
The presence of a sufficient number of nasal scarves.

To create comfortable conditions for staying a child in the Dow necessary:

At least 2 sets of replacement linen: boys - shorts, panties, tights; Girls - tights, panties. In the warm time - socks, golf.
At least 2 sets of replacement linen for sleep (pajamas).
Two packages for storing clean and used linen.
Lingerie, clothes and other things must be marked.

Before keeping a child in kindergarten, check if its suit of season and air temperature corresponds. Make sure that the clothes are not too large and did not throw his movements. Tubes and fasteners must be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be lightweight, warm, accurately fit the child's leg, easy to remove and put on. It is undesirable to wear overalls. The handkerchief needs a child, both indoors and walk. Make comfortable pockets on clothes for storage.
To avoid cases of injuries, parents need to check the contents of the pockets in the child's clothing for hazardous items. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting items (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles), as well as minor items (beads, buttons, etc.), pills.

Dear Parents! If you led the child after the start of any regime, please, tend it and wait with it in the locker room to the nearest break.
Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning until 8.10 and in the evening after 17.00. At other times, the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children and it is impossible to distract it.

For teachers of the group, regardless of their age, you need to contact you, by name and patronymic.

Controversial and conflict situations need to be resolved in the absence of children.

If you could not solve any question with group teachers, refer to the head.

Remember that in kindergarten you can seek advice and individual assistance for all the questions you are interested in regarding the child's upbringing.
We ask you to follow, so that the child's pockets are not sharp, cutting and stitching items.

Please do not give a child to kindergarten chewing gum.

In the group, children are not allowed to beat and offend each other, to take personal belongings without permission, including those brought from home toys of other children, spoil and break the results of the labor of other children. Children are not allowed to "give delivery", just like to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by the security considerations of each child.

Behind the toys brought from the house, the child must follow himself, caregivers for these toys are not responsible.

We ask you to maintain these requirements in the family!

Responsibilities of parents
? To bring the child gently dressed and personally transfer it to the tutor and take it! Parents, remember! The educators are strictly prohibited to give children to persons in a drunken state, kids ml. School age, let go of children at the request of parents, give children to unfamiliar persons without preventing parents!
? Solve all controversial issues in a relaxed and business environment indicating the reasons for the dispute and attracting the administration! Parents, remember! Conflict situations should be resolved without children.

? assist in the improvement of kindergarten

Dress the children for the season and in accordance with the weather! Parents, remember! Excessive wrapping or not enough warm clothes can lead to a child's disease!
? Do not bring a sick child to kindergarten and report the reasons for unblesses by the child on the phone of kindergarten. Parents, remember! If a child does not attend kindergarten for three days and more, he is accepted into kindergarten only with a medical certificate!

? To present a medical certificate with permission to visit the kindergarten! Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child! The habitatful child will not only get sick himself, but also infect healthy children

? Make a fee for the maintenance of the child in kindergarten up to the 15th day of each month

Information for parents

Cooperation with family. Formulations.

Children teach what they surround them.
If the child is often criticized - he learns to condemn
If the child often demonstrate hostility - he learns to fight
If the child is often ridiculed - he learns to be timid
If the child is often disgraced - he learns to feel guilty
If the child is often indulgent - he learns to be tolerant
If the child is often encouraged - he learns self-confidence
If the child is often praised - he learns to evaluate
If you are usually honest with a child - he learns justice
If the child lives with a sense of security - he learns to believe
If the child lives in the friendship atmosphere and feels necessary - he learns to find in this world love